- Melissa Abad
- production coordinator: effects
- Dave Isaac Santos Abuel
- digital compositor
- Deepa Agarwal
- additional paint fix artist
- David Aguirre
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Matt Akey
- stereoscopic producer: Legend 3D
- Ryan Albertson
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Julius F. Alexander
- lead stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Troy Alexiadis
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Gianni Aliotti
- additional lighter
- Patrick L. Almanza
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Juan Alvarez
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Claudia Amatulli
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D
- John Paul Amos
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- David Anderson
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Ken Anderson
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Florent Andorra
- effects animator: PDI/Dreamworks
- Francois Antoine
- effects sequence lead
- Sabrina Arnold
- stereo comp producer: Legend 3D
- Andrew Astengo
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Michael Aucoin
- technical director
- John Backer
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Matt Baer
- artistic supervisor: effects
- Stephen Bailey
- lead lighter
- Kristopher Baldwin
- stereo compositor
- Ken Ball
- lead lighter
- Brad Banda
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Damon Bard
- sculptor
- Jim Barnett
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Shawn Barnett
- lead stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Abraham Barrera
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Scott E. Baxter
- stereoscopic compositor
- Nathan Behmlander
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Stephanie Bell
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Kate Bello
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Molly Bender
- stereo production assistant: Legend 3D
- Kevin Bennett
- stereo coordinator: Legend 3D
- Tyler Bennink
- stereo production supervisor: Legend 3D
- Ken Bielenberg
- visual effects supervisor
- Chris Bloom
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Clifford Bohm
- lighting artist
- Andrew Bonello
- visual effects compositing engineer
- Silviu Borac
- senior research & development engineer
- Liz Borges-Herzog
- paint fix artist
- Linda Bork
- production assistant: layout
- Jason Bowers
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Terran Boylan
- character technical director
- John Bradley
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Erik Bratlien
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- John Braunreuther
- rough layout artist
- Brian Brecht
- production supervisor: lighting (as Brian K. Brecht)
- Anne Marie Breedlove
- stereo artist: Legend 3D (as Annie Breedlove)
- Scott Brisbane
- additional matte painter
- Morris Brown
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Amy Brunolli
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D
- James Buckhouse
- rough layout artist
- Jared Buford
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Robert Burk
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Markus Burki
- effects animator: PDI/DWA
- Jay Caguioa
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Khue Cai
- stereo production assistant: Legend 3D
- Sean Callahan
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Wilson Cameron
- digital compositor: DreamWorks Animation
- Kristopher Campbell
- character effects animator
- Matt Candido
- data management: Legend 3D
- Craig Cannon
- additional paint fix artist
- Lindsey Caplan
- production coordinator: character effects
- Mathieu Cassagne
- lighting artist
- Rex Cataroja
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Scott Cegielski
- additional effects animator
- Gabriel D. Cervantes
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D (as Gabe Cervantes)
- Craig Cesareo
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Michael A. Chang
- head of global pipeline: Dreamworks Animation Studio (as Mike Chang)
- Min-Yu Chang
- cg modeler: PDI DreamWorks
- Chloe Chao
- research and development
- Annie Chen
- character effects animator
- Alan Cheney
- effects animator
- Mark Chernausek
- stereo production assistant: Legend 3D
- Jimmy Chim
- lighting artist
- Adam Chin
- lighting artist
- Jennifer Cho
- senior stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Jeremy Cho
- additional paint fix artist
- August Christman
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Kristy Chrobak
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Richard Chuang
- special projects: Dreamworks Animation Studio
- Vincent Chung
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Caleb Cleveland
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Ryan Cleveland
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Christine Clippinger
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Ron Clowney
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Joshua E. Cohen
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Michael Collery
- artistic supervisor: matte painting
- John Colt
- production supervisor: modeling
- Lisa Slates Connors
- surfacer
- James Cooper
- digital compositor: DreamWorks Animation
- Joseph Costa
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Laurel Costa
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Kevin Coyle
- paint fix artist (as Kevin James Coyle)
- Sean Crampton
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Thomas Crow
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Lawrence D. Cutler
- artistic supervisor: character technical directors
- Brian J. Danker
- lighting artist (as Brian Jude Danker)
- Kwesi Davis
- production engineer
- Rikk Davis
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Gilbert Davoud
- character technical director
- Daniel Dawson
- character technical director
- Alain De Hoe
- effects lead
- Andre de Oliviera Araujo
- production supervisor: surfacing and lighting (as André de O. Araujo)
- Josh Deason
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Mark A. Decker
- lighting technical director
- Philippe Denis
- artistic supervisor: lighting
- Del DePierro
- stereo compositor
- Edward Deren
- surfacer
- Jonathon Dickey
- data management: Legend 3D
- Anna Dickinson
- effects animator (as Andrew Dickinson)
- Jonathan Dinerstein
- effects animator
- David Doepp
- artistic supervisor: surfacing
- Jennifer Dolan
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Rene Dominguez
- stereoscopic compositor
- Alison Fedrick Donahue
- production supervisor: lighting
- Fred Dossola
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Katy Downey
- technical assistant: lighting (as Katy Harrison)
- Fleur Diana Dragan
- technical director: surfacing
- Tom Driscoll
- stereo assistant editor: Legend 3D
- Cristian Dumitriu
- modeler
- Anthony Dunifer
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Adam J. Dunn
- stereoscopic compositor
- Vanessa Antoinette Dunn
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D (as Vanessa LaMarche)
- David Eberle
- fx engineer
- Kevin Edwards
- lighting artist
- Tarek Elaydi
- lighting technical director
- Randahl Elkins
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Fabian Elmers
- additional character effects
- Angela Ensele
- modeler (as Angela Ensele Firebaugh)
- Monika Erande
- character effects animator
- John Paul Escobar
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Mark Philip Escobar
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Dan Eues
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Duane Eues
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Paul John Faeldo
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D (as Paul Faeldo)
- Justin Fecteau
- stereo production supervisor: Legend 3D
- Dado Feigenblatt
- associate stereographer: Legend 3D
- Phylicia Feldman
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Antony Field
- effects lead
- Rodney Figueroa
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Benjamin Fischler
- lighting artist (as Ben Fischler)
- Aaron Florez
- surfacer
- Chris M. Flynn
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Nathan Fok
- character effects animator
- David E. Franks
- senior stereoscopic compositor
- Travis Fruci
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- John Fuetsch
- technical director: additional matte painting
- Napoleon Fulinara Jr.
- stereo artist: Legend 3D (as Napoleon Fulinara)
- Jennifer Fung
- research and development
- Angus Funkhouser
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Christie Gangnath
- stereo production assistant: Legend 3D
- Carlos Garcia
- data management: Legend 3D
- Adam Ghering
- compositing supervisor: Legend 3D
- Jonathan Gibbs
- head of global effects: Dreamworks Animation Studio
- Lloyd Gilyard Jr.
- stereo coordinator: Legend 3D
- Cyrus Jay Gladstone
- stereographer: Legend 3D
- Sue Gleadhill
- character effects animator
- Philippe Gluckman
- visual effects supervisor
- Walter Gonzalez
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Philip Gordon
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Corban Gossett
- artistic supervisor: technical director (as J. Corban Gossett) / supervising technical director
- Carrie Grabowski
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Trevor Graciano
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Lee Graft
- finaling supervisor: character effects
- Duane Granger
- asset technician: Legend 3D
- Darin K. Grant
- head of production technology
- Kirk Gravatt
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Anthony Greene
- additional technical support: lighting
- Keith Griego
- associate stereographer: Legend 3D
- Laura Grieve
- lead lighter
- Nishkar Grover
- Production Engineer
- David Gutierrez
- asset technician: Legend 3D
- Zack Haddad
- asset coordinator: Legend 3D
- Tony Halawa
- matte painter
- Miles Hall
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Gary Hangen
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Derek Hanson
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Ryan Harlow
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Shizue Harrison
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Greg Hart
- effects animator
- Susan Hayden
- artistic supervisor: lighting
- Matt Head
- effects animator (as Matthew Head)
- Ronald D. Henderson
- research and development
- Benjamin Hendricks
- stereographic supervisor: Dreamworks
- Laurie Herman
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Christopher Higginbotham
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Travis Hoecker
- asset technician: Legend 3D
- Robert Howard
- r&d specialist: Legend 3D
- Pamela Hu
- final layout artist
- Jane Huizenga
- asset manager: Legend 3D
- Jill Hunt
- associate stereographer: Legend 3D
- Jacqueline Hutchinson
- vfx coordinator: Legend 3D
- Danny Huynh
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Ken Imura
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- David Ireland
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Katya Isichenko
- additional character effects
- Pasha Ivanov
- digital artist
- Jeffrey 'JJ' Jay
- character technical director (as Jeffrey Jay)
- Kelly Jean-Ware
- production supervisor: character effects (as Kelly M. Jean)
- Patrick Jensen
- matte painter
- Jeff A. Johnson
- lighting artist
- Amy Rae Jones
- lighting artist
- Evan Jones
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Bradley Kaiser
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Kaishin Kam
- final layout artist
- Fadi Basem Kandah
- production supervisor: modeling
- Sandy Kao
- character technical director
- Tim Keenan
- effects technical director
- Elaine Kelley
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Matthew Kemper
- compositor: Legend 3d/stereo
- Laurent Kermel
- effects animator
- Brian Ketcham
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Val Kharitonashvili
- additional effects animator
- Hyun Seung Kim
- character technical director
- Michel Kinfoussia
- lighting artist
- Quintin King
- character technical director
- Annmarie Koenig
- artistic supervisor: lighting
- Jonathan Kohles
- production assistant: layout
- Keith Kolod
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Brandon Kolpak
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Melissa Kolpak
- stereo production supervisor: Legend 3D (as Melissa Austria)
- Robert Kopinsky
- additional effects animator (as Bob Kopinsky)
- Robert Kosai
- character effects animator (as Robert Tahei Kosai)
- Jeff Kuecken
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- John Lai
- lighting artist
- Cori Hansen Lamanno
- production coordinator: layout
- Arnauld Lamorlette
- artistic supervisor: effects
- Adam Lauwers
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Gary Layug
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Fangwei Lee
- additional effects animator
- Ji Sun Lee
- additional paint fix artist
- Jinwoo Lee
- additional modeler
- Minhyung Lee
- lighting artist
- Stephanie C. Lee
- production coordinator
- Shawn Lewis
- character technical director
- Penny Leyton
- character technical director
- Davell Lee Libbett
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Olive Lin
- additional effects animator
- Jin Liou
- artistic supervisor: lighting
- David Lipton
- effects lead
- Fabio Lissi
- production engineer
- Brendan Llave
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Marc Llorin
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Chris Longo
- stereoscopic producer: Legend 3D
- Nathan Loofbourrow
- character technical director
- Anthony Lopez
- director of it
- Michael Lopez
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Conan Low
- rough layout artist
- Amber Stewart Lunderville
- lighter
- Tony Luong
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Raymon Macahilas
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Celeste Madrigal
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Jimmy Maidens
- lighting artist
- Jim Mainard
- head of research and development
- Jeffrey Manchester
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Kim Mandilag
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Mark Manfrey
- effects animator
- Charlotte Manning
- render engineer: Dreamworks Animation
- Michael Mansueto
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Michael Wei Mao
- additional matte painter
- Mardig Mardirossian
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Tyler Marino
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Josh Marlar
- asset technician: Legend 3D
- Melanie Marlar
- stereo coordinator: Legend 3D (as Melanie Farley)
- Andrew Marquez
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Joseph Marut
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Tony Masiello
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Dexter Matias
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Gerald McAleece III
- rough layout artist
- Sean McCarty
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Kyle McGill
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Steve McGrath
- modeler
- Adam McKee
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Timothy Bud McMahon
- lighting artist
- Phil 'Captain 3D' McNally
- stereoscopic supervisor (re-release)
- Robyn Mesher
- production supervisor: surfacing and paint fix
- Tadao Mihashi
- effects animator
- Jonathan Mitchell
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Tony Mitzelfelt
- lighting technical director
- Ryan Miyamoto
- stereo assistant editor: Legend 3D
- Ismael Moran
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Cristian Moras
- lighting artist (as Cristian G. Moras)
- Stephanie Mulqueen
- lead lighter
- Dave Murphy
- final layout artist (as David Murphy)
- Trinity Murphy
- production coordinator: effects (as Trinity L. Murphy)
- Tomijann Nabors
- surfacer
- Natasha Nace
- stereo production assistant: Legend 3D
- Marny Nahrwold
- production supervisor: paint fix
- Gaku Nakatani
- lead lighter
- Charlie Navarro
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Hector Navarro
- associate stereographer: Legend 3D
- Mike Navarro
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Kenneth Nelson
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Brian Newlin
- final layout artist (as Brian E. Newlin)
- Jennifer Stephenson Newlin
- surfacer
- Ronman Yiu Yan Ng
- key lighting artist / lead lighter
- David Nix
- final layout artist
- Corey Oesch
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Drew Olbrich
- research and development
- Justin Onstine
- crowds technical director
- Joshua Orellana
- lighting production coordinator
- Stephan Osterburg
- character technical director
- Dave Otte
- character effects animator
- Liana Padilla
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Young Joo Paik
- lead lighter (as Young Joo Paik-Cheung)
- Michael J. Pan
- production engineer
- Justin Pangelinan
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Sejong Park
- surfacer
- Ryan Parker
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Matthew Parkhill
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Jamie Pastor
- stereo production supervisor: Legend 3D
- Andrew Pearce
- senior software manager
- Javier Perez
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Marco Perez
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Ruben Perez
- matte painter
- Joshua Perry
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Drew Perttula
- character effects animator
- Kiana Petersen
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Scott B. Peterson
- effects animator / lighting artist
- Sandy Phetchamphone
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Olivier Pinol
- lighting artist
- Cesar Ploneda
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Erik Ploneda
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Sven Pohle
- character technical director
- Ipyana Ponder
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Bert Poole
- additional lighter (as Bert GJN Poole)
- Gabriel Portnof
- lead lighter
- Joyce Powell
- lighting artist
- Luca Prasso
- character technical director
- James Prola
- associate stereographer: Legend 3D
- Peter Provencio
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Tsun-Hui Andrea Pun
- surfacer
- Ryan J. Quinlan
- stereo compositor
- Gene Ragan
- technical lead
- Saty Raghavachary
- research & development
- Vanitha Rangaraju
- effects lead (as Vanitha Rangaraju-Ramanan)
- Tina Rangel
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Keith Reicher
- final layout artist
- Damon Riesberg
- character effects animator
- Robyn Rindge
- technical director: effects
- Agustin Rios
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Frank Ritlop
- lighting artist
- Eli Rod
- lighting artist (as Eli Gary Rod)
- Milton E. Rodriguez-Rios
- artistic supervisor: lighting (as Milton E. RodrÃguez-RÃos)
- Robert Rossoff
- set builder
- Krzysztof Rost
- effects animator
- Peder Rottiger
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Kelly Ryan
- lighting production coordinator
- Dylan Sanchez
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Hayyim Sanchez
- surfacer
- Amy McDonald Sandjideh
- production engineering supervisor
- Daniel Sandoval-Guillen
- lead stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Barry B. Sandrew
- chief stereographer: Legend 3D
- Jared Sandrew
- stereoscopic visual effects supervisor: Legend 3D
- Adrian Scherger
- stereo assistant editor: Legend 3D
- Kristine Schmitt
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D (as Kristine McKinney)
- Michael Seales
- production engineering supervisor
- Bill Seneshen
- artistic supervisor: character effects
- Taylor Shaw
- effects animator
- Jon Shih
- lighting technical director
- Hyun Jeong Shin
- modeler
- Kevan Shorey
- character animator: PDI/Dreamworks
- Jamie J. Silverman
- production coordinator: character effects
- Christopher Sinnott
- visual effects coordinator
- Kris Sison
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Marty Sixkiller
- technical director
- Geri Smith
- lighting artist
- Michael Soledad
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Richard Soledad
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Joon Taik Song
- effects animator
- Jung Jin Song
- lead lighter
- Steven Sorensen
- additional layout artist
- Claudia Southmartin
- department manager: character technical direction
- Carla Sparrow
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Wayne Stables
- additional lighter
- Bill Stahl
- artistic supervisor: modeling
- Dug Stanat
- character technical director
- Yesod Stone
- data management: Legend 3D
- Ian Strelsky
- stereo production supervisor: Legend 3D
- Jessi Stumpfel
- technical director: lighting
- Tina Sun
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Jeremy Swain
- stereo associate producer: Legend 3D
- John Swanson
- production supervisor: character effects
- Josh Swanson
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Don Taylor
- additional effects animator
- Juan Carlos Teliz-Haro
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Clint Tennant
- asset technician: Legend 3D
- Joanne Thiel
- effects animator
- Nicholas Tocco
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Oscar Torres
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Anthony Tovar
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Ted Trabucco
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Timothy Tranquill
- stereo coordinator: Legend 3D
- Chris Treichel
- stereo production supervisor: Legend 3D
- Ryan Trenhaile
- digital compositor
- Dan Trezise
- digital compositor / stereoscopic conversion
- Tien Truong
- character technical director
- Martin Usiak
- effects animator
- Carrie VanEtten
- paint fix artist
- Santiago Vasquez
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Kaye Vassey
- effects animator (as Kevin Vassey)
- Allie Vella
- stereo coordinator: Legend 3D (as Allie Foster)
- Karla Ventocilla
- paint fix artist (as Karla Curby)
- Erik Vignau
- production supervisor: character technical direction
- Robert Vogt
- additional effects animator
- John Wake
- surfacer
- Nick Walker
- head of layout
- Dick Walsh
- character technical director
- Jason Waltman
- effects animator
- Heather Davis Wang
- final layout artist
- Xiaolei Wang
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Loicia Ware
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Bret Watkins
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Joshua West
- modeler
- Andrew Wheeler
- visual effects lead
- Tyler Wheeler
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- David Whitehead
- asset technician: Legend 3D
- Geoff Wilhelm
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Adam Will
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Aaron Williams
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Benjamin Williams
- modeler
- Darren Williams
- lead stereo artist: Legend 3D
- J. Adam Williams
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Lori Williams
- digital artist
- Ryan M. Wilson
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Laura Wood
- production engineer
- Jennifer Wright
- stereo artist: Legend 3D (as Jennifer Connaughy)
- Jonathan Wright
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Joanna Wu
- additional lighter
- Gentaro Yamamoto
- surfacer
- Ken Yao
- character effects animator
- Sunny Ye
- production coordinator: character td
- Emily Yi
- additional paint fix artist (as Emily How)
- Emre Yilmaz
- character technical director
- Ji Hyun Yoon
- visual effects
- Dennis Yoshii
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Colin Yu
- stereographer: Legend 3D
- Douglas Zablocki
- stereo compositor: Legend 3D
- Jorge Zarate Salas
- stereo artist: Legend 3D
- Guido Zimmermann
- character technical director
- Tony Baldridge
- stereoscopic supervisor: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Jason M. Bergman
- stereoscopic compositor (uncredited)
- Greg Dora
- stereoscopic compositor (uncredited)
- Ricardo Guevara
- stereo artist: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Stephen Heidelberg
- character effects animator (uncredited)
- Adam Hlavac
- stereo artist: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Bob Homami
- senior stereoscopic compositor (uncredited)
- Otto Lai
- lead stereo compositor: Legend 3D (uncredited) / stereo compositor: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Juan David Lopez
- stereoscopic compositor (uncredited)
- Vincent Niebla
- stereographer: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- Glenn Osgood
- stereographer: Legend 3D (uncredited)
- David Settlow
- stereo artist: Legend 3 D (uncredited)
- Makana Sylva
- stereoscopic compositor (uncredited)
- Adam Will
- lead stereo artist (uncredited)