- De Abhijit
- senior modeling and sculpting artist: MPC
- Navale Abhishek
- asset td: 3D
- Alberto Abril
- additional lab animator
- Anshad Abu
- lighting artist
- Ajith MV
- modeling td: MPC
- Charlotte Akehurst
- fx artist
- Tennille Alcindor
- visual effects coordinator
- Holly Aldersley
- stereo supervisor
- Michele Alessi
- environments lead : MPC
- Nicola Alexander
- lighting artist: MPC
- Mark Allen
- virtual production technician
- Amy Altvater
- vfx production coordinator: Disney / virtual production coordinator: MPC
- Ricardo Alves
- modeling td: MPC
- Amine Amahadar
- environment artist
- Reza Amidi
- visual effects editor: MPC
- Akash Amol
- software developer: MPC
- Marta Ampudia
- visual effects artist
- Joni Andreou
- visual effects coordinator
- Harini Annavarapu
- software developer
- Pasquale Antonelli
- visual effects sr. coordinator (as Pat Antonelli)
- Juncal Valle Aparici
- senior vfx coordinator
- Galder Apraiz
- senior lighting developer: MPC
- Jannik Archer
- visuel effects assistant
- Javier Argente
- visual effects artist
- Lorenzo Argentieri
- visual effects: MPC
- Jose Armengol
- visual effects photographer: Kenya
- David Armitage
- lead digital artist
- Gabriel Arnold
- lead groom artist: MPC
- Xabier Arrieta
- digital compositor
- Balabaskarachandran Arun
- digital compositor
- Jrv Arun
- for: MPC
- Sivakumar Arunachalam
- senior compositor
- Rajeshsai Athmuri
- visual effects artist
- Krishna c Athul
- production operations associate
- Jonathan Attenborough
- lighting lead: MPC
- James Austin
- cg supervisor
- Thashwini B M
- Asset Library
- Sunil B.
- asset td
- Shruthi B.S.
- texturing and lookdev
- Ed Babb
- lead digital matte painter / matte painter: MPC
- Manuel Martin Baena
- modelling: MPC
- Rajneesh Bahukhandi
- digital compositor: MPC films
- Lucy Bailey
- software developer
- Bhavika Bajpai
- groom technical director: MPC
- Tallaulah Baker
- visual effects coordinator
- Manjusha Balachandran-Hall
- lighting key artist
- Girish Balakrishnan
- virtual production supervisor: MPC
- Naveena Baleguli
- software developer: MPC
- Josh Ball
- virtual art dept set td artist: MPC
- Sachin Bangera
- character fx technical director
- Subhashis Banik
- lead digital artist: MPC
- Ravi Bansal
- art director: MPC
- Radhika Barot
- production assistant
- Cristina Bartolome Pernas
- environment artist: MPC
- Christopher Barton
- virtual art dept rendering td: MPC
- Thomas Battistetti
- environment td
- Cédric Battude
- senior compositor: MPC
- Julien Baëza
- visual effects artist
- Charine Bederar
- visual effects assistant
- Leah Beevers
- cg supervisor
- Marc-Antoine Beineix
- environment td: MPC
- Alannah Belanger
- visual effects manager
- Ganesh Belgur
- software developer: MPC Film (as Ganesh B.R.)
- William Bell
- senior modeller: MPC
- Jamie Bellamy
- digital compositor: MPC
- Asaf Ben Zur
- rigging td: MPC
- Chris Bending
- hod crowd simulation: MPC
- George Benson
- visual effects coordinator
- Siobhan Bentley
- head of production: MPC
- Joseph Besagni
- animator: MPC
- Mugdha Bhat
- software developer: MPC
- Bhuvaneswaran
- digital compositor
- Kelly Biggins
- visual effects coordinator
- Hanna Binswanger
- rigging td: MPC
- Swadhin Biswal
- senior compositor: MPC
- Anupam Biswas
- visual effects artist: MPC
- Nunzio Bitetti
- visual effects artist
- Olivier Blanchet
- digital compositor: MPC
- Ramon Blanquer
- visual effects
- Jules Bodenstein
- lead environment artist: MPC
- Caroline Boisvert
- visual effects coordinator: MPC
- Julien Bolbach
- lighting supervisor: MPC
- Luca Bonatti
- lead environment artist: MPC
- Harsh Borah
- lead modeler: MPC
- Massa Almarza Borja
- creature effects artist
- Shannon Boshell
- visual effects coordinator
- Kirean Boughan
- visual effects coordinator: MPC
- Noami Bourgeois
- lead vfx editor: MPC London
- Freddie Bowden
- visual effects coordinator
- Arun Kumar Boyidapu
- visual effects artist: lighting, MPC
- Devin Breese
- vfx photographer
- Justin Brekke
- technology resource analyst: MPC
- Zaira Brilhante
- visual effects production manager: MPC
- Sarah Brims
- visual effects production coordinator: MPC
- Andre Brizard
- vfx lead compositor: MPC
- Jeremy Wayne Brooks
- visual effects production coordinator: MPC (as Jeremy Wayne)
- Ben Brown
- vfx photographer: MPC
- Dave Brown
- production accountant: MPC
- Katie Brown
- visual effects coordinator: MPC
- Andrew Browne
- groom technical director
- Leonardo Bruni
- technical director
- Rory Bryans
- visual effects photographer: MPC
- Izet Buco
- vfx lead compositor: MPC
- Maybrit Bulla
- effects technical director: MPC
- Charles Bunnag
- senior finishing artist
- Simon Burke
- lighting lead: MPC
- Julian Burt
- head of technical animation
- Guerrina Camilla
- animation 3d
- Lauren Camilleri
- visual effects editor
- Jordi Camps
- crowd td: MPC
- Josh Cann
- groom artist
- Marco Capellazzi
- 3d artist: visual effects
- Kenny Carmody
- modelling td: MPC
- Valentina Carnevale
- visual effects coordinator
- Ean Carr
- 2d supervisor
- Antonio Carranza Pérez
- key lighting artist: MPC
- Nicolás Casanova
- senior stereo artist / temporary stereo supervisor
- Dani Cashmore
- digital matte painter
- Michael Cauchi
- visual effects artist
- Max Centra
- lighting td: MPC
- Jano Cervellera
- lighting artist / lighting artist: MPC
- Tom Chalmers
- fxtd
- Solene Chan-lam
- lead texture artist
- Barish Chandran
- r&d lead: MPC
- Rob Chapman
- crowd
- Arnov Chaudhury
- lighting artist: MPC
- Yogesh Chautel
- vfx production coordinator: MPC Film
- Adam Cheshire
- lighting lead: MPC
- Gi Ae Choi
- environment td: MPC London
- Abhishek Choudhary
- digital compositor (credit only)
- Pier Paolo Ciarravano
- lead software engineer: MPC
- Yamato Cibulka
- assistant vfx coordinator / visual effects animation coordinator
- Emmanuel Cirasa
- system administrator: MPC
- Adriano Cirulli
- digital compositor: MPC
- Matthew Clubb
- visual effects artist
- Jessica Ruiz Coca
- layout td/stereo artist
- Tom Coe
- environment td: MPC
- Carla Conradie
- VFX Coordinator: MPC
- James Cooper
- visual effects photographer: MPC
- Josh Cooper
- visual effects artist
- André Correia
- fx technical director
- Will Correia
- animator: The Moving Picture Company
- Dominic Coyle
- crowd technical director: MPC
- Romolo Cozzi
- lighting artist: MPC
- Maoris Creantor
- visual effects
- Alberto Crocicchio
- environment artist
- Janis Cudars
- visual effects artist
- Mauricio Cuencas
- visual effects show coordinator: MPC
- Prakash D'Cunha
- cg supervisor
- Athul D.A.
- software developer
- Sylvain Dalliet
- lighting td: MPC
- Lou Datchens
- visual effects production assistant: MPC
- Dale Davies
- visual effects coordinator
- Dijo Davis
- vfx trainer
- Chloe Dawe
- senior groom artist: MPC
- Edward Dawson-Taylor
- virtual art department lead
- Francisca Vieira de Almeida
- visual effects producer / visual effects production assistant
- Andrea De Martis
- modeler/facial: MPC
- Antonios Defteraios
- technical animator: MPC
- Chema del Fresno
- fx td
- Stanley A. Dellimore
- global head of layout: MPC
- Gianluca Dentici
- senior compositor: key artist - MPC
- Estelle Desnoulez
- creature fx artist
- Poorvika Devang
- digital artist
- Sudarshan Dhakal
- Shomnath Dhar
- compositor
- Parshuram Dhulgande
- digital compositor
- Ivano di Natale
- digital compositor
- Craig Dibble
- lead render systems engineer: MPC
- Matt Dicken
- environment artist: MPC
- Vinny Dijo
- pipeline developer
- Balakrishna DilliBabu
- texturing and lookdev artist / texturing and lookdev artist: MPC
- Dan Dindarov
- lighting td: MPC
- Dineshkumar.S
- digital compositor
- Divya M
- Texturing Artist
- Philip Dix
- technology team
- Barbara Dobosova
- creature effects artist
- Nacho Doctor
- effects technical director: MPC
- Vincent Domaigné
- previs/layout artist: MPC
- Lauren Dowsett
- visual effects coordinator: MPC
- Stéphanie Dubé
- lead texture artist: MPC
- Shabbeer Dudakula
- compositor: visual effects
- Anthony Durand
- lead technical animator
- Hugo Durand-Mermet
- digital compositor: MPC
- Simon Dye
- lead compositor
- Kate Edge
- fx embedded discipline developer
- Amin Eftekhar
- visual effects producer
- Harry Ellard
- senior effects technical director
- Antoine Engels
- visual effects artist: modeller td: MPC
- Stephen Enticott
- animation supervisor
- Rao Eshwar
- compositor: MPC India
- Alfonso Espeso
- visual effects artist
- Gennaro Esposito
- environment and props modelling
- Pedram Etebarzadeh
- lead crowd technical director
- Aby John Ettonnil
- lighting artist: MPC
- Abigail Everard
- visual effects production manager: MPC
- Jeremy Ezekiel
- digital compositor: MPC
- Fabian Nowak
- lead fx: MPC
- Reza Farsad
- key lighting technical director: MPC
- Andy Feery
- effects artist
- Andreas Feix
- digital compositor: MPC
- Vanessa Fernandez Calle
- layout td: MPC
- Audrey Ferrara
- sets supervisor: MPC
- Francesco Ferraresi
- environment artist
- Julien Ferritto
- layout artist: MPC
- Marie Fichet
- lighting artist: MPC
- Will Fife
- lead creature effects technical director
- Charlie Filmberg
- key technical animator: MPC
- Adam Fischer
- previs dept td: MPC
- Jasmine Flood
- production support
- Juan Flores
- technical project manager
- Daniel Fotheringham
- character animator
- Julien Fradin
- lighting td: MPC
- Nithin Francis
- digital compositor
- Gianluca Fratellini
- 3d senior animator
- Neville Freitas
- key lighting technical director: MPC
- Julia Friedl
- facial modelling lead: MPC
- Norihito Fukuda
- visual effects artist: animator
- Emily Hoi Ying Fung
- technical animator: MPC
- Jason Gagnon
- lead digital artist
- Amol Ajit Gaikwad
- visual effects artist
- Robin Gaikwad
- digital compositor
- Pawan Gami
- lead software engineer: MPC
- Abdel Halim Garess
- effects technical director
- Marta Gargano
- digital compositor
- Basant Gautam
- digital compositor
- Vinay Gedan
- senior software analyst: MPC
- Zoe Geddes
- technical animator: MPC
- Marco Genovesi
- head of digital environments: MPC
- Christoph Genzwürker
- software developer
- Boyan Georgiev
- lighting td: MPC
- Marco Geracitano
- senior compositor: MPC
- Ahmed Ghazy
- senior groom td: MPC
- Pawan Ghodke
- digital compositor
- Avirup Ghosh
- senior compositor: MPC
- Dipanjan Ghosh
- 3d artist: MPC
- A.J. Gillespie
- lab artist: MPC
- Pedro Giménez
- fx td
- Francesco Giordana
- virtual production architect: MPC
- Cristian Giuseppone
- visual effects artist
- David Glover
- vfx editor
- Ana Gomes
- compositor: MPC
- Rebecca Gooch
- groom td
- Chelsea Goodchild
- digital compositor
- Reanne Goodlitt-Jones
- visual effects coordinator
- Alugula Gopi
- visual effects
- Darryl Gouder
- software developer: MPC
- Erika Gourvitz
- visual effects marketing coordinator
- Pradeep Gownipuram
- senior compositor: MPC
- Ankur Goyal
- technology resource manager: MPC
- Christina Graham
- vfx executive producer
- Carla Marques Grau
- layout artist: MPC
- Lee Greatorex
- visual effects artist
- Simon Green
- creature sculptor for marketing & 3d prints
- Philip Greenlow
- visual effects executive producer: MPC
- Dave Griffiths
- 2d supervisor: MPC
- Ben Grossmann
- virtual production supervisor
- James Grummitt
- visual effects production manager
- Akshay Gs
- software analyst
- Martin Guay
- technology
- Maxime Guerry
- lighting td: MPC
- Damien Guimoneau
- senior modeller
- Utkarsh Gupta
- stereo compositor
- Suraj Gurung
- visual effects artist
- Dani Gutierrez Aznar
- visual effects coordinator: MPC (as Daniel Gutierrez Aznar)
- Dalia Gutiérrez Aranda
- layout td: MPC
- Brieuc Guénolé
- animator: MPC
- Borja Gómez
- lookdev artist
- Rasmus Haapaoja
- software developer: MPC
- Aram Hakze
- texture artist: MPC
- Kirstin Hall
- 2d supervisor: MPC
- Nick Hall
- head of systems
- Suresh Hari
- lead compositor
- Jun-Lin Harries
- rigging td: MPC
- Alex Hau
- lighting artist: MPC
- Edward Healy
- visual effects production assistant (as Ed Healy)
- Lionel Heath
- lead compositor: MPC London
- Jason Hebert
- senior stereo compositor
- Karsten Hecker
- head of technology
- Timothé Hek
- groom artist: MPC
- Sandro Henriques
- digital compositor
- Nicole Herr
- senior previs character animator: MPC
- Trevor Hewitt
- visual effects artist
- Ruben Hinarejos
- visual effects artist
- Samantha Hiscock
- visual effects artist
- Guillaume Hoarau
- fx td: MPC
- Stefan Hoare
- character artist (as Stefan Louis Hoare)
- Rodolphe Hoareau
- technical animator
- Sam Holloway
- technology team
- James Hood
- lead rigging technical director
- Jeremy Hood
- fur groomer
- Rob Hopper
- head of fx: MPC London
- Aleksandar Horak
- visual effects artist
- Yu Chen Hu
- render td: MPC
- Danny Huerta
- digital producer: MPC
- Colin Hui
- lead developer: MPC
- Thomas Huizer
- groom artist: MPC
- Umar Adam Aziz Hussain
- visual effects production manager: MPC
- Ahmed Hussein
- previsualization artist: MPC
- David Huszka
- systems engineer: MPC
- Reywel Hyland
- lighting artist: MPC
- Hamid Ibrahim
- rigging td: MPC
- Belinda Isaacs
- visual effects coordinator: Moving Picture Company
- Martinez Molero Isabel
- creature fx artist
- Yasamin Ismaili
- visual effects associate producer
- Sandrine Jaber
- lighting artist
- Ayush Jain
- digital compositor: MPC
- Bhargava Jaisimha
- texture and lookedev artist: MPC
- Persie Jalgaonwala
- visual effects artist: lighting artist
- Callum James
- virtual production software developer
- Patrick Jamieson
- vfx production assistant: MPC
- Pauline Javelot
- lighting artist: MPC
- Ng Cheuk-Yung Jayde
- key effect technical director: MPC
- Olivier Jezequel
- lead compositor
- Ãlvaro Jiménez
- layout td
- Andrew R. Jones
- animation supervisor
- Ben Jones
- character supervisor
- Owen Jones
- lead lighting artist
- Soulla Josephides
- visual effects production coordinator: MPC
- Aleksandar Jovanovic
- environment td
- Santosh Kumar K.
- texture & lookdev
- Vipin Rajesh Kabadi
- visual effects artist
- Dhaval Kakadiya
- digital compositor: MPC
- Rainy Kala
- software developer
- Spiros Kalomiris
- senior look dev artist
- Anirudh Kamble
- software developer: MPC
- Lukas Kampichler
- digital compositor: MPC
- Rafal Kaniewski
- compositor
- Arunan Kannan
- software analyst: MPC
- Sanat Kapoor
- visual effects coordinator
- Abhyuday Karn
- digital compositor: MPC
- Dharma Teja Reddy Kasa
- virtual production software developer: MPC
- Adithya Kashyap
- matchmove artist
- Shivprasad Kawade
- digital compositor: visual effects
- Christopher Key
- additional visual effects editor: MPC
- Asif Khan
- key compositor: MPC
- Hasan Khan
- digital compositor
- Santosh S. Khedkar
- visual effects artist
- Rohit Prakash Khonde
- Software Developer: MPC
- Navjin Khosravi
- creature fx artist: MPC
- Vishakha Khubani
- lookdev artist: The Moving Picture Company / texture artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Abhishek Janardan Kini
- digital compositor
- Arun Kiro
- digital artist
- Matt Knight
- visual effects coordinator
- Rikki Knight-Trembath
- r&d senior developer
- Chakravarthy Kocherla
- visual effects: texture & lookdev, MPC
- Jadeesh Kodiyil
- digital artist
- Isabel Kokuti
- technical animator: MPC
- Yasmin Kosegbe
- visual effects production assistant: MPC
- Sylvia Kratzsch
- lookdev td: MPC
- Laura Krause
- virtual art dept artist: MPC
- Uma Krishnamurthy
- head of production
- Kumara Krishnappa
- software engineer (credit only)
- Jan Krocak
- digital artist
- Jannik Chowdhary Kuczynski
- vfx production assistant: MPC
- Monika Chowdhary Kuczynski
- visual effects coordinator: MPC (as Monika Chowdhary)
- Dhananjay Kumar
- rigging artist: MPC
- Kranthi Kumar
- visual effects coordinator
- Nirmal Kumar
- software analyst: MPC
- Rahul Suresh Kumar
- environment technical director: MPCfilm
- Christian Kuntz
- lighting artist
- Littu Kurien
- software developer: MPC
- Sudhir Kurupudi
- digital compositor
- Snehn Kuruvilla
- visual effects
- Sageesh Kv
- lighting artist: MPC
- Cyril Lamine
- visual effects artist
- Erin Langford
- visual effects production manager: MPC
- Marion Laurin
- senior layout td: MPC
- Joy Lea
- virtual art dept set td artist: MPC
- Steven Leaute
- layout artist td / visual effects layout artist td (as Leaute Steven)
- Benoit Lecailtel
- lighting technical director: Moving Picture Company
- LeemaAnthony
- visual effects coordinator
- Katie Legato
- visual effects assistant coordinator
- Michael Legato
- visual effects coordinator
- Robert Legato
- production visual effects supervisor
- Tati Leite
- render/lighting td: MPC
- Matt Lemmon
- technical assistant: MPC
- Jessica Lennox
- lighting artist
- Yann Leroux
- senior compositor
- Louisa Hoi-Tung Leung
- visual effects coordinator / visual effects production manager
- Toby Lewin
- visual effects
- Maude Lewis
- virtual production producer: MPC
- Hugo Leygnac
- groom td: MPC
- Mandy Li
- crowds artist: MPC
- Mandy Li
- technical animator: MPC
- Shu-Chen Lin
- key lighting artist: MPC
- Aimee Lister
- production support
- Pen Livings
- virtual art dept set td: MPC
- Mark C. Livolsi
- animation coordinator
- Salvatore Lo Cascio
- digital compositor
- Nunzia Lombardo
- visual effects production assistant: MPC
- Joao Lourenco
- senior visual effects artist
- Mattias Lullini
- environment look dev td
- Ade Macalinao
- virtual production assistant: MPC
- Torben MacRae
- cfx artist
- Sreejith Madapattil
- senior compositor
- Celia Moreno Madrigal
- production technology manager (as Celia Moreno)
- Shelley Maduram
- software developer
- Antony Magdalinidis
- groom artists
- Francesco Antonio Maggi
- digital compositor: MPC
- Chittaranjan Mahto
- matchmove artist
- Suryakant Mahunta
- lead compositor
- Uddipta Maitra
- digital compositor: MPC
- Abdul Majeed
- 3d environment artist
- Suraj Makhija
- lighting artist: MPC
- Jo Manawa
- visual effects production manager: MPC
- Florian Manceau
- layout artist: MPC
- Apoorva Manikumar
- visual effects coordinator
- Samuel Maniscalco
- lead lighting artist
- Ficorence Manogarane
- senior software analyst: MPC
- Loris Mantello
- visual effects technical director
- Anuj Marathe
- digital artist
- Ben Marks
- visual effects staff coordinator: Walt Disney Studios
- Paul Martinez
- virtual art dept set td/layout artist: MPC
- Francesco Marzoli
- matte painter
- Giovanni Mascherpa
- lookdev td
- Alexandra Mason
- character coordinator: MPC
- Alessandro Mastronardi
- digital artist
- Rehin Mathew
- modeler
- Ajesh Mathew Mathias
- compositor: visual effects
- Helen McAvoy-James
- visual effects production manager: MPC
- Chris McKenna
- head of technical animation: MPC
- Ramakrishna Medi
- asset artist: MPC (as Ramakrisha Medi)
- Marc Menneglier
- lead artist
- Michele Mennonna
- creature td
- Fabio Messina
- groom td: MPC
- Károly Mesterházy
- visual effects artist
- Jeff Miller
- vfx subject reference camera operator
- Jon Miller
- lead layout
- Videep Mishraa
- software developer
- Mikil Mistry
- senior texture & lookdev artist: MPC
- Nidhin Mohan
- Senior Compositor
- Vivek Mohan
- digital compositor
- Rebecca Monaghan
- technical animator: MPC
- Conrad Moody
- lighting artist: MPC
- Geraldine Morales
- visual effects contracts coordinator: Walt Disney Studios
- Shannon Moran
- vfx editor: MPC
- Victor Morejon
- digital compositor
- Dani Morrow
- visual effects artist
- Giuseppe Motta
- look dev artist: MPC
- Ian Murphy
- lead compositing trainer
- Nick Murphy
- head of technology: MPC LA
- Gastón Mauricio Muñoz
- 3d artist
- Mark Myburgh
- visual effects onset scanning supervisor
- Tamás Mészáros
- system engineer: MPC
- Müller-Lundberg
- lead lighting technical director: MPC (as Thomas Müller)
- Sára Nagy
- production support: MPC
- Vivek Nair
- visual effects artist
- Pratik Mukherjee Nanai
- asset td: MPC
- Siddharth Natarajan
- visual effects production manager: MPC
- Marijus Neverdauskis
- senior compositor: MPC
- Will Newis
- vfx digital producer
- Elliot Newman
- visual effects supervisor: MPC
- Giang T. Nguyen
- senior visual effects artist: MPC
- Nibinraj
- digital compositor: MPC
- Sergio Nieto Albero
- fx td: MPC
- Chinta Nikhil
- texture and lookdev artist: MPC
- Nileshsingh
- digital compositor: MPC
- Veronique Noiriel
- visual effects coordinator
- Kevin P. Nolte
- systems: video engineer & tech support: MPC
- Matthew Norris
- visual effects artist
- Diarmaid O'Connor
- senior mocap technician: MPC
- Michael Ochoa
- finishing assist
- Alok Ogale
- visual effects artist
- Daniel Morante Ortiz
- lighting artist: MPC
- Yan Ostretsov
- senior lighting/lookdev artist: MPC
- Santy Otero
- stereoscopic 3d artist/layout td: MPC
- Matthew Ovens
- head of lighting and compositing: MPC London
- Jojan P M
- software developer
- Victor Pacheco Castro
- layout technical director: MPC
- Sharon Packer
- hod crowd simulation: MPC
- Sarah Padoan
- animator: MPC
- Melina Sydney Padua
- visual effects artist
- Iranna Palled
- digital artist
- Scott Palleiko
- lead lighting td: MPC
- Vijith Panicker
- compositor
- Rajan Panigrahi
- visual effects artist: lighting, MPC
- Aram Paparian
- visual effects coordinator
- Carlos Parmentier
- effects technical director: MPC
- Marcos Parmentier
- fx artist: MPC
- Michael Parsons
- technology team
- Lucia Pascali
- lighting artist
- Amy Paskow
- 3d artist
- Trushna Patel
- vfx editor: MPC
- GoverdhanReddy Pati
- senior compositor
- Viraj Patil
- visual effects artist
- Subhasis Pattanayak
- compositor
- Prameet Paul
- asset artist: MPC
- Anna-Marie Payne
- layout artist: MPC
- Rebecca Pearce
- visual effects production assistant: MPC
- Tom C. Peitzman
- production visual effects producer
- Gina Pentassuglia
- crowd technical director: MPC
- Marko Perendija
- look dev compositor: MPC
- Leire Perez
- character fx artist
- Jason Pethtel
- dmp/texture artist-virtual art department: MPC
- Simone Petracca
- rigging td: MPC
- Airam Peña
- fx td
- James Picket
- technology team
- Stephen Pietrusiak
- environment artist
- Anuradha Pinisetty
- software developer: MPC
- Ioana Alexandra Pirvu
- visual effects coordinator
- Wojciech Piwowarczyk
- visual effects artist
- Fred Place
- senior compositor
- Dominik Platen
- compositor: MPC
- Francesco Polito
- digital compositor: MPC
- Kia Pouliot
- production coordinator
- Tim Pounds-Cornish
- visual effects production manager
- Rodrigo Pout
- layout td
- Lucas Pozzey
- key lighting artist: MPC
- Kukal Prasanth
- 3d lighting artist
- Prashantha K.
- senior asset td: MPC
- Vijay Prathap
- lead compositor: MPC
- Filippo Preti
- lookdev technical director
- John F. Prieto
- lead lighting technical director: MPC
- Tim Pruce
- senior compositor: MPC
- Jana Psenkova
- visual effects coordinator
- Pranav Pujara
- technical director: MPC
- Dnyandeep Pundkar
- lead compositor
- Ana Pérez Requejo
- visual effects
- Primault Quentin
- stereo compositor
- Guillermo Quesada Páez
- senior virtual production engineer
- Beatriz Quintairos Suarez
- vfx production manager: MPC
- Chenthil Kumar R
- digital compositor: visual effects
- Fernando Rabelo
- virtual production td
- Srivatsav Raghavan
- digital artist: MPC
- Raushan Raj
- visual effects artist: digital compositor
- Vipin Raj
- modeler/creature
- Shanmuga Raja
- lead software developer: MPC
- Chenthil Rajagopal
- digital compositor: MPC
- Rajkumar Rallabandi
- compositor
- Ludovic Ramisandraina
- senior effects technical director: MPC
- Stefanie Ramsdale
- visual effects production manager
- Palle Ranjith Kumar
- visual effects: rigging artist
- Akshath Rao
- visual effects artist
- Shreeharsha Rao
- central production manager
- Rajesh Rasappa
- Senior Compositor: MPC Film
- Abdul Rasheed
- digital compositor
- Lasse Rasmussen
- visual effects artist
- Amardeep Rattan
- visual effects artist
- Manoj Kumar Rauta
- texture and lookdev artist: MPC
- Manoj Kumar Rauta
- texture and lookdev artist: MPC
- Aatur Ravani
- key lighting artist: MPC
- Omkaranathan Ravindran
- lead software engineer: MPC (as Omkaranathan Ravindran)
- Shanith Ravindranath
- software developer: MPC
- Harshavardhan Reddy
- software developer: MPC
- Vivek Reddy
- virtual production engineer: visual effects
- Patrick Redmond
- senior look development artist
- Tom Reed
- head of rigging
- David Reinhold
- crowd technical director
- Loic Resplandy
- vfx technical director / vfx technical director: MPC
- Josep Antoni Ribas Rossello
- digital compositor
- Francesco Ricciardelli
- environment artist: MPC
- Scott Richards
- software developer: MPC
- Federico Righi
- fx technical director: MPC
- Markus Ristich
- virtual stage support
- Singh Ritesh
- texturing artist
- RiyaYevle
- environment artist: MPC
- Clarence 'Boola' Robello
- senior previs character animator: MPC (as Clarence Robello)
- Matt Rock
- production support
- Lyndon Rodrigues
- head of technology
- Rogelio Rodriguez
- virtual art department lead
- Antonio RodrÃguez DÃaz
- digital compositor: MPC
- Marco Rolandi
- lead visual effects artist
- Marco Romeo
- lead software engineer: MPC
- Amber Ronaldson
- visual effects runner
- Andrew Rose
- virtual production stage td: MPC
- Leema Rose
- visual effects coordinator
- Zack Rosenblatt
- visual effects editor: MPC LA
- Ajay Roshan F
- vfx production assistant: MPC (as Ajay Roshan)
- Valentina Rosselli
- texturing technical director
- Christoph Roth
- visual effects producer: MPC
- Jonak Roy
- software development and support: MPC
- Matthew Rubin
- visual effects producer
- Kevin Russell
- environment td
- Bryan Ryan
- character coordinator: MPC
- Jasdip Sagar
- compositor
- Krishan Lal Saha
- software developer: MPC
- Preetam Saha
- digital compositor
- Axel Saint-Andre
- visual effects
- Midhun Sajeevalal
- lighting artist: MPC
- Paul Saju
- software analyst: MPC Film
- Alicia Saleh
- layout td
- Sam Salek
- senior compositor: Moving Picture Company, london
- Sangeeth.Nk
- digital artist
- Rakesh Sar
- lighting artist
- Kranti Sarma
- head of studio: MPC
- Sripada Rm Sarma
- visual effects artist: lighting, MPC
- Arun SasidharanPillai
- senior software developer (as Arun S.) / software developer: MPC (as Arun S.)
- Craig Saxby
- visual effects coordinator
- Samuel Saxon
- visual effects
- David Schneider
- lead effects technical director: MPC
- Jorrit Schulte
- compositor: MPC
- Daniel Matthias Schönegger
- rigging td: MPC
- Steven J. Scott
- supervising finishing artist
- Francisco Sculli
- visual effects editor
- Alvaro Segura
- visual effects artist: lead
- Joshua Senouf
- software engineer: MPC
- Patricia Serrano San Julián
- environment artist: MPC
- Nimisha Sethi
- texture and lookdev
- Jordan Sewell
- lighting artist
- Shivani Shah
- visual effects
- Aditya Sharma
- visual effects artist
- Alok Sharma
- 3d artist: MPC
- Harish Sharma
- software developer: MPC
- R. Shashikumar
- sculptor/modeler
- Megha Shastry
- software developer: MPC
- Jessica Shearsby
- visual effects editor (as Jessica Piercy)
- Shashank Shekhar
- texture and lookdev artist: MPC
- Swain Shiv
- digital artist
- Maheshwar Shukla
- digital compositor: MPC
- Shyamchand
- digital compositor
- Roxanne Sibilski
- visual effects coordinator
- Marcos Silva
- environment look dev td (as Marcos Ramone)
- Pietro Silvestri
- vfx production coordinator: MPC
- Andrew Simmonds
- visual effects: 2d supervisor
- Alessio Simondi
- environment td: MPC
- Gaurav Singh
- software developer: MPC
- Mrityunjay Singh
- senior compositor: MPC
- Rajat Singh
- texture artist
- Rajat Singh
- texture artist
- Tomos Sion
- digital compositor: MPC
- Jayavel Lakshmanan Sivakumar
- software developer: MPC (as Jayavel Lakshmanan)
- Sivaraj Sivakumaravel
- technical assistant: MPC
- Igor Skliar
- senior shader writer
- Stephan Skorepa
- senior texture artist: MPC
- Sally Slade
- virtual production engineer
- Irena Smitakova
- digital matte painter: MPC
- Katherine Smith
- visual effects assets producer: MPC
- Shane Smith
- imaging engineer
- Kimberly Smittant
- virtual production manager: MPC (as Kimberly Wasson)
- Abhijith K. Soman
- digital compositor: MPC
- Ashish Raju Somkuwar
- digital compositor
- Swapnil Sonawane
- compositor
- Mandy Sorenson
- finishing artist
- Andrea Souki
- visual effects production assistant (as Andrea Scrivante)
- Doug Spilatro
- visual effects artist
- Kathleen Squire
- data capture technical director: MPC
- Barry St. John
- visual effects producer
- Federico Stefanini
- key artist lighting: MPC
- Chris Stenner
- head of animation: MPC
- Andre Sterling
- technology team
- Michael Strathearn
- environment td: MPC
- Kostas Strevlos
- visual effects artist
- Alex Strickland
- technical animator: MPC
- Eline Strijdonk
- fx td: MPC
- Jan Strootmann
- fx artist: MPC
- Priyank Sukhadia
- texturing artist: MPC
- He Sun
- lead environment technical director
- Jane Sun
- visual effects artist
- Nitesh Sutrave
- senior compositor: MPC
- Josh Sykes
- visual effects coordinator: MPC
- Dalliet Sylvain
- crowd td: MPC
- Daniele Tagliaferri
- key artist: lighting td
- Vinod Talwar
- senior compositor
- Navjot Singh Tandon
- production support
- David Taritero
- visual effects executive
- Inga Teder
- visual effects artist
- Shubham Thakare
- production operations associate
- Amar Thapa
- modeler
- Deepak Thapliyal
- software developer
- Lakshitha Thimmaiah
- software developer: MPC
- Alwin Thomas
- software developer
- Stevenson Thomas
- compositor
- Tyson Thomas
- digital compositor
- Jennifer Thompson
- visual effects producer
- Jithendran Thottupurath
- department manager: MPC
- Rohan Tirkey
- compositor: MPC India
- Sunil Kumar Tiwari
- digital compositor
- P.J. Tobyansen
- visual effects production manager
- Bea Toledo
- layout td: MPC
- Mathilde Tollec
- visual effects artist
- Gaurav Tomar
- department manager: compositing
- Laura Tomassetti
- fx td
- Eloise Tomlinson
- stereo artist
- Craig Tonks
- visual effects artist
- Oscar Tornincasa
- digital compositor
- Dennis Toufexis
- visual effects artist
- Melody Tovell
- digital artist (as Melody Mahoney)
- Sanju Travis
- visual effects artist
- Matthew Traynar
- technical animation/creature fx developer: MPC
- Jamie Tremelling
- key lighting artist: MPC
- Sarah Trudelle
- r&d project manager: MPC Film
- Jorge Trueba
- environment td
- Howard Truong
- virtual production coordinator: MPC
- Joseph Tsang
- compositor: MPC
- Cosku Turhan
- virtual production
- Ashlee Turner
- visual effects production manager (as Ashlee Sutherland)
- Charity Turner
- lighting td
- Audrius Urbonavicius
- environment artist/matte painter: MPC
- Chris Uyede
- head of modeling: MPC
- Adam Valdez
- visual effects supervisor
- Jonny Vale
- production support
- Jozef van Eenbergen
- lead developer
- Isha van Moort
- visual effects production manager
- Lino Varghese
- set and prop modeler: MPC
- Priya Rachel Varghese
- software developer
- Srijith Vasudevan
- software developer: MPC
- Gergely Velki
- digital compositor: MPC
- Sai Prudhvi Vempati
- digital compositor
- Sreejith Venugopalan
- compositing supervisor: MPC
- Monica Verdu
- digital compositor
- Ezequiel Villanueva
- digital compositor: MPC
- Christopher Vincent
- software developer: MPC
- Andrea Vincenti
- senior environment td: MPC London
- Maria Vineeta
- software developer: MPC
- Harish Vishwakarma
- asset artist: MPC
- Sriram Viswanathan
- software department manager
- Vivekanandan
- visual effects artist
- Chandu Vojjala
- digital compositor
- Heiko von Fintel
- photogrammetry 3d scan artist
- Ilia Vorobev
- visual effects artist
- Ognjen Vukovic
- environment lookdev td
- Victor Wagner
- key artist: technical director
- Briony Warren
- visual effects production manager: MPC
- Akshay Wayal
- 3d artist
- Luke Webster
- lighting td: MPC
- Andreas Wegelius
- production technology
- Stuart Whelbourn
- visual effects artist: MPC
- Marcus Whinney
- previs/postvis artists
- Hayden White
- visual effects production manager
- Caroline Whitehill
- vfx production manager
- Stu Whitten
- virtual production technical director: MPC
- Thomas Williams
- head of studio
- Anna Joel Wilson
- production manager: MPC
- Chris Wilson
- 3d lookdev lead: MPC
- Keta Wilson
- visual effects coordinator
- Oliver Winwood
- cg supervisor: MPC
- Kai Wolter
- head of production technology: MPC
- Timmy Wong
- visual effects artist
- Mark Woodcock
- lighting td: MPC
- Mike Woodhead
- senior data capture td: MPC
- Elaine Wu
- animator: MPC
- Mhairi Wyles-Lang
- vfx production coordinator: MPC
- Jagdish Yadav
- modeler
- Guillem Zamora
- technology team (as Guillem Zamora Bachs)
- Igor Zanic
- visual effects artist: MPC
- Shannyn Zorab
- visual effects coordinator
- Gabriele Zucchelli
- animation supervisor
- Joyce Cox
- visual effects consultant (uncredited)
- Arindam Dhar
- compositing technical director (uncredited)
- Giovanni Dossena
- digital environments key artist: MPC (uncredited) / environment key artist (uncredited)
- Audrey Ferrara
- virtual art department supervisor: MPC (uncredited)
- Alonso Benavente Fortes
- production operations engineer: MPC (uncredited)
- Daniela Maiorana
- artist groom td: MPC (uncredited) / groom artist: MPC (uncredited)
- Chiaki Matsubayashi
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Robert McHugh
- vfx editor: MPC (uncredited)
- Smijith Sathian
- production operation associate: MPC FILMS (uncredited)
- Ben Sellers
- systems administrator: MPC (uncredited)
- Lakhan Sharma
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Anthony Sieben
- modelling td: MPC (uncredited)
- Joseph Towe
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Money Vang
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Dulce Velazquez
- artist (uncredited)