- Kate Adams
- visual effects artist
- Steve Agland
- supervising output technical director
- William Algar-Chuklin
- assembly td
- Sebastian Ampuero
- support engineer: animal logic
- Elana Andersen
- support engineer: animal logic
- Johanny Anderson
- modelling artist
- Ross Anderson
- digital artist: lighting
- Jean-Marc Ariu
- visual effects artist: senior modeller
- Demián Astur
- digital artist
- Elias Atto
- digital artist
- Sindharmawan Bachtiar
- software research & development
- Aloys Baillet
- lead software developer: performance
- Garry Baker
- purchasing & asset management officer: animal logic
- Sotiris Bakosis
- visual effects artist
- Mauro Baldissera
- senior surfacing artist
- Tadeo Baljevic
- r & d software engineer
- Michael Balzer
- senior rendering engineer: Animal Logic
- Daniel Barry
- pipeline developer: Animal Logic
- Sucheta Bhatawadekar
- lighting and compositing artist
- Ben Bigiel
- modeler
- Dudley Birch
- matte paint lead
- James Bishop
- support engineer: animal logic
- Emmanuel Blasset
- additional cg supervisor
- Ilona Blyth
- production supervisor
- Turea Blyth
- production coordinator
- Michael Bongiorno
- digital artist: lighting
- Marcus Boos
- digital artist
- Tim Box
- surfacing artist
- Christophe Brejon
- senior lighting artist
- Mattia Bruno
- digital artist:digital compositor
- Michelle Buckley
- software development manager
- Romain Buignet
- senior fx td: ANIMAL LOGIC
- George Burrows
- r&d
- Mike Cacciamani
- lighting artist: Animal Logic (as Michael Cacciamani)
- Claudia Candia
- senior surfacing artist
- Heather Cardew
- visual effects
- Kris Carson
- compositor
- Stephen Casey
- Senior lighting artist
- Yi-Hsuan Kent Chiu
- senior surfacing artist: Animal Logic
- Christian Lik Shan Chu
- modeler
- Luke Cole
- software engineer: Animal Logic
- Drew Collins
- L&D Manager: Animal Logic
- Nathan Corkish
- render wrangler: animal logic
- Jonathan Cox
- effects td
- Nicholas Cross
- digital artist: lighting
- Jayandera Danappal
- fx artist: Animal Logic
- Kaushalya Dattwani
- visual effects artist
- Christopher Day
- render wrangler: animal logic
- Mark Andrew De La Garza
- senior lighting technical director
- Branden DeLangis
- visual effects: trailer
- Sara Diaz
- digital artist
- Jane Drewett
- support engineer: animal logic (as Jane Monroe)
- Jeff Driver
- modeling lead
- James Dunlop
- senior rigger
- Trent Dyer
- render wrangler: animal logic
- Matt Ebb
- effects artist
- Luke Emrose
- senior rendering programmer
- Angela Ensele
- senior modeller
- Reza Farsad
- lighting artist: Animal Logic (as Mohammad Reza Rasoulzadeh Farsad)
- Vincent Fiere
- matte painter
- Damir Filipovic
- lighting and compositing artist
- Brenda Finster
- di coordinator
- Paul Fleer
- rigging artist
- Rubens Fredrick
- digital effects artist
- Alex Fry
- compositing supervisor
- Raphaël Gadot
- visual effects artist
- Paolo Giordana
- lighting artist
- Christian Gloor
- senior lighting td: Animal Logic
- Shane Goddard
- support engineer: animal logic
- Derik Gokstorp
- fx technical director
- Brenton Goodwin
- modelling artist
- Raghunandan Gopala Krishna
- digital artist: lighting and compositing (as G.K. Raghunandan)
- Aubrie Goslin
- production coordinator: animation department (as Aubrie Elle Goslin)
- Hazel Gow
- digital artist: lighting
- Damien Gray
- cg supervisor
- Miles Green
- visual effects
- Melanie Guerreiro
- fx digital artist: Animal Logic
- Rodrigo Ribeiro Guimarães
- senior lighter (as Rodrigo Ribeiro Guimaraes)
- Michael Halford
- digital matte painter
- Matthew Hanger
- fx digital artist: Animal Logic
- Joan Hanley
- production coordinator
- Stan R. Haptas
- final layout artist
- Claire Harrison
- effects artist: Animal Logic
- Alex Hartwin
- lighting artist: Animal Logic (as Alexander Hartwin)
- Wei He
- senior rigging artist
- Daniel Heckenberg
- r&d lead developer
- Paul Heffernan
- visual effects
- Samson Heffernan
- support engineer: animal logic
- Herbert Heinsche
- senior lighting artist
- Andrew Hepp
- digital artist: lighting
- Rebecca Hore
- render wrangler: animal logic
- Shuo-Ping Hsu
- support engineer: animal logic
- Steven Hubbard
- senior modeller
- Hai-Yen Huynh
- digital artist: lighting
- Jakub Jeziorski
- pipeline developer: Animal Logic
- Gregory John Jowle
- additional cg supervisor
- Yu-Chuan Anji Kao
- lighting artist: Animal Logic
- Timothy Kenyon
- lighting artist
- Jaideep Khadilkar
- fx technical director
- Kendrick Khoo
- surfacing artist: Animal Logic
- Kyungmin Kim
- fx digital artist: Animal Logic
- Serge Kovalenko
- lighting artist
- Zygimantas Kucas
- visual effects artist
- Pearl Luen Chee Lai
- digital artist: lighting
- Alan S.L. Lam
- matte painting compositor
- Damien Lam
- cg modeler: Animal Logic
- William Lawton
- render wrangler: animal logic
- Steven Lees-Smith
- support engineering supervisor: animal logic
- Josh Lewis
- support engineer: animal logic
- Nerys Lincoln
- surfacing lead
- Stefan Litterini
- digital artist: lighting
- Yaqi Liu
- digital artist
- Keir Longden
- digital artist: lighting
- Daniel Lopez
- support engineer: animal logic
- Caydenn Louw
- data operations: Animal Logic / main unit data wrangler
- Chris Lowe
- digital artist
- Jamie Macdougall
- senior surfacing artist
- Patrick Madden
- support engineer: animal logic
- Samuel Maniscalco
- senior lighting artist
- Etienne Marc
- lead lighter
- Sam Marchant
- render wrangler: animal logic
- Justen Marshall
- software development manager
- Kacy McDonald
- associate producer: Animal Logic
- Malinda McGuire
- production coordinator
- Rakesh More
- senior lighting artist: Animal Logic
- Travis Mosley
- editorial and stereo td
- Fabian Muller
- stereoscopic supervisor (as Fabian Mueller)
- Eoin Murphy
- lead r&d software developer
- Halim Negadi
- Asset technical director
- Martin Newcombe
- senior surfacing artist
- Kevin Ng
- senior systems engineer: Animal Logic
- Timea Ng
- surfacing artist
- Johan Nordenson
- lead surfacing technical director
- Joshua Nunn
- lead lighting artist
- Prashant Singh Panwar
- texture artist
- Nick Pitt-Owen
- lighting artist
- Camil Planella
- senior lighting technical director
- Zac Plester
- render wrangler: animal logic
- Daniel Powter
- data lead
- Carl Prud'homme
- surfacing artist
- Eugene Purugganan
- senior systems engineer: Animal Logic
- Michael Quandt
- software developer: Animal Logic
- Ilaria Ragusa
- surfacing artist
- Jonathan Ravagnani
- digital artist
- Sullivan Richard
- matte painter: Animal Logic
- Roberto Rodricks
- digital effects artist
- Shayne Rodway
- support engineer: animal logic
- Matt Roe
- compositor: Animal Logic
- Zoe Saker-Norrish
- visual effects coordinator
- Francesco Sansoni
- senior lighting artist
- Jacob Santamaria
- Digital Artist: Animal Logic
- Sabrina Scalfari
- visual effects supervisor
- Gaëlle Seguillon
- digital matte painter: Animal Logic (as Gaëlle Séguillon)
- Alyssia Sharpe
- production accountant: Animal Logic
- Poya Shohani
- visual effects
- Bradley Sick
- modelling supervisor
- Richard Simko
- digital artist: lighting technical director
- Domenick Simpson
- Senior Digital Artist: Lighting/Compositing - Animal Logic
- Bryan Smith
- lead software developer
- William Southers
- software developer: Animal Logic
- Brent St. Mary
- production coordinator: animation
- Ari Stamatopoulos
- render wrangler lead: animal logic
- Grant Street
- senior systems engineer: Animal Logic
- Ryley Swan
- fx digital artist: animal logic - visual effects
- César Sáez
- senior rigging artist
- Himanshu Talreja
- lighter: Lighting
- Aditya Talwar
- digital artist: lighting
- Anthony Tan
- compositing technical director
- Andrew Taylor
- asset technical director: Animal Logic (as Andrew R. E. Taylor)
- Melissa Tierney
- production supervisor
- Sam Tull
- digital artist: lighting
- Narendra Kumar Vadapalli
- lighting technical director
- Rick van de Schootbrugge
- compositor
- Radu Vintila
- lead systems engineer: Animal Logic
- Ben Walker
- digital matte painter
- Brett Walter
- visual effects artist
- Jeremy Webber
- senior systems engineer: Animal Logic
- Craig Welsh
- visual effects
- Khai Tuck Wong
- senior lighting artist
- Junying Xu
- senior look development artist
- Dylan Yeo
- layout lead
- Enrico Zerbo
- surfacing artist
- John A. Busenberg
- executive producer: Devastudios, opening logos - uncredited (uncredited)
- Chiaki Matsubayashi
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Joseph Towe
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Jazmyn Whitman
- visual effects (uncredited)