- Milton Adamou
- visual effects stereoscopic post executive
- Maxwell Adams
- visual effects layout artist/animator: Rodeo FX
- Anastasios Agiakatsikas
- digital compositor
- Carmine Agnone
- lead matchmove artist: One Of Us
- Africa Aguirre MartÃn
- visual effects studio data management: DNEG
- Ahsan Uddin Ahmed
- element qc artist
- Zohaib Ahsan
- visual effects lighting td
- Hussam Alazhar
- visual effects production support: Rodeo FX
- Aldo Aldana
- stereoscopic compositor
- Ben Alepko
- visual effects lighting artist: DNEG
- Lee Alexander
- visual effects layout td: DNEG
- Carlos A. Alfaro Jr.
- stereo compositor
- Rene Allegretti
- matchmove artist / matchmove: Rodeo FX
- Corey Allen
- stereo compositor: Stereo D
- Patrick Allen
- visual effects coordinator
- Ryan Allen
- stereo compositor: Stereo D
- Sara Lucia Alvarez
- visual effects production assistant
- Ricardo Alves
- cg modeler
- Anit Kumar Aman
- visual effects finaling artist
- Luiz Amaral
- visual effects rigger: Scanline VFX
- Shudhdodhan Milind Ambhore
- finaling compositor artist: Stereo D
- Kapil Dev Anand
- visual effects artist
- Seshadri Anand
- visual effects tracking lead
- Michael Anders
- visual effects asset producer
- Rebecca Andersen
- element qc artist
- Tobias Grønbeck Andersen
- creature fx td
- Kanika Andrew
- digital compositor: DNEG
- Edward Andrews
- digital compositor: DNEG
- Gerald Ang
- matchmove artist: DNEG
- Fabricio de Vasconcellos Baessa Antonio
- visual effects lighting td
- Christopher Antoniou
- visual effects asset supervisor
- Syed Arafath Apsar
- roto/paint/matchmove department manager: Scanline VFX
- Alfredo Octavio Arango
- matchmove artist: DNEG
- Ruben Arenas
- roto/prep artist: DNEG
- William E. Arias
- lookdev/visual effects lighting td
- Anthony Arnoux
- visual effects artist
- Avi Arora
- visual effects quality control
- Raghuwanshi. Arun Singh
- visual effects clean-up/prep artist: Anibrain
- Ruth Asensio
- visual effects head of layout department: MPC Montreal
- Paul Ashall
- visual effects motion capture td: The Third Floor / Framestore
- Mathieu Assemat
- head of techanim
- Jolan Auzeby
- fx artist
- Daniel Axelsson
- visual effects character modeler: DNEG
- Priya Ayengar
- compositor: Scanline VFX
- Emi Baba
- compositor: Scanline VFX
- Nibin Babu
- matchmove artist
- Mathieu Bacchous
- stereo paint artist: Stereo D
- Eric Bachtiar
- visual effects data operations
- Jessica Bagby
- stereo compositor
- Marta Baidek
- visual effects production assistant
- Alexandre Bain
- digital compositor
- Ayush Bajoria
- matchmove artist
- Bhavika Bajpai
- visual effects groom td: MPC
- Ramkrishna Bajpai
- roto artist: Stereo D
- Lucas Baker
- stereoscopic compositor
- Michael Jeff Baldemoro
- roto/prep supervisor: DNEG
- Margherita Balestri
- previs artist: The Third Floor
- Dorothy Ballarini
- cg modeller
- Gretchen Bangs
- visual effects artist
- Charlie Banks
- visual effects creature td: DNEG
- Reuben Barkataki
- compositor: Rodeo FX
- Lucy Joan Barnes
- visual effects production assistant
- Bruno Baron
- cg supervisor
- Linda Barsotti
- visual effects coordinator
- Jean-François Barthelemy
- animator: Rodeo FX
- Mark Battle
- visual effects stereoscopic quality control
- Owens Bazile
- effects artist: Rodeo FX
- Mike Beaulieu
- head of animation: MPC Montreal
- Loïc Beguel
- matchmove: Rodeo FX
- Alexis Belanger
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- Frank Belina
- visual effects layout supervisor: Scanline VFX
- Nathan Benner
- stereo compositor
- Brian N. Bentley
- visual effects td
- Lizzie Bentley
- visual effects concept artist
- Ian Berg
- visual effects data i/o artist: DNEG
- Laurence Berkani
- visual effects producer: MPC
- Anita Berkhané
- visual effects assistant editor: DNEG
- Guillaume Berthoumieu
- matte painter
- Jack Beynon
- visual effects creature td: DNEG
- Dheeraj Bhadani
- visual effects research & development lead
- Uttham Bhalaykar
- roto/prep artist
- Jatin Bhavsar
- visual effects line producer
- Davide Bigotto
- matchmove artist: One Of Us
- Steven Bills
- visual effects creature td: DNEG
- Elham Binsenin
- roto/paint supervisor
- Pierre Blain
- compositor: Rodeo FX
- Laura M. Blair
- visual effects assistant
- Dustin Blaise
- visual effects stereoscopic depth artist
- Vincent Blanco
- visual effects technology support: Rodeo FX
- Trace Bloomer
- visual effects technology support: Rodeo FX
- Ashley Blyth
- visual effects layout artist
- Robert Bock
- visual effects director of photography: Rodeo FX
- Preetham Tej Boddu
- prep supervisor
- Michael Boden
- digital compositor
- Stacey Boiselle
- visual effects motion capture producer: Audiomotion Studios
- Ariane Boisvert
- cg coordinator: Rodeo FX
- Sara Bold
- visual effects coordinator
- Jason Bomstein
- lead stereoscopic compositor
- Alex Bonacci
- stereo compositor
- Paul Bongiovanni
- data wrangler
- Ricardo Bonisoli
- visual effects artist
- Loganathan Boopathy
- visual effects artist
- Antoine Bordeleau
- visual effects production support: Rodeo FX
- Jelmer Boskma
- visual effects supervisor: Scanline VFX
- Anne Bot
- visual effects depth artist
- Rafael Bottari Martinez
- visual effects 3d modeler
- Rachel Bouchard
- matchmove: Rodeo FX
- Marie-Philippe Boudreau
- visual effects production support: Rodeo FX
- Mathieu Boulanger
- visual effects lead editor: MELS Studios
- Aharon Bourland
- visual effects sequence supervisor
- Sara Bourque
- visual effects coordinator: Rodeo FX
- Matt Bowler
- visual effects cyber scanner (as Matthew Bowler)
- Peter Bowmar
- fx td: DNEG
- Patrick O. Brady
- visual effects artist: Exceptional Minds
- Jon Bragado
- visual effects lead layout artist: DNEG
- James Braid
- visual effects technology: DNEG
- Anton Brand
- technical animator
- Alex Branton
- visual effects 2d pipeline supervisor
- Dan Breckwoldt
- visual effects sequence supervisor: DNEG
- Arnaud Brisebois
- visual effects supervisor: Rodeo FX
- Matthew Bristowe
- visual effects head of production: One Of Us
- Colin P. Brown
- visual effects colorist
- Jason M. Brown-Skovira
- stereoscopic artist
- Cuco Bures
- senior visual effects nuke td (as Jaime Burés Cuco)
- Bryan Burger
- digital production manager: Scanline VFX
- James Burr
- previs artist
- Daniel Burridge
- stereoscopic compositor
- Atiqah Busairi
- roto artist
- Giulia Cadeddu
- digital compositor: MPC
- Daniel Caffrey
- visual effects generalist td: DNEG
- Lucille Caillaud
- visual effects pipeline td: Rodeo FX
- Earle Stuart Callender
- visual effects bidding producer: One Of Us
- Doug Campbell
- senior compositor
- Can Baris Candan
- visual effects depth artist
- Erik Carbonneau
- digital compositor: MELS
- Eric Cardenas
- visual effects: stereoscopic compositor
- Anna Carlsson
- digital compositor: MPC
- Jessica Carrington
- visual effects coordinator
- Marie Castrie
- effects department manager: MPC
- Adrián Castro Viejo
- visual effects technical support: DNEG
- Sarah Cauchois
- previs production manager
- Karina Cesta
- visual effects lighting artist: Rodeo FX
- Thana Cha
- roto artist: Rodeo FX
- Marie Soleil Chabot
- roto artist: Rodeo FX
- Christophe Chabot-Blanchet
- visual effects production support: Rodeo FX
- Caroline Chai
- roto/prep artist
- Gregory Chalenko
- senior compositor: DNEG
- Guillaume Champagne
- visual effects modeling artist: Rodeo FX
- Matthew Chan
- stereo compositor
- Janice Chandra
- roto artist: DNEG
- Tristan Charette
- render wrangler: Rodeo FX
- Abhishek Chauhan
- visual effects editor: Prime Focus
- Arvind Chaurasiya
- visual effects editor: Prime Focus
- Freddy Chavez Olmos
- visual effects sequence supervisor: DNEG
- Rajat Chawla
- stereo compositor
- Meagan Chechalk
- visual effects post production production assistant
- John Abraham Chempil
- digital artist: DNEG
- Wai Sun Cheng
- visual effects
- Borae Jungsuk Cho
- visual effects pipeline td
- Caleb Choo
- matchmove supervisor
- Gabrielle Chouinard
- visual effects production support: Rodeo FX
- Zaria Chowdhury
- visual effects depth artist: Stereo D
- Bun Yue Choy
- paint/prep artist: DNEG
- Jahanzaib Chughtai
- visual effects rigging artist: Rodeo FX
- Frazer Churchill
- visual effects supervisor
- Annie Cliche
- visual effects production manager: Rodeo FX
- Marie-Joëlle Clément
- visual effects production support: Rodeo FX
- Gregory Coelho
- visual effects modeler/texture artist
- Catherine Coley
- visual effects communications: Rodeo FX
- Jerome Collombier
- matchmove artist: Rodeo FX
- Veronique Comeau
- visual effects lighting artist: Rodeo FX
- Juliette Compignie
- roto artist: Rodeo FX
- Benjamin Condy
- technical animator: MPC
- Karen Therese Connolly
- visual effects stereo production coordinator: Stereo D
- Robert Connor
- visual effects lighting td: DNEG
- Chris Cooper
- matchmove supervisor: DNEG
- André-Pierre Cormier
- visual effects technology support: Rodeo FX
- William Cote
- roto artist: Rodeo FX
- Christopher Michael Coupe
- fx td: DNEG
- Christopher Courtland
- digital compositor: Scanline VFX
- Thomas Courtois
- visual effects pipeline td: Rodeo FX
- Hal Couzens
- visual effects producer
- Craig Crane
- visual effects lidar supervisor
- David Crane
- stereoscopic compositor
- Bogdan Cristescu
- digital compositor: MELS
- Jean-Michel Cristofaro
- roto artist: Rodeo FX
- Steven Crowe
- visual effects stereo producer
- Neil Culley
- in-house compositor
- Poprizov Cvetan
- senior paint artist
- Melina Tancheva Cvetanoska
- paint artist
- Roberto D'Alesio
- visual effects technology support: Rodeo FX
- Marco D'Ambros
- visual effects character td
- Nicole Andrea D'Cotta
- roto artist: DNEG (as Nicole D'Cotta)
- Paul d'Herbemont
- visual effects lighting td: MPC
- Hua Dai
- visual effects technology support: Rodeo FX
- Dominic Daigle
- matte painting td: Rodeo FX
- Phil Dakin
- senior visual effects layout artist: MPC
- Kevin Daly
- visual effects production manager: MPC (as Kevin R Daly)
- Mikaël Damant-Sirois
- fx artist: Rodeo FX
- Ashish Dani
- matte painter
- Will Van Dao
- roto/paint artist: DNEG
- Amanda Darby
- digital asset producer: propshop
- Varuna Darensbourg
- visual effects finaling artist
- Jamie Darville
- visual effects technology support: Rodeo FX
- Sashwata Das
- visual effects depth artist / visual effects stereoscopic lead
- Bryan Davies
- senior visual effects lighting artist: Scanline VFX
- Brunella De Cola
- visual effects artist: matte painter
- Felipe de Lanteuil
- previs artist: The Third Floor
- Carlos Patrick De Leon
- visual effects layout lead
- Robert Deas
- visual effects artist
- Jake Dee-McKoy
- senior visual effects production coordinator: Stereo D
- Camille Deguire
- visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX
- Christian DeiÃ
- visual effects pipeline td: Scanline VFX
- Val Dela Rosa
- visual effects 3d technology & pipeline artist
- Stanley A. Dellimore
- visual effects global head of layout: MPC
- Theo Demiris
- lead cg artist: One Of Us
- Arthur Deschamps
- visual effects technology support: Rodeo FX
- Vincent Desgrippes
- digital compositor
- Saurabh Deshpande
- roto artist: Stereo D
- Varadarajan Desikan
- element qc artist: Stereo D
- Nicolas Desmet
- digital compositor: MPC
- Anouk Deveault-Moreau
- visual effects communications: Rodeo FX
- Rustin Devendorf
- visual effects stereoscopic td: Stereo D
- Joshua Devenyi
- stereo compositor: Stereo D (as Josh Devenyi)
- Jerome Dewhurst
- visual effects color scientist
- Santosh Kumar Dey
- matchmove lead: DNEG
- Ekaterina Diaz
- visual effects coordinator: MPC
- Craig Dibble
- visual effects lead render systems engineer: MPC
- Linda Dimaculangan
- visual effects office administrator: Scanline VFX
- Dejan Dimovski
- visual effects paint artist
- Emmanuel Dirian
- roto artist: Rodeo FX
- Mark Divekar
- visual effects coordinator
- Andrew Dohan
- stereoscopic compositor
- Oz Dolphin
- fx td
- James Dong
- fx artist: Rodeo FX
- Tara Doustar
- visual effects executive assistant
- Fabien Doyon
- visual effects technology support: Rodeo FX
- Rosie Draper
- visual effects on-set data acquisition: DNEG
- Markus Drayss
- visual effects technical director
- Dominic Drolet
- matchmove artist: Rodeo FX
- Julien Dubuisson
- visual effects pipeline td: Rodeo FX
- Joseph Dubé-Arsenault
- animator: Rodeo FX
- Julien Ducenne
- senior digital compositor
- Sandra Duque
- stereoscopic compositor
- Jessika Duquette
- render wrangler: Rodeo FX
- Katherine Durant
- digital compositor
- John Durney
- compositor
- Vincent Désilets
- animator: MPC
- Zvi Eaton
- animator: DNEG
- Jennifer Elena
- visual effects production support: Rodeo FX
- Stephen Enticott
- animation supervisor: DNEG
- Zsuzsanna Erdei
- matchmove artist: DNEG
- Ana Laura Esperón
- digital compositor: DNEG
- Melissa Espina
- visual effects assistant production manager: 3D conversion
- Paul John Faeldo
- stereo compositor: Stereo D (as Paul Faeldo)
- Irene Faminial
- visual effects
- Finella Fan
- visual effects artist
- Charles-e Farkas
- digital compositor: MPC
- Charlotte Farrell
- visual effects research & development artist: NEG
- Chad Fehmie
- visual effects 3d modeler: DNEG
- Chaya Feiner
- visual effects producer: One Of Us
- Julia Ferguson
- visual effects production supervisor
- Cranston Fernandes
- roto/prep artist: DNEG
- Jessica Fernandes
- visual effects art department producer
- Raphael Fernandes
- visual effects line producer: DNEG
- Victor Manuel Fernandez
- lead stereo compositor: Stereo D
- Erin Fernie
- visual effects coordinator
- George Ferris
- stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
- Rebecca Field
- data wrangler
- Kiel Figgins
- senior animator: DNEG
- James Fisher
- visual effects assistant editor: DNEG
- Adam Fisk
- visual effects stereo supervisor
- Alexander Fisk
- visual effects production coordinator: Stereo D
- Andrew Fitchett
- visual effects coordinator
- Ryan Flick
- visual effects assets department manager: Scanline VFX
- Anthony Fong
- animator: Rodeo FX
- Sara Fontaine
- visual effects texture artist: Rodeo FX
- Les Foor
- element qc artist
- Jak Ford
- visual effects assistant editor: DNEG
- Federica Foresti
- fx td: One Of Us
- Filippo Forno
- cg artist
- Laurent Fortin
- visual effects modeling artist: Rodeo FX
- Xavier Fourmond
- compositor: Rodeo FX
- Frederick Fowles
- visual effects head of rigging
- Elliot Francoeur
- visual effects production support: Rodeo FX
- Dean Frater
- digital artist
- Nicholas Freeston
- previs artist: The Third Floor
- Alan Fregtman
- visual effects pipeline td: Rodeo FX
- Vincent Frei
- visual effects production support: Rodeo FX
- Michel Frenette
- compositor: Rodeo FX
- Chris Friend
- visual effects cyber scanner
- Travis Fruci
- element qc artist: Stereo D
- Sarah Fuller
- digital artist
- Stavros Fylladitis
- visual effects modeler: DNEG
- Marie Fétiveau
- visual effects pipeline td: Rodeo FX
- Prafull Gade
- visual effects executive: Stereo D
- Jean-Francois Gagne
- compositor: Rodeo FX
- Carl Gagnon
- visual effects modeling artist: Rodeo FX
- Francis Gagnon
- digital compositor
- Marie-Josee Gagnon
- digital compositor
- Micah Gallagher
- lead compositor: Scanline VFX
- Stephen Gallop
- vice president & general manager: Stereo D
- Mayur Gangasagar
- senior stereo compositor & element compositing
- Francois Garcia
- visual effects executive: MELS Studios
- Julio Tovar Garcia
- stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
- Emmanuel GarcÃa GarcÃa
- stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
- Nathan Gardner
- prep artist
- Geneviève Gareau
- roto artist: Rodeo FX
- Alvaro Gasco
- cg artist: DNEG
- Jenny Gauci
- roto artist: One Of Us
- Joshua Gengler
- lead element qc artist
- Roxanne Geoffroy
- visual effects production support: Rodeo FX
- Church George
- roto lead
- Natalia Germi
- visual effects 3d generalist
- Neil Ghaznavi
- digital compositor (as Neil Safeer Ghaznavi)
- Marco Gifuni
- visual effects artist
- Jami Gigot
- visual effects artist
- Gabriel Giguère
- matchmove: Rodeo FX
- Ross Gilbert
- matchmove artist
- Ãlodie Gilbert-Lachapelle
- animator: Rodeo FX (as Ãlodie Gilbert Lachapelle)
- Matthew E. Gill
- roto department manager: Stereo D
- Stefan Gilligan
- visual effects
- Ãve Giordani
- visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX
- Mathieu Godin
- matchmove artist: Rodeo FX
- Cyrille Gohier
- compositor
- Harrison Goldstein
- visual effects line producer: DNEG
- Oleksiy Golovchenko
- digital matte painter: DNEG
- Michael Gomes
- creature fx artist
- Moises Gomez Gonzalez
- matchmove artist
- Catarina Gonçalves
- visual effects assistant colorist: DNEG
- Marcus Goodwin
- visual effects producer: Scanline VFX
- Mariana Gorbea
- senior cg modeller
- Brian Gordon
- stereoscopic artist
- Jim Gorman
- senior compositor
- Xavier Goubin
- lead matchmove artist
- Megan Graham
- stereoscopic compositor
- Matthew Gray
- visual effects pipeline td: Rodeo FX
- Ryan Greenwood
- stereo compositor
- Michael Leigh Gresham
- prep artist: DNEG
- Alison Griffiths
- visual effects line producer: One Of Us
- Gero Grimm
- fx td: DNEG
- Steven Grover
- visual effects line producer
- Jack Grundy
- digital compositor
- Jakub Grygier
- digital matte painter
- Jonathan Grégoire
- animator: Rodeo FX
- Glenn Guenette
- stereo compositor: Stereo D (as Glen Guenette)
- Christophe Guertin
- render wrangler: Rodeo FX
- Jean-Sebastien Guillemette
- cg supervisor: Rodeo FX
- Holly Gunn
- visual effects depth lead: Stereo D
- Mike Gunter
- visual effects stereo executive producer
- Tanmoy Gupta
- visual effects stereo supervisor
- Vikas Gusain
- senior prep artist
- Marie-Ãve Gélinas
- compositor: Rodeo FX
- Sharna Hackett
- visual effects line producer: DNEG
- Joe Hagg
- visual effects 3d executive
- Patrick Hall
- digital compositor: MPC
- Tyler Halle
- lead stereo compositor
- Thomas Hallé
- compositor: Rodeo FX
- Katie Hamberger
- visual effects artist
- Laurent Hamery
- cg lighting supervisor
- Raphael Hamm
- visual effects sequence supervisor: DNEG
- Adam Hammond
- digital compositor: DNEG
- Pete Hanson
- visual effects studio manager: DNEG
- Kyle Hardin
- visual effects lead stereoscopic artist
- Jason Harris
- visual effects artist
- Emile Harvey
- compositing supervisor: Rodeo FX
- Syuhada Hassan
- visual effects coordinator
- Dustin Hayes
- element qc artist
- Richard Hayward
- matchmove supervisor: DNEG
- Chrystian Hebert
- matchmove artist: DNEG
- Ethan Helms
- stereoscopic compositor
- Rachael Hender
- lead digital effects artist
- Justin Henton
- animator: DNEG
- Alfonso Hernández
- digital compositor
- Alberto Herrera
- visual effects coordinator: MPC
- Mike Hill
- roto artist: DNEG
- Cara Hindley
- visual effects stereo manager
- Ryan Hirsh
- visual effects stereo supervisor
- Sean Castle Hitchcock
- digital artist
- Julie Holmes
- visual effects lead layout artist: Scanline VFX
- Melvin Hong
- roto/paint artist
- Yuka Hosomi
- digital compositor
- Nicolas Houle
- visual effects production support
- Josiah Holmes Howison
- senior compositor: Scanline VFX
- Joe Hura
- visual effects r&d engineer: DNEG
- Tarn Huynh
- visual effects editorial
- Carole-Anne Hébert
- visual effects coordinator: MELS
- Julien Héry
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX (as Julien Hery)
- Darko Ilievski
- roto artist
- Pat Imrie
- previs artist (as Patrick Imrie)
- Ilaria Introzzi
- visual effects tech runner: DNEG
- Azadeh Iranban
- visual effects rigging td: Scanline VFX
- Christian Irles
- visual effects supervisor: MPC
- Dhuha Isa
- visual effects editor: DNEG
- Omkar Iyer
- visual effects editor: Prime Focus
- Kaya Jabar
- previs artist: The Third Floor
- Evan Jackson
- visual effects executive: Stereo D
- Samuel Jacques
- visual effects lighting artist: Rodeo FX
- Simon Jacques
- digital compositor: MELS
- Sushil Jain
- roto artist: DNEG (as Sushil Tone)
- Shailendra Kumar Jaiswal
- roto department: Stereo D (as Shailendra Jaiswal)
- Siddarth Jambhulkar
- stereo compositor
- Jess Jansen
- stereoscopic artist
- Jean-Sebastien Jasenovic
- visual effects technology support: Rodeo FX
- Chris Jassmann
- visual effects assistant editor
- Jack Jenkins
- roto artist: DNEG
- Jakub Jeziorski
- visual effects pipeline td: Scanline VFX
- Kundan Kumar Jha
- roto line producer: DNEG Mumbai
- Zayn Jinah
- visual effects stereoscopic production coordinator: Stereo D
- Inki Jo
- visual effects lighting td: DNEG
- Cameron Johnson
- visual effects assistant colorist: DNEG
- Hannah Johnson
- visual effects production assistant: One Of Us
- Helen Johnson
- digital compositor
- Jeremy Jones
- finaling qc artist: Stereo D
- Marko Jovanovic
- visual effects artist
- Ãtienne Jubinville
- matchmove artist: Rodeo FX
- Aleks Justesen
- visual effects depth lead 2nd
- Dinesh K. Bishnoi
- visual effects supervisor
- Vijay Kadapatti
- visual effects stereo manager (as Vijay Kumar Kadapatti)
- Steven Kaelin
- stereoscopic compositor
- Lindsey Kaiser
- visual effects creative services manager
- Raghavendra Kamath
- visual effects stereo production manager
- Jeevith Kanth
- matchmove lead
- Anurag Kapil
- matchmove/roto artist
- Vasilis Karatziva
- visual effects assistant coordinator
- Prasad Karve
- visual effects finaling artist
- Santosh Katkar
- visual effects finaling supervisor
- Eli A. Katz
- visual effects artist: Exceptional Minds
- Kaydhareswaran
- senior prep artist (as Eswaran Kaydhar Krishnamoorthy)
- Tom Kemplen
- visual effects editor (as Thomas Kemplen)
- Andrew Kennedy
- visual effects technical assistant: Stereo D
- Cindy Khoo
- head of digital production: Scanline VFX
- Ryan Kilbane
- compositor: Stereo D
- Christopher Kilshaw
- visual effects artist
- Dominik Kirouac
- fx artist: Rodeo FX
- Jennifer Kitching
- previs artist
- Joel Kittle
- visual effects modeling supervisor: Scanline VFX
- Goran Kjulavkovski
- visual effects artist
- Lukas Tiberio Klopfenstein
- roto/prep artist: DNEG
- Terry Klopfenstein
- element qc artist
- Mike Knox
- visual effects technology manager
- Prasanna Kodapadi
- visual effects stereo supervisor
- Mischa Kolbe
- visual effects creature td: DNEG
- Elicia Koo
- visual effects paint artist
- Jessica Koubi
- visual effects pipeline td
- Dorota Kowalska
- visual effects production manager: MPC
- Vladimir Kozhekin
- digital compositor
- Christian Kragh
- visual effects artist
- Rebecca Kramp
- visual effects stereo manager
- Benjamin Krebs
- digital compositor: DNEG
- Uma Krishnamurthy
- visual effects head of production
- Gudjon Kristjansson
- digital compositor
- Deep Kumar
- digital artist
- Manish Magesh Kumar
- element qc artist: Stereo D
- Naveen Kumar
- visual effects coordinator
- Praveen Kumar
- matchmove/roto artist
- Vishishth Kumar
- roto/paint/matchmove department manager: Scanline VFX
- Artiom Kusci
- digital compositor: MPC
- Laura Kwan
- visual effects pipeline td: Rodeo FX
- Wanda Kwok
- prep artist
- Melanie La Rue
- visual effects producer: Rodeo FX
- Eric Labranche
- visual effects production support: Rodeo FX
- Xavier Lafarge
- roto artist: Rodeo FX
- Guillaume Laforge
- visual effects pipeline td: Rodeo FX
- Jaymie Lam
- compositor: DNEG
- Xin Ying Lam
- matchmove artist: DNEG
- Karl Alexandre Lamarre-Parent
- visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX
- Andréanne Lamoureux
- roto artist: Rodeo FX
- Kevin Landry
- matchmove: Rodeo FX
- Sam Lane
- visual effects editor: DNEG
- Thomas Langley
- senior visual effects imaging engineer: MPC
- Isabelle Langlois
- vice president production: Rodeo FX
- Laura Languillet
- visual effects td
- Nina Lankveld
- digital compositor: DNEG
- Mary Lapena
- compositor: DNEG
- Louis-Charles Lapointe
- visual effects coordinator: Rodeo FX
- Nicolas Laprise Pellicelli
- compositor: Rodeo FX
- Françoise Laprise
- roto artist: Rodeo FX
- Charlotte Larive
- digital compositor
- Eric Larivee
- compositor: Rodeo FX
- Sophie Larocque
- visual effects artist
- Lopez Laura
- visual effects production support: Rodeo FX
- Erin Laurence
- visual effects assistant coordinator (as Erin Anderson)
- Louis Le Roy
- digital compositor: MPC
- Matthew Leach
- visual effects r&d artist: DNEG
- Kyla Lebon
- visual effects production assistant: MPC
- Marc Lebuis
- visual effects head of layout: Rodeo FX
- Christine Leclerc
- visual effects texture artist: Rodeo FX
- David Lee
- visual effects sequence supervisor
- Wei Ling Lee
- matchmove artist
- Yongmin Luke Lee
- visual effects modeling & texture artist
- Jesse Lehrman
- visual effects pipeline manager: Rodeo FX
- Marco Leone
- digital compositor
- Jean-François Leroux
- digital compositor: DNEG
- Eve Levasseur-Marineau
- lead technical animator (as Eve Levasseur)
- Jacques Levesque
- visual effects production support: Rodeo FX
- Veronique Levesque
- visual effects lighting artist: Rodeo FX
- Mari Levitan
- visual effects production manager
- Sébastien Levrard
- visual effects production support: Rodeo FX
- Hugo Leygnac
- visual effects groom td: MPC
- Seth Lickiss
- stereoscopic compositor
- Frederik Lillelund
- visual effects sequence supervisor
- Edy Susanto Lim
- visual effects rigging artist: Rodeo FX
- Nicolas Lim
- prep artist
- Kew Lin
- roto artist: DNEG
- Charlotte Llewelyn
- visual effects pulls coordinator: Technicolor
- Andrew Lockley
- visual effects supervisor: DNEG
- David Lowry
- character animator
- Valerie Loyer
- visual effects lighting artist: Rodeo FX
- Robyn Luckham
- animation supervisor: DNEG
- Daniel James MacDonald
- stereoscopic artist: Stereo D
- Sarah MacDonald
- creature fx artist: DNEG
- Alex James Macieira
- visual effects bodytrack supervisor: DNEG
- Michal Maciejewski
- fx td: DNEG
- Garry Maddison
- visual effects colorist: DNEG
- Shri Bindhu Madhav
- visual effects finaling supervisor
- Francesco Antonio Maggi
- digital compositor: DNEG
- Gokul Mahajan
- stereo compositing supervisor
- Vaibhav Laxman Mahajan
- visual effects finaling sec lead
- Ravi Mahapatro
- visual effects depth department manager: Stereo D
- Jérémie Maheu
- roto artist: Rodeo FX
- Pravin Mahtani
- visual effects lead artist
- Khoi Mai
- stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
- Stephane Mailet
- matchmove artist: Rodeo FX
- Mahesh Maity
- stereo artist
- Carson Majors
- stereoscopic qc artist
- Yael Majors
- lead stereoscopic compositor
- Vincent Febriyanto Mak
- stereo compositor: Stereo D
- David Maldonado
- senior visual effects depth artist
- Tony Man
- digital compositor
- Gabriel Mandala
- compositor
- Jean-Philippe Marchand
- matte painter: Rodeo FX
- Adam Marisett
- senior animator: Scanline VFX
- Jan Maroske
- compositor: DNEG
- Dominic Martin
- digital artist
- Will Martindale
- digital compositor: DNEG
- Aldo Martinez Calzadilla
- visual effects modeler: Scanline VFX
- Rob Mason
- visual effects technology support: Rodeo FX
- Rachel Matchett
- visual effects global head of production: MPC
- Giacomo Matteucci
- digital compositor
- Matthew Crowe
- matchmove supervisor: DNEG
- Amaury Matu
- render wrangler: Rodeo FX / visual effects pipeline td
- Alexey Mazurenko
- senior lighting/lookdev technical director
- Colin McBain
- visual effects modeling artist: Rodeo FX
- Graham McBride
- visual effects depth artist
- Kindra McCall
- stereoscopic depth artist
- Ben McEwan
- digital compositor: DNEG
- Owen McGonigle
- visual effects artist
- Andrew McGregor
- matchmove artist
- David McKay
- matchmove: Rodeo FX
- Genevieve McMahon
- previs production manager
- Liam Meakins
- stereoscopic compositor
- Antonio Meazzini
- digital compositor
- Shane Meehan
- roto/prep artist: DNEG
- Himanshu Meena
- senior matchmove artist: DNEG
- Gabriela Mejia
- visual effects artist
- João Menezes
- visual effects
- Simon Mercier
- matte painting td: Rodeo FX
- Noelle Merrick
- visual effects production coordinator: Stereo D (as Noelle Cyr)
- Kenneth Meyer
- lead animator
- Andy Middleton
- visual effects lead texture artist: DNEG
- David Patrick Miles
- visual effects artist: Exceptional Minds
- Scott Miller
- visual effects studio manager: Scanline VFX
- Danielle Millington-Peck
- visual effects editor
- Vladimir Minguillo
- visual effects modeler: DNEG
- Damjan Minovski
- roto/paint artist: FX3X
- Stephen Misek
- visual effects creature td: DNEG
- George Mitchell
- visual effects assistant editor
- Scott Mitchell
- visual effects
- Tamara Tai Mitchell
- digital compositor (as Tamara Mitchell)
- Emma Moffat
- visual effects line producer: DNEG
- Ken Mohamed
- visual effects pipeline td: Rodeo FX (as Ken Mohammed)
- Dominique Moisan
- visual effects layout artist: Rodeo FX
- Bappa Mondal
- stereo compositor: Stereo D
- Oliver Money
- visual effects producer: DNEG
- David Monfette
- roto artist: Rodeo FX
- Sandrine Moniez
- digital compositor: DNEG
- Trevor Moniz
- compositor: Rodeo FX
- Christopher Montesano
- visual effects pipeline supervisor (as Chris Montesano)
- Sonia Moreau
- visual effects communications: Rodeo FX
- Sébastien Moreau
- visual effects executive producer: Rodeo FX
- Jean-Christophe Morin
- visual effects pipeline td: Rodeo FX
- Jean-Francois Morissette
- matchmove: Rodeo FX
- Claire Morris
- visual effects element qc artist: Stereo D
- Immanuel Morris
- visual effects supervisor: Exceptional Minds
- Cynthia Mourou
- visual effects producer: MELS
- Matt Moyes
- visual effects generalist td
- Yvonne Muinde
- matte painting supervisor
- Chris Munns
- visual effects assistant colorist: DNEG
- Tomas Munzar
- digital compositor
- Masakazu Murakami
- visual effects artist: Scanline VFX
- Christian John Murray
- visual effects lidar scanning artist (as Christian Murray)
- Scott Musselman
- stereoscopic compositor
- Christopher Myerchin
- stereoscopic compositor: qc supervisor
- Tristan Myles
- compositing supervisor
- Sathisha Naidu
- visual effects artist
- Amit Narwani
- matchmove lead: DNEG
- Josiah Nathan
- roto artist: DNEG
- Katrina Navassartian
- visual effects line producer
- Virginia Nearing
- visual effects assistant td: DNEG
- Pete C. Newbauer
- visual effects artist
- Stephen Newbold
- compositing supervisor: DNEG (as Steve Newbold)
- Christopher Newman
- matchmove artist
- Pinky Ng
- previs artist
- Emmanuelle Ngan Sing
- compositor
- Valérie Nicol
- visual effects production support: Rodeo FX
- Luke Niejadlik
- visual effects motion capture specialist
- Jonathan Niquet
- visual effects pipeline td: Rodeo FX
- Thomas Nivet
- compositing artist: One Of Us
- Nicole Maria Nonis
- visual effects coordinator (as Nicole Nonis)
- Victor Norberg
- digital compositor
- Mariluz Noto
- visual effects coordinator: DNEG
- Piper Odegard
- render wrangler: Rodeo FX
- Gemma Office-Andreadis
- visual effects coordinator: MPC (as Gemma Office)
- Jaesung Oh
- visual effects assistant coordinator
- Lalit Om Prakash
- visual effects team lead: Stereo D
- Nguon Vissal Ong
- compositor: Rodeo FX
- Alessandro Ongaro
- visual effects sequence supervisor: DNEG
- Jonathan Opgenhaffen
- visual effects concept artist
- Andrea Umberto Origlia
- visual effects artist
- Alban Orlhiac
- senior visual effects texture artist: DNEG
- Raphael Oseguera
- lead roto artist
- Lucie Ostrer
- visual effects production supervisor: DNEG
- Eduardo Parra Ouilhet
- digital compositor
- Matthew Ozerski
- previs editor: The Third Floor
- Jojan P M
- senior visual effects pipeline software developer: MPC
- Sadev Arjun Padmukhe
- roto artist: Stereo D
- Zharko Pajevikj
- paint/prep artist
- George Palcut
- digital compositor: DNEG
- Guillaume Palegie
- lead compositor: MPC
- Suneel Kumar Palla
- digital artist
- Amey Panchal
- senior matchmove artist: DNEG
- Sum Pang
- visual effects lighting artist: MPC
- Deepak Panigrahi
- prep artist: DNEG
- Om Parab
- matchmove artist: DNEG
- Seong Jin Park
- visual effects artist
- Dominic Parker
- visual effects supervisor: One Of Us
- Aaron Parry
- stereo executive producer: Stereo D
- R. Parthasarathy
- visual effects stereo manager
- Sudarson Parthasarathy
- matchmove artist
- Dana Passarella
- stereoscopic compsitor
- Bhavik B. Patel
- prep artist: DNEG / roto artist: DNEG
- Harshna Patel
- visual effects r&d artist
- Joshil Patel
- roto/paint artist
- Saurabh Patel
- senior matchmove artist: DNEG
- Harshal Patil
- matchmove artist
- Sujeet Patil
- senior background prep artist: DNEG
- Miriam Pavese
- compositor: DNEG
- Jessica Pearce
- visual effects production coordinator: Stereo D
- Maxime Pearson
- roto artist: Rodeo FX
- Christian Peck
- visual effects generalist: Scanline VFX
- Kai Pedersen
- visual effects sequence supervisor: DNEG
- Tom Pegg
- compositor: DNEG
- Philippe Pelletier
- compositor: Rodeo FX
- Brian Peluso
- digital compositor
- Philip Pendlebury
- studio: DNEG
- Rachael Penfold
- visual effects executive producer: One Of Us
- Guy Penwill
- digital compositor: DNEG
- Lara Perez Takagi
- visual effects coordinator
- Cindy Perez
- visual effects stereoscopic artist
- Daniel Perez
- visual effects 3d generalist
- Alex Perlstrom
- visual effects systems administrator: Scanline VFX
- Gabrielle Perreault
- roto artist: Rodeo FX
- Keven Perreault
- visual effects production support: Rodeo FX
- Ben Perrott
- in-house compositor
- Emanuele Pescatori
- visual effects creature td
- Yordan Petrov
- matchmove artist
- Dojchin Petrovski
- paint artist
- Goran Petrushevski
- paint artist
- Leo Pettersson
- visual effects lighting td: DNEG
- Swanand Phadnis
- prep lead
- Mathieu Phaneuf
- visual effects modeling artist: Rodeo FX
- Maxime Philippon
- visual effects modeling artist: Rodeo FX
- David Jeffrey Phillips
- visual effects stereographer (as David Phillips)
- Phets Phonasa
- senior visual effects depth artist
- Brittany Piacente
- paint artist/stereo compositor
- Quentin Pianta
- visual effects artist
- Jonathan Piche-Delorme
- visual effects supervisor: MELS
- Emmanuel Pichereau
- compositing supervisor: One Of US
- Dominic Piché
- visual effects modeling artist: Rodeo FX
- Alessandro Pieri
- roto/prep supervisor: DNEG
- Melvin Mathew Pillai
- paint/prep artist: Anibrain (as Melvin Pillai)
- Praveena Pinnoju
- visual effects artist
- Ed Plant
- in-house compositor
- Aditya Ponguri
- visual effects
- Marina Popova
- visual effects coordinator: Rodeo FX
- Michael Porterfield
- compositing supervisor
- Etienne Poulin St-Laurent
- matchmove artist: Rodeo FX
- Guillaume Poulin
- visual effects editor: Rodeo FX
- Ãric Pouliot
- visual effects technology support: Rodeo FX
- Bhanu Prakash
- visual effects stereo supervisor: Stereo D
- Akie Prapas
- senior visual effects layout td: MPC MTL
- Brennan Prevatt
- visual effects artist
- Stewart Probert
- visual effects cyber scanner
- Anne-Isabelle Pronkin
- visual effects production support: Rodeo FX
- Francis Provencher
- visual effects head of systems: MPC
- Jaime Provido
- roto artist: DNEG
- Derek N. Prusak
- visual effects post-production manager: Stereo D
- Vivek Pundir
- visual effects line producer
- Rushabh Punmiya
- roto artist: DNEG
- Robert Darryl Purdy
- animator: Rodeo FX
- Simon Pynn
- matchmove supervisor: DNEG
- Michael Queen
- digital compositor: DNEG
- Carlos Quijada
- visual effects artist
- Michel Raad
- visual effects editor: MPC
- Marko Radinkovic
- senior digital compositor: DNEG
- D.J. Rahming
- visual effects pipeline td: Rodeo FX
- Nazma Raichuri
- visual effects
- Roberto Raio
- previs artist: The Third Floor
- Rajabose
- matchmove artist: MPC
- Velmurugan Rajamani
- prep artist
- Malla Rajendra
- matchmove artist: DNEG
- Keerthana Ramani
- visual effects td: Stereo D
- Gladys Ramelot
- visual effects production support: Rodeo FX
- Nick Rampling
- visual effects artist
- Akshay Rana
- stereo compositor: Stereo D
- Subodhana Ranatunga
- visual effects stereo assistant editor
- Mayec Rancel
- fx td
- Ollie Rankin
- visual effects supervisor: DNEG Vancouver
- Luke Rawcliffe
- visual effects artist
- Kisholay Ray
- visual effects production coordinator: Stereo D
- Aamir Raza
- stereoscopic compositor
- Murali Krishna Reddy
- matchmove artist: DNEG
- Shinichi Rembutsu
- visual effects lighting td
- Jean Remond
- visual effects technology support: Rodeo FX
- Jun Ren
- visual effects layout artist
- Florent Revel
- visual effects layout artist
- Charles Richer
- digital compositor: MELS
- Dominique Richer
- roto artist: Rodeo FX
- Jonathon Ridden
- animator
- Dominic Ridley
- visual effects cyberscanning/photogrammetry services: Clear Angle Studios
- Mnandi Ridley
- visual effects cyber scanner
- Jordi Riera
- visual effects pipeline td: Rodeo FX
- Pascal Rigaud
- visual effects production support: Rodeo FX
- Saysana Rintharamy
- fx td: Scanline VFX
- Genesis Rivas
- stereo compositor
- Ariz Akhtar Rizvi
- visual effects stereo supervisor
- Philippe Roberge
- visual effects 2d supervisor: MPC
- Sharon Roberts
- visual effects coordinator
- Joshua Robertson
- visual effects pipeline td
- Andrew Rodbourne
- visual effects lidar technician
- Chus Rodriguez
- visual effects software r&d artist: DNEG
- Darren Rodriguez
- animator
- Suresh Rohit
- visual effects assistant production manager / visual effects finaling artist (as Rohit Suresh)
- Jonak Roy
- visual effects software development & support
- Marc-André Roy
- visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX
- Gabriela Espinosa Ruiz
- digital compositor: MPC
- Ash Ryan
- visual effects sequence supervisor: DNEG
- Bryan Ryan
- visual effects coordinator: MPC
- Niki Ryan
- lead compositor: DNEG (as Niki Turpin)
- Mathias Røyrvik
- visual effects rigging td: MPC
- Nicolas Sabourin-Beausoleil
- digital compositor: MELS
- Sajeev Sadanandan
- matchmove lead: DNEG/Prime Focus
- Diganta Saha
- visual effects systems administrator: Scanline VFX
- Abhijeet Sahebraojigedam
- visual effects depth artist
- Rahul Kumar Sahu
- stereo compositor
- Salar Salahi
- stereo compositor
- Thomas Salama
- digital compositor: DNEG
- Kevin San
- visual effects texture artist: DNEG
- Lui Sanchez-Fontillas
- paint/prep artist: DNEG
- Sandeepchoudhary
- prep artist (as Choudharysandeep)
- Kevin Sanders
- stereoscopic compositor
- Matteo Sanna
- previs artist: The Third Floor
- Hannes Sap
- visual effects assistant colorist: DNEG
- Sathishbabu
- matchmove artist
- Yogesh Sawant
- visual effects depth artist
- Benjamin Scabell
- digital compositor: DNEG
- Adam Schardein
- visual effects executive: Stereo D
- Eduardo 'Lalo' Schmidek
- cg artist: DNEG
- Cale Schmidt
- stereoscopic compositor
- Noah Schnapp
- visual effects character td
- Maxine Schnepf
- visual effects coordinator
- Daniel Schrepf
- stereoscopic roto supervisor
- Brett Schroeder
- animator: DNEG
- Brian Schultz
- paint supervisor: Stereo D
- Paul Scott
- compositor
- Shaun Scott
- visual effects lead lighting td: DNEG
- Andy Scrase
- visual effects generalist td: DNEG (as Andrew E. Scrase)
- Amanda Seah
- matchmove artist: DNEG
- Alexander Seaman
- cg supervisor: DNEG
- Nicolas Seck
- senior animator: DNEG
- Igor Senkin
- stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
- Balasubramaniam Senthil Kumar
- bodytracker/matchmove artist: DNEG / matchmove artist: DNEG
- Vanessa Seow
- visual effects coordinator: DNEG
- Martin Seu
- visual effects artist
- Khizar Shabir
- stereo compositor: Stereo D
- Neetha Shankar
- visual effects depth artist
- Balakumaran Shanmugam
- stereo compositor
- Aurora Shannon
- visual effects colorist
- Mohak Sharma
- visual effects coordinator
- Jessica Sharp
- visual effects depth department manager: Stereo D
- Gary Shelley
- digital compositor
- William Sherak
- visual effects stereo executive producer
- Kazumasa Shibata
- digital compositor
- Sohail Shimi
- stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
- Nivruti Shingole
- VFX Prep Supervisor
- Guillaume Siadous
- visual effects environment td
- Jia Yi Siew
- roto/paint artist
- Ricardo Silva
- animator: DNEG
- Elena Simonovska
- prep artist
- Ganesh B. Singh
- senior matchmove artist: DNEG
- Saket Sinha
- roto artist: Stereo D
- Maxime Sirven
- visual effects editor: MPC
- Sally Slade
- visual effects
- Andrew Slevin
- visual effects production assistant: Scanline VFX
- Matthew Smart
- visual effects previs artist
- Donna Smith
- visual effects line producer: DNEG
- Jonty Smith
- visual effects artist: Clear Angle Studios
- Katherine Smith
- visual effects assets producer: MPC
- Parker Smith
- stereoscopic compositor
- Rupert Smith
- visual effects production supervisor
- Joanne Smithies
- previs artist
- Ben Soan
- visual effects lidar technician
- Vladimir Sofronov
- digital compositor
- Jordan Soles
- visual effects executive producer: Rodeo FX
- Aurélie Somet
- visual effects production support: Rodeo FX
- Nelson Sousa
- senior visual effects modeler: Scanline VFX
- Lisa Spence
- head of digital production: Scanline VFX, Los Angeles
- David Spotts
- element qc artist
- Ian Spriggs
- senior visual effects modeller
- Jeremy St-Amant
- roto artist: Rodeo FX
- Stéphanie St-Jean
- visual effects production support: Rodeo FX
- Jean-Michel St-Pierre Lapierre
- digital compositor: Rodeo FX
- Pascale St-Pierre
- matte painter: MPC
- Lukas Stabile
- senior visual effects production coordinator: Stereo D (as Lucas Stabile)
- Gregory Starck
- visual effects technology support: Rodeo FX
- Richard Stay
- compositor
- Grace Stephens
- senior visual effects texture artist: DNEG
- Jack Stevens
- digital compositor
- Jordan Stolearcius
- visual effects depth artist
- Mary Stroumpouli
- digital compositor: DNEG
- Alan Stucchi
- digital compositor
- Errol Stussi
- visual effects i/o coordinator
- Thomas Stölzle
- visual effects head of lighting: MPC
- Jim Su
- senior visual effects character td: DNEG
- Nishant Subrahmanian
- visual effects stereo manager
- Sudhirvarma
- stereo compositor: Stereo D
- Justin Summers
- previs supervisor: The Third Floor
- Troy Summersett
- stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
- Quentin Sur
- previs artist: The Third Floor
- Krishna Prasad T.
- visual effects line producer
- Helene Takacs
- senior visual effects coordinator
- Shirin Takallu
- element qc artist
- Avadhoot Tambe
- senior matchmove artist: DNEG
- Choon Xuan Tan
- paint/prep artist
- Jerrod Tan
- roto/paint artist
- Jo Ann Tan
- r&d artist: DNEG
- Qi Rong Tan
- roto/paint artist: DNEG
- Hanyu Tang
- visual effects production support: DNEG
- Dann Tarmy
- digital effects supervisor: MPC
- Dipak Tarpara
- stereoscopic compositor
- Chris Tay
- prep artist: DNEG
- Mark Taylor
- visual effects texture artist: DNEG
- Mason A. Taylor
- visual effects artist: Exceptional Minds
- Melissa Taylor
- visual effects executive producer
- Kenzo Tee
- matchmove artist: DNEG / visual effects bodytrack artist: DNEG
- Nishant Teli
- matchmove artist: DNEG
- Benoit Terminet Schuppon
- matchmove supervisor: DNEG
- Nizar Thabet
- visual effects executive: Stereo D
- Sourav Thakkar
- lead digital artist
- Olivier Thibaut
- r&d artist: DNEG
- Abraham Thomas
- visual effects editor: Prime Focus
- Amelie Thomas
- visual effects coordinator: Rodeo FX
- Mat Thompson
- visual effects coordinator: DNEG (as Matthew Thompson)
- Jithendran Thottupurath
- visual effects department manager: MPC
- Leila Tilghman
- element qc artist
- Andrew Tinkler
- stereo compositor
- Maria Todorov-Topouzov
- stereoscopic compositor
- Shermaine Toh
- prep artist: DNEG
- Imre Toke
- fx td: MPC
- Kar Hung Tom
- visual effects technology support: Rodeo FX
- Victor Tomi
- digital compositor: One f Us
- Sam Paul Toms
- visual effects editor: One Of Us
- Stephen Tong
- visual effects sequence supervisor: DNEG
- Benoit Touchette
- head of visual effects: MELS
- Carine Touraille
- visual effects pipeline td: Rodeo FX
- Franklin Toussaint
- digital compositor: MPC
- Derek Tracy
- roto/paint compositor
- Mai-Anh Tran
- matte painter: Rodeo FX
- Chris Treichel
- visual effects stereo line producer: Stereo D, North America
- Cedric Tremblay
- compositor: Rodeo FX
- Charles Tremblay
- roto artist: Rodeo FX
- Myriam Tremblay
- visual effects production support: Rodeo FX
- Ellis Trespalacios
- visual effects production coordinator
- Christine Troianello
- senior paint artist: DNEG
- Adam Trowse
- digital compositor
- Vincent Truitner
- cg animator
- Tzung-Da Tsai
- visual effects software developer
- Taylor Tulip-Close
- lead data wrangler
- Parikshat Tyagi
- compositor: DNEG (as Parikshit Tyagi)
- Vishal Tyagi
- visual effects depth artist
- Shraddha Uppu
- visual effects artist
- Alexandre Vachon
- visual effects technology support: Rodeo FX
- Pierre-Hugues Vachon
- roto artist: Rodeo FX
- Ankit Vajpayee
- compositor
- Ryan Valade
- visual effects editor: Scanline VFX
- Jonny Vale
- visual effects marketing: MPC
- Adrien Vallecilla
- lookdev & lighting artist
- Josiah Van Arsdel
- compositor
- Kays Vanderest
- visual effects coordinator
- Adam Vanner
- visual effects creature td
- Greg VanZyl
- visual effects artist
- Alonso Varela
- visual effects artist
- Bhanu Varma
- matchmove/roto artist
- Yuri Vasilyev
- roto/paint artist
- Matthieu Veillette
- matte painting: Rodeo FX
- Rajesh Velayudhan
- matchmove/roto artist: MPC
- Lies Veldeman
- digital compositor: DNEG
- Oliver Velichkovski
- paint artist
- Nicholas Verschelde
- visual effects pipeline td: Rodeo FX
- Alberto Vidiella
- digital compositor
- Fabrice Vienne
- cg supervisor: Rodeo FX
- Sophie Vigne
- visual effects production support: Rodeo FX
- Marie Vignola
- visual effects production support: Rodeo FX
- Elliott Viles
- visual effects
- Scott Vosbury
- compositor: Scanline VFX
- Elise Voyer
- effects department manager: MPC
- Jean-Philippe Voyer
- matchmove artist: Rodeo FX
- Ghanshyam Sureshbhai Waghela
- visual effects international lead: Stereo D
- Nigel Wagner
- matte painter
- Mark Wainwright
- visual effects texture artist
- Adam Walker
- visual effects artist
- Tara Walker
- digital compositor
- Cait Walsh
- visual effects production assistant: Scanline VFX
- Lilas Wang
- visual effects layout artist
- Ruiting Wang
- matchmove artist
- Daniel Warom
- visual effects crowd supervisor: Scanline VFX
- Sanford Warwick
- stereoscopic compositor/paint artist: Stereo D
- Dave Watro
- senior stereoscopic editor
- Martin Toby Watson
- visual effects layout artist: Scanline VFX
- Ros Webb
- visual effects recruiter
- Robin Webber-McAulay
- visual effects production support: DNEG
- Marie-Hélène Weiss
- visual effects production manager
- Shelley Welch
- visual effects layout artist
- Jeff Wells
- digital compositor: Scanline VFX
- Daniel Wennerholm
- compositor
- Kyle Whaley
- element qc coordinator
- Emma White
- in-house compositor
- Christopher Whittle
- visual effects artist: DNEG
- Philipp Wibisono
- senior visual effects lighting td
- Adam Wierzchowski
- visual effects pipeline td: Rodeo FX
- Stephen Willey
- visual effects technical support
- Stephen Alan Willey
- r&d artist: DNEG
- Mark Williams Ardington
- visual effects character td
- Sam Williams
- prep artist
- Gina Willis
- visual effects coordinator (as Gina Deuters)
- Ryan M. Wilson
- stereoscopic artist
- Stephane Wirtel
- visual effects pipeline td: Rodeo FX
- Teddy Wong
- visual effects technology support: Rodeo FX
- Conrad Wood
- visual effects
- Oscar Wright
- visual effects concept artist
- Sunil Kumar Yadav
- bg prep artist: DNEG
- Janet Yale
- visual effects producer: DNEG
- Ami Yamauchi
- visual effects producer: Cheap Shot
- Anna Yamazoe
- visual effects texture artist: DNEG
- Howard Yan
- visual effects accountant: Scanline VFX
- Kerry Yang
- visual effects production assistant
- James Yeoman
- visual effects cyber scanner
- Roland Yepez
- senior character animator: DNEG
- Natalie Young
- matchmove artist: DNEG
- Jun Xian Yue
- digital artist: DNEG
- Ngnodjom Yvan
- fx td: MPC
- Alon Zaslavsky
- senior visual effects character td: DNEG
- Lye Zechari
- matchmove artist: DNEG
- Tong Zhou
- cg lead: Scanline VFX
- Tony Zotta
- visual effects technology support: Rodeo FX
- Bojana Zozinska
- matchmove artist
- Simone Zuccarini
- roto/prep artist
- Susan Zwerman
- visual effects executive producer: Exceptional Minds
- Annselie Ã
- matchmove artist
- Ian Abbott
- visual effects technology: DNEG (uncredited)
- Mayur Dadarao Adhau
- international production (uncredited)
- Wakeel Ahmad
- matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Emil Alagjozovski
- paint artist (uncredited)
- Najdovski Aleksandar
- paint artist (uncredited)
- Miriam Alvarez
- visual effects 3d depth artist: Stereo D (uncredited)
- Amaya Ayers
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Rajesh Babu
- visual effects production manager (uncredited)
- Darren Bailey
- visual effects operations assistant: Stereo D (uncredited)
- Lorien Baquera
- element qc artist: Stereo D (uncredited) / visual effects depth artist: Stereo D (uncredited)
- Ashley Beyer-Whitaker
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Margaret Cardell
- visual effects production assistant (uncredited)
- Togusa Chan
- roto artist: DNEG (uncredited)
- Parichoy Choudhury
- visual effects lighting artist (uncredited)
- Andres Coron
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Michael Crusz
- stereoscopic conform editor (uncredited)
- Zoran Dimanovski
- visual effects lead paint artist (uncredited)
- Kristen Drewski
- visual effects coordinator: Scanline VFX (uncredited)
- Eddy Durnan
- visual effects production support: DNEG (uncredited)
- Katarina Gacevska
- lead paint artist (uncredited)
- Guy-Edwards Gonsalves
- visual effects technical artist (uncredited)
- Jamal Hajlaoui
- visual effects render/data support: MPC (uncredited)
- Todd Isroelit
- visual effects executive: Fox VFX (uncredited)
- Lazetutkovski
- lead paint artist (uncredited)
- Kevin Luttman
- stereo compositor: Stereo D (uncredited)
- Madhurimagupta
- stereo compositor: Stereo D (uncredited)
- Kiran Manohar
- roto artist (uncredited)
- Chiaki Matsubayashi
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Siddharth Natarajan
- stereoscopic coordinator: Stereo D (uncredited)
- David O'Brien
- element qc compositor: Stereo D (uncredited)
- Prakash Pathak
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Paul H. Paulino
- visual effects texture/lookdev artist: Scanline VFX (uncredited)
- Mile Petrushevski
- paint/prep artist (uncredited)
- Laurence Priest
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Anand Ramesh
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Kranti Sarma
- visual effects head of studio: MPC (uncredited)
- Sterling Azure Tipton
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Elena Vallverdu Pages
- visual effects layout td: DNEG (uncredited)
- Vanessa Velasquez
- visual effects technology: DNEG (uncredited)
- Elena Velkova
- paint artist (uncredited)