- Dominic A'Vant
- additional clean-up artist
- Georges Abolin
- animator: "Tarzan"
- Oliver Acker
- breakdown artist: "Tarzan"
- Olivier Adam
- layout supervisor: Paris
- Laurence Adam-Bessière
- assistant animator: "Tarzan"
- Mary Janette Adams
- animation checker (as Janette Adams)
- Sue Adnopoz
- key assistant animator: "Young & Adult Tantor"
- Raul Aguirre
- breakdown artist: "Young Terk" (as Raul Aguirre Jr.)
- Lissa Ainley
- assistant layout artist (as Lissa Jane Ainley)
- Cent Alantar
- key assistant layout artist
- Pierre Alary
- animator: "Tarzan"
- Joyce Alexander
- painter
- Marco Allard
- animator: "Tarzan"
- James P. Alles
- layout artist
- Phil Allora
- additional clean-up artist (as Philip J. Allora)
- Leyla C. Amaro Nodas
- registration (as Leyla C. Amaro-Pelaez)
- Todd H. Ammons
- additional clean-up artist
- Scott Anderson
- additional clean-up artist
- Jennifer K. Ando
- background artist
- Bill Andres
- color model mark-up
- Merritt F. Andrews
- additional clean-up artist
- Tony Anselmo
- lead key assistant animator: "Porter"
- Sunny Apinchapong
- additional background artist
- Ruben A. Aquino
- additional animator
- Carlos Arancibia
- additional clean-up artist
- Debra Armstrong
- lead key assistant animator: "Adult & Baby Terk"
- Laurie Ashbourne
- additional animation check supervisor: Florida (as Laurie Sacks)
- Stephen Nelson Austin
- additional clean-up artist
- Kirk Axtell II
- painter
- Mary Jo Ayers
- additional clean-up artist
- Gregg E. Azzopardi
- additional rough inbetweener (as Gregg Azzopardi)
- Janet Heerhan Bae
- assistant animator: "Baboons" and miscellaneous characters (as Janet Heerhan Kwon)
- Dale Baer
- additional animator
- Kathleen M. Bailey
- additional clean-up artist
- Dorothea Baker
- key assistant animator: "Clayton" (as Dorothea Baker Paul)
- James Baker
- additional animator
- Thomas Baker
- scene planning supervisor
- Doug Ball
- background supervisor
- Jean-Luc Ballester
- additional animator
- Tom Bancroft
- additional animator
- Kevin A. Barber
- additional clean-up artist
- Judith Barnes
- key assistant animator: "Young Terk"
- Richard Bazley
- additional animator
- Noreen Beasley
- rough inbetweener
- Jared Beckstrand
- animator: "Jane"
- James Beihold
- layout artist
- Carl Bell
- additional clean-up artist
- Janelle C. Bell-Martin
- additional clean-up artist (as Janelle Bell-Martin)
- George Benavides
- rough inbetweener
- Doug Bennett
- animator: "Jane"
- Sylvie Bennett-Fauqué
- 2D animation processing supervisor: Paris
- Bill Berg
- additional clean-up artist
- David Berthier
- animator: "Tarzan"
- Olivier Besson
- background artist
- Munir Bhatti
- breakdown artist: "Baboons" and miscellaneous characters
- Rachel R. Bibb
- additional clean-up artist (as Rachel Renee Bibb)
- Phyllis Bird
- painter
- Katherine Blackmore
- additional clean-up artist
- Travis Blaise
- additional animator
- Robert Allen Blalock
- visual effects breakdown artist
- Russell Blandino
- assistant painting supervisor
- Sara Bleick
- scene planner (as S.J. Bleick)
- Saul Blinkoff
- additional clean-up artist (as Saul Andrew Blinkoff)
- David Block
- animator: "Porter"
- Cyndy Bohonovsky
- additional clean-up artist
- Jamie Kezlarian Bolio
- key assistant animator: "Young & Baby Tarzan"
- Daniel Bond
- additional clean-up artist
- Nicolette Bonnell
- animation checker
- Jason Boose
- additional clean-up artist
- Augusto Borges Bastos
- additional clean-up artist
- Bolhem Bouchiba
- animator: "Tarzan"
- Suzanne Kyung Bouhours
- background assistant
- Claire Bourdin
- assistant animator: "Tarzan"
- Dan Bowman
- additional clean-up artist (as Daniel Bowman)
- Philip S. Boyd
- additional clean-up artist (as Philip Boyd) / clean-up supervisor: Florida (as Philip Boyd)
- David Braden
- 2D animation processor
- Gerard Brady
- assistant animator: "Tarzan"
- Justin Brandstater
- background artist
- Max Braslavsky
- key assistant layout artist
- Holly E. Bratton
- color modeler
- Russell Braun
- additional clean-up artist
- Valerie Braun
- blue sketch artist
- Jo Ann Breuer
- 2D animation processor
- Todd Bright
- additional clean-up artist
- Philippe Briones
- lead key assistant animator: "Tarzan"
- Janet Bruce
- animation check supervisor
- Jim Brummett
- breakdown artist: "Captain" and "Thugs"
- Robert Bryan
- animator: "Jane"
- Valérie Bréand
- inbetween artist: "Tarzan"
- Dave Burgess
- supervising animator: "Porter" (as David Burgess)
- Scott A. Burroughs
- additional clean-up artist
- Serge Bussone
- key assistant animator: "Tarzan"
- John Byrne
- layout artist
- Annette Byrne-Morel
- assistant animator: "Flynt & Mungo" and "Ape Family" (as Annette Morel)
- Joey Calderon
- painter
- Ofra Afuta Calderon
- painter
- Scott Caple
- additional layout artist
- Robert Cardone
- key assistant layout artist
- Wayne Carlisi
- additional animator
- Edgar Carlos
- assistant layout artist
- Hortensia Casagran
- paint/final check supervisor (as Hortensia M. Casagran)
- Janice M. Caston
- painter
- Christenson M. Casugo
- breakdown artist: "Jane"
- Michael Cedeno
- additional animator
- Arden Chan
- additional layout artist (as Arden Chang)
- Chen-Yi Chang
- character designer
- Lillian A. Chapman
- assistant animator: "Captain" and "Thugs" (as Lillian Amanda Chapman)
- Christophe Charbonnel
- character sculptor / clean-up supervisor: Paris
- Christine Chatal Poli
- assistant animator: "Tarzan" (as Christine Chatal-Poli)
- Farouk Cherfi
- key assistant animator: "Tarzan"
- Roger Chiasson
- additional animator
- Karen China
- assistant supervisor: 2-D animation processing (as Karen N. China)
- Jerry Yu Ching
- additional animator
- Chang Yei Cho
- additional clean-up artist
- Inna Chon
- additional clean-up artist
- Pamela J. Choy
- assistant modeler
- Wesley Chun
- key assistant animator: "Jane" (as Wes Chun)
- Anthony Cipriano
- character sculptor (as Tony Cipriano)
- Scott Claus
- additional clean-up artist
- Casey Clayton
- painter
- Sandro Cleuzo
- additional animator
- Caroline Clifford
- additional clean-up artist
- Merry Kanawyer Clingen
- key assistant animator: "Jane"
- Diana Coco
- assistant animator: "Baboons" and miscellaneous characters
- Casey Coffey
- rough inbetweener
- Hye Coh
- background artist (as Hye Young Coh)
- Ron Cohee
- additional clean-up artist
- Daniel Cohen
- additional animation checker / animation checker
- Shawn Colbeck
- additional layout artist
- Sarah J. Cole
- additional 2D animation processor
- Karen Comella
- color models supervisor
- Regina Conroy
- additional clean-up artist
- Frank R. Cordero
- additional clean-up artist
- Jesus Cortes
- key assistant animator: "Flynt & Mungo" and "Ape Family"
- Penny Coulter
- color stylist
- Trish Coveney-Rees
- additional layout artist
- Fred Craig
- layout artist
- Caroline Cruikshank
- animator: "Jane"
- Don Crum
- additional clean-up artist
- Lynnette Cullen
- digital mark-up (as Lynnette E. Cullen)
- Antoine Cunnigham
- additional clean-up artist
- Sherrie Cuzzort
- color model mark-up
- Sybil Cuzzort
- painter (as Sybil Elaine Cuzzort)
- Florida D'Ambrosio
- painter
- Lea Dahlen
- final checker
- Dan Daly
- additional clean-up artist
- Margie Daniels
- lead key assistant animator: "Young & Baby Tarzan"
- Bill Davis
- blue sketch artist
- Nicole de Bellefroid
- breakdown artist: "Tarzan"
- Antony de Fato
- additional clean-up artist (as Antony De Fato)
- Thomas Debitus
- assistant layout artist
- Guy Deel
- character designer
- Ron DeFelice
- additional background artist
- Jeroen Dejonckheere
- assistant animator: "Tarzan"
- Patrick Delage
- animator: "Tarzan"
- Eric Delbecq
- animator: "Tarzan"
- Tom Derosier
- additional clean-up artist (as Tom de Rosier)
- Peter DeSève
- character designer (as Peter de Sève)
- Kevin Deters
- additional clean-up artist
- Robert Dettloff
- painter (as Robert Edward Dettloff)
- Frank Dietz
- breakdown artist: "Kala"
- Mike Disa
- additional rough inbetweener
- Dominick R. Domingo
- background artist
- Robert Espanto Domingo
- additional animator
- Marcia Kimura Dougherty
- additional clean-up artist
- Bernard Dourdent
- inbetween artist: "Tarzan"
- Tom Dow
- additional layout artist
- Amy Drobeck
- additional clean-up artist
- Debbie Du Bois
- background artist
- Ken Duncan
- supervising animator: "Jane" (as Ken Stuart Duncan)
- Lee Dunkman
- additional clean-up artist
- Nika Dunne
- painter
- Dave Dunnet
- principal location designer (as David A. Dunnet)
- Marc Eoche Duval
- animator: "Sabor"
- Kimberly Dwinell
- additional clean-up artist
- Adam Dykstra
- animator: "Terk"
- Russ Edmonds
- supervising animator: "Kala"
- Teresa Eidenbock
- assistant animator: "Jane"
- Matt Else
- animator
- James W. Elston
- additional clean-up artist
- Eithne Ersöz
- blue sketch artist
- Javier Espinosa Bañuelos
- key assistant animator: "Tarzan"
- Sam Ewing
- additional clean-up artist
- Xin-Lin Fan
- additional background artist
- Perry Farinola
- additional clean-up artist
- Pierre Fassel
- layout artist
- Scott Fassett
- background artist
- Paul A. Felix
- principal location designer (as Paul Felix)
- Brian Ferguson
- additional animator
- Jean-Paul Fernandez
- background artist
- Evariste Ferreira
- additional 2D animation processor
- Phyllis Fields
- assistant painting supervisor (as Phyllis Estelle Fields)
- James Aaron Finch
- assistant layout artist
- Wendie Fischer
- rough inbetweener (as Wendie Lynn Fischer)
- Tom Fish
- additional clean-up artist
- Gareth Fishbaugh
- additional 2D animation processor (as Gareth P. Fishbaugh)
- Larry R. Flores
- additional clean-up artist / additional rough inbetweener
- Aidan Flynn
- breakdown artist: "Porter"
- Michael Foley
- painter
- Thierry Fournier
- background artist
- Nickolas M. Frangos
- breakdown artist: "Young & Baby Tarzan"
- Gail Frank
- lead key assistant animator: "Captain" and "Thugs"
- Brigitte Franzka-Fritz
- assistant animator: "Young & Adult Tantor" (as Brigitte T. Franzka-Fritz)
- Corey Dean Fredrickson
- additional 2D animation processor (as Corey D. Fredrickson)
- Maria Angela Iturriza Freire
- assistant animator: "Tarzan"
- Cliff Freitas
- breakdown artist: "Adult & Baby Terk"
- Cynthia Jill French
- assistant animator: "Flynt & Mungo" and "Ape Family"
- Jill Friemark
- additional clean-up artist
- Marec Fritzinger
- key assistant layout artist
- June Fujimoto
- lead key assistant animator: "Kala" (as June M. Fujimoto)
- Denise Blakely Fuller
- key assistant layout artist
- Edmund Gabriel
- additional rough inbetweener
- Timothy Gales
- assistant supervisor of compositing
- Danny Galieote
- animator: "Terk"
- Graham Gallagher
- inbetween artist: "Tarzan"
- Sean Gallimore
- key assistant animator: "Jane"
- Raul Garcia
- additional animator
- Paulino GarcÃa
- painter
- Tom Gately
- additional animator
- Cindy Ge
- additional clean-up artist
- Mike Genz
- additional clean-up artist (as Michael Genz)
- Mac George
- additional layout artist
- Tim George
- animator: "Clayton"
- Vance Gerry
- character designer
- Miguel Gil
- additional background artist
- Jean Gillmore
- character designer
- David Gilson
- inbetween artist: "Tarzan"
- Pierre Girault
- key assistant animator: "Tarzan"
- Carolyn F. Gliona
- breakdown artist: "Baboons" and miscellaneous characters
- Patricia L. Gold
- paint mark-up
- Neal Stanley Goldstein
- rough inbetweener
- Benjamin Gonzalez
- rough inbetweener
- Maria Gonzalez
- color stylist
- Ian Gooding
- character designer (as Ian S. Gooding)
- Edward B. Goral
- breakdown artist: "Jane"
- Steven Pierre Gordon
- animator: "Young & Baby Tarzan"
- Matthieu Gosselin
- assistant layout artist
- Thierry Goulard
- animator: "Tarzan"
- Daniel A. Gracey
- additional clean-up artist
- Joe Grant
- character designer
- Christopher F. Greco
- additional background artist
- Debbie Green
- painter
- Michael Greenholt
- additional clean-up artist (as Mike Greenholt)
- Gizella Gregán
- assistant animator: "Sabor" (as Maros Gregan Gizella)
- Kevin M. Grow
- assistant animator: "Young & Baby Tarzan"
- Juanjo Guarnido
- animator: "Sabor"
- Jérôme Guillaud
- assistant animator: "Tarzan"
- Patricia Guilmard
- background artist (as Patricia Millereau-Guilmard)
- Edward R. Gutierrez
- additional clean-up artist (as Edward Gutierrez)
- Jan Barley Gutowski
- additional 2D animation processing supervisor: Florida
- Matt Haber
- inbetween artist: "Clayton" (as Matthew R. Haber)
- Susan Hackett
- background artist
- John E. Hailey
- additional clean-up artist (as John O'Hailey)
- Carl Hall
- key assistant animator: "Clayton" (as Carl Philip Hall)
- Barbara Lynn Hamane
- color stylist
- David Hancock
- additional animator
- Karen Hardenbergh
- key assistant animator: "Kala" (as Karen A. Hardenbergh)
- James A. Harris
- additional clean-up artist
- Ray Harris
- key assistant animator: "Baboons" and miscellaneous characters (as Raymond A. Harris)
- Jeffery B. Harter
- breakdown artist: "Jane"
- Ilan Hatukah
- additional clean-up artist (as Ilan Wexio Hatukah)
- Randy Haycock
- supervising animator: "Clayton"
- Mike Hazy
- key assistant animator: "Captain" and "Thugs" (as Michael Hazy)
- Kris Heller
- key assistant animator: "Flynt & Mungo" and "Ape Family"
- Mark Henley
- scene planner
- Arturo A. Hernandez
- additional clean-up artist (as Arturo Alejandro Hernandez)
- Brad Hicks
- additional background artist
- Grant Hiestand
- additional rough inbetweener
- Stevie Hirsch
- painter
- Lam Hoang
- key assistant layout artist
- Gontran Hoarau
- lead key assistant animator: "Sabor"
- Bill Hodman
- additional layout artist (as William Samuel Hodman)
- T. Daniel Hofstedt
- supervising animator: "Captain & Thugs"
- Kent Holaday
- assistant animator: "Baboons" and miscellaneous characters
- Allison Hollen
- additional clean-up artist
- Renee Holt
- additional clean-up artist
- Jeff Hong
- inbetween artist: "Flynt & Mungo" and "Ape Family" (as Jeff W. Hong)
- Philippe Hooghe
- assistant animator: "Tarzan"
- Jacqueline Hooks
- additional animation checker (as Jacqueline Hooks-Winterlich)
- Richard Hoppe
- animator: "Clayton"
- Akemi Horiuchi
- additional clean-up artist (as Akemi Gutierrez)
- Jason Horley
- background artist
- Chris Hubbard
- additional animator (as Christopher Hubbard)
- Nathan Hughes
- background assistant
- Janette Hulett
- animation checker
- James Hull
- animator: "Tantor"
- George Humphry
- background assistant
- John E. Hurst
- additional rough inbetweener (as John Hurst)
- Dietz Toshio Ichishita
- breakdown artist: "Kala"
- Roland Mechael B. Ilagan
- additional clean-up artist
- James Young Jackson
- additional animator
- Jay Jackson
- supervising animator: "Ape Family"
- Ron Jackson
- scene planner (as Ronald J. Jackson)
- Eun Sang Jang
- additional clean-up artist
- David Jarvis
- background artist
- Xiangyuan Jie
- additional background artist
- Emily Jiuliano
- additional clean-up artist
- Jeff Johnson
- animator: "Young & Baby Tarzan"
- Noel C. Johnson
- blue sketch artist
- Phillip A. Jones
- additional clean-up artist
- Debra Jorgensborg
- color stylist (as Debbie Jorgensborg)
- Mi Kyung Joung-Raynis
- background artist
- Brian Jowers
- character designer
- Chan Woo Jung
- assistant animator: "Young & Adult Tantor"
- Myung Kang
- additional clean-up artist (as Myung Kang Teague)
- David Karp
- painter
- Angelika Katz
- painter (as Angelika R. Katz)
- Clay Kaytis
- additional rough inbetweener
- Glen Keane
- supervising animator: "Adult Tarzan"
- Kompin Kemgumnird
- inbetween artist: "Kala"
- Celinda S. Kennedy
- key assistant animator: "Kala"
- Brian D. Kennon
- additional clean-up artist
- Nicolas Keramidas
- rough inbetweener
- Brian Kesinger
- assistant layout artist
- Jin Kim
- additional animator (as Sang-Jin Kim)
- Misoon Kim
- final checker
- Seung Beom Kim
- additional clean-up artist
- Yung Soo Kim
- additional clean-up artist
- Sally-Anne King
- final checker
- Bert Klein
- additional animator
- Johan Klingler
- key assistant layout artist (as Johan Anton Klingler)
- Denise Louise Klitsie
- key assistant layout artist
- Nancy Kniep
- additional clean-up artist (as Nancy E. Kniep)
- Mark E. Koerner
- key assistant layout artist
- Mark Koetsier
- animator: "Jane"
- Monica Kogler
- blue sketch artist (as Monica Albracht Marroquin)
- Rick Kohlschmidt
- assistant animator: "Young & Baby Tarzan"
- Jody Kooistra
- breakdown artist: "Young & Adult Tantor" (as Jocelyn Kooistra)
- Geraldine Kovats
- additional background artist
- Doug Krohn
- animator: "Jane"
- Mike Kunkel
- animator: "Tantor"
- Michael Kurinsky
- additional background artist
- Samantha Lair
- additional clean-up artist
- Cynthia Lalla
- scene planner (as Cynthia Goode)
- Cynthia Landeros
- breakdown artist: "Young & Baby Tarzan"
- Christine Landés-Tigano
- assistant animator: "Tarzan"
- Susan Lantz
- lead key assistant animator: "Flynt & Mungo" and "Ape Family"
- Lisa G. Lanyon
- additional clean-up artist
- Todd LaPlante
- additional 2D animation processor
- Christine Laubach
- digital re-touch painter
- Calvin Le Duc
- additional clean-up artist
- Cathy McGowan Leahy
- animation checker
- Roberta Lee Borchardt
- paint mark-up
- Jang Woo Lee
- additional clean-up artist
- Kukhee Lee
- painter
- Mi Yul Lee
- additional clean-up artist
- Tracy Mark Lee
- lead key assistant animator: "Kerchak"
- Karan Lee-Storr
- registration
- Steve Lenze
- additional clean-up artist
- Julio Leon
- assistant layout artist
- Ely Lester
- additional clean-up artist
- Michael Lester
- additional clean-up artist
- Ludovic Letrun
- assistant animator: "Tarzan"
- Sam J. Levine
- additional animator (as Sam Levine)
- Buck Lewis
- character designer (as H.B. 'Buck' Lewis)
- Kellie D. Lewis
- additional clean-up artist
- Leticia Lichtwardt
- additional clean-up artist
- Jean-Christophe Lie
- assistant animator: "Tarzan"
- Daniel Yoontaek Lim
- assistant animator: "Kala"
- David J. Link
- scene planner (as Dave J. Link)
- Richard Carl Livingston
- layout artist
- Robert Lizardo
- 2D animation processor
- Nguyên Dang Long
- assistant animator: "Tarzan"
- William Lorencz
- background artist
- Jerry Loveland
- background artist
- Cheng Lu
- assistant layout artist (as Cheng Z. 'Diane' Lu)
- Steve Lubin
- additional clean-up artist
- Michael Ludy
- inbetween artist: "Kerchak"
- Kaaren Lundeen
- additional clean-up artist
- Sean Luo
- additional clean-up artist
- Heidi Lin Mahoney
- color stylist (as Heidi Lin Loring)
- Brian Mainolfi
- assistant animator: "Kerchak"
- Rick Maki
- character designer
- Philippe Malka
- breakdown artist: "Tarzan"
- Patricia Ann Billings Malone
- additional clean-up artist
- David Mar
- additional clean-up artist
- Zoltan Maros
- animator: "Sabor"
- James Anthony Marquez
- inbetween artist: "Young & Adult Tantor"
- David Martin
- assistant layout artist
- James J. Martin
- additional background artist
- Whitney B. Martin
- additional clean-up artist
- Tim Massa
- additional clean-up artist
- Barbara Massey
- additional background artist
- Vincent Massy
- layout artist (as Vincent Massy de la Chesneraye)
- Joe Mateo
- additional rough inbetweener (as Joseph Mateo)
- Hank Mayo
- character designer
- David McCamley
- supervising digital background painter (as David Mc Camley)
- Patrick McClintock
- additional clean-up artist
- Beth Ann McCoy
- color model mark-up (as Beth Ann McCoy-Gee)
- Alex McDaniel
- additional clean-up artist
- Teri McDonald
- assistant final check supervisor (as Teri N. McDonald)
- Miriam McDonnell
- key assistant animator: "Clayton"
- Michael A. McFerren
- 2D animation processor
- Richard J. McFerren
- 2D animation processor
- Kelly McGraw
- additional background artist
- Brian B. McKim
- lead key assistant animator: "Young Terk"
- Mike McKinney
- key assistant animator: "Baboons" and miscellaneous characters (as Michael G. McKinney)
- Kevin McNamara
- additional background artist
- Mary Measures
- assistant animator: "Kala"
- Denise Meehan
- breakdown artist: "Clayton"
- James Melton
- animation editor
- Mario J. Menjivar
- animator: "Kala"
- Sarah Mercey
- additional clean-up artist (as Sarah Mercey-Boose)
- Benoit Meurzec
- assistant animator: "Sabor"
- Serge Michaels
- background artist
- Willis Middleton
- additional animation checker
- Lieve Miessen
- lead key assistant animator: "Baboons" and miscellaneous characters
- Gregory C. Miller
- background artist
- Jane Misek
- additional clean-up artist
- Denise M. Mitchell
- animation checker
- Mark Mitchell
- additional animator (as Mark Alan Mitchell)
- Peter Moehrle
- additional background artist
- Bernadette Moley
- assistant animator: "Jane"
- Dominique Monfery
- supervising animator: "Sabor"
- Frank Montagna
- additional clean-up artist (as Frank Montagna Jr.)
- Florence Montceau
- key assistant animator: "Tarzan"
- Borja Montoro
- animator: "Tarzan" (as Borja Montoro Cavero)
- Deborah Mooneyham
- painter (as Deborah Mooneyham Hughes)
- Albert Francis Moore
- additional animation checker
- Don Moore
- background artist
- Joaquim Royo Morales
- background supervisor: Paris
- Maurilio Morales
- additional clean-up artist
- Jean Morel
- animator: "Tantor"
- Richard S. Morgan
- additional clean-up artist
- Gary Mouri
- additional layout artist
- Wendy Muir
- additional clean-up artist (as Wendy J. Muir)
- Monica Murdock
- additional clean-up artist
- David Murray
- additional background artist
- Gary Myers
- additional clean-up artist
- Yoon Sook Nam
- additional clean-up artist
- Terry Naughton
- additional clean-up artist
- Antonio Navarro
- layout artist
- Jan Naylor
- additional clean-up artist
- David Nethery
- additional clean-up artist (as David T. Nethery)
- Barbara Newby
- paint mark-up
- Phil Noto
- additional clean-up artist
- Victoria Novak
- additional animation checker (as Victoria Winner Novak)
- Karen Nugent
- painter (as Karen Lynne Nugent)
- Helen O'Flynn
- animation checker
- Simon O'Leary
- layout artist
- Ken O'Malley
- painter (as Kenneth O'Malley)
- Kathleen O'Mara-Svetlik
- animation checker
- Madlyn O'Neill
- blue sketch artist (as Madlyn Zusmer O'Neill)
- Celine O'Sullivan
- color stylist
- Joe Oh
- additional animator
- Jamie Oliff
- additional animator
- Stephanie Olivieri
- additional clean-up artist
- Karen S. Paat
- assistant animation check supervisor
- Sergio Pablos
- character designer / supervising animator: "Tantor"
- Vera Pacheco
- clean-up supervisor: second unit (as Vera Lanpher-Pacheco)
- Ralf Palmer
- additional animator (as Ralph Palmer)
- Patricia Palmer-Phillipson
- background artist
- Céline Papazian
- inbetween artist: "Tarzan"
- Flora Sung Sook Park
- inbetween artist: "Jane" (as Flora Sungsook Park)
- Jong Won Park
- inbetween artist: "Adult & Baby Terk"
- Marsha Park
- key assistant animator: "Young Terk" (as Marsha W.J. Park-Yum)
- Ginny Parmele
- lead key assistant animator: "Flynt & Mungo" and "Ape Family"
- James Parris
- additional clean-up artist
- Pierre Pavloff
- background artist
- Gary D. Payne
- rough inbetweener
- Anne Pellerin
- assistant animator: "Tarzan"
- Jason Peltz
- additional clean-up artist
- Bob Persichetti
- rough inbetweener
- Catherine Peterson
- final checker (as Catherine Mirkovich-Peterson)
- Bruce Phillipson
- painter (as Bruce Gordon Phillipson)
- Philip Phillipson
- background artist
- John Piampiano
- additional background artist
- Alice Picard
- inbetween artist: "Tarzan"
- John J. Pierro
- additional clean-up artist
- Eric Pigors
- key assistant animator: "Kerchak"
- David Moses Pimentel
- animator: "Terk"
- Eddie Pittman
- additional clean-up artist
- Barbara J. Poirier
- additional 2D animation processor
- Cheryl Polakow
- additional clean-up artist (as Cheryl Polakow-Knight)
- Didier Poli
- inbetween artist: "Tarzan"
- Birgitta Pollanen
- assistant layout artist (as Birgitta Erja Pollanen)
- Doug Post
- assistant animator: "Kerchak"
- Catherine Poulain
- animator: "Ape Family"
- Jean-Christophe Poulain
- layout supervisor (as Jean Christophe Poulain)
- Linda Praamsma
- painter (as Rosalinde Praamsma)
- Robb Pratt
- animator: "Kerchak"
- Tina Price
- character designer
- Ruben Procopio
- additional clean-up artist
- Mark Pudleiner
- additional animator
- John Puglisi
- layout artist
- Teresa Quezada
- additional clean-up artist (as Teresita Quezada)
- Nicolas Quéré
- breakdown artist: "Tarzan" (as Nicolas Quere)
- Nancy Olivet Ramirez
- digital re-touch painter
- Bonnie Ramsey
- paint mark-up (as Bonnie A. Ramsey)
- Jeff Ranjo
- character designer (as Jeffery Resolme Ranjo)
- Loïc Rastout
- principal location designer
- Peter Raymundo
- additional clean-up artist
- David Recinos
- assistant animator: "Clayton" (as David E. Recinos)
- William Recinos
- additional animator
- Stacie K. Reece
- 2D animation processor
- Dana M. Reemes
- additional clean-up artist
- Donald Reich
- assistant layout artist
- Allison Renna
- breakdown artist: "Kala"
- Mary-Jean Repchuk
- assistant animator: "Adult & Baby Terk"
- Franc Reyes
- additional layout artist
- Daniel Lawrence Riebold
- additional clean-up artist
- John Ripa
- supervising animator: "Young & Baby Tarzan"
- Clarence 'Boola' Robello
- additional clean-up artist (as Boola Robello)
- Robyn Roberts
- 2-D animation processing supervisor (as Robyn L. Roberts)
- Leonard Robledo
- additional background artist
- Richard D. Rocha
- key assistant animator: "Jane"
- Maria Rosetti
- key assistant animator: "Adult & Baby Terk" (as Maria Wilnelmina Rosetti)
- David J. Rowe
- 2D animation processor
- Bobby Rubio
- additional rough inbetweener (as Bobby Alcid Rubio)
- Nicolas Ruedy
- breakdown artist: "Tarzan"
- Robh Ruppel
- additional background artist
- Stéphane Sainte-Foi
- animator: "Tarzan"
- Al Salgado
- additional clean-up artist
- Jacqueline M. Sanchez
- key assistant animator: "Jane" (as Jacqueline Sanchez)
- Randy Sanchez
- lead key assistant animator: "Clayton"
- Sylvia I. Sanchez
- color stylist
- Carmen Sanderson
- painter
- Tony Santo
- additional clean-up artist
- Danny R. Santos
- additional clean-up artist
- Valapa Saubhayana
- digital re-touch painter (as Valapa 'Oomp' Saubhayana)
- Hermann H. Schmidt
- assistant animation editor
- Marty Schwartz
- assistant animator: "Adult & Baby Terk"
- Natasha Selfridge
- key assistant animator: "Young & Baby Tarzan" (as Natasha Dukelski Selfridge)
- Armand Serrano
- key assistant layout artist
- Elsa Sesto
- additional clean-up artist (as Elsa Sesto-Vidal)
- Pierre Seurin
- assistant animator: "Tarzan"
- Gary Shafer
- animation checker (as Gary G. Shafer)
- Mavis Shafer
- assistant supervisor: animation check (as Mavis E. Shafer)
- Tom Shannon
- layout artist
- Mel Shaw
- assistant animator
- Heidi Shellhorn
- painter (as Heidi Woodward Shellhorn)
- Jacqueline Shepherd
- additional clean-up artist (as Jacqueline M. Shepherd)
- Eyde Sheppard
- painter
- Eyde Shepperd
- painter
- Grace H. Shirado
- color model mark-up
- Michael Show
- additional animator
- Don Shump
- painter
- Harald Siepermann
- character designer (as Harald Sieperman)
- William T. Silvers Jr.
- background artist
- Sherrie H. Sinclair
- additional clean-up artist
- Keith Sintay
- additional clean-up artist (as Keith A. Sintay)
- Vincent Siracusano
- additional clean-up artist
- Lon Smart
- additional clean-up artist
- Bruce W. Smith
- supervising animator: "Kerchak" and "Baboons & Baby Baboons"
- Kevin M. Smith
- additional rough inbetweener
- Marc Smith
- animator: "Kerchak"
- Jim Snider
- breakdown artist: "Clayton"
- Joey So
- breakdown artist: "Jane" (as Chun Yin Joey So)
- Bryan M. Sommer
- additional clean-up artist
- Fumiko R. Sommer
- painter (as Fumiko Roche Sommer)
- Chris Sonnenburg
- rough inbetweener
- Hugo Soriano
- breakdown artist: "Flynt & Mungo" and "Ape Family"
- Phirum Sou
- assistant animator: "Sabor"
- Kenneth Spirduso
- additional layout artist
- Marie St. Clair
- color stylist
- Chad Stewart
- animator: "Terk"
- Michael Stocker
- animator: "Clayton"
- Rusty Stoll
- additional clean-up artist
- Juliet Stroud
- lead key assistant animator: "Jane" (as Juliet Duncan)
- Pierre Sucaud
- additional animation checker
- Susan Sugita
- key assistant animator: "Flynt & Mungo" and "Ape Family" (as Susan Y. Sugita)
- George Sukara
- additional clean-up artist
- S. Ann Sullivan
- painter
- Sean Sullivan
- background supervisor: Florida
- Wes Sullivan
- additional rough inbetweener
- Michael Surrey
- supervising animator: "Terk"
- Allen Tam
- layout artist (as Allen C. Tam)
- Trevor Tamboline
- additional clean-up artist
- Yoshimichi Tamura
- animator: "Young & Baby Tarzan"
- Dan Tanaka
- lead key assistant animator: "Clayton"
- George Taylor
- additional background artist
- Roxanne M. Taylor
- painter
- Gary Telfer
- additional CG
- Myrian Ferron Tello
- paint mark-up
- Sylvaine Terriou
- assistant animator: "Tarzan"
- Tami Terusa
- painter
- Aliki Theofilopoulos
- rough inbetweener
- Bill Thinnes
- additional clean-up artist
- Chad Thompson
- additional clean-up artist
- Steven K. Thompson
- breakdown artist: "Porter"
- Kathleen Thorson Good
- breakdown artist: "Jane" (as Kathleen Thorson)
- Thomas Thorspecken
- additional clean-up artist
- Judith Tolley
- color stylist (as Judith L. Tolley)
- Peggy Tonkonogy
- key assistant animator: "Flynt & Mungo" and "Ape Family"
- Marshall Lee Toomey
- clean-up supervisor
- Alex Topete
- additional clean-up artist
- Kim Torpey
- additional clean-up artist
- Marc Tosolini
- assistant animator: "Sabor"
- Christina Elaine Toth
- painter (as Christina E. Toth)
- JC Tran-Quang-Thieu
- animator: "Tarzan" (as Tran-Quang-Thieu JC)
- Richard C. Trebus Jr.
- additional clean-up artist
- Jane Tucker
- key assistant animator: "Jane" (as Jane Tucker Bonnet)
- Marianne Tucker
- additional clean-up artist
- Patrick Tuorto
- additional clean-up artist
- Christophe Vacher
- background artist
- Britt Van der Nagel
- painter (as Britt-Marie Vander Nagel)
- Irma Velez
- assistant painting supervisor
- Kristoff Vergne
- animator: "Tarzan" (as Kristoff Vergne)
- Rafaël Vicente
- scene planner
- Xavier Villez
- assistant animator: "Sabor"
- Frédéric Vilquin
- inbetween artist: "Tarzan"
- Yer 'Za' Vue
- additional clean-up artist
- Chris Wahl
- supervising animator: "Flynt & Mungo"
- Stevan Wahl
- animator: "Tantor"
- Justin 'Dusty' Wakefield
- additional clean-up artist
- Bill Waldman
- additional animator
- Kevyn Wallace
- additional layout artist
- John R. Walsh
- additional clean-up artist
- David Ying Guang Wang
- additional background artist (as David Wang 'Ying Guang')
- Elizabeth Watasin
- additional clean-up artist (as Elizabeth S. Watasin)
- John Watkiss
- character designer
- Darren Webb
- additional clean-up artist (as Darren R. Webb)
- Sherilan Weinhart
- layout artist
- Andreas Wessel-Therhorn
- animator: "Kala"
- Ron Westlund
- breakdown artist: "Clayton" (as Ronald John Westlund)
- Matt Whitlock
- inbetween artist
- Mike Wiesmeier
- additional clean-up artist (as Michael W. Wiesmeier)
- Barbara Wiles
- animation check supervisor
- Cathie Karas Wilke
- breakdown artist: "Young & Baby Tarzan"
- Robert Lee Williams Jr.
- additional clean-up artist
- Dougg Williams
- animator: "Kala"
- Rowland B. Wilson
- character designer / painter
- Tanya T. Wilson
- layout artist
- Theresa Wiseman
- animator: "Porter"
- Ginger Wolf
- additional clean-up artist
- Anthony Ho Wong
- additional animator
- Christine Ng Wong
- color model mark-up
- Ellen Woodbury
- additional animator
- Thomas Woodington
- background artist
- Woody Woodman
- additional clean-up artist
- Terry Wozniak
- lead key assistant animator: "Young & Adult Tantor"
- Rebecca Wrigley
- additional clean-up artist
- Michael Wu
- rough inbetweener
- Chung Sup Yoon
- assistant layout artist
- David Yorke
- background artist
- Phil Young
- additional animator
- Eunice Ok Yu
- additional clean-up artist (as Eunice 'Eunok' Yu)
- Kimberly Moriki Zamlich
- inbetween artist: "Flynt & Mungo" and "Ape Family"
- Ron Zeitler
- additional clean-up artist
- Tammy Zeitler
- additional clean-up artist (as Tammy Daniel-Biske)
- Jane Zhao
- additional clean-up artist
- Yong-Hong Zhong
- additional layout artist
- Gil Zimmerman
- model development supervisor
- Stephan Zupkas
- additional clean-up artist
- David J. Zywicki
- color model mark-up
- Tahsin Ãzgür
- animator: "Tarzan" (as Enis Tahsin Ãzgür)
- Gina Evans
- color model mark-up (uncredited)
- Dan Haskett
- character designer (uncredited)
- ItzKiff
- animator (uncredited)
- Eric Koenig
- "Terk" (uncredited)
- Kenneth Landrum
- color stylist (uncredited)
- Donnie Long
- additional clean-up artist (uncredited)
- Kent Melton
- character sculptor (uncredited)
- Ann Neale
- paint mark-up (uncredited)
- Angie Prindle
- animator: "Adult Tarzan" (uncredited)
- Carlos Ramos
- story artist (uncredited)
- Audrey Stedman
- layout artist (uncredited)
- Taaes2008
- animator (uncredited)
- Barry Temple
- additional animator (uncredited)