- Mimi Abers
- digital artist: ILM
- Lucile Abiven
- visual effects artist: The Orphanage
- Gary Abrahamian
- animation lead: CIS Hollywood
- Ismail Acar
- animator: ILM
- Gino Acevedo
- digital compositor: The Orphanage
- Dan Akers
- compositor
- George Alcco-Sima
- animator: ILM (as George Aleco-Sima)
- Jon Alexander
- digital artist: ILM
- Charles Alleneck
- animator
- Maura Alvarez
- rotoscope artist: CIS Hollywood
- Mark Anderson
- models and miniatures unit supervisor: ILM
- Lori Arnold
- visual effects associate producer
- Joel Aron
- technical director: ILM
- Carl Assmus
- models and miniatures: ILM
- Okan Ataman
- digital artist
- Ian Bach
- visual effects artist: The Orphanage
- Trang Bach
- digital artist: ILM
- Lance Baetkey
- digital artist
- Art Bagdasaryan
- visual effects supervisor: The Orphanage
- Al Bailey
- digital compositor: ILM
- Charles Bailey
- models and miniatures unit supervisor: ILM (as Charlie Bailey)
- Kenneth Bailey
- digital artist: ILM (as Ken Bailey)
- Katharine Baird
- digital artist: ILM
- Ed Baker
- digital compositor: The Orphanage
- Michael Balog
- creature technical director: ILM
- Leigh Barbier
- digital modeler: ILM
- Brian Barlettani
- visual effects coordinator: ILM
- Andy Barrios
- inferno artist: Asylum (as Andy Rafael Barrios)
- Casey James Basichis
- match mover (as Casey Basichis) / mocap technician (as Casey Basichis)
- Michael Bauer
- digital artist
- Carol Bauman
- visual effects modelmaker
- Greg Beaumonte
- models and miniatures: ILM
- Kathleen Beeler
- digital artist: ILM
- Judith Bell
- digital artist
- Elissa Bello
- digital paint and roto supervisor
- Jeffrey Benedict
- digital effects artist: ILM
- Scott Benza
- animator: ILM
- Michael Berenstein
- animator: ILM
- Barry Berman
- digital effects artist
- Don Bies
- senior model maker
- Derek Bird
- digital compositor
- Duncan Blackman
- layout artist
- Matt Blackwell
- digital artist: ILM (as Matthew Blackwell)
- Rob Blue
- digital artist: Asylum
- Stella Bogh
- digital artist: ILM
- Aron Bonar
- digital artist: ILM
- Scott Bonnenfant
- digital modeler: ILM
- Samati Boonchitsitsak
- character animator
- Marcus Boos
- digital compositor: The Orphanage
- Matt Bouchard
- digital artist
- Lance Brackett
- models and miniatures: ILM
- Timothy Brakensiek
- creature technical director
- Joe Branam
- special camera rigging
- Kane Brassington
- roto/paint artist
- Holly E. Bratton
- digital compositor: The Orphanage
- Sam Breach
- digital artist: ILM
- Phil Brennan
- compositing supervisor: Asylum
- Marty Brenneis
- camera engineer
- Jill Brooks
- visual effects producer: ILM
- Jason Brown
- digital artist
- Tripp Brown
- digital artist
- Matt Brumit
- digital compositor
- T.J. Burke
- digital artist
- Shannan Burkley
- matte painter
- Tommy Burnette
- research and development: ILM
- Chrysta Marie Burton
- visual effects production assistant
- Nicolas Cadorette Vigneau
- digital compositor (as Nicolas Cadorette)
- Daniela Calafatello
- digital artist: The Orphanage
- Michaela Calanchini
- digital artist: ILM (as Michaela Calanchini Carter)
- Scott Camera-Smith
- digital artist (as Scott Smith)
- Colin Campbell
- digital compositor: ILM
- Geoff Campbell
- model supervisor
- Marshall Candland
- digital artist: ILM
- Huseyin Caner
- visual effects supervisor
- Jen Cantwell
- paint/rotoscope artist
- Mario Capellari
- sequence supervisor
- Christopher S. Capp
- visual effects editor
- Andrea Caretta
- lighting & compositing
- Derrick Carlin
- animator: ILM
- Ozzie Carmona
- digital compositor
- Damien Carr
- visual effects coordinator: on-location
- Huey Carroll
- roto artist
- Merlin Carroll
- rotoscope artist
- Tami Carter
- digital artist: ILM
- Mark Casey
- digital artist
- Daniel Cavey
- production assistant: ILM
- Joe Ceballos
- digital matte artist
- Lanny Cermak
- digital artist: ILM
- Peter Chesloff
- digital artist
- Simon Cheung
- digital modeler: ILM
- Stephen D. Childs
- digital artist: Evil Eye Pictures
- Jeremy Cho
- roto/paint artist
- Terry Chostner
- digital artist: ILM
- Ian Chriss
- models and miniatures: ILM
- Ian Christie
- digital effects artist / sequence supervisor
- Marc Chu
- associate animation supervisor: ILM / previsualization artist: Proof Inc.
- Paul Churchill
- digital artist
- Brian Clark
- digital artist: ILM
- Timothy Clark
- matte painter: Asylum
- Ronnie Cleland
- roto artist
- Michael Clemens
- digital compositor
- Tom Cloutier
- models and miniatures: ILM (as Thomas Cloutier)
- Mickael Coedel
- animator: ILM
- Zachary Cole
- digital artist
- Tim Coleman
- character setup / character technical director
- Brian Connor
- digital compositor: ILM
- Pat Conran
- visual effects artist
- Jay Cooper
- digital artist: ILM
- Michael Corcoran
- creature technical director
- Michael Cordova
- digital compositor
- Brian Corpus
- technical operations manager: Pacific Title and Art Studio
- Kimberly Covate
- visual effects producer: Asylum
- Martin Coven
- creature technical director
- Kevin Coyle
- paint/rotoscope artist
- Catherine Craig
- digital modeler: ILM
- Don Crawford
- digital compositor
- Julie Creighton
- visual effects coordinator
- Brandon Criswell
- compositor: CIS Hollywood
- Brice Criswell
- research and development: ILM
- Sean Curran
- animator: ILM
- Rif Dagher
- research & development support
- Casey Dame
- digital artist: ILM
- Peter Daulton
- lead animator: ILM
- Scott David
- compositor
- Matt Davis
- Spydercam foreman
- Tom Daws
- compositor: CIS Hollywood
- Lucas De La Torre
- tv campaign graphics
- Melissa De Santis
- visual effects production assistant
- Manuela Schmidt de Souza
- digital artist
- Michelle Dean
- digital artist: ILM
- Peter Demarest
- digital artist: ILM
- Marie Victoria Denoga
- digital artist
- Karin Derlich
- lead creature technical director
- David Deuber
- digital artist: ILM
- Natasha Devaud
- digital artist
- Bryan Dewe
- models and miniatures: ILM
- Amit Dhawal
- rotoscoper
- Gus Dizon
- digital modeler: ILM
- Tim Drnec
- spydercam coordinator/rigging
- Richard Ducker
- digital artist
- John Duncan
- model maker
- Russell Earl
- associate visual effects supervisor: ILM
- C. Michael Easton
- character animator
- David Ebner
- digital effects supervisor: CafeFX
- Robert Edwards
- models and miniatures: ILM
- Sam Edwards
- inferno artist
- Sarah Eim
- digital compositor: Method
- Janeen Elliott
- digital compositor: ILM
- Jenn Emberly
- animator: ILM
- Colin Epstein
- sequence lead compositor
- Leandro Estebecorena
- digital artist: ILM
- Eric Evans
- paint/roto artist
- James Evans
- paint and rotoscope artist: Asylum
- Sean Andrew Faden
- cg supervisor: Asylum (as Sean Faden)
- Dan Feinstein
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: ILM
- Tom Fejes
- sequence supervisor: ILM (as Thomas Fejes)
- Sebastian Feldman
- production & technical support
- Simon Fillat
- production & technical support: ILM
- Brian Flynn
- digital effects artist
- Dave Fogler
- digital modeler: ILM (as David Fogler)
- Cameron Folds
- animator: ILM
- Jon Foreman
- models and miniatures: ILM
- Tim Fortenberry
- digital artist
- Christian Foucher
- digital artist
- Tarn Fox
- digital compositor
- John Fragomeni
- visual effects supervisor: Asylum
- Aidan Fraser
- digital artist
- Alec Fredericks
- creature development
- Alex Frisch
- visual effects supervisor
- Mathias Frodin
- compositor: CIS Hollywood
- David Fuhrer
- digital artist: ILM
- Joe Fulmer
- models and miniatures: ILM
- Leslie Fulton
- lead animator: ILM
- Vicki Galloway-Weimer
- visual effects executive producer: CafeFX (as Vicki Galloway Weimer)
- Manuel J. García
- digital compositor: The Orphanage
- Joe Gareri
- executive producer: Pacific Title & Art Studio
- Steve Gawley
- model maker
- Larry Gaynor
- senior paint and roto: CIS Hollywood
- Grantland Gears
- digital compositor: ILM
- Willi Geiger
- digital artist
- Bill George
- additional visual effects supervisor: ILM
- Howard Gersh
- digital effects artist
- Angela Giannoni
- digital compositor
- Charles Gibson
- visual effects supervisor: additional visual effects
- Maurizio Giglioli
- character technical director
- Greg Gilmore
- inferno artist: ILM
- Jeremy Goldman
- digital artist: ILM
- Susan Goldsmith
- digital artist: ILM
- Maria Goodale
- digital artist: ILM
- Bridget Maria Goodman
- digital effects artist: ILM
- John Goodson
- digital model artist
- Ned Gorman
- visual effects producer
- David Gottlieb
- digital compositor
- Justin Granger
- visual effects supervisor: The Orphanage
- Frank Gravatt
- digital modeller
- David M. Gray
- senior visual effects coordinator: ILM (as David Gray)
- Jeff Grebe
- digital artist: ILM
- Bryant Terrell Griffin
- digital matte artist: ILM (as Bryant Griffin)
- Cameron Griffin
- digital artist: ILM
- Branko Grujcic
- digital artist
- Roger Guyett
- additional visual effects supervisor: ILM
- Nelson Hall
- models and miniatures: ILM
- Michael J. Halsted
- sequence supervisor: ILM (as Michael Halsted)
- Tyler Ham
- layout artist: ILM
- Stephanie Hamilton
- film librarian: visual effects
- Craig Hammack
- digital artist: ILM
- Brian Hanable
- digital effects compositor: Pacific Title
- Nina Harlan
- paint/roto artist (as Nina Yoon)
- Andrew M. Harvey
- motion control producer
- Don Hatch
- research and development: ILM
- Jack Haye
- digital modeler: ILM
- Trevor Hazel
- digital artist
- Timothy Heath
- animator: ILM
- Geoff Hemphill
- animator: ILM
- Todd Hemsley
- digital compositor
- Geoff Heron
- models and miniatures unit supervisor: ILM
- Neil Herzinger
- sequence supervisor: ILM
- Rebecca Heskes
- digital modeler: ILM
- Paul Hettler
- visual effects producer: The Orphanage
- Hal T. Hickel
- animation supervisor: ILM (as Hal Hickel)
- Shawn Hillier
- sequence supervisor: ILM
- Bryan Hirota
- visual effects supervisor: CIS Hollywood
- David Hirschfield
- digital artist
- Sherry Hitch
- digital compositor: ILM
- Julian Hodgson
- research and development: ILM
- Robert Hoffmeister
- digital artist
- Bruce Holcomb
- digital modeling supervisor: ILM
- Jung Seung Hong
- digital modeler: ILM
- Meredith Hook
- paint and roto artist: CIS Hollywood
- Chris Hopkins
- matchmover: Asylum Visual Effects
- Adam Howard
- sabre artist: ILM
- Jen Howard
- digital artist: ILM
- Peggy Hrastar
- modeling artist
- Paul Huston
- digital artist
- Greg Hyman
- visual effects editor
- Polly Ing
- sequence supervisor: ILM
- Pasha Ivanov
- visual effects
- Andreas Jablonka
- rotoscope artist
- John L. Jack
- executive producer: Evil Eye Pictures
- Cyrus Jam
- digital artist: ILM
- Mike Jamieson
- digital artist: ILM (as Michael Jamieson)
- David Janssen
- models and miniatures: ILM
- Rod M. Janusch
- models and miniatures: ILM (as Rod Janusch)
- Patrick Jarvis
- digital painter: ILM
- Sarahjane Javelo
- digital paint: ILM / rotoscope artist: ILM
- Steve Jaworski
- compositor: Evil Eye Pictures
- Joshua H. Johnson
- paint/rotoscope artist: Evil Eye Pictures
- Keith Johnson
- animator: ILM
- Bryan Jones
- compositor: ILM
- Scott Jones
- lead creature technical director: ILM
- Zoran Kacic-Alesic
- research and development: ILM
- Brad Kalinoski
- digital compositor: ILM
- Paul Kavanagh
- animator
- Patrick Kavanaugh
- digital compositing supervisor: CIS Hollywood
- Maia Kayser
- animator
- Patrick Keenan
- digital compositor: Pacific Title
- Pete Kelly
- animator: ILM (as Peter Kelly)
- Stephen Kennedy
- digital compositor
- Greg Killmaster
- digital artist: ILM
- Ronny Kim
- animator: ILM (as Ronnie Kim)
- Woonam Kim
- digital artist: ILM
- Deke Kincaid
- digital artist: Asylum
- Amber Kirsch
- senior visual effects coordinator: ILM
- Katrin Klaiber
- sequence supervisor
- Drew Klausner
- roto and paint artist
- John Knoll
- production visual effects supervisor: ILM
- Marta Knudsen
- concept artist: CIS Hollywood
- Makoto Koyama
- character animator: ILM
- Ed Kramer
- digital effects artist
- Scott Kravitz
- character animator
- Erik Krumrey
- digital artist: ILM
- Brian Kulig
- pipeline software developer: The Orphanage
- Tom Lamb
- digital compositor: Pacific Title & Art Studio
- François Lambert
- sequence supervisor: ILM
- Lana Lan
- digital modeler: ILM
- Donna Lanasa
- digital artist: ILM
- Jean-Claude Langer
- digital modeler: ILM
- Jeroen Lapre
- digital artist: ILM
- Kimberly Lashbrook
- sequence supervisor
- Jessica Laszlo
- digital compositor
- Kelvin Lau
- digital artist: ILM
- Gary Laurie
- matchmove technical director: Asylum
- Ali Laventhol
- digital compositor
- Nadine Lavoie
- animator: ILM
- Stephen Lawes
- compositor
- Mike Leben
- motion control operator
- Kerry Lee
- digital artist: ILM
- Lenny Lee
- digital modeler: ILM
- Rich Lee
- previsualization supervisor: Proof Inc.
- Seung-Hun Lee
- digital artist: ILM (as Seung Hun Lee)
- Sunny Lee
- digital artist
- Lorna Leslie
- assistant camera: visual effects unit
- John M. Levin
- digital artist: ILM (as John Levin)
- Joshua Livingston
- digital artist: ILM
- Zachary Lo
- compositor: Method Studios
- Luke Longin
- layout artist
- Aaron Luk
- software development: Tippett Studio
- Aaron Lyle
- digital artist
- Jonathan Lyons
- animator
- Keith MacGowan
- shake compositing
- Susan Macke
- production & technical support
- Lisa Maher
- visual effects producer: CIS Hollywood
- Andrea Maiolo
- digital artist
- Michael Maker
- previsualization artist: Proof Inc.
- Greg Maloney
- digital artist: ILM
- Robert Marinic
- sequence supervisor
- David Marsh
- visual effects: ILM
- Kevin Martel
- animator
- Dennis A. Martin
- visual effects
- Tom Martinek
- sequence supervisor: ILM
- Marcel Martinez
- digital effects artist
- Craig Mathieson
- digital compositor
- Kevin May
- digital artist
- Scott May
- digital modeler: ILM
- Jake Maymudes
- digital artist
- Aaron McBride
- art director
- Vicky McCann
- creature technical director: ILM
- Will McCoy
- digital compositor / digital effects artist
- Matt McDonald
- visual effects supervisor: Evil Eye Pictures
- W. Regan McGee
- digital artist: ILM (as Regan McGee)
- Nathan McGuinness
- senior visual effects supervisor: Asylum
- Kirk McInroy
- CG supervisor: The Orphanage
- Jennifer McKnew
- digital artist: ILM
- Jim McVay
- digital compositor
- Scott Meadows
- previsualization artist
- Scott Mease
- visual effects artist
- David Meny
- digital production supervisor
- Tory Mercer
- sequence supervisor
- Joseph Metten
- digital effects artist: ILM
- Scott Metzger
- 3D artist: Method Studios (as a different name)
- Diana Miao
- color and lighting supervisor: CIS Hollywood
- Carl Miller
- models and miniatures unit supervisor: ILM
- Richard Miller
- sculptor
- Derek Milner
- color timing and paint
- Jim Milton
- effects assistant editor
- Jim Mitchell
- additional on-set vfx supervision: ILM
- Terry Molatore
- digital modeler: ILM
- Jack Mongovan
- sequence supervisor: ILM
- Robert Montgomery
- digital compositor: Pacific Title & Art Studio
- Mike Morasky
- digital artist
- Sébastien Moreau
- sabre compositor: ILM
- Lauren Morimoto
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: ILM
- Chris Morley
- digital compositor: Tippett Studio
- David Manos Morris
- digital layout artist: ILM (as David Morris)
- Jim Morris
- senior staff: ILM
- Katie Morris
- digital artist: ILM
- Wendy Morton
- models and miniatures: ILM
- Michelle Motta
- digital paint & rotoscope artist
- Steve Muangman
- digital compositor
- Melissa Mullin
- digital artist: ILM
- Andrew Mumford
- digital compositor: Asylum
- Dave Murphy
- models and miniatures: ILM (as David Murphy)
- Martin Murphy
- digital modeler: ILM
- Myles Murphy
- digital effects artist
- Patrick T. Myers
- technical director supervisor: ILM (as Patrick Myers)
- Ross Nakamura
- roto/paint artist: Tippett Studio
- Giovanni Nakpil
- digital modeler: ILM
- Timothy Naylor
- lead creature developer
- Paula Nederman
- senior visual effects coordinator: ILM
- Julia Neighly
- visual effects production manager: CIS Hollywood (as Julia Gaudette)
- Mark Nettleton
- digital compositor: ILM
- Marla Newall
- location data capture lead: ILM
- Thai-My Nguyen
- animator: ILM (as Thai Nguyen)
- Steve Nichols
- lead animator
- Ken Nielsen
- digital artist
- Jennifer Maryam Nona
- digital artist: ILM (as Jennifer Nona)
- James P. Noon
- tracking
- Brett Northcutt
- digital matte artist
- Ben O'Brien
- sabre artist: ILM
- Rick O'Connor
- cg animator: ILM
- Shane O'Connor
- production assistant: ILM
- Jim O'Hagan
- digital compositor: Pacific Title
- Buck O'Hare
- models and miniatures: ILM
- Kyle Obley
- compositor: Method Studios
- Gregory Oehler
- senior compositor: CIS Hollywood
- Kaori Ogino
- creature technical director
- Maggie Oh
- digital artist: ILM
- Masi Oka
- digital artist: ILM (as Masayori Oka)
- Michael Olague
- models and miniatures: ILM
- Hiromi Ono
- digital artist: ILM
- Khatsho John Orfali
- digital artist: ILM (as Khatsho Orfali)
- Kevin Page
- digital artist: ILM
- Scott Paider
- Spydercam head rigger
- S. Scott Parrish
- creature technical director: ILM (as Scott Parrish)
- Eddie Pasquarello
- compositing supervisor: ILM
- Russell Paul
- digital modeler: ILM
- Stephen Martin Paull
- visual effects
- Daniel Pearson
- digital artist
- Zoe Peck-Eyler
- digital compositor: Tippett Studio
- Benoit Pelchat
- digital matte artist
- Lorne Peterson
- models and miniatures: ILM
- Cary Phillips
- research and development: ILM
- Jakub Pistecky
- animator: ILM
- Cliff Plumer
- senior staff
- Nicolas Popravka
- research and development: ILM
- Bruce Powell
- digital artist
- Mark Powers
- animator: ILM
- Alex Prichard
- compositor: The Orphanage
- Scott Prior
- digital artist: ILM
- Janet Quen
- sabre artist: ILM
- Paul Raeburn
- digital compositor
- Gerald Ragland
- digital intermediate support colorist
- Rebecca Ramsey
- visual effects executive producer: Look Effects
- Lance Ranzer
- paint/roto artist: Cafe FX
- Chuck Ray
- models and miniatures: ILM
- David Rey
- compositor: CIS Hollywood
- Megan Rible
- technical assistant
- Grover Richardson
- roto/paint artist: Evil Eye Pictures
- Daniel Riha
- 2D painter / rotoscoper
- Elliott Roberts
- animator: ILM (as Elliot Roberts)
- Tracey Roberts
- simulation artist
- Elsa Rodriguez
- digital artist: ILM
- Patrick J. Rodriguez
- motion capture support
- Robin Roepstorff
- previsualisation artist
- Dennis Rogers
- first assistant camera: ILM
- Jules Roman
- president: Tippett Studio
- Mitchell Romanauski
- models and miniatures: ILM (as Mitch Romanauski)
- César Romero
- digital compositor
- Daniel P. Rosen
- visual effects supervisor: Evil Eye Pictures
- Alan Rosenfeld
- digital artist
- Susan Ross
- digital modeler: ILM
- Tom Roth
- animator: ILM
- Andrew Russell
- digital artist: ILM
- Marc Sadeghi
- executive visual effects producer: The Orphanage
- Katrina Salicrup
- digital compositor
- Gregory Salter
- sequence supervisor: ILM (as Greg Salter)
- Juan-Luis Sanchez
- digital artist: ILM
- Mike Sanders
- digital supervisor
- Dave Sarbell
- digital effects artist
- Kosta Saric
- visual effects editor: Asylum Visual Effects
- Steve Sauers
- creature technical director
- Frederic Schmidt
- digital artist: ILM
- David Schnee
- digital compositor: Tippett Studio
- Andrew Schneider
- animator: ILM
- Philip Schneider
- research and development: ILM
- Walter Schulz
- lead cgi artist
- Sean Schur
- senior digital artist
- Trish Schutz-Krause
- animator: ILM (as Patricia Krause)
- Dennis Sedov
- technical director
- Rene Segura
- digital artist: ILM
- Misty Segura-Bowers
- digital compositor: ILM (as Misty Segura Barbour)
- Jerry Sells
- digital artist: ILM
- Anthony Shafer
- digital artist: ILM
- Paul Sharpe
- digital artist
- Amy Shepard
- digital paint & roto: ILM
- M. Zachary Sherman
- digital artist
- Gregory Shimp
- paint & rotoscoping supervisor: CIS Hollywood (as Greg Shimp)
- David Shirk
- animator: ILM
- Prateep Siamwalla
- tracking
- Dave Sidley
- animator: ILM (as David Sidley)
- Mark Siegel
- digital modeler: ILM
- John Sigurdson
- technical director
- Ken Sjogren
- digital compositor
- Brian Smith
- roto/paint artist
- Jason Smith
- creature td: ILM
- Kim Smith
- digital modeler: ILM
- Douglas Smythe
- sequence supervisor: ILM (as Doug Smythe)
- Jason H. Snell
- sequence supervisor: ILM (as Jason Snell)
- Eddie Soria
- paint & rotoscoping supervisor
- David Sosalla
- visual effects supervisor: Pacific Title & Art Studio
- Jim Soukup
- matchmove artist: ILM (as James Soukup)
- Amy Spanner
- visual effects coordinator: ILM
- Joshua Spencer
- editorial coordinator
- Frank Spiziri
- visual effects coordinator: Asylum
- Kevin Sprout
- digital artist: ILM
- Hilary Sperling Stauffer
- inferno artist (as Hilary Sperling)
- Damian Steel
- sequence supervisor: ILM
- Joe Woodward Stevenson
- creature technical director: Industrial Light & Magic
- John Stewart
- digital compositor: Asylum
- Sam Stewart
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: ILM
- Chris Stoski
- digital artist: ILM
- Joseph Suen
- digital modeler: ILM
- Russ Sueyoshi
- digital compositor
- David Sullivan
- digital artist: ILM
- Steve Sullivan
- research and development: ILM
- Jeff Sutherland
- compositing sequence supervisor
- Pat Sweeney
- models and miniatures unit supervisor: ILM
- Mark Tamny
- digital compositor
- Henri Tan
- digital artist: ILM
- Larry Tan
- digital modeler: ILM
- Masahiko Tani
- digital artist: ILM
- Stephanie Taubert
- digital artist
- Chad Taylor
- sequence supervisor
- Renita Taylor
- digital artist: ILM
- Eric Texier
- digital artist
- Meghan Thornton
- digital artist
- James D. Tittle
- visual effects coordinator: Pacific Title
- Gerald Tiu
- render wrangler
- James Tooley
- creature development supervisor: ILM
- Antonio Torres
- digital artist: Pacific Title
- Greg Towner
- animator: ILM
- Christopher Townsend
- digital artist: ILM
- Delio Tramontozzi
- animator: ILM
- Alan Trombla
- research and development: ILM
- Alex Tropiec Jr.
- inferno artist: ILM (as Alex Tropiec)
- Chi Chung Tse
- digital character animator
- Ryan Tudhope
- visual effects supervisor: The Orphanage
- Kate Turner
- digital artist: ILM
- Lee Uren
- digital artist
- Leslie Valentino
- digital production manager: The Orphanage
- Justin van der Lek
- digital artist
- Todd Vaziri
- digital artist: ILM
- Bruce Vecchitto
- digital artist: ILM
- Aaron Vest
- digital lighting artist: Asylum
- Pascale Ville
- visual effects artist
- Andres Vitale
- digital compositor: ILM
- Eric Voegels
- digital artist: ILM
- Rich Volp
- Spydercam flight control
- Patrick Waas
- digital artist: ILM (as Patrick Wass)
- Tim Waddy
- animator: ILM
- Danny Wagner
- model maker
- John Walker
- digital artist: ILM
- Christopher Walsh
- animator: ILM (as Chris Walsh)
- Steve Walton
- digital modeling supervisor: ILM
- Courtney Ward
- visual effects production assistant
- David Washburn
- digital artist: ILM
- Talmage Watson
- creature animator: ILM
- Harold Weed
- digital modeler: ILM (as Howie Weed)
- Sunny Li-Hsien Wei
- digital modeler: ILM
- Gregory Weiner
- digital artist: ILM
- David Weitzberg
- digital artist: ILM
- Jeff Werner
- cg producer
- Erin West
- digital artist: ILM
- Jamy Wheless
- lead animator: ILM
- John Whisnant
- digital artist: ILM
- Jeff White
- creature td: ILM
- Simon Wicker
- digital artist: ILM
- Melissa Widup
- rotoscope artist: Cafe FX
- Lance Wilhoite
- visual effects supervisor
- Ronnie E. Williams Jr.
- digital compositor
- Barry Williams
- digital matte artist: ILM
- Matthew T. Wilson
- digital compositor: CIS Hollywood (as Matt Wilson)
- Scott Wirtz
- animator: ILM (as Huck Wirtz)
- Doug Witsken
- digital artist
- Andy Wong
- animator: ILM
- Eric Wong
- creature technical director
- Stephen L. Wong
- animator: ILM (as Stephen Wong)
- Sylvia Wong
- animator: ILM
- Nick Woo
- technical support
- Dione Wood
- visual effects liaison
- Ron Woodall
- digital modeler: ILM
- Kevin Wooley
- digital artist: ILM
- Jeff Wozniak
- sequence supervisor: ILM
- Doug Wright
- digital artist: ILM
- Xye
- tracking
- Keiji Yamaguchi
- creature developer
- Roland Yepez
- character animator: Industrial Light & Magic
- Scott Younkin
- digital compositor: ILM
- Jennifer Yu Farr
- digital artist (as Jennifer Yu)
- PeiPei Alena Yuan
- previsualization artist: Proof Inc. (as Pei Pei Yuan)
- Susumu Yukuhiro
- sequence supervisor: ILM
- Dean Yurke
- digital artist
- Joseph A. Zaki
- senior digital compositor: ILM (as Joseph Zaki)
- John Zdankiewicz
- animator: ILM
- Daniel Zizmor
- digital effects artist
- Christopher Abeyta
- production accountant: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Lauren Abrams
- modelmaker: ILM (uncredited)
- Allan Arinduque
- digital artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Matt Ashton
- senior systems: CIS Hollywood (uncredited)
- Natalie Baillie
- roto/paint artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Robert Barker
- systems engineer: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Jessica Behnam
- production assistant: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Anna Bies
- model unit: Black Pearl, ILM (uncredited)
- Jayni Borgaro
- compositor: CIS Hollywood (uncredited)
- Brigitte Bourque
- compositor: CIS Hollywood (uncredited)
- Steve Braggs
- digital artist: ILM (uncredited)
- Owen Calouro
- roto and paint artist (uncredited)
- Marbella Calvillo
- rotoscope artist: Look FX (uncredited)
- Carrie Cassada
- visual effects editor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- John Cassella
- cg artist: CIS Hollywood (uncredited)
- Irfan Celik
- digital artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Andy Chen
- CG artist: CIS Hollywood (uncredited)
- Brendan Coffey
- software programmer: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Webster Colcord
- animation supervisor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Stéphane Cros
- rigger: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Kevin Culhane
- rigger: Asylum (uncredited)
- Beth D'Amato
- digital paint & roto artist (uncredited)
- Joe C. D'Amato
- systems engineer: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Bruce Dahl
- lead animator: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Colin Davidson
- research and development: ILM (uncredited)
- Anna Dickinson
- digital cloth simulation artist: ILM (uncredited)
- Tim Dobbert
- matchmove supervisor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Rama Dunayevich
- public relations: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Greg Dunn
- systems engineer: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Trina Espinoza
- digital artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Raul Essig
- digital artist: ILM (uncredited)
- Simon Eves
- software programmer: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Nathan Fariss
- digital artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Donald Fly
- general manager: CIS Hollywood (uncredited)
- Ryan Galloway
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Amy Garback
- cg artist: CIS Hollywood (uncredited)
- Kate Geaghan
- production assistant: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Tim Gibbons
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- David Gladstein
- software programmer: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Daniel Gloates
- senior staff: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Monique Gougeon
- resource department recruiter: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Heather Han
- roto/paint artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Jeff Hatchel
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Christophe Hery
- research & development: ILM (uncredited)
- Austin Hiser
- roto/paint artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Sunghwan Hong
- roto/paint artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Eloisa Honrada
- roto/paint artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Jessica Hsieh
- digital artist: Evil Eye Pictures (uncredited)
- Dorne Huebler
- digital compositor: ILM (uncredited)
- Tony Hurd
- production operations manager: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Michael Larry Hutchinson
- editorial HD manager: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Christian Kaestner
- roto/paint artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Michelle Kater
- roto/paint artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Ryan Kautzman
- software engineer: ILM (uncredited)
- Shawn Kelly
- animator: ILM (uncredited)
- Derek Krauss
- roto/paint artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Heath Kraynak
- roto/paint artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Jessica Lai
- roto/paint artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- David H. Lam
- resource technical assistant: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Krystine Lankenau
- paint and roto artist: CIS Hollywood (uncredited)
- Maryjane Layani
- production accountant: CIS Hollywood (uncredited)
- Toan-Vinh Le
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Soyoun Lee
- roto/paint artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Duncan Lees
- head of 3D services: Plowman Craven and Associates (uncredited)
- Joshua Levine
- digital artist: ILM (uncredited)
- Jimmy Lillard
- visual effects assistant editor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Melissa Lin
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Todd Lindo
- resource manager: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Michael Lori
- tracking lead (uncredited)
- Stuart Lowder
- cgi production manager: ILM (uncredited)
- Ron K. Lussier
- digital artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Kevin Mains
- resource technical assistant: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Stuart T. Maschwitz
- senior staff: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Dan McNamara
- vice president of technology: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Chris Mitchell
- animator: ILM (uncredited)
- Colette Mullenhoff
- research & development: ILM (uncredited)
- Naveen Nathan
- junior systems: CIS Hollywood (uncredited)
- Cedric Nicolas-Troyan
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Luke O'Byrne
- visual effects executive producer: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- John Paul Olmstead
- research and development: ILM (uncredited)
- Michael Oregon
- systems engineer: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Alex Orzulak
- resource technical assistant: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Brian Paik
- creature assistant technical director: ILM (uncredited)
- Christopher Paul
- matchmove artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Patricia Pawlak
- digital cloth simulation artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Alexander Pouchkarev
- modeler: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Kevin Reuter
- digital effects artist: ILM (uncredited)
- Spencer Reynolds
- motion capture engineer (uncredited)
- Aaron Rhodes
- roto/paint supervisor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Grover Richardson
- roto/paint artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Anthony Rispoli
- digital artist: ILM (uncredited)
- Corey Rosen
- creature supervisor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Thomas Rosseter
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Jonathan Rothbart
- senior staff: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Salvador Ruiz
- animator: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Jesse Russell
- compositor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Barry Safley
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Frederique Schafer
- modeler: CIS Hollywood (uncredited)
- Chad Schott
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Nelson Sepulveda
- digital compositor: ILM (uncredited)
- Nick Sinnott
- matchmove artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- David Stern-Gottfried
- resource technical assistant: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Scott Stewart
- senior staff: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Carsten Sørensen
- senior staff: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Bee Jin Tan
- roto/paint artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Brian Tolle
- matchmove artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Patrick Tubach
- digital artist: ILM (uncredited)
- Brent Villalobos
- software programmer: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Jonathan Vohr
- production assistant: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Carl Walters
- editorial supervisor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Tiffany Wu
- matchmove/roto coordinator: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Jeremy Yabrow
- head of software: The Orphanage (uncredited)
- Kyle Yamamoto
- research and development programmer: CIS Hollywood (uncredited)
- Andrea Yelle
- resource department manager: The Orphanage (uncredited)