- Kimberly Adams
- visual effects coordinator (as Kim Jorgensen)
- Blondel Aidoo
- executive visual effects producer
- Matt Appleton
- miniatures crew
- Joakim Arnesson
- computer graphics supervisor: ILM
- Rebecca Asquith
- senior model maker: Weta Workshop
- Jean-Luc Azzis
- Inferno artist: Asylum
- Katharine Baird
- digital paint: ILM / rotoscope artist: ILM
- Bill Barr
- stage technician: ILM
- Tom Barrett
- visual effects editor
- Andy Barrios
- inferno artist: ASYLUM
- John Baster
- miniatures crew
- Jimmy Batchelder
- night operations: Asylum (as Jim Batchelder)
- Daniel Becerra
- rotoscope artist: Asylum
- Kathleen Beeler
- digital compositor: ILM
- Elissa Bello
- digital artist
- Jil-Sheree Bergin
- visual effects coordinator
- Kelly Bergougnoux
- engineering and tech support: Asylum
- Andrea Biklian
- negative preparation: ILM
- Tim Bird
- inferno artist: Asylum (as Tim Bird)
- Christopher Bonnstetter
- 3D technician: Asylum (as Chris 'Pink' Bonnstetter)
- Robert Bourgeault
- cg artist: Asylum FX
- Bridget Bourke
- line producer: Weta Workshop
- Jason Brackett
- practical effects: ILM
- Phil Brennan
- supervising compositing/lead artist: Asylum
- Brooke Breton
- supervising visual effects producer
- Melissa Brockman
- visual effects production supervisor
- Bela Brozsek
- digital effects artist
- Shannan Burkley
- matte painter
- Anthony Butler
- stage production coordinator: ILM
- Timothy Michael Cairns
- quality control supervisor: Efilm/Panavision
- Michaela Calanchini
- digital paint: ILM / rotoscope artist: ILM
- Scott Camera-Smith
- production engineering
- Colin Campbell
- digital compositor
- Derrick Carlin
- 3D camera matchmove artist: ILM
- Ozzie Carmona
- digital artist
- Kathy Chasen-Hay
- visual effects producer: Asylum
- Grace Cheney
- digital paint: ILM / rotoscope artist: ILM
- Patrick Clancey
- digital opticals
- Timothy Clark
- matte painter
- Robbie Clot
- practical effects: ILM
- Grady Cofer
- lead sabre artist: ILM
- Zachary Cole
- digital artist
- Rafael Colon
- digital compositor: ILM
- Brian Connor
- digital compositor: ILM
- Michael Conte
- digital compositor: ILM
- Caitlin Content
- sabre artist: ILM
- Jay Cooper
- compositing sequence supervisor: ILM
- Don Crawford
- digital compositor: ILM
- Julie Creighton
- visual effects coordinator
- Brandon Criswell
- rotoscope/shake compositor: Asylum
- Brice Criswell
- research and development: ILM
- Lee Croft
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: ILM
- Steve Curd
- computer systems support: ILM
- Gail Currey
- senior staff: ILM
- Brian Cuscino
- i/o technician: Asylum
- Michael Degtjarewsky
- digital compositor: Pacific Title
- Chetan Deshmukh
- technical director / visual effects
- Jeff Doran
- compositing supervisor: ILM
- Mitchell S. Drain
- visual effects supervisor
- Richard Ducker
- digital compositor: ILM
- Nika Dunne
- digital paint and roto artist: ILM
- Travis Dutch
- scanning and recording
- Michael Eaves
- digital intermediate colorist: EFilm
- David Ebner
- digital effects supervisor: CafeFX
- Christopher Edwards
- operations manager: EFILM (as Chris Edwards)
- Sam Edwards
- digital compositor
- John Ellis
- senior staff: ILM
- Helen Elswit
- visual effects producer
- Leandro Estebecorena
- computer graphics artist: ILM (as Leanard Estebecorena)
- Bill Eyler
- digital compositor: ILM
- Stefen Fangmeier
- production visual effects supervisor
- Mitchell Ferm
- senior visual effects coordinator
- Michael Sean Foley
- master lighting artist
- Andy Foster
- production coordinator: Asylum (as Andrew Foster)
- Adam Frazier
- i/o technician: Asylum
- Mark Freund
- visual effects supervisor: Pacific Title
- Julia Frey
- visual effects producer: Galapagos sequence
- David Fuhrer
- digital artist: ILM
- Joe Fulmer
- practical effects: ILM
- David Gainey
- matchmover: ILM
- Ryan Galloway
- digital artist
- Vicki Galloway-Weimer
- visual effects executive producer: CafeFX (as Vicki Galloway Weimer)
- Dawn Gates
- digital roto/paint artist: ILM
- Brian Gee
- technical director
- Richard Gentner
- digital imaging operator
- Tim Gibbons
- digital compositor
- Greg Gilmore
- sabre artist: ILM
- Paul Graff
- digital compositor
- Michael Grealish
- miniatures crew
- Orin Green
- sabre artist
- Ben Grossmann
- digital compositor
- Paul Grossmann
- digital compositor: CafeFX
- Matthew Hackett
- cg animator: Asylum
- Brian Hanable
- digital effects compositor: Pacific Title
- Jeff Hatchel
- digital artist
- Monika Hawkins
- visual effects accountant: Asylum
- Steven Hawkins
- i/o technician: Asylum (as Steve Hawkins)
- Maureen Healy
- digital compositor: Pacific Title
- Pablo Helman
- visual effects supervisor: ILM
- Michael Hemschoot
- lead animator
- Geoff Heron
- practical effects supervisor: ILM
- Clark Higgins
- VTR operator: ILM
- Robert Hill
- first assistant camera operator: ILM
- Shawn Hillier
- compositor: ILM
- Sherry Hitch
- digital compositor: ILM
- Phillip Hoffman
- visual effects coordinator: Pacific Title
- Robert Hoffmeister
- digital compositor: ILM
- Larry Hoki
- projectionist: ILM
- Ron Honn
- visual effects coordinator: CafeFX
- Tommy Hooper
- digital color timer: Asylum
- Stephanie Hornish
- visual effects producer: ILM
- David Horsley
- computer graphics supervisor
- Adam Howard
- sabre artist: ILM
- Heather Hoyland
- digital compositor: ILM
- Peg Hunter
- digital compositor: ILM
- Jen Hutchinson
- production accountant
- Nancy Hyland
- digital compositor
- Erich Ippen
- digital compositor: ILM
- Eddie Isho
- digital plate store restoration artist: ILM
- Alex Jaeger
- animatics compositor: ILM (as Alex Jeager)
- Sarahjane Javelo
- digital restoration artist: ILM
- Ian Jenkins
- matchmove artist: ILM
- Darren Jones
- digital imaging engineer
- Randy Jonsson
- matchmover: ILM
- Zach Justman
- visual effects editor: Asylum
- Brad Kalinoski
- digital compositor
- Kristopher Kasper
- visual effects editor: Asylum
- Patrick Keenan
- digital compositor: Pacific Title Digital
- Joe Ken
- inferno artist: Asylum
- Paul Kirwan
- digital compositor
- Mathew Lamb
- visual effects artist
- Bill Laverty
- engineering & tech support: Asylum
- Jennifer Law-Stump
- digital effects artist: Pacific Title Digital
- Erik Lee
- cg animator
- James Do Young Lee
- rotoscope artist: Asylum (as James Lee)
- Jack Lewars
- digital colorist: Efilm
- Michael Logan
- sabre artist: ILM
- David Lombardi
- digital effects artist
- Luke Longin
- 3D matchmove: ILM
- Mark Alan Loso
- compositor
- Tom Lynnes
- 3D technician: Asylum
- Jules Mann
- art director: ILM
- Tom Martinek
- senior digital effects artist: ILM
- Marcel Martinez
- digital compositor
- Ray Massa
- miniatures crew
- Richard Matthews
- first assistant director: nz miniatures, Weta workshop
- Paul Maurice
- boats scanning and modeling: Lidar Services
- Kevin May
- sabre artist
- Jake Maymudes
- digital artist
- Molly McCourt
- video engineering: ILM
- Will McCoy
- digital compositor: ILM
- Jason McDade
- pre-visualisation artist
- Emma McGuinness
- visual effects executive producer: Asylum
- Nathan McGuinness
- visual effects supervisor
- Rich McKay
- digital plate restoration artist: ILM
- Ryan Meredith
- assistant visual effects editor
- Matthew Merkovich
- digital artist: Tracking (as Matt Merkovich)
- Joseph Metten
- digital effects artist: ILM
- Todd Mitchell
- film recording engineer: ILM
- Robert Moggach
- digital compositor: asylum visual effects (as Rob Moggach)
- Terry Molatore
- viewpaint artist: ILM
- Steve Molin
- CG artist: ILM (as Steven Molin)
- Jack Mongovan
- digital paint & rotoscope artist: ILM (as Jake Mongovan)
- Rodney Montague
- visual effects producer
- Carlos Morales
- inferno artist
- Sébastien Moreau
- inferno compositor: ILM
- Tim Morgan
- stage technician: ILM
- Jim Morris
- senior staff: ILM
- Danny Morrow
- 3D matchmove: ILM
- Bo Mosley
- CGI modeler: Asylum VFX
- Michelle Motta
- digital paint & rotoscope artist
- Kenn Moynihan
- projectionist: ILM
- Darcie Muangman
- visual effects coordinator: Asylum (as Darcie Tang)
- Steve Muangman
- inferno artist
- Michael Muir
- digital artist: ILM
- Gayle Munro
- miniatures production supervisor
- Patrick Neary
- digital effects artist
- Jessica O'Keefe
- visual effects production assistant (as Jessica Gerstenzang)
- Michael Olague
- visual effects gaffer
- Jeff Olson
- visual effects producer: ILM
- Alex G. Ortoll
- visual effects artist: Asylum
- Mayur Patel
- digital effects artist
- Perri Pecora
- Inferno artist: Asylum
- Patrick Phillips
- digital compositor: Pacific Title
- Chris Pinto
- digital plate restoration artist
- Anthony Pitone
- visual effects editor: ILM (as Tony Pitone)
- Evan Pontoriero
- pre-visualization artist
- Michael Porterfield
- Inferno artist: Asylum
- Kevin Prendiville
- compositing supervisor
- Chuck Ray
- stage technician: ILM
- Mark P. Renton
- digital artist
- Jay Robinson
- Inferno artist: Asylum
- Lee Robinson
- rotoscope artist
- Corey Rosen
- lead creature technical director: ILM
- Martin Rosenberg
- visual effects director of photography: ILM
- Greg Roth
- visual effects senior accountant: Asylum
- Gregory Salter
- digital artist: compositing: ILM
- David Santiago
- senior technical director
- Kosta Saric
- visual effects editor: Asylum Visual Effects
- Eric Schafer
- research and development: ILM
- Gunther Schatz
- lead visual effects artist
- Frederic Schmidt
- digital effects artist
- Candice Scott
- inferno artist: Asylum
- Steven J. Scott
- digital intermediate colorist: title sequence, EFilm
- Jamie Selkirk
- producer: boats miniatures sequences, Weta Workshop
- Jerry Sells
- digital compositor: ILM
- Ira Shain
- cg artist
- Amy Shepard
- lead rotoscope artist
- Dave Sidley
- 3D matchmove: ILM (as David Sidley)
- Ken Sjogren
- digital compositor
- Colum Slevin
- senior staff: ILM
- Douglas James Smith
- senior technical director
- Hilary Sperling Stauffer
- inferno artist: Asylum (as Hilary Sperling)
- Brian Stempel
- computer systems support: ILM
- Jonathan Stone
- visual effects producer: Computercafe
- Robert Stromberg
- visual effects designer
- Frank Strzalkowski
- stage technician: ILM
- Greg Stuhl
- lead modeller: Asylum Visual Effects
- Russ Sueyoshi
- digital compositor
- Jeff Sutherland
- digital compositor
- Chris Taft
- digital services coordinator: Efilm
- Frank W. Tarantino
- practical effects: ILM
- Stephanie Taubert
- digital plate restoration: ILM
- Bridget M. Taylor
- digital artist: Asylum Visual Effects
- Chad Taylor
- sabre artist: ILM
- Dale Taylor
- visual effects coordinator: ILM
- Jessica Teach
- production assistant: ILM
- Paul Theren
- digital modeler: ILM
- Joel H. Thornton
- digital artist
- Alex Tropiec Jr.
- sabre artist: ILM
- Guerdon Trueblood
- digital compositor: ILM
- Hans Uhlig
- computer graphics supervisor: ILM
- Brian Van't Hul
- miniatures crew leader: Weta Workshop
- Marc Varisco
- visual effects supervisor
- Bruce Vecchitto
- digital color timer: ILM
- Paul Vega
- visual effects assistant editor
- Pascale Ville
- digital compositor
- Talmage Watson
- matchmove supervisor
- Susan M. Weeks
- digital compositor
- Jeff Werner
- visual effects producer
- Ken Wesley
- computer graphics artist: ILM
- Bob Wiatr
- digital compositor: Pacific Title
- Ronnie E. Williams Jr.
- lead compositor
- Gordon T. Wittmann
- visual effects coordinator: ILM
- Jeff Wozniak
- digital compositor: ILM
- Kris Wright
- visual effects production assistant: ILM (as Kristopher Wright)
- Yuichiro Yamashita
- cg animator
- Melva Young
- computer graphics artist: ILM
- Dean Yurke
- digital artist
- Heidi Zabit
- digital artist
- Patrick Zentis
- digital compositor: Digital Backlot
- Tom Zils
- digital compositor: ILM (as Thomas Zils)
- Rita E. Zimmerman
- sabre artist: ILM
- Jeff Barnes
- executive producer: CafeFX (uncredited)
- Joel Behrens
- visual effects: Asylum (uncredited)
- Danny Braet
- digital effects artist: Computer Cafe (uncredited)
- Felicia Faden
- matte painter (uncredited)
- John Fragomeni
- visual effects supervisor (uncredited)
- Trevor Hazel
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Lloyd Hess
- technical support (uncredited)
- W. Regan McGee
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Toby Newell
- rotoscope artist (uncredited)
- George Sakellariou
- production engineering: ILM (uncredited)