- Adarsh Abraham
- lighting artist
- Anshad Abu
- lighting artist
- Chirag Agarwal
- technical director
- Kourtney Aikens
- animation technical director
- Nishok Alagesan
- digital compositor
- Mayur Amminbhavi
- technical director
- Line Korsgaard Andersen
- additional animator (as Line K. Andersen)
- Prasad Narahari Apte
- matte painter
- Rajkumar Archana
- r&d engineer
- Ashin Ashroff
- lead lighting artist and compositing
- Amaury Aubel
- effects artist
- Ashwin Bangalore
- lead effects td
- Zeljko Barcan
- lead fx artist: DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc.
- Zsoka Barkacs
- character technical director
- David Bazelon
- crowds artist
- Nomish Bhardwaj
- technical director
- Shiben Bhattacharjee
- visual effects artist
- Mayur Bhosle
- lighting artist
- David Juan Bianchi
- previz artist
- Ken Bielenberg
- visual effects supervisor
- Pete Billington
- dfx supervisor
- Ryan Borah
- character effects
- Sahaya Ramesh Bosco
- lighting and compositing artist
- Evan Boucher
- character technical director
- Eric Bouffard
- matte painter
- Matt Brisbin
- technical director
- Brett Bronson
- pipeline software engineer
- Garrett Broussard
- technical director
- Iveth Bueno
- lighting artist
- Vijay Bundela
- lead lighting artist
- Erich Burchfield
- lead lighting artist
- Trisha Butkowski
- character technical director
- Jacob Chacko
- character effects artist
- Kent Chan
- crowds artist
- Min-Yu Chang
- cg modeler: DreamWorks
- Arnov Chaudhury
- lighting artist
- Yiqun Chen
- character fx specialist
- Wes Chilton
- visual effects artist
- Ariel Chisholm
- lighting artist
- Jonathan Ciscon
- lighting artist
- Matias Codesal
- technical director
- Shaun Collaco
- lead lighting and compositing artist
- Damon Crowe
- character effects supervisor
- Ashish Dantu
- supervising technical director
- Gilbert Davoud
- character technical director supervisor
- Christabel Dcruz
- Character Effects Artist: visual effects
- Andrew Dehner
- lighter
- Praveen Ushus Dev
- lighting artist: lead
- Ram Prasad Devanathan
- lighting ta
- Srishti Dhamija
- additional technical director
- Jason Doss
- visual effects artist: senior creature fx
- Willem Drees
- stereography (as Willem V. Drees)
- Vaibhav Dube
- Lighting Lead and compositing
- Christopher Lynn Edwards
- lighting technical director
- Cassandra Fanning
- image finaling supervisor
- Peter Farson
- lead character technical director
- David V. Fedele
- hair visdev
- Sean Keith Fernandes
- character fx artist: Dreamworks Animation
- Crystal Fong
- lead technical director: pre-production
- Anthony Fung
- visual effects artist
- Sai Raghunandan G.
- Lighting Technical Assistant
- Omar Garcia
- character effects developer
- Thomaskutty George
- fx artist
- Usama Ghufran
- visual effects lead
- Nandhini Giri
- production coordinator: character effects
- Suryajoies Girish
- matte painting compositor
- Shane Glading
- lighter
- Philippe Gluckman
- visual effects supervisor
- Dan Golembeski
- director of pipeline
- Aubrie Goslin
- production coordinator: layout department
- Corban Gossett
- supervising technical director
- Antony Gray
- additional animator
- Chris Grun
- matte painting supervisor
- Neha Gupta
- texture artist
- Betsy Asher Hall
- production testing (as Betsy Hall Asher)
- Michael P. Hamler
- lead lighter
- Jonathan Harman
- head of lighting
- Christopher N. Harvey
- technical director
- Girish Haryani
- digital compositor
- Uma Havaligi
- character effects developer
- Matt Head
- visual effects artist
- Ian Henckel
- production technology development
- George Ho
- lighter
- Robert Holder
- lighter: DreamWorks
- Pamela Hu
- additional final layout artist
- Wei-Feng Huang
- rendering software engineer
- Robert S. Hurlburt
- technical director: DreamWorks Animation
- Andras Ikladi
- fx lead
- David Illes
- pipeline development / pipeline software engineer
- C. Jin Im
- lead lighter
- Johnny James Gunaraj
- crowd artist (as Johnny James)
- Jaskirat Singh Jassal
- senior technical director
- Ardie Johnson
- character design & modeling
- Brandi Johnson
- surfacer
- Subash Jude
- lighting artist
- Megha Juneja
- lead technical director
- Harshal Kadam
- lighting artist
- Serguei Kalentchouk
- character technology lead
- Priyaa Kalkura
- production coordinator: lighting
- Tanuj Kalra
- crowds supervisor
- Srujani Kamineni
- technical director
- Jayesh Kapadia
- cfx artist
- Ashwin Karthik
- lighting artist
- Harsha Kc
- visual effects
- Abhijit Khanvilkar
- visual effects: texture artist
- G. Manjunatha Khatavate
- surfacing artist
- Santosh S. Khedkar
- visual effects artist
- Soumya Khurana
- lighting/compositing
- Michel Kinfoussia
- look development: lighting and compositing
- Murali Babu Kodiparthi
- lighting supervisor
- Venkatesh Kongathi
- visual effects
- Elvin Korkuti
- motion capture
- Anil Kumar
- matte painter
- Suresh Kumar
- surfacing artist
- Renjith Arjunan Kurungode
- Character Effects Artist: CFX
- Yogesh Lakhani
- lighting supervisor
- Bert Laonipon
- effects technical director
- Domin Lee
- visual effects
- Matthew Leishman
- character effects artist
- David Lewis
- lead lighter
- Lyndon Li
- final layout / lead lighter
- Matt Linder
- lead lighter
- Yancy Lindquist
- head of effects
- Kieron Cheuk-Chi Lo
- lead lighter
- Igor Lodeiro
- visual effects artist
- Ilia Lyons
- pipeline software engineer
- Marc Machuca
- Image finaling lead
- Sanjay Mahajan
- surfacing: texture artist
- Mary Ann Malcomb
- additional animator
- Stephen Mallia
- image finaling artist
- Somanadhan Manoj
- surfacing artist
- Charana Mapatuna
- image finaling artist
- Damon Martinez
- finaling artist/compositor: credited
- Noé MartÃnez Ibarra
- lead technical director
- Gaurav Mathur
- visual effects
- Mark J. Matthews
- research and development fx engineer
- Jason Mayer
- lead effects artist
- Jayanta Mazumder
- modeling artist
- Paul McGhee
- digital colorist
- Scott McGinley
- previz artist
- M. Scott McKee
- cg supervisor
- Jennifer McKnew
- matte painter: DreamWorks Animation
- Kristine Middlemiss
- motion capture engineer
- S.I. Mowlana
- digital operations (as Seyed Inthi Mowlana)
- Rahul Mullick
- visual effects artist
- Ken Museth
- r&d manager
- Pradeep Mynam
- visual effects artist
- Ashwin Nagavelli
- Software Engineer
- Sreenath Nair
- technical director
- Hajime Nakamura
- lighter
- N.V. Naren
- hair & fur grooming artist
- Gupta Neha
- texture artist
- Ronman Yiu Yan Ng
- look development
- Alan Noronha
- technical director
- Onesimus Nuernberger
- matte painter
- Haengsook Oh
- modeler
- Arun P.A.
- Lead lighting and Compositing
- Christy Page
- lighting artist
- Raghuram Palasamudram
- lead lighter
- Brais Perez Pallas
- senior lighting artist
- Prema Parab
- surfacing lead
- Mitul Patel
- head of effects
- Kaustubh Patil
- lead lighting artist
- Matthew Paulson
- additional modeling
- Prashant Pawar
- Lead Location Surfacer
- Andrew Pearce
- director of research and development
- Ranjan Kurian Periakottil
- CG Supervisor / lighting supervisor
- Loganathan Perumal
- crowd artist
- Jason Pethtel
- matte painting compositor
- R.J. Peña
- Lighting Artist / compositor
- Bert Poole
- lighting supervisor
- Gabriel Portnof
- lighting supervisor
- Prasad Posam
- Modeller
- Robyne Powell
- animator
- Ryan Prestridge
- matte painting compositor
- Nitin Punchail
- lighting artist
- Somesh Quadros
- character effects supervisor
- Shanmuga Raja
- technical director
- Niral Rajani
- visual effects artist
- Sibaji Rakshit
- modeling artist
- Anoop Ramachandran
- effects artist
- Rajarajan Ramakrishnan
- head of lighting
- Aneel Ramanath
- lighting and compositing
- Mahesh Ramasubramanian
- visual effects supervisor
- Richard Ramazinski
- digital compositor
- Vanitha Rangaraju
- visual effects supervisor
- Shrivardhan Rao
- lighting artist
- Brian Ratchford
- surfacing artist
- Cari Reiche
- technical director
- Jagdishwar Renkuntla
- crowd artist
- Benoit Rimet
- senior creature fx
- Paul Rivera
- matte painting compositor (as Paul Anthony Rivera)
- Kevin Rodgers
- character technical director supervisor
- Nathaniel Rodriguez
- image finaling artist
- Milton E. Rodriguez-Rios
- cg supervisor
- Allen Rose
- technical director
- Henry G. Sanchez
- animator
- Mark Sandell
- lead technical director
- Karthikswamy Sangumani
- Massive/crowd Developer
- Mrudul Sarang
- cfx artist
- Lisa Curtis Saunders
- matte paint technical director (as Lisa Curtis)
- Arjun Sawant
- surfacing/texturing artist
- Soumitra Saxena
- technical director
- Tim Schneider
- technical director
- Paul Schoeni
- lead modeler
- Sarah Scialli
- motion capture engineer
- Marc Scott
- co-head of lighting
- Alvaro Segura
- visual effects artist
- Kent Seki
- director of previsualization
- Pradipto Sengupta
- character fx td
- Priyes Shah
- lead lighting artist
- Javed Iqbal Shaikh
- lighting and compositing artist
- Honey Sharma
- lighting ta
- Mayumi Shimokawa
- matte painter: Dreamworks Animation
- Dmitry Shklyar
- lighting artist
- Siam Shukoor
- visual effects artist
- Andrew Silvestri
- character effects artist: Andy Silvestri
- Amanpreet Singh
- texture artist
- Ruhi Sinha
- lighting artist
- Kirill Smolskiy
- lighting artist
- Dinesh Soni
- cfx artist: Dreamworks Animation Studios
- Shakti Soni
- lighting artist
- C.C. Srinivasan
- compositor
- Vitalii Stadnyk
- visual effects artist
- Vimal Subramaniam
- Digital Supervisor
- Jeff Sullivan
- crowds artist
- Shiv Sundar
- digital effects artist: creature effect technical director
- Radhakrishnan Sundararaj
- image finaling artist
- Osamu Takehiro
- lead lighter
- Malini Thiyagarajan
- media tools engineer: research and development
- Anoop Thomas
- lighting and compositing artist
- James Thornton
- additional crowd supervisor
- Erik Tillmans
- 2d compositing supervisor
- Michael Trull
- final layout supervisor
- Anthony Tyler
- Supervising Technical Director
- Bhaskaran Umesh
- software engineer
- Ajay Upadhyaya
- lead lighting artist and compositing
- Narendra Kumar Vadapalli
- technical director
- Sukhpal Singh Vasdev
- technical director
- Srinivasan Velayutham
- lead lighter (as Srinivasan Velayuthan) / lighting artist (as Srinivasan Velayuthan)
- Benjamin Venancie
- lead lighter
- Sondra Verlander
- additional lighter
- Sakshi Verma
- technical director
- Venu Victor
- fx lead
- Brent Villalobos
- software development manager
- Maria Vineeta
- lighting ta
- John Wake
- surfacing supervisor
- Sean Wallitsch
- production technology development
- Dick Walsh
- character technical director lead
- Jeff Wang
- character technical director
- Liang-Yuan Wang
- lighting artist
- Eric Warren
- character effects technical director
- Brent Watkins
- character technology lead
- Gabriel White
- layout artist
- Rhiannon Leffanta Wilhelmi
- final layout artist
- Brent R. Williams
- technical director
- Ron Williams
- character effects animator
- D'Lun Wong
- cfx artist
- Stephen Wood
- visual effects animator
- Joanna Wu
- lighting supervisor
- Nimesh Zala
- lead lighter
- Owen Zidar
- technical director
- Todd Zullo
- crowd animator
- David C. Lawson
- lighting artist (uncredited)
- Chiaki Matsubayashi
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Pranav Pujara
- lighting ta (uncredited)
- Randy R. Tecson
- image finaling artist (uncredited)
- Jazmyn Whitman
- visual effects (uncredited)