- Nadarajan Usha Abheesh
- roto lead
- Gary Abrahamian
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Dave Isaac Santos Abuel
- digital compositor
- Aileen Acayan
- stereoscopic compositor: Legend 3D
- Shane Acker
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Brian Adams
- compositor
- Nancy Adams
- digital artist
- Michael Adkisson
- compositor
- Rose Adler
- post-visualization artist
- Laide Agunbiade
- senior technical director: lighting
- Matt Akey
- stereo producer: Legend 3D
- Keren Albala
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Samuel Alicea
- look development artist: Sony Pictures Imageworks / texture painter: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Michael Alkan
- senior technical director: research & development
- Vinicio Alvarez
- resource administrator
- Andrew Amato
- visual effects production assistant
- Seshadri Anand
- visual effects artist
- Dane Anderson
- asset technician: Legend 3D
- Sarah Anderson
- layout artist (as Sarah Back)
- Elaine C. Andrianos
- visual effects editor: SPI
- Craig Andujar
- visual effects asset manager
- Kapil Anurag
- matchmove artist
- Nathan Arbuckle
- effects technical director: Evil Eye Pictures
- Jose Astacio
- layout artist
- Hunter Athey
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Christian Aubert
- pipeline technical director
- Kilian Aulenbacher
- matte painter
- Mark Anthony Austin
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Daniel Avery
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Jennifer Avery
- Visual Effects Coordinator: Sony Imageworks
- Bekah Baik
- visual effects artist
- Morarji Bala
- matchmove & rotomation lead
- Sandesh Balachandra
- visual effects artist
- Stanley Balu
- matchmove artist
- Yohan Bang
- Modeler
- Wesley Barker
- assistant data wrangler
- Pharoah Barrett
- 3D artist: Digiscope
- Geeta Basantani
- senior compositor: Sony Imageworks
- Matt Bauer
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Gavin Baxter
- cloth lead
- Mike Beaulieu
- lead animator: sony imageworks
- Favian Beltran
- motion capture specialist
- Danielle Bemis
- visual effects coordinator: Luma Pictures
- Jeff Benjamin
- effects technical director
- Matthew Benson
- visual effects artist
- Dimitre Berberov
- senior effects technical director
- Shane Birdsill
- technical production coordinator
- Jourdan Biziou
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Christopher Blasko
- visual effects coordinator
- Ian Blewitt
- digital compositor
- Stephen A. Bloch
- post visualization artist: The Third Floor Inc / previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- J.J. Blumenkranz
- cg supervisor
- David Bohorquez
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Chris Bolwyn
- visual effects
- Austin Bonang
- previsualization co-supervisor: The Third Floor
- Rachel Borkow
- previsualization production coordinator: The Third Floor
- Erin Bosworth
- digital compositor
- Christian Boudman
- digital compositor
- Dennis Bredow
- texture supervisor
- Michelle Lynne Brenner
- senior production services technician
- Jared Brient
- lighting and comp technical director: SPI
- Nigel Broad
- visual effects artist
- Brett Bronson
- compositing associate technical director
- Kyle Patrick Brown
- compositor
- Dan Browne
- systems admistrator: Evil Eye Pictures
- Steven Browning
- cg modeler
- Alyssa Brule
- stereoscopic camera layout artist
- John Bunt
- layout artist
- Tony Cabrera
- lead previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Sean Callahan
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Dan Camp
- cloth & hair technical director: SPI (as Daniel Camp)
- Rosa Behrens Camp
- production services technician
- Alex Cancado
- 2d supervisor: Luma Pictures (as Alexandre Cancado)
- Allen Cappuccilli
- visual effects editor: SPI
- Tom Cardenas
- 3d scanning consultant
- Curtis Carlson
- digital compositor
- Kathy Carlston
- camera layout artist
- Bridget Carmody
- visual effects assistant coordinator (as Bridget Swerecki)
- Michael Patrick Carmody
- visual effects production assistant: witness camera operator
- Ozzie Carmona
- visual effects artist
- Dan Carpenter
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Nicolás Casanova
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- John Cassella
- senior fx technical director: Luma Pictures
- Shoghi Castel De Oro
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Joe Censoplano
- lighting/compositing artist: Luma Pictures
- Clara Chan
- digital artist
- Chandrasekhar
- digital artist
- Andy Chang
- senior compositor: Sony Pictures Imageworks (as Andy Chih-Jen Chang)
- John Abraham Chempil
- visual effects artist
- Albert Cheng
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Rena Cheng
- production assistant: vfx
- Zach Christian
- digital painter
- Benjamin Cinelli
- senior character animator
- Suzanne Cipolletti
- post-visualization artist: The Third Floor / previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Vincent Cirelli
- visual effects supervisor: Luma Pictures
- Peter Claes
- lead effects artist: Method Studios
- Craig Clarke
- senior compositor
- Sarah Coatts
- visual effects producer: title design, yU+Co
- Adam Coggin
- post-visualization artist
- Brian M. Cohen
- character pipeline / character setup artist
- Chad E. Collier
- data operations manager: Method Studios
- Benjamin Conner
- compositor: SPI
- Doug Cram
- digital compositor
- Joseph Creswell
- lighting technical director: Sony Imageworks
- Stuart Cripps
- compositing lead
- Steve Cullingford
- character setup facial lead
- Will Cunningham
- crowd supervisor / motion capture supervisor
- Nick Curdy
- visual effects assistant
- Davide Curletti
- roto/paint artist: Luma Pictures
- Ryan Cushman
- character pipeline
- Enid Dalkoff
- digital compositor
- Gentry Davidson
- visual effects artist
- David R. Davies
- effects animation lead
- Francisco De Jesus
- digital effects supervisor: SPI
- Jesus De Santiago
- associate production manager
- Lisa Deaner
- visual effects artist
- Yoshi DeHerrera
- 3D scanning technician: Gentle Giant Studios
- Stevan Del George
- lead stereo compositor: yU+Co, Hollywood, CA
- Ruy Delgado
- matchmove artist: Luma Pictures
- Sarah Delucchi
- post-vis visual effects artist
- Debbie Denise
- vfx executive producer
- Marie Victoria Denoga
- compositing lead: Sony Imageworks
- Ivy Depies
- compositor: method studios
- Noah DePietro
- model maker
- Greg Derochie
- digital compositor
- Mark DeSousa
- cloth and hair supervisor
- K. Ramya Devi
- visual effects artist
- Ramya Devi
- visual effects artist
- Dhananjayan
- rotomation artist
- Robert Diaz
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Joshua DiCarlo
- character technical director
- Danny Dimian
- cg supervisor
- Spencer Dinney
- lighting intern
- Roxanne Dorman
- visual effects editor
- Christina Drahos
- digital compositor
- Colin Drobnis
- digital compositor
- Sean Dsouza
- lighting technical director
- Geer DuBois
- layout artist
- Jadan Duffin
- digital compositor
- Stirling Duguid
- computer graphics supervisor: SPI (as R. Stirling Duguid)
- Amanda Dyar
- visual effects
- Noel Eaton
- lead production services technician
- Gregory Ecker
- visual effects artist: SPI
- Christopher Edwards
- previsualization creative director: The Third Floor
- James Eggleston
- stereo compositor: Legend3D
- Elayaraja
- associate production manager
- Randahl Elkins
- digital compositor
- Chris Engle
- visual effects digital asset wrangler
- Richard Enriquez
- vfx assistant coordinator
- John Paul Escobar
- visual effects editor: Legend 3D
- Derek Esparza
- animator
- Fish Essenfeld
- lead compositor / senior technical director
- Jonathan Faber
- model maker
- Edwin Fabros
- texture painter
- Paul John Faeldo
- stereo compositor: Legend3D (as Paul Faeldo)
- Justin Falgout
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Jody Fedele
- visual effects editor
- Craig Feifarek
- senior technical director: lighting and look development: SPI
- Jackie Fenton
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Via Fernandez
- digital artist: Evil Eye Pictures
- John Fielding
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Frank Fieser
- compositing lead: SPI
- Brian Fisher
- lead compositor
- Timothy Fleur
- visual effects artist: Luma Pictures
- Akiblas Flores
- visual effects supervisor: Toon City
- Ruben Flores
- lead lighting technical director
- Heather Flynn
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Enya Foley
- casting coordinator: the third floor
- Melissa Franco
- visual effects still photographer
- Fortunato Frattasio
- compositing supervisor: Digiscope
- Janet Freedland
- roto/paint artist
- Josh Fritchie
- stereo coordinator: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Shu Fujita
- visual effects coordinator: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Chris Fung
- visual effects artist: Luma Pictures
- Anthony Garcellano
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Anthony Garcia
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Daniella Garcia
- stereo production assistant: Legend 3D
- Ryan Gaul
- visual effects coordinator: Method Studios
- Lauren Gauthier
- visual effects coordinator: Method Studios (as Lauren Guerard)
- Joel Gerlach
- visual effects artist: Luma Pictures
- Adam Ghering
- stereoscopic compositing supervisor: Legend3D
- Pooya Ghobadpour
- visual effects artist
- Maria Giannakouros
- effects technical director: SPI
- Deborah Giarratana
- visual effects executive
- Tad A. Gielow
- software lead
- Maribeth Glass
- lighting technical director
- Nathalie Gonthier
- Lead Paint and Roto artist
- Pam Gonzales
- paint: Method Studios
- Erik Gonzalez
- lighting/look development technical director
- Chelsea Goodchild
- stereo paint artist: Luma Pictures
- Demian Gordon
- senior layout artist
- Lenny Gordon
- tracker: Luma Pictures
- Oded Granot
- digital compositor: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Orin Green
- digital compositor
- Stephen Greenberg
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Jason Greenblum
- CG supervisor: SPI
- Josh Gridley
- post-visualization artist: The Third Floor / previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Erik Griott
- post visualization artist: The Third Floor Inc / previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Pawel Grochola
- visual effects artist
- Julie Groll
- senior digital production manager: SPI
- Christopher Grutzmacher
- pipeline td: Legend 3D
- Scott Gudahl
- digital compositor
- Jennifer Gutierrez
- compositor: Luma Pictures
- Alexa Hale
- visual effects production supervisor
- John Haley
- senior cg supervisor: SPI
- Martin Hall
- senior compositor: Sony Imageworks
- Miles Hall
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Lindsay Hallett
- director of business relations: Luma Pictures
- Aaron Hamman
- senior modeller
- H Haden Hammond
- sequence supervisor: Luma Pictures
- Scott Hankel
- previsualization co-supervisor: The Third Floor
- Lexi Hanson
- digital compositor
- T.C. Harrison
- digital compositor: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Ahmed Hassan
- effects technical director
- Chris Hawthorne
- model maker
- John R. Hazzard
- pipeline technical director: Luma Pictures
- Kimberly Headstrom
- roto/paint artist: SPI
- Eric Heaton
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Chris Hebert
- visual effects photographer
- Jason Hebert
- stereo compositor
- Daniel Heder
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Jason Heinze
- compositing technical director
- Christian Hejnal
- visual effects producer
- Thomas Helman
- stereoscopic software developer
- Benjamin Hendricks
- consulting stereographer
- Kimberly Henry
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Brent Hensarling
- senior systems administrator: Luma Pictures
- Marla Neto Henshaw
- business relations associate: Luma Pictures (as Marla Neto)
- Rebecca Heskes
- texture artist
- Karen Heston
- flame artist
- Nick Hiatt
- matte painter
- Carl Horner
- crew chief
- Holly Gregory Horter
- digital compositor: Digiscope
- Yuka Hosomi
- digital compositor
- Barry Howell
- previsualization supervisor: The Third Floor
- Nicholas Hoyt
- associate lighting technical director: SPI
- Claudia Huerta
- visual effects assistant editor
- Catherine Hughes
- lead digital coordinator: Luma Pictures
- Amanda Hui
- visual effects coordinator
- Shawn Hull
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Lauren Hulsey
- visual effects production assistant
- Chris Hung
- lighting lead
- Andrew Hwang
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Diana Stulic Ibanez
- visual effects producer: sony imageworks
- Ken Imura
- compositing technical director: Legend 3D
- Ozzy Inguanzo
- visual effects editorial coordinator
- Shinya Ishii
- cg modeler
- John Iskandar
- lighting and compositing technical director: SPI
- John L. Jack
- visual effects producer: Evil Eye Pictures
- Sherawn Jackson
- rotoscoping artist: Legend 3D
- Woo Yong Jang
- visual effects artist
- Jeffrey Jasper
- technical lead: New Deal Studios
- Ruheene Masand Jaura
- visual effects production manager (as Ruheene Masand)
- Steve Jaworski
- compositing supervisor
- Senthilnathan Jeyabalan
- compositor
- Mike Jiang
- lighting lead
- Quan Jiang
- stereo roto artist: Legend 3D
- Qi Steven Jin
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Justin Johnson
- digital effects supervisor: Luma Pictures
- Chris Jolly
- compositor
- Felix Jorge
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Alyse Joseph
- senior animation coordinator
- Kerry Joseph
- visual effects coordinator
- Scott Joseph
- native stereoscopic matchmove artist
- Tanner Joyce
- visual effects coordinator
- Kurt Judson
- lookdev and lighting artist
- Shannon Justison
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor (as Shannon Pytlak)
- Veronica Kablan
- visual effects coordinator: SPI
- Brandon Kachel
- matte painter
- Joey Kadin
- resource specialist
- Aravindan Chinna Kannu
- matchmove artist: Sony Imageworks
- Erin Kanoa
- stereo precomp: Sony Imageworks
- Anurag Kapil
- matchmove artist
- Khader Hayathbasha Kareem
- digital compositor (as Kareem K.H.)
- Joanie Karnowski
- layout artist
- Manickam Kathirvel
- matchmove artist: SPI
- Miku Kayama
- senior technical director: lighting
- Chris Kazmier
- digital effects crowd simulation
- James Kells
- post-visualization artist
- Matthew Kemper
- lead compositor: Legend 3d/stereo
- Bill Kent
- visual effects supervisor: second unit
- Hannah Kent
- cloth & hair technical director: SPI (as Hannah K. Lees)
- Daniel Kepler
- technical coordinator: Luma Pictures
- Lee Kerley
- shading engineer
- Alex Khan
- compositor: Luma Pictures
- Kavita Khosla
- cloth/hair technical director
- Jia Kim
- digital compositor: Evil Eye Pictures
- Jin Yong Kim
- matchmove artist: Evil Eye Pictures
- Nicholas Kim
- digital compositor
- Seunghyuk Kim
- senior effects technical director
- Sohee Kim
- digital compositor: Evil Eye Pictures
- Sean Kinnear
- visual effects artist
- Kevin Kitchel
- crowd technical director
- Ranjith Kizakkey
- matchmove and rotomation supervisor
- Brian Kloc
- lead lighting artist
- Keith Kolod
- lead stereoscopic compositor: Legend 3D
- Jason Kolowski
- visual effects
- Ashley Koons
- VFX Production Coordinator: Sony Pictures ImageWorks
- Allie Koppel
- previsualization accountant: The Third Floor
- Anthony Kramer
- compositing lead: Sony Imageworks
- Mark Krentz
- senior modeller
- E. Suresh Kumar
- matchmove lead / rotomation lead
- Praveen Kumar
- digital artist / rotomation artist
- Aaron Kupferman
- senior compositor: SPI
- Daniel La Chapelle
- fx animation td
- Paul LaFond
- digital artist / techvis artist
- Tom Lamb
- digital compositor
- Nia Lane
- visual effects production assistant: SPI
- Warren Larkam
- visual effects production assistant
- Mike Larrabee
- paint supervisor
- Jessica Laszlo
- digital compositor
- Zubair Lawrence
- senior production services technician
- Claire Lawrence-Slater
- cloth and hair technical director
- Nha Hoan Le
- tracking/matchmove artist: Luma Pictures
- Adam 'Mojo' Lebowitz
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Alexander Lee
- lighting technical director: Method Studios
- Cedric N. Lee
- visual effects production assistant
- David Jinyoo Lee
- senior production services technician
- Herman Lee
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Sam Lee
- senior compositor: SPI
- Andrew Lema
- visual effects artist
- Shae Lepere
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Mickey Levy
- digital producer
- Joe Lewis
- virtual production: Encodacam
- Letia Lewis
- rough layout
- Davell Lee Libbett
- visual effects coordinator
- Todd Liddiard
- senior compositor: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Kuan Lin
- lead look development
- Katie Linahon
- production coordinator: New Deal Studios
- Kimberley Liptrap
- senior lighting and compositing technical director
- Benjamin Liu
- visual effects artist
- Roger Liu
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Franklin Londin
- effects technical director
- Sean Looper
- software engineer: SPI
- Anthony Lopez
- director of it
- Juan David Lopez
- digital compositor
- Sean Loughran
- stereo compositor: SPI
- Patrick Louie
- compositor: Evil Eye Pictures / roto/paint artist: Evil Eye Pictures
- Justin Louis
- layout artist: SPI
- Nick Loy
- lead lighting technical director
- Spencer Lueders
- visual effects artist (as R. Spencer Lueders)
- Kenneth Lui
- digital effects artist
- Viktor Lundqvist
- effects technical director: SPI
- Keith MacGowan
- digital compositor
- Jason Madsen
- lighting technical director
- Jessica Madsen
- roto/paint lead: Luma Pictures
- Brett Magnuson
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Melik Malkasian
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Jeffrey Manchester
- stereo department supervisor: Legend 3D
- Jatinder Singh Manhas
- visual effects artist
- Kiran Manohar
- roto artist
- Aaron Marine
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Romney T. Marino
- associate production manager: SPI
- Natanya Marks
- previs producer: The Third Floor
- Ed W. Marsh
- stereoscopic supervisor
- Adam Martinez
- visual effects
- Kimberly Martinez
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Marcel Caue Martins
- paint/rotoscope artist: Luma Pictures
- Tony Masiello
- asset technician: Legend 3D
- Roger Mathews
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Rylan Mattes
- animator
- Elizabeth McClurg
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Matt McDonald
- visual effects supervisor: Evil Eye Pictures
- Robert McGlinchey
- visual effects coordinator
- Chuck McIlvain
- pipeline supervisor
- John W. McInnis
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Robert McInnis
- compositing manager: Legend3D
- Adam McKee
- lead stereoscopic compositor: Legend 3D
- Raymond McLendon
- senior production services technician
- Brandon McMenamin
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Armen Melkonian
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor / previsualization artist:
- Anand Ramachandran Menon
- visual effects artist (as Anand Ramachandran)
- Chris Messineo
- visual effects artist
- Steven Messing
- visual effects art director
- Christopher Miller
- roto/paint artist: Luma Pictures
- Lori C. Miller
- digital compositor: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Kara Misenheimer
- marketing producer: The Third Floor
- Lauren Miyake
- visual effects staff coordinator: Walt Disney Studios
- Jason Mohan
- visual effects artist
- Paul Molodowitch
- pipeline technical director: Luma Pictures
- Jessica Monteiro
- pipeline technical director
- Lennon Montejo
- technical director: GIT
- Sarah Moore
- lighting: SPI
- Troy Moore
- compositing supervisor: method studios
- Hiroshi Mori
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Glenn Morris
- roto/paint supervisor
- Dani Morrow
- visual effects artist
- Andy Mower
- stereoscopic compositor: Method Studios LA
- Grant Moyer
- visual effects artist
- Thierry Muller
- digital compositor
- Enrique Munoz
- lighting and compositing technical director
- Colleen Murphy
- associate production manager
- Jayaraj Muthukumar
- stereo matchmove artist
- Ricardo Nadu
- character technical director / cloth and hair technical director: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Hee-Chel Nam
- digital texture artist: SPI
- Arslan Naqvi
- compositor: Legend 3D
- Hiroaki Narita
- effects technical director
- Eric Neill
- modeler: SPI
- Kenneth Nelson
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Mark Nelson
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Sue Nelson
- visual effects artist
- Jarrod Nesbit
- digital production manager: SPI
- Marcelino Newquist
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Jesse Nicodemus
- visual effects artist: Luma Pictures
- Vincent Niebla
- stereographer: Legend3D
- Peter Nofz
- digital effects supervisor
- James P. Noon
- head of tracking: Yannix
- Danielle Norgate
- digital compositor: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Matt Nowacki
- lidar technician: With a Twist Studio
- Chris Patrick O'Connell
- cg modeler: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Joseph Oh
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Angel Orlando
- senior production services technician
- Latoria Ortiz
- assistant visual effects editor
- Kurian Os
- pipeline technical director
- Siegfried Ostertag
- senior visual effects technical director: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Dianne Ott
- visual effects coordinator (as Dianne Hardy)
- Tyler Ott
- data wrangler
- Brian Pace
- asset supervisor: The Third Floor
- Tharanipathi Padmanabhan
- stereo matchmove artist
- Jongwon Pak
- fx artist
- Eugene Paluso
- matchmove/animation artist
- Ivo Panayotov
- system engineer: SPI
- Joo-Hwan Park
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Rebecca Park
- visual effects coordinator: Luma Pictures
- Taehyun Park
- modeler: SPI
- Jacob Patrick
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Jason Pauls
- production assistant
- Michael Perdew
- digital production manager: Luma Pictures
- Angelica Perez
- digital compositor
- Benjamin T. Perkins
- digital compositor
- Marshall Petersen
- senior production services technician
- Hieu Phan
- digital artist: Luma Pictures
- Van Phan
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Sandy Phetchamphone
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Teddy Phu-Thanh-Danh
- visual effects assistant (as Teddy Phuthanhdanh)
- Raphael A. Pimentel
- animation supervisor: Luma Pictures
- Justin Porter
- pipeline coordinator: Luma Pictures
- Pavan Kumar Potluri
- paint supervisor
- Pavel Pranevsky
- cg supervisor: Luma Pictures
- Kaitlyn Peplow Prestia
- simulation td (as Kaitlyn Peplow)
- Brennan Prevatt
- visual effects
- Abhinav Priyadarshi
- Roto and Prep Artist
- The-Hung Quach
- texture painter
- Ryan J. Quinlan
- compositor
- Sharina Radia
- visual effects coordinator: Luma Pictures
- Sandesh Ramdev
- digital compositor
- Ryan Ramsey
- Stereoscopic Compositor: Legend 3D
- Jason Reese
- it help desk lead: Legend 3D
- Jeff Reeves
- visual effects coordinator
- Ti Ren
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Alex Reyes
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Aaron Rhodes
- compositing supervisor: Evil Eye Pictures / roto/paint supervisor: Evil Eye Pictures / visual effects editor: Evil Eye Pictures
- Radost Ridlen
- senior stereo lighting and compositing (as Radost Yonkova)
- Guy Riessen
- digital matte painter: Evil Eye Pictures
- Emily Rifkin
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Rebecca Rinn
- digital production manager: SPI
- Christian Rivera
- data technician: Legend 3D
- Terrence Robertson-Fall
- lead character technical director
- Troy Robinson
- visual effects producer: XYZ RGB Inc.
- Nathaniel Rodriguez
- roto/paint artist
- Briana Roecks
- visual effects production assistant
- Erik Rogers
- senior digital intermediate producer
- Christopher Romano
- visual effects artist
- Steve Romero
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Mario Orlando Rosales
- stereo compositor
- Mikki Rose
- cloth and hair technical director: SPI (as Michela Rose)
- Daniel P. Rosen
- visual effects supervisor: Evil Eye Pictures
- Toby Rosen
- effects animation technical director
- Hunter Rosenberg
- environmental modeler
- Sean Rourke
- visual effects editor: Digiscope
- Daniel Rubin
- digital compositor
- Jack Runyon
- visual effects editor: Legend 3D
- Nathan Rusch
- pipeline technical director: Luma Pictures
- Kailin Ryan
- visual effects coordinator
- Kayte Sabicer
- model maker
- Ari Sachter-Zeltzer
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Percy Sagun
- motion capture specialist
- Matthew Sakata
- visual effects production assistant
- Yashaswi Salandri
- matchmove artist
- Joe Sambora
- visual effects: Evil Eye Pictures
- Daniel Sandoval-Guillen
- lead compositor: Legend 3D
- Nathan Santell
- previsualization producer: The Third Floor
- Atsushi Sato
- senior animator
- Natasha Sattler
- visual effects coordinator
- Lisa Curtis Saunders
- senior production services technician (as Lisa Curtis)
- Patrick Scanlan
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Brad Schaider
- senior compositor: Lumeni Productions
- Stephen Schirle
- matte painter
- Florian Schuck
- visual effects artist
- Tom Schultz
- stereo matchmove lead: SPI
- Charles Schwartz
- matchmove artist: Evil Eye Pictures
- Wendy Seddon
- digital compositor: Method Studios
- Jarmila Seflova
- stereo compositor
- Maria Serrano
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Chirag R. Shah
- MM/Rotomation Senior Coordinator: Sony Pictures Imageworks, Inc.
- Joseph Shahood
- visual effects coordinator: Digiscope
- Ira Shain
- post visualization artist: The Third Floor Inc / previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Balakumaran Shanmugam
- stereo matchmove artist
- Dan Sheerin
- technical animation supervisor
- Rick Shick
- digital compositor: Hybrid Artist
- Praylin P. Shinijah
- paint artist
- Praylin Paulraj Shinijah
- paint artist
- Swain Shiv
- visual effects artist
- Payam Shohadai
- executive visual effects supervisor: Luma Pictures
- Joey Sila
- digital compositor: Luma Pictures
- Parteek Singh
- visual effects artist
- Thanapoom Siripopungul
- character technical director supervisor: Luma Pictures
- Miro Skandera
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Brian Smallwood
- senior compositor: SPI
- Nate Smith
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Ryan T. Smolarek
- senior digital compositor: SPI
- Eva Snyder
- digital compositor: Method Studios
- Sharmishtha Sohoni
- senior lighting technical director: SPI
- Kevin Souls
- cg supervisor: sony imageworks
- Nelson Sousa
- senior modeler: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Michael Souvage
- character td
- John Spence
- senior production services technician
- Tom Stanton
- tracking: Method Studios
- J.K. Starr
- visual effects artist
- Jason Stellwag
- cloth and hair technical director: SPI
- Paul Stevens
- visual effects production assistant: witness camera operator
- Scott Stokdyk
- production visual effects supervisor
- Joe Strasser
- look development technical director: SPI
- Mary Stuart
- visual effects producer: Digiscope (as Mary Stuart-Welch)
- Julien Stuart-Smith
- senior technical director: lighting
- Frederick George Stuhrberg
- 3D scanning
- Russ Sueyoshi
- senior lighting and compositing technical director
- Dan Sukiennik
- camera layout supervisor: Evil Eye Pictures
- Matt Sullivan
- lighting and compositing technical director intern
- Hemanth Surana
- digital artist: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Richard Sutherland
- cg supervisor: Luma Pictures
- Steven Swanson
- visual effects supervising producer: Luma Pictures
- Blake Sweeney
- cg supervisor
- Stephanie Sweeney
- roto/paint supervisor: Method Studios LA
- Joe Takai
- visual effects supervisor
- Kaz Tanaka
- color scientist / development specialist
- David Taritero
- visual effects executive
- Bridget M. Taylor
- senior compositor: SPI
- Jason Thielen
- visualization artist: The Third Floor
- Mathew Thomas
- lighting technical director
- Jeremy Thompson
- postvis artist
- Peter Tieryas
- character technical director
- Nicholas Timmerman
- visual effects production assistant
- Ricardo Tobon
- motion capture specialist
- Miles Todorof
- effects technical director
- Karen Tom
- digital coordinator: Method Studios
- Marissa Tomas
- visual effects accountant
- Messrob Torikian
- layout artist: sony pictures imageworks
- Viviana Torrellas
- matchmove artist: Luma Pictures / roto/paint artist: Luma Pictures
- Brian A. Torres
- pipeline technical director: Luma Pictures
- Lorraine Torres
- production assistant: Legend3D
- Will Towle
- digital compositor
- Mark Tremble
- compositor
- Jean Tsai
- production services technician
- Cosku Turhan
- senior look development/lighting lead
- Andrew Turner
- visual effects coordinator: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Trevor Tuttle
- post visualisation supervisor
- Simon Twine
- compositor
- Max Tyrie
- senior character animator
- Alex Unruh
- digital compositor
- Chloe Valdecantos
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Pieter Van Houte
- senior compositor
- SabaNayagam Veerasekaran
- prep compositor (as Sabanayagam)
- Noah Vice
- cg supervisor: Evil Eye Pictures
- Carlos A. Vidal
- look development & lighting technical director
- Joseph Villa
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Roger Vizard
- character animator: SPI
- Wendy Mashburn Vizard
- digital production manager: SPI (as Wendy Mashburn)
- Steven Wade
- stereoscopic compositor
- Nancey S. Wallis
- senior compositor: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Eric Walls
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Kelly Walsh
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Michael M. Walsh
- layout artist: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Nye Warburton
- previsualization artist: The Third Floor
- Thea Warren
- compositing department coordinator: Legend 3D
- James Waterson
- digital compositor: Luma Pictures
- Bret Watkins
- lead stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Tamara Watts Kent
- production visual effects producer
- Susan M. Weeks
- senior compositor
- Derek Weil
- visual effects coordinator: Luma Pictures
- Craig Wentworth
- compositing supervisor
- Shanese Williams
- asset technician: Legend 3D
- Scott Willman
- stereo supervisor
- Jeremie Winslow
- senior digital production manager: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Eric Withee
- visual effects production coordinator: Walt Disney Studios
- Eddy Wolfson
- compositor: Legend 3D
- Jeong Won Jang
- roto/paint artist
- Magnus Wrenninge
- lead technical director
- Tyquane Wright
- lighting technical director: SPI
- Garrett Wycoff
- roto/paint artist: Luma Pictures
- Tou Yeng Xiong
- digital assembly
- Xye
- tracking
- Chris Yee
- hair lead
- Sarah Seungah You
- effects technical director: Sony Imageworks
- Sonia Yu
- lighter & compositor: Luma Pictures
- Douglas Zablocki
- digital compositor: SPI
- Yi Zhao
- senior technical director: lighting
- Dan Ziegler
- pipeline technical director
- Andrew Zink
- digital compositor: Luma Pictures / lighting artist: Luma Pictures
- Isa Alsup
- stereoscopic compositor: titles (uncredited)
- Sean Amlaner
- senior compositor: Lumeni Productions (uncredited)
- Ken Anderson
- compositor (uncredited)
- Nathan Behmlander
- compositor (uncredited)
- Dennis Davis
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Tony Diep
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Greg DiGiacomo
- visual effects production assistant: Sony Pictures Imageworks (uncredited)
- B.R. Dinesh
- matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Henrik Fält
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- P. Whitney Gearin
- stereo producer: Method Studios (uncredited)
- Larry Gritz
- rendering scientist (uncredited)
- Michael A. Hardie
- 3D Scanning Technician: XYZ RGB Inc. (uncredited)
- Jordan Hueckstaedt
- junior pipeline technical director: Luma Pictures (uncredited)
- Dilipan Jeevanandham
- stereo rotoscope artist (uncredited)
- Colin Jenken
- technical director (uncredited)
- Adam Kelway
- stereo compositor (uncredited)
- Lu Kondor
- technical documentation: SPI (uncredited)
- Mark Lipsmeyer
- layout technical director (uncredited)
- Juan Carlos Moreno Rogel
- software developer (uncredited)
- Andrea Lackey Pace
- executive director of production services and resources (uncredited)
- Ryan Parker
- stereo artist: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Saurabh Patel
- stereo matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Addison Pauli
- facilities assistant: Sony Pictures Imageworks (uncredited)
- Bandhavit Puangpikul
- tracking (uncredited)
- Vinoth Ramalingam
- matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Jay Reynolds
- shader writer (uncredited)
- Grant Robertson
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Joseph Rosensteel
- lighting & compositing technical director (uncredited)
- Zach Schipono
- development specialist (uncredited)
- Daniel Sessoms
- visual effects prep artist (uncredited)
- Yesod Stone
- data management: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Daniel Tiesling
- development specialist (uncredited)
- Lorraine Torres
- visual effects production assistant (uncredited)
- Gilberto Valencia
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Lauren van Houten
- tracker: Method Studios (uncredited)
- Abel Vargas
- lighter (uncredited)
- Nancy Wang
- supervising visual effects editor: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Tanawat Wattanachinda
- rotomation artist (uncredited)
- Patrick Witting
- effects animator: SPI (uncredited)