- Jane Anderson
- rough animation inbetweener
- Peter Anderson
- rough animation inbetweener
- Tamara Anderson
- rough inbetween assistant supervisor
- Sunny Apinchapong
- background artist
- Tracy Arundel
- paint lab mix and match
- Barry Atkinson
- background artist
- Leslie Aust
- rough animation inbetweener
- Anne Marie Bardwell
- animator
- Adrienne Bell
- cel painter
- Mannix Bennett
- background artist
- Richard Bentham
- layout artist (as Rick Bentham)
- Russell Boland
- scene planner
- Paul Bolger
- rough animation inbetweener
- Charles Bonifacio
- additional character animator (as Charlie Bonifacio)
- Brian Boylan
- cel painter
- Mary Boylan
- xerography processor
- Mary Boyle
- apprentice final checker
- Ann Brennan
- cel painter
- John Brennan
- cel painter
- Darlie Brewster
- animator: credited on original issue
- Victoria Brewster
- animator
- Maureen Buggy
- cel painter
- Ben Burgess
- character key assistant
- Melanie Burke
- cel painter
- Elizabeth Byrne
- assistant layout artist
- Mark Byrne
- cel painter
- Robert Byrne
- key xerography processor
- Annette Byrne-Morel
- character clean-up artist (as Annette Byrne)
- Michael Carey
- character clean-up artist
- Louise Carroll
- cel painter
- Michael Carroll
- cel painter
- Daryl Carstensen
- xerox checking supervisor
- Yvonne Carthy
- cel painter
- Gerry Carty
- xerography processor (as Gerard Carty)
- Michael Casey
- paint checker
- Mick Cassidy
- character clean-up artist (as Michael Cassidy)
- Vincent Clarke
- cel painter
- Gerard Coleman
- paint checker
- Nicholas Connolly
- cel painter
- Mary Connors
- cel painter (as Mary Conners)
- Eileen Conway
- character clean-up artist
- Lorna Cook
- directing animator (as Lorna Pomeroy)
- Lisa Corcoran
- cel painter
- Jesse Cosio
- additional character animator
- Conor Coughlan
- cel painter
- Orla Coughlan
- cel painter
- David Cribbin
- rough animation inbetweener
- Nollaig Crombie
- character key assistant
- Stephen Cullen
- rough animation inbetweener
- Pearse Cullinane
- xerography processor
- Laurie Curran
- color stylist
- Anne Marie Daly
- cel service
- Donnachada Daly
- rough breakdown assistant
- Paul Daly
- character clean-up artist
- Thomas Daly
- assistant layout artist
- Gene Dauer
- key xerography processor
- Denis Deegan
- character clean-up artist
- Mary Delaney
- character clean-up artist
- Sean Dempsey
- apprentice scene planner
- Hope Devlin Kristiansen
- rough breakdown assistant (as Hope Devlin)
- Peter Donnelly
- character clean-up artist
- Madeleine Downes
- apprentice ink artist
- Brian Doyle
- cel painter
- Emmet Doyle
- xerography processor
- Fran Doyle
- rough animation inbetweener
- Patrick Duffy
- xerography processor
- Colm Duggan
- animator
- Ken Duncan
- animator
- Gloria Dunne
- cel painter
- Noirin Dunne
- paint lab mix and match
- Karen Dwyer
- apprentice ink artist
- John Eddings
- rough breakdown assistant
- Terri Eddings
- xerography supervisor
- Franka Elston
- cel painter
- Tom English
- cel painter
- Jeff Etter
- animator
- Wayne Farrar
- xerography processor
- Maria Farrell
- mark-up
- Richard Fawdry
- layout artist
- John Finnegan
- xerography checker
- Martine Finucane
- apprentice ink artist
- Mark Fisher
- animator
- Linda Fitzpatrick
- cel painter
- Sylvia Fitzpatrick
- character clean-up artist
- Alan Fleming
- character clean-up artist
- Jim Fleming
- cel painter
- Christine Fluskey
- paint lab mix and match
- Connor Flynn
- character clean-up artist
- Robert Fox
- rough animation inbetweener
- Donal Freeney
- color stylist
- Michel Gagné
- animator
- Claire Gallagher
- cel painter
- Raul Garcia
- animator
- Michael Garry
- character clean-up artist
- Philip Garry
- cel painter
- Fiona Gavin
- cel painter
- Mary Gavin
- apprentice ink artist
- Fiona Ginnell
- cel painter
- Patrick Gleeson
- animator
- David Goetz
- layout supervisor
- Gerard Gogan
- key xerography processor
- Kip Goldman
- apprentice scene planner
- Edward B. Goral
- character key assistant (as Edward Goral)
- Patricia Gordan
- cel painter
- Eddie Gribbin
- rough breakdown assistant (as Edward Gribbin)
- David Groome
- rough animation inbetweener
- Catherine Gurry
- cel painter
- Kent Hammerstrom
- animator
- Martin Hanley
- rough animation inbetweener
- Liam Hannan
- cel painter
- Brendan Harris
- xerography checker
- Karl Hayes
- cel painter
- Anne Hazard
- ink artist (as Ann Hazard)
- Anne Heeney
- character key assistant
- Tom Higgins
- rough breakdown assistant
- John Hill
- additional character animator
- Liam Hoban
- cel painter
- Silvia Hoefnagels
- additional character animator / character key assistant
- T. Daniel Hofstedt
- animator: "Sharptooth"
- Karin Holmquist
- ink artist (as Karin Stover)
- Jacqueline Hooks
- inking supervisor
- Jon L. Hooper
- animator (as Jon Hooper)
- Robin Lucille Hoynes
- final checker (as Robin Police)
- Gillian Hunt
- xerography checker
- RóisÃn Hunt
- rough animation inbetweener
- Stuart Johnstone
- xerography checker
- Lisa Joko
- animation checker
- Carl Jones
- background artist
- Cathy Jones
- rough assistant animation supervisor
- Skip Jones
- animator
- Gary Keleghan
- cel painter
- Paul J. Kelly
- character clean-up artist (as Paul Kelly)
- Paul M. Kelly
- character clean-up artist
- Sheila Kelly
- cel painter
- Michael Kiely
- character clean-up artist
- Celine Kiernan
- cel painter (as Celine Cahill)
- Noel P. Kiernan
- rough breakdown assistant
- Sarah-Jane King
- mark-up
- Pam Kleyman
- animation checker
- Dan Kuenster
- directing animator
- Siobhan Larkin
- cel painter
- Helen Lawlor
- character key assistant
- Nancy Levey-Bossert
- color mark-up supervisor
- Pearse Love
- cel painter
- Caroline Lynch
- xerography checker
- Maria Malone
- cel painter
- Joseph Manifold Jr.
- cel painter
- Giorgio Mardegan
- character clean-up artist
- Petula Masterson
- cel painter
- Marion Mathieu
- character key assistant
- Ann May
- cel painter
- Ciara McCabe
- cel painter
- David McCamley
- background artist
- Martina McCarron
- cel service
- Niamh McClean
- cel paint assistant supervisor
- Ann McCormick
- character clean-up artist
- Ashley McGovern
- character key assistant
- Colin McGrath
- cel painter
- Geraldine McGuinness
- cel painter
- Brenda McGuirk
- paint lab assistant supervisor
- Margaret McKenna
- character clean-up artist
- Michele McKenna
- animation checker
- Violet McKenna
- color stylist
- Ian McLoughlin
- cel painter
- Brian McSweeney
- character clean-up artist
- Yvonne McSweeney
- xerography processor
- Lucy Melia
- apprentice final checker
- Kate Meredith
- cel painter
- Linda Miller
- directing animator
- Majella Milne
- cel painter
- Anne Marie Mockler
- character clean-up artist
- David Molina
- animator
- Julie Molina
- character clean-up artist
- Andrew Molloy
- paint lab mix and match
- Don Moore
- background stylist
- Pauline Morahan
- cel painter
- Jean Morel
- animator
- Fernando Moro
- additional character animator
- Josephine Mulraney
- cel painter
- Mary B. Mulvihill
- cel painter
- Damian Murphy
- paint lab mix and match
- Moira Murphy
- cel painter
- Dympna Murray
- xerography processor
- John Murray
- cel painter
- Michael Murray
- assistant xerography supervisor
- Sinead Murray
- paint checker
- Paul Newberry
- animator
- David Nolan
- cel painter
- Sorcha NÃ ChuimÃn
- apprentice ink artist
- Collette O'Brien
- xerography processor
- Siobhan O'Brien
- xerography processor
- Jerr O'Carroll
- rough animation inbetweener
- Philip O'Connor
- cel painter
- Brid O'Donnell
- cel painter
- Helen O'Flynn
- paint checker
- Dympna O'Halloran
- character clean-up artist
- Aran O'Reilly
- scene planner
- Peadar O'Reilly
- xerography processor
- Suzanne O'Reilly
- color stylist
- Tara O'Reilly
- character clean-up artist
- Paul O'Rourke
- cel painter
- Carmen Oliver
- key color stylist
- Vera Pacheco
- character key supervisor (as Vera Lanpher)
- Ralf Palmer
- animator
- Wendy Perdue
- additional character animator
- Gary Perkovac
- animator
- John Phelan
- cel painter
- Julie Phelan
- cel painter
- Gerard Phillips
- cel painter (as Gerard J.D. Phillips)
- Nina Phipps
- cel service
- Terry Pike
- character clean-up artist
- John Pomeroy
- directing animator
- John Power
- animator
- John A. Power
- character clean-up artist
- Mark Pudleiner
- additional character animator / character key assistant
- Saskia Raevouri
- final checker
- Miriam Reid
- character clean-up artist
- Fred Reilly
- assistant layout artist
- Frank Richards
- xerography processor
- Eileen Ridgway
- cel painter
- Paul Roy
- xerography checker
- Carrie Rumgay
- cel painter
- Julie Ryan
- character clean-up artist (as Julia Ryan)
- Sandra Ryan-Moran
- rough breakdown assistant (as Sandra Ryan)
- Deborah Rykoff-Bennett
- paint lab supervisor (as Deborah Rykoff)
- Terry Shakespeare
- character key assistant
- Paul Shanahan
- character clean-up artist
- Harald Siepermann
- animator
- David Simmons
- additional character animator
- Colum Slevin
- cel painter
- Kenneth Valentine Slevin
- apprentice ink artist (as Kenneth Slevin)
- Karen Sommerville
- cel painter
- David J. Steinberg
- scene planner (as David Steinberg)
- Jan Stokes
- cel painter
- Rusty Stoll
- character key assistant
- Melanie Strickland
- paint lab mix and match
- Mark Swan
- layout artist
- Kerri Swanson
- ink artist
- Mark Swanson
- layout artist
- Olga Tarin-Craig
- cel painting supervisor
- Hugh Tattan
- character clean-up artist
- Greg Tiernan
- rough breakdown assistant
- Jeff Topping
- character key assistant
- Iseult Travers
- cel painter
- Wendo Van Essen
- character key assistant
- Susan Vanderhorst
- key color stylist
- Sally Voorheis
- character key assistant
- Mary Walsh
- animation checker
- Pauline Walsh
- xerography checker
- Carla Washburn
- animation checker
- Kieron White
- xerography processor
- Konrad Winterlich
- additional character animator
- Aoife Woodlock
- cel service
- Kevin Wurzer
- additional character animator
- Tom Yohe
- mark-up
- Dick Zondag
- directing animator
- Ralph Zondag
- directing animator
- David Concepcion
- additional character animator (uncredited)
- Dan Haskett
- animator (uncredited)
- Dan Kuenster
- character animator: "Littlefoot's Mother" (uncredited)
- Dorse A. Lanpher
- directing animator: special (uncredited)
- John Pomeroy
- character animator: "Cera", "Rooter", and "Spike" (uncredited)
- Angie Prindle
- animator (uncredited)