- Huascar Torales Acosta
- vfx artist: DreamMax
- Mathieu Aerni
- character modeler: Blur Studio
- Ritesh Aggarwal
- stereo conversion supervisor
- Savannah Aghassian
- production assistant: Blur Studio
- Arturo Aguilar
- cloth td: Blur Studio
- Shane Aherne
- head of lighting: Rising Sun Pictures
- Adam Ahlgren
- rendering artist: Ghost VFX
- So-Yeon Ahn
- asset artist: Dexter Studios
- Christopher Ahrens
- cg supervisor: Folks
- Dan Akers
- vfx supervisor: Blur Studio
- Frank Akrong
- compositor: Hydraulx
- Silvio Alberti
- digital artist: Rising Sun Pictures
- Gustav Alexandersson
- lead environment modeler: Fido/Black
- Jimmy Almeida
- animator: Tippett Studio
- Alaa Alnahlawi
- visual effects artist
- Terence Alvares
- compositor: Azure VFX London
- Thakur Amit
- compositor: Red Chillies.VFX
- Dan Lindskov Andersen
- rendering artist: Ghost VFX
- Alexis Andersson
- vfx artist: Fido/Black
- Tor Andreassen
- digital artist: Rising Sun Pictures
- Anita.Dabas
- animation: Red Chillies.VFX
- Fernando Arbelaez
- compositor: Mokko Studio
- David Atexide
- vfx artist: BUF
- Tony Atherton
- fx lead: Azure VFX London
- James Atilano
- environment modeler: Blur Studio
- Jim Aupperle
- technical director: Tippett Studio
- Jarrod Avalos
- matchmove supervisor: Hydraulx
- Andrew Averkin
- environment modeler: Blur Studio
- Hyunjeong Baek
- asset artist: Dexter Studios
- Sunyoung Baek
- on-set vfx coordinator: Dexter Studios
- John Baer
- vfx producer: Pixomondo Los Angeles
- Anne-Sophie Baeza
- vfx production assistant: Mokko Studio
- Xiaohang Bai
- department coordinator: VHQ
- Natalie Baillie
- lead compositor: Tippett Studio
- Nicolas Bailly
- coordinator: Digital Dimension
- Hasan Bajramovic
- character modeler: Blur Studio
- Gurvinder Singh Bajwa
- vfx coordinator: Red Chillies.VFX
- Tallaulah Baker
- vfx production assistant: Azure VFX London
- Felix Balbas
- rigging supervisor: Ghost VFX
- Alex Balmer
- compositor: Azure VFX London
- Franck Balson
- creative supervisor: Blur Studio
- Deep Banerjee
- cg artist: Red Chillies.VFX
- Barry
- department supervisor: VHQ
- Geoffrey Basquin
- vfx artist: BUF
- Nico Bauerschäfer
- fx artist: Pixomondo Los Angeles
- Steve Beaucamp
- 3d generalist: Mokko Studio
- Simon Beaulieu-Cyr
- animator: Mokko Studio
- Sophie Beck
- digital artist: Rising Sun Pictures
- Matt Belbin
- digital effects supervisor: Folks VFX
- Amin Ben Abdallah
- character modeler: Blur Studio (as Amine Ben Abdallah)
- Reda Benkhadda
- animator: Mokko Studio
- Kristian Berg
- compositor: Gimpville
- Danny Bergeron
- vfx executive producer: Mokko Studio
- Sébastien Bergeron
- vfx supervisor: Folks VFX
- Josef Bergström
- vfx artist: Fido/Black
- Marc H. Berrouet
- cloth td: Blur Studio
- Rachel Berry
- production supervisor: Blur Studio
- Giorgio Bertolone
- rigging supervisor: Hydraulx
- David Bessette
- compositor: Mokko Studio
- Stephen Bevins
- lead environment artist: Tippett Studio
- Divyansh Bhardwaj
- fx artist: Red Chillies.VFX
- Jaykumar Bhaskaran
- compositor: Red Chillies.VFX
- Ketan Murlidhar Bhoir
- matchmove: Red Chillies.VFX
- Thomas Biering
- compositor: Ghost VFX
- Wasselena Bilak
- vfx coordinator: MOKKO Studio
- Kiro Biye
- Lead Matchmove Artist: VHQ
- Christer Bjørklund
- cg artist: Gimpville
- Atle Solberg Blakseth
- cg artist: Gimpville
- Simon Blanc
- scene assembler: Blur Studio
- Jeremy Bolan
- animator: Tippett Studio
- Francois Bordez
- compositing supervisor: Mokko Studio
- Martin Borell
- compositor: Fido
- Alessandro Boschian Pest
- rigger: Ghost VFX
- Alan Boucek
- compositor: Tippett Studio
- Maxime-Olivier Bouchard
- vfx artist: BUF
- Andrée-Anne Bouffard-Verreault
- previs animator: Mokko Studio
- Zakaria Boumediane
- cg artist: Azure VFX London
- Maria Bowen
- cg painter: Tippett Studio
- Jason Bradford
- vfx coordinator: Hydraulx
- Tristan Brown
- compositor: Tippett Studio
- Christopher Brändström
- vfx artist: Fido/Black
- Jean-Francois Burdin
- compositor: Mokko Studio
- Nathalie Burgaud
- vfx artist: BUF
- Jess Burnheim
- digital artist: Rising Sun Pictures
- Bertil Butturini
- 3d lead: Pixomondo Beijing
- Anthony Cabrera
- vfx coordinator: Pixomondo Los Angeles
- Maria Juliana Caicedo
- animator: Hydraulx
- Morris Callegari
- production coordinator: Tippett Studio
- Jean-Baptiste Cambier
- scene assembler: Blur Studio
- Colin Campbell
- compositor: Tippett Studio
- Howard R. Campbell
- lead technical director: Tippett Studio
- Kevin Campbell
- production support: Rising Sun Pictures
- Damien Canderle
- character modeler: Blur Studio
- Antonio Carbajo Bescansa
- lighting: Hydraulx
- Felipe Carpinetti
- animator: Mokko Studio
- Federico Cascinelli
- animator: Ghost VFX
- David Cattermole
- digital artist: Rising Sun Pictures
- Will Cavanagh
- pipeline: Blur Studio
- Michael Cavanaugh
- senior visual effects editor: Tippett Studio
- Bernard O. Ceguerra
- compositor: Blur Studio
- Dongho Cha
- matchmove artist: Dexter Studios
- Adrian Chan
- vfx supervisor: Studio 51
- Chee Leong Chan
- department supervisor: VHQ
- Michael Chang
- modeling: Hydraulx
- Hou Chao
- 3d artist: Pixomondo Beijing
- Dan Charbit
- visual effects supervisor: Mokko Studio
- Gaelle Hazzan Charbit
- vfx project manager: Mokko Studio
- Ian Charlton
- animator: Mokko Studio
- Alexander Chavez
- it engineer: Blur Studio
- Kenzie Chen
- scene assembler: Blur Studio
- Lele Chen
- 3d artist: VHQ
- Tun-En Chen
- lead compositor: Pixomondo Los Angeles
- Wenxuan Chen
- 3d artist: VHQ
- Yangzhi Chen
- 3d artist: Pixomondo Beijing
- Cherryyoko
- vfx producer: DreamMax
- Chanyang Cho
- matchmove artist: Dexter Studios
- Jinho Cho
- compositor: Dexter Studios
- Kyumin Cho
- matchmove artist: Hydraulx
- Wonhee Cho
- compositing lead: Dexter Studios
- Donsung Choi
- matte painter: Dexter Studios
- Jisim Choi
- lighting artist: Dexter Studios
- Sarang Choi
- compositor: Hydraulx
- Seokwon Choi
- animator: Dexter Studios
- Seunggu Choi
- matchmove artist: Dexter Studios
- Seungjun Choi
- compositor: Dexter Studios
- Seungmyung Choi
- lighting artist: Dexter Studios
- Sung-Woo Choi
- asset lead: Dexter Studios
- Wanho Choi
- r&d supervisor: Dexter Studios
- Young-Kyu Choi
- layout lead: Dexter Studios
- Youngwoo Choi
- matchmove artist: Dexter Studios
- Gaël Chopin
- compositor: Mokko Studio
- YouJin Choung
- compositor: Tippett Studio
- Gary Christian
- scene assembler: Blur Studio
- Charles Christoforou
- vfx artist: BUF
- Tony Clark
- executive producer: Rising Sun Pictures
- Joshua M. Cogswell
- lead rigger: Blur Studio
- Cj Cole
- vfx producer: Hydraulx
- Joseph H. Coleman
- lead fx animator: Blur Studio
- Marissa Comstock
- character td: Tippett Studio
- Heather Conrad
- texture artist: Hydraulx
- Ian Cope
- bidding producer: Rising Sun Pictures
- Zack Cork
- prop modeler: Blur Studio
- Patrice Cormier
- vfx producer: BUF
- Louise Corry
- production coordinator: BUF
- Francois Cote-Paquet
- vfx artist: BUF
- Samuel Coudry-Lemay
- 3d artist: Folks VFX
- Frédéric-Vincent Couture
- head of it: Mokko Studio
- Stuart Cripps
- compositing supervisor: Blur Studio
- Brandon Criswell
- lead compositor: Pixomondo Los Angeles
- François Dagenais
- fx artist: Mokko Studio
- John 'JD' Daniel
- cg modeler: Tippett Studio
- Sanjay Das
- coo: Tippett Studio
- Edward Davis
- technical director: Tippett Studio
- Don De Castro
- cloth td: Blur Studio
- Cesar De La Rosa
- vfx artist: DreamMax
- Brune Marie de Miscault
- lead 3d generalist: Mokko Studio
- Martin Decondenhove
- vfx artist: BUF
- Jerome Denjean
- vfx supervisor: Blur Studio
- Del DePierro
- compositor: Blur Studio
- Pascal Depocas
- lead compositor: Digital Dimension
- Greg Derochie
- compositor: Blur Studio
- Antoine Deschamps
- technical director: Tippett Studio
- Simon Devault
- compositor: Mokko Studio
- Davide di Giannatonio
- prop modeler: Blur Studio
- Rickard Didriksson
- texture artist: Ghost VFX
- John Dietz
- vfx supervisor: Bangbang / visual effects producer
- Kai Ding
- compositing: Luxa Studio
- Xiaona Ding
- compositing: Luxa Studio
- Heath Dingle
- production support: Rising Sun Pictures
- Elisa-Ann Dion
- roto/paint artist: Mokko Studio
- A. Michael Dobbs
- compositor: Blur Studio
- Yuvraj Singh Dodia
- animation: Red Chillies.VFX
- Liang Dong
- 3d artist: Pixomondo Beijing
- Maxime Dontigny
- digital compositor
- Adam Dorner
- cloth td: Blur Studio
- Xavier Doyon
- compositor: Mokko Studio
- Colin Drobnis
- compositor: Blur Studio
- Zhangyong Duan
- 3d artist: Pixomondo Beijing
- Zhenwei Duan
- 3d artist: VHQ
- Guillaume Duchaussoy
- fx artist: Mokko Studio
- Paul Ducker
- cg artist: Azure VFX London / pipeline: Azure VFX London
- Chuck Duke
- animator: Tippett Studio
- Alain Durocher
- vfx editorial: Mokko Studio
- Johan Edström
- vfx producer: Fido/Black
- Sergej Eichmann
- lead scene assembler: Blur Studio
- Feanor Engemann
- animator: Ghost VFX
- Thomas Enjalbert
- animator: Mokko Studio
- Colin Epstein
- compositor: Tippett Studio
- Joakim Eriksson
- vfx artist: Fido/Black
- Magnus Eriksson
- lead character modeler: Fido/Black
- Thomas Eriksson
- systems administrator: Fido/Black
- Majid Esmaeili
- character modeler: Blur Studio
- Cederic Estevao
- roto/paint artist: Mokko Studio
- Jean-Olivier Esther
- roto/paint artist: Mokko Studio
- Marc Estrada
- lead cg modeler: Tippett Studio
- Jason Evans
- compositor: Azure VFX London
- Katharine Evans
- matchmove artist: Tippett Studio
- Rebecca Fair-Lien
- stereo team: Gener8
- Sean Falcon
- lead compositor: Tippett Studio
- Guanghui Fan
- vfx artist: Studio 51
- Emanuele Farnesi
- matchmove: Azure VFX London
- Ramahan Faulk
- character modeler: Blur Studio
- Martin Ferland
- animator: Mokko Studio
- Erik Fernando
- scene assembler: Blur Studio
- Craig Field
- production support: Rising Sun Pictures
- Antoine Flotin
- td: Mokko Studio
- Bibi Fontana
- animator: Hydraulx
- Dániel Forgács
- matchmove: Azure VFX London
- Florence Fortin-Dapozzo
- matchmove artist: Folks VFX
- Brad Fox
- lead technical director: Tippett Studio
- Page Frakes
- color pipeline supervisor: Tippett Studio
- Richard Fraser
- 3d artist: Luxa Studio
- Nate Fredenburg
- art director: Tippett Studio
- Gail Fuller
- executive producer: Rising Sun Pictures
- Michael Furniss
- digital artist: Rising Sun Pictures
- Jonathan Gagnon
- fx artist: MOKKO Studio
- Michael Gaiser
- fx supervisor: Hydraulx
- Jason Gandhi
- technical supervisor: DreamMax
- Henan Gao
- vfx artist: Studio 51
- Jinglei Gao
- 3d artist: VHQ
- Ting Gao
- 3d artist: VHQ
- Gilles Garceau
- animator: Mokko Studio
- Danny Garcia
- matchmove supervisor: Pixomondo Los Angeles
- Francisco Garcia
- compositor: Mokko Studio
- Charles Gariepy
- 3d artist: Folks VFX
- Miguel Garção
- scene assembler: Blur Studio
- Alexa Gendron
- animator: Mokko Studio
- Ange-Marie Gendron
- vfx coordinator: Mokko Studio
- Mathieu Genest
- compositor: Mokko Studio
- Shannon Gerardin
- visual effects editor: Tippett Studio
- Andrei Gheorghiu
- compositor: Mokko Studio
- Chris Gibbons
- compositor: Tippett Studio
- Tom Gibbons
- animator: Tippett Studio
- Maurizio Giglioli
- cloth supervisor: Ghost VFX
- Dae-Seong Gil
- fx artist: Dexter Studios
- Kevin Gilbert
- 3d generalist: Mokko Studio
- David Gimenez
- animator: Hydraulx
- Matt Giovingo
- scene assembler: Blur Studio
- August Gjelsvik
- compositor: Gimpville
- Sally Goldberg
- lead animator: Azure VFX London
- Jose Golzman
- vfx artist: BUF
- Carlos Gomez
- it engineer: Blur Studio
- Bonkwan Goo
- animator: Dexter Studios
- Kat Gore
- vfx coordinator: Hydraulx
- Calle Granström
- compositing lead: Fido/Black
- William Groebe
- animation supervisor: Tippett Studio
- Warren Grubb
- animation supervisor: Blur Studio
- Mingxu Guan
- 3d artist: VHQ
- Benjamin Guay
- 3d generalist: Mokko Studio
- Dong Qing Guo
- roto/paint artist: Mokko Studio
- Hao Guo
- compositing: Luxa Studio
- Nick Guo
- department supervisor: VHQ
- Yingying Guo
- vfx coordinator: Studio 51
- Abhinav Gupta
- fx artist: Hydraulx
- Divya Gupta
- compositor: Pixomondo Los Angeles
- Drishti Gupta
- visual effects artist
- Nilesh Gupta
- matchmove: Red Chillies.VFX
- Sandeep Kumar Gupta
- cg artist: Red Chillies.VFX
- Eddie Gutierrez
- compositor: Tippett Studio
- David Gutman
- technical director: Tippett Studio
- Jérémie Guy-Béland
- 3d generalist: Mokko Studio (as Jeremie Guy-Beland)
- Jaegu Ha
- fx artist: Dexter Studios
- Sungwoo Ha
- production coordinator: Dexter Studios
- Gregory C. Haas
- lead compositor: Hydraulx
- Simon Hackett
- executive producer: Rising Sun Pictures
- Lee Hahn
- outsource manager: Tippett Studio
- Chris M. Halstead
- compositor: Tippett Studio (as Chris Halstead)
- Sungin Ham
- animator: Dexter Studios
- Joseph Hamdorf
- fx animator: Tippett Studio
- Herbie Han
- vfx production manager: Pixomondo Beijing
- Sam Hancock
- head of effects: Rising Sun Pictures
- Chris Haney
- vfx supervisor: DreamMax
- Lars Erik Hansen
- vfx supervisor: Gimpville
- Christine Hantzo-Stoll
- vfx coordinator: Mokko Studio
- Jiten Harkhani
- compositor: Red Chillies.VFX
- Andrew Harper
- 3d generalist: Mokko Studio
- Xing He
- 3d artist: VHQ
- Spencer Hecox
- compositor: Pixomondo Los Angeles
- Jason Hendrich
- animator: Blur Studio
- Jennifer Hendrich
- rigger: Blur Studio
- Mike Hendricks
- pipeline: Blur Studio
- Yasemin Hepguler
- compositor: Pixomondo Los Angeles
- Tulio Hernandez
- lighting: Hydraulx
- Alex Hessler
- cg supervisor: Tippett Studio
- Jeremy Hey
- compositor: Azure VFX London
- Robin Hinch
- head of visual effects editorial: Azure VFX London
- Haresh Hingorani
- creative director: Red Chillies.VFX
- Shilpa Hingorani
- 2d supervisor: Red Chillies.VFX
- Martin Hobbs
- executive producer: Azure VFX London
- Yates Holley
- fx animator: Blur Studio
- Linus Holm
- vfx artist: Fido/Black
- Christine Holmes
- scene assembler: Blur Studio
- Even Holte
- compositor: Gimpville
- Hee-Sun Hong
- animation lead: Dexter Studios
- Min-Wook Hong
- layout artist: Dexter Studios
- Sungmin Hong
- fx lead: Dexter Studios
- Sungmin Hong
- FX Artist: credited
- Neal Hoover
- systems: Tippett Studio
- Daryn Houston
- character modeling coordinator: Blur Studio
- Duff Chung-Pu Hsiao
- compositor: Pixomondo Los Angeles
- U-Sun I Hu
- compositor: Azure VFX London
- Bi Huang
- 3d artist: Luxa Studio
- Paul Huang
- it engineer: Blur Studio
- Soojung Huh
- matte painter: Dexter Studios
- Bhushan Humbe
- visual effects supervisor
- Umar Adam Aziz Hussain
- cloth td: Blur Studio
- Michael Larry Hutchinson
- digital resource wrangler: Tippett Studio
- Chong Hwan Kim
- animator: Mokko Studio
- Hanui Hwang
- compositor: Dexter Studios
- Jonghyun Hwang
- fx artist: Dexter Studios
- Min-ji Hwang
- production coordinator: Dexter Studios
- Seona Hwang
- fx artist: Hydraulx
- Seongjun Hwang
- production coordinator: Dexter Studios
- Youngae Hwang
- vfx coordinator: Dexter Studios
- Fredrik Höglin
- vfx artist: Fido/Black
- Giorgio Iovino
- matte painting artist: Mokko Studio
- Anastasia Isupova
- 3d artist: Luxa Studio
- Matt Jacobs
- visual effects supervisor: Tippett Studio
- Marius Andre Jacobsen
- compositor: Gimpville
- Jay Seung Jaegal
- vfx supervisor: Dexter Studios
- Colin James
- lead scene assembler: Blur Studio
- Andrea Jamiel
- i/o coordinator: Pixomondo Los Angeles
- Hyo-Seok Jang
- matchmove artist: Dexter Studios
- Mi Jang
- asset r&d lead: Dexter Studios
- Mijin Jang
- production coordinator: Dexter Studios
- Min-woo Jang
- animator: Dexter Studios
- Munseok Jang
- layout artist: Dexter Studios
- Myounghoon Jang
- animator: Dexter Studios
- Kishor Sitaram Jat
- visual effects artist
- Eric Jeffery
- lead character td: Tippett Studio
- Youngeun Jeon
- additional cg supervisor: Dexter Studios
- Ahyeong Jeong
- asset artist: Dexter Studios
- Gyeongheon Jeong
- animator: Dexter Studios
- Huisu Jeong
- animator: Dexter Studios
- Ingwon Jeong
- layout artist: Dexter Studios
- Min-Hyeok Jeong
- fx artist: Dexter Studios
- Sang Ryung Jeong
- layout artist: Dexter Studios
- Yeongyun Jeong
- rigging and simulation lead: Dexter Studios
- Yunhui Jeong
- fx artist: Dexter Studios
- Fan Jiang
- 3d artist: VHQ
- Zhifeng Jing
- vfx artist: Studio 51
- Byunghun Jo
- asset artist: Dexter Studios
- Erik Johansson
- pipeline engineer: Fido/Black
- Erika Johansson
- vfx artist: Fido/Black
- Jared Johnson
- animator: Tippett Studio
- Tyler Jones
- modeling: Hydraulx
- Jin Jong-hyun
- additional vfx supervisor: Dexter Studios
- Jon Jordan
- cloth td: Blur Studio
- Kishor Joshi
- compositor: Hydraulx
- Seock Hee Joung
- additional cg supervisor: Dexter Studios
- Mathias Jourdes
- scene assembler: Blur Studio
- Ji-Yong Ju
- lighting lead: Dexter Studios
- Jae Wook Jung
- on-set vfx supervisor: Dexter Studios
- Jiah Jung
- asset r&d lead: Dexter Studios
- Jihyung Jung
- compositor: Dexter Studios
- Kirk Jung
- matchmove artist: Tippett Studio
- Kwangsik Jung
- lighting lead: Dexter Studios
- Sanghyun Jung
- compositor: Hydraulx
- Sung-jin Jung
- director of digital department: Dexter Studios
- Yeojin Jung
- animator: Dexter Studios
- Yun-Hyuk Jung
- rigging and simulation artist: Dexter Studios
- Tulika Kabra
- senior vfx coordinator: Red Chillies VFX
- Perry Kain
- vfx producer: Pixomondo Los Angeles
- William Kalkanis-Ellis
- cg modeler: Tippett Studio
- Raghavendra Kamath
- stereo production manager
- Anand Kambli
- cg artist: Red Chillies.VFX
- Donghyuk Kang
- animation lead: Dexter Studios
- Hankyoreh Kang
- asset artist: Dexter Studios
- Jong Ik Kang
- executive vfx supervisor: Dexter Studios
- Min-seok Kang
- matchmove artist: Dexter Studios
- Seongpil Kang
- animator: Dexter Studios
- Sung-Hoon Kang
- animator: Dexter Studios
- Tejas Kantharia
- rotoscope artist: Hydraulx
- Shane Kao
- compositor: Hydraulx
- Ranajoy Kar
- digital artist: Rising Sun Pictures
- Matt Kasmir
- vfx supervisor: Azure VFX London
- Shantanu Katiyar
- fx artist: Hydraulx
- Kris Kaufman
- scene assembler: Blur Studio
- Patricia Kavanaugh
- matchmove artist: Tippett Studio
- Brian Keeney
- vfx producer: Blur Studio
- Abutalah Khan
- associate vfx line producer: Red Chillies.VFX
- Narendra Khobragade
- matte painting: sr. Digital mattepainter
- Ehsan Kiani
- rigger: Mokko Studio
- Bokyung Kim
- production coordinator: Dexter Studios
- Bora Kim
- compositing lead: Dexter Studios
- Byung-Whee Kim
- asset artist: Dexter Studios (as Byung-hee Kim)
- Byunghoon Kim
- matchmove artist: Dexter Studios
- Chan-Jin Chris Kim
- senior vfx producer: Dexter Studios
- Chi Hun Kim
- layout artist: Dexter Studios
- Daeyoung Kim
- matchmove artist: Dexter Studios
- Dohyung Kim
- layout artist: Dexter Studios
- Dong Won Kim
- layout artist: Dexter Studios
- Dong-kyu Kim
- animator: Dexter Studios
- Dong-Woo Kim
- concept artist: Dexter Studios
- Eun-ok Kim
- lighting artist: Dexter Studios
- Geonhu Kim
- fx artist: Dexter Studios
- Haneul Kim
- asset r&d lead: Dexter Studios
- Haneum Kim
- asset artist: Dexter Studios
- Hee-eun Kim
- asset artist: Dexter Studios
- Heejin Kim
- animator: Dexter Studios
- Heemyung Kim
- animator: Dexter Studios
- Hong-jae Kim
- layout artist: Dexter Studios
- Hunjae Kim
- vfx editor: Dexter Studios
- Hyejeong Kim
- fx artist: Dexter Studios
- Hyeonwoo Kim
- compositor: Dexter Studios
- Jaehwan Kim
- compositor: Dexter Studios
- Jee-Young Kim
- vfx editor: Dexter Studios
- Jeong-dal Kim
- animator: Dexter Studios
- Jeong-Hwan Kim
- asset artist: Dexter Studios
- Jinsoo Kim
- animator: Dexter Studios
- Jiseon Kim
- layout artist: Dexter Studios
- Jongkyu Kim
- concept supervisor: Dexter Studios
- Jung-Ho Kim
- lighting artist: Dexter Studios
- Jung-hoon Kim
- additional vfx supervisor: Dexter Studios
- Junyung Kim
- rigging and simulation artist: Dexter Studios
- Kai Kyoungsoo Kim
- character modeler: Blur Studio
- Khi-Hyun Kim
- fx artist: Pixomondo Los Angeles
- Ki Young Kim
- compositor: Dexter Studios
- Kwantae Kim
- matchmove artist: Dexter Studios
- Kyungkuk Kim
- lighting artist: Dexter Studios
- Min-sung Kim
- cg modeler: Tippett Studio
- Minchul Kim
- lighting artist: Dexter Studios
- Minsuk Ethan Kim
- vfx line producer: Dexter Studios
- Moowon Kim
- additional cg supervisor: Dexter Studios
- Nari Kim
- compositor: Dexter Studios
- Nayoung Kim
- r&d: Dexter Studios (as Na-Young Kim)
- Sang-ki Kim
- asset r&d lead: Dexter Studios
- Sanghun Kim
- additional cg supervisor: Dexter Studios
- Sangki Kim
- Creature TD: Dexter Studios
- Seon-ku Kim
- additional cg supervisor: Dexter Studios
- Seong Kim
- pipeline td: Hydraulx
- Seung Hwan Kim
- compositor: Dexter Studios
- SeungJang 'Jack' Kim
- cg painter: Tippett Studio
- Sin-Hye Kim
- layout artist: Dexter Studios
- So Min Kim
- compositor: Dexter Studios
- So-Young Kim
- asset artist: Dexter Studios
- Sona Kim
- animator: Dexter Studios
- Spike Hyunsuk Kim
- vfx art director: Dexter Studios
- Suheon Kim
- lighting artist: Dexter Studios
- Sungchul Kim
- compositing lead: Dexter Studios
- Tae-hoon Kim
- on-set vfx supervisor: Dexter Studios / rigging and simulation lead: Dexter Studios
- Tae-woo Kim
- compositor: Dexter Studios
- Taeseob Kim
- lighting lead: Dexter Studios
- Viviana Kim
- paint artist: Blur Studio
- Whee-jae Kim
- asset artist: Dexter Studios
- Woochul Kim
- additional vfx supervisor: Dexter Studios
- Wook Kim
- executive vfx supervisor: Dexter Studios
- Yongmin Kim
- fx artist: Dexter Studios
- Young Jun Kim
- concept artist: Dexter Studios
- Yuna Kim
- asset artist: Dexter Studios
- Nicholas T. King
- fx artist: Pixomondo Los Angeles
- Ville Kinnunen
- concept designer: Blur Studio
- Paul Kirwan
- digital artist: Rising Sun Pictures
- Ranjith Kizakkey
- head of matchmove: Rising Sun Pictures
- Jesper Kjölsrud
- cg artist: Azure VFX London
- Heekyung Ko
- matte painter: Dexter Studios
- Shinkyung Ko
- compositor: Dexter Studios
- Keith Kolder
- on-set vfx supervisor: Mokko Studio
- Miseon Kong
- compositor: Dexter Studios
- Christian Korhonen
- lead digital artist: Gimpville
- Anne-Marie Kowalski
- production support: Mokko Studio
- Jakub Krompolc
- rigger: Ghost VFX
- Changcheng Ku
- vfx artist: Studio 51
- Václav Kubant
- 3d artist: Pixomondo Beijing
- Kjetil Kulander
- cg artist: Gimpville
- Abhishek Kumar
- animation: Red Chillies.VFX
- Vikram Kumar
- cg artist: Red Chillies.VFX
- Bill Kunin
- vfx supervisor: Hydraulx
- Morten A. Kvale
- compositor: Gimpville
- Soohee Kwak
- cg modeler: Tippett Studio
- Taehun Kwak
- lighting artist: Dexter Studios
- Youngseok Kweon
- visual effects artist
- Dongwan Kwon
- additional vfx supervisor: Dexter Studios
- Sujung Kwon
- layout artist: Dexter Studios
- Youngseok Kwon
- fx artist: Dexter Studios
- Jie Lan
- 3d artist: VHQ
- Christoph Landi
- digital compositor
- Toby Langley
- vfx line producer: Azure VFX London
- Adarsh Langthasa
- rotoscope artist: Hydraulx
- Antoni Lapointe
- previs animator: Mokko Studio
- Douglas Lassance
- pipeline: Blur Studio
- David Lauer
- animator: Tippett Studio
- Niña Laureles
- fx artist: Mokko Studio
- Thomas Lautenbach
- vfx supervisor: Pixomondo Beijing
- Olivier Lavenant
- compositor: Mokko Studio
- Tristan Laville
- lead layout artist: Androids
- Nadja Leblanc
- project manager: Digital Dimension
- Simon Leclair
- vfx supervisor: BUF
- Jemma Ledger
- animation lead: Luxa Studio
- Bomin Lee
- matchmove artist: Dexter Studios
- Dae-Hun Lee
- fx artist: Dexter Studios
- Dayoung Lee
- asset artist: Dexter Studios
- Eun-Nae Lee
- lighting artist: Dexter Studios
- Eunseon Lee
- lighting artist: Dexter Studios
- Gyeong-ji Lee
- fx artist: Dexter Studios
- Hanhee Hailey Lee
- compositor: Dexter Studios
- Hyunil Lee
- rigging and simulation artist: Dexter Studios
- Jae-Chul Lee
- layout artist: Dexter Studios
- Jaehyuk Lee
- fx artist: Dexter Studios
- Jihye Lee
- compositor: Dexter Studios
- Jin Lee
- asset artist: Dexter Studios
- Jung-Min Lee
- rigging and simulation artist: Dexter Studios
- Karmen Lee
- rotoscope artist: Hydraulx
- Keith Lee
- 3d artist: Luxa Studio
- Kunhee Lee
- asset r&d lead: Dexter Studios
- Minho Lee
- rigging and simulation artist: Dexter Studios
- Na-Young Lee
- compositor: Dexter Studios
- Ru-ri Lee
- animator: Dexter Studios
- Sang Hyun Lee
- asset r&d lead: Dexter Studios (as Sang Hyoun Lee)
- Seonju Lee
- compositor: Dexter Studios
- Seul Lee
- production coordinator: Dexter Studios
- Seungmin Lee
- matchmove artist: Dexter Studios
- So Young Lee
- compositor: Hydraulx
- Sungmin Lee
- rendering td: Dexter Studios
- Taehyung Lee
- pipeline td: Dexter Studios
- Woosang Lee
- animator: Dexter Studios
- Yeojin Lee
- lighting artist: Dexter Studios
- Yeona Lee
- compositor: Mokko Studio
- Young-min Lee
- rigging and simulation artist: Dexter Studios
- Luhan Lei
- vfx project manager: Studio 51
- Wynand Lens
- technical director: Luxa Studio
- Olli Leppänen
- compositor: Gimpville
- Julien Leterrier
- vfx artist: BUF
- Wayne Lewis
- executive producer: Rising Sun Pictures
- Jing Li
- department coordinator: VHQ
- Lin Li
- 3d artist: VHQ
- Yun Li
- executive production assistant: Mokko Studio
- Lulu Liang
- vfx artist: Studio 51
- Zhen Liang
- vfx coordinator: Studio 51
- Kent Lidke
- fx animator: Blur Studio
- Bongkyu Lim
- compositing lead: Dexter Studios
- Changhwan Lim
- asset r&d lead: Dexter Studios
- Jae-Gwang Lim
- r&d: Dexter Studios
- Ji Hoon Lim
- compositor: Dexter Studios
- Lionel Lim
- compositor: Mokko Studio
- So-won Lim
- layout artist: Dexter Studios
- Taewoo Lim
- rigging and simulation artist: Dexter Studios
- Youngsu Lim
- asset lead: Dexter Studios
- Rosa Lin
- fx animator: Tippett Studio
- Jolanie Lincourt
- previs animator: Mokko Studio
- Jason Lindsay
- animator: Mokko Studio
- David A. Link
- compositor: Tippett Studio
- Noll Linsangan
- compositor: Blur Studio
- Wlad Litchinko
- character modeler: Blur Studio
- Li Liu
- 3d artist: Pixomondo Beijing
- Lorgas Liu
- 3d artist: Pixomondo Beijing
- Quanlong Liu
- vfx artist: Studio 51
- Wei Liu
- compositing: Luxa Studio
- Zhen Liu
- vfx artist: Studio 51
- Hao Long
- pipeline td: Pixomondo
- Amy Lu
- animator: Tippett Studio
- Monica Lu
- vfx coordinator: Pixomondo Beijing
- Stephen Huynh Lu
- pipeline: Blur Studio
- Quentin Luna
- 3d artist: Folks VFX
- Timmy Lundin
- digital artist: Rising Sun Pictures
- Haoming Luo
- department supervisor: VHQ
- Bo Lv
- 3d artist: Pixomondo Beijing
- Chunhui Lv
- vfx artist: Studio 51
- Sijia Lv
- department coordinator: VHQ
- Xia Lv
- vfx producer: VHQ
- Xiaorui Ma
- visual effects coordinator
- Douglas R. MacMillan
- r&d: Tippett Studio
- Brian Magarian
- vfx artist: DreamMax
- Gowtham Mahalingam
- visual effects coordinator
- Nicolas Maillard
- vfx artist: BUF
- David Marcotte
- matte painting: Mokko Studio
- Christelle Marcoux
- vfx coordinator: Mokko Studio
- James Marcus
- cloth simulation lead: Blur Studio
- Eric Marko
- matchmove artist: Tippett Studio
- Ricardo Marques
- vfx artist: DreamMax
- Carolyne Martin
- roto/paint artist: Mokko Studio
- Masod-Nasir
- animation: Red Chillies.VFX
- Hubert Maston
- cg supervisor: Rising Sun Pictures
- Kent Matheson
- environment artist: Tippett Studio
- Severin Mathiesen
- compositor: Gimpville
- Lheno Mazzotti
- department manager
- Iain McDougall
- technical artist: Luxa Studio
- Garth McIntosh
- 3d artist: Luxa Studio
- Kelly Mcswain
- compositor: Pixomondo Los Angeles
- Alex Meddick
- production support: Rising Sun Pictures
- Harry Medlin
- digital artist: Rising Sun Pictures
- Peter Medrow
- pipeline: Azure VFX London
- Louis-Simon Menard
- executive producer: Digital Dimension
- Brian Mendenhall
- lead animator: Tippett Studio
- Lewis Menga
- stereoscopic editor: Prime Focus
- Rob Meyers
- environment artist: Tippett Studio
- Paul Mica
- cg painter: Tippett Studio
- Scott Michelson
- vfx designer: DreamMax
- Ivor Middleton
- lead animator: Azure VFX London
- Daniel Midholt
- character td
- Daniel Midholt
- vfx artist: Fido/Black
- Brian David Miller
- lead layout artist: Androids / vfx editor: Blur Studio
- Travis Miller
- rigger: Blur Studio
- Minal Mistry
- matchmove: Azure VFX London
- Jayati Mittal
- stereo team: Gener8
- Lennon Montejo
- cloth td: Blur Studio
- Sung Oh Moon
- animation supervisor: Dexter Studios
- Sunhong Moon
- layout artist: Dexter Studios
- Yohan Moon
- on-set vfx coordinator: Dexter Studios
- Rafael Morant
- art director: Azure VFX, London / matte painting supervisor: Azure VFX, London
- Raphaël Moreault-Truchon
- vfx artist: BUF (as Raphael Truchon)
- Isabelle Morello
- matte painter: Folks VFX
- Louis Morisset
- animator: Mokko Studio
- Marc Morissette
- compositor: Mokko Studio
- Stephen Moros
- matchmove artist: Tippett Studio
- Patil Mukesh
- animation: Red Chillies.VFX
- Christopher Mullins
- animator: Tippett Studio
- Priyank Murarka
- compositor: Hydraulx
- Guido Muzzarelli
- animator: Tippett Studio
- Mylo
- crew support: Azure VFX London
- Shamli Naik
- visual effects artist
- Asbjørn Nedrehagen
- cg artist: Gimpville
- Devesh Neema
- team lead stereo compositor
- Sue Nelson
- compositor: Tippett Studio
- Alana Newell
- head of production: Rising Sun Pictures
- Matt Newell
- systems: Blur Studio
- James Newton
- fx animator: Blur Studio
- Chun Seong Ng
- modeling supervisor: Hydraulx
- Marie-Laure Nguyen
- technical director: Tippett Studio
- Sharma Nikita
- cg artist: Red Chillies.VFX
- Shipu Niu
- vfx artist: Studio 51
- Geuk Tae Noh
- cg supervisor: Dexter Studios
- James P. Noon
- visual effects
- Rémy Normand
- vfx artist: BUF
- Philip Nussbaumer
- vfx supervisor: Pixomondo Los Angeles
- Simon Dahle Nyhus
- cg artist: Gimpville
- Soo-Jeong Ock
- layout artist: Dexter Studios
- Antonia Oelmann
- vfx coordinator: Pixomondo Los Angeles
- Kieran Ogden-Brunell
- digital artist: Rising Sun Pictures
- Viktorija Ogureckaja
- vfx producer: Pixomondo Los Angeles
- Jahyeon Jen Oh
- vfx coordinator: Dexter Studios
- Jeonghwa Oh
- compositor: Dexter Studios
- Yousang Oh
- asset artist: Dexter Studios
- Matilda Olsson
- vfx producer: Fido/Black
- Tom Olsson
- vfx executive producer: Fido/Black
- Filip Orrby
- lead lighting td: Fido/Black
- Ghislain Ouellet
- concept designer: Mokko Studio / previs lead: Mokko Studio
- Mikael Ovesson
- vfx artist: Fido/Black
- Lawson W. Owen
- visual effects producer: Tippett Studio
- Joaquin Paez
- 3d asset artist: Dexter Studios
- Francisco Paim
- cg artist: Azure VFX London
- François Painchaud
- td: Mokko Studio
- Chris Paizis
- lead matchmove artist: Tippett Studio
- Laurent Pancaccini
- animation supervisor: Mokko Studio
- Blaise Panfalone
- digital production manager: Tippett Studio
- Stéphane Paradis
- compositor: Mokko Studio
- Cloud Park
- fx animator: Blur Studio
- Hwon Park
- additional vfx supervisor: Dexter Studios
- Jinkwon Park
- layout artist: Dexter Studios
- Jiyoon Park
- matte painter: Dexter Studios
- Juneon Park
- lighting lead: Dexter Studios
- Jung-Hwan Park
- fx artist: Dexter Studios
- Minwoo Park
- Previs artist (as Park Minwoo) / layout artist: Dexter Studios (as Min-Woo Park)
- Sangmyeon Park
- modeling: Hydraulx
- SeongHyun Park
- compositor: Dexter Studios
- Sung-Ho Park
- layout lead: Dexter Studios
- Sungjin Park
- matte painting lead: Dexter Studios
- Sungmin Park
- animation lead: Dexter Studios
- Yeon-nam Park
- lighting artist: Dexter Studios
- Lucie Parola
- vfx producer: Luxa VFX
- Jim Parsons
- 2d supervisor: Azure VFX London
- Mohnish Parwani
- compositor: Red Chillies.VFX
- Justin Pascal
- compositor: Pixomondo Los Angeles
- Ben Paschke
- digital artist: Rising Sun Pictures
- Max Pasquiou
- fx animator: Blur Studio
- Jeremie Passerin
- rigging supervisor: Blur Studio
- Annsh Patel
- stereo production manager
- Nikhil P. Patil
- modeling: Hydraulx
- Nishikanta Patra
- matchmove: Red Chillies.VFX
- Kristin Patterson
- visual effects production manager: Pixomondo Los Angeles
- Logan Pearsall
- cg modeler: Tippett Studio
- Andrew Peel
- digital artist: Rising Sun Pictures
- Mylène Pepe
- pipeline supervisor: Blur Studio
- Samuel Perez
- scene assembler: Blur Studio
- Derek Piao
- vfx production manager: Studio 51
- Kevin Pierce
- compositor: Blur Studio
- Sebastien Pincin
- compositor: Mokko Studio
- Jan-Fryderyk Pleszczynski
- executive producer: Digital Dimension
- Amelie Poitras
- vfx producer: Folks VFX
- Matt Pollard
- coordinator: Blur Studio
- Roberto Pompili
- 3d artist: Genialogic FX su
- Geoffrey Pons
- fx animator: Blur Studio
- Benjamin Porcari
- visual effects producer
- Adam Potter
- production support: Rising Sun Pictures
- Shaun Potts
- senior operations engineer: Tippett Studio
- Amanda Powell
- production assistant: Blur Studio
- Duane Powell
- head of it: Blur Studio
- Mark Powers
- animator: Tippett Studio
- Ashutosh Prajapati
- visual effects artist
- Panchal Pratik
- animation: Red Chillies.VFX
- Rosemonde Presset
- vfx editorial: MOKKO Studio
- Richard Pring
- senior view-d editor: prime focus
- Swati Priya
- roto/prep: Red Chillies.VFX
- Konstantin Promokhov
- fx animator: Tippett Studio
- Surjeet Singh Pundir
- matchmove: Red Chillies.VFX
- Mu Qiao
- 3d artist: Pixomondo Beijing
- Lixuan Qin
- 3d artist: VHQ
- Xinxin Que
- 3d artist: VHQ
- Sebastien Racine
- visual effects producer: Mokko Studio
- John Rader
- lead cg painter: Tippett Studio
- Vijay Rajbhar
- compositor: Red Chillies.VFX
- Jonathan S. Ramos
- lead fx animator: Tippett Studio
- Ricardo Ramos
- technical director: Tippett Studio
- Julien Rancoeur
- fx animator: Blur Studio
- Lance Ranzer
- rotoscope supervisor: Pixomondo Los Angeles
- Sambasiva Rapeti
- digital artist: Prime Focus India
- Sara Rebuli
- assistant vfx producer: Ghost VFX
- Steve Reding
- technical director: Tippett Studio
- Beat Reichenbach
- scene assembler: Blur Studio
- Christopher Reid
- it: Mokko Studio
- Terry Reilly
- animator: Mokko Studio
- Christoph Reinfels
- digital matte painter: Pixomondo
- Gareth Repton
- vfx supervisor: Luxa Studio
- Jim Riche
- vfx producer: Blur Studio
- Maude Rivard
- cg generalist: Mokko Studio
- Brandon Riza
- fx supervisor: Blur Studio
- Shaikh Rizwan
- roto/prep: Red Chillies.VFX
- Jeremy Robert
- vfx artist: BUF
- Tracey Roberts
- character td: Tippett Studio
- Janis Robertson
- production manager: Blur Studio
- Seok Ho Roh
- compositor: Dexter Studios
- Dan Rolinek
- r&d: Tippett Studio
- Jules Roman
- executive producer: Tippett Studio
- Niketa Roman
- production coordinator: Tippett Studio
- Sandy Romero
- texture artist: Hydraulx
- Michael Root
- r&d: Tippett Studio
- Behrooz Roozbeh
- compositor: Fido
- Charles Rose
- cg supervisor: Tippett Studio
- Nathan Ross
- lead animator: Tippett Studio
- Trevor Rowland
- pipeline td: Hydraulx
- Julien Roy
- vfx artist: BUF
- Greg Ruane
- pipeline: Tippett Studio
- Liu Rui
- 3d artist: VHQ
- Benjamin Ruiz
- lead 3d generalist: Mokko Studio
- Ghadge Rupesh
- cg artist: Red Chillies.VFX
- Karl Rydhe
- vfx artist: Fido/Black
- Taegwan Ryu
- fx artist: Dexter Studios
- Pamela Saad
- junior fx animator: Tippett Studio
- Sahil.Wadhwani
- vfx coordinator: Red Chillies.VFX
- Gabriel Saint-Aubin
- vfx supervisor: BUF
- Emeric Saint-Germain
- digital matte painter: Azure VFX London
- Yury Sakovich
- cloth td: Blur Studio
- Juwana Samman
- technical director: Tippett Studio (as Juwana Samman Fox)
- Quentin Sanchez
- rigger: Mokko Studio
- Belinda Sandberg
- rendering artist: Ghost VFX
- Torgeir Sanders
- vfx producer: Gimpville
- Navin Saran
- Sr. Line Producer / senior vfx line producer: Red Chillies.VFX
- Stalin Saravanan
- visual effects supervisor: iGene Entertainment
- Michael H. Saunders
- matte painter: Hydraulx
- Cassandre Sauré
- compositor: Mokko Studio
- Marco Savignac
- animator: Mokko Studio
- Arutyun Artur Sayan
- scene assembler: Blur Studio
- Nabil Schiantarelli
- compositor: Blur Studio
- Frédérique Schmidt
- visual effects editor: Folks VFX
- David Schnee
- compositing supervisor: Tippett Studio
- Stefan Schneider
- modeling: Hydraulx
- Patrick Schuler
- cg supervisor: Pixomondo Los Angeles
- Josh Schwartz
- fx animator: Blur Studio
- Cameron Scott
- vfx supervisor: Fido/Black
- Alex Seiden
- r&d: Tippett Studio
- Ray Sena
- environment artist: Tippett Studio
- Eric Senécal
- fx artist: Mokko Studio (as Eric Senecal)
- Hyunsuk Seo
- additional vfx supervisor: Dexter Studios
- Jung-Wook Seo
- developer: Dexter Studios
- Ricky Seo
- vfx producer: Dexter Studios
- Sanghyuk Seo
- asset lead: Dexter Studios
- Seunghye Seo
- fx artist: Dexter Studios (as Seung-hye Seo)
- Alexandra Setijo-Joesoef
- rotoscope artist: Hydraulx
- Joel Sevilla
- cg supervisor: Hydraulx
- Prashant Shah
- cg supervisor: Red Chillies.VFX
- Vishal Shah
- cg artist: Red Chillies.VFX
- Amir Shahinsha
- head of operations: Red Chillies.VFX
- Matthew Shaw
- digital artist: Rising Sun Pictures
- Catherine Shen
- vfx artist: DreamMax
- Erik Shepherd
- technical director: Tippett Studio
- Manohar Shetty
- fx artist: Red Chillies.VFX
- Al Shier
- executive producer: Blur Studio
- Hye-eun Shin
- vfx coordinator: Dexter Studios
- Hyejung Shin
- fx lead: Dexter Studios
- Sohee Shin
- asset artist: Dexter Studios
- Arpit Shukla
- cg artist: Red Chillies.VFX
- Chanpil Sim
- fx artist: Dexter Studios
- Brett Sinclair
- vfx artist: Fido/Black
- Peter Skovsbo
- visual effects executive producer: Digital Dimension
- Bohdan Skrynnyk
- vfx artist: BUF
- Anthony Smith
- vfx supervisor: Rising Sun Pictures
- Matt Smyj
- systems: Tippett Studio
- Leopard Snow
- concept designer: Blur Studio
- Keunsup Sohn
- matchmove artist: Dexter Studios
- Minkyeong Son
- compositor: Dexter Studios
- Wonrak Son
- compositing lead: Dexter Studios
- Pankaj Sonawane
- roto/prep: Red Chillies.VFX
- Mariel Song
- coordinator: Blur Studio
- Yeo-Han Song
- production coordinator: Dexter Studios
- Yonggu Song
- assistant vfx supervisor: Dexter Studios
- Satish Kanta Sorensangbam
- cg artist: Red Chillies.VFX
- Danny Southard
- animator: Tippett Studio
- Cristian Spagnuolo
- 3d generalist: Mokko Studio
- Darren Spence
- vfx coordinator: Hydraulx
- Ken Stewart
- digital artist: Rising Sun Pictures
- Mark Story
- vfx production manager: Rising Sun Pictures
- Michael Strathearn
- cg artist: Azure VFX London
- Colin Strause
- vfx designer: Hydraulx
- Greg Strause
- vfx designer: Hydraulx
- Aksel Studsgarth
- executive producer: Ghost VFX
- Jialin Su
- vfx artist: Studio 51
- Althea Suarez Gata
- animator: Blur Studio
- Russ Sueyoshi
- compositor: Tippett Studio
- David Sullivan
- lead roto/paint artist: Tippett Studio
- Lee F. Sullivan
- cg supervisor: Azure VFX London
- Jonathan Sum
- department supervisor: VHQ
- Samson Sun
- vfx producer: DreamMax
- Shan Sun
- 3d artist: VHQ
- Josh Sutherland
- vfx editor: Hydraulx
- Jan Svalland
- lead digital artist: Gimpville
- Martin Sverdrup
- cg artist: Gimpville
- Esben Syberg
- vfx supervisor: Ghost VFX
- David Tang
- vfx coordinator: DreamMax
- Guofeng Tang
- vfx art director: Pixomondo Beijing
- Thomas Tannenberger
- vfx producer: Mokko Studio
- Julie Tardieu
- modeler: Mokko Studio
- Jason Taylor
- animation lead: Blur Studio
- Mariano Tazzioli
- modeler: Ghost VFX
- Catherine Therrien
- vfx coordinator: Mokko Studio
- Philippe Thibault
- visual effects supervisor: Folks
- Richard Thwaites
- visual effects producer
- Alexander Tirasongkran
- matchmove artist: Hydraulx
- Rohan Tirkey
- stereoscopic supervisor: Prime Focus World India
- Ryan Michael Todd
- technical director: Tippett Studio
- Brian Tolle
- matchmove artist: Tippett Studio
- Yimi Tong
- associate vfx producer: Tippett Studio / digital production manager: Tippett Studio
- Alex Tornberg
- concept artist: Fido/Black
- John Toth
- digital artist: Rising Sun Pictures
- Kallan Treadwell
- stereo team: Gener8
- Mark Tremble
- compositor: Azure VFX London
- Christophe Trepanier
- compositor: Mokko Studio
- Hao Truong
- production support: Rising Sun Pictures
- Jillian Tsai
- stereo team: Gener8
- Jevon Tsen
- compositor: Hydraulx
- Fausto Turcotte
- 3d generalist: Mokko Studio
- Alex Turenne
- 3d artist: Folks VFX
- Sebastien Turenne
- studio director: Mokko Studio
- Felix Turesson
- compositor: Ghost VFX
- Danny Turner
- visual effects
- Anurag Utsav
- animation: Red Chillies.VFX
- Jayesh K. Vaishnav
- team lead: Red Chillies.VFX
- Mark van den Bergen
- compositing supervisor: Dexter Studios
- Merinda Janse van Rensburg
- digital artist: Rising Sun Pictures
- Jacobus van Staden
- 3d artist: Luxa Studio
- Belinda van Valkenburg
- senior cg painter: Tippett Studio
- Stephen van Wyk
- 3d artist: Luxa Studio
- Cassius Vaz
- stereo team: Gener8
- Erika Velikoivanenko
- matte painter: Hydraulx
- Daniel Velikov
- digital artist: Rising Sun Pictures
- Victor Manuel Vera
- modeler: Ghost VFX
- David Verbeke
- vfx artist: BUF
- David Vestin
- vfx artist: Fido/Black
- Noah Vice
- head of look development: Rising Sun Pictures
- Frantz Vidal
- animator: Mokko Studio
- Jcee Villadelgado
- vfx production accountant: Tippett Studio
- Singh Vinay
- animation: Red Chillies.VFX
- Mark Visser
- lead td: Mokko Studio
- Gallois-Montbrun Volcy
- previs supervisor: Les Androïds Associés
- Anne Vu
- digital artist: Rising Sun Pictures
- Sherif Wagdy
- compositing: Luxa Studio
- Milind Waghmare
- visual effects artist
- Rahul Wala
- roto/prep: Red Chillies.VFX
- Andre Waller
- compositor: Hydraulx
- Don Waller
- animator: Tippett Studio
- Fan Wang
- 3d artist: Pixomondo Beijing
- Mingpeng Wang
- cg supervisor: Studio 51
- Tao Wang
- vfx artist: Studio 51
- Wenqiang Wang
- vfx artist: Studio 51
- Xinli Wang
- 3d artist: VHQ
- Yaning Wang
- department coordinator: VHQ
- Yunlong Wang
- vfx artist: Studio 51
- Yutong Wang
- vfx artist: Studio 51
- Jon Warne
- stereo production manager: Gener8
- Gregory Watkins
- compositing supervisor: Hydraulx
- Victor Wei
- fx animator: Blur Studio
- Lars Wemmje
- vfx artist: Fido/Black
- Yanyan Wen
- vfx artist: Studio 51
- Mikael Widegren
- concept artist: Fido/Black
- Mikael Windelin
- vfx producer: Ghost VFX
- Nick Woo
- pipeline: Tippett Studio
- Bill Wright
- animator: Mokko Studio
- Jian Wu
- 3d artist: VHQ (as Wu Jian)
- Xiaoying Wu
- department coordinator: VHQ
- Fei Xiang
- visual effects coordinator
- Jin Xie
- animator: Mokko Studio
- Kenan Xu
- 3d artist: Luxa Studio
- Shannon Xu
- 3d artist: Pixomondo Beijing
- Xin Xu
- vfx artist: Studio 51
- Keitan Yadav
- coo: Red Chillies.VFX
- Yuji Yagasaki
- lighting supervisor: Hydraulx
- Mayo Yamamoto
- modeling: Hydraulx
- Xuekun Yan
- 3d artist: VHQ
- Huchuan Yang
- 3d artist: Pixomondo Beijing
- Oh-suk Yang
- compositor: Dexter Studios
- Shuai Yang
- department coordinator: VHQ
- Zhao Yang
- lead compositor: VHQ
- Jae Jun Yi
- fx animator: Blur Studio
- Liang Yi
- compositing: Luxa Studio
- Danny Yin
- vfx supervisor: VHQ
- Guoming Yin
- vfx artist: Studio t1
- Taekyung Yoo
- asset r&d supervisor: Dexter Studios
- Chulho Yoon
- animation lead: Dexter Studios
- Na-Yeon Yoon
- layout artist: Dexter Studios
- Alex Young
- lead animator: Hydraulx
- Alfred Young
- technical director: Tippett Studio
- Chenglu Yu
- vfx artist: Studio 51
- Jianbo Yu
- 3d artist: VHQ
- Rita Yu
- 3d artist: Pixomondo Beijing
- Shaoyuan Yu
- cg supervisor: Studio 51
- Shengbo Yu
- vfx artist: Studio 51
- Fred Yuan
- department supervisor: VHQ
- Wang Yue
- vfx artist: Studio 51
- Ari Yun
- lighting artist: Dexter Studios
- Hee Yun
- rigging and simulation artist: Dexter Studios
- Junshik-Raul Yun
- vfx producer: Dexter Studios
- Woohyun Yun
- compositor: Dexter Studios
- Riccardo Zanettini
- compositor: Blur Studio
- Kristian Zarins
- vfx artist: Fido/Black
- Josiah Zavala
- vfx editor: Hydraulx
- Jennie Zeiher
- bidding producer: Rising Sun Pictures
- Fanyu Zeng
- vfx coordinator: Luxa Studio
- Fan Zhang
- 3d artist: VHQ
- Fengting Zhang
- 3d artist: Pixomondo Beijing
- Jinchuan Zhang
- 3d artist: VHQ
- Man Zhang
- vfx artist: Studio 51
- Peng Zhang
- matchmove artist: Pixomondo Beijing
- Shuai Zhang
- 3d artist: VHQ
- Wenfeng Zhang
- compositing: Luxa Studio
- Xinbin Zhang
- compositing: Luxa Studio
- Chenxi Zhao
- 3d artist: Pixomondo Beijing
- Lu Zhao
- 3d artist: VHQ
- Mengyu Zhao
- 3d artist: Pixomondo Beijing
- Feilong Zhou
- vfx artist: Studio 51
- Shaoming Zhou
- 3d artist: VHQ
- Junjun Zhu
- vfx artist: Studio 51
- Kaiyuan Zhu
- vfx artist: Studio 51
- Frans Ã
- vfx artist: Fido/Black
- Max Ãberg
- vfx artist: Fido/Black
- Félix Arsenault
- cg artist: Mokko Studio (uncredited)
- Guillaume Baron
- compositor (uncredited)
- Eliott Beaudon
- cg artist: Raynault VFX (uncredited)
- Fanny Berthiaume
- cg artist: Raynault VFX (uncredited)
- Peter Blomstrand
- compositor: Fido/Black (uncredited)
- Daniel Boivin
- compositor (uncredited)
- Vincent Boucher-Cormier
- matte painter (uncredited) / texture artist (uncredited)
- Ghislain Bruneau
- texture artist (uncredited)
- Odemaris Burgos
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Josè Cervera
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Vishal Chauhan
- compositor (uncredited)
- Thomas Chesny
- matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Mayuresh Chowdhari
- vfx editor (uncredited)
- Andreas Cronström
- compositor: Fido/Black (uncredited)
- Nathalie Cyr
- vfx coordinator: Raynault VFX (uncredited)
- Rosa Debals-Gonthier
- matchmove artist: MoveMatcherS (uncredited)
- Adrien Delecroix
- matchmove artist: MoveMatcherS (uncredited)
- Philippe Desiront
- visual effects supervisor: Mikros Image (uncredited)
- Nicolas Deziel
- compositor (uncredited)
- Mario Donio
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Hannes Drossel
- lighting artist: Fido/Black (uncredited)
- Brian Ducharme
- matchmove artist: Genialogic-fx s.u. (uncredited)
- Frederic Dupere
- matte painter: Raynault VFX (uncredited)
- Robin Dutta
- Compositing and Pipeline Technical Director (uncredited)
- Henrik Eklundh
- lighting artist: Fido/Black (uncredited)
- Jonas Ekman
- animator: Fido/Black (uncredited)
- Guillaume Floret
- matchmove artist: MoveMatcherS (uncredited)
- Josiane Fradette
- visual effects producer: Raynault VFX (uncredited)
- David François
- digital compositor: lead (uncredited)
- Johan Gabrielsson
- lighting lead: Fido/Black (uncredited)
- Sebastian Greese
- character look development: Fido/Black (uncredited)
- Florian Grenier
- compositor (uncredited) / digital compositor (uncredited)
- Matt Hallen
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Michael Halley
- senior animator: MOKKO Studio (uncredited)
- Trevor Harder
- compositor (uncredited)
- Andréa Hervet
- matchmove artist: MoveMatcherS (uncredited)
- Denys Holovyanko
- compositor: Fido/Black (uncredited)
- Sandra Isaksson
- modeler: Fido/Black (uncredited)
- Hugo Jean
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Nikolce Jovanovski
- compositor (uncredited)
- Zack Judson
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Fredrik Juréen
- vfx coordinator: Fido/Black (uncredited)
- Sean Kalamgi
- lighting artist: Fido/Black (uncredited)
- Katrina Kim
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Ken Kokka
- visual effects producer (uncredited)
- Sagar Kudle
- modeling artist (uncredited)
- Etienne Laroche
- cg artist: Raynault VFX (uncredited)
- Mike Larrabee
- paint supervisor (uncredited)
- Sammy H. Larsen
- digital compositor: Ghost VFX (uncredited)
- Manon Le Bas
- vfx project manager: Mikros Image (uncredited)
- Maëlle Le Coadic
- vfx coordinator: MoveMatcherS (uncredited)
- Simon Lecavalier
- lighting/surfacing artist (uncredited)
- Sylvain Lesaint
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Thomas Lhomme-Sorel
- fx artist (uncredited) / lighting & compositing artist (uncredited) / matchmove artist: Mikros Images (uncredited)
- Zebastian Lilja
- compositor: Fido (uncredited)
- Curtis Linstead
- system engineer: Raynault VFX (uncredited)
- Kiran Manohar
- roto artist (uncredited)
- Sonia Marques
- visual effects producer: visual effects (uncredited)
- Teo Mathlein
- compositor: Fido/Black (uncredited)
- Tim Mendler
- matchmove lead: MoveMatcherS (uncredited)
- Rahul Mhaskar
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Jacob Moilanen
- visual effects artist: Goodbye Kansas Studios (uncredited)
- Hannah-Marjut Myllyoja
- compositor: Fido/Black (uncredited)
- David Nelin
- compositor: Fido/Black (uncredited)
- Alexander Nietzold
- fx artist (uncredited)
- Tomas Näslund
- compositor: Fido/Black (uncredited)
- Sebastien Proulx
- compositor (uncredited)
- Bhanu Pratap Rathore
- team lead (uncredited)
- Mathieu Raynault
- supervisor: Raynault VFX (uncredited)
- Stéphane Richez
- senior matchmove artist: MoveMatcherS (uncredited)
- Robert Rioux
- cg artist: Raynault VFX (uncredited)
- Jean-Pierre Riverin
- cg artist: Raynault VFX (uncredited)
- Etienne Rodrigue
- cg artist: Raynault VFX (uncredited)
- Luca Gabriele Rossetti
- concept artist (uncredited)
- Tomas Rydfjord
- digital compositor: Ghost VFX (uncredited)
- Mattias Sandelius
- compositor: Fido (uncredited)
- Dilish Shetty
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Christina Sidoti
- animator: Fido/Black (uncredited)
- Jenna Sunde
- roto artist (uncredited)
- Alexander Swahn
- digital compositor: Ghost VFX (uncredited)
- Sylvain Theroux
- supervisor: Raynault VFX (uncredited)
- Alexis Turbé
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Eduardo Villarreal
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Vinay.isetti
- matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Wes Walcott
- lead stereoscopic editor: prime focus (uncredited)
- Lyndsay Wall
- lighting artist (uncredited)
- Max Wester
- compositor: Fido/Black (uncredited)
- David Wong
- roto-paint artist (uncredited)
- Sonia Wu
- compositor (uncredited)
- Mohamed Zekri
- digital artist (uncredited)