- Dave Adams
- digital artist
- Ivy Agregan
- visual effects manager
- Victor Aguirre
- facilities production assistant: Digital Domain
- Stephanie Allen
- visual effects producer
- Holly Almaguer
- digital artist: lighting (as Holly Kim)
- Mike Amron
- digital artist
- Elaine C. Andrianos
- visual effects editor (as Elaine Andrianos)
- Michael Backauskas
- visual effects editor
- Bill Houston Ball
- cg animator (as William Ball)
- Bron Barry
- visual effects production assistant
- Travis Baumann
- inferno artist: Cinesite
- Kathy Baur
- digital painter
- Jamie Baxter
- digital compositor
- Judith Bell
- digital artist
- Elissa Bello
- digital painter
- Javier Bello
- lighter
- Nancy Bihary-Fiske
- digital painter
- Brandon Bloch
- digital painter
- Beth Block
- digital compositor
- David J. Blumenfeld
- character technical director
- Greg M. Boettcher
- visual effects
- Mark Bollinger
- visual effects coordinator: Hydraulx
- David E. Bonnell
- scanning supervisor
- Alette Boyce
- digital compositor
- Kit Boyce
- digital paint
- Tim Brandt
- visual effects technology
- Edo Brizio
- visual effects colorist (as Edoardo Brizio)
- Randy Brown
- digital compositor
- Eric Bryan
- character illumination
- Benjamin Bryant
- visual effects technology
- Brian Burks
- digital artist
- Erik Burns
- shot set-up
- Jeremy Burns
- digital compositor
- Gayle Busby
- visual effects production supervisor
- Jeremy F. Butler
- cg animator
- Katy Calbreath
- I/O coordinator
- D. Walt Cameron
- digital compositor / visual effects
- Cari Chadwick
- digital artist
- Ernest Chan
- effects assistant animator
- Kate Choi
- lead lighter
- Stephen Christian
- effects animator
- Benjamin Cinelli
- computer animator / senior animator
- Dan Cobbett
- digital compositor
- Daniele Colajacomo
- visual effects supervisor: 3DSite
- Chad E. Collier
- scanning and recording operator: Digital Domain
- Craig Crawford
- rotoscope artist: Warner Bros Feature Animation
- David Crawford
- compositor
- Steve Cummings
- cg animator
- Shad Davis
- visual effects coordinator
- Chris Dawson
- digital effects artist
- Stecie De La Rosa
- shot set-up
- Lorenzo Del Bianco
- effects assist uncredited
- Del DePierro
- visual effects match mover / visual effects
- Bryan Devereaux
- digital artist: Digital Domain
- Thomas R. Dickens
- supervising lead modeler and designer: Warner Brothers
- Carsten Dietz
- inferno artist: Hydraulx
- Hugo Dominguez
- lead rotoscope artist: WB Feature Animation
- Jason Doss
- 3D integration lead: Digital Do
- Adam Dotson
- cg animator
- Scott Edelstein
- 3D Integration supervisor: Digital Domain
- Curtis Edwards
- production tracking supervisor
- Jonathan Egstad
- associate visual effects supervisor: Digital Domain
- Leif Einarsson
- lead effects artist
- Clint Eland
- digital paint supervisor
- Christian Evans
- visual effects supervisor
- Patrick Flanagan
- digital compositor
- Tyler Foell
- digital effects supervisor / visual effects producer
- Karl Fornander
- digital effects artist (as Karl Fornander)
- David E. Franks
- digital effects artist
- Thor Freudenthal
- visual effects producer
- Mathias Frodin
- digital compositor: Warner Brothers
- Derry Frost
- director of production: Amalgamated Pixels
- Jamieson Fry
- digital artist: Digital Domain
- Michael Fuchs
- model maker
- Erik Gamache
- sequence lead
- Shannon Blake Gans
- visual effects executive producer: New Deal Studios Inc.
- Rachel Wyn Garcia-Dunn
- digital compositor (as Rachel Wyn Dunn)
- P. Whitney Gearin
- visual effects technology
- Kathryn Gilmore
- character illumination (as Kathy Gilmore)
- Tanya Gilmore
- character illumination
- Staci Gleed
- digital painter
- Alma Glick
- character illumination
- Steve Graves
- digital artist: Digital Domain
- Leonard F.W. Green
- lighting/comp technical director
- Ron Gress
- digital matte painter
- Brian Gyss
- render wrangler: WBFA
- Jerry Hall
- digital artist
- Clark Harding
- visual production assistant
- Mike Hardison
- cg supervisor: Pixel Magic
- Charity Hathcock
- character illumination
- James Hathcock
- digital supervisor
- James David Hattin
- 2D technical director: Pixel Magic / digital artist (as James D. Hattin)
- Lance Randall Hayashida
- digital painter
- Kent Hayward
- production assistant: model crew, New Deal Studios
- Corey Hels
- digital effects artist
- Linda Henry
- digital compositor
- Tulio Hernandez
- visual effects supervisor
- Earl A. Hibbert
- effects supervisor
- Glenn M. Higa
- character illumination (as Glenn Higa)
- Younghee Higa
- character illumination
- Jason Hill
- digital compositor
- Jim Hillin
- lighting supervisor
- Dark Hoffman
- digital artist
- Timothy Hoffman
- digital artist
- Douglas S. Holgate
- aerial director of photography: visual effects unit
- Marty Holthaus
- tech services: Digital Domain
- Ian Hunter
- visual effects supervisor: New Deal Studios Inc.
- Roger Huynh
- assistant digital artist
- Katherine Ipjian
- visual effects
- Todd Isroelit
- visual effects producer: Digital Domain
- Leigh-Alexandra Jacob
- model painter
- Wendy Jacobsmeyer
- digital painter/compositor
- Jongo
- digital artist
- Rimas Juchnevicius
- digital compositor
- Jeffrey Kalmus
- color timing supervisor
- Michael Kanfer
- animation / visual effects supervisor: animation (as Michael D. Kanfer)
- Bonnie Kanner
- visual effects executive producer: Pixel Magic
- John Karner
- digital artist
- Brooke Keesling
- visual effects: New Deal Studios
- Steven Kellams
- effects animator
- Misoon Kim
- character illumination
- Darren Kiner
- lighting supervisor
- Kevin Kipper
- digital artist
- Laurel Klick
- roto and rig removal
- Anne Putnam Kolbe
- visual effects producer (as Anne Kolbe)
- Joshua I. Kolden
- technical director
- Maria Konwicka
- character illumination
- David Krause
- hardware technician / system administrator
- Brad Kuehn
- visual effects supervisor: animation
- Bill Kunin
- lead Inferno artist
- Christopher Lance
- compositing artist
- Kim Lavery
- bidding producer: visual effects
- Mike Leben
- motion control operator
- Kelvin Lee
- lead animator
- Bonnie Lemon
- visual effects coordinator
- Didier Levy
- cg supervisor
- Jeff Lew
- CG animation consultant: Warner Brothers Feature Animation
- Erik Liles
- lead Inferno artist
- Sophia Lo
- digital rotoscoper: Cinesite
- Carl Loeffler
- visual effects technology
- Andrea Losch
- digital artist: lighting
- Anthony Mabin
- visual effects compositing supervisor: animation
- Brandon MacDougall
- digital artist
- Louis Mackall
- lead Inferno artist
- Clint Madrid
- digital paint supervisor
- Richard Matsushita
- lighting/comp technical director
- Hiram Ramos Maxemin
- animator
- Samantha McGovern
- digital compositor (as Samantha McGee)
- Ray McIntyre Jr.
- visual effects supervisor: Pixel Magic
- Tony Meagher
- visual effects producer
- Jason Meier
- effects animator
- Rob Meyers
- visual effects
- Scott Michelson
- visual effects executive producer
- Michael Morreale
- executive producer: Amalgamated Pixels Inc.
- Bo Mosley
- CGI modeler: Digital Domain
- Laura Murillo
- rotoscope artist
- Colleen Murphy
- cg coordinator
- Patrick Murphy
- digital compositor
- Terry Naas
- visual effects artist
- Lori J. Nelson
- visual effects producer: animation
- Duy Tan Nguyen
- digital effects artist
- Thanh Nguyen
- CG animator / CG modeler
- Tony Noel
- digital compositor
- January Nordman
- assistant digital artist
- Peter Nye
- CG modeler
- Helen O'Flynn
- lumination specialist checker
- Jeremy Oddo
- visual effects
- Felix Ojeda
- digital effects artist
- Caleb Owens
- digital artist
- Carrie Owens
- technical director
- Phillip Palousek
- visual effects coordinator: Amalgamated Pixels Inc.
- Eric Pascarelli
- motion control cameraman
- Edie Paul
- rotoscope supervisor
- Reid Paul
- digital compositing supervisor
- Chris Paxson
- motion control technician
- Chris Payne
- compositor
- Joaquin Pecheur
- technical
- Lou Pecora
- lead digital compositor
- Edward P. Pedersen
- visual effects coordinator
- Patrick Perez
- digital artist
- Brian Peyatt
- digital production manager
- Phil Pham
- digital compositor: 3DSite
- Jason Piccioni
- visual effects compositing supervisor: animation
- Matt J. Popham
- visual effects technology
- Shane Prigmore
- animator
- Siobhan Prior
- assistant visual effects editor
- Tim Pyle
- visual effects compositing supervisor / visual effects
- Janet Quen
- digital effects compositor
- A.J. Raitano
- visual effects assistant camera
- Becca Ramos
- character illumination
- Gabrielle Barrere Robinson
- visual effects coordinator
- Chad Roen
- digital artist
- Andrew Romine
- digital artist: Pixel Magic
- Neil Rubenstein
- cg animator
- Heather MacPhee Ryan
- digital painter: Warner Bros Feature Animation (as Heather MacPhee)
- David Sanger
- producer: New Deal Studios
- Dave Sarbell
- digital effects artist
- Olivier Sarda
- senior digital compositor
- Todd Sarsfield
- digital color grader
- Casey Schatz
- previsualization artist
- Scott Schneider
- miniature crew chief
- Christy Schuler
- Inferno artist: Hydraulx
- Robert Scopinich
- digital compositor
- Gregory S. Scribner
- digital artist
- Steven Seed
- senior systems administrator
- Som Shankar
- 3D integration artist
- Wayne A. Shepherd
- digital compositor: At The Post
- Edwin Shortess
- lighting technical director / lumination specialist checker
- Brian Shows
- digital intermediate supervisor
- Craig Shumard
- motion control technician
- Ilyse Shuster
- visual effects coordinator
- Dale A. Smith
- previsualization (as Dale Smith)
- Karen Smith
- visual effects artist
- Myoung Smith
- assistant digital artist
- Neal Sopata
- digital artist
- John Sore
- effects assistant animator / visual effects producer
- Donny Sorvala
- effects animator / visual effects supervisor
- Jenny Spamer
- visual effects coordinator (as Jenny Spamer Harris)
- Tess Spaulding
- system administrator
- Eric Stanton
- effects animator
- Van Starling
- visual effects assistant production manager
- Jessica Stebbins
- visual effects technology (as Jessica Noll)
- Colin Strause
- 3D technical supervisor: Hydraulx
- Greg Strause
- visual effects supervisor: Hydraulx
- Rina Strause
- 3d supervisor
- Scott Suess
- digital artist: lighting
- Nick Swartz
- tape operator
- Osamu Takehiro
- digital artist
- Wilson Tang
- digital restoration
- Bryan Taylor
- visual effects artist
- Michael Teperson
- cg animator
- Shigeharu Tomotoshi
- visual effects
- Tanya Trydahl
- character illumination
- Joe Tseng
- digital artist: lighting
- Dan Turner
- visual effects supervisor: Yowza
- Devin Uzan
- digital compositor
- Paul Van Camp
- CG pipeline supervisor
- Juan Carlos Vargas
- digital artist (as Juan Vargas)
- Freddie Vaziri
- compositor
- Clint Wallace
- computer previsualization
- Richard Wardlow
- technical director: Digital Domain
- James Waterhouse
- model crew chief
- Chris Watts
- visual effects supervisor
- Jerry Weil
- digital effects artist
- Elke Weiss
- visual effects artist
- Chris Wells
- 3d artist
- Blaine Whitney
- visual effects production manager
- Vernon R. Wilbert Jr.
- cg supervisor: Digital Domain
- Edson Williams
- inferno artist: Hydraulx
- Paul Winze
- visual effects post production
- David J. Witters
- computer graphics supervisor
- Yoshiya Yamada
- modeling supervisor
- Shin-Yee Yau
- digital artist
- Sunny Ye
- shot set-up
- Genevieve Yee
- cg animator
- Tonia Young
- shot set-up
- Joseph A. Zaki
- digital compositor: Warner Brothers Feature Animation (as Joseph Zaki)
- Janet M. Zoll
- digital painter
- Randy Bosh
- digital archivist: New Deal Studios (uncredited)
- James Cocks
- apprentice model maker (uncredited)
- Nick Craven
- cg animator (uncredited)
- Ivan DeWolf
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Jim Hillin
- technical director supervisor (uncredited)
- Jason Hughes
- facilities production assistant: Digital Domain (uncredited)
- Jeremy Hunt
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Brian Openshaw
- render coordinator (uncredited)
- Eliza Pelham Randall
- visual effects executive producer: Hydraulx (uncredited)
- Mark Robben
- digital compositor: At The Post (uncredited)
- Jeff W. Smith
- matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Kevin Struckman
- cg artist (uncredited)
- Scott Tessier
- digital artist: Digital Domain (uncredited)