- Nathan Abbot
- film I/O supervisor: Tippett Studio
- Laide Agunbiade
- digital compositor
- Tim Ahern
- computer effects
- Talha Ahmed
- effects programmer
- Syed Ali Ahsan
- technical director
- Michael Alkan
- lighting technical director
- David W. Allen
- visual effects supervisor: TeamWorks Digital (as David Wallace Allen)
- Alexandra Altrocchi
- visual effects producer
- Dovi Anderson
- lead animator: Tippett Studio
- Jeremy Appelbaum
- digital compositor: Digital Dimension
- Dori Arazi
- character rigger
- Mimia Arbelaez
- lighting technical director
- Chris Armstrong
- animator: ILM
- Jason Armstrong
- animator: Tippett Studio
- Joel Aron
- technical director
- Jim Aupperle
- lighting technical director
- Damon Bard
- sculptor
- Ty Bardi
- compositor
- Christopher Batty
- previsualization artist
- Dugan Beach
- creature td: ILM
- Ryan Beadle
- digital i/o
- Kevin Bell
- compositor: GKR
- Tom Bertino
- animation supervisor: ILM
- Mohammad Bilal
- effects programmer
- Stella Bogh
- compositor: ILM
- Kathryn Bolt
- digital compositor
- Kristen Borges
- texture painter: Giant Killer Robots
- Alan Boucek
- lead compositor
- Mathieu Boucher
- texture painter: Tippett Studio
- Aharon Bourland
- technical director: Tippett Studio
- Tatjana Bozinovski
- digital compositor: Digital Dimension
- Steve Braggs
- technical director: ILM
- Kane Brassington
- rotoscope artist
- Devin Breese
- matchmove lead
- Jonah Brennan
- effects animator
- James W. Brown
- lead animator: Tippett Studio
- Kirsty Bruce
- visual effects assistant
- Erik Bruhwiler
- digital compositor
- Jeff Bruneel
- digital compositor: ToyBox
- Ken Bryan
- digital modeler
- Steve Caldwell
- digital compositor: Custom Film Effects
- Francesco Callari
- research & development: ILM
- Howard R. Campbell
- technical director/lighting
- Paul Campbell
- assistant digital effects artist: ILM
- Susie Campbell
- 3d artist: ILM
- Marshall Candland
- digital artist
- Mario Capellari
- digital artist / sequence supervisor
- Ozzie Carmona
- digital compositor
- Damien Carr
- visual effects coordinator: ILM
- Min-Yu Chang
- character modeler: Tippett Studio
- Jennifer Chantnicki
- digital painter
- Vanessa Cheung
- matte painter
- Yoon S. Choi
- cgi supervisor: Sunwoo Entertainment
- Sunwoo Chung
- rotoscope/paint artist
- Michael Clemens
- digital compositor
- Raquel Coelho
- animator
- Debra Coleman
- digital compositor
- Jennifer Coronado
- production support
- Jason Crosby
- digital artist: Digital Dimension
- Bruce Dahl
- animator
- Tim de Pala
- visual effects production manager: Tippett Studio
- Bradford deCaussin
- texture painter: Tippett Studio
- Michael Degtjarewsky
- digital compositor: Pacific Title & Art Studio
- Chris Del Conte
- visual effects producer: Digital Dimension
- Lindy DeQuattro
- lead technical director
- Anna Dickinson
- technical animator: Giant Killer Robots (as Andrew Dickinson)
- Eran Dolev
- real time motion control technician
- Tim Donlevy
- motion control supervisor
- Jeff Doran
- compositing supervisor: ILM
- Mark Dornfeld
- visual effects supervisor
- Brennan Doyle
- visual effects plate supervisor
- Kirsten Drummond
- lead lighter
- Chuck Duke
- animator
- Syd Dutton
- additional visual effects
- Malcolm Eager
- matchmover
- Sam Edwards
- sabre artist
- Christopher Elke
- visual effects production coordinator: Toybox West
- Coco Emerson
- visual effects coordinator (as Colleen Bachman)
- Douglas Epps
- r&d supervisor
- Colin Epstein
- sequence lead compositor
- Joel Feder
- senior systems administrator: Kleiser-Walczak
- Michele Ferrone
- visual effects producer
- Chris Flynn
- digital compositor: Pacific Title & Art Studio
- Karl Fornander
- digital artist
- Collin Fowler
- visual effects coordinator: Illusion Arts
- Brad Fox
- technical director: ILM
- Page Frakes
- digital compositing sequence lead: Tippett Studio
- Alexandre Frazao
- motion capture technician
- Bradley Gabe
- creature development
- Jason Galeon
- technical supervisor
- Joe Gareri
- visual effects executive producer: Pacific Title & Art Studio
- Adam Gass
- digital editorial
- Mitch Gates
- digital effects artist: Digital Dimension
- Lynn M. Gephart
- visual effects coordinator
- Adam Gerardin
- digital color corrector: Tippett Studio
- Tau Gerber
- compositor: Giant Killer Robots
- George Gervan
- digital painter
- Richard Gervan
- digital painter
- Ted Gervan
- visual effects
- Chris Gibbons
- digital compositor: Tippett Studio
- Tim Gibbons
- digital compositor
- Benoit Girard
- visual effects supervisor: Digital Dimension
- Laurie Powers Going
- lead digital artist (as Laurie Powers)
- Ned Gorman
- visual effects producer: ILM
- Dylan Gottlieb
- lead modeler: Giant Killer Robots
- Adrian Graham
- visual effects technical supervisor: Toybox
- Frank Gravatt
- digital model supervisor
- Lee Hahn
- production assistant
- Scott Hale
- digital compositor: Tippett Studio
- Tyler Ham
- matchmove artist: Tippett Studio
- Brian Hanable
- inferno artist
- R.J. Harbour
- digital compositor: Custom Film Effects
- Joe Harkins
- character setup: Tippett Studio
- Fred Haro
- digital effects artist: Digital Dimension
- Uma Havaligi
- effects animator
- Maureen Healy
- digital compositor: Pacific Title & Art Studio
- Christophe Hery
- research & development: ILM
- Martin Hilke
- digital compositor: Digital Dimension
- Edward Hirsh
- visual effects supervisor: ILM
- Elvin Ho
- digital effects artist: Digital Dimension
- Chris Holmes
- digital compositor
- Shaina Holmes
- digital compositor / digital coordinator
- Michael Huber
- technical director
- Derald Hunt
- animation lead: Kleiser-Walczak
- Nathaniel Hunter
- lead effects animator
- Tom L. Hutchinson
- computer graphics supervisor
- Anthony 'Max' Ivins
- visual effects supervisor: LOOK! Effects
- Christopher Ivins
- compositor
- Travis Wade Ivy
- compositor / rotoscope/paint artist
- Brandi Johnson
- digital effects artist: Digital Dimension
- Jason Phillip Johnson
- software engineer
- Jeff A. Johnson
- lighting technical director
- Keith Johnson
- animator: ILM
- Krystin Johnson
- lighting technical director
- Bruce Jones
- visual effects producer: Tippett Studio
- Darren Jones
- digital imaging engineer
- Phil Jones
- visual effects supervisor: Toybox
- Kirk Jung
- digital match move: Tippett Studio (as Kirk Larkins)
- Brad Kalinoski
- digital compositor
- Louis Katz
- lead lighter: Giant Killer Robots
- Patrick Keenan
- digital compositor: Pacific Title
- Mike Kelly
- motion control operator
- Taryn P. Kelly
- visual effects coordinator: Digital Dimension
- Stephen Kennedy
- digital compositor
- Harimander Singh Khalsa
- digital effects artist (as Michael Cashore)
- Shahzad Khan
- effects programmer
- Andrew Young Kim
- effects animator
- Rick Kim
- digital I/O: Pacific Title
- Erin King
- rotoscoper: ILM
- Michael Kirylo
- digital effects artist
- Jeffrey Kleiser
- visual effects supervisor: Kleiser-Walczak
- Martin Allan Kloner
- visual effects editor
- Jonathan Knight
- digital compositor
- Russell Koonce
- digital effects artist
- Ed Kramer
- sequence supervisor
- Scott Krehbiel
- matchmove artist
- Bomsok Ku
- color & lighting technical director
- Todd Labonte
- animator: Tippett Studio
- Gregor Lakner
- digital artist
- Tom Lamb
- digital compositor: Pacific Title & Art Studio
- Lana Lan
- digital modeler
- Steve Langius
- digital I/O: Pacific Title
- Jennifer Law-Stump
- digital compositor: Pacific Title & Art Studio
- Tom Leeser
- executive producer: Kleiser-Walczak
- Michael Leonard
- character animator: Tippett Studio
- Elana Joy Livneh Lessem
- visual effects assistant editor (as Elana Joy Livneh)
- May Leung
- digital effects animator: Tippett Studios
- David A. Link
- digital camera operator: Tippett Studio
- Benjamin Liu
- digital effects artist: Digital Dimension
- Victoria Livingstone
- senior character animator
- Jennifer Longaway
- visual effects editor: Tippett Studio (as Jennifer Hutcheon)
- Stuart Lowder
- CG production manager: ILM
- Anthony Lucero
- visual effects editor
- Sean MacKenzie
- digital compositor
- Susan MacLeod
- visual effects producer
- Douglas R. MacMillan
- digital artist
- Jody Madden
- technical support
- Jules Mann
- art director: ILM
- John Marcos
- digital I/O: Pacific Title (as John Morcos)
- Robert Marinic
- computer graphics supervisor
- Eric Marko
- location matchmove supervisor: Tippett Studio
- Tom Martinek
- CG supervisor: ILM
- Mark Masson
- previz artist: PLF
- Kent Matheson
- matte artist
- Craig Mathieson
- digital compositor
- Eric McAvoy
- digital compositor
- Kate McCarthy
- visual effects co-coordinator
- Kevin McGowan
- digital artist
- Allan McKay
- digital effects artist: Digital Dimension
- Jennifer McKnew
- technical director: ILM
- Tim McLaughlin
- creature supervisor
- Genevieve McMahon
- visual effects coordinator
- Mimi Medel
- visual effects executive
- Zakir Mehmood
- effects programmer
- Brian Miller
- digital I/O: Pacific Title
- Lori C. Miller
- title design
- Justin Mitchell
- digital artist
- Terry Molatore
- Senior Texture Painter
- Kaz Mori
- technical support: ILM
- Jerome Morin
- visual effects producer: Digital Dimension
- Chris Morley
- digital compositor: Tippett Studio
- Stephen Moros
- matchmove artist: Tippett Studio
- David Manos Morris
- match move artist
- Jim Morris
- senior staff: ILM
- Michael Mortimer
- reasearch and development: Tippett Studio
- Natalya Lissa Mortimer
- lighting technical director: Tippett Studio
- Timothy Mueller
- digital compositor: Giant Killer Robots / technical director: Giant Killer Robots
- Ross Nakamura
- rotoscope artist: Tippett Studio
- Serena Rainbow Naramore
- lead compositor (as Serena Naramore)
- Paula Nederman
- visual effects coordinator: ILM
- David Richard Nelson
- lead character technical director: Tippett Studio
- Grant Niesner
- digital artist: Tippett Studio
- Rob Nunn
- previsualization artist
- Sean O'Hara
- compositor
- Richard Oey
- animator
- Chris Paizis
- matchmove/layout
- Slavica Pandzic
- data manager: Kleiser-Walczak
- Alexandra Papavramides
- digital compositor: Tippett Studio
- Erik Paynter
- cg supervisor: Kleiser-Walczak
- Zoe Peck-Eyler
- digital compositor: Tippett Studio
- Maricela Perdomo
- modeler
- Patrick Phillips
- inferno artist
- Travis Pinsonnault
- digital artist: Kleiser-Walczak
- Annie Pomeranz
- visual effects coordinator
- James E. Price
- production visual effects supervisor
- Konstantin Promokhov
- effects animation artist
- Ali Imran Qadir
- digital artist: Kleiser-Walczak
- Steven Quinones-Colon
- technical director
- Edward Quintero
- look development
- Zakir Ali Qureshi
- digital artist: Kleiser-Walczak
- Raine Reen
- lead texture painter
- Raymond Ribaric
- assistant technical director
- Michael Rich
- assistant digital effects artist: ILM
- Tania Richard
- texture painter
- Daniel Riha
- 2D painter / rotoscoper
- Lauren Ritchie
- executive in charge of visual effects
- Jules Roman
- president: Tippett Studio
- Corey Rosen
- creature supervisor
- Thomas Rosseter
- digital compositor
- Amanda Roth
- animation producer: Kleiser-Walczak
- James Rothwell
- storyreel editor
- Ari Rubenstein
- digital compositor: Tippett Studio
- Daniel Rubin
- digital compositor: Digital Dimension
- Alonzo Ruvalcaba
- head of production
- Mike Sanders
- motion capture supervisor
- Thomas Schelesny
- visual effects supervisor: Tippett Studio
- Mike Schmitt
- visual effects supervisor
- David Schnee
- digital compositor: Tippett Studio
- Julien Schreyer
- lighting technical director
- Charles Schwartz
- matchmove artist: Tippett Studio
- Ralph Sevazlian
- effects animator: Tippett Studio
- Amy Shepard
- digital artist
- M. Zachary Sherman
- digital effects artist
- David Shirk
- animation lead: ILM
- Mark Siegel
- lead modeler
- Matt Sloan
- on-set match mover
- Brian Smallwood
- compositor: Digital Dimension
- David S. Smith
- art department
- Ryan T. Smolarek
- digital compositor: Digital Dimension
- Mary C. Snyder
- digital compositor: Custom Film Effects
- David Sosalla
- visual effects supervisor: Pacific Title & Art Studio
- Jim Soukup
- matchmove artist: ILM (as James Soukup)
- Marion Spates
- digital effects artist: Digital Dimension
- Jana Spotts
- digital production manager
- Kevin Sprout
- digital artist: ILM
- Tom St. Amand
- animator: ILM
- Tom Stackpole
- CG artist: Kleiser-Walczak
- Zukerman Steve
- storyreel editor
- Ken Stranahan
- digital compositor
- Hong Suh
- creature modeler (as Hong Suck Suh)
- Tammy Sutton
- digital compositor / roto supervisor
- Andrew Tamandl
- character animator: giant killer robots (as Andy Tamandl)
- Chad Taylor
- sabre artist
- Renita Taylor
- creature technical director: ILM
- Clint Thorne
- digital paint and rotoscope artist: Giant Killer Robots
- James D. Tittle
- visual effects coordinator: Pacific Title
- Matthew Tomlinson
- digital imaging supervisor: Tippett Studio
- Phi Tran
- visual effects artist
- Marjolaine Tremblay
- animator: ILM
- Pat Turner
- matchmove artist
- Lee Uren
- creature technical director
- Alejandro Valdes-Rochin
- effects assistant editor
- Jesse Vickery
- character animator (as Jess Vickery)
- Robert Vignone
- modeler: Tippett Studio
- Leandro Visconti
- compositor: Digital Dimension
- Belen Volich
- visual effects assistant coordinator
- Kenneth Voss
- rotoscope/paint artist
- Motoko Wada
- technical director
- Tim Waddy
- animator: ILM
- Diana Walczak
- sequence supervisor: Kleiser-Walczak
- Kelly Walsh
- technical director: ILM
- Davy Wentworth
- lighting technical director
- Fiona Campbell Westgate
- visual effects producer: Toybox
- Bob Wiatr
- digital effects artist: Pacific Title Digital
- Amani Williams
- digital compositor: Custom Film Effects
- Midori Witsken
- digital artist (as Midori Otsubo)
- Amber Wong
- executive producer: Giant Killer Robots
- Vicki Wong
- digital film I/O manager: Tippett Studio
- Syed Mohammad Yahya
- digital artist: Kleiser-Walczak
- Jason Yen
- digital compositor
- Travis Yohnke
- visual effects
- Heidi Zabit
- digital artist
- Franz Zach
- creature modeler: ILM
- David Zbriger
- I/O supervisor: Giant Killer Robots
- Stephen Marshall Zukerman
- storyreel editor (as Steve Zukerman)
- Christian Zurcher
- visual effects
- Salvatore Catanzaro
- assistant visual effects editor (uncredited)
- Brian Corpus
- technical operations manager (uncredited)
- James Dornoff
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Mary E. Manning
- 3d artist (uncredited)
- Matthew M. Robinson
- technical director (uncredited)