Cast & Crew

Directed by

Jayro Bustamante

Writing Credits

Jayro Bustamante
Lisandro Sanchez
(co writer)


María Mercedes Coroy
Sabrina De La Hoz
Margarita Kenéfic
Julio Diaz
María Telón
Juan Pablo Olyslager
Ayla-Elea Hurtado
Enrique Argüello
Alejandra Colom
Marvin Coroy
Intérprete juicio
Pedro Javier Silva Lira
Police Officer
María Marcos
Mujer Ixil
Alex Ramos

Produced by

Jayro Bustamante
Mauricio Escobar
line producer
Herminio Gutiérrez
associate producer
Gustavo Matheu
Marina Peralta
Georges Renand

Music by

Pascual Reyes

Cinematography by

Nicolás Wong

Editing by

Jayro Bustamante
Gustavo Matheu

Production Design by

Sebastián Muñoz

Set Decoration by

Fernando Galvez

Costume Design by

Beatriz Lantán

Makeup Department

Eva Ravina
hair stylist / makeup artist
Aiko Sato
makeup department head

Second Unit Director or Assistant Director

Federico Schmukler
assistant director
Mytian Ticas
second second assistant director
Melany Walter
second second assistant director

Art Department

Andrea Morales
art department coordinator

Sound Department

Santiago Arroyo
boom operator / dialogue editor
Eduardo Cáceres Staackmann
Juan Pablo Huerta Estrada
sound mixer
Carlos Manuel Perez Rodriguez
Boom Operator

Visual Effects by

José Rafael Pérez del Rivero
visual effects
Shoichi Matsubara
lighting artist: Digital Domain
Dieter A. Novotny
visual effects artist
Franz A. Novotny
Post production supervisor / visual effects supervisor

Camera and Electrical Department

Romeo López Aldana
still photographer
Daniel Caal
Paolo Giron
first assistant camera
Loco Gonzalez
Wong Reyes

Editorial Department

Omar Bermúdez
trailer editor
Claudia de Berardinis
Colorist Assistant
Antonio Orozco Garcin

Music Department

Balfret Arozqueta
music editor
Herminio Gutiérrez
music supervisor
Juan Manuel Hernández
music mixer (uncredited)
Juan Pablo Villa
singer (uncredited)

Script and Continuity Department

Julieta Sanchez Sananez
script supervisor

Additional Crew

Romeo López Aldana
behind the scenes
Pablo Gordillo
production assistant
René Guirola Patzán
Luis Andrés Schwartz
production assistant
Natalia Sánchez Pennington
production assistant
Juan Herrera Zuluaga
production staff


Yma Alfaro
the producers wish to thank
Luis Cardoza y Aragón
the producers wish to thank: Mexican Embassy in Guatemala
Estrella Araiza
the producers wish to thank: FICG
Enrique Argüello
special thanks
David Arroch
the producers wish to thank: Turicentro Parque Ecológico Brisas del Rosario
Aristides Athanasopoulos
the producers wish to thank
Andrès Azmitia
the producers wish to thank
Amélie Bigeard
the producers wish to thank
Salvador Biguria
special thanks
Flor Rivera Bravo
the producers wish to thank
Santiago Sánchez Castañeda
the producers wish to thank
Sara Sánchez Castañeda
the producers wish to thank
Francisco Velásquez Castillo
the producers wish to thank: Inguat
Joshua Castillo
the producers wish to thank: ITC
Rodolfo Castillo-Morales
the producers wish to thank: Cineteca FICG (as Rodolfo Castillo Morales)
Marcus Catsam
the producers wish to thank
Jorge Mario Chajón
the producers wish to thank: Guatemala Tourism Office
Jean-François Charpentier
the producers wish to thank: French Embassy in Guatemala (as ambassadro Jean-François Charpentier)
Hugo Chinchilla
the producers wish to thank: ITC
Patricia Cifuentes
the producers wish to thank
Mario Contreras
the producers wish to thank: Al Macarone
Juan Pablo Nieto Cotera
the producers wish to thank: Guatemala Tourism Office
Brenda Cruz
the producers wish to thank
Mirta Castañeda Cruz
the producers wish to thank: French Embassy in Guatemala
Maurane Cugny
the producers wish to thank
Miriam Dardón
the producers wish to thank
Iliana Godoy de Chinchilla
the producers wish to thank: ITC
Lila de la Sierra
the producers wish to thank: Sanatorio El Pilar
Sonia Delmas
the producers wish to thank: French Embassy in Guatemala
Anamaria Diéguez
special thanks
Leo Dosbe
the producers wish to thank
Francisco Roa Edwards
the producers wish to thank: Inguat
Carlos Escobar
the producers wish to thank: Comerciales Fremme
Erick Estrada
the producers wish to thank: Capillas Las Flores
Giovanni Gaitán
the producers wish to thank: On Set Rental
Nery Waldemar Galdámez
the producers wish to thank: Turicentro Parque Ecológico Brisas del Rosario
Antonio Galicia
the producers wish to thank: Emetra
Paulina Sic Garcia
the producers wish to thank: French Embassy in Guatemala
Judith Garzona
the producers wish to thank: Antigüedades Lo D'Victor
Julia Garzona
the producers wish to thank: Antigüedades Lo D'Victor
Ricardo Giraldo
the producers wish to thank
Wilfredo Gonzalez
the producers wish to thank: Guatemala Ministry of Culture
Luisa Fernanda González
the producers wish to thank
Victoria González
the producers wish to thank: Frida's
Óscar Grazioso
the producers wish to thank: Mundo de las Armas
Dulce Guerra
the producers wish to thank: Turicentro Parque Ecológico Brisas del Rosario
Gerson Guerra
the producers wish to thank: Turicentro Parque Ecológico Brisas del Rosario
René Guirola Patzán
the producers wish to thank (as René Guirola)
Luis Guzmán
the producers wish to thank
Luis Haug
special thanks
José Luis Herrera
the producers wish to thank
Juan Luis Hurtado
special thanks
Jacobo Jiménez
the producers wish to thank: Casa Comal
Gustavo Lembke
the producers wish to thank: San Ricardo Restaurant y Hotel
Juan Luis Ortiz Luna
the producers wish to thank: Hábitat Guatemala
Sonia López
the producers wish to thank: French Embassy in Guatemala
Javier Martín
the producers wish to thank
Sheny Matheu
the producers wish to thank
Grégoire Menneveux
the producers wish to thank: French Embassy in Guatemala
Julio Molina
the producers wish to thank: Rafael Landivar University
Yoli Osorio Molina
the producers wish to thank
Maggie Mondragón
the producers wish to thank: Frida's
William Montenegro
the producers wish to thank: Cruz Roja de Guatemala
Fabiola Morales
special thanks
Luis López Moreno
the producers wish to thank: Mexican Embassy in Guatemala (as ambassador Luis López Moreno)
Maria Elvira Moscoso
the producers wish to thank
Luis Pedro Mosquera
the producers wish to thank: Acuario Paraïso Tropical
Emilio Méndez
the producers wish to thank: Saúl E. Méndez
Marta Méndez
the producers wish to thank: L'aperò
Jimmy Navarrete
the producers wish to thank: French Embassy in Guatemala
Edgar Navarro
the producers wish to thank
Juan Pablo Olyslager
special thanks
Gladys Palala
the producers wish to thank: Patrimonio Cultural de Guatemala
Ada Pensamiento
the producers wish to thank: Turicentro Parque Ecológico Brisas del Rosario
Fiorella Perini
the producers wish to thank: Al Macarone
Erick Pérez
the producers wish to thank
Celeste Ramírez
the producers wish to thank: Casa E' Noya
Luis Fernando Ramírez
the producers wish to thank: LCJ S.A.
Eva Ravina
the producers wish to thank: Camouflage Beauty Studio
José Luis Rebordinos
the producers wish to thank
Esteban Recinos
the producers wish to thank: Hábitat Guatemala
Lucrecia Recinos
the producers wish to thank: Pana Divers
Dolores Repetto
the producers wish to thank: Mexican Embassy in Guatemala (as minister Dolores Repetto)
Nelson Reyes
the producers wish to thank: Rafael Landivar University
Alexa Rivero
the producers wish to thank
Noel Roca
the producers wish to thank
Beatrice Rodembour
the producers wish to thank
Shirley Rodriguez
the producers wish to thank: Capillas Las Flores
Armando Rodríguez
the producers wish to thank: Rafael Landivar University
Quina Roquel
the producers wish to thank
Fabrizio Ruspoli
the producers wish to thank
Mario Sacbaja
the producers wish to thank
Juan Carlos Sagastume
the producers wish to thank
Eva Salazar
the producers wish to thank
Brice Sardain
the producers wish to thank: French Embassy in Guatemala
Miriam Scheel
the producers wish to thank
Bianco Rosario Sierra
the producers wish to thank: Rafael Landivar University
Rodrigo Solórzano
the producers wish to thank: Pana Divers
Natalia Sánchez Pennington
the producers wish to thank
Diana Sánchez
the producers wish to thank
Luis Felipe Sánchez
the producers wish to thank
Hebe Tabachnik
the producers wish to thank
Jérome Taborda
the producers wish to thank: French Embassy in Guatemala
Gabriel Valle Tercero
the producers wish to thank
Joel Prieto Toropchanin
the producers wish to thank
Joaquin Torres
the producers wish to thank: French Embassy in Guatemala
Rafa Tres
the producers wish to thank
Dieter Álvarez Vaclav
the producers wish to thank
Walter Valdez
the producers wish to thank: Rafael Landivar University
Douglas Vasquez
the producers wish to thank: Centro Cultural Miguel Ángel Asturias
Luis Vasquez
the producers wish to thank: Rafael Landivar University
Virna Villeda
the producers wish to thank: Cruz Roja de Guatemala
Valeriana Zamora
the producers wish to thank
Maja Zimmerman
the producers wish to thank
All Filters