- Nuala Alen-Buckley
- financial controller
- Vilka Alfier
- travel & accommodation coordinator: Croatia
- Dénes Bacsu
- assistant production coordinator
- Dino Baralic
- 2nd assistant accountant: Croatia
- Bara Barova
- production coordinator
- Anna Bartalos
- production assistant
- Krisztina Berdefy
- accommodation coordinator
- Stanko Blazanovic
- production accountant / production accountant: Croatia
- Victoria Brooks
- unit publicist
- Maro Budrovic
- covid supervisor: Croatia
- Kalmár Bálint
- production assistant
- Maroje Capurso
- marine coordinator: Croatia
- Sarah Challis
- clearance
- Arslan Cobic
- location assistant: Croatia
- Dominik Collins
- it support engineer
- Adam Cracknell
- Junior IT Support Engineer
- Daniel Dallos
- 1st assistant accountant
- Lucy Davis
- Junior IT Support Engineer
- Helen de Winter
- Completion Guarantor
- Mario Diller
- Line Producer Assistant / producer assistant croatia
- Graeme Douglas
- Health and Safety Advisor
- Mirnes Dugum
- unit assistant: Croatia
- Rosario Duraccio
- production assistant: Croatia
- Tena Erceg
- Crowd Marshall: Croatia
- Laca Felsó
- epk
- Anna Gallik
- cast pa
- Gergõ Gazdag
- key pa (as Gergo Gazdag)
- Anna Gedeon
- crowd marshall
- Poliklinka Glavic
- medic: Croatia
- Albert Gregov
- health & safety: Croatia
- Szabina Györi
- clearance coordinator
- Jessica Hammett
- dialect coach: Alexander Skarsgård
- Susan Hegarty
- dialect coach: Kate Winslet, Andy Samberg
- Sári Herrer-Marchez
- travel coordinator
- Lexi Ingall
- health & safety
- Rory Johnston
- production coordinator: UK
- Géza Jánossy
- caterer: Croatia
- Kristof Kalmar
- Sustainability Coordinator
- Boglárka Kalászi
- stand-in: Kate Winslet
- Marija Katalinic
- assistant production coordinator: Croatia
- Lucy Kaulback
- senior legal counsel on behalf of sky
- Dori Kendefi
- medic
- Vlaho Kisic
- health & safety: Croatia
- Sven Klobucar
- covid assistant: Croatia
- Anita Knob
- accountant assistant
- Elizabeth Kormanova
- business affairs: Rocket Science
- Ana Kraljev
- 1st assistant accountant: Croatia
- Ãgnes Kun
- production accountant
- Peter La Terriere
- Completion Guarantor executive
- Marc Harrison Lamb
- Production Executive on behalf of sky
- Ferenc Lenke
- unit assistant
- Wollein Lilla
- additional cast pa / additional set pa
- Emily Lowe
- for: Brouhaha Entertainment
- Romana M. Lulic
- payroll & rebate accountant / payroll: Croatia
- Goran Malcic
- military advisor
- Sean Mcternan
- clearance
- Christos Michaels
- Lawyer: Legal Services for Rocket Science
- Stephanie Milina
- travel & accommodation assistant: Croatia
- Jasmin Morrison
- Business Affairs on behalf of Sky
- Doris Mudrovcic
- production coordinator: Croatia
- Lorcà n Murphy
- insurance (as Lorcan Murphy)
- Nagy Mónika
- payroll accountant
- Monika Nagy
- payroll
- Kristóf Nádasdi
- cashier
- John O'Sullivan
- insurance
- János Papp
- health & safety
- Susannah Parry
- legal counsel on behalf of sky
- Zoltan Sandor Pergel
- set armourer
- Gabriella Pozsár
- set cleaner
- Armand Prihoda
- immigration assistant
- János Prihoda
- immigration coordinator (as Janos Prihoda)
- Máté Prihoda
- immigration assistant
- Barnabas Racz
- health & safety
- Katarina Radonic
- Crowd Marshall: Croatia
- Gabor Rajkai
- 2nd assistant accountant
- Luka Rasica
- Crowd Marshall: Croatia
- Tamás Rákos
- insurance
- Robert Salcic
- production assistant: Croatia
- Mario Sambrailo
- Crowd Marshall: Croatia
- Patrik Separovic
- production assistant: Croatia
- Fiona Shiel
- Producer's Assistant
- Kevin Smith
- clearance
- Zsolt Soltész
- caterer: Hungary
- Agnes Somogyi
- medic
- Edward Squires
- production supervisor
- Rebecca Stringer
- assistant accountant
- Ela Suvak
- assistant to director: Croatia
- Henrik Szabo
- assistant unit manager
- Balázs István Szabó
- Covid Coordinator
- Richard Szabó
- security
- Zsofia Szemeredy
- sustainability consultant
- Vanessa Vajda
- Assistant to Director
- Dana Vasile
- art department assistant: UK
- Nora Vrsalovic
- production assistant: Croatia
- Andras Wagner
- covid supervisor
- Mert Yildiz
- it support engineer
- Borna Zec
- location coordinator: Croatia
- Nagy Zsolt
- epk