- Ruby Alvarez-Rieke
- shading and cloth technical director
- Stephen Bautista
- conceptual designer
- Vijay Bharadwaj
- fx artist
- Sherry Bharda
- digital effects supervisor: Tata VCL
- Ed Cook
- effects programmer
- Timm Dapper
- rendering technical director
- Jorge Daza
- render queue programming
- Dana Farber
- lead character modeler
- Ted Fay
- visual effects supervisor
- Justin Hammond
- senior animator
- Philipp Hartmann
- CG supervisor / massive supervisor
- Dorene Haver
- lead compositor
- Roshini Joshi
- flame artist
- Maxine Jurgens
- compositor: Gener8Xion
- Pankaj Khandpur
- creative director: Tata VCL / digital effects supervisor: Tata VCL
- Rajesh Koli
- senior animator
- Chandrasekhar Kothandapany
- head of production: Tata VCL
- George Krauter
- modeler / senior texture artist
- N. Balamurali Krishna
- visual effects
- Adam Lagattuta
- visual effects coordinator
- Donna Langston
- visual effects set supervisor
- Björn Lubitz
- senior modeller
- Girish Chandra Maharana
- senior animator
- Jonathan Martin
- conceptual designer
- David Matthews
- Massive I/O programmer
- Jenz Merrill
- scanning & recording producer
- Michael Millar
- systems administrator
- Paul Thomas Miller
- rotoscoping programmer
- Subbarao Namma Venkat
- head of production: Tata VCL
- Sandesh Pai
- senior animator / visual effects artist
- Ashok Pallati
- digital effects artist: Tata VCL
- Jitendra B. Patel
- assistant animation director: Tata VCL
- Jeff Pierce
- digital color supervisor
- Lennard Pinto
- senior animator
- Ashish Pradhan
- visual effects artist
- Derek N. Prusak
- visual effects production manager
- Mallikarjuna B. Rao
- senior modeler
- Bharat Sachdev
- senior animator
- Adi Shayan
- executive visual effects producer: Tata VCL
- Marion Spates
- Massive digital artist: Gener8Xion Entertainment
- Nalin P. Thakur
- senior animator
- Alexander Thamm
- senior modeler
- Te Wilson
- character animator
- Shyam V. Yadav
- visual effects documentarian
- Merchant Zahid
- visual effects artist
- Katja Federkiel
- Massive artist (uncredited)