- Tara Cardinal
- The Red Reaper
- David Mackey
- Eris
- Ray Eddy
- Ganesh
- Eliza Swenson
- The Teller Witch
- Christian Boeving
- Andre
- Tom Nowicki
- Adonis
- Shayne Leighton
- Annaleyah
- Barry Ratcliffe
- Janock
- Christina Daoust
- Indira
- Lloyd Kaufman
- Llord Lloyd
- George Pérez
- Pere
- Justin Irwin
- Conall
- Amber Crawford
- Freya
- Scott Perri
- Thane
- Alvin Aki
- Dragomir
- Jerry Alan
- Evander
- Carolina Albanes
- Parthenia
- Samantha Berry
- Indira's Posse
- DeeDee Bigelow
- Lwedee
- Kenny Boyd
- Demon
- Adrienne Camille
- Callista the Warrior
- Charles Cardwell
- Janock's Guard
- Jeff Carr
- Ector
- Mary Carr
- Captured Woman
- Dan Carro
- Bad Guy
- Tom Chittendan
- Solon
- Kate Elizabeth Davis
- Strangled Woman
- Trish Dempsey
- Amana
- Arleen Dougherty
- Extra
- Patricia M. Dunn
- Quan Yin, Kinsey
- Marion Elizabeth
- Reaper
- Hero Fies
- Heroic Swordsman
- David Garito
- Evil Archer
- James Michael Gibson
- Sgrun
- Gary Gillespie
- Extra
- Tammy Gillespie
- Extra
- Angelic Granger
- Gunther
- Garrett Harrison
- Keefe
- David Haverty
- Dying reaper
- Nicholas Hays
- Eris' Shoe Polisher
- Ruth Hays
- Captured Woman
- Tim J. Hays
- Ren
- Theo Hearst
- Frightened Villager
- Dawna Lee Heising
- Mei Li
- Adam Henrickson
- Bad Guy
- Brian Jon Hildebrand
- Archer
- Joe Hollow
- Mandono
- Heidi Honeycutt
- (as Heidi Martinuzzi)
- Katherine Kentes
- Tiana
- Sean Kirbyson
- S'grun's Main Guard
- Brad Knopp
- Bad Guy
- Kris Kropfeller
- Demon
- Danny Man
- Deimous
- Grey Manning
- Angry reaper
- Robb Maus
- Bello
- Justice Maynard
- Raiden
- Jason McNeil
- Morthond the Demon
- Mike Mergenthaler
- 3 Men and Baby Fighter
- Michael Middel
- Hot Bondage Guy
- Greg Mitchell
- 3 Men and a Baby Fighter
- Mike Mitchell
- Lord Gavid
- Kat Munday
- Frightened Villager
- Matt Musacchia
- 3 Men and a Baby Fighter
- Bill Oberst Jr.
- Leonidas
- Pamela Sugranes Ocasio
- Villager
- Tania Ivelisse Ocasio
- Villager
- C.J. Ore
- Young prince
- Rachel Ore
- Young princess
- Jennifer Christa Palmer
- Mare
- Kim Pritekel
- Dead Girl with a Knife
- Nikki Ray
- Flying Demon
- Rob Ray
- Upper Cut Guy
- Richard Ribuffo
- Bad Guard
- Michael J. Schaefer
- Goran
- Greer Scott
- Allan
- Mason Scott Shapins
- Mason
- Brian Shinall
- Archer
- Cal Simmons
- Kreios
- Al Snow
- Bad Ass Wrestling Demon
- Jeanne Steding
- Dare
- Haley Stoeckel
- Young Aella
- Carmelo Sugranes
- Villager
- Mike Sweeten
- Reaper
- Rachael Thompson
- Ki-Rin
- Melissa Tracy
- S'grun's Guard
- Brenda Tupis
- Jewerly Merchant
- Donald Tupis
- Clothing Merchant
- Mel Turner
- Tahara
- Anesti Vega
- Madero
- Joe Vial
- Additional Voices
- Stephen Weese
- Orge the Guard
- Sean Wyn
- Demon
- Camille Yannantuono
- Indira's Posse
- Tom Zellars
- Bad Guy