- Benjamin William Adams
- puppet sculptor / sculptor
- Jill Ahlstrand
- character fabrication supervisor
- Anthony Aiello
- production technology / software engineer
- Zack Anderson
- Assistant CG Modeler
- Maria Andreotti
- photoshop pa / puppet fabrication assistant
- Heidi Armour
- hair and fur fabricator
- Amy Bailey
- adminstrative services
- Hannah Baker
- Replacement Animation Tester
- Erin Baldwin
- accounting & finance
- Cassandra Barbour
- rights and clearances
- Gary Barkin
- legal
- Hamilton Barrett
- information technology / junior systems administrator
- Maggie Begley
- publicist
- Brittany Bennett
- costume fabricator
- Christine Bergren
- legal
- Shea Bordo
- lead caster
- Ron Bottitta
- adr voice artist
- Marisa Bravo
- human resources
- Lauren R. Brown
- Assistant Puppet Wrangler
- Jason Bryant
- accounting & finance
- Tory Bryant
- lead texture artist
- Jared Bumgarner
- production scheduler
- Chris Butler
- presenter
- Trevor Cable
- editorial department manager
- Claudia Candia
- Texture Artist
- Mike Card
- production runner
- Dominic Cardoso
- junior fabricator
- Nik E. Carey
- caster
- Brett Carville
- assistant puppet fabricator
- Dexter Caseres
- caster
- Rachel Cherry
- lead hand fabricator / lead hands department
- Yin-Yee Chung
- accounting & finance
- Greggory Collier
- production technology
- Rosemary A. Colliver
- Head of Legal and Business Affairs
- Alicia Cortes
- puppet fabrication coordinator
- Jeff Croke
- CG Facial Animator
- Sara Crowley
- assistant to the producer / marketing coordinator
- Nicole Cuevas
- choreographer
- Phil Dale
- development director
- Bradley W. Day
- production accountant
- Jon Dobson
- technical director
- Dave Drusky
- media engineer
- Robert Ducey
- technical director
- Helen Duckworth
- cg modeler
- Elsa Dye
- lead costume fabricator
- David J. Epstein
- 3rd assistant director
- Toby Ethridge
- administrative services
- Kate Evans
- administrative services
- William Fife
- information technology
- Nicole Fitzhugh
- department coordinator
- Scott Foster
- puppet sculptor / sculptor
- Brett Foxwell
- armaturist
- John Henry Frankenhauser
- desktop systems administrator / information technology
- Wendy Frankenhauser
- human resources
- Karen Fried
- publicist
- Mark Gaiero
- armaturist
- Kathy Germer
- accounting & finance
- Anna Glanton
- assistant caster
- Amy Gohal
- cg facial rigger
- Chris Goodson
- production assistant
- Jessica Goss
- accounting & finance
- Martha Grant
- replacement animation tester
- Julie Grasher
- costume fabricator
- Richard Guinan
- administrative services
- Kev Harwood
- 1st assistant director
- Micah Henrie
- vfx pipeline support
- Tori Herbst
- administrative services
- Christopher Herman
- production purchaser
- Emelia Hiltner
- hair and fur fabricator
- Michael Hix
- information technology
- David Hogan
- administrative services
- Sarah Hulin
- hair and fur fabricator
- Matt Isakson
- head of mold making
- Fleur Jago
- recording coordinator uk
- Amy Jakovec
- production assistant
- Leif Jenssen
- administrative Services
- Jennifer Jewell
- 3d printer technician
- Suzanne Johnson
- human resources
- Ty Johnson
- cg modeler
- Christina Kemp
- hand armaturist (as Chrtistina Kemp) / hand fabricator
- Stephanie Keske
- jr. technical director / production technology
- Matthias Klages
- voice dubbing
- Meredith Koch
- 3rd assistant director
- Jennifer Kozik
- information technology
- Anna Kvorning
- human resources
- Thalia Lane
- head of costume
- Ann Larson
- assistant armaturist
- Evan Larson
- texture production assistant
- Michael Laubach
- technical director of facial rigging
- Faon Lewis
- head of casting
- Jessica Salesky Lowe
- quality assurance lead
- Kenneth Lowe
- technical director
- Jessica Lynn
- hair and fur fabricator
- Aaron Matthews
- caster
- Caitlin McDowell
- administrative services
- Jeanne McIvor
- armaturist
- Kyle Melton
- media engineer / production technology
- Beverley Menillo
- human resources
- Paul Messina
- production purchasers
- Thomas Bradley Meyers
- armaturist
- Phr Mitzi Ang
- human resources (as Mitzi Ang)
- Clair Monaghan
- costume fabricator
- Ann Moore
- production assistant
- Ilene Morgan
- production accountant
- Angela Muldoon
- assistant armaturist
- Emily D. Myers
- hand armaturist (as Emily Myers) / hand fabricator (as Emily Myers)
- Owen Nelson
- software engineer
- Paula J. Newman
- adr
- Colette Nickola
- costume fabricator
- Aurore Nightingayle
- caster
- Brendan O'Hara
- production technology
- Megumi Ogo
- caster
- Nick Ower
- assistant to the directors
- Miel-Margarita Paredes
- armaturist
- Jocelyn Pascall
- production coordinator
- Janet Pearce
- caster
- Matthew Perna
- 3d printer technicians
- Tucker Piontek
- junior fabricator
- Jessica Polaniecki
- replacement animation tester
- Gillian Povey
- hand armaturist / hand fabricator
- Robert Powell
- Production Technology / production technology
- Christopher Rabilwongse
- puppet painter
- Kathy Radcliffe
- executive assistant: Travis Knight
- Gary Raksis
- executive
- Kellie Raz
- human resources
- Graham Read
- armaturist
- Becky Redhead
- costume fabricator (as Rebecca Redhead)
- Jeanne Rich
- production technology
- Darren Richardson
- adr voice artist
- Kyle Rossi
- administrative services
- Riley Roth-Ames
- 3d printer technician (as Nicholas Vincent)
- David J. Rowe
- information technology (as David Rowe)
- James Rozes
- information technology
- Jenniphur Ryan
- legal & business affairs / legal and business affairs
- Kelli Sawyer
- runner
- Franklin Scheu
- information technology / systems administrator
- Annika Schindler
- costume fabricator
- Whitney G. Schmerber
- 3rd assistant director
- Jocelyn Seid
- human resources
- Mark Shapiro
- brand and marketing management
- Lydia Shields
- accounting & finance
- Caitlin Shirts
- costume fabricator
- Vic Simiele
- 3d printer technician
- Nick Smalley Ramsdale
- armaturist
- Kevin Smith
- recording coordinator us
- Mahlon Smith
- information technology
- Nicholas Guy Smith
- adr loop group
- Dustin Sohn
- assistant character fabricator / assistant puppet fabricator
- Heidi Sowa
- costume fabricator
- Jeremy Spake
- head of armature
- Martha Steele
- information technology
- Jeff Stringer
- Production Technology
- Jeff Stringer
- production technology
- Anna Sutton
- puppet painter (as Anna Featherly Sutton)
- Donna Tarabella
- accounting & finance
- Jennie Terranova
- administration op - uncredited
- Jason Thibodeaux
- puppet painter
- Mark Thompson
- caster
- Brian Tindall
- cg modeler
- Cecilia Tonnison
- puppet painter
- Danie Townsley
- junior fabricator (as Danie West)
- Sid Tucker
- armaturist
- Jeff Vandehey
- information technology
- David Varieur
- information technology
- Zoe Verrier-Stunt
- recording coordinator uk
- Chris Walker
- caster
- Holly Werner
- 2nd assistant director
- Jacqueline White
- data wrangler
- Ben Whitehead
- read in artist
- Kyle Williams
- cg modeler
- Samuel Wilson
- 1st assistant director
- TaMara Carlson Woodard
- costume fabricator (as TaMara Carlson-Woodard)
- Ãine Woods
- costume fabricator
- Amy Wulfing
- head of puppet painting
- Cass Yates
- lead replacement animation specialist (as Tim Yates)
- Doug Young
- production assistant
- Kristine Zentmeyer
- human resources
- Summer Zimmerman
- puppet fabrication coordinator
- Andrew Zubko
- replacement animation tester
- Patrick Zung
- armaturist
- Emma Castleton
- reception coordinator (uncredited)
- L.E. Hall
- marketing team (uncredited)
- Amelia 'Mia' Sires Nelson
- media engineer (uncredited)