- Robert Adames
- Set Production Assistant
- Matthew Avila
- Associate Manager: Physical Production
- Gena Berry
- Food Stylist
- Seymour Carnegie
- catering/head of dept
- Dani Colucci
- adr voice cast
- Ami Coulibaly
- Project Manager: Audio Description
- Vicki Davis
- adr voice cast
- Elizabeth Driscoll
- unit publicist
- Joe Fisher
- production assistant
- Liz Gutierrez
- Executive In Charge of Production
- Simone Hodge
- Payroll Clerk
- Brandon Linville
- Post Accountant
- Zoie Lynch
- production coordinator (as Zoie Sykes)
- Laurent Marchand
- cater
- Laura Melosh
- Payroll Accountant
- David Michie
- adr voice cast
- Richard Miro
- adr voice cast
- Jessica Pennington
- adr voice cast (as Jessica Pennington Quinn)
- Anthony Ridgeway
- Set Medic
- Erin Sanderson
- Studio Executive
- Mariana Santos-Kopelson
- Netflix Physical Production
- Stan Sellers
- adr voice cast
- Carrie Sharpe
- production accountant
- Georgia Simon
- adr voice cast
- Jill Smith
- adr voice cast
- Warren Sroka
- adr voice cast
- Skip Stellrecht
- adr voice cast (as Henry 'Skip' Stellrecht)
- Nick Swain
- production assistant
- Eric Tiede
- adr voice cast
- Brittany Walton
- Assistant to Producer
- Courtney Williams
- production secretary
- David Zyler
- adr voice cast (as Dave Zyler)