- Nagisa Abe
- ink and paint artist
- Kôji Akitaka
- animator
- Mika Akitaka
- mechanical designer: Kôbu F2
- Kazunori Akiyama
- inbetween artist
- Ken Arai
- background art assist
- Takuya Araki
- background scanning: Bihou Digital Works
- Akiko Asaki
- animator
- Rie Asano
- ink and paint artist
- Kazu Doi
- ink and paint artist
- Masaaki Endô
- animator (as Masaaki Endo)
- Kôsuke Fujishima
- original character designer
- Takehiro Hamatsu
- animator
- Kôichi Hashimoto
- animator
- Kaori Higuchi
- animator
- Mika Hinata
- inbetween checker
- Yuka Hirama
- background artist: Studio Bihou
- Izumi Hoki
- background artist: Studio Bihou
- Hiroyuki Horiuchi
- animator
- Chieko Ichimanda
- inbetween checker
- Mitsuru Ishihara
- animation director
- Akiharu Ishii
- animation director / animator
- Hisashi Ishii
- animator
- Takayoshi Ishikawa
- ink and paint artist
- Eiji Ishimoto
- animator
- Toshio Ishizaki
- animation director (as Sushio)
- Hiroki Itô
- inbetween artist
- Yoshiyuki Itô
- animator
- Kaori
- animator (as Kaori Komori)
- Masaru Katô
- animator
- Reiko Katô
- ink and paint artist (as Reiko Kato)
- Tomonori Katô
- background artist: Studio Bihou (as Tomonori Kato)
- Satonobu Kikuchi
- animator
- Kazuchika Kise
- animation director
- Toshimitsu Kobayashi
- animator
- Makoto Kohara
- animator
- Gen'ichirô Kondô
- animator (as Genichiro Kondo)
- Kazuya Kuroda
- character designer
- Takamasa Masuki
- background artist: Studio Bihou (as Takamasa Mashiki)
- Hidenori Matsubara
- character designer
- Hiroyuki Matsubara
- character designer
- Keita Matsumoto
- inbetween artist
- Shin Matsuo
- animator
- Yukiko Mita
- inbetween artist / inbetween checker
- Junko Mizuno
- ink and paint artist
- Nobuko Mizuta
- color designer
- Sayo Mogi
- ink and paint artist
- Tomomi Nakajima
- background scanning: Bihou Digital Works
- Toshihiro Nakajima
- animator
- Yuki Nakajima
- inbetween artist
- Norikatsu Nakano
- animator
- Junko Nishimura
- inbetween checker
- Yasutoshi Niwa
- animator
- Maiko Nogami
- inbetween artist
- Jun Okabe
- background artist: Studio Bihou
- Yuri Okata
- ink and paint artist
- Masashi Okumura
- inbetween artist
- Sachiko Okumura
- inbetween artist
- Koki Otsubo
- assistant director of animation
- Iku Ozawa
- animator
- Takuya Saitô
- animation director / movie character designer
- Keita Sakai
- background artist: Studio Bihou
- Reiko Sakai
- inbetween artist
- Shûji Sakamoto
- animator
- Yutaka Sakamoto
- inbetween checker
- Tamaka Sato
- cel checker
- Masaru Satô
- studio manager: Studio Bihou
- Taka Satô
- animator (as Riku Satô)
- Kanami Sekiguchi
- animator
- Masahiro Sekino
- animator
- Mariko Shimokawa
- ink and paint artist
- Michiko Shinohara
- background artist: Studio Bihou (as Satoko Shinohara)
- Naoyoshi Shiotani
- inbetween artist
- Tomoko Sugata
- inbetween artist
- Toshikazu Suzuki
- ink and paint artist
- Akira Takada
- animator: Radix
- Hideki Takahashi
- animator
- Harumi Takahoshi
- ink and paint artist
- Tomohiro Takayama
- animator
- Atsushi Takeuchi
- mechanical designer
- Tatsufumi Tamagawa
- animator
- Masaki Tanaka
- assistant director of animation
- Miho Tanaka
- ink and paint artist
- Yuriko Taniguchi
- ink and paint artist
- Yayoi Tobe
- cel checker / ink and paint artist
- Yuko Toyoura
- inbetween artist
- Mitsuhito Tsuji
- cel advancement
- Hidekatsu Uemura
- mechanical designer
- Emiko Ueno
- ink and paint artist
- Tôru Umeoka
- animation coordinator: Madhouse
- Yôichi Watanabe
- background artist: Studio Bihou (as Youichi Watanabe)
- Yôko Watanabe
- ink and paint artist
- Kotomi Yagi
- background artist: Studio Bihou
- Toshiyuki Yahagi
- inbetween artist
- Hiroko Yamada
- inbetween artist
- Yuka Yamakoshi
- ink and paint artist
- Shin'ichi Yamaoka
- animator
- Yûsuke Yoshigaki
- animator
- Shun'ichirô Yoshihara
- background artist: Studio Bihou
- Takuji Yoshimoto
- animator
- Hiroshi Ãkubo
- animation director (as Hiroshi Okubo)
- Ken Ãtsuka
- animator: Studio Takuranke