- Jude Adamson
- senior technical director: lighting (as Judith Adamson)
- Shish Aikat
- educator: Rhythm & Hues
- Douglas Aiken
- digital compositor: Rhythm & Hues
- David Alexander
- digital artist
- Tim Angulo
- visual effects director of photography
- Joel Ashman
- digital compositor: Stan Winston Digital
- Kenneth Au
- inferno artist: Rhythm & Hues
- Cheryl Bainum
- executive producer: HATCH
- Pavan Balagam
- digital compositor (as Pavan Kumar)
- Saraswathi Balgam
- senior executive: Rhythm and Hues Studios
- Berj Bannayan
- software engineer: Soho vfx
- Jason Barlow
- technical director
- Tony Barraza
- digital compositor: Rhythm & Hues
- Brian Bell
- lighting technical director
- Susana Bentsen
- roto/paint lead
- Lee Berger
- visual effects executive producer: Rhythm & Hues
- Valerie Berney
- digital effects artist
- Tim Bird
- inferno artist
- Matt Boatright-Simon
- digital artist
- Jennifer Bourne
- digital artist
- Brigitte Bourque
- digital compositor: Rhythm & Hues
- Mark A. Brown
- chief technologist: Rhythm & Hues
- Bela Brozsek
- digital effects
- Nathan Brunskill
- inferno assistant: Rhythm & Hues
- Sally Bunasawa
- render and I/O coordinator: Rhythm & Hues
- Devin Bunje
- systems administrator: Stan Winston Studio
- Andre Bustanoby
- visual effects supervisor: Stan Winston Digital
- Pete Capelluto
- pipeline support
- Ozzie Carmona
- digital compositor
- Ean Carr
- digital artist
- Michael Carter
- digital effects artist
- Jesus Castillo
- systems operator: Rhythm & Hues
- Pascal Chappuis
- sequence lighting lead: Rhythm & Hues
- Mark Chavez
- modeler
- Zac Chowdhury
- digital artist
- Patrick Clancey
- digital opticals
- Lisa Clarity
- visual effects artist
- Jonathan Cohen
- software engineer
- Daniel Aristoteles Collins
- systems/operations: Rhythm & Hues
- Brandon Craig
- render supervisor
- Amanda Dague
- character animator: Rhythm & Hues
- Dominic Daigle
- digital artist: HATCH
- Richard Davenport
- visual effects
- Jim Davidson
- model maker
- Eric Dehaven
- digital compositor
- Michelle Deniaud
- lead texture painter
- Mark Dick Danger Devlin
- rotoscope artist
- Gus Duron
- visual effects editor: Rhythm & Hues
- Pauline Duvall
- compositor: Rhythm & Hues
- Anders Ericson
- visual effects
- Deak Ferrand
- opening sequence matte painter/designer: HATCH
- Joshua Fertik
- paint/roto artist: Rhythm & Hues
- Kelly Fischer
- compositor: Rhythm & Hues
- Derek Fisher
- previsualization designer: Proof Inc.
- Mitch Fishman
- render and I/O coordinator: Rhythm & Hues
- Duane Floch
- previsualization designer: Proof Inc.
- Chris Flynn
- digital compositor
- Martin Foster
- lighting technical director
- Adam Francis
- motion control technician
- Ron Frankel
- pre-visualization supervisor: Proof Inc.
- Mark Freund
- visual effects supervisor: Pacific Title
- Mike Frevert
- digital artist
- Derek Gebhart
- digital compositor: Soho vfx
- George Gervan
- digital compositor
- Mitch Goldstrom
- senior systems administrator: Stan Winston Digital
- Brien Goodrich
- lighter: Rhythm & Hues
- Jericho Green
- modeler
- Greg Groenekamp
- senior compositor: Rhythm & Hues
- Martin Hall
- compositor
- Owen Hammer
- digital compositor
- Brian Hanable
- digital compositor
- Jason Hanel
- digital compositor
- Bruce Harris
- digital compositor: Rhythm & Hues
- Chad J. Hellmuth
- digital production manager
- Veronica Hernandez
- digital painter
- Wei Ho
- lead modeler
- Wensen Ho
- visual effects artist
- Phil Holland
- scan-, record-, color coordinator
- Chris Holmes
- digital compositor
- Uel Hormann
- sequence supervisor
- Eric Horton
- lead technical director
- Caleb J. Howard
- digital effects supervisor
- Peter Huang
- software engineering: Rhythm & Hues
- John Hughes
- studio head: Rhythm & Hues
- Ian Hunter
- visual effects supervisor
- Sean Hyunin Lee
- digital compositor: Rhythm & Hues
- Gary Jackemuk
- visual effects supervisor and producer
- Sully Jacome-Wilkes
- texture artist
- Eileen Jensen
- art director: Rhythm and Hues
- Michael C. Jones
- modeler: Rhythm & Hues
- Alla Kalachnikova
- digital effects artist
- Kamalakkannan
- digital compositor
- Nori Kaneko
- matte painter
- Perry Kass
- compositor
- Patrick Keenan
- digital artist: Pacific Title Digital
- Michael Kennen
- compositor
- Scott Kilburn
- effects technical director: Rhythm & Hues
- Joan Kim
- digital compositor
- Deke Kincaid
- 2D/3D artist: CobaltFX
- Daryl Klein
- digital artist
- Karen Klein
- rotoscope artist
- Michael Kowalski
- producer: visual effects, Soho VFX
- Govind Kumar
- digital compositor
- Mukesh Kumar
- digital compositor
- Linda Kurgpold
- previsualization artist
- Harry Lam
- lead compositor
- Ryan Lastimosa
- visual effects artist
- Gary Laurie
- 2D/3D artist: CobaltFX
- Jennifer Law-Stump
- digital effects artist: Pacific Title Digital
- Jaemin Lee
- effects animator
- Philippe Leprince
- visual effects artist
- Brice Liesveld
- visual effects coordinator
- Rebecca Lilienfeld
- assistant visual effects editor: Rhythm & Hues
- P. Alex Lim
- digital effects artist (as Alex Lin)
- Kevin Lin
- digital cleanup artist
- Noll Linsangan
- 2D artist: CobaltFX
- Randy Little
- digital matte painter
- Sophia Lo
- digital paint and roto: Rhythm & Hues
- Chris Logan
- matchmove artist: Rhythm & Hues
- Franklin Londin
- digital effects artist
- Daniel Lu
- digital compositor: Soho vfx
- Alex MacDonald
- cablecam operator
- Dawn Brooks Macleod
- production coordinator: Rhythm & Hues (as Dawn Brooks)
- Vince Magistrado
- render and I/O coordinator: Rhythm & Hues
- Allan Magled
- visual effects supervisor: Soho VFX
- Lisa Maher
- digital producer: Rhythm & Hues
- Richard Malzahn
- visual effects supervisor
- Joe Mancewicz
- character rigging lead / research and development
- Ethan Marak
- character animator
- Craig Mathieson
- digital compositor
- Will McCrate
- digital artist
- Jeff McLean
- compositing supervisor
- Sean McPherson
- compositing supervisor
- Jon Meier
- matchmove technical director
- Daniel Mellitz
- set data manager
- Brian A. Metcalf
- visual effects artist
- Jonah Michaud
- render and I/O coordinator: Rhythm & Hues
- Douglas Miller
- digital compositor: Rhythm & Hues
- Aung Min
- digital effects artist
- Stuart Mintz
- effects artist
- Paul V. Molles
- visual effects coordinator
- Mike Mombourquette
- digital compositor: Soho vfx
- Rodney Montague
- visual effects producer
- Gaelle Morand
- digital artist
- Kevin Moseley
- visual effects artist
- Sei Nakashima
- character designer
- Jeremy Nelligan
- compositing supervisor
- Mark Norrie
- effects technical director: Rhythm & Hues
- Hideki Okano
- effects artist: Rhythm and Hues Studiosa
- Kevin Olson
- systems operations
- Viviana Palacios
- lighting technical director: Rhythm & Hues
- James Pastorius
- 2D artist: CobaltFX
- Chris Paxson
- motion control technician
- Michael Pecchia
- digital compositor: Rhythm & Hues/Stan Winston Digital
- Garrett Pendergraft
- render and I/O coordinator: Rhythm & Hues
- Scott Penningroth
- lighter: Rhythm and Hues
- Emil Petrov
- digital artist
- Patrick Phillips
- visual effects
- Chris Pickenpaugh
- animator
- Ryan Pollreisz
- visual effects coordinator
- Erin Ramos
- pipeline setup
- Rebecca Ramsey
- visual effects producer: Hatch
- Dean Rasmussen
- matchmove artist
- Satish Ratakonda
- digital compositor
- Keith Roberts
- animation supervisor
- Mike Roby
- digital effects artist
- César Romero
- digital compositor
- Randall J. Rosa
- animation supervisor: Stan Winston Digital
- Marc Rubone
- digital compositor
- Mike Sandrik
- cg supervisor
- David Sanger
- visual effects producer
- William Schaeffer
- paint/wire removal (as Bill Schaeffer)
- Jeffrey Schaper
- visual effects production assistant
- Evan Schiff
- visual effects editor: Stan Winston Digital
- Andrew Schwartz
- digital compositor: Rhythm & Hues
- Steven J. Scott
- digital intermediate colorist: EFilm
- Blake Senftner
- visual effects
- Ben Seymour
- visual effects coordinator
- Rasha Shalaby
- matte paintings
- Chad Shattuck
- animator: Rhythm & Hues
- Scott Shields
- visual effects coordinator
- Shervin Shoghian
- digital compositor: Soho vfx
- Craig Shumard
- motion control technician
- Cybele Sierra
- digital compositor
- Craig A. Simms
- digital compositor
- Fred Simon
- systems support: Rhythm & Hues
- Dan Smiczek
- effects technical director: Rhythm & Hues
- Douglas Smith
- production visual effects supervisor
- Suponwich Juck Somsaman
- digital lighter
- Brian Sorbo
- digital compositor
- Frederic Soumagnas
- senior technical director
- Danny Speck
- animator
- Richard Stay
- digital compositor
- Craig Talmy
- senior animation supervisor: Rhythm & Hues
- Yugandhar Tammareddy
- digital compositor
- Marla Tanigawa
- systems operator: Rhythm & Hues (as Marla Valentine)
- David Tanner
- lighting technical director: Rhythm & Hues
- Will Telford
- character rigging supervisor
- Kevin Tengan
- systems administrator: Rhythm & Hues
- Jateen Thakkar
- digital compositor
- Garv Thorp
- visual effects coordinator
- Alfred Urrutia
- digital effects artist
- Pragti Wadhwa
- prep/paint artist
- Erika Wangberg Burton
- visual effects producer (as Erika Wangberg)
- Darrin Wehser
- digital artist
- Brian R. Wells
- animator (as Brian Wells)
- Jeff Wells
- digital compositor: Rhythm & Hues
- Bob Wiatr
- digital compositor
- Michael Wile
- technical director: Soho vfx
- Kurt Williams
- overall visual effects producer
- Trey Wilson
- visual effects production assistant
- Jeff Wolverton
- digital artist: effects animator
- Gee Yeung
- digital effects artist (as Tsz 'Gee' Yeung)
- Jeannie Yip
- systems: Rhythm & Hues
- Serkan Zelzele
- lead digital compositor
- Stacy Burstin
- visual effects (uncredited)
- John R. Ellis
- digital cleanup artist (uncredited)
- Bob Froehlig
- manager of systems: Rhythm and Hues (uncredited)
- Paul Maurice
- lidar supervisor: Lidar Services (uncredited)
- Alexandra Menapace
- motion control operator (uncredited)
- Tony Noel
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Jim Towler
- model maker (uncredited)