- Richard Alexander
- effects technician: Apogee, Inc.
- Percy Angress
- special visual effects producer: Apogee, Inc.
- David Beasley
- model maker: Apogee, Inc.
- Mat Beck
- motion control camera operator: Apogee, Inc.
- Cosmas Paul Bolger Jr.
- optical camera assistant: Apogee, Inc.
- Craig Boyajian
- visual effects coordinator
- Stephen David Brooks
- motion control camera assistant: Apogee, Inc. (as Stephen Brooks)
- Rae Burkland
- model department special design: Apogee, Inc.
- Glenn Campbell
- motion control camera assistant: Apogee, Inc.
- Clint Colver
- effects animation supervisor: Apogee, Inc.
- Stephen Dane
- visual effects art director: Apogee, Inc. (as Steven Dane)
- Peter Donen
- visual effects supervisor
- Dennis Dorney
- optical camera assistant: Apogee, Inc.
- Roger Dorney
- optical supervisor: Apogee, Inc.
- Syd Dutton
- matte painting effects (as Sid Dutton)
- John Eaves
- model maker: Apogee, Inc.
- Jonathan Erland
- visual effects matte technician: Apogee, Inc.
- Cory Faucher
- model maker: Apogee, Inc.
- Rick Gilligan
- optical camera assistant: Apogee, Inc.
- Ron Goldstein
- effects technician: Apogee, Inc.
- Mark Gredell
- motion control camera assistant: Apogee, Inc.
- Peter Gruskoff
- visual effects production assistant
- Rhonda C. Gunner
- video and graphic displays: Video Image
- David R. Hardberger
- motion control camera operator: Apogee, Inc. (as David Hardberger)
- Richard E. Hollander
- video and graphic displays: Video Image
- Robert Jason
- chief set lighting technician: Apogee, Inc. (as Bob Jason)
- Paul D. Johnson
- motion control programmer: Apogee, Inc. (as Paul Johnson)
- Grant McCune
- chief model maker: Apogee, Inc.
- Susan McGuire
- effects production publicist: Apogee, Inc.
- Gregory L. McMurry
- video and graphic displays: Video Image (as Gregory L. McMurray)
- Alvah J. Miller
- motion control electronics engineer: Apogee, Inc.
- Debbi Nikkel
- chief production auditor: Apogee, Inc.
- Tom Pahk
- model maker: Apogee, Inc.
- Jerry Pooler
- optical camera operator: Apogee, Inc.
- Ron Robinson
- motion control camera assistant: Apogee, Inc.
- Christopher S. Ross
- model maker: Apogee, Inc. (as Chris Ross)
- Jay Roth
- model maker: Apogee, Inc.
- Suzie Schneider
- model maker: Apogee, Inc. (as Suzy Schneider)
- Robert Shepherd
- executive in charge of production: Apogee, Inc.
- John R. Shourt
- animation illustrator: Apogee, Inc. (as John Shourt)
- William Shourt
- effects technician: Apogee, Inc. (as Bill Shourt)
- Douglas Smith
- motion control camera operator: Apogee, Inc. (as Doug Smith)
- David Sosalla
- model maker: Apogee, Inc.
- Smokey Stover
- model maker: Apogee, Inc.
- John E. Sullivan
- motion control camera operator: Apogee, Inc. (as John Sullivan)
- Bill Taylor
- matte painting effects
- Ron Thornton
- model department special design: Apogee, Inc.
- Don Trumbull
- visual effects engineer: Apogee, Inc.
- Michael Van Himbergen
- production coordinator: Apogee, Inc.
- John C. Wash
- video and graphic displays: Video Image
- Harry Weinmann
- animation illustrator: Apogee, Inc.
- Albert Whitlock
- matte painting supervisor
- Joseph Yanuzzi
- assistant editor: Apogee, Inc. (as Joe Yanuzzi)
- Charles Bailey
- creature shop manager: ILM (uncredited)
- David Cornelius
- motion control technician (uncredited)
- David Johnson
- dancing alien puppeteer: ILM (uncredited)
- Sam Longoria
- visual effects machinist: Apogee Inc. (uncredited)
- Michael Douglas Middleton
- visual effects still photographer (uncredited)
- Mark Setrakian
- dancing alien animatronics: ILM (uncredited)
- Eben Stromquist
- dancing alien supervisor: ILM (uncredited)
- Joseph Thomas
- animation cameraman (uncredited)
- Lauren Vogt
- dancing alien sculptor: ILM (uncredited)