- Dan Abrams
- visual development: SPI
- Matthew Adams
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Julie Adrianson-Neary
- digital artist
- Benjamin Aguillon
- color & lighting technical director (as Ben Aguillon)
- Spencer Alexander
- character pipeline technical director
- Mir Z. Ali
- visual effects technical director (as Mir Ali)
- Michael Alkan
- senior lighting technical director: SPI (as Mike Alkan)
- Bill Anastas
- digital production coordinator
- Jesse Andrewartha
- color and lighting lead
- Elaine C. Andrianos
- visual effects editor
- Evan Appleby
- software engineer
- Mayumi Arakaki
- visual effects coordinator
- Tom Armbruster
- motion capture
- Neil Atkins
- senior technical director: Real-D release, SPI
- Christian Aubert
- senior technical director: SPI
- Erika Bach
- 3D scanning assistant coordinator
- Rick Baumgartner
- visual effects coordinator
- Sebastien Beaulieu
- senior technical director: SPI
- Bill Beemer
- motion capture systems operator
- Jeff Benjamin
- senior production service technician
- Theodore Bialek
- cg supervisor (as Theo Bialek)
- Thomas Bland
- character animator / technical animator
- David Bleich
- lead matte painter
- J.J. Blumenkranz
- character setup supervisor
- Jorge Bobadilla Jr.
- senior production services technician
- Scott Bogoniewski
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Frank Bonniwell
- technical animator
- Francois Bordez
- lighting technical director / modeler and texture artist
- Robert Bourgeault
- digital effects artist: Sony Imageworks
- Yanick Bourgie
- matte painter: SPI
- Christian Bouyer
- digital modeller
- Todd Boyce
- visual effects
- Jamaal Bradley
- character animator
- Tim Brandt
- research and development technical director: 3D adaption, SPI
- Dennis Bredow
- lead texture painter
- Jess Bressler
- lighting technical director
- Tom Bruno Jr.
- senior character animator: SPI
- Bruce Buckley
- modeller
- John Bunt
- lighting techical director
- Christopher Burdorf
- senior software engineer
- Won Young Byun
- lead character setup
- Dan Camp
- lead technical animator: SPI
- Grady Campbell
- lighting technical director
- Stephen Candell
- face animation setup
- Daniel Carbo
- digital coordinator
- John-Eric Cardon de Lichtbuer
- lighting techical director (as John Eric Cardon de Lichtbuer)
- Chris Carignan
- pipeline support: SPI
- Oscar G. Castillo
- visual effects
- Anthony Ceccomancini
- production manager
- Fabrice Ceugniet
- character animation pipeline
- Matthew Chambers
- senior production services technician
- Clara Chan
- color and lighting lead
- Benjamin Cheung
- senior technical animator
- Young Duk Cho
- cg artist
- Jangwoo Choi
- digital modeler (as Jang Woo Choi)
- Kyudon Choi
- visual effects
- Jeff Chung
- color/lighting technical director: Real-D release, SPI
- Benjamin Cinelli
- senior character animator
- Patrick Cohen
- computer graphics supervisor
- Katherine C. Concepcion
- associate producer
- David Conlon
- associate technical director
- Danielle Conroy
- production infrastructure: crewing and scheduling
- Kevin Cushing
- motion capture integrator
- Mike Dalzell
- lighting technical director
- Scott Danielson
- motion capture
- Alan Davidson
- computer graphics supervisor: 3D adaptation, SPI
- August Alondra Davies
- animator (as Paul A. Davies)
- David R. Davies
- visual effects
- Francisco De Jesus
- computer graphics supervisor: SPI (as Francisco X. DeJesus)
- Jesus De Santiago
- digital coordinator
- Jorge del Valle
- character technical director
- Owen Demers
- senior texture painter
- Debbie Denise
- visual effects executive producer
- Mark Dietel
- senior production services technician
- Danny Dimian
- Shader Writer
- Mitch Dobrowner
- technical production manager
- James Doherty
- digital modeling supervisor: post-production (as Jim Doherty)
- Andrea Donnelly
- senior digital character animator
- Amy Duarte
- lighting technical director (as Amy W. Wong)
- Nika Dunne
- 3D camera TD: SPI
- Frederic Durand
- lighting technical director
- Daniel Eaton
- senior cg supervisor
- Michael Edland
- visual effects
- Barbara Ellison
- character pipeline technical director
- Firat Enderoglu
- character pipeline technical director
- Chris Endicott
- character animator: SPI
- Rob Engle
- digital effects supervisor: 3D adaptation, SPI
- Edwin Fabros
- digital artist / texture painter
- Xou Fang
- technical animator
- Kristen Farlow
- digital coordinator
- Daniel Favini
- digital artist: SPI / texture painter
- Craig Feifarek
- lead production services technician: 3D adaptation: SPI
- Kevin Field
- digital coordinator
- Nishira Fitzgerald
- technical animator
- Mike Flanagan
- data operator
- Crys Forsyth-Smith
- visual effects producer
- Alexandre Frazao
- final layout artist
- Scott Fritts
- animator
- Regaye Fulcher
- crewing & scheduling
- Vijoy Gaddipati
- senior technical director
- Gregory Galliani
- senior modeler: SPI (as Greg Galliani)
- Jonathan Garcia
- senior production services technician: 3D adaptation, SPI (as Jonathan F. Garcia)
- Robb Gardner
- color & lighting technical director
- Frederick Gaudreau
- lighting and compositing technical director
- Maria Giannakouros
- effects technical director
- Tad A. Gielow
- pipeline supervisor (as Tad Gielow)
- Jasun Giles
- technical animator/mocap artist: SPI
- Rick Glenn
- lead animator / visual effects: Lead Character Animator
- David Godwin
- associate technical director
- Juan Gonzalez
- layout artist
- Demian Gordon
- stage supervisor: ImageMotion
- Victor Grant
- digital effects artist: IMAX 3D
- Jim Green
- lighting technical director
- Svetla Gressak
- lighting technical director
- Anne Hall
- lighting technical director
- Jason M. Halverson
- technical director: SPI (3D version)
- Willi Hammes
- lighting technical director
- Justin Hammond
- color & lighting technical director: 3D adaptation, SPI
- Steven Hansen
- lighting atd: SPI
- Mike Hardison
- lighting technical director (as Michael Hardison)
- Jordan B. Harris
- lead animator (as Jordan Harris)
- John Hart
- lighting technical director (as John Patrick Hart)
- Toby Haruno
- senior character animator: SPI
- Sho Hasegawa
- visual effects
- Albert Hastings
- integration supervisor: ImageMotion
- Dennis James Hauck Jr.
- assistant shoot supervisor: ImageMotion
- Parag Havaldar
- lead software engineer
- Thane Hawkins
- lighting technical director
- Buzz Hays
- visual effects producer: 3D Adaptation
- Chris Hebert
- special still photography
- Corey Hels
- directors layout artist: SPI
- Matthew Henderson
- lighting technical director
- Karl Herbst
- lighting technical director
- Nicole Herr
- digital character animator: SPI
- George Ho
- lighting technical director
- T. Daniel Hofstedt
- animation supervisor
- Carl Hooper
- effects animation lead
- Erica Hornung
- lead 3D camera technical director
- Dave R. Howe
- color & lighting technical director: 3D adaptation
- Chris Hung
- color & lighting technical director
- Josh Hutchins
- technical animator
- Joe Jackman
- visual effects
- Jay Jackson
- senior character animator
- Michael G. Jackson
- lighting technical director (as Michael Jackson)
- Mike Jiang
- look development/color & lighting
- Michael Juarez
- technical animator: SPI
- Moon-Jung Kang
- digital modeller (as Moon Jung Kang)
- Yun Geuk Kang
- lead modeler (as Yun-Geuk Kang)
- Joanie Karnowski
- 3D previsualization artist
- Oded Kassirer
- technical animator/mocap artist
- Miku Kayama
- senior color/lighting technical director: Real-D release, SPI
- David Keslick
- film recording supervisor
- Jennifer Jung Kim
- texture painter
- Marvin Kim
- lead character modeler
- Michael Kimmel
- lead character animator
- Noah Klabunde
- lighting technical director
- Stephen Kowalski
- senior systems architect
- Harald Kraut
- layout artist
- John Kreidman
- digital production manager
- Mark Krentz
- lead modeler
- Louisa Kwan
- associate production manager: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Luis Labrador
- senior modeler
- Josh LaBrot
- layout / technical animator
- Mike Lasker
- color & lighting technical director (as Michael Lasker)
- Daniel Khin Lay
- senior production services technician
- Umberto Lazzari
- character setup lead
- Tu Le
- color and lighting technical director: Sony Imageworks
- Hae-Jeon Lee
- visual effects
- Jang Chol Lee
- texture technical director: SPI (as Jang Lee)
- Kelvin Lee
- senior animator
- Kui-Han Lee
- lead modeler
- Richard S. Lee
- digital modeller (as Richard Lee)
- Stephanie C. Lee
- digital coordinator
- Carlos D. Lemus
- technical director: SPI
- Mickey Levy
- digital production manager
- Lyndon Li
- color and lighting lead
- Kuan Lin
- lighting technical director
- Robin A. Linn
- animation production director
- Mark Lipsmeyer
- technical animator/mocap artist: SPI
- Kieron Cheuk-Chi Lo
- color and lighting lead
- Gus Lopez
- motion capture
- Timothy Loughran
- digital coordinator
- Patrick Lowery
- character animator
- Rob MacKenzie
- lead senior technical animator
- Justin Marshall
- modeler
- Stephen Marshall
- visual effects
- Richard Matsushita
- lighting technical director
- Sarah Mattes
- lead senior technical animator: SPI
- Seth Maury
- digital effects supervisor
- Mike May
- senior production services technician: SPI (as Michael C. May)
- Heather McCann
- motion capture manager
- Will McCrate
- lighting technical director
- John McGee
- texture painter
- Shannon McGee
- senior technical director: 3D adaptation
- Chuck McIlvain
- character pipeline lead / visual effects artist
- Chris McLeod
- digital coordinator
- John J. Meehan
- lead senior technical animator
- Shaun Michel
- digital coordinator
- Tom Mikota
- lighting technical director
- Daniel Miller
- lighting technical director
- Erick Miller
- senior character technical director
- Marc Miller
- lighting technical director: 3D adaptation
- Rachel Mina
- color & lighting technical director
- Leah Montagnino
- reference photographer (as Leah Hardstark)
- Lennon Montejo
- tech animator
- Juan Carlos Moreno Rogel
- senior production service technician: SPI
- Koji Morihiro
- digital artist
- Dani Morrow
- mocap camera assistant
- Michael L. Mumbauer
- lead senior technical animator
- Serena Rainbow Naramore
- 3D lighting technical director/compositor: SPI
- Patrick Neary
- senior technical director: lighting
- Paul Newberry
- senior character animator: SPI
- Tonya Noerr
- animator: SPI
- Marcus Nordenstam
- digital effects
- Mark Norrie
- senior lighting technical director: SPI
- Matthew O'Callaghan
- tracker
- Joshua Ochoa
- senior technical animator
- Joe Oh
- senior animator
- Robert Davis Oh
- film recording: production services pipeline
- Nancy Ong
- motion capture production manager
- Ellery Ortiz
- layout artist: Real-D release
- Keith Paciello
- animator
- Ivo Panayotov
- senior production services technician
- John Edgar Park
- digital trainer
- S. Scott Parrish
- character pipeline technical director
- Reuben Pasquini
- software engineering: SPI
- Cara Paul
- color & lighting technical director
- Timothy Peeler
- digital colorist
- Robin Petersson
- digital modeller
- Jeffrey Pohl
- senior production services technician: SPI
- Bryan Poon
- technical director: cloth/hair
- Aldric La'auli Porter
- motion capture associate producer (as Aldric Porter)
- Rocco Pucillo
- visual effects coordinator
- Jay Redd
- visual effects supervisor
- Cynthia Richards
- visual effects production assistant: 3D Adaptation, SPI
- Olun Riley
- senior lighting artist
- Rebecca Rinn
- visual effects coordinator: 3D Adaptation, SPI
- Clarence 'Boola' Robello
- character animator (as Clarence Robello)
- Gary Roberts
- motion capture
- Aaron James Rogers
- visual effects (as Aaron Erimez)
- Ryan Rogers
- lighting technical director
- Savina Roman
- digital coordinator
- Ando Roose
- character animator (as Ando Tammik)
- Andrew Rose
- technical animator: SPI
- Joseph Rosensteel
- color & lighting technical director: 3D adaptation, SPI
- Matthew Rubin
- technical animator / tracker: Imageworks Performance Capture Tracking
- Jason Rush
- technical animator
- Brendan T. Ryan
- digital production coordinator (as Brendan Ryan)
- Steven R. Sacks
- assistant visual effects editor
- Mark Sagar
- R&D supervisor
- Jeff Sakurai
- development specialist: SPI
- J.R. Salazar
- Imagemotion integrator
- Troy Saliba
- animation supervisor
- Ramprasad Sampath
- 3D stereoscopic research & development
- Julian Sarmiento
- digital modeler / senior technical animator
- John E. Sasaki
- digital compositor
- Manuela Scalini
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Kevin Schooler
- technical animator
- Brett Schroeder
- character animator
- Jeff Schu
- lead character animator: SPI
- Brian D. Scott
- character animator
- Eric Scott
- digital producer
- Jeremy Selan
- color pipeline engineer
- Gaël Seydoux
- motion capture
- Randy Sharp
- senior modeler
- Kevin Paul Sheedy
- visual effects
- Jay Shindell
- previsualization artist
- Scot Shinderman
- visual effects
- Keith Sintay
- senior animator
- Joseph Slomka
- color scientist
- Kevin Soares
- assistant visual effects editor
- Brian Sorbo
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Joseph Spadaro
- senior character technical director: SPI
- Jeremy Squires
- lighting technical director: 3-D version
- Sean Stanek
- mocap unit production manager: SPI
- Jessica Stebbins
- assistant technical director (as Jessica Noll)
- Marc Steinberg
- modeler
- Jeremy Sternberg
- lighting & compositing technical director
- Youngsam Suh
- visual effects
- Masuo Suzuki
- shader writer and look development
- Emi Tahira
- technical animator
- Suan Ching Tan
- texture painter (as Suan Tan)
- Amy Taylor
- technical animator
- Mary Rachel Thompson
- animation production manager
- Peter M. Tobyansen
- motion capture line producer (as Peter Tobyansen)
- Jon Tojek
- color & lighting technical director / look development
- Ferdinand Torres
- senior production services technician: SPI
- Vincent Truitner
- cg animator
- Ryan Tulloch
- associate lighting technical director
- Corey Turner
- lead senior technical animator: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Alex Tysowsky
- animator
- Pete Upson
- layout artist
- Carolyn Uy
- senior technical director: 3D adaptation
- Pepe Valencia
- director's layout
- Bert Van Brande
- animation pipeline supervisor
- Olivier Van Zeveren
- lighting technical director: Imageworks
- Dana Vanhove
- digital production management
- Raffaello Vecchione
- digital modeller
- Alberto Velez
- systems engineer
- Carlo Volpati
- visual effects
- Nancey S. Wallis
- digital compositor
- Kevin Wang
- motion capture technical animator
- Nye Warburton
- animator
- Matthew A. Ward
- previsual animation
- Sandra Warren
- animator
- Eric Weinschenk
- lighting technical director
- David Weinstein
- animator: Sony
- Barry Weiss
- senior staff: SPI
- Craig Welsh
- lighting technical director
- Alexander Williams
- character animator
- Von Williams
- technical animator
- Jeremie Winslow
- digital production manager: 3D adaptation, SPI
- Lauralee Wiseman
- lead production services technician: SPI
- Christopher Wolf
- systems engineer
- Jeff Wolverton
- digital effects artist
- Paul Wood
- character animator
- Andrew Woodhouse
- lighting technical director
- Simon Yuen
- senior character technical director
- Franz Zach
- digital modeller
- Joseph A. Zaki
- senior color/lighter and compositor: SPI (as Joseph Zaki)
- Mitch Zeitlin
- video editorial coordinator: SPI
- Johanna D'Amato
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Ravi Jagannadhan
- tech support (uncredited)
- Lu Kondor
- technical writer (uncredited)
- Olun Riley
- look development (uncredited)
- Jake Rowell
- modeling artist (uncredited)
- John Sanders
- resource manager (uncredited)