- Ian Abbott
- technology: Double Negative
- Owyn Abram
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Carmine Agnone
- lead matchmove artist: One of Us
- Africa Aguirre MartÃn
- technical support: double negative
- Fazil Ahmed
- creature effects technical director: framestore
- Christopher Ahrens
- senior lighting artist
- Tolu Aina
- pipeline technical director
- Alper Aksit
- animator: Double Negative
- Nadia Alaskari
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Rene Allegretti
- track/matchmove artist
- Jaroslaw Ancuta
- senior paint and roto artist: One of Us
- John Anderholm
- pipeline technical director
- Richard Anderson
- concept artist: Framestore
- Scott R. Anderson
- assistant colourist: Double Negative
- Patricia Martinez Arastey
- production assistant: Framestore
- Oliver Armstrong
- compositor: Framestore
- Stefan Ash
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Paul Ashall
- matchmove artist: framestore / witness camera operator: Framestore
- Anelia Asparuhova
- visual effects artist
- Atanas Atanasov
- modeller: Framestore
- Vincent Aupetit
- previs supervisor
- Marc Austin
- visual effects artist: Double Negative
- Nithin Babu
- paint/prep artist: Double Negative: digital artist: Double Negative
- Matthew Ball
- prep artist
- Giacomo Bargellesi
- digital compositor
- Adam Barnett
- tech support
- Neill Barrack
- head of paint and roto: framestore
- Scott Bartels
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Daniel Batt
- paint and roto: framestore (as Dan Batt)
- Lizi Bedford
- visual effects: Head of crewing framestore
- Martin Belleau
- lighting technical director
- Emma Berkeley
- texture artist: Framestore
- Mark Berry
- render support: framestore
- Michael Blain
- senior research & development engineer
- Vincent Bonnet
- research and development
- Daniel Booty
- VFX Line Producer: Framestore
- Harsh Borah
- senior modeler
- Nicolas Borens
- lead compositor
- Daniel Borg
- prep artist
- Owen Braekke-Carroll
- compositor: Framestore (as Owen Carroll)
- James Braid
- technology: Double Negative
- James Brennan-Craddock
- fx td
- Scott Brindley
- matchmove artist: framestore
- Daniel Brkovic
- creature modeler: Framestore
- Adam Broderick
- digital artist
- Gary J. Brown
- visual effects supervisor: Munky (as Gary Brown)
- Laurie Brugger
- lead rigger
- Lukasz Bukowiecki
- visual effects editor: Framestore
- Jean-Francois Burdin
- digital paint & roto artist: Framestore CFC
- Richard Burnside
- lead modeller: Double Negative
- Paul Burton
- lighting td
- Henry Bush
- pipeline technical director
- Philip Cabana
- visual effects coordinator
- Ignacio Caicoya
- compositor: Double Negative
- Earle Stuart Callender
- bidding producer: One of Us
- Alexander Cameron
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Jorge Canada Escorihuela
- compositor/visual effects artist
- Alexandre Canniccioni
- lighting technical director: Framestore
- Jon Capleton
- visual effects artist
- Benjamin Carlson
- vfx production coordinator: Double Negative
- Ronan Carr Fanning
- character modeller
- Sophie Carroll
- visual effects line producer: framestore
- Jonathan Carré
- digital compositor: framestore
- Thomas Carter
- matchmove artist
- Maxime Cazaly
- creature effects technical director: Framestore
- Kamelia Chabane
- digital compositor
- Aleksandar Chalyovski
- visual effects technical director (as Alexander Chaliovski)
- Matthew Chandler
- visual effects artist
- Josh James Chappell
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Abhishek Chaturvedi
- roto and paint artist: Double Negative
- John Abraham Chempil
- paint/prep artist: double negative
- Ching-Yi Chen
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Carlos Ciudad
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Thomas Clapham
- Assistant to Fiona Walkinshaw: Framestore
- Jerome Collombier
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Ian Comley
- cg supervisor: Framestore
- Nico Coronado
- digital compositor (as Nicolás Coronado)
- Juan Francisco Correa Diaz
- rigger: framestore
- Nestor Costa
- track/matchmove artist
- Christopher Michael Coupe
- matchmove supervisor: Double Negative
- Kevin Couture
- lighting technical director: Framestore
- Antonio Covelo Peleteiro
- effects technical director: framestore
- Mitch Crease
- visual effects artist
- Mathew Crisp
- digital paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Ruxandra Cristoiu
- prep artist
- Oliver Cubbage
- digital artist
- Steve Cullingford
- rigger: Framestore (as Stephen Cullingford)
- Eoghan Cunneen
- pipeline technical director
- Frank D'Iorio
- digital compositor: Framestore Montreal
- Aimee Dadswell
- senior visual effects producer: Framestre
- Amanda Dague
- lead animator
- Adolfo Dalda
- creature effects technical director: Framestore
- Alistair Darby
- texture artist: Double Negative
- Francesca Dare
- compositor: Dneg
- Alexandra Daunt Watney
- visual effects producer: Framestore
- Philippe David
- lighting technical director: Framestore
- Venancio David
- flame artist
- Christopher Davies
- matchmover: Framestore
- Tom Davies
- systems support: Framestore
- Theo Demiris
- visual effects editor: One of Us
- Jonathan Desaulniers
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Fiona DeSouza
- animatics editor
- Thai Son Doan
- compositing supervisor: framestore
- Francesc Donaire
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Harriet Donington
- business development: One of Us
- Jeremie Ducrocq
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Margaux Durand-Rival
- previs artist: The Third Floor
- Vincent Désilets
- animator: Framestore
- Richard Edwards-Earl
- witness camera operator
- Anthony Kelvin Eliot-Finch
- visual effects coordinator (as Anthony Rouse)
- Sze Jia Eng
- visual effects coordinator
- Valentina Ercolani
- senior rigger
- Lars Erik Eriksen
- digital compositor
- Andrea Espinal
- compositor
- Andrea Falcone
- senior creature effects technical director
- Finella Fan
- visual effects artist
- Emanuele Farnesi
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Federico Favaro
- rigger: Framestore
- Imke Fehrmann
- senior visual effects producer: Framestore
- Chaya Feiner
- visual effects producer: one of us
- Ian Fellows
- digital compositor
- Oliver Fergusson-Taylor
- compositor: Framestore
- Maxime Ferland
- lead paint & roto: Framestore
- Marianna Ferrante
- support: Double Negative
- David Ferron
- paint/prep artist
- Tom Ferstl
- rigger: framestore
- Izzy Field
- visual effects
- Tim Field
- consultant visual effects producer
- Colas Fiszman
- pipeline td
- Francine Fontaine
- visual effects coordinator
- Marieke Franzen
- visual effects artist
- Iris Frisch
- vfx production coordinator: Framestore
- George Fronimadis
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Javier GarcÃa
- senior lighting td: framestore
- Ales Gargulak
- digital compositor
- Rob Garner
- digital compositor
- Hugo Gauvreau
- digital compositor (as Hugo Brunet Gauvreau)
- Denil George
- creature fx td: Framestore London
- Andre Giordani
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Andrea Giordano
- texture artist: framestore
- Thomas Girdwood
- creature FX TD and matchmove artist: Framestore
- Frederikke Glick
- compositor: framestore
- Jean-Baptiste Godin
- digital compositor
- Adam Goldstein
- lighting technical director
- Harrison Goldstein
- visual effects line producer: Double Negative
- Sam Gordon
- modeller
- Mark Gostlow
- compositor: Framestore
- Nick Gotsinas
- systems support
- Björn Gottwald
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Florian Grenier
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Pablo Grillo
- animation director
- Theodor Groeneboom
- additional on-set vfx supervision
- Ben Guthrie
- capture lab supervisor: Framestore
- Benjamin Guy
- matchmover
- Crystal Hadcroft
- visual effects editor: Double Negative
- Oliver Hagar
- paint/roto
- Shramana Haldar
- Paint: Prep Artist
- Raphael Hamm
- digital compositor: double negative
- Daniel Hammonds
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Pierre-Loic Hamon
- lead rigger: Framestore
- Nicholas Hampshire
- pipeline technical director
- Pete Hanson
- studio manager: Double Negative
- Jon Hartley
- modeller: Framestore
- Jack Hawkes
- visual effects data wrangler
- Nicole Hekel
- compositor: One of Us
- Warwick Hewett
- visual effects
- Claire Louise Hill
- matchmove artist
- Leo Hills
- pipeline technical director: Framestore
- Christopher Hodge
- camera tracker: Nvizible
- Ady Holt
- matchmove artist
- Jason Horley
- concept artist: Framestore
- Charles Howell
- executive visual effects producer
- Ritchie Hoyle
- matchmove artist
- Romain Hubert
- compositor
- Matt Hughes
- lead modeller: Framestore
- Nathan Hughes
- senior matte painter
- Julian Hutchens
- lead look development and lighting td: Framestore
- Paul Ingram
- matchmove artist
- Sasha Leigh Izadpanah
- vfx editor: Framestore
- Owen Jackson
- compositor: Framestore
- Alex Jadfard
- digital compositor
- Gilbert James
- visual effects production
- Sharon Johnson
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Paul Jones
- lead creature fx technical director
- Christian Kaestner
- visual effects supervisor
- Per Karefelt
- senior research & development engineer
- Matt Kasmir
- visual effects supervisor: Nvizible
- Don Kennedy
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Richard Ketteridge
- visual effects editor
- Ahsan Khan
- paint and roto artist
- Christopher Kilshaw
- character effects artist
- Soo Kyung Kim
- senior lighting artist
- Andy Kind
- visual effects supervisor
- Bastian Klucker
- lead creature fx artist
- Jonathan Knight
- comp supervisor
- Slav Kravchenko
- matte painter
- Dan Kunz
- vfx photographer: Framestore
- Laurent Laban
- lead animator: framestore
- Paul Ladd
- visual effects production manager
- Bruno-Olivier Laflamme
- senior lighting technical director: Framestore, Montreal
- Tania Lamb
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Brett Lambright
- matchmove artist: framestore
- Niña Laureles
- creature technical director
- Matthew Leach
- r&d
- Rickie Leach
- compositor (as Rick Leach)
- Aaron Lear
- digital compositor: framestore
- Thomas Lefebvre
- digital compositor: framestore
- Julien Legay
- effects technical director
- Simon Legrand
- visual effects
- Alexis Lemonis
- visual effects artist (as Alexis)
- Nicolas Leroy
- lighting technical director: Framestore
- Elizabeth Leslie
- visual effects coordinator
- Jimmy Leung
- fx td: framestore
- Michael Levine
- creature effects technical director
- Hannah Lewis
- visual effects coordinator
- Daniel Ti Yan Lim
- matchmove artist
- Russell Lloyd II
- creaturefx lead
- Wassila Lmouaci
- visual effects line producer
- Benjamin Loch
- cg supervisor
- Jeremie Lodomez
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Michael Lohr
- matchmove artist
- Bret Lu
- visual effects artist
- Mickaël Léger
- digital compositor
- Laura Macfadyen
- concept artist: Framestore
- Alex James Macieira
- matchmove artist: double negative
- Gillian Mackie
- visual effects coordinator: Munky
- Garry Maddison
- Grading Supervisor/Colorist
- Christina Mandia
- matchmove artist: One of Us
- Maria Manton
- visual effects supervisor
- Chen Mao
- r & d software engineer
- Antonio Marra
- pipeline technical director: Framestore
- Gary Marshall
- virtual production lead
- Gordon Marshall
- digital artist: double negative
- Graham Martin
- vfx production coordinator
- Gregory Andrew Martin
- visual effects artist (as Greg Martin)
- Jeffrey Martin
- creature fx td: Framestore
- Jose Martin
- rigging artist: framestore
- Dan Mason
- visual effects artist
- Matthew Crowe
- matchmove artist: double negative
- Isabell Mayrhofer
- senior vfx production coordinator: Framestore
- Vincent McCrindle
- tracking/layout artist
- Ben McIlveen
- visual effects artist
- Gavin McKenzie
- Lead Digital Compositor: Framestore
- Renton McNeill
- pipeline technical director: Framestore
- Antonio Meazzini
- digital compositor
- Horacio Mendoza
- cg effects lead: Framestore
- Claire Michaud
- lighting artist: framestore
- Jarl Midelfort
- rigger
- Nicolas Millot
- roto artist: Double Negative
- Chirag Mistry
- creature fx td: Framestore
- Emma Moffat
- visual effects line producer: double negative
- Jeanette Monero
- compositor: One Of Us
- Sandrine Moniez
- digital compositor / digital compositor: One of Us
- Trevor Moniz
- roto & 2D vfx artist
- Carlos Monzon
- lead compositor
- Rakesh More
- lighting technical director: Framestore
- James Morrissey
- matchmove artist
- Benjamin Mulot
- 3d animation
- Rémi Munier
- creature fx td: Framestore
- Jenesta Munro
- paint and roto artist (as Jenesta Smith)
- Stuart Munro
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Georges Nakhle
- senior effects technical director: Double Negative
- Malcolm Neailey
- lighting td: Double Negative
- Bruce Nelson
- compositor: Framestore
- Christopher Newman
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Jeff Newton
- lighting/technical director
- Pinky Ng
- previs artist
- James Nicholl
- creature fx td
- Leila Nicotera
- visual effects line producer: One of Us
- Eric Noel
- lighting technical director: Framestore
- Aaron Noordally
- roto artist
- Adrian Nurse
- digital compositor / digital compositor: Framestore
- Péter Obornik
- lighting td: framestore
- Yvonne Oh
- prep artist: double negative
- Richard Ollosson
- visual effects producer
- Jonathan Opgenhaffen
- digital matte painter
- Sam Osborne
- Lead compositor / digital compositor
- Christophe Pacaud
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Anna Pacchioni
- compositor
- Graham Page
- lead digital artist: double negative
- Guo Kun Pan
- render support: framestore
- Adam Parker
- digital compositor
- Dominic Parker
- visual effects supervisor: one of us
- Stuart Partridge
- senior compositor
- Tom Partridge
- visual effects editor
- Diego Pastor Bartoli
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Nikul Patel
- visual effects
- Radhika Patel
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Ravindra Patel
- Lighting Technical Director: Framestone
- Laura Pavone
- colour assist
- Guillermo Paz
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Sid Pearson
- visual effects production assistant
- Philip Pendlebury
- studio: double negative
- Rachael Penfold
- visual effects executive producer: One of Us
- Raul Perez
- visual effects artist
- Dennis Petkov
- creature fx td: Framestore
- Adrian Pinder
- creature fx td: framestore
- Andrew Pinson
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Bogi Piroth
- senior modeler/concept artist: Framestore
- Britton Plewes
- lighting td: Framestore
- Marine Poirson
- lighting supervisor
- Akie Prapas
- lead tracking/layout: Framestore MTL
- Jeanne-Ãlise Prévost
- visual effects line producer: Framestore
- Maik Pham Quang
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Matt Rank
- senior capture technical director
- Adrian Ratley
- lead data wrangler
- Siân Rees
- paint & roto artist
- Marc Rice
- compositor
- Thomas Rich
- assistant technical director: Framestore
- Rob Richardson
- effects lead
- Romain Rico
- lead compositor
- Carrie Rishel
- visual effects producer: Double Negative
- James Roberts
- visual effects artist
- Tavis Roberts
- Lighting Technical Director: Framestore London
- Matthew Robinson
- matchmove artist: framestore
- Philip J. Robinson
- creature effects technical director
- Michelle Rose
- visual effects line producer
- Nick Ross
- software engineer: Framestore
- Steve Ross
- digital compositor
- Jean-Paul Rovela
- senior lighting technical director: Framestore, Montreal
- Sam Rowan
- concept artist
- Matt Sadler
- effects technical director: Double Negative
- Sam Salek
- compositor: Framestore
- Mayur Samant
- creature effects technical director
- Juan-Luis Sanchez
- character effects supervisor
- Henning Sanden
- modeler: Framestore
- Steven Sandles
- creature fx artist: framestore
- Anthony Luigi Santoro
- digital compositor (as Anthony Santoro) (framestore)
- Stephane Saviana
- systems engineer
- Robin Saxen
- visual effects producer
- Brian Scherbinski
- lighting td: framestore
- David Schott
- prep artist: double negative
- Petra Schwane
- Compositor (Framestore)
- Antoine Seigle
- lighting td
- Upasana Shanker
- prep artist: Double Negative / prep artist: double negative singapore
- Aurora Shannon
- colourist: visual effects
- Denys Shchukin
- effects technical director: Framestore
- Jeszen Shih
- crew manager
- Jia Yi Siew
- prep artist: double negative
- Marc-Olivier Simoneau
- roto/paint artist
- David Simpson
- lead compositor: framestore
- Louise Simpson
- VFX Publicity Coordinator
- Jagjeet Singh
- creature effects technical director
- Mevlan Siqani
- render support
- Anton Smit
- visual effects artist: Double Negative
- Amy Smith
- production support
- Anthony Smith
- 2d and on set vfx supervisor
- Maxwell Smith
- data wrangler / senior matchmove artist: Framestore / witness camera operator: Framestore
- Christophe St-Pierre Paradis
- animator: Framestore
- Harrison Stark
- creature effects technical director
- Penn Stevens
- creature fx td: Framestore
- Alastair Stevenson
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Tim Stevenson
- creature fx td
- Ileana Stravoskiadi
- creature fx td: Framestore
- Masaya Sugimura
- fx td: framestore
- Anna Swift
- visual effects department manager
- Attila Szapek
- digital compositor
- John Szebegyinszki
- senior visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Gabriel Tan
- matchmove artist: Double Negative
- Ruggero Taschini
- visual effects: visual effects
- Mark Taylor
- texture artist: framestore
- Noah Taylor
- Lead FX Framestore
- Jacob Telleen
- pipeline technical director
- David Tesch
- research & development software engineer
- Olivier Thibaut
- research and development: Double Negative
- Caitlin Thomas
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- James Thompson
- render support
- Michael Adam Thompson
- creature effects technical director: Framestore
- Matthew Tinsley
- visual effects artist
- Victor Tomi
- digital compositor
- Elena Topouzoglou
- compositor
- Gregory Torrn
- assistant technical director
- Benoit Touchette
- general manager: framestore
- Gareth Tredrea
- lead: Paint and Roto artist - Framestore
- Gabriel Tremblay-Beauvais
- modeler: Framestore
- Mark Trend
- animatics editor
- Jerry Tung
- lighting sr. artist
- Ben Turner
- lead compositor: One of Us
- James Turner
- senior vfx coordinator: Framestore
- Daniel Ulrich
- senior modeler: Framestore
- Jörg Unterberg
- lookdev artist
- Tsvetomira Valcheva
- visual effects coordinator: framestore
- Quentin Vien
- lead lighting td: framestore
- Eduardo Villarreal
- paint and roto
- Lars Vinther
- visual effects editor
- David Vivaldini
- digital compositor - Framestore
- Andreas Vrhovsek
- fx artist: Framestore
- Alexis Wajsbrot
- additional cg supervisor: framestore
- Darren Walsh
- character designer
- Ruiting Wang
- matchmove artist
- Neil Weatherley
- cg supervisor: Framestore
- Peter Welton
- paint artist: Double Negative
- Barnes Wheeler
- vfx editor: Framestore
- Huw Whiddon
- roto artist: Double Negative
- Andrew Whitehurst
- visual effects supervisor: Double Negative
- Chelsea Whittet
- creature fx technical director
- Andreas Wieland
- vfx production coordinator: framestore
- Geoff Wigmore
- digital compositor
- Ross Lee Wilkinson
- td artist
- Mark Williams Ardington
- rigging technical director
- Duncan Williams
- visual effects editor: Framestore
- Alison Wortman
- cg supervisor: Double Negative
- Esther Yap
- matchmove artist
- Prince Yiadom
- digital paint and roto artist
- Volkan Yurdakul
- paint & roto artist: Framestore
- Joelle Xin Zhow
- senior environment td: Framestore (as Joelle Zhow)
- Daniel Baker
- technology: Double Negative (uncredited)
- Clym Dodds
- Data Operator: Framestore (uncredited)
- Andrew Edmondson
- visual effects editor (uncredited)
- Alison Griffiths
- visual effects production assistant: One of Us (uncredited)
- Lucinda Keeler
- lighting manager: framestore (uncredited) / uncredited
- Taz Lodder
- systems administrator: Framestore (uncredited)
- Christophe Meslin
- head of systems (uncredited)
- Sabrina Nunes
- lighting/lookdev td: Framestore (uncredited)
- James Parsons
- assistant technical director (uncredited)
- Paul Roberts
- render support (uncredited)
- Vanessa Velasquez
- technology: Double Negative (uncredited)