- Dan Abrams
- color & lighting: SPI
- Amit Agrawal
- software supervisor: SPI
- Tom Allen
- color & lighting: SPI
- Maura Alvarez
- rotoscoping lead: SPI
- Grant Anderson
- color & lighting: SPI
- Greg Anderson
- character look lead: SPI
- Chris Antonini
- production assistant: SPI
- Chris Arreola
- lead scanning operator: SPI
- Alfredo R. Barcia
- technical assistant: SPI (as Alfredo Barcia)
- Hector Barrera
- systems engineer: SPI
- John Bevelheimer
- concept artist: SPI
- Mary Biondo
- video editor: SPI
- David Bleich
- matte painter: SPI (as Dave Bleich)
- J.J. Blumenkranz
- character physiquing: SPI (as JJ Blumenkranz)
- Marzette Bonar
- costume concept artist: SPI
- Marry Borlik
- production services manager: SPI
- Dave Bossert
- dream sequence animation by (as David Bossert)
- Lydia Bottegoni
- senior visual effects producer
- Christian Boudman
- inferno artist: SPI
- Todd Boyce
- fx animation: SPI
- Suzy Brown
- texture painter: SPI
- Bonjin Byun
- compositor: SPI
- Lawrence Carroll
- digital artist: Digiscope
- Michael Chmilar
- software engineer: SPI
- Andrew Cho
- technical assistant: SPI
- Danielle Conroy
- digital production: SPI
- J.D. Cowles
- compositor: SPI (as JD Cowles)
- David Crawford
- digital artist: Digiscope
- Francisco De Jesus
- building lead: SPI (as Francisco DeJesus)
- Gerardo De La Cruz
- systems engineer: SPI (as Gerardo de la Cruz)
- Mark Andrew De La Garza
- color & lighting: SPI (as Mark de la Garza)
- Greg Derochie
- compositor: SPI
- Matt Dessero
- compositor: SPI
- Danny Dimian
- color & lighting: SPI
- Victor DiMichina
- 2d supervisor: Pixel Magic
- Colin Drobnis
- compositor: SPI
- John Dykstra
- visual effects designed by
- Daniel Eaton
- cg supervisor: SPI
- David Emery
- modeler: SPI (as Dave Emery)
- Brandon England
- scanning technician: SPI
- Fish Essenfeld
- compositor: SPI
- Nancy Evans
- rotoscoping: SPI
- Patrick Flanagan
- 2d supervisor: Pixel Magic
- Sing-Choong Foo
- character look lead: SPI
- Fortunato Frattasio
- digital artist: Digiscope
- Jenny Fulle
- executive producer: SPI
- Walter Garcia
- visual effects coordinator: Digiscope
- Nathalie Gonthier
- rotoscoping: SPI (as Natalie Gonthier)
- Jim Gorman
- 2d supervisor: Pixel Magic
- Karen E. Goulekas
- visual effects supervisor: SPI (as Karen Goulekas)
- Alex Grau
- color & lighting: SPI
- Kee-Suk 'Ken' Hahn
- cg supervisor: SPI (as Kee-suk Hahn)
- Kevin T. Hahn
- color & lighting: SPI
- Brian Hall
- software engineer: SPI
- Anthony Harris
- digital color timer: SPI
- Albert Hastings
- character physiquing: SPI
- Dion Hatch
- digital effects supervisor: Digiscope
- James David Hattin
- 2d supervisor: Pixel Magic (as James Hattin)
- Matt Hausman
- fx animation: SPI
- Chris Hebert
- visual resources: SPI
- Christian Hejnal
- visual effects plate coordinator: SPI
- Tom Hershey
- senior staff: SPI
- Elizabeth Hitt
- digital effects coordinator: SPI (as Liz Hitt)
- Carl Hooper
- color & lighting: SPI
- Ivo Horvat
- lead matte painter: SPI
- Jennifer Hunt
- lead technical assistant: SPI
- Stephen Jennings
- technical assistant: SPI
- George H. Joblove
- senior staff: SPI
- Kevin J. Jolly
- visual effects editor: SPI
- Manson Jones
- software engineer: SPI
- Chris Juen
- digital production manager: SPI
- Bonnie Kanner
- visual effects producer: Pixel Magic
- Rachel Kelley
- texture painter: SPI
- David Keslick
- film recording technician: SPI
- Martin A. Kline
- senior concept designer: SPI (as Marty Kline)
- Apryl Knobbe
- texture painter: SPI
- Daniel Kramer
- fx animation lead: SPI
- Brad Kuehn
- visual effects supervisor: Digiscope
- Lea Lambert
- rotoscoping: SPI
- Steve LaVietes
- programming TD: SPI
- Hae-Jeon Lee
- fx animation: SPI
- John Lee
- color & lighting: SPI
- Kui-Han Lee
- character modeler: SPI (as Kui Han Lee)
- David Lensch
- film recording technician: SPI
- Benjamin Lishka
- color & lighting: SPI
- Francis Liu
- color & lighting: SPI (as Francis P. Liu)
- Franklin Londin
- color & lighting: SPI
- Simon Maddocks
- color & lighting: SPI
- Andrea Maxwell
- assistant vfx editor: SPI
- Chuck McIlvain
- technical assistant: SPI (as Charles McIlvain)
- Ray McIntyre Jr.
- visual effects supervisor: Pixel Magic
- Chris McLeod
- associate digital effects coordinator: SPI
- Cory McMahon
- technical assistant: SPI
- Alberto Menache
- character physiquing: SPI
- Sosh Mirsepassi
- software engineering lead: SPI (as Saed Mirsepassi)
- Bob Monaghan
- systems engineer: SPI (as Robert Monaghan)
- John Monos
- color & lighting: SPI
- Michael Moore
- visual effects editorial manager: SPI
- Brad Moylan
- 2d supervisor: Pixel Magic
- Enrique Munoz
- color & lighting: SPI
- Patrick Murphy
- 2d supervisor: Pixel Magic
- Bruce Navsky
- software engineer: SPI
- Gregory Nic Nicholson
- motion control supervisor: SPI (as Gregory Nicholson)
- John Nicolard
- senior digital color timer: SPI
- Rachel Nicoll
- match move lead: SPI
- Peter Nofz
- cg supervisor: SPI
- Kerry Nordquist
- texture paint lead: SPI
- Robert Davis Oh
- film recording technician: SPI (as Robert Oh)
- Ethan Ormsby
- compositor: SPI
- Andrew Paquette
- texture painter: SPI
- Reuben Pasquini
- software engineer: SPI
- Audri Phillips
- texture painter: SPI
- Rachel Phillips
- digital production: SPI (as Rachael Phillips)
- Peter Plevritis
- color & lighting: SPI
- Shallamar Poole
- scanning technician: SPI
- Brennan Prevatt
- digital artist: Digiscope (as Brent Prevatt)
- Thomas Pushpathadam
- color & lighting: SPI (as Tom Pushpathadum)
- Derrick Quarles
- lead film recordist: SPI
- Janet Quen
- digital artist: Digiscope
- Sam Richards
- development cg supervisor: SPI
- Marc D. Rienzo
- color & lighting: SPI (as Marc Rienzo)
- Federico Rivia
- texture painter: SPI
- Christopher Roda
- fx animation: SPI (as Chris Roda)
- Justine Sagar
- texture painter: SPI
- Richard Sandoval
- compositor: SPI
- Tim Sarnoff
- senior staff: SPI
- John E. Sasaki
- compositor: SPI (as John Sasaki)
- Ray Scalice
- general manager: Pixel Magic
- Michael Scheffe
- concept artist: SPI
- Sande Scoredos
- training and artist development: SPI
- Michael Sehgal
- training and artist development: SPI
- Min-Zhi Shao
- software engineer: SPI
- Kevan Shorey
- matchmove artist: SPI
- Carey Smith
- digital effects producer: SPI
- David Spencer
- 3d match move: SPI
- Boyd Steer
- negative lineup: SPI
- Jeff Stern
- color & lighting: SPI
- Scott Stokdyk
- visual effects supervisor
- Mary Stuart
- executive effects producer: Digiscope (as Mary Stuart Welch)
- Greg Stuhl
- modeler: SPI
- Jackie Szymanski
- visual effects accountant: SPI
- Stan Szymanski
- senior staff: SPI
- Evan S. Tallas
- technical assistant: SPI (as Evan Tallas)
- Edward Taylor IV
- character modeler lead: SPI
- Joseph Thomas
- 3d match move: SPI
- Messrob Torikian
- on-set match move: SPI
- Donna Tracy
- texture painter: SPI (as Donna Tracey)
- Laurence Treweek
- lighting lead: SPI
- Lisa M. Tse
- color & lighting: SPI (as Lisa Tse)
- James Valentine
- rotoscoping: SPI
- Sean Valla
- vfx editor
- Theo Vandernoot
- fx animation lead: SPI
- Alberto Velez
- systems engineering manager: SPI
- Carlos A. Vidal
- color & lighting: SPI (as Carlos Vidal)
- Bruno Vilela
- color & lighting: SPI
- Bill Villarreal
- senior staff: SPI
- Dennis Webb
- i/o supervisor: SPI
- Barry Weiss
- senior staff: SPI
- Alex Whang
- modeler: SPI
- Michael Wilson
- software engineer: SPI
- Jeff Wolverton
- fx animation: SPI
- Yannis Zavoleas
- technical assistant: SPI
- Lisa Zusmer DelPrete
- senior visual effects coordinator: SPI (as Lisa Zusmer)
- Blondel Aidoo
- visual effects producer: Asylum (uncredited)
- Jacquie Barnbrook
- visual effects producer: test only (uncredited)
- Lloyd Lee Barnett
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Yakov Baytler
- visual effects rigging (uncredited)
- William Boggs
- spydercam technician (uncredited)
- Randy Bosh
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Michael Brazelton
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Scott Burton
- modelmaker (uncredited)
- Don Canfield
- motion control equipment: New York (uncredited)
- Rusty Case
- senior systems architect (uncredited)
- Anthony Ceccomancini
- systems research and development (uncredited)
- John Charles
- software manager: Sony DAC (uncredited)
- Bill Coffin
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Carole Cowley
- visual effects producer: Digiscope (uncredited)
- Gregory Creaser
- i/o supervisor (uncredited)
- Ken Dackermann
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Alan Davidson
- senior technical director (uncredited)
- C. Marie Davis
- visual effects executive producer: CIS Hollywood (uncredited)
- Matt Davis
- spydercam rigger technician (uncredited)
- Thomas R. Dickens
- cgi modeler: Sub-Divisional Testing, Sony Pictures Imageworks (uncredited)
- Mitch Dobrowner
- technical production manager (uncredited)
- Tim Drnec
- aerial effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Jack Edjourian
- miniature design and construction (uncredited)
- Alyssa Fong
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Steve Fong
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Thomas F. Ford IV
- inferno digital production manager (uncredited)
- Adam Francis
- motion control technician (uncredited)
- Kevin Freeman
- technical animator (uncredited)
- Lori Freitag-Hild
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Shannon Blake Gans
- visual effects executive producer: Hunter/Gratzner Industries (uncredited)
- Brett Gassaway
- motion capture consultant (uncredited)
- Mitch Goldstrom
- systems administrator: Digiscope (uncredited)
- Nathalie Gonthier
- digital effects artist (uncredited)
- Brien Goodrich
- digital effects artist: Pacific Title Digital (uncredited)
- Ben Grossmann
- wire/rig removal (uncredited)
- Taigne Hammock
- resource administrator (uncredited)
- Asa Hammond
- 3d lead: title design (uncredited)
- Bruce Harris
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Max Harris
- inferno artist: Post Logic Studios (uncredited)
- Matt Haslam
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Dennis James Hauck Jr.
- motion capture supervisor: House of Moves (uncredited)
- Veronica Hernandez
- digital painter (uncredited)
- Nicole Herr
- senior 3d matchmover: Sony Pictures Imageworks (uncredited)
- Erica Hornung
- senior matchmover: Sony Pictures Imageworks (uncredited)
- Adam Howard
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Leigh-Alexandra Jacob
- model painter (uncredited)
- Kristin Johnson
- compositor: Sony Pictures Imageworks (uncredited)
- Ross Kameny
- software engineer (uncredited)
- MacDuff Knox
- technical director (uncredited)
- Steve Kochak
- visual effects (uncredited)
- J.W. Kompare
- optical effects editor (uncredited)
- Mike Larrabee
- lead painter (uncredited)
- Derek Ledbetter
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Robin A. Linn
- director of animation production (uncredited)
- Scott Lukowski
- model maker (uncredited)
- James Marbas
- digital effects supervisor (uncredited)
- Erin May
- visual effects producer: Post Logic (uncredited)
- Jason McDade
- pre-vis character animator (uncredited)
- Matt McFarland
- scan/record manager (uncredited)
- Chuck McIlvain
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Scott McLain
- inferno artist (uncredited)
- Dennis Michel
- digital effects artist (uncredited)
- Justin K Miller
- production services technician (uncredited)
- Koji Morihiro
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Jake Morrison
- senior technical director (uncredited)
- Maureen O'Connor
- visual effects producer: Post Logic Studios (uncredited)
- Jeff Olm
- inferno artist (uncredited)
- Domi Piturro
- chief creative officer and studio president: Paraform (uncredited)
- Daniel Post
- rotoscope/paint artist (uncredited)
- Tony Rudenko
- computer graphic artist (uncredited)
- David Sanger
- producer: New Deal Studios (uncredited)
- Chris B. Schnitzer
- motion control technician (uncredited)
- Todd Semmes
- aerial effects (uncredited)
- Monty Shook
- model shop crew chief (uncredited)
- Craig Shumard
- motion control technician (uncredited)
- Evan Smyth
- software engineer (uncredited)
- Joe Stevano
- system administrator: Sony Pictures Imageworks (uncredited)
- Dan Trezise
- compositor: Pixel Magic (uncredited)
- Devin Uzan
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Attila Veress
- digital scanning & film recording (uncredited)
- Chris Waegner
- technical advisor: SPI (uncredited)
- Simon Wakley
- motion control operator (uncredited)
- James Waterhouse
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Earl Wiggins
- aerial effects supervisor (uncredited)
- Rick Won
- model maker: Grant McCune Design (uncredited)
- Xye
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Joseph Yanuzzi
- effects editor: Digital Intermediate (uncredited)