- Charan A
- FX TD: visual effects
- Isabella Abrams-Humphries
- visual effects coordinator
- Mehdi Ahmadi
- rigging technical director: Framestore
- Shish Aikat
- visual effects global head of training: DNEG
- Simon Aluze
- Modeler : Framestore
- Holli Alvarado
- matte painter: Turncoat Pictures
- Pitale Ameya
- Creature Technical Director : DNEG
- Rajat Amin
- VFX Department Manager
- Agyei Arthur
- previs and postvis artist
- Paul Ashall
- layout td: framestore
- John Baer
- visual effects producer: Nexodus
- Ayan Banerjee
- FX TD: visual effects
- Juan Carlos Barquet
- environment artist: DNEG
- Lee Baskerville
- Lead texture artist
- Joseph Bell
- head of studio: Nexodus
- Bappa Bera
- Lighting TD
- Kate Bernauer
- digital compositor
- Parth Bhayana
- Fx Artist: DNEG
- Steven Bills
- cg creature supervisor: DNEG
- Richard Binnington
- visual effects line producer: Framestore
- Santiago Bono
- lead effects technical director
- George Bootman
- senior visual effects coordinator
- Swapnil Borawake
- Lead Creature FX Artist : Framestore
- Robert Bourgeault
- lighting technical director
- Constantin Brodt
- visual effects editor
- Bela Brozsek
- FX Supervisor
- Andrew Burles
- digital matte painter/environment artist: Rising Sun Pictures
- Z. Taylor Bynum IV
- visual effects assistant editor
- Denny Cahill
- digital compositor: framestore
- Jake Calcutt
- visual effects coordinator
- Korinne Cammarano
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Margot Cardinael
- Lighting TD
- Medapalli Siva Chaitanya
- Digital Compositor: DNEG
- Tom Chalmers
- senior fx td
- Matthew Chandler
- Lead Environment Artist
- Fred Chapman
- head of creature: DNEG Vancouver
- Daniel Chemtob
- visual effects
- Kunal Chindarkar
- compositing supervisor: dneg
- Kate Clarke
- Visual Effects Line Producer
- Darrell Claunch
- compositor: Turncoat Pictures
- Nicky Coats
- visual effects producer
- Kate Condon
- visualization production coordinator
- Lucas Manuel Cuenca
- Creature Supervisor
- Rebecca Dalby
- visual effects production assistant: Framestore
- Tumurtogtokh Davaakhuu
- Pipeline technical director: Framestore
- Alessandro De Vivo
- visual effects
- Deep Deb
- matte paint
- Emil Delchev
- Render Wrangler / render wrangler
- Stanley A. Dellimore
- global head of cg: DNEG
- Vijay Deshmukh
- Bodytracking TD DNEG: visual effects
- Alexander Dewar
- lead capture technician: clearangle studios
- Sandip Dhara
- Nikolaos Dimou
- Lighting TD: Framestore
- Dave Duarte
- lead capture technician: Clear Angle Studios
- Kaushal Dudhe
- body tracking: Double Negative
- Jadan Duffin
- compositor: Turncoat Pictures / digital compositor
- Natalie Dury
- visual effects producer: Rising Sun Pictures
- Liam Edgeworth
- visual effects
- Moa Ehrén
- visual effects line producer: Framestore
- Joe Evans
- visual effects coordinator
- Megan Evans
- compositor: Turncoat Pictures
- Michael Falzon
- Lead Modeler: Framestore
- Federico Favaro
- lead rigger: Framestore
- Jessica Fernandes
- Global Art Producer: DNEG
- Aylwin Fernando
- digital artist: Turncoat Pictures
- Tom Ferstl
- Creature Supervisor: Framestore
- Frank Fieser
- compositor: Turncoat Pictures
- Stephen Fletcher
- visual effects editor
- David Fox
- Visual Effects Executive Producer: DNEG
- Harsh Garg
- FX Artist : DNEG
- Ramia Gattupelli
- Digital Matte Painter
- Aminah Gbadamosi
- visual effects coordinator: Turncoat Pictures
- P. Whitney Gearin
- visual effects producer
- Arjun Ghimire
- FX Artist: visual effects: DNEG
- Dan Glass
- Production Visual Effects Supervisor
- Abhijitsinh Gohil
- VFX Line Producer : Framestore
- Lawrence Gordinsky
- capture technician: clear angle studios
- Erika Gourvitz
- Visual Effects Production Manager
- Shiva Gowda
- senior compositor
- Mason O. Greissel
- environment generalist technical director: DNEG Vancouver
- Erik Gronfeldt
- Lead look development artist / look development lead artist
- Xian Guan
- fx lead: DNEG
- Felicia Guest
- compositor: Turncoat Pictures
- Prince Gupta
- BodyTracking : Double Negative
- Oliver Hallas
- Environment Technical Director: Framestore
- Eleyna Haroun
- Visual Effects Line Producer: Framestore
- Brian P. Harris
- lead compositor: Turncoat Pictures
- Michael Harrison
- compositing supervisor
- Yasemin Hepguler
- digital compositor
- Max Hicks
- visual effects artist
- Danielle Hudak
- visual effects coordinator: Turncoat Pictures
- Abe Ibanez
- lead environment generalist td: DNEG Vancouver
- Owen Jackson
- visual development
- Franciszek Jankowski
- senior compositor: DNEG
- Arudra Jaykar
- visual effects supervisor
- Jill Jivrajani
- visual effects coordinator
- Adam Johannesson
- data i/o: DNEG
- Sijo Joseph
- visual effects artist manager
- Wong Kai-Bin
- Visual Effects Editor: Rising Sun Pictures
- Laura Karbauskaite
- Groom TD: Framestore
- Harry Keane
- visual effects coordinator
- Sebastien Kern
- Groom Artist
- Christopher Kowal
- global head of production operations: DNEG
- Anthony Kramer
- vfx pipeline: Nexodus
- Maddie Kramer
- vfx production assistant: Turncoat Pictures
- Dan Kunz
- visual effects department supervisor: DNEG
- Kushank Tikku
- cg supervisor: DNEG
- Felix Lafontaine
- compositing supervisor
- Jessica Lantzos
- digital matte painter
- Cynthia Latour
- vfx line producer: dneg
- Kurt Lawson
- compositor: Turncoat Pictures
- Tim Leask
- On Set Supervisor/Lead Data Wrangler
- Claudia Lechen
- compositing supervisor: Framestore
- Jimmy Leung
- FX supervisor: framestore
- Wayne Lim
- layout td: DNEG
- Shlok Limbhare
- Joseph Matthew Linares
- Lighting TD
- Robyn Luckham
- animation director: DNEG
- Jack Lukac
- Technical Services Operator
- Arnaud Machtou
- Lighting & LookDev TD: framestore
- Emilia Macri
- visual effects production assistant
- Arbaz Malik
- visual effects artist
- George Manton
- capture technician: Clear Angle Studios
- Sharon Marcussen
- compositor: Turncoat Pictures
- Christopher Maslen
- compositing supervisor: DNEG
- Masod-Nasir
- BodyTrack Lead : Dneg
- Kelvin McIlwain
- Additional Visual Effects Supervisor
- Chris McLaughlin
- Visual Effects Supervisor: Dneg
- Solomon Mendonca
- Body Tracking : Double Negative
- Djordje Milovanovic
- capture technician: Clear Angle Studios
- Swarnali Mondal
- Creature TD: DNEG
- Rockford Moore
- Visual Effects Coordinator
- James Morrissey
- creature fx td
- Vijay Nasari
- Crowd TD
- Abhijeet Naware
- visual effects artist
- Salima Needham
- compositor / digital compositor
- Aman Negi
- matchmove supervisor
- Beatrice Grainger Nicholson
- vfx on set pa
- Bruno Nicolas
- compositing supervisor: DNEG
- Ranen Nongmaithem
- digital compositor: DNEG
- Marion Nove-Josserand
- lead lighting: Framestore
- Dameon O'Boyle
- CG Groom Supervisor
- Katherine O'Loingsigh
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Derrick O'Toole
- Digital Asset Manager
- Mike Oakley
- cg supervisor: Turncoat Pictures / visual effects artist
- Jaesung Oh
- visual effects production manager
- Cindy Ormondroyd
- vfx production: Nexodus
- Javier Ortega
- Digital compositor: Framestore
- Neha Pachbhai
- Production Coordinator
- Harsiddhi Patel
- DMP Artist
- Matthew Patience
- lead compositor: Framestore
- Chetan Patil
- Fx Artist: DNEG
- Stuart Penn
- visual effects supervisor: Framestore
- Valentin Petrov
- visual effects concept artist
- Duy Pham
- technical resource manager: DNEG
- Adrian Pinder
- Tech Anim CFX Artist: dneg
- Pablo Plaisted
- Postvis Supervisor / Previs Supervisor
- Sofia Portantino
- visual effects consultant
- Santosh Kedar Prasad
- Camera Track TD : DNEG
- Kila Price
- Visual Effects Colourist: DNEG
- Jason Quintana
- head of 3d: Rising Sun Pictures
- Marko Radinkovic
- senior digital compositor: Double Negative
- Raushan Raj
- digital compositor: Lead Compositor
- Geeran Rajan
- Technology
- Dewald Rall
- Junior 3D Artist: Clear Angle Studios
- George David Reagh
- visual effects producer
- V. Vinod Kumar Reddy
- digital compositor
- George Redstone
- capture assistant: Clear Angle Studios
- Pau Rocher
- Compositing Technical Supervisor
- Pau Rodriguez Dalmau
- FX Artist
- Julie Rothfarb
- VFX Production Supervisor
- Michael Rouayroux
- digital compositor: DNEG
- Manas Kumar Roy
- visual effects artist: FX TD
- Calvin Ruan
- 3d processing: Clear Angle Studios
- Francesco Russo
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Sanju S
- Camera Track TD : Dneg
- Prashanth S.K.
- visual effects coordinator
- Arun Kumar Sah
- compositor
- Manoj Sarkar
- digital compositor: framestore
- Rahul Saxena
- Matchmove artist: body track artist
- Zack Scanlon
- roto and prep
- Milan Schere
- visual effects head of environment & generalist: DNEG - Vancouver
- Julian Schmidt
- VFX data wrangler
- Chihiro Serizawa
- compositor: DNEG
- John Shafto
- visual effects artist
- Jit Shah
- Crowd Technical Director
- Milin Shah
- Crowd Technical Director
- Mahaboob Basha Shaik
- Prep artist
- Gowtham Shanthakumar
- Crowd TD
- Ming-Yee Sheh
- concept artist
- Dhrubajyoti Shit
- Romain Simonnet
- cg environment supervisor / visual effects environment supervisor: DNEG
- Ryan T. Smolarek
- compositor: Turncoat Pictures
- Max Solomon
- Animation Supervisor
- Katta Srujan
- FX Artist: DNEG
- Matthew Steidl
- compositor: Turncoat Pictures
- Christopher Stern
- shoot td: DNEG
- Donald Strubler Jr.
- vfx pipeline: Nexodus
- Singala Sumith
- Show Production Coordinator
- Abinav Sundhareswaran
- VFX Production Coordinator: DNEG
- Ã
sa Svedberg
- Senior Lighting TD
- Piotr Swigut
- concept artist
- Taqi Syed
- Lighting TD
- Carlos Tacón
- environments technical director: Framestore
- Aravind Kumar Tadiparthi
- Pipeline Technical Director
- Amy Taylor
- DNEG: Senior Creature TD
- Zhou Tingting
- digital compositor
- Harsh Tiwari
- Alan Tormey
- Lead Paint and Roto Artist
- Rushikesh Tupe
- Body Tracking : Double Negative
- Robert Turnbridge
- visual effects line producer: Framestore
- Ryan Urban
- visual effects supervisor: Turncoat Pictures
- Marco van der Merwe
- FX Supervisor
- Caspar Vinall
- paint and roto artist: framestore
- Melanie Kate Wallis
- Department Coordinator - DNEG
- Brandon Wallwork
- render wrangler
- Michael Walton
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Hazel Weatherall
- 3d manager: Clear Angle Studios
- Neil Weatherley
- CG Supervisor
- Glenn Wells
- onset surveyor/lidar technician
- Jack White
- Capture Technician
- Stephanie Whitmarsh
- fx lead : DNEG
- Rudy Wijaya
- previs lead asset artist : DNEG
- Owen E. Williams
- visual effects
- Rachel Williams
- senior lookdev technical director
- Trevor Neil Williams
- visual effects production assistant
- Guido Wolter
- visual effects supervisor: Rising Sun Pictures
- Peter M. Wu
- Previs/Postvis Lead: DNEG
- Kane Zhu
- compositor: Rising Sun Pictures
- Clym Dodds
- data operator: Framestore (uncredited)
- Luis Placid
- Head of Real-Time Technologies, Research (uncredited)
- Isabelle Wroth
- assistant visual effects editor (uncredited)