- Yma Alfaro
- the producers wish to thank
- Luis Cardoza y Aragón
- the producers wish to thank: Mexican Embassy in Guatemala
- Estrella Araiza
- the producers wish to thank: FICG
- Enrique Argüello
- special thanks
- David Arroch
- the producers wish to thank: Turicentro Parque Ecológico Brisas del Rosario
- Aristides Athanasopoulos
- the producers wish to thank
- Andrès Azmitia
- the producers wish to thank
- Amélie Bigeard
- the producers wish to thank
- Salvador Biguria
- special thanks
- Flor Rivera Bravo
- the producers wish to thank
- Santiago Sánchez Castañeda
- the producers wish to thank
- Sara Sánchez Castañeda
- the producers wish to thank
- Francisco Velásquez Castillo
- the producers wish to thank: Inguat
- Joshua Castillo
- the producers wish to thank: ITC
- Rodolfo Castillo-Morales
- the producers wish to thank: Cineteca FICG (as Rodolfo Castillo Morales)
- Marcus Catsam
- the producers wish to thank
- Jorge Mario Chajón
- the producers wish to thank: Guatemala Tourism Office
- Jean-François Charpentier
- the producers wish to thank: French Embassy in Guatemala (as ambassadro Jean-François Charpentier)
- Hugo Chinchilla
- the producers wish to thank: ITC
- Patricia Cifuentes
- the producers wish to thank
- Mario Contreras
- the producers wish to thank: Al Macarone
- Juan Pablo Nieto Cotera
- the producers wish to thank: Guatemala Tourism Office
- Brenda Cruz
- the producers wish to thank
- Mirta Castañeda Cruz
- the producers wish to thank: French Embassy in Guatemala
- Maurane Cugny
- the producers wish to thank
- Miriam Dardón
- the producers wish to thank
- Iliana Godoy de Chinchilla
- the producers wish to thank: ITC
- Lila de la Sierra
- the producers wish to thank: Sanatorio El Pilar
- Sonia Delmas
- the producers wish to thank: French Embassy in Guatemala
- Anamaria Diéguez
- special thanks
- Leo Dosbe
- the producers wish to thank
- Francisco Roa Edwards
- the producers wish to thank: Inguat
- Carlos Escobar
- the producers wish to thank: Comerciales Fremme
- Erick Estrada
- the producers wish to thank: Capillas Las Flores
- Giovanni Gaitán
- the producers wish to thank: On Set Rental
- Nery Waldemar Galdámez
- the producers wish to thank: Turicentro Parque Ecológico Brisas del Rosario
- Antonio Galicia
- the producers wish to thank: Emetra
- Paulina Sic Garcia
- the producers wish to thank: French Embassy in Guatemala
- Judith Garzona
- the producers wish to thank: Antigüedades Lo D'Victor
- Julia Garzona
- the producers wish to thank: Antigüedades Lo D'Victor
- Ricardo Giraldo
- the producers wish to thank
- Wilfredo Gonzalez
- the producers wish to thank: Guatemala Ministry of Culture
- Luisa Fernanda González
- the producers wish to thank
- Victoria González
- the producers wish to thank: Frida's
- Ãscar Grazioso
- the producers wish to thank: Mundo de las Armas
- Dulce Guerra
- the producers wish to thank: Turicentro Parque Ecológico Brisas del Rosario
- Gerson Guerra
- the producers wish to thank: Turicentro Parque Ecológico Brisas del Rosario
- René Guirola Patzán
- the producers wish to thank (as René Guirola)
- Luis Guzmán
- the producers wish to thank
- Luis Haug
- special thanks
- José Luis Herrera
- the producers wish to thank
- Juan Luis Hurtado
- special thanks
- Jacobo Jiménez
- the producers wish to thank: Casa Comal
- Gustavo Lembke
- the producers wish to thank: San Ricardo Restaurant y Hotel
- Juan Luis Ortiz Luna
- the producers wish to thank: Hábitat Guatemala
- Sonia López
- the producers wish to thank: French Embassy in Guatemala
- Javier MartÃn
- the producers wish to thank
- Sheny Matheu
- the producers wish to thank
- Grégoire Menneveux
- the producers wish to thank: French Embassy in Guatemala
- Julio Molina
- the producers wish to thank: Rafael Landivar University
- Yoli Osorio Molina
- the producers wish to thank
- Maggie Mondragón
- the producers wish to thank: Frida's
- William Montenegro
- the producers wish to thank: Cruz Roja de Guatemala
- Fabiola Morales
- special thanks
- Luis López Moreno
- the producers wish to thank: Mexican Embassy in Guatemala (as ambassador Luis López Moreno)
- Maria Elvira Moscoso
- the producers wish to thank
- Luis Pedro Mosquera
- the producers wish to thank: Acuario Paraïso Tropical
- Emilio Méndez
- the producers wish to thank: Saúl E. Méndez
- Marta Méndez
- the producers wish to thank: L'aperò
- Jimmy Navarrete
- the producers wish to thank: French Embassy in Guatemala
- Edgar Navarro
- the producers wish to thank
- Juan Pablo Olyslager
- special thanks
- Gladys Palala
- the producers wish to thank: Patrimonio Cultural de Guatemala
- Ada Pensamiento
- the producers wish to thank: Turicentro Parque Ecológico Brisas del Rosario
- Fiorella Perini
- the producers wish to thank: Al Macarone
- Erick Pérez
- the producers wish to thank
- Celeste RamÃrez
- the producers wish to thank: Casa E' Noya
- Luis Fernando RamÃrez
- the producers wish to thank: LCJ S.A.
- Eva Ravina
- the producers wish to thank: Camouflage Beauty Studio
- José Luis Rebordinos
- the producers wish to thank
- Esteban Recinos
- the producers wish to thank: Hábitat Guatemala
- Lucrecia Recinos
- the producers wish to thank: Pana Divers
- Dolores Repetto
- the producers wish to thank: Mexican Embassy in Guatemala (as minister Dolores Repetto)
- Nelson Reyes
- the producers wish to thank: Rafael Landivar University
- Alexa Rivero
- the producers wish to thank
- Noel Roca
- the producers wish to thank
- Beatrice Rodembour
- the producers wish to thank
- Shirley Rodriguez
- the producers wish to thank: Capillas Las Flores
- Armando RodrÃguez
- the producers wish to thank: Rafael Landivar University
- Quina Roquel
- the producers wish to thank
- Fabrizio Ruspoli
- the producers wish to thank
- Mario Sacbaja
- the producers wish to thank
- Juan Carlos Sagastume
- the producers wish to thank
- Eva Salazar
- the producers wish to thank
- Brice Sardain
- the producers wish to thank: French Embassy in Guatemala
- Miriam Scheel
- the producers wish to thank
- Bianco Rosario Sierra
- the producers wish to thank: Rafael Landivar University
- Rodrigo Solórzano
- the producers wish to thank: Pana Divers
- Natalia Sánchez Pennington
- the producers wish to thank
- Diana Sánchez
- the producers wish to thank
- Luis Felipe Sánchez
- the producers wish to thank
- Hebe Tabachnik
- the producers wish to thank
- Jérome Taborda
- the producers wish to thank: French Embassy in Guatemala
- Gabriel Valle Tercero
- the producers wish to thank
- Joel Prieto Toropchanin
- the producers wish to thank
- Joaquin Torres
- the producers wish to thank: French Embassy in Guatemala
- Rafa Tres
- the producers wish to thank
- Dieter Ãlvarez Vaclav
- the producers wish to thank
- Walter Valdez
- the producers wish to thank: Rafael Landivar University
- Douglas Vasquez
- the producers wish to thank: Centro Cultural Miguel Ãngel Asturias
- Luis Vasquez
- the producers wish to thank: Rafael Landivar University
- Virna Villeda
- the producers wish to thank: Cruz Roja de Guatemala
- Valeriana Zamora
- the producers wish to thank
- Maja Zimmerman
- the producers wish to thank