- Mathieu Aerni
- digital compositor: The Orphanage
- Eric Algren
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Casey Allen
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Eric Almeras
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Terence Alvares
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Anuj Anand
- compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Toronto
- Joe Arnold
- motion tracking: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Jaume Arteman
- compositor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Jean-François Bachand
- digital effects supervisor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Montreal
- Henry Badgett
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Richard Baillie
- roto/prep artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Ioan Balcosi
- compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Toronto
- Dave Bannister
- compositor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Reuben Barkataki
- lead roto artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Elliot Baxter
- roto/prep artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Scott E. Baxter
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx (as Scott Baxter)
- Alex Bicknell
- visual effects supervisor
- Paul Birkett
- rotoscope: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Julian Blom
- roto/prep artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Ann-Marie Blommaert
- visual effects producer: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Vancouver
- Kathryn Bolt
- compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Vancouver
- Roger Bolton
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Landon Bootsma
- compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Vancouver
- Hayley Brazelton
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company (as Hayley Collins)
- Kris Brockman
- compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Toronto
- Jeff Bruneel
- compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Toronto
- Delphine Buratti
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Tom Burns
- technical support: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Toronto
- Mark Buschbacher
- production support: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Ivan Busquets
- compositor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- John Cairns
- compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Vancouver
- Clark Campbell
- assistant visual effects editor
- Warwick Campbell
- compositor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Nick Cannon
- technical support: The Moving Picture Company
- Chas Cash
- cg animation: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Det Chansamone
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Paul Chapman
- compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Vancouver
- Marco Checa Garcia
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company (as Marco Checa)
- Craig Clarke
- compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Vancouver
- Dug Claxton
- compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Toronto
- Emma Clifton
- roto/prep artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Brian Conlon
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Grant Connor
- compositor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Loraine Cooper
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Joshua Cordes
- digital artist: Hy*drau"lx
- Neil Culley
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Mark Curtis
- lead compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Matthew D'Angibau
- motion tracking: Cinesite Europe Ltd. (as Matt D'Angibau)
- Marie-Cecile Dahan
- visual effects producer: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Montreal
- Ken Dailey
- vfx producer: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Mike Diltz
- compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Toronto
- Pete Dionne
- 3d animator: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Vancouver
- Monette Dubin
- visual effects coordinator
- Laura Dubsky
- roto/prep artist: The Moving Picture Company
- R. Orlando Duenas
- visual effects editor (as Orlando Duenas)
- Erich Eder
- compositor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Andrew Edwards
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Paul Edwards
- vfx coordinator: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Mohsen Eletreby
- i/o manager: Hy*drau"lx
- Christopher Elke
- visual effects producer: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Vancouver
- Michael Elson
- executive producer: The Moving Picture Company
- Stephen Elson
- visual effects producer: Baseblack
- M.B. Emigh
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx (as MB Emigh)
- Shayne Farrier
- roto/prep artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Amy Felce
- motion tracking: Cinesite Europe Ltd. (as Amy Lloyd)
- Jose Fernández de Castro
- compositor: Cinesite Europe Ltd. (as Jose Fernandez)
- Marco Fiorani Parenzi
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Steven Flegel
- visual effects coordinator
- Andrew Fletcher
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Richard Fox
- roto/prep artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Ron Ganbar
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Jennifer German
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Vincent Goodsell
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Don Greenberg
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Elysia Greening
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Alex Guri
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Venetia Hadley
- rotoscope: Cinesite Europe Ltd. (as Venetia Penna)
- Robert Hall
- roto/prep artist: The Moving Picture Company
- John Hardwick
- lead compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Dan Harrod
- compositor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Josh Hatton
- digital artist: Hy*drau"lx
- Lionel Heath
- roto/prep artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Richard Helliwell
- roto/prep artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Sandro Henriques
- rotoscope: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Jeff Heusser
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Rob Hill
- roto/prep artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Martin Hobbs
- head of production: The Moving Picture Company
- Kay Hoddy
- digital artist: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Dark Hoffman
- matte painter: Hy*drau"lx
- Robin Hollander
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Gael Hollard
- compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Montreal
- Natalie Homewood
- motion tracking: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Garrett Honn
- roto/prep: Baseblack
- Uel Hormann
- digital effects supervisor: The Moving Picture Company
- Pete Howlett
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Marc Hutchings
- roto/prep artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Ryan Hutchings
- roto/prep artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Michael Illingworth
- compositor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Atsushi Imamura
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Chris Ingersoll
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Zave Jackson
- sequence supervisor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Allan Torp Jensen
- compositor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Scott Jepson
- software support: Hy*drau"lx
- Viv Jim
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Zack Judson
- digital artist: Hy*drau"lx
- Matt Kasmir
- compositor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Tom Kimberley
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Jamal Knight
- digital artist: Cinesite Europe Ltd. (as Jason Knight)
- Kate Knott
- motion tracking: Cinesite Europe Ltd. (as Kate Attwooll)
- Arek Komorowski
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Ryan Kuba
- visual effects coordinator: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Toronto
- Paul Kulikowski
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Bill Kunin
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Geneviève Labelle
- compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Montreal (as Genevieve Labelle)
- Emanuel LaFrance
- compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Montreal
- Yann Laliberte
- compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Montreal
- Serena Lam
- digital artist: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Phillip Lange
- compositor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Douglas Larmour
- lead compositor: The Moving Picture Company (as Doug Larmour)
- Claude Lauzon
- compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Montreal
- Kirsty Lawlor
- compositor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Christopher Learmonth
- production support: Cinesite Europe (as Chris Learmonth)
- Tracy Lefler
- visual effects producer: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Toronto
- Luke Letkey
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Brenda Levert
- executive producer: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Vancouver
- Erik Liles
- visual effects supervisor: Hy*drau"lx
- Pierson Lippard
- roto/prep: Baseblack
- Ryan Lorie
- digital artist: Hy*drau"lx
- Charlotte Loughnane
- visual effects production manager: The Moving Picture Company
- Vaibhav Marathe
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Dany McDonald
- visual effects coordinator: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Montreal
- Adam McInnes
- vfx supervisor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Scott McLain
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Alasdair McNeill
- roto/prep supervisor: The Moving Picture Company (as Alasdair McNeil)
- Paul McWilliams
- roto/prep artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Tony Meagher
- visual effects producer: Hy*drau"lx
- Scott Michelson
- executive producer: Hy*drau"lx
- Ellen E. Miki
- roto/prep artist: The Moving Picture Company (as Ellen Miki)
- Jon Miller
- motion tracking: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Humayun Mizra
- roto/prep artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Chris Moore
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Carlos Morales
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Daisuke Morita
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Raphael Mosley
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Victoria Mowlam
- visual effects coordinator: The Moving Picture Companyrob
- Ian Murphy
- compositor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Salima Needham
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Helen Newby
- sequence supervisor: Cinesite Europe
- Vinh Nguyen
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Jordan Nieuwland
- matte painter: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Toronto
- Shannon Noble
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Donal Nolan
- compositor: Baseblack
- Erik Nordby
- digital effects supervisor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Vancouver / lead compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Vancouver
- Sarah Norton
- compositor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Brian Nugent
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Sean O'Hara
- compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Toronto
- Martin Ofori
- compositor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Dylan Owen
- digital artist: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Rob Ozaeta
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx (as Robb Ozaeta)
- Clark Parkhurst
- assistant visual effects coordinator: Hy*drau"lx
- Chris Payne
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Russell Pearsall
- digital artist: Hy*drau"lx
- Ben Perrott
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company (as Benjamin Perrott)
- David Phillips
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company (as Dave Phillips)
- Ed Plant
- sequence supervisor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Tristan Porter
- compositor: Baseblack
- Glen Pratt
- compositor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Jeremy Price
- compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Vancouver
- Amir Qureshi
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Chris Radcliffe
- digital artist: Hy*drau"lx
- Gareth Repton
- roto/prep artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Persis Reynolds
- executive producer: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Toronto
- Michael Ridgwell
- rotoscope: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Gizmo Rivera
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Christian Roberton
- executive producer: The Moving Picture Company
- Becky Roberts
- roto/prep coordinator: The Moving Picture Company
- Aled Robinson
- visual effects editor: The Moving Picture Company
- James Russell
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Chris Ryan
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Ruben I. Salazar
- compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Toronto (as Ruben Salazar)
- Oliver Schafer-Davies
- compositor: Baseblack (as Oli Shafer Davies)
- Petra Schwane
- compositor: Baseblack
- Michele Sciolette
- production support: Cinesite Europe
- Candice Scott
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Jarmila Seflova
- compositor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Laura Sevilla
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- David Sewell
- compositor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Michael Shapcotte
- technical support: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Vancouver
- Mark Sherwood
- visual effects producer: The Moving Picture Company
- Tom Sinnott
- head of production: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Toronto
- David Sjodin
- compositor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- John Slattery
- compositor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Alex Smith
- compositor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Jason Snea
- compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Toronto
- Greg Souers
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Sarah Soulsby
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Katie Spinelli
- visual effects coordinator: Hy*drau"lx (as Katie Eyster)
- Richard Stay
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Kim Stevenson
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Sean Stranks
- digital effects supervisor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Toronto
- Colin Strause
- visual effects supervisor: Hy*drau"lx
- Dave Strause
- technical support: Hy*drau"lx (as David Strause)
- Greg Strause
- visual effects supervisor: Hy*drau"lx
- Linda Strause
- finance manager: Hy*drau"lx
- Giuseppe Tagliavini
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company (as Giusieppe Tagliavini)
- Hirofumi Takeda
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Kate Tarbard
- technical support: The Moving Picture Company
- David Thompson
- compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Toronto (as David C. Thompson)
- Shigeharu Tomotoshi
- digital artist: Hy*drau"lx
- Mark Tremble
- roto/prep artist: The Moving Picture Company (as Mark Tran-Tremble)
- Michael Trent
- assistant visual effects editor
- Tom Truscott
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Robert Tucker
- roto/prep: Baseblack
- Gert Van Dermeersch
- compositor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Sebastien Veilleux
- compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Montreal
- Giuliano Dionisio Vigano
- compositor: The Moving Picture Company (as Giuliano D. Vigano)
- Pat Wakefield
- compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Toronto
- Karen Wand
- compositor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Val Wardlaw
- vfx supervisor: Baseblack
- Ollie Weigall
- rotoscope: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Chris Wells
- digital artist: Hy*drau"lx
- Brent Whitmore
- compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Toronto
- Edson Williams
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Kirsty Wilson
- visual effects coordinator: The Moving Picture Company
- Michael T. Wilson
- assistant visual effects editor (as Michael Wilson)
- Sunny Wong
- compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Toronto
- Loeng Wong-Savun
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Jamie Wood
- compositor: Cinesite Europe Ltd.
- Noel Wright
- compositor: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Vancouver
- Benjamin J. Wylie
- 3d animator: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Vancouver
- Yoshiya Yamada
- digital artist: Hy*drau"lx
- Robert Yamamoto
- photo effects producer (as Rob Yamamoto)
- Matt Yeoman
- data wrangler: Technicolor Creative Services VFX Vancouver
- Mattaniah Yip
- compositor: Hy*drau"lx
- Lucy Ainsworth-Taylor
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Paul Alexiou
- visual effects film editorial: MPC (uncredited)
- Andrew Bardusk
- visual effects: Chains (uncredited)
- Tim Barter
- roto/prep artist (uncredited)
- Keith Barton
- production support: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Allen Battino
- matte artist (uncredited)
- Paul Bellany
- compositor (uncredited)
- Matthew Benns
- systems support (uncredited)
- Matthew Bristowe
- digital lab producer: MPC (uncredited)
- Stuart Bullen
- roto/prep artist (uncredited)
- Kevin Campbell
- technical manager (uncredited)
- Helen Clare
- data operator (uncredited)
- Grant Connor
- inferno artist (uncredited)
- Eric Deinzer
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Amit Desai
- render wrangler (uncredited)
- Victor DiMichina
- digital imaging supervisor (uncredited)
- Martyn Drake
- systems: MPC (uncredited)
- Oliver Faldo
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Patrick Flanagan
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Matt Foster
- roto/prep artist (uncredited)
- Brent Gilmartin
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Julian Gnass
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Jim Gorman
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Greg Groenekamp
- senior compositor (uncredited)
- Brian Hanable
- digital effects compositor: Pacific Title (uncredited)
- Chris Hopkins
- digital compositor: 11:11 MediaWorks (uncredited)
- Bonnie Kanner
- visual effects executive producer: Pixel Magic (uncredited)
- Per Karefelt
- r&d support: Baseblack (uncredited)
- John Kozak
- r&d support: Baseblack (uncredited)
- Richard Kratt
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Adrian Lee
- data operative/render wrangler: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Steven Lloyd
- senior compositor: Pixel Magic (uncredited)
- Begoña Lopez
- digital lab producer: MPC (uncredited)
- Daniel Lowenberg
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Tom Martinez Jr.
- rotoscoping artist (uncredited)
- John R. McConnell
- 2d compositor: Pixel Magic (uncredited)
- Marlin McGlone
- data operative (uncredited)
- Ray McIntyre Jr.
- visual effects supervisor: Pixel Magic (uncredited)
- Brad Moylan
- digital compositor: Pixel Magic (uncredited)
- Ryan Mullany
- roto artist (uncredited)
- Roger Nall
- digital effects artist (uncredited)
- Guy Nesfield
- digital i/o (uncredited)
- Jim O'Hagan
- digital compositor: Pacific Title (uncredited)
- Reid Paul
- senior digital effects supervisor: Pixel Magic (uncredited)
- Laurel Schneider
- coordinator: Moving Picture Co. (uncredited)
- David Scott
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Neil W. Smith
- visual effects dailies screenings: Hollywood-DI (uncredited)
- Antonio Torres
- digital artist: Pacific Title (uncredited)
- Paul Vorsman
- compositor (uncredited)
- Dan Warder
- data operator (uncredited)
- Thom Wickes
- render/data wrangler: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Stephen Wilson
- compositor: Hydraulx (uncredited)
- Oliver Winwood
- assistant digital resource manager: MPC (uncredited)
- Aviv Yaron
- 2D technical director: Cinesite (uncredited)