- Olivia Adams
- art department assistant technical director
- Brian Adler
- executive producer: Gentle Giant Studiosg
- Ryan Andersen
- visual effects editor: shade vfx
- Jeff Atherton
- visual effects producer: Hydraulx
- Mark Anthony Austin
- previsualization artist: Third Floor (as Mark Austin)
- Charles Baden
- compositor
- Karina Benesh
- production coordinator
- Andres Berkstein
- lead td
- Jourdan Biziou
- previsualization artist The Third Floor
- David Bohorquez
- previsualization artist The Third Floor
- Neal Bradshaw
- 3d scan technician: Gentle Giant Studios
- Tony Cabrera
- previsualization artist The Third Floor
- Nicolas Cadorette Vigneau
- visual effects supervisor
- John Caldwell
- previsualization editor The Third Floor
- Trenton Cassamalli
- digital artist: texture artist
- Jeffrey Chan
- digital compositor: Soho VFX
- Cj Cole
- visual effects coordinator: Hydraulx
- Nolan Conrad
- compositor
- Jason Cooper
- vfx editor
- Marlis Coto
- digital compositor
- Karl Coyner
- digital effects supervisor: shade vfx
- Colin Cromwell
- previsualization artist The Third Floor
- Cory Darough-Hardekopf
- digital modeler
- Eric Digilov
- previsualization artist The Third Floor
- Nadav Ehrlich
- animation supervisor: Soho VFX
- Jordan Emerick
- previsualization artist The Third Floor
- Nathan Englbrecht
- digital lighting artist
- John Fielding
- previsualization artist The Third Floor
- Michael Gaiser
- visual effects artist
- Pätrick Gehlen
- previsualization artist The Third Floor
- Nick Ghizas
- visual effects coordinator
- Bryan Godwin
- visual effects supervisor: shade vfx
- Trevor Goring
- Storyboard Artist the Third Floor
- Matt Hansen
- visual effects artist
- Daniel Heder
- previsualization artist The Third Floor
- Stewart Hendler
- visual effects
- Amanda Hollingworth
- digital compositor
- Beau Janzen
- visual effects artist: Shade VFX
- Hanjoo Jeong
- senior dynamic artist
- Tyler Jones
- modeler: Hydraulx
- Sean Kalra
- compositor
- Harimander Singh Khalsa
- compositing supervisor: shade vfx
- Filip Kicev
- 3d artist
- Shira Mandel Kluger
- compositor (as Shira Mandel)
- Allie Koppel
- previsualization accountant The Third Floor
- Leanna Kruse
- visual effects coordinator: Soho VFX
- Caroline Labrie
- animator
- Sun Lee
- senior matte painter: Hydraulx
- Paul Lemeshko
- vfx technical director
- Michael D. Leone
- vfx producer
- George Longo
- previsualization artist The Third Floor
- Xi Luo
- digital compositor
- Eric Mancha
- visual effects artist
- Monica Martinez
- previs production coordinator The Third Floor (as Monica Forouzesh)
- Corey Mayne
- digital compositor
- Eric McAvoy
- lead compositor
- Kelly McCarthy
- production manager: Soho VFX
- Michael Means
- matchmove artist
- Daniel Mellitz
- compositor
- Charlotte Nelson
- previs production manager The Third Floor
- Chun Seong Ng
- modeling supervisor: Hydraulx
- Marcin Nikiforuk
- matte painter
- Motoki Nishii
- previsualization artist The Third Floor
- Molly Pabian
- digital effects producer: Shade VFX
- Jongwon Pak
- fx artist
- Matt Pearson
- fx technical director
- Victor Perez
- animator
- Yash Polke
- effects technical director
- Vasisht Ramachandran
- senior lighter: Soho VFX
- Jennifer Renaud
- production coordinator
- Matthew Riche
- 3d artist
- John Riddle
- technical director: shade vfx
- Pearce Roemer
- visual effects editor
- Karl Rogovin
- effects technical director: ShadeVFX
- Kingsley Rothwell
- in-house digital compositor
- Steve Sayer
- visual effects artist
- Stefan Schneider
- digital modeler
- Eric Schoellnast
- visual effects artist
- Keith Sellers
- visual effects supervisor: Soho VFX
- Joel Sevilla
- cg supervisor
- Kerry Shea
- Previs Producer
- Kazumasa Shibata
- digital compositor
- Patrick Smith
- previs supervisor The Third Floor
- Rick Smith
- digital compositor: Soho VFX
- Nic Spier
- digital artist: shade vfx
- Carl Stern
- compositor
- Moshe Swed
- matchmove artist: shade vfx
- Sarah Swick
- visual effects producer / visual effects producer: Soho VFX
- Mike Terrigno
- compositor: Soho VFX
- Natalie Thorsley
- texture artist (as Natalie Conliffe)
- Jeff Tong
- modeling/matchmoving: Soho VFX
- John Treusch
- visual effects artist
- Philip Trieu
- visual effects artist
- David Van Dyke
- president: shade vfx
- Gabriel Vargas
- cg supervisor: shade vfx
- Adrian R. Walker
- visual effects coordinator
- Ben Warburton
- digital compositor
- Chris Wells
- vfx supervisor
- Josh White
- 3d artist (as Josh Hagley)
- Greg Winhall
- 3d artist
- Andrew Winters
- 3d artist
- Paul Wojdylo
- lighting artist
- Sunny Wong
- digital compositor
- Mark Edward Wright
- visual effects editor: Hydraulx
- Savvas Thomas Yiannoulou
- vfx set production assistant
- Michael Zavala
- digital production manager: hy*drau"lx vfx