- Alberto Acelay
- posing artist: Inventaria S.L. (as Alberto Alzelai)
- Hyo Bin Ahn
- animator: Akom Productions (as Ahn Hyo Bhin)
- Gorka Aranburu
- posing artist: Inventaria S.L. (as Gorka Aramburu)
- Gorka Brouard
- posing artist: Inventaria S.L.
- Marina Cappas
- animation checker (as Rene Cappas)
- Derek Carter
- layout artist
- Eryung Cha
- animator: Akom Productions (as Cha Ea Ryung)
- Park Chan Wok
- final checker: Akom Productions
- Hangduk Cho
- director: Akom Productions (as Cho Hang Duk)
- Hyun-jung Cho
- final checker: Akom Productions (as Cho Hyun Jung)
- Young-hwan Cho
- animator: Akom Productions (as Cho Young Hwan)
- Gwi Don Choi
- director: Akom Productions (as Choi Gwi Don)
- Sun-ae Choi
- animation checker: Akom Productions (as Choi Sun Ae)
- Youngsik Chung
- background artist: Akom Productions (as Jung Yung Sig)
- Arnoldo Cirilli
- posing artist: Inventaria S.L. (as Arnold Cirilli)
- Robert Clark
- background layout artist: Funbag Animation Studios
- Robin Conover
- key animation assistant
- Won Dan Ae
- final checker: Akom Productions
- Zeon Davush
- animation timing director
- Alex de Orbe
- posing artist: Inventaria S.L. (as Alex Orbe)
- Kepa de Orbe
- posing artist: Inventaria S.L. (as Kepa Orbe)
- Claude Denis
- layout artist
- Ji Do Keun
- final checker: Akom Productions
- Jon Fernández
- posing artist: Inventaria S.L. (as John Fernandez)
- Sam Fleming
- animation posing director: Heart of Texas Productions
- Richard Forgues
- overseas animation supervisor
- Frank Gabriel
- animation posing artist: Heart of Texas Productions
- Manuel J. García
- posing supervisor: Inventaria S.L.
- Marisol GarcÃa
- posing artist: Inventaria S.L.
- Andrew Gentle
- layout artist (as Drew Gentle)
- Kim Gi Ran
- animation checker: Akom Productions
- Diego Gobbo
- posing artist: Inventaria S.L. (as Diego Cobbo)
- Juan Francisco González
- posing artist: Inventaria S.L. (as Juan Gonzalez)
- Drew Graybeal
- layout artist (as Drew Greybeal)
- Javier Gutiérrez
- posing artist: Inventaria S.L.
- Yu-young Ha
- animation checker: Akom Productions (as Ha Yu Young)
- Keun-sik Ham
- director: Akom Productions (as Ham Keun Sik)
- Hyung Hak Han
- background artist: Akom Productions (as Han Hyung Hak)
- Jung-lim Han
- assistant animation supervisor: Akom Productions (as Han Joung Im)
- Song Youl Han
- layout posing artist: Galaxy World (as S.Y. Han)
- Glenn M. Higa
- animation checker
- Jin Su Hong
- animator: Akom Productions (as Hong Jin Su)
- Soon Ahn Hong
- clean-up artist: Galaxy World
- Soon-gil Hong
- background artist: Akom Productions (as Hong Soon Gil)
- Jaeshik Hwang
- animator: Akom Productions (as Hwang Jae Sik)
- Hur Hyeok
- animator: Akom Productions
- Heui Su Jang
- animator: Akom Productions (as Jang Heui Su)
- Woong Cheon Jang
- character layout artist: Funbag Animation Studios (as Woong-Chen Jang)
- Hyung Suk Jin
- clean-up artist: Galaxy World
- Mi Jong Jo
- assistant animation supervisor: Akom Productions (as Jo Mi Jong)
- Hoon-chil Jou
- director: Akom Productions (as Joo Hoon Chill)
- Mi-kyung Jung
- final checker: Akom Productions (as Jung Mi Kyung)
- Soo-jung Jung
- assistant animation supervisor: Akom Productions (as Jung Soo Jung)
- Joon Kang
- clean-up artist: Galaxy World (as Joon Young Kang)
- Han Soo Kim
- animator: Akom Productions (as Kim Han Soo)
- Hee Kyung Kim
- animation checker: Akom Productions (as Kim Hee Kyung)
- K.B. Kim
- layout posing artist: Galaxy World
- Ki-Tae Kim
- animator: Akom Productions (as Kim Kee Tae)
- Kilwoong Kim
- animation production manager: Akom Productions (as Kim Kil Woong)
- Lee-tae Kim
- animator: Akom Productions (as Kim Lee Tae)
- S.Y. Kim
- layout posing artist: Galaxy World
- Soon-ye Kim
- animator: Akom Productions (as Kim Soon Ye)
- Sung-geun Kim
- animator: Akom Productions (as Kim Sung Geun)
- Won-Ki Kim
- animator: Akom Productions (as Kim Won Ki)
- Young Mee Kim
- assistant animation supervisor: Akom Productions (as Kim Young Mee)
- Young-in Kim
- animator: Akom Productions (as Kim Young In)
- Yu-hwee Kim
- animation checker: Akom Productions (as Kim Yu Hwee)
- Yung-keun Kim
- animator: Akom Productions (as Kim Young Keun)
- Tom King
- animation posing artist: Heart of Texas Productions
- Hyo Suk Koh
- animator: Akom Productions (as Ko Hyo Suk)
- Kyking Kwon
- cel model painter
- Pil-joong Kyung
- background artist: Akom Productions (as Kyung Pil Joong)
- An Na Lee
- animator: Akom Productions (as Lee An Na)
- Gi-dong Lee
- animator: Akom Productions (as Lee Ki Dong)
- Ho Young Lee
- clean-up artist: Galaxy World
- Ho-jik Lee
- animation checker: Akom Productions (as Lee Ho Jik)
- Jae Bok Lee
- animator: Akom Productions (as Lee Jae Bok)
- Jaeho Lee
- background artist: Akom Productions (as Lee Jo Ho)
- Jong Yong Lee
- background artist: Akom Productions (as Lee Jong Yong)
- Jung-hwan Lee
- animator: Akom Productions (as Lee Jung Hwoan)
- Kyung Nam Lee
- animator: Akom Productions (as Lee Kyoung Nam)
- Sang Jun Lee
- assistant animation supervisor: Akom Productions (as Lee Sang Jun)
- Soo Kyung Lee
- clean-up artist: Galaxy World
- Lee Ly Sung
- animator: Akom Productions
- Pedro Molina
- posing artist: Inventaria S.L.
- Carlos Moyano
- posing artist: Inventaria S.L.
- H.G. Park
- clean-up artist: Galaxy World
- Hak Gu Park
- animator: Akom Productions (as Park Hak Gu)
- Hyun Joo Park
- animation checker: Akom Productions (as Park Hyun Joo)
- Joo Hyung Park
- animation checker: Akom Productions (as Park Joo Hyung)
- Alan T. Pickett
- animation posing artist: Heart of Texas Productions (as Alan Pickett)
- Stephanie Pyren-Fortel
- layout artist
- Sergio Román
- posing artist: Inventaria S.L.
- Alex San Vicente
- posing artist: Inventaria S.L.
- Pyuen Sang Hyun
- animator: Akom Productions
- Kang Se Gywon
- animator: Akom Productions
- Sung-ho Shin
- animator: Akom Productions (as Shin Seong Ho)
- Youngchan Shin
- animator: Akom Productions (as Sin Yung Chaen)
- Hyunbo Simm
- director: Akom Productions (as Shim Hyun Bo)
- R. Don Smith
- animation posing director: Heart of Texas Productions
- Jan Suk Jin
- animation checker: Akom Productions
- Soon-kyung Sung
- assistant animation supervisor: Akom Productions (as Seung Soon Kyong)
- Eduardo Urrutia
- posing artist: Inventaria S.L.
- Javier Vaquero
- posing artist: Inventaria S.L.
- Carlos Varela
- posing artist: Inventaria S.L.
- Simon Valdimir Varela
- layout artist
- Pablo Velasco
- posing artist: Inventaria S.L.
- Piru P. Velasco
- posing artist: Inventaria S.L. (as Piru)
- Michelle Vitale
- animation production manager: Heart of Texas Productions
- Kevyn Wallace
- layout artist
- Jung Bok Wi
- animator: Akom Productions (as Wi Jung Bok)
- Keith Wilson
- animation posing artist: Heart of Texas Productions
- Mi Na Won
- animator: Akom Productions (as Won Mi Na)
- Sung-Gu Won
- animator: Akom Productions (as Won Sung Gu)
- Duksoo Yang
- director: Akom Productions (as Yang Duk Soo)
- Hee Man Yang
- animator: Akom Productions (as Yang Hee Man)
- Ho Seung Yang
- animator: Akom Productions (as Yang Ho Seung)
- Youn-sok Yang
- animator: Akom Productions (as Yang Youn Sok)
- Won Yo Shin
- animator: Akom Productions
- Eunah Yoon
- animation checker: Akom Productions (as Yeun Eun Ah)
- Ji Ho Yu
- animation checker: Akom Productions (as Ryu Ji Ho)
- Pedro Ãlvarez
- posing artist: Inventaria S.L.