- Jude Adamson
- lighter: Rhythm + Hues
- Alexandra Altrocchi
- producer: Giant Killer Robots (as Alex Altrocchi)
- Tim Angulo
- director of photography: New Deal Studios Inc. (as Timothy Angulo)
- William L. Arance
- 3d modeler
- Deb Asch
- animator: Giant Killer Robots
- James J. Atkinson
- lighter: Rhythm & Hues
- Kenneth Au
- inferno artist: Rhythm & Hues
- Jim Aupperle
- CGI lighting
- Michael Backauskas
- visual effects editor: Rhythm + Hues
- Steve Baker
- animator: Rhythm + Hues
- Samson Bamimore
- systems operations supervisor: Rhythm + Hues
- Richard Baneham
- animation supervisor: Warner Bros. Feature Animation
- Lyndon Barrois
- animation sequence supervisor: Rhythm + Hues
- Jason Bayever
- digital compositor: WBFA
- Susana Bentsen
- digital artist
- Lee Berger
- visual effects executive producer: Rhythm & Hues
- Kevin Bertazzon
- character animator: Warner Bros. Feature Animation
- Jason Billington
- digital paint/rotoscope artist
- Douglas Bloom
- visual effects
- Greg M. Boettcher
- visual effects
- Randy Bosh
- visual effects
- Sherie Bradfute
- senior software engineer: Rhythm + Hues (as Sheri Bradfute)
- Nigel Broad
- character technical director
- Randy Brown
- digital compositor
- Cheryl Budgett
- 2D supervisor: Rhythm + Hues (as Cheryl Jeffords)
- Bill Campbell
- animator: Rhythm + Hues
- Brooks Campbell
- lighting/compositing
- Georgia Cano
- lighter: Rhythm + Hues
- Tom Capizzi
- digital effects artist / lighter: Rhythm + Hues
- Paul Carlos
- rotoscope and paint artist
- Kevin Carney
- technical animator: Rhythm + Hues
- Floyd Casey
- digital artist
- Jeffrey Castel De Oro
- digital compositor
- Debbie Catalano
- lighter: Rhythm + Hues
- Pascal Chappuis
- lighter: Rhythm + Hues
- Raymond Chen
- lighter: Rhythm + Hues
- Raymond Chih
- pipeline setup: Rhythm + Hues
- Benjamin Cinelli
- character animator: Warner Bros. Feature Animation
- Lisa Clarity
- lighter: Rhythm + Hues
- Michael Clemens
- compositor: Rhythm + Hues
- Mickael Coedel
- modeler: Giant Killer Robots
- Kenneth P. Coles
- visual effects
- Daniel Aristoteles Collins
- systems/operations: Rhythm & Hues
- Michael Conelly
- technical lighting supervisor: Rhythm + Hues (as Michael G. Conelly)
- Shellaine Corwel
- compositor: Rhythm + Hues
- Byron Court
- digital effects artist
- Brandon Craig
- render supervisor: Rhythm + Hues
- Steve Cronin
- digital compositor
- Peter Crosman
- visual effects supervisor
- Damon Crowe
- digital effects animator (as Damon Robert Crowe)
- Chris Crowell
- digital compositor
- Christopher Cundey
- visual effects supervisor: Graphic Nature, Ltd.
- Ken Dackermann
- digital compositor
- Amanda Dague
- animator: Rhythm + Hues
- Todd Daugherty
- render support
- Erik De Boer
- animation sequence supervisor: Rhythm + Hues (as Erik-Jan De Boer)
- Thomas R. Dickens
- senior technical director: Warner Brothers / supervising lead modeler: demons, Scrappy rex, Warner Brothers
- Adam Dotson
- character animator: Warner Bros. Feature Animation
- Grace Dotson
- character animator (as Grace Blanco Dotson)
- Brian Dowrick
- animator: Rhythm + Hues
- Simon Dye
- digital effects artist
- Leif Einarsson
- creature setup supervisor
- Kolja Erman
- CGI technical director
- Richard Ewan
- model painter
- Davey Crockett Feiten
- animator: Rhythm + Hues (as Davy Crockett Feiten)
- Alister Ferguson
- digital artist
- Daev Finn
- lighter: Rhythm + Hues
- Forest P. Fischer
- construction supervisor: New Deal Studios Inc. (as Forrest Fischer)
- Dennis Fitzsimmons
- digital compositor
- James Flux
- lighting technical director: Warner Brothers (as James Citron)
- Chris Flynn
- digital compositor
- Allen Foster
- art director (as Allen C. Foster)
- Keith Foston
- visual effects coordinator: Photon VFX
- Patricia Frazier
- lighting technical director
- Mark Freund
- visual effects supervisor: Pacific Title
- Mike Frevert
- digital artist
- Mathias Frodin
- compositor: Warner Brothers
- Bob Froehlig
- systems manager: Rhythm + Hues
- Gregory Galliani
- modeler
- Shannon Blake Gans
- visual effects executive producer: Hunter/Gratzner Industries Inc.
- Lisa Garner
- rotoscope/paint artist
- Andy Gauvreau
- lighter: Rhythm + Hues
- Bridget A. Gaynor
- lighter: Rhythm + Hues
- Greg Gladstone
- CG artist: Giant Killer Robots
- John Goodman
- animator: Rhythm + Hues (as John K. Goodman)
- Brien Goodrich
- digital effects artist: Pacific Title Digital
- Scott Gordon
- compositor: Rhythm + Hues
- Jenny Groener
- digital producer: Rhythm + Hues
- Caroline Grubb
- visual effects production manager: Photon VFX
- Craig Halperin
- technical director: 3d muscle/skin
- Briana Hamilton
- muscle artist: Rhythm + Hues
- Tomoyuki Harashima
- animator: Rhythm + Hues
- Gael Harlow
- animator: Rhythm + Hues
- Daniel Harvey
- digital effects producer: Photon
- James Hathcock
- technical director
- Niles Heckman
- digital compositor (as Jon Heckman) / technical director (as Jon Heckman)
- Chad J. Hellmuth
- production manager: Rhythm + Hues (as Chad Hellmuth)
- Jongwoo Heo
- digital effects animator: Rhythm + Hues
- Karl Herbst
- lighting lead: Rhythm + Hues
- Tulio Hernandez
- technical director lighting and compositing: Warner Brothers
- Veronica Hernandez
- lead digital painter
- Christer Hokanson
- visual effects editor
- Phil Holland
- scanning & recording coordinator: Rhythm + Hues (as Philip Holland)
- Scott Holmes
- character animator: Warner Bros. Feature Animation
- Michael Holzl
- animator: Rhythm + Hues
- Uel Hormann
- lighting/compositing sequence supervisor: Rhythm + Hues
- Jamee Houk
- lead character animator: Giant Killer Robots
- Jen Howard
- compositor: Rhythm + Hues (as Jennifer Ann Howard)
- Amy Hronek
- lighting setup: Rhythm + Hues
- Michael Huber
- animator/modeler
- John Hughes
- studio head: Rhythm & Hues
- Ian Hulbert
- animator: Rhythm + Hues
- Matt Hullum
- visual effects production manager
- Ian Hunter
- visual effects consultant
- Keith Hunter
- modeling supervisor: Rhythm + Hues
- Roger Huynh
- digital compositor
- Sean Hyunin Lee
- compositor: Rhythm + Hues
- Jason Ivimey
- animator: Rhythm + Hues
- Leigh-Alexandra Jacob
- lead painter
- Mike Jamieson
- digital artist
- Sarahjane Javelo
- digital paint/rotoscope artist
- Eileen Jensen
- art director: Rhythm + Hues
- Eugene Jeong
- digital effects artist: Warner Bros.
- Arthur Jeppe
- lighting/compositing sequence supervisor: Rhythm + Hues
- Jimmy Jewell
- compositor: Rhythm + Hues
- Tobin Jones
- technical director
- Leon Joosen
- animation supervisor: Rhythm + Hues
- Jennifer Juen
- digital coordinator: visual effects
- Tex Kadonaga
- modeler: Rhythm & Hues
- Alice V. Kaiserian
- character animator: Warner Bros. Feature Animation
- Brad Kalinoski
- digital artist: wire and rig removal
- Kamalakkannan
- digital compositor
- Carl Kaphan
- CG artist: Giant Killer Robots
- Perry Kass
- compositor: Rhythm + Hues
- Oded Kassirer
- digital compositor
- Patrick Keenan
- digital artist: Pacific Title Digital
- Brooke Keesling
- visual effects: New Deal Studios
- Matt Kelly
- digital compositor
- Bill Kent
- visual effects supervisor
- David Kesbump
- hardware support: Rhythm + Hues
- Nancy Klimley
- modeler: Rhythm + Hues
- Neil Krepela
- additional visual effects supervisor (as Neil J. Krepela)
- Gauth Krishnamurti
- manager information systems: Rhythm + Hues (as Gautham Krishnamurti)
- Bill Kroyer
- animation supervisor: Rhythm + Hues
- Andrew Kunzel
- animator: Rhythm + Hues
- Cindy Kurland
- technical director
- Kevin Kutchaver
- CGI matte painting supervisor: HimAnI Productions, Inc.
- Jennifer Law-Stump
- digital effects artist: Pacific Title Digital
- Andrew Lawson
- animator: Rhythm + Hues
- Philippe Leprince
- lighter: Rhythm & Hues
- Michael Leung
- visual effects: CGI Lighting
- Didier Levy
- cg supervisor
- Wilmer Lin
- matchmove supervisor: Rhythm + Hues
- Sébastien Linage
- CGI modeler/designer
- Matt Linder
- compositor: Rhythm + Hues
- Chris Logan
- matchmove artist: Rhythm & Hues
- Chris Long
- lighting technical director
- Chris Loudon
- assistant visual effects editor (as Christopher Loudon)
- Tom Lynnes
- digital effects animator: Rhythm + Hues
- Bob Lyss
- digital compositor
- Anthony Mabin
- composite/digital effects supervisor: WBFA
- Michelle Machado
- visual effects production manager: Graphic Nature, Ltd. (as Michelle Espenhain)
- Lisa Maher
- animation production manager: Rhythm + Hues
- Sean Mahoney
- animator: Rhythm + Hues
- Joe Mancewicz
- animation setup supervisor: Rhythm + Hues
- Ethan Marak
- animator: Rhythm + Hues
- Evans Mark
- visual effects artist
- Richard McBride
- technical director
- Kate McCarthy
- visual effects coordinator
- L. Patrick McCormack
- visual effects coordinator
- Mark A. McGuire
- pipeline setup: Rhythm + Hues
- Shelly McKnight
- lead model painter: for Hunter Gratzner Industries (as Shelley McKnight)
- Jeff McLean
- compositing lead: Rhythm + Hues
- Sean McPherson
- lighting/compositing sequence supervisor: Rhythm + Hues
- Mike Meckler
- digital effects animator (as Michael Meckler)
- Jon Meier
- digital artist
- Meredith Meyer-Nichols
- visual effects coordinator: giant killer robots
- Brett Miller
- cg artist: Giant Killer Robots
- Christopher James Miller
- visual effects
- Aung Min
- digital effects artist
- Paul V. Molles
- visual effects coordinator
- Mike L. Murphy
- character animation (as Mike Murphy)
- Sean Murphy
- visual effects artist
- Bud Myrick
- animation lead: Rhythm + Hues
- Sei Nakashima
- concept designer
- Jeremy Nelligan
- compositor: Rhythm + Hues
- Jeff Newton
- lighting technical director
- Thuc Nguyen
- lighter: Rhythm + Hues
- Guillaume Niquet
- lighter: Rhythm + Hues
- January Nordman
- digital compositor: WarnerBros
- Tony O'Loughlan
- motion control camera assistant
- Peter Oberdorfer
- visual effects supervisor: Giant Killer Robots
- Hideki Okano
- effects artist: Rhythm and Hues Studios
- Dan Oken
- lighting/shot technical director
- Kym Olsen
- digital compositor
- Julie Orosz
- digital producer: Rhythm + Hues
- John Paszkiewicz
- digital lighter
- Betsy Paterson
- visual effects supervisor: Rhythm + Hues
- Scott Penningroth
- lighter: Rhythm + Hues
- Ryan Pollreisz
- visual effects animation coordinator
- Nick Pugh
- concept designer: Rhythm + Hues
- Dean Rasmussen
- digital artist
- Hans Rijpkema
- research & development: animation setup, Rhythm + Hues
- Keith Roberts
- animation sequence supervisor: Rhythm + Hues
- Jonathan Robinson
- compositor: Rhythm + Hues
- Sara Robinson
- associate producer: Rhythm + Hues
- Mike Roby
- digital artist
- Mark Rodahl
- lighting/compositing sequence supervisor: Rhythm + Hues
- Bob Roesler
- compositor: Giant Killer Robots
- Marc Rubone
- compositor: Rhythm + Hues
- Rebecca Ruether
- animator: Rhythm + Hues
- Ernie Russo
- visual effects coordinator
- Amy Ryan Gunson
- muscle supervisor: Rhythm + Hues (as Amy Ryan)
- Joe Salazar
- compositor: Rhythm + Hues
- Mike Sandrik
- lighter: Rhythm + Hues
- David Sanger
- producer: New Deal Studios
- Michael Sarkis
- motion control operator
- William Schaeffer
- digital rotoscope/paint artist (as Bill Schaeffer)
- Mike Schmitt
- CG artist: Giant Killer Robots
- Chris B. Schnitzer
- visual effects coordinator
- Laura Schultz
- visual effects production supervisor
- Jörg Schulz-Gerchow
- digital compositor
- Craig Seitz
- BG prep supervisor: Rhythm + Hues
- Ben Seymour
- visual effects coordinator
- Rasha Shalaby
- compositor: Rhythm + Hues
- Chad Shattuck
- animator: Rhythm + Hues
- Scott Shields
- visual effects coordinator (as R. Scott Shields)
- Todd Shifflett
- digital effects supervisor: Rhythm + Hues
- Robert Shrider
- digital effects animator: Rhythm + Hues
- Jeff Siergey
- character animator: Warner Bros. Feature Animation
- Craig A. Simms
- compositing lead: Rhythm + Hues
- Fred Simon
- systems support: Rhythm & Hues
- Dan Smiczek
- muscle lead: Rhythm + Hues
- Roberto Smith
- animator: Rhythm + Hues (as Roberto A. Smith)
- Suponwich Juck Somsaman
- lighter: Rhythm + Hues (as Juck Somsaman)
- Danny Speck
- animation lead: Rhythm + Hues (as Daniel Speck)
- John Stillman
- lead compositor: Giant Killer Robots
- Jesse Sugarman
- CG animator: Rhythm & Hues
- Mark Tamny
- digital compositor
- Marla Tanigawa
- systems operator: Rhythm & Hues (as Marla Valentine)
- Will Telford
- animation setup: Rhythm + Hues
- Jon Terada
- digital compositor
- Garv Thorp
- visual effects coordinator: Pacific Title
- Nicholas Titmarsh
- technical animation supervisor: Rhythm + Hues
- Jensen Toms
- digital artist
- Vincent Truitner
- character animator: Warner Bros. Feature Animation
- Georgie Uppington
- visual effects coordinator
- Michelle Urbano
- matchmove lead
- Michele C. Vallillo
- visual effects producer: Rhythm & Hues
- John Vegher
- streak team leader: Giant Killer Robots
- Trista K. Wahl
- production assistant: Rhythm & Hues
- Chien-Hsiung Wang
- modeler: Rhythm + Hues
- Eric Warren
- character technical director
- Darrin Wehser
- lighter: Rhythm + Hues
- Brian R. Wells
- match move artist (as Brian Wells)
- Jeff Wells
- digital compositor: Rhythm & Hues
- Mark Welser
- muscle artist: Rhythm + Hues (as Mark D. Welser)
- Kurt Williams
- visual effects producer
- Matthew T. Wilson
- compositor (as Matt Wilson)
- Deborah Wiltman
- digital compositor
- David J. Witters
- digital effects animator: Rhythm + Hues
- Jenny Wolfe-Binder
- production assistant: giant killer robots
- Amber Wong
- executive producer: Giant Killer Robots
- Billy Woody
- visual effects artist
- Gregory Yepes
- lighter: Rhythm + Hues
- Gee Yeung
- lighter: Rhythm + Hues
- Kent Yoshida
- animator: Rhythm + Hues
- Chris Young
- digital effects artist
- Joseph A. Zaki
- visual effects: Warner Brothers Feature Animation (as Joseph Zaki)
- Serkan Zelzele
- compositing lead: Rhythm + Hues
- Kathleen Zuelch
- Visual Effects Production Manager / visual effects production manager (as Kathleen M. Zuelch)
- Hunter Athey
- character animator: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- Curtis Augspurger
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Tony Barraza
- digital compositor: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- Judith Bell
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- S. Kai Bovaird
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Jeremy Burns
- compositor: Warner Bros. (uncredited)
- Stacy Burstin
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Scot Byrd
- publicist: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- D. Walt Cameron
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Phil Carbonaro
- compositor (uncredited)
- Buckley Collum
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Danielle Costa
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Ben De Luca
- senior systems administrator (uncredited)
- Jason Doss
- Character TD (uncredited)
- Alex Fry
- digital compositor: Photon (uncredited)
- Bill Georgiou
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Tau Gerber
- compositor: Giant Killer Robots (uncredited)
- Linda Henry
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Jack Holland
- art department assistant: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- Jongo
- digital lighting supervisor: WBFA (uncredited)
- Alex Ko
- technical animator: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- David Kuhn
- CG animator: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- Niamh Lines
- digital effects artist (uncredited)
- Matt Majers
- CG animator: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- Rodney Montague
- visual effects producer: Pacific Title (uncredited)
- Dylan Neill
- digital artist: Photon (uncredited)
- Scott O'Brien
- CG animator: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- Christopher Oakley
- CG animator: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- James Polk
- senior character technical director (uncredited)
- Jason Porter
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Travis Price
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Glenn Ramos
- animator: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- Colin Rhodes
- compositor: Photon VFX (uncredited)
- Tomme B. Stanley
- 3d artist (uncredited)
- Johnny Turco
- CG animator: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- Freddie Vaziri
- technical director (uncredited)
- Marcus Wells
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Larry White
- CG animator: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- John Williamson
- CG animator: Rhythm & Hues (uncredited)
- David Zbriger
- digital asset manager (uncredited)