- Dominic A'Vant
- inbetweener: "Pleakley" and "David Kawena"
- Jo Anne Adams
- blue sketch artist (as Joanne Johnson Tzuanos)
- Joyce Alexander
- painter
- Phil Allora
- assistant clean-up animator: "Stitch" (as Philip J. Allora)
- Paulo R. Alvarado
- rough inbetweener
- Carmen R. Alvarez
- paint mark-up (as Carmen Regina Alvarez)
- Leyla C. Amaro Nodas
- registration (as Leyla C. Amaro-Nodas)
- Bill Andres
- painter
- Merritt F. Andrews
- key assistant clean-up animator: "Lilo"
- Jonathan Annand
- animator: "Stitch"
- Ruben A. Aquino
- supervising animator: "Pleakley" and "David Kawena"
- Carlos Arancibia
- inbetweener: "Nani" (as Carlos R. Arancibia)
- Debra Armstrong
- additional assistant animmator
- Stephen Nelson Austin
- breakdown artist: "Miscellaneous" (as Stephen N. Austin)
- Kirk Axtell II
- painter
- Gregg E. Azzopardi
- animator: "Lilo"
- Kevin A. Barber
- breakdown artist: "Nani"
- Janelle C. Bell-Martin
- breakdown artist: "Pleakley" and "David Kawena"
- George Benavides
- rough inbetweener
- Michael Benet
- animator: "Stitch"
- Mitchell Bernal
- layout journeyman
- David Berthier
- animator: "Jumba"
- Rachel R. Bibb
- lead key clean-up animator: "Grand Councilwoman" (as Rachel Renee Bibb)
- Phyllis Bird
- painter
- Katherine Blackmore
- assistant clean-up animator: "Stitch"
- Travis Blaise
- animator: "Stitch"
- Robert Allen Blalock
- assistant visual effects animator (as Robert Blalock)
- Russell Blandino
- assistant paint supervisor
- Charles Bonifacio
- animator: "Jumba"
- Jason Boose
- animator: "Nani"
- Augusto Borges Bastos
- assistant clean-up animator: "Miscellaneous"
- Bolhem Bouchiba
- supervising animator: "Jumba"
- Philip S. Boyd
- clean-up supervisor / lead key clean-up animator: "Miscellaneous"
- David Braden
- 2D animation processing supervisor
- Rune Brandt Bennicke
- animator: "Pleakley" and "David Kawena"
- Russell Braun
- inbetweener: "Jumba"
- Todd Bright
- rough inbetweener
- Jeff Brown
- inbetweener: "Miscellaneous"
- Robert Bryan
- animator: "Nani" (as Bob Bryan)
- Scott A. Burroughs
- assistant clean-up animator: "Pleakley" and "David Kawena"
- Joey Calderon
- painter
- Ofra Afuta Calderon
- painter (as Ofra Afuta Naylor)
- Dominic M. Carola
- animator: "Cobra Bubbles" / lead animator: "Hula Teacher"
- Irma Cartaya-Torre
- color models supervisor
- Hortensia Casagran
- paint/final check supervisor (as Hortensia M. Casagran)
- Janice M. Caston
- painter
- Darko Cesar
- animator: "Lilo"
- Arden Chan
- layout supervisor
- Casey Clayton
- paint mark-up
- Caroline Clifford
- key assistant clean-up animator: "Lilo"
- Ron Cohee
- key assistant clean-up animator: "Lilo"
- Daniel Cohen
- animation check supervisor
- Sarah J. Cole
- 2D animation processor
- Beth Collins-Stegmaier
- animation editor
- Brad Condie
- rough inbetweener
- Frank R. Cordero
- breakdown artist: "Stitch"
- Robert O. Corley
- animator: "Stitch"
- Don Crum
- breakdown artist: "Miscellaneous"
- John Cunningham
- scene planning supervisor
- Sherrie Cuzzort
- painter
- Florida D'Ambrosio
- painter
- Lea Dahlen
- painter
- Dan Daly
- key assistant clean-up animator: "Stitch"
- Cheryl Davis
- color model stylist
- Antony de Fato
- assistant clean-up animator: "Captain Gantu" (as Antony De Fato)
- Ron DeFelice
- background journeyman
- Andreas Deja
- supervising animator: "Lilo"
- Peter J. DeLuca
- key assistant layout artist
- Tom Derosier
- breakdown artist: "Stitch" (as Tom de Rosier)
- Robert Dettloff
- painter
- Jeff Dickson
- layout journeyman
- Frank DiGregorio
- inbetweener: "Cobra Bubbles"
- Sasha Dorogov
- animator: "Stitch"
- Tom Dow
- key assistant layout artist
- Amy Drobeck
- assistant clean-up animator: "Lilo"
- James W. Elston
- breakdown artist: "Lilo"
- Sam Ewing
- lead key clean-up animator: "Stitch"
- Jeremy Falkowski
- inbetweener: "Captain Gantu"
- Xin-Lin Fan
- background journeyman
- Perry Farinola
- breakdown artist: "Stitch"
- Phyllis Fields
- assistant paint supervisor (as Phyllis Estelle Fields)
- Christine Lawrence Finney
- clean-up supervisor (as Christine Lawrence-Finney) / lead key clean-up animator: "Miscellaneous" (as Christine Lawrence-Finney)
- Trey Finney
- animator: "Lilo"
- Tom Fish
- lead key clean-up animator: "Nani"
- Michael Foley
- painter
- Cindy Ge
- rough inbetweener
- Steven Geer
- inbetweener: "Stitch"
- Patricia L. Gold
- paint mark-up
- Kent Gordon
- painter
- Daniel A. Gracey
- lead key clean-up animator: "Lilo"
- Craig Grasso
- layout journeyman (as Craig Anthony Grasso)
- Thomas Grealy
- scene planning pre-checker (as Tom Grealy)
- Christopher F. Greco
- background journeyman
- Debbie Green
- painter
- Vernette Griffee
- painter
- Jan Barley Gutowski
- animation checker
- John E. Hailey
- assistant clean-up animator: "Lilo" (as John O'Hailey)
- Andrew Edward Harkness
- layout journeyman
- James A. Harris
- key assistant clean-up animator: "Nani"
- Krista Heij
- rough inbetweener
- Mark Henn
- lead animator: "Hula Dancers"
- Andrew Hickson
- layout journeyman
- Gontran Hoarau
- rough inbetweener
- Bill Hodman
- key assistant layout artist
- Dave Holbrook
- inbetweener: "Nani" (as David Holbrook)
- Christopher Holland
- assistant scene planner
- Jacqueline Hooks
- animation checker (as Jacqueline Hooks-Winterlich)
- Byron Howard
- character designer / supervising animator: "Cobra Bubbles"
- Tom Humber
- layout journeyman
- John E. Hurst
- animator: "Nani" (as John Hurst)
- Roland Mechael B. Ilagan
- key assistant clean-up animator: "Nani"
- James Young Jackson
- lead animator: "Grand Councilwoman"
- Xiangyuan Jie
- background journeyman
- Phillip A. Jones
- breakdown artist: "Grand Councilwoman"
- Gayle Kanagy
- painter
- David Karp
- painter
- Angelika Katz
- painter (as Angelika R. Katz)
- Nicolas Keramidas
- rough inbetweener
- Misoon Kim
- painter
- Seung Beom Kim
- assistant clean-up animator: "Lilo"
- Sally-Anne King
- painter (as Sally King)
- Barry Kooser
- background journeyman (as Barry R. Kooser)
- Geraldine Kovats
- background journeyman
- Alex Kupershmidt
- supervising animator: "Stitch"
- Kenneth Landrum
- color model stylist (as Kenneth C. Landrum)
- Lisa G. Lanyon
- breakdown artist: "Lilo"
- Todd LaPlante
- animation checker
- Roberta Lee Borchardt
- paint mark-up
- Kukhee Lee
- painter
- Mi Yul Lee
- key assistant clean-up animator: "Jumba"
- Karan Lee-Storr
- registration
- Mary Lescher
- scene planner
- Kellie D. Lewis
- lead key clean-up animator: "Captain Gantu"
- Richard Carl Livingston
- layout journeyman
- Sean Luo
- breakdown artist: "Nani"
- Michael D. Lusby
- head final checker
- Norbert Maier
- assistant layout artist
- David Mar
- inbetweener: "Nani"
- Steve Mason
- animator: "Jumba"
- Tim Massa
- inbetweener: "Stitch"
- Barbara Massey
- background journeyman
- Vincent Massy
- layout journeyman (as Vincent Massy de la Chesneraye)
- Pamela Mathues
- key assistant clean-up animator: "Nani"
- Beth Ann McCoy
- painter (as Beth Ann McCoy-Gee)
- Paul McDonald
- rough inbetweener (as Paul N. McDonald)
- Teri McDonald
- painter (as Teri N. McDonald)
- Randall McFerren
- painter (as Randy L. McFerren)
- Sarah Mercey
- inbetweener: "Grand Councilwoman" (as Sarah Mercey-Boose)
- Kevin Micallef
- rough inbetweener
- Anthony Wayne Michaels
- animator: "Nani"
- Karrie Keuling Michaels
- color model mark-up / painting supervisor / registration supervisor
- Branko Mihanovic
- animator: "Lilo"
- Peter Moehrle
- background journeyman
- Deborah Mooneyham
- painter (as Deborah Jane Mooneyham)
- Albert Francis Moore
- assistant animation check supervisor
- Maurilio Morales
- key assistant clean-up animator: "Miscellaneous"
- Richard S. Morgan
- assistant clean-up animator: "Pleakley" and "David Kawena" (as Richard Scott Morgan)
- Phil Morris
- animator: "Lilo" (as Philip Morris)
- Monica Murdock
- lead key clean-up animator: "Jumba"
- Margarito Murillo
- painter
- David Murray
- background journeyman (as David W. Murray)
- Leigh Nelson
- 2D animation processor (as Leigh A. Nelson)
- David Nethery
- lead key clean-up animator: "Cobra Bubbles" (as David T. Nethery)
- David Nimitz
- painter
- Phil Noto
- assistant clean-up animator: "Miscellaneous"
- Karen Nugent
- painter (as Karen Lynne Nugent)
- Rosaleen O'Byrne
- animation checker
- Devon Oddone
- painter
- Eric Oliver
- painter
- Lisa Jeanne Padawer
- final checker (as Lisa Padawer Ratanasirintrawoot)
- Jason Peltz
- assistant clean-up animator: "Jumba"
- Catherine Peterson
- painter (as Catherine Mirkovich-Peterson)
- Jason Pichon
- inbetweener: "Jumba"
- John J. Pierro
- assistant clean-up animator: "Stitch" (as John Pierro)
- Barbara J. Poirier
- 2D animation processor
- Dolores Pope
- painter
- Linda Praamsma
- painter (as Rosalinde Praamsma)
- Kevin Proctor
- assistant layout artist
- Steve Quentin
- inbetweener: "Lilo"
- Teresa Quezada
- key assistant clean-up animator: "Pleakley" and "David Kawena" (as Teresita Quezada)
- Saskia Raevouri
- painter
- Bonnie Ramsey
- paint mark-up (as Bonnie A. Ramsey)
- Peter Raymundo
- breakdown artist: "Lilo"
- Yolanda Rearick
- painter
- Daniel Lawrence Riebold
- breakdown artist: "Pleakley" and "David Kawena"
- Lynn Rippberger
- color model mark-up (as Laura Lynn F. Rippberger) / painting supervisor (as Laura Lynn F. Rippberger) / registration supervisor (as Laura Lynn F. Rippberger)
- Stéphane Sainte-Foi
- supervising animator: "Nani"
- Chris Sanders
- character designer
- Carmen Sanderson
- painter
- Tony Santo
- inbetweener: "Stitch"
- Danny R. Santos
- inbetweener: "Lilo"
- Christine Schultz
- painter
- Carol Seidl
- animator: "Lilo"
- Armand Serrano
- layout journeyman
- Elsa Sesto
- breakdown artist: "Miscellaneous" (as Elsa Sesto-Vidal)
- Heidi Shellhorn
- painter (as Heidi Woodward Shellhorn)
- Jacqueline Shepherd
- inbetweener: "Stitch" (as Jacqueline M. Shepherd)
- Grace H. Shirado
- painter
- Debra Y. Siegel
- color model stylist (as Debra Yvonne Siegel)
- William T. Silvers Jr.
- background journeyman
- Andrew Simmons
- final checker
- Sherrie H. Sinclair
- key assistant clean-up animator: "Nani"
- Vincent Siracusano
- key assistant clean-up animator: "Miscellaneous"
- Lon Smart
- key assistant clean-up animator: "Captain Gantu"
- Bryan M. Sommer
- lead key clean-up animator: "Pleakley" and "David Kawena"
- Fumiko R. Sommer
- painter (as Fumiko Roche Sommer)
- Bob Spang
- rough inbetweener
- Kenneth Spirduso
- key assistant layout artist
- Tony Stanley
- animator: "Jumba"
- Robert E. Stanton
- background supervisor
- Paul Steele
- scene planner
- Rusty Stoll
- key assistant clean-up animator: "Lilo"
- S. Ann Sullivan
- painter
- Sean Sullivan
- background journeyman (as K. Sean Sullivan)
- Roxanne M. Taylor
- painter
- Myrian Ferron Tello
- paint mark-up
- Barry Temple
- animator: "Pleakley" and "David Kawena"
- Tami Terusa
- painter
- Chad Thompson
- inbetweener: "Lilo"
- Thomas Thorspecken
- key assistant clean-up animator: "Cobra Bubbles"
- Colleen Tomlinson
- 2D animation processor (as Colleen Elise Tomlinson)
- Kim Torpey
- key assistant clean-up animator: "Stitch"
- Christina Elaine Toth
- painter
- JC Tran-Quang-Thieu
- animator: "Nani"
- Patrick Tuorto
- breakdown artist: "Miscellaneous"
- Theodore Ty
- lead animator: "Captain Gantu" (as Theodore Anthony Lee Ty)
- Rosana Urbes
- assistant clean-up animator: "Nani"
- Britt Van der Nagel
- painter (as Britt-Marie Van Der Nagel)
- Raffaello Vecchione
- character sculptor
- Irma Velez
- assistant paint supervisor
- Charles R. Vollmer
- background journeyman
- Yer 'Za' Vue
- key assistant clean-up animator: "Jumba"
- Robert Walker
- layout artist (as Bob Walker)
- John R. Walsh
- key assistant clean-up animator: "Jumba"
- David Ying Guang Wang
- background journeyman
- Dan Wawrzaszek
- animator: "Pleakley" and "David Kawena" (as D.M. Wawrzaszek)
- John Webber
- animator: "Lilo"
- Ian White
- animator: "Stitch"
- Matt Whitlock
- inbetweener: "Miscellaneous"
- Ronnie Williford
- rough inbetweener
- Jaison Duell Wilson
- color model stylist
- Rowland B. Wilson
- painter
- Ginger Wolf
- assistant clean-up animator: "Jumba" (as Virginia Wolf Browning)
- Rebecca Wrigley
- breakdown artist: "Jumba"
- David Yorke
- background journeyman
- David W. Zach
- animator: "Pleakley" and "David Kawena"
- Arthur Zaslawski
- painter
- Ron Zeitler
- assistant clean-up animator: "Lilo"
- Tammy Zeitler
- assistant clean-up animator: "Nani" (as Tammy Daniel-Biske)
- Jane Zhao
- key assistant clean-up animator: "Pleakley" and "David Kawena"
- David J. Zywicki
- painter
- Laurie Ashbourne
- CAPS supervisor (uncredited)
- Sybil Cuzzort
- painter (uncredited)
- Doug Frankel
- "Stitch" (uncredited)
- Eric Koenig
- "Stitch" (uncredited)
- Helen O'Flynn
- animation checker (uncredited)
- Eddie Pittman
- clean-up artist (uncredited)
- Richard C. Trebus Jr.
- breakdown artist (uncredited)
- Mike Wiesmeier
- key assistant clean-up animator: "Nani" (uncredited)
- Samantha Youssef
- inbetween artist (uncredited)