- Michael Dowding
- director of animation / animation director (20 episodes, 2018)
- Christopher James
- world building supervisor (20 episodes, 2018)
- Ricardo Rodrigues
- technical artist / technical animator (20 episodes, 2018)
- Luke De Winter
- world building artist (19 episodes, 2018)
- James Tohill
- designer (18 episodes, 2018)
- Garry Brookes
- world buildling artist / world building artist (17 episodes, 2018)
- Bryce Goodwin
- layout supervisor (17 episodes, 2018)
- Levi Harrison
- technical artist (17 episodes, 2018)
- Benjamin Hayte
- designer (17 episodes, 2018)
- Patrick Johns
- world building artist / world buildling artist (17 episodes, 2018)
- David Kim
- surfacing artist (17 episodes, 2018)
- Kie Pongsupha
- world buildling artist / world building artist (17 episodes, 2018)
- Sukwon Shin
- facial rigger (17 episodes, 2018)
- Laz Wiens
- shot prep / shot prep artist (17 episodes, 2018)
- Yun Vincent Zhuang
- designer (17 episodes, 2018)
- Patrick Clancy
- designer (16 episodes, 2018)
- Marlon Deane
- storyboard supervisor / storyboard artist / storyboard & x-sheet supervisor (16 episodes, 2018)
- Sid Katz
- senior modeler / senior modelers / senior animator (16 episodes, 2018)
- Harley Munsie
- modeler / modelers (16 episodes, 2018)
- Vinod Raju
- modeler / modelers (16 episodes, 2018)
- James Sathre
- technical artist (16 episodes, 2018)
- Marcel Simons
- cg supervisor (16 episodes, 2018)
- Hannan Wang
- modeler / modelers (16 episodes, 2018)
- Aaron Amelia
- world building artist / world buildling artist (15 episodes, 2018)
- Liviu Antonescu
- surfacing supervisor (15 episodes, 2018)
- Jimmy Chang
- rigger (15 episodes, 2018)
- Jonathan DuGuay
- layout artist (15 episodes, 2018)
- Sonia Fornasari
- surfacing artist (15 episodes, 2018)
- Robert Hansen
- surfacing artist (15 episodes, 2018)
- Cecilia Ku
- lead facial rigging / lead facil rigging (15 episodes, 2018)
- Kevin Rawlinson
- surfacing artist / surfacing (15 episodes, 2018)
- Lisa Sapinsky
- world building artist / lighting artist (15 episodes, 2018)
- Ki Moon Tony Song
- rigger (15 episodes, 2018)
- Sarah Taylor
- senior modeler (15 episodes, 2018)
- Clayton Campbell
- game engine td (14 episodes, 2018)
- Aaron Fung
- world building artist (14 episodes, 2018)
- Brian Iankovs
- production coordinator (14 episodes, 2018)
- Kim Kavanagh
- senior game engine td / senior game engine td: Ken Kavanagh (14 episodes, 2018)
- Jean-Paul Larmond
- surfacing artist (14 episodes, 2018)
- Erin McElvaine
- dailies technician/online editor / dailies technician / online editor / dailies technicial/online editor (14 episodes, 2018)
- Jonathan Sibayan
- world building artist / world buildling artist / lighting artist (14 episodes, 2018)
- Edwin Wiersma
- world building artist (14 episodes, 2018)
- Timothy Zhao
- vfx artist (14 episodes, 2018)
- Gabriel Altino
- technical artist (13 episodes, 2018)
- Riya Barot
- lighting artist / ligthting artist (13 episodes, 2018)
- Tyler Bradley
- designer (13 episodes, 2018)
- Brenna Dolan
- production coordinator (13 episodes, 2018)
- Steven Elford
- v.p creative technology / vp creative technology (13 episodes, 2018)
- Alice Kramer-McNish
- vfx artist (13 episodes, 2018)
- Nicholas Regimbald
- world building artist (13 episodes, 2018)
- Jake Bartlett
- modeler (12 episodes, 2018)
- Kevin Chui
- world building artist (12 episodes, 2018)
- Michael Douglas
- director of creative services (12 episodes, 2018)
- Arturo Martin Camargo
- rigger (12 episodes, 2018)
- Lavon Oloo
- lighting artist (12 episodes, 2018)
- Kris Pestano
- layout artist (12 episodes, 2018)
- Peter Anderson
- technical artist (11 episodes, 2018)
- Henry Cho
- lead facial rigging (11 episodes, 2018)
- Adam Girard
- world building artist (11 episodes, 2018)
- Hannah Gottert
- motion graphics artist / motion graphic artist / motion graphics artists (11 episodes, 2018)
- Daniel Mallett
- lighting artist (11 episodes, 2018)
- Arianna Mao
- lighting artist (11 episodes, 2018)
- Marissa Maye
- layout artist (11 episodes, 2018)
- Danielle Ryan
- layout artist (11 episodes, 2018)
- Felipe Verdugo
- fx supervisor (11 episodes, 2018)
- Adam Vorous
- modeling supervisor (11 episodes, 2018)
- Eric Walters
- lighting supervisor / lighting artist (11 episodes, 2018)
- Jade Yee
- world building artist (11 episodes, 2018)
- Larry Anderson
- animation director (10 episodes, 2018)
- Athena Cho
- production coordinator (10 episodes, 2018)
- Mike Juszczyk
- layout artist (10 episodes, 2018)
- Boon Yeo Kwen
- senior animator / animator (10 episodes, 2018)
- Ben Sledge
- rigger (10 episodes, 2018)
- Claudia Bic
- layout artist (9 episodes, 2018)
- Anne Dobie
- lighting artist (9 episodes, 2018)
- Eric Kurzreiter
- vfx artist (9 episodes, 2018)
- Jordan William Chow
- animator (8 episodes, 2018)
- Anthony Fordham
- surfacing artist / rigger (8 episodes, 2018)
- Andrew Russell
- assistant editor (8 episodes, 2018)
- Eddie Shu
- animator (8 episodes, 2018)
- Kevin Chui
- world buildling artist (7 episodes, 2018)
- Jessica Giang
- layout artist / animator (7 episodes, 2018)
- Jason Jandl
- lighting artist (7 episodes, 2018)
- Patrick McNabb
- layout artist (7 episodes, 2018)
- Ghaydaa Saleem
- animator / lead animator (7 episodes, 2018)
- Kenneth Chen
- animator / lead animator (6 episodes, 2018)
- Chul Jang
- animator (6 episodes, 2018)
- Javier Lopez
- animator (6 episodes, 2018)
- Joel Beaudet
- animator (5 episodes, 2018)
- Tyler Bradley
- designer (5 episodes, 2018)
- Statowan Buffalo Robe
- animator (5 episodes, 2018)
- Suk Bong Byun
- animator director / animation director (5 episodes, 2018)
- Mario Cabrera
- storyboard artist (5 episodes, 2018)
- Pilar Encinas Hughes
- lighting artist (5 episodes, 2018)
- Alex Kamien
- animator (5 episodes, 2018)
- David MacLeod
- lead animator / animator (5 episodes, 2018)
- Shanelle Padilla
- layout artist (5 episodes, 2018)
- Vinay Sudhindran
- animator (5 episodes, 2018)
- Yinbei Zhu
- lighting artist (5 episodes, 2018)
- David Levy
- animator (4 episodes, 2018)
- Yasmine Vesalpour
- animator (4 episodes, 2018)
- Pushkar Atre
- animator (3 episodes, 2018)
- Sean Byun
- animation director (3 episodes, 2018)
- Francis Cardeno
- animator (3 episodes, 2018)
- Derek Fong
- animator (3 episodes, 2018)
- Anthony Fordham
- surfacing artist (3 episodes, 2018)
- Jay Kim
- animator (3 episodes, 2018)
- David Lee
- lead rigger (3 episodes, 2018)
- Albert Rosenau
- animator (3 episodes, 2018)
- Matt Scott
- storyboard artist (3 episodes, 2018)
- Justin Stuber
- animator (3 episodes, 2018)
- Patrick Waind
- storyboard artist (3 episodes, 2018)
- Sean Avery
- animation editor / assistant editor (2 episodes, 2018)
- Paul Brendan Brown
- animator (2 episodes, 2018)
- Tony Cranfield-Rose
- layout artist (2 episodes, 2018)
- Justin Janzen
- cg supervisor / production manager (2 episodes, 2018)
- Nick Meunier
- animation editor / assistant editor (2 episodes, 2018)
- Andrew Russel
- assistant editor (2 episodes, 2018)
- Colin Adams
- lead editor (1 episode, 2018)
- Lincoln Adams
- storyboard artist (1 episode, 2018)
- Ken Chen
- lead animator (1 episode, 2018)
- Jeremy Dziewir
- animator (1 episode, 2018)
- Louie Escauriaga
- storyboard artist (1 episode, 2018)
- Todd Giroux
- post production supervisor (1 episode, 2018)
- Travis Guthrie
- surfacing supervisor (1 episode, 2018)
- Amanda Konkin
- production coordinator (1 episode, 2018)
- David Earl Smith
- storyboard artist (1 episode, 2018)
- Shannon Tieu
- animator (1 episode, 2018)