- Dean Martin
- Joe Anthony
- Jerry Lewis
- Harvey Miller, Jr
- Donna Reed
- Kathy Taylor
- Barbara Bates
- Lisa Anthony
- Joseph Calleia
- Papa Anthony
- Fred Clark
- Mr. Baxter / Old Skinhead
- Clinton Sundberg
- Charles - the Butler
- Howard Smith
- Golf Official
- Marshall Thompson
- Bruce Reeber
- Marjorie Gateson
- Mrs. Grace Taylor
- Frank Puglia
- Mr. Spezzato
- Lewis Martin
- Mr. Taylor
- Romo Vincent
- Eddie Lear - Agent
- Argentina Brunetti
- Mama Anthony
- Houseley Stevenson Jr.
- Officer
- John Gallaudet
- Jonathan Bell
- William Edmunds
- Caminello
- Charles Irwin
- Golf Starter
- Freeman Lusk
- Golf Official
- Keith McConnell
- Mr. Benthall
- Henry Brandon
- Mr. Preen
- Maurice Marsac
- Mr. Gaston Leron
- Donald Randolph
- Harvey Miller Sr.
- Stephen Chase
- George Garrison Sr.
- Tom Harmon
- Announcer
- Ben Hogan
- Ben Hogan
- Sam Snead
- Sam Snead
- Byron Nelson
- Byron Nelson
- Julius Boros
- Julius Boros
- Jimmy Thomson
- Jimmy Thompson
- 'Lighthorse' Harry Cooper
- Harry Cooper
- Dorothy Abbott
- Girl in Dressing Room
- Joanne Arnold
- Bathing Beauty
- Mary Bayless
- Party Guest
- Jeanne Beeks
- Dowager
- Harold Blake
- George Garrison Jr.
- Lovyss Bradley
- Golf Gallery Spectator
- Paul Bradley
- Poolside Guest
- Frank Branda
- Official
- Morgan Brown
- Golf Gallery Spectator
- Iphigenie Castiglioni
- Mrs. Spezzato
- Beulah Christian
- Golf Gallery Spectator
- Tom Coleman
- Golf Spectator
- Jean Corbett
- Twin
- Joan Corbett
- Twin
- Oliver Cross
- Country Club Patron
- Yvonne Cross
- Girl in Dressing Room
- Jim Davies
- Caddy
- Jack Deery
- Servant
- Helen Dickson
- Golf Gallery Spectator
- Jimmy Dime
- Fisherman at Golf Tournament
- King Donovan
- Drunk
- Johnny Downs
- Shipping Clerk
- Franklyn Farnum
- Country Club Patron / Golf Gallery Spectator / Party Guest (uncredited)
- Jac Fisher
- Salesman
- Bess Flowers
- Dinner Party Guest / Poolside Spectator / Golf Gallery Spectator (uncredited)
- Charles Fogel
- Golf Gallery Spectator
- Kenneth Gibson
- Party Guest
- Ned Glass
- Stage Manager
- Dick Gordon
- Golf Gallery Spectator
- Herschel Graham
- Official
- Joe Gray
- Pool Guest
- Jane Green
- Poolside Spectator
- Robert Haines
- Golf Gallery Spectator
- Sam Harris
- Golf Gallery Spectator / Party Guest (uncredited)
- Grace Hayle
- Matron at Party
- Len Hendry
- Salesman
- Chuck Hicks
- Caddy
- Bob Hopkins
- Assistant Golf Official
- John Huffman
- Salesman
- Willie Hunter Jr.
- Official
- John Indrisano
- Fisherman / Golf Spectator (uncredited)
- Jerry James
- Photographer
- Howard Joslin
- Farmer
- Kenner G. Kemp
- Cop
- Stanley Kertes
- Golfer
- Nancy Kulp
- Emma - Drunk's Wife
- Mike Mahoney
- Caddy
- Hank Mann
- Stagehand
- Joel Marston
- Delivery Boy
- David O. McCall
- Party Guest
- Philo McCullough
- Golf Spectator
- Frank McLure
- Golf Spectator
- William Meader
- Party Guest
- Harold Miller
- Taylor's Butler
- Lee Miller
- Fisherman at Golf Tournament
- Carl Milletaire
- Tom
- Mary Newton
- Lorelei Larson
- Wendell Niles
- Golf Announcer
- Anton Northpole
- Golf Gallery Spectator
- William H. O'Brien
- Department Store Customer
- Michael O'Hara
- Officer
- Gilda Oliva
- Mrs. Poletti
- Ray Page
- Official
- Patsy Parsons
- Girl in Dressing Room
- Jack Perry
- Construction Worker Playing Cards
- Dario Piazza
- Italian
- Paul Power
- Salesman
- Jean Ransome
- Jane
- Frank Richards
- Burly Caddie
- Edward Rickard
- Truck Driver
- Elaine Riley
- Bathing Beauty
- Stephen Roberts
- Photographer
- Rodney
- Todney
- Cosmo Sardo
- Country Club Maitre d'
- Jeffrey Sayre
- Country Club Patron
- Jack Shea
- Construction Foreman
- Mario Siletti
- Mr. Poletti
- Stephen Soldi
- Restaurant Patron
- Dick Stabile
- Leader of Band
- Bert Stevens
- Golf Gallery Spectator
- Charles Sullivan
- Caddy in Shower Room
- Tommy Summers
- Call Boy
- Al Thompson
- Mr. Phillips - Man on Ladder
- Arthur Tovey
- Golf Gallery Spectator
- Carlo Tricoli
- Mario
- Ellinor Vanderveer
- Customer
- Sailor Vincent
- Construction Worker Playing Cards
- Guy Way
- Golf Spectator
- Dick Wessel
- Caddy Who Rips Towel
- Florence Wix
- Golf Gallery Spectator
- Fred Zendar
- Caddy