- Carlos Acevedo
- lighting technical director: MPC
- Paul Adams
- modeller: MPC
- Jayaraman Adhikesavan
- paint & roto lead: Prime Focus
- Rohit Agarwal
- digital artist
- Nicolas Aithadi
- visual effects supervisor
- Rachel Ajorque
- fx td: MPC
- Mashi Akiyama
- postvis artist: MPC
- Amer Alameddine
- technical animator: MPC
- Stacy Albrecht
- visual effects production assistant
- Kaevski Aleksandar
- matchmove artist: FX3X
- Weverton Alves
- lighting artist
- Jill Ambrosino
- previsualization producer
- Kapil Dev Anand
- modelling and texturing artist
- Seshadri Anand
- matchmove artist
- Christian Antolin
- graphics & visual design
- Graham Ashworth
- environments technical director
- Atanas Atanasov
- modeler: MPC
- Patrice Avery
- producer: Halon
- Lijo K. Baby
- prep artist
- Andrew Bain
- dmp/environments lead: MPC
- Bhavika Bajpai
- groom technical director MPC
- Daniel Baker
- visual effects coordinator
- Manjusha Balachandran-Hall
- look development td (as Manjusha Balachandran)
- Carlos Balila
- digital artist: MPC
- Aymeric Ballester
- digital compositor: MPC
- Jasper M. Baltzersen
- compositor: MPC / roto/prep lead: MPC
- Charlie Banks
- rigger: MPC
- Thomas Banuls
- creature FX artist
- Pierrick Barbin
- lighting technical director
- Monica Barraza
- visual effects coordinator
- Angela Batten
- visual effects coordinator
- Manoranjan Behera
- production coordinator: Prime Focus
- Paula Bell
- roto prep supervisor
- Ashley Bellm
- visual effects department manager
- Jordan Benwick
- lead compositor
- Prabir Bera
- lead stereoscopic compositor
- Ian Berg
- vfx editor: MPC
- Lara Berners
- compositing department manager
- Giorgio Bertolone
- senior rigger
- Baljot Bhatti
- visual effects editor
- Jayesh Bhavsar
- visual effects supervisor: MPC
- Timothy Blake
- modeling: texturing td: MPC
- Jamie Blyth
- junior rigging td
- Joao Bogossian
- compositor
- Falk Boje
- digital artist
- Axel Bonami
- visual effects supervisor: MPC Vancouver
- Olivia Evelyn Bond
- visual effects coordinator (as Olivia Warren)
- Mike Borrett
- visual effects: Mr. X Inc.
- Ramzi Boudemagh
- modeling and sculpting artist
- Sreekanth Boyapati
- Visual Effects Production Manager
- Anton Brand
- technical animator
- Justin Brekke
- production operations manager: MPC
- Hugh Brompton
- visual effects coordinator
- Robin T. Brown
- senior compositor
- Robert J. Bruce
- compositing supervisor: Mr. X
- Linus Burghardt
- senior compositor
- Pauline Burns
- department manager: MPC
- Jeffrey Burt
- senior layout artist: MPC
- Greg Butler
- additional vfx set supervisor: MPC
- Sébastien Bélec
- lighting artist
- Mike Cacciamani
- lighting td: MPC (as Michael Cacciamani)
- Adriano Calafiore
- senior compositor: MPC
- William Cameron
- modeler
- Bobby Cardenas
- compositor
- Lorna Carmichael
- on set vfx data wrangler
- Alejandro Iván Hernández Castañeda
- digital matte painter: MPC
- Anoop Chandran
- matchmove & rotoanim artist: MPC
- Paul Chavez
- layout td: MPC
- Vincent Chedru
- technical animator
- Alex Cheparev
- senior modeler
- Adam Cheshire
- visual effects artist
- Daniel Chirwa
- senior compositor
- Rupesh Chogale
- visual effects artist
- Ann Chow
- visual effects coordinator
- Chi-Chang Chu
- lighting technical director
- Jordan Cirera
- lighting artist
- Meghan Cirillo
- titles: producer
- Benjamin Condy
- technical animator: MPC
- J. Todd Constantine
- previsualization supervisor: The Third Floor
- Alex Corll
- visual effects artist: lighting technical director
- Chad Cortvriendt
- stereoscopic producer
- Sam Cox
- senior layout artist: MPC
- Bec Cranswick
- stereo editor
- Poprizov Cvetan
- senior paint artist
- Melina Tancheva Cvetanoska
- paint artist
- Soumava Das
- lighting technical director: MPC
- Amber Davy
- visual effects coordinator
- MatÃas De Rose
- fx td: MPC
- Stanley A. Dellimore
- global head of layout: MPC
- Barry Dempsey
- lighting artist
- Steven Denyer
- visual effects artist
- Dhananajay Deore
- compositor
- Mark Derksen
- post visualization artist
- Marie-Charlotte Derne
- visual effects artist
- Rohan Desai
- global head stereo
- Anurag Deshmukh
- lighting artist
- Christopher DeVito
- cg animator/rigger
- Santosh Kumar Dey
- matchmove & rotoanim artist: MPC
- Craig Dibble
- lead render systems engineer: MPC
- Rod Dimayuga
- visual effects artist
- Dejan Dimovski
- paint artist
- Roland Dobson
- digital compositor: MPC
- Paul Docherty
- visual effects coordinator
- Laura Dochtermann
- visual effects coordinator: MPC
- Alia Dong-Stewart
- visual effects artist
- Andrew Doucette
- lead animator: MPC
- Aaron James Douglas
- vfx animation production assistant
- Christopher Downs
- cg supervisor
- Geoff DuQuette
- digital compositor
- Simon Dye
- senior compositor
- Scott Eade
- head of layout: MPC Vancouver
- Diana Eadie
- animator: MPC (as Diana Morawski)
- Gregory Ecklund
- previsualization artist: Unit 11 (as Greg Ecklund)
- Gracie Edscer
- visual effects producer: MPC
- Clwyd Edwards
- head of vfx
- Brandon Endy
- data wrangler: Virginia
- Rachel Erdos
- visual effects editor
- Bryan T. Evans
- tracking supervisor
- Gianpietro Fabre
- texturing lead: MPC
- Lawrence Fagan
- spydercam flight control
- Rebecca Fair-Lien
- stereo production coordinator
- Anouchka Farrenc
- animator
- Jessica Fernandes
- art department producer
- Daniel Antón Fernández
- environments artist: MPC
- Stephanie Ferreira
- visual effects coordinator
- Mark Ferrer
- dn compositing artist: MPC
- Adolfo Anuar Figueroa
- lighting td
- Brody Fikkert
- visual effects artist
- Jasmine Ford-Elgood
- visual effects coordinator
- Cody Fox
- visual effects coordinator
- Carl Frytz
- previs artist
- Martin Furman
- visual effects: MPC
- William Gabriele
- rigging technical director: MPC
- Mohit Garg
- stereo element qc: Prime Focus
- Rogério Tavares Gasi
- technical director: Halon Entertainment
- Claudio Gasparollo
- texture artist
- Géraldine Gaston
- Texture artist
- Nicolas Gauthier
- digital compositor: MPC
- Natalia Germi
- texture artist
- Sheik Ghafoor
- rigging support td: MPC
- Herod Gilani
- visual effects: lighting technical director
- Thomas Girdwood
- technical animator: MPC
- Hanna Goodman
- compositor
- Marcus Goodwin
- senior vfx production manager: MPC
- Kelsey Gow
- lead roto/prep artist: MPC
- Clement Granjon
- visual effects artist
- Itay Greenberg
- vfx compositor: MPC (as Itay Grinberg)
- Ummi Gudjonsson
- lead layout artist
- Xin Steve Guo
- layout td: MPC (as Steve Guo)
- Kevin T. Hahn
- on-set visual effects supervisor
- Magid Hajj
- compositor
- Jason Michael Hall
- pre-visualisation artist
- Athena Han
- visual effects editor
- Oliver Hearsey
- tracking/layout lead: Mr. X Inc.
- Karsten Hecker
- lead production engineer
- Emily Fay Higgins
- visual effects animation coordinator: MPC
- William Higgins
- vfx line producer
- Darren Hinchy
- visual effects dailies editor: Mr. X Inc.
- David Hirst
- head of lighting: MPC
- Thomas Rotohiko Hobman
- lead visual effects artist
- Carlos Hombrebueno
- visual effects coordinator
- Kim Hong Kyoung
- stereo compositor
- Shailey Horton
- visual effects artist (as Shailey Horne)
- Alexandra Hrabarchuk
- production manager (as Alex Carr)
- Graham Hudson
- asset lead
- Ahman Hung
- coordinator
- Sachin Ilamkar
- digital artist
- Giuseppe Improta
- lead visual effects artist
- Ryan Ingram
- digital matte painter
- Francesc Izquierdo
- lead crowd technical director
- Snehal Jadhav
- visual effects supervisor
- Ali Jafargholi
- environment technical director
- Rohit Jain
- cloth td
- Seok Ryan Jang
- compositor: MPC
- Sivaprakash Jeevanantham
- compositor
- Daniel Jeffery
- visual effects coordinator
- Jose Jijesh
- modelling td: MPC
- Jeremy Johnson
- digital compositor
- Ross Johnson
- head of production: MPC
- Marko Jovanovic
- visual effects artist
- Romeo Julien
- modeler: MPC
- Santosh Kumar K.
- texture & lookdev
- Niels Peter Kaagaard
- modeller: MPC
- Ravikumar Kajipuram
- visual effects: texture artist
- Kamalakkannan
- digital compositor
- Raghavendra Kamath
- stereo production manager
- Igor Kapedanov
- visual effects artist
- Anurag Kapil
- matchmove and rotoanim artist
- Ranajoy Kar
- matchmove artist: MPC
- Thomas Kayser
- senior matte painter
- Spencer Kelsey
- previsualization artist
- Bumjun Jeremy Kim
- roto-prep: MPC
- da Suel Kim
- visual effects artist
- Taeyoung Kim
- lighting technical director: MPC
- Yong Kim
- lighting td: Moving Pictures Company
- Markus Kircher
- digital compositor
- Goran Kjulavkovski
- compositor
- MacDuff Knox
- visual effects artist
- Mihajlo Kocevski
- matchmove artist
- Peter Koss
- digital compositor: MPC
- Max Kostenko
- character designer: MPC
- Priya Kotian
- lighting technical director: MPC
- Balaji Kp
- lead creature td
- Uma Krishnamurthy
- head of production
- Randy Krueger
- digital compositor
- Magnolia Ku Lea
- animator
- Aravind Kumar
- matchmove & rotoanimation
- Kodavali Ashok Kumar
- digital compositor
- Prashant Kumar
- roto animation
- Praveen Kumar
- rotomation artist
- Natalya Kuzmina
- digital matte painter & environment artist: MR X
- Dominique Kwiek
- pipeline software developer: MPC
- Caroline Labrie
- previs artist
- Shandy Lashley
- visual effects coordinator
- Sebastian Lauer
- texture artist / texture artist: MPC
- Yan Kin Law
- digital compositor
- Isabelle Leduc
- on-set visual effects coordinator: second unit
- Danny Lee
- compositor: MPC
- Gong Myung Lee
- cg supervisor: Mr.X
- Jina Lee
- visual effects artist: Mr. X
- Seung-Joon Lee
- digital compositor
- Thomas Lemoine
- rigger/animator: MPC
- Taylor Lenton
- lighting td
- Samuel Leung
- lighting technical director
- Daniel Li
- fx td: MPC
- Jackie Liao
- lighting technical director
- Nicole Librodo
- visual effects editorial: Mr. X Inc.
- Elizabeth Lily
- matchmove and rotomation artist
- Kim Lindqvist
- texture artist: MPC
- Victoria Livingstone
- pre-visualization supervisor: MPC
- Randolph Lizarda
- previs artist
- Shelly Lloyd-James
- visual effects production supervisor
- Kristen Longtin
- digital compositor
- Shaun Lorienz
- post viz
- Sheryn Lu
- lighting td
- Francesco Lupo
- groom artist: MPC
- Lee Maher
- assets production assistant: MPC
- David Major
- technical animator: MPC
- Akash Mangavkar
- visual effects production manager
- Anthony Mariya
- lead stereoscopic compositor: Prime Focus
- David Marmor
- model artist
- Sebastien Marsais
- fx td
- Abner MarÃn
- sculptor/modeller
- Rudy Massar
- senior creature modeller: MPC
- Laszlo Mates
- lead lighting/look development technical director
- Ian Mathews
- texture artist: MPC
- Manmath Matondkar
- modeling artist: MPC
- Lauren McCallum
- head of production: MPC, London
- Jeremy Meltzer
- digital compositor: MPC
- Lewis Menga
- senior stereoscopic editor: Prime Focus
- Andre Mercier
- previs artist
- Matt Middleton
- dfx supervisor
- Damjan Minovski
- roto/paint artist: FX3X
- Buhas Mohammedunny P.
- matchmove lead: MPC
- Kobi Moldavski
- digital matte painter/environment artist: MPC
- Daniel Morales
- technical animator: MPC
- Allan Morel
- visual effects artist
- Nick Murphy
- vfx editor: head of editorial MPC Vancouver
- Gabriela Mursch
- fx artist: MPC
- Ananda Murthy
- camera track & rotomation artist: MPC
- Jayaraj Muthukumar
- matchmove artist
- Jeff Nadwidny
- prep qc artist: MPC
- Garware Narendra
- lighting lead
- Tom Narey
- previs artist: MPC
- Kedar Nath
- lead lighting artist
- C. Michael Neely
- postvis supervisor: MPC
- Devesh Neema
- depth compositor: team lead trainer
- Gary Newman
- senior texture artist: MPC
- Khang Ngo
- software developer
- Thierry Nguyen
- concept artist
- Kim Alex Nielsen
- character effects artist: MPC
- Vasko Nikolovski
- visual effects artist
- Aline Nordmark
- matte painter: MPC
- Meghan O'Brien
- visual effects coordinator: MPC
- Alok Ogale
- digital artist
- Erik Ojong
- character fx artist: MPC
- Mark Orme
- senior matte painter: environment td
- Jojan P M
- senior pipeline software developer: MPC
- Nitheesh P.C.
- senior matchmove artist: MPC
- Sumit Pabbi
- lead effects technical director: MPC
- Sivakumar Padala
- senior lighting td
- Zharko Pajevikj
- Paint/Prep Artist
- Bikas Panigrahi
- modeling and texturing TD: MPC
- Piyush Pareek
- digital artist
- Florian Parrot
- animator
- Sudarson Parthasarathy
- matchmove artist
- Kashif Pasta
- visual effects coordinator
- Annsh Patel
- stereo production manager
- Harshal Patil
- matchmove
- Kartiki Patil
- visual effects coordinator
- Arnaud Pecqueur
- texture artist
- Kai Pedersen
- look development td: MPC
- Billy Perry
- digital artist
- Joep Peters
- texture artist: MPC
- Frank Petit
- digital compositor
- Dojchin Petrovski
- paint artist
- Goran Petrushevski
- paint artist
- Huan Phan
- previsualization artist: Unit 11
- Ezra Pike
- element compositor: MPC
- Mario J. Pillet
- technical animator: MPC
- Francesco Pinto
- technical animator
- Gabriel Pires
- compositor
- Viktor Plch
- senior lighter
- Ron Pogue
- visual effects consultant
- Pascal Polic
- environment td
- Miguel Ponce
- digital compositor
- Taylor Potts
- animator: MPC
- Ashutosh Prajapati
- visual effects artist
- Abhishek Prasad
- senior lighting technical director
- Vikram Prashanth
- editorial assistant
- Kristin Pratt
- layout td
- Padiyachi Premraj
- roto artist: visual effects
- Holly Price
- visual effects production manager
- Richard Pring
- senior view-d editor: Prime Focus
- Ankit Priya
- paint/prep artist: MPC
- Roberto Proietti
- digital compositor: MPC
- Tim Pruce
- senior compositor: MPC
- Sean Pugh
- modelling artist
- Sergej Pulios
- matchmove
- Dnyandeep Pundkar
- digital compositor
- Victor Radulov
- digital compositor: MPC
- Ankit Rangankar
- stereo compositor
- Satheesh Rangasamy
- digital compositor: MPC
- Bhavesh Rank
- lead stereoscopic compositor
- Anil Reddy
- matchmove and rotoanim artist: MPC
- Balaji Reddy
- technical animator: MPC
- James Rees
- stereoscopic supervisor
- Derek Rein
- visual effects artist
- Rejindas
- texture artist
- Benjamin Relf
- motion graphics artist
- Renganath
- matchmove and rotomation artist: MPC
- Adriano Rinaldi
- head of effects: MPC
- Matt Ringot
- visual effects artist: rigger (as Matt Ringo)
- Scott Riopelle
- visual effects supervisor: Mr. X
- Clarence 'Boola' Robello
- senior previs animator (as Clarence Robello)
- Eric J. Robertson
- visual effects supervisor: Mr. X Gotham
- Suzanne C. Robertson
- production coordinator
- Pau Rocher
- compositor
- Justin Rogers-CdeBaca
- visual effects io coordinator
- Jonak Roy
- software development and support
- Rajat Roy
- global technical supervisor
- Tony Rudolph
- digital matte painter: MPC
- Sean Ruecroft
- layout td
- Yves Ruprecht
- animator: MPC
- Scott Russell
- visual effects artist
- Mathias Røyrvik
- rigging td: MPC
- Rajeev Sahu
- visual effects supervisor
- Henning Sanden
- character texture artist: MPC
- Michael Sangalang
- vfx editor: MPC
- Arnab Sanyal
- lead compositor: MPC
- B.S. Rajkumar Sapate
- matchmove and rotoanim artist / matchmove/rotomation lead
- Daryl Sawchuk
- animation supervisor
- Jason Adam Schaefer
- compositor
- Arvid Schneider
- lighting technical director: MPC
- Brett Schroeder
- senior animator: MPC
- Florian Schuck
- visual effects artist
- Sean-Ray
- concept/modeling artist
- Todd Semmes
- spydercam coordinator/rigging
- Alican Sesli
- digital compositor
- Fiaz Shaikh
- modeling artist: MPC
- Prateek Sharma
- team lead
- Suraj Sharma
- element qc: Prime Focus
- Rick Shick
- visual effects artist
- Yi-Kai Shieh
- lighting td: MPC
- Swain Shiv
- visual effects artist
- Alex Shvartzman
- scanning technician: Industrial Pixel VFX
- Fabio Siino
- rigging td: MPC
- Dorota Sikorska
- senior rigging technical director
- Elena Simonovska
- visual effects: prep artist
- Vinay Pratap Singh
- stereo compositor
- Rahul Sinha
- visual effects artist
- Scott Sinnott
- it manager: Halon Entertainment
- Jonathan Skabla
- senior digital compositor
- Miro Skandera
- previs artist
- David Skorepa
- senior texture artist: MPC
- Ben Sledge
- character effects technical director: MPC (as James Ben Sledge)
- Jessica Smith
- stereo producer: Paramount Pictures
- Shane Smith
- imaging engineer
- Tefft Smith
- previs supervisor
- Perry Hyunwoo Sohn
- lighting technical director: MPC
- Glorivette Somoza
- stereo coordinator
- Srikrishna
- production coordinator: MPC
- P. Sriram
- digital compositor: MPC
- Himanshu Srivastava
- modeling and texturing artist: MPC
- Chris Stefiuk
- modelling td: MPC
- Robert Stratton
- rigging td
- Vinayaga Sundar
- digital artist: MPC
- Yegor Swarovski
- lighting td
- Faizal Taher
- lighting technical director: MPC
- Alex Tang
- environment artist
- Katrina Taylor
- visual effects editor: MPC
- Mark Taylor
- texture artist: MPC
- Sridhar Telaprolu
- modeling artist: MPC
- Masahiro Teraoka
- digital compositor
- Eve Thomas
- visual effects coordinator
- Lynda Thompson
- visual effects consultant
- Kire Timov
- paint artist
- Rohan Tirkey
- stereoscopic supervisor: Prime Focus World India
- Joel Tong
- digital compositor
- Fabio Tovar
- postvis artist: MPC
- Olga Trailina
- visual effects production assistant
- Kallan Treadwell
- visual effects coordinator
- Vincent Truitner
- cg animator
- Corey Turner
- executive stereographer: Paramount Pictures
- Stefano Valente
- compositor: MPC
- Adrien Vallecilla
- lookdev & lighting artist
- Jozef van Eenbergen
- software developer: MPC
- Bhanu Varma
- matchmove artist
- Anandan Vasudevan
- visual effects artist
- Cassius Vaz
- stereo production manager: Prime Focus World
- Rohan Vaz
- visual effects artist (as Rohan Vaz)
- Murali Veera
- technical animator: MPC (as Muralitharan)
- Rajesh Velayudhan
- matchmove and rotoanim artist: MPC
- Ricardo Velez
- lead dn compositing artist
- Saphir Vendroux
- matte painter: MPC
- Shiv Kumar Vishwakarma
- visual effects: MPC
- Aude Vitrant
- department manager: MPC
- Vivekanandan
- visual effects artist
- Armand Vladau
- digital compositor
- Justin Walker
- modelling technical director: MPC
- K. Marie Walters
- visual effects production supervisor
- Gerry Wang
- animator
- Kenson Wang
- digital compositor
- Shelley Welch
- layout artist
- Nana Yu-Chieh Wen
- layout td: MPC
- Jason Wheatley
- visual effects editor
- Punn Wiantrakoon
- previsualization artist: Unit 11
- Sean Wicks
- visual effects coordinator
- Chris 'Willie' Williams
- previsualization artist: Unit 11 (as Chris Williams)
- Robert A. Willis
- lead compositor
- Chris A. Wilson
- lighting td: MPC
- Tobias Graa Winblad
- visual effects coordinator
- Jeff Wolverton
- visual effects artist
- Stephen T.Y. Wong
- senior compositor: MPC (as Stephen Wong)
- Mike Woodhead
- data wrangler / senior data capture td: MPC
- Tabitha Woodman
- visual effects coordinator
- Paul Wren
- visual effects coordinator
- Steve Yamamoto
- previsualization supervisor: Unit 11
- Emily Yang
- lighting technical director
- Asuha Yasuda
- matte painter: MPC
- Travis Yee
- previs artist
- Sinae Yi
- lighting/lookdev artist: MPC
- Kyle Yoneda
- head of effects
- Andrew M. Young
- animator: end title sequence / editor: end title sequence / editor: main title sequence / stereoscopic supervisor: end title sequence / stereoscopic supervisor: main title sequence
- Lawrence Zalasky
- layout td: MPC
- Tiffany Tingting Zhao
- digital compositor
- Rob Zohrab
- layout td
- Brandy Zumkley
- digital compositor
- Emil Alagjozovski
- paint artist (uncredited)
- Jillian Brooks
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Thomas Buckingham
- render/data support: MPC (uncredited)
- Jason Chee
- previs artist: halon (uncredited)
- Zoran Dimanovski
- lead paint artist (uncredited)
- Katarina Gacevska
- lead paint artist (uncredited)
- Boizanté Guillaume
- lighting td (uncredited)
- Uday Joshi
- visual effects coordinator: MPC (uncredited)
- Lazetutkovski
- lead paint artist (uncredited)
- Melissa K. Lee
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Richard Mason
- digital artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Chiaki Matsubayashi
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Mile Petrushevski
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Becky Philpott
- vfx photographer (uncredited)
- Bandhavit Puangpikul
- tracking (uncredited)
- Bhanu Pratap Rathore
- team lead (uncredited)
- Ryan Uhrich
- motion designer: G Creative (uncredited)
- Sreejith Venugopalan
- digital artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Glenn Woodburn
- lidar scanning: Direct Dimensions (uncredited)