Cast & Crew

Directed by

Charles Grosvenor

Writing Credits

John Loy
(screenplay by)
Judy Freudberg
(based on characters created by)
Tony Geiss
(based on characters created by)


John Ingle
Narrator / Cera's Dad (voice)
Brandon La Croix
Aria Noelle Curzon
Rob Paulsen
Anndi McAfee
Jeff Bennett
Petrie / Mr. Clubtail (voice) (as Jeff Glen Bennett)
Kenneth Mars
Miriam Flynn
Tress MacNeille
Ducky's Mother / Petrie's Mother (voice)
Cannon Young
Christina Pickles
Thomas Dekker

Produced by

Charles Grosvenor
Rocky Solotoff
associate producer

Music by

Michael Tavera

Editing by

Jay Bixsen

Casting By

Andrea Romano

Art Direction by

Flamarion Ferreira
(as Flammarion Ferreira)

Production Management

Barbara Beck
executive in charge of post-production
Cindy Bero
production manager

Art Department

Flamarion Ferreira
storyboard artist (as Flammarion Ferreira)
Carol Holman Grosvenor
storyboard artist (as Carol Grosvenor)
Frank Lintzen
storyboard artist
Linda Miller
storyboard artist
Flavia Mitman
supervising color stylist
Louis Scarborough Jr.
storyboard artist (as Lou Scarborough)
Patricia Wong
storyboard artist (as Pat Wong)

Sound Department

Kris Daly
foley recordist
Melissa Ellis
dialogue editor (as Melissa Gentry-Ellis) / re-recording mixer (as Melissa Gentry-Ellis)
Phyllis Ginter
foley artist
Ray Leonard
re-recording mixer
Jeffrey C. Patch
track reader (as Jeff Patch)
Paca Thomas
supervising sound effects editor

Special Effects by

Kim Jung
special effects: Akom Productions
Duk Hye Shin
special effects: Akom Productions (as Shin Duk Hye)

Visual Effects by

Matthew Hausle
CGI supervisor: Sony Pictures Imageworks (as Matt Hausle)
Hyo Jung Kim
special effects: Akom Productions (as Kim Hyo Jung)
Randi Munn
digital artist: Sony Pictures Imageworks

Camera and Electrical Department

Sang-jin Choi
camera operator: Akom Productions (as Choi Sang Jin)
Jaebok Chung
camera operator: Akom Productions (as Jung Jae Bok)
Jung Jin Young
camera operator: Akom Productions
Cho Jun Ho
camera operator: Akom Productions
Jang Jun Ho
camera operator: Akom Productions
Il-kyo Lee
camera operator: Akom Productions (as Lee Il Kyo)
Sang-Hwa Lee
camera operator: Akom Productions (as Lee Sang Hoa)
Jung Sun Ho
camera operator: Akom Productions

Animation Department

Alberto Acelay
posing artist: Inventaria S.L. (as Alberto Alzelai)
Hyo Bin Ahn
animator: Akom Productions (as Ahn Hyo Bhin)
Gorka Aranburu
posing artist: Inventaria S.L. (as Gorka Aramburu)
Gorka Brouard
posing artist: Inventaria S.L.
Marina Cappas
animation checker (as Rene Cappas)
Derek Carter
layout artist
Eryung Cha
animator: Akom Productions (as Cha Ea Ryung)
Park Chan Wok
final checker: Akom Productions
Hangduk Cho
director: Akom Productions (as Cho Hang Duk)
Hyun-jung Cho
final checker: Akom Productions (as Cho Hyun Jung)
Young-hwan Cho
animator: Akom Productions (as Cho Young Hwan)
Gwi Don Choi
director: Akom Productions (as Choi Gwi Don)
Sun-ae Choi
animation checker: Akom Productions (as Choi Sun Ae)
Youngsik Chung
background artist: Akom Productions (as Jung Yung Sig)
Arnoldo Cirilli
posing artist: Inventaria S.L. (as Arnold Cirilli)
Robert Clark
background layout artist: Funbag Animation Studios
Robin Conover
key animation assistant
Won Dan Ae
final checker: Akom Productions
Zeon Davush
animation timing director
Alex de Orbe
posing artist: Inventaria S.L. (as Alex Orbe)
Kepa de Orbe
posing artist: Inventaria S.L. (as Kepa Orbe)
Claude Denis
layout artist
Ji Do Keun
final checker: Akom Productions
Jon Fernández
posing artist: Inventaria S.L. (as John Fernandez)
Sam Fleming
animation posing director: Heart of Texas Productions
Richard Forgues
overseas animation supervisor
Frank Gabriel
animation posing artist: Heart of Texas Productions
Manuel J. García
posing supervisor: Inventaria S.L.
Marisol García
posing artist: Inventaria S.L.
Andrew Gentle
layout artist (as Drew Gentle)
Kim Gi Ran
animation checker: Akom Productions
Diego Gobbo
posing artist: Inventaria S.L. (as Diego Cobbo)
Juan Francisco González
posing artist: Inventaria S.L. (as Juan Gonzalez)
Drew Graybeal
layout artist (as Drew Greybeal)
Javier Gutiérrez
posing artist: Inventaria S.L.
Yu-young Ha
animation checker: Akom Productions (as Ha Yu Young)
Keun-sik Ham
director: Akom Productions (as Ham Keun Sik)
Hyung Hak Han
background artist: Akom Productions (as Han Hyung Hak)
Jung-lim Han
assistant animation supervisor: Akom Productions (as Han Joung Im)
Song Youl Han
layout posing artist: Galaxy World (as S.Y. Han)
Glenn M. Higa
animation checker
Jin Su Hong
animator: Akom Productions (as Hong Jin Su)
Soon Ahn Hong
clean-up artist: Galaxy World
Soon-gil Hong
background artist: Akom Productions (as Hong Soon Gil)
Jaeshik Hwang
animator: Akom Productions (as Hwang Jae Sik)
Hur Hyeok
animator: Akom Productions
Heui Su Jang
animator: Akom Productions (as Jang Heui Su)
Woong Cheon Jang
character layout artist: Funbag Animation Studios (as Woong-Chen Jang)
Hyung Suk Jin
clean-up artist: Galaxy World
Mi Jong Jo
assistant animation supervisor: Akom Productions (as Jo Mi Jong)
Hoon-chil Jou
director: Akom Productions (as Joo Hoon Chill)
Mi-kyung Jung
final checker: Akom Productions (as Jung Mi Kyung)
Soo-jung Jung
assistant animation supervisor: Akom Productions (as Jung Soo Jung)
Joon Kang
clean-up artist: Galaxy World (as Joon Young Kang)
Han Soo Kim
animator: Akom Productions (as Kim Han Soo)
Hee Kyung Kim
animation checker: Akom Productions (as Kim Hee Kyung)
K.B. Kim
layout posing artist: Galaxy World
Ki-Tae Kim
animator: Akom Productions (as Kim Kee Tae)
Kilwoong Kim
animation production manager: Akom Productions (as Kim Kil Woong)
Lee-tae Kim
animator: Akom Productions (as Kim Lee Tae)
S.Y. Kim
layout posing artist: Galaxy World
Soon-ye Kim
animator: Akom Productions (as Kim Soon Ye)
Sung-geun Kim
animator: Akom Productions (as Kim Sung Geun)
Won-Ki Kim
animator: Akom Productions (as Kim Won Ki)
Young Mee Kim
assistant animation supervisor: Akom Productions (as Kim Young Mee)
Young-in Kim
animator: Akom Productions (as Kim Young In)
Yu-hwee Kim
animation checker: Akom Productions (as Kim Yu Hwee)
Yung-keun Kim
animator: Akom Productions (as Kim Young Keun)
Tom King
animation posing artist: Heart of Texas Productions
Hyo Suk Koh
animator: Akom Productions (as Ko Hyo Suk)
Kyking Kwon
cel model painter
Pil-joong Kyung
background artist: Akom Productions (as Kyung Pil Joong)
An Na Lee
animator: Akom Productions (as Lee An Na)
Gi-dong Lee
animator: Akom Productions (as Lee Ki Dong)
Ho Young Lee
clean-up artist: Galaxy World
Ho-jik Lee
animation checker: Akom Productions (as Lee Ho Jik)
Jae Bok Lee
animator: Akom Productions (as Lee Jae Bok)
Jaeho Lee
background artist: Akom Productions (as Lee Jo Ho)
Jong Yong Lee
background artist: Akom Productions (as Lee Jong Yong)
Jung-hwan Lee
animator: Akom Productions (as Lee Jung Hwoan)
Kyung Nam Lee
animator: Akom Productions (as Lee Kyoung Nam)
Sang Jun Lee
assistant animation supervisor: Akom Productions (as Lee Sang Jun)
Soo Kyung Lee
clean-up artist: Galaxy World
Lee Ly Sung
animator: Akom Productions
Pedro Molina
posing artist: Inventaria S.L.
Carlos Moyano
posing artist: Inventaria S.L.
H.G. Park
clean-up artist: Galaxy World
Hak Gu Park
animator: Akom Productions (as Park Hak Gu)
Hyun Joo Park
animation checker: Akom Productions (as Park Hyun Joo)
Joo Hyung Park
animation checker: Akom Productions (as Park Joo Hyung)
Alan T. Pickett
animation posing artist: Heart of Texas Productions (as Alan Pickett)
Stephanie Pyren-Fortel
layout artist
Sergio Román
posing artist: Inventaria S.L.
Alex San Vicente
posing artist: Inventaria S.L.
Pyuen Sang Hyun
animator: Akom Productions
Kang Se Gywon
animator: Akom Productions
Sung-ho Shin
animator: Akom Productions (as Shin Seong Ho)
Youngchan Shin
animator: Akom Productions (as Sin Yung Chaen)
Hyunbo Simm
director: Akom Productions (as Shim Hyun Bo)
R. Don Smith
animation posing director: Heart of Texas Productions
Jan Suk Jin
animation checker: Akom Productions
Soon-kyung Sung
assistant animation supervisor: Akom Productions (as Seung Soon Kyong)
Eduardo Urrutia
posing artist: Inventaria S.L.
Javier Vaquero
posing artist: Inventaria S.L.
Carlos Varela
posing artist: Inventaria S.L.
Simon Valdimir Varela
layout artist
Pablo Velasco
posing artist: Inventaria S.L.
Piru P. Velasco
posing artist: Inventaria S.L. (as Piru)
Michelle Vitale
animation production manager: Heart of Texas Productions
Kevyn Wallace
layout artist
Jung Bok Wi
animator: Akom Productions (as Wi Jung Bok)
Keith Wilson
animation posing artist: Heart of Texas Productions
Mi Na Won
animator: Akom Productions (as Won Mi Na)
Sung-Gu Won
animator: Akom Productions (as Won Sung Gu)
Duksoo Yang
director: Akom Productions (as Yang Duk Soo)
Hee Man Yang
animator: Akom Productions (as Yang Hee Man)
Ho Seung Yang
animator: Akom Productions (as Yang Ho Seung)
Youn-sok Yang
animator: Akom Productions (as Yang Youn Sok)
Won Yo Shin
animator: Akom Productions
Eunah Yoon
animation checker: Akom Productions (as Yeun Eun Ah)
Ji Ho Yu
animation checker: Akom Productions (as Ryu Ji Ho)
Pedro Álvarez
posing artist: Inventaria S.L.

Editorial Department

Gary Barron
telecine colorist
Andrew Haug
editor: leica reel (as Andy Haug)
Mike Trueba
assistant editor (as Michael J. Trueba)

Music Department

Michele Brourman
song writer
Scott Cochran
scoring mixer
James Horner
original score composed by
Amanda McBroom
song writer
Terry Reiff
music editor (uncredited)

Additional Crew

Helen Bricker
studio teacher
Sheldon Craig
production assistant
Terence Cummings
production assistant
Vicki Fenton
studio operations manager
Kelly McGovern
assistant to producer
Gene Pritchard
production assistant
Andrea Romano
voice director
Danik Thomas
production assistant
All Filters