- Resham Aaron
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Keith Acheson
- visual effects artist / visual effects artist: Framestore
- Karthik Adepu
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Madhav Adhikari
- modelling artist: Framestore
- Sagar Adokar
- lead paint and roto artist: Framestore (as Sagar Vikas Adokar)
- Shane Adu
- technical support: Framestore
- Ayush Agarwal
- visual effects line producer: Framestore
- Alexis Agrotis
- production & technical support: ILM
- Marisa Ahn
- paint and roto lead: Framestore
- Mohamed Aitouyahia
- visual effects coordinator / visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Gabriel Albert
- lighting artist: Framestore
- Kaevski Aleksandar
- tracking artist: Framestore (as Aleksandar Kaevski) / tracking artist: Framestore
- Darren Alexander
- technical support: Framestore
- Sirajul Ali
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Arthur Allender
- digital matte painter: Framestore
- Simon Aluze
- modelling artist: Framestore
- Wei Kian Ang
- digital artist: ILM
- Patrycjusz Antczak
- render support & data ops: Framestore
- Christopher M. Anthony
- senior previs technical director (as Christopher Anthony) / senior techvis artist (as Christopher Anthony)
- Vasilis Antipas
- fx td: One Of Us
- Pasquale Antonelli
- Netflix VFX
- Fernando Arbelaez
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Matthieu Arnauld
- digital matte painter: Framestore
- Adam Arnot
- compositing artist: Framestore (as Adam Arnot Drummond)
- Quentin Arrius
- lighting artist: Framestore
- Aitor Arroyo
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Mira Arte
- creature fx artist: Framestore
- Valentin Astier
- digital matte painter: Framestore
- Viola Asztalos
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Ajay Kumar Attinti
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Sofia Auer
- visual effects production assistant: One Of Us
- Aymeric Aute
- digital artist: ILM
- Kunal Ayer
- lighting artist: Framestore
- Sreeharsh Baburajan
- render support & data ops: Framestore
- Seung-Yeop Baek
- digital artist: ILM (as Seung Yeop Baek)
- Jason Bai
- render support & data ops: Framestore
- Alexandre Bain
- digital artist: ILM
- Jason Baker
- lighting lead: Framestore
- Ned Baker
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Mark Bakowski
- visual effects supervisor: ILM
- Shivaji Ramrao Balave
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Luke Ballard
- digital artist: ILM
- Tom Balogh
- visual effects editor: NVIZ
- Giedre Balseviciute
- visual effects line producer: Framestore
- Michael Balthazar
- modelling lead: Framestore
- Matthew Barnett
- render support & data ops: Framestore (as Matt Barnett)
- Lorna Barnshaw
- visual effects artist: Clear Angle Studios
- Bryan Bartlett
- digital artist: ILM
- Tom Baskaya
- digital artist: ILM
- Manuj Basnotra
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Maxime Bastonnais
- visual effects creature lead: Framestore
- Daniel Batt
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Cédric Battude
- compositor: One Of Us (as Cedric Battude)
- Ben Batty
- production and technical support: ILM
- Ian Baxter
- digital artist: ILM
- Boyan Baynov
- digital artist: ILM
- Matt Beale
- digital artist: ILM
- Martin Belleau
- lighting lead: Framestore
- Jean Bennamias
- visual effects artist: Framestore
- Charlie Bennett
- digital matte painter: One Of Us
- Tejashree Bhosale
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Moti Biran
- lead compositor: NVIZ
- Kyran Bishop
- roto/prep artist: One of Us
- Nunzio Bitetti
- digital artist: ILM
- Michael Blain
- r&d: Framestore
- Antoine Blanchin
- groom artist: Framestore
- Stefan Blanke
- technical support: Framestore
- Bryan Bode
- modelling artist: Framestore
- Joel Bodin
- department supervisor: ILM
- Tim Borgeaud
- technical support: Framestore
- Sainil Borse
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Anthony Boulais
- technical support: Framestore
- Cyrielle Bounser
- 3d generalist: One Of Us
- Scott Bourne
- digital artist: ILM
- Ryan Brassington
- visual effects editor: Framestore
- Pablo M. Bravo
- previsualization artist: NVIZ (as Pablo Bravo)
- Alexander Breitfeld
- groom td: One of Us
- Andrew Brennan
- creature fx artist: Framestore
- Adam Broderick
- visual effects production manager
- Jill Brooks
- visual effects executive producer: ILM
- Jack Brown
- virtual production td: ILM
- Kari Brown
- visual effects artist: Framestore
- Mike Brown
- visual effects
- Shaun Brown
- visual effects producer: Framestore
- Simone Bruni
- lighting artist: Framestore
- Michael Bryant
- texture artist: Framestore
- Alan Bucior
- stagecraft: ILM
- Alexander Bucknell
- cfx td / tracking artist: Framestore
- Abigail Bueno
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Jennifer Burke
- digital artist: ILM
- Henry Bush
- pipeline development: Framestore
- Steven Bussey
- computer graphic artist: NVIZ
- Marina Cacciagrano
- technical support: Framestore
- Pauline Cadenet
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Daniel Caffrey
- stagecraft: ILM
- Francesc Camos
- texture artist: Framestore
- Josh Cann
- groom artist: Framestore
- Emmanuel Caron
- visual effects production assistant: Framestore
- Ruth Carr
- visual effects
- Maria Casas
- visual effects line producer: Framestore
- Dani Cashmore
- digital matte painter
- Michael Cashmore
- digital artist: ILM
- Silvio Castagna Muscella
- lead layout: Framestore
- Sarah Cauchois
- head of production: The Third Floor
- Paolo Ceresa
- rigging artist: Framestore
- Yuk Leung Mo Chan
- senior vfx td: Industrial Light and Magic
- Min-Hui Chang
- compositing artist: Framestore
- James Charlese
- visual effects line producer: Framestore
- Ayushi Chaudhary
- tracking artist: Framestore (as Chaudhary Ayushi)
- Gene Chee
- environment artist: Framestore (as Pei Gene Chee)
- Georgie Chen
- digital artist: ILM
- Rosemary Chester
- lead compositor: Framestore
- Charmaine Childs
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Eva Chiochetti
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Nigel Simba Chivaka
- render support & data ops: Framestore (as Simba Chivaka)
- Sandra Chocholska
- digital artist: ILM
- Julian Chong
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Mohammed Choudhury
- technical support: Framestore
- Kevin Christensen
- visual effects artist: Framestore
- Jonathan Clark
- previsualization artist: NVIZ
- Christophe Clermont
- render support & data ops: Framestore
- Jordi Coll Orfila
- rigging artist: Framestore
- Julien Combette
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Patrick Conaty
- digital artist: ILM
- Billy A. Copley
- stagecraft: ILM (as Billy Copley)
- André Correia
- visual effects artist: Framestore (as Andre Correia)
- Jean-Nicolas Costa
- digital artist: ILM
- Laura Coumbe
- paint and roto artist: Framestore (as Laura Combe)
- Oliver Cubbage
- visual effects supervisor: One Of Us
- Amber Curling
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Uzma Curtis
- lighting artist: Framestore
- Martin Côté
- technical support: Framestore
- Marcello Da Silva
- matchmove artist: One Of Us
- Akash Dabhi
- tracking artist: Framestore (as Dabhi Akashchandra Prafulchandra)
- Aimee Dadswell
- visual effects executive producer: One Of Us (as Aimée Dadswell)
- Adolfo Dalda
- creature fx artist: Framestore
- Tobias Danbo
- digital artist: ILM
- Rohan Arvind Darji
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Samantha Dark
- department manager: Framestore
- Raja Das
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Katya Dashkovskaya
- digital artist: ILM
- Tarun Datta
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Tumurtogtokh Davaakhuu
- pipeline development: Framestore
- Riken P. Dave
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Jose Augusto David
- digital compositor: visual effects
- Chen Mao Davies
- r&d: Framestore (as Chen Davies)
- Christopher Davies
- animator: Framestore
- Liberty Davies
- assistant visual effects coordinator
- Gabrielle Davoine-Tousignant
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- German de Benito
- visual effects artist: Framestore
- Andrea De Martis
- modelling artist: Framestore
- Danielle Reis De Menezes
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Mathieu De Saint Jores
- pipeline development: Framestore
- Sarah de Schot
- digital artist: ILM
- Yohann Deberg
- visual effects artist: Framestore
- Agueda Del Castillo
- compositor: NVIZ
- Delphine Delannoy
- texture artist: Framestore
- Fabien Denni
- render support & data ops: Framestore
- Kunal Desai
- modeller: Framestore
- Kunal Desai
- modelling artist: Framestore
- Audrey Deschamps-Brower
- rigging artist: Framestore
- Maude Deschenes
- layout artist: Framestore
- Abhimanyu Deshpande
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Saurabh Deshpande
- tracking artist: Framestore (as Sourabh Deshpande)
- Ralph Joseph Desouza
- tracking lead: Framestore
- Joshua Devenyi
- compositing artist: Framestore (as Josh Devenyi)
- Vittorio Di Toro
- modelling artist: Framestore
- Maurizio Di Vitto
- roto & prep artist: One Of Us
- Matt Dicken
- 3d generalist: One Of Us
- Zoran Dimanovski
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Clym Dodds
- render support & data ops: Framestore
- Petros Dodos
- texture artist: Framestore
- Lily Dommart
- visual effects production assistant: Framestore
- Khong Li Dong
- digital artist: ILM
- Marc-André Dostie
- texture artist: Framestore (as Marc-Andre Dostie)
- Thomas Dotheij
- visual effects artist: Framestore
- Manali Tanaji Doundi
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Brent Droog
- lead visual effects artist: Framestore (as Brent Lane Droog)
- Luke Drummond
- visual effects development artist: Framestore (as Luke Drummond-Hay)
- Maxime Dubuc
- technical support: Framestore
- Julien Ducenne
- digital artist: ILM
- Frederic Dupere
- visual effects development artist: Framestore
- Eddy Durnan
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- John Durney
- lead compositor: Framestore
- Thomas Døhlen
- stagecraft: ILM
- Jason Jay Edwards
- visual effects artist (as Jason Edwards)
- Ahmed El-Shafei
- environment artist: Framestore (as Ahmed Shafei)
- Michael Johnson Elamkunnapuzha
- visual effects line producer: Framestore (as Michael J. Elamkunnapuzha)
- Duncan Eland
- 3d generalist: One Of Us
- Stephen Ellis
- stagecraft cg supervisor: ILM (as Steve Ellis)
- Georg Engebakken
- virtual production supervisor/unreal supervisor: NVIZ
- Gregory Eraste
- technical support: Framestore
- Valentina Ercolani
- lead rigger: Framestore
- Alicia Etourneau
- visual effects artist: Framestore
- Peter Evemy
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Gianpietro Fabre
- texturing lead: Framestore
- Michael Falzon
- modeller: Framestore
- Gregory Fangeaux
- visual effects art director
- Jenzel Tom Fantolgo
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Kilian Favarger
- 3d generalist: One Of Us
- Jasmin Fedder
- digital artist: ILM
- Mark Feldman
- computer graphics artist: Instinctual VFX
- Michael Fernandez
- visual effects coordinator: Instinctual VFX
- Dominique Fiore
- compositing supervisor: Framestore
- Kelly Fischer
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Shaun Fontaine
- roto & prep artist: One Of Us
- Richard Fox
- compositing artist: Framestore
- German Fraga
- digital artist: ILM (as German Casado Fraga)
- Justin Francis-Mcleish
- paint and roto artist: Framestore (as Justin Francis-McLeish) / paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Nicholas Freeston
- visualization artist: The Third Floor
- Amber Frisenda
- digital matte painter: One Of Us
- Borja Fuste
- digital compositor
- Gábor Fóner
- modelling lead: Framestore (as Gabor Foner)
- Sai Prasad Gajengi
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Renuka Manuhar Gale
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Riccardo Gambi
- computer graphic artist: NVIZ / screen graphics designer: NVIZ
- Thibaud Gambier
- rigging artist: Framestore
- Jessica Garment
- roto & prep artist: One Of Us
- Jesus Garrido
- digital artist: ILM (as Jesus Garrido Guisado)
- Melodie Gauthier
- visual effects production assistant: Framestore
- Jeremy Geremia
- technical support: Framestore
- Natalia Germi
- texture artist: Framestore
- Nikhil Ghoorbin
- technical support: One Of Us (as Nikhil Tarun Ghoorbin)
- Chris Gill
- rigging td artist: One Of Us
- Emma Gilli
- digital matte painter: One Of Us
- Luc Girard
- groom artist: Framestore
- Marc-Olivier Girard
- pipeline development: Framestore (as Marc-Oliver Girard)
- Frédéric Godbout
- layout artist: Framestore
- Etienne Godin
- lighting artist: Framestore
- Julien Goldsbrough
- compositing supervisor: Framestore
- Nancy Gonzalez
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Nalini Goyal
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Leanne Goymer
- digital matte painter: One Of Us
- Arthur Grandjean
- environment artist: Framestore
- Luke Gray
- pipeline development: Framestore
- Anthony Greco
- tracking lead: Framestore
- Itay Greenberg
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Brett Grisham
- visualization production manager: The Third Floor
- Raphael Guez
- rigging artist: Framestore
- Binning Singh Gugandeep
- paint and roto artist: Framestore (as Gugandeep Singh)
- Juani Guiraldes
- senior animator: Industrial Light and Magic (as Juan Jose Guiraldes)
- Quintin Guittard
- pipeline development: Framestore
- Ankush Gupta
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Tiffany Hall
- 3d generalist: One Of Us
- Ludvig Hallenius
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Stian Halvorsen
- digital artist: ILM
- Nicholas Hampshire
- pipeline development: Framestore
- Rose Hancock
- visual effects producer: NVIZ
- Morgan Hardy
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Rick Harris
- lidar technician: Clear Angle Studios
- Jon Hartley
- modelling artist: Framestore (as John Hartley)
- Bethany Harvey
- production & technical support: ILM
- Abuzar Hasib
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Annabelle Hauffe
- lighting artist: Framestore
- Yasmine Hausler
- visual effects coordinator
- Arnaud Havart
- matte paint lead: Framestore
- Chris Hawkins
- green screen rigger
- Trevor Hazel
- digital artist
- Daniel Hazeltine
- junior 3d artist: Clear Angle Studios (as Dan Hazeltine)
- Laura Jean Healey
- virtual camera assistant: NVIZ
- Tilman Helbig
- lead rigger: Framestore
- Rob Hill
- underwater data wrangler
- Shawn Hillier
- visual effects supervisor: Framestore
- Robin Hinch
- visual effects editor: NVIZ (as Robyn Hinch)
- Louis Holland
- assistant data wrangler
- Kate Holovchenco
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Cássio Homa
- visual effects artist: Framestore (as Cassio Homa)
- Sam Horgan
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Dafina Hristova
- digital artist: ILM
- Milena Hristova
- compositing artist: Framestore
- James Hsu
- layout artist: Framestore
- Webber Huang
- rigging artist: Framestore
- Kaki Hudgins
- lead visual effects artist: Framestore
- Malcolm Humphreys
- department supervisor: ILM
- Jonny Hunt
- hod: led screens
- Alex Hurst
- digital artist: ILM
- Jan Huybrechs
- 3d scanning
- Meena Ibrahim
- visual effects animation supervisor: Framestore
- Brian Insua
- technical assistant: ILM
- Sonia Alexia Ioannou
- matchmove artist: One Of Us (as Sonia Ioannou)
- Santiago E. Iturmendi
- senior compositor
- Kaya Jabar
- virtual production supervisor: The Third Floor
- Kenneth Jacobs
- system administrator: Nvizible
- Dnyaneshwar Jadhav
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Satyajit B. Jagadale
- compositing artist: Framestore (as Satyajit Jagadale)
- Rahul Shivaji Jagtap
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Mohit Jain
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Khalil Jaowad
- technical support: Framestore
- Ellen Jaram
- digital artist: ILM
- Sumit Singh Jaswal
- compositing supervisor: Framestore
- Chris Jestico
- stagecraft: ILM (as Christopher Jestico)
- Christopher Django Johnston
- stagecraft: ILM (as Christopher Johnston)
- Oliver Johnstone
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Samruddhi Joshi
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Alicia Journet
- lighting artist: Framestore
- Fabien Julvecourt
- environment artist: Framestore
- Khalil Kablan
- technical support: Framestore
- Fabien Kaci
- texture artist: Framestore
- Laszlo Kalbache
- lighting artist: Framestore
- Srilatha Kalva
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Swapnil Kamble
- matchmove artist: Framestore
- Swapnil Kamle
- tracking artist: Framestore (as Swapnil Kamble)
- Vilas Kankuntla
- paint and roto artist: Framestore (as Kankuntla Vilas Satyanrayan)
- Kavita Kapri
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Bhavan Kapse
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore (as Bhavana Kapse)
- Rohit Karanjavkar
- lead paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Ana Karen
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Matt Kasmir
- production visual effects supervisor
- Ramanjit Kaur
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Mayur Manoj Kawale
- tracking artist: Framestore (as Mayur Kawale)
- Thomas Kayser
- digital matte painter: Framestore
- Harry Keane
- visual effects production assistant: Framestore
- Ciarán Keenan
- visual effects producer: NVIZ
- Liam Kennedy
- technical support: Framestore
- Aman Khan
- tracking lead: Framestore
- Aman Nasir Khan
- supervisor: tracking and matchmove (as Khan Aman)
- Salman Khan
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Oliver Kirchhoff
- digital artist: ILM
- David Kirchner
- digital artist: ILM
- Adam Kiriloff
- senior realtime technical artist / senior technical artist: The Third Floor
- Nikhil Kishore
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Jennifer Kitching
- visualisation supervisor: The Third Floor (as Jen Kitching)
- Stefanos Kittakis
- digital artist: ILM
- Oscar Knott
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Ben Kocic
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Wosing Koh
- digital artist: ILM
- Yuliia Kondratova
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Andrei Korovkin
- modelling artist: Framestore
- Justin Kosnikowski
- digital artist: ILM
- Sameer Kudale
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Sebastian Kuder
- visualization artist: The Third Floor
- Martin Kulig
- digital artist: ILM
- Neha Kulkarni
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Madhav Kumar
- modelling artist
- Sushil Kumar
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Venkata Kiran Kumar
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Vikash Kumar
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Dobromila Kutnak
- visual effects artist: Framestore (as Dobromila Kutnakova)
- Laurent Laban
- visual effects animation supervisor: Framestore
- Kushal Lad
- paint and roto artist: Framestore (as Kashal Rameshbhai Lad)
- Bruno-Olivier Laflamme
- lighting artist: Framestore
- Louis Laflamme-Fillion
- compositor: One Of Us
- Mala Lal
- visual effects artist: Framestore
- Helen Langley
- visual effects production: NVIZ
- Mikael Larsen
- previsualization artist: NVIZ
- Alejandro Lavrador
- environment artist: Framestore
- Chris Lawrence
- second visual effects supervisor (as Christopher Lawrence)
- Claire Lawrence-Slater
- creature fx artist: Framestore
- Maxym Leblanc
- technical support: Framestore
- Claudia Lechen
- lead compositor: Framestore
- Marco Lee
- lidar technician: Clear Angle Studios
- Benoit Lefebvre
- layout lead
- Janek Lender
- previsualization supervisor: NVIZ
- Eric Lenerville
- pipeline development: Framestore
- Guillaume Lenoel
- lighting td: ILM
- Cedric Lepoulenec
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Jade Lessard
- texture artist: Framestore
- John Peter Li
- visual effects cg supervisor: Framestore
- Shawn Liang
- digital matte painter: Framestore
- Jasper Lobo
- lead paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Jordan Lorcet
- lighting artist: Framestore
- Sylvain Lorgeou
- visual effects development artist: Framestore
- Nicolas Lourme
- lighting technical director: Framestore
- Charlie Lovett
- previsualization artist: NVIZ / senior postvis artist
- Patrick Lowry
- stagecraft: ILM
- Jakob Lundbye
- CG Generalist Technical Director: NVIZ
- Chris Lunney
- computer graphics supervisor: NVIZ
- Chris Lynch
- lead data wrangler
- Wei Ma
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Anna Mabarak
- production & technical support: ILM
- Hugh Macdonald
- virtual camera supervisor: NVIZ
- Arnaud Machtou
- lighting & lookdev technical director
- Stephen MacKershan
- lighting lead: Framestore
- Akshay Madansure
- modeler: Framestore
- Francesco Antonio Maggi
- compositor: One Of Us
- Rajendra Maharana
- lead compositor: Framestore
- Guggili Mahesh
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Thomas Maier
- tracking lead: Framestore
- Thomas Maier
- visual effects artist
- Guillaume Mainville
- lighting artist: Framestore
- Anil Kumar Mallah
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Gianni Malpeli
- senior animator
- Subhasis Manna
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Gergana Margules
- compositor: One Of Us
- Jose Martin
- senior rigging td
- Alexander Martinez
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Rafael Martins
- layout td: Framestore
- Daniel Martín Novel
- digital compositor
- José Antonio MartÃn
- rigging artist: Framestore (as Jose Antonio Martin)
- Fabrice Masi
- visual effects artist: Framestore
- Terrence Mathes
- layout artist: Framestore
- Daniel Matley
- visual effects producer: Framestore
- Jordan McBride
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Kathrin McCarthy
- visualization coordinator: The Third Floor
- Kyle McCulloch
- additional visual effects supervisor: Framestore
- Robert McGlinchey
- visual effects associate producer
- Jesse Lee McKinney
- modelling artist: Framestore
- Katarina Mead
- production & technical support: ILM
- Katherine Melville
- roto & prep artist: One Of Us
- Adrian Metzelaar
- stagecraft: ILM
- Sonal Mhatre
- tracking artist: Framestore (as Sonal Pratesh Mhatre)
- Quentin Miles
- animator
- Laura Millar
- stagecraft: ILM
- David Mir
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Mathew Monro
- digital artist: ILM (as Mat Monro)
- Blanaid Montague
- visualization artist: The Third Floor
- Hugo Montambault
- lead visual effects artist: Framestore
- Carlos Montero Sánchez
- lighting artist: Framestore (as Carlos Montero Sanchez)
- Santi Montero
- tracking artist: Framestore (as Santi Montero Menjibar)
- Antonio Montes
- compositing artist: Framestore (as Antonio Montes Mellado)
- Marcelo Morales Maes
- r&d: Framestore
- Sagar Kailas More
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Nicolas Morel
- creature td: One Of Us
- Nicolas Morel
- animator: One of Us
- Isabelle Morello
- digital matte painter: Framestore
- Richard Morgan
- data wrangler
- Zac Morris
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Zak Morris
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Jesse Morrow
- visual effects producer: Instinctual VFX
- Dillirao Muddada
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Yogesh Mudiraj
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Ajaruddin Dilawar Mujawar
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Jack Mumford
- previsualization artist: NVIZ
- Jenesta Munro
- texture artist: Framestore
- Stuart Munro
- layout artist: Framestore
- Palash Muramkar
- paint and roto artist: Framestore (as Palash Murumkar)
- Jason Murphy
- technical support: Framestore
- Taj Nabhani
- modelling artist: Framestore
- Shaikh Naeem
- tracking artist: Framestore (as Naeem Basheeruddin Shaikh)
- Sreedev J. Nair
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Georges Nakhle
- fx supervisor
- Ridge Nallathamby
- technical support: Framestore
- Ganesh Ramdas Nalle
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Nandini Nambiar
- lighting artist: Framestore
- Jaya Naga Venkata Kumar Nandam
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Clardens Napoléon
- render support & data ops: Framestore (as Clardens Napoleon)
- Meddy Napreljac
- technical support: Framestore (as Mediha Napreljac)
- Pierpaolo Navarini
- visual effects artist: Framestore
- Rajeeb Kumar Nayak
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Shenouda Isaac Nazer
- paint and roto artist: Framestore (as Shenauda Nazer)
- Sébastien Nebout
- generalist td: ILM
- Jason Neisewander
- visual effects production assistant
- Dan Nelson
- r&d: Framestore
- Dan Nelson
- r&d: Framestore
- Ravi Nepalia
- lighting artist: Framestore
- David Neuberger
- lead compositor: Instinctual VFX
- Gary Newman
- lead texture artist: Framestore
- Lauren Nichol
- production and technical support: ILM
- Samuel Nicholls
- production accounting support: ILM
- Emil Nidal
- virtual production technical director: The Third Floor
- David Nielsen
- groom artist: Framestore
- Ryan Noftall
- pipeline development: Framestore
- Jean-Baptiste Noyau
- visual effects artist
- Michael O'Neil
- visual effects cg supervisor: Framestore
- Mark O'Shea
- technical support: One Of Us
- Gerome Oldfield
- creature fx artist: Framestore / modeller: Framestore
- Matteo Olivieri-Dancey
- digital artist: ILM
- Ryan Olliffe
- layout artist: Framestore
- Jonathan Opgenhaffen
- visual effects art director
- Demir Organ
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Alban Orlhiac
- head of texture: Framestore
- Graham Page
- visual effects supervisor: Framestore
- Rohit Palankar
- digital artist
- Scott Palleiko
- visual effects cg supervisor: Framestore
- Sagar Panda
- visual effects line producer: Framestore
- Awanish Kumar Pandey
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Shailendra Kumar Pandey
- compositing artist: Framestore (as Shailendra Pandey)
- Brian Pantalion-Hernandez
- technical support: Framestore
- Athanasios Papadimitrou
- pipeline support: The Third Floor
- Jean-Francois Paquet
- texture artist: Framestore
- Clara Parati
- digital matte painter: Framestore
- Paul Parsons
- assistant visual effects editor
- Tom Partridge
- head of editorial: Framestore
- Olivier Pasquali
- render support & data ops: Framestore
- Ajay Patal
- lead paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Ajay Kumar Patel
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Harsh Patel
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Naveen Patel
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Ishwar Patil
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Mahesh Patil
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Samaresh Patra
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Snehar Pawar
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Dario Pedretti
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Robin Pelissier
- fx td: One Of Us
- Cecile Peltier
- lead compositor: Framestore (as Cecile Peltier-Lourmais)
- Rachael Penfold
- visual effects executive producer: One Of Us
- Andrea Pezzolato
- texture artist: Framestore
- Kate Phillips
- head of production: Framestore London
- Emmanuel Pichereau
- visual effects comp supervisor: One Of Us
- Damien Pierlot
- 3d generalist: One Of Us
- Giorgio Pitino
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Gavin Platt
- creature fx artist: Framestore
- Christian Poullay
- lead matchmove artist: One Of Us
- Eolan Power
- unreal artist: NVIZ
- Nestor Prado
- lighting artist: Framestore
- Eric Prescott
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Warren Presland
- modelling artist: Framestore
- Stewart Probert
- head of production: Clear Angle Studios
- Laurianne Proudhon
- lead compositor: Framestore (as Laurianne Proud'Hon)
- Christopher Prud'Homme
- data wrangler
- Martin Pélissier
- texturing lead: Framestore (as Martin Pelissier)
- Rowan Quilty
- visual effects line producer: Framestore
- Kate Racho
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Deepak Rai
- camera tracking and matchmove
- Alok Raj
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Preety Raj
- visual effects artist: Framestore
- Rishi Rajamahendra
- technical support: Framestore
- Matt Rank
- stagecraft supervisor: ILM
- Rob Rankin
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Daviid Ranlov
- modelling artist: Framestore
- Wadile Nikhil Ravindra
- compositing artist: Framestore
- John Ray
- lighting artist: Framestore
- Julien Record
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Faiz Rehman
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Sana Rehman
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Sebastian Reichhold
- visual effects cg supervisor: One Of Us
- Simon Renaud
- lighting td: One Of Us
- Claudia Rietti
- visual effects artist: Framestore
- Paul Ringue
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Andrew Ritchie
- digital artist: ILM
- Somnath Ramnath Rithe
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Robyn Roach
- roto/prep artist: One of Us
- Scott Robertson
- lead paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Dave Robinson
- technical support: Framestore
- Dane Rockingham
- production and technical support: ILM London
- Takalkar Rohit
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Kevin Roman
- technical support: Framestore
- Roberta Elizondo Romo
- tracking artist: Framestore (as Roberta Elizondo)
- Loucas Rongeart
- texture artist: Framestore
- David Ross
- modelling artist: Framestore
- Viswaranjan Rout
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Jessica Rovirosa
- visual effects line producer: Framestore
- Joe-Richard Rufiance
- technical support: Framestore
- Adam Ruzycki
- environment artist: Framestore
- Buddhadev Sahu
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Axel Saint-Andre
- rigging artist: Framestore
- Thomas Salama
- digital artist: ILM
- Nagose Sanjay
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Andre de Oliveira Santos
- rigger: Framestore (as Andre Santos)
- Ian Sargent
- computer graphic lead: NVIZ
- Erica Skye Schaaf
- render support & data ops: Framestore (as Erica Skye Shaaf)
- Eduardo 'Lalo' Schmidek
- virtual production operator: NVIZ (as Eduardo Schmidek)
- Denis Scolan
- department supervisor: ILM
- Lee Scott
- green screen rigger
- Emanuele Serniotti
- digital artist: ILM
- Steve Sexton
- technical support: Framestore
- Anand Shankar
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Nitin Sharma
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Betty Shaw
- digital resource manager: ILM
- Nikhil Shevale
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Gregory Shimp
- lead paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Jon Shin
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Jongman Shin
- visual effects artist
- Leonardo Sierra
- lead compositor: Framestore (as Leonardo Sierra Montiel)
- Bethany Sills
- visual effects line producer: Framestore
- Jennifer Silver
- vfx studio executive
- Jamie Ray Sims
- stagecraft production assistant: ILM (as Jamie Sims)
- Amit Singh
- tracking artist: Framestore
- M. Swapan Singh
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Mohan Singh
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Neeraj Rajendraprasad Singh
- lead paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Kresten Smedemark
- modelling artist: Framestore
- Stephen J. Smith
- production support: One Of Us
- Jorge Vizmanos Solans
- paint & roto artist: Industrial Light & Magic
- Max Solomon
- visual effects animation supervisor: Framestore
- Jean-David Solon
- digital matte painter: One Of Us
- Christina Sours
- virtual production: associate producer
- Nikhil Kumar Sriwastva
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Petter Steen
- senior environment generalist td
- Maris Stekels
- visual effects
- Penn Stevens
- creature fx artist: Framestore
- Alastair Stevenson
- layout artist: Framestore
- Robert Stipp
- lighting artist: Framestore
- Stefano Strabla
- texture artist: Framestore
- Tonya Strantzi
- pipeline development: Framestore
- Georgina Street
- visual effects producer: ILM
- Jan Strootmann
- visual effects artist: Framestore
- Michael Struk
- visual effects editor
- Shane Sumner
- visual effects artist: Framestore
- Jane Sun
- visual effects artist: Framestore
- Muripala Bhargav Venkata Gangadhar Sunil
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Clarissa Debbie Surederam
- digital artist: ILM
- Michael Suvee
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Anna Swift
- head of resource management
- Samuel Swinnerton
- creature fx artist: Framestore
- Attila Szapek
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Audrey Talbot Guilbert
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Nikhil D. Tamhane
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Benjamin Tan
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Theophane Tan
- digital artist
- Hantong Tang
- production & technical support: ILM
- Lai Lin Tang
- layout artist: ILM Singapore
- Abbas Tanwir
- technical support: Framestore
- Louis Tavenier
- technical artist: The Third Floor
- Oliver Taylor
- visual effects coordinator
- David Tesch
- r&d: Framestore
- Laeticia Theret
- texture artist: Framestore
- David Thibodeau
- lighting artist: Framestore
- Clément Thomasson
- fx td: One Of Us (as Clement Thomasson)
- Michael Adam Thompson
- visual effects creature lead: Framestore (as Michael Thompson)
- Louie Thorpe
- technical support: Framestore
- Ashish Subhash Thube
- paint and roto artist: Framestore (as Ashish S. Thube)
- Martin Tlusty
- texture artist: Framestore
- Mahendra Singh Tomar
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Helder Tomas
- matchmove artist: One Of Us (as Hélder Tomás)
- Alessandra Tomassi
- technical support
- Sam Paul Toms
- editorial: One Of Us
- Nitesh Toraskar
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Andrea Tozzo
- creature fx artist: Framestore
- Julien Tremblay
- technical support: Framestore
- Pragyanand Tripathi
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Vaibhav Tripathi
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Eugenio Troiani
- lighting artist: Framestore
- Serdash Turna
- technical support: Framestore
- Olivia Turner
- visual effects producer: One Of Us
- Matthew Twyford
- head of department
- Charlotte Tyson
- digital matte painter: Framestore
- Pankaj Umbarkar
- paint and roto artist: Framestore (as Pankaj Madhukar Umbarkar)
- Adrienne Underwood
- visual effects editor: Framestore
- Alex Underwood
- senior lighting/lookdev technical director
- Audrius Urbonavicius
- digital matte painter: Framestore
- Pradeepkumar Vadisherala
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Malkhan Singh Vais
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Pierre Vallerich
- lighting artist: Framestore
- Cas van den Bergh
- render support & data ops: Framestore
- Jacobus Daniel van der Merwe
- previsualization artist: NVIZ (as JD van der Merwe)
- Mohit Varde
- compositor: One Of Us
- Jean Francois Veilleux-Huard
- texture artist: Framestore
- Alexis Veilleux-Ouellet
- modelling artist: Framestore
- Alejandro Vela-Castro
- digital artist: ILM
- Laurens Vermeulen
- compositor: One Of Us
- Pier-Luc Verville
- visual effects artist: Framestore
- Luca Vitali
- digital artist: ILM
- David Vivaldini
- digital compositor: ILM
- Anatoly Vladimirov
- system administrator: One of Us
- Wilfried Vougny
- modelling lead: Framestore
- Thibault Voukourakos
- lighting artist: Framestore
- David Walker
- 3d modeller: Framestore / modelling artist: Framestore
- Scott Walker
- technical support: Framestore
- Andrea Walsh
- digital artist
- Michael Walton
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Zhi Wan
- digital matte painter: Framestore
- Lun Wang
- visual effects artist: Framestore
- Dan Warder
- visual effects artist: Framestore (as Daniel Warder)
- Alex Wareham
- render support & data ops
- Beth Warner
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Alex Webster
- supervising producer: The Third Floor
- Eleanor Weeks
- visual effects coordinator: Framestore
- Eranka Weerasuriya
- visual effects production manager: ILM
- Chris West
- paint/roto artist: Industrial Light & Magic
- Catherine Westgate
- visual effects producer: Framestore
- Dan Whippy
- roto & prep artist: One Of Us
- Christopher Whittle
- modelling artist: Framestore (as Chris Whittle)
- Luke Wilding
- creature fx artist: Framestore
- Max Wiliams
- pipeline development: Framestore
- Eleanor Winch
- tracking artist: Framestore
- Chin Chiu Wong
- digital artist: ILM (as Wong Chin Chiu)
- Mitchell Woodin
- compositing artist: Framestore
- Alan Woods
- visual effects cg supervisor: Framestore
- Alexandra Wozniak
- texture artist: Framestore
- Kris Wright
- managing director: NVIZ
- Pramod Yadav
- paint and roto artist: Framestore
- Liu Yijie
- compositing artist: Framestore (as Yijia Liu)
- Yak Hong Yung
- lighting artist: Framestore
- Mohamed Zekri
- lighting artist: Framestore
- Adrien Zeppieri
- matte paint lead: Framestore
- Jialing Danni Zhang
- visual effects line producer: Framestore (as Danni Zhang)
- Richard Baker
- visual effects executive: Netflix (uncredited)
- Lee Baskerville
- texture artist (uncredited)
- Adam Blank
- senior layout artist: ILM (uncredited)
- Colin P. Brown
- colourist: Framestore (uncredited)
- Steven Byrne
- mouldmaker (uncredited)
- Earle Stuart Callender
- bidding producer: One Of Us (uncredited)
- Jordi Coll Orfila
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Lilia Collar
- digital compositor: Framestore (uncredited)
- Krishnamurti Costa
- senior digital artist: ILM (uncredited)
- Dave Duarte
- capture technician: Clear Angle Studios (uncredited)
- Emelia Fiell
- technology production manager: Framestore (uncredited)
- Patrick Gagné
- modeler (uncredited)
- Jesus Garrido
- senior compositor: ILM (uncredited)
- Jenny Gauci
- roto/prep lead: One Of Us (uncredited)
- Mikhail Gubkin
- effects technical director (uncredited)
- Quentin Guittard
- pipeline technical director (uncredited)
- Carlijn Hoogstad
- visual effects production assistant: One Of Us (uncredited)
- Ng Cheuk-Yung Jayde
- effects technical director (uncredited)
- Mike Jutan
- ILM StageCraft R&D (uncredited)
- Rachel King
- assistant td: Framestore (uncredited)
- Andrew Kingston
- senior system administrator: Framestore (uncredited)
- Matthew Lausch
- stagecraft r&d: ILM (uncredited)
- Alejandro Lavrador
- environment generalist td: Framestore (uncredited)
- Kristyan Mallett
- vfx practical reference designer (uncredited)
- Marta Mintenko
- head of resource management: Framestore (uncredited)
- Marla Newall
- facial capture artist: ILM (uncredited)
- Ruchika Rawat
- visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
- Marc-Olivier Rouleau
- pipeline technical director (uncredited)
- Ivan Sorgente
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Mihai Stan
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Samantha Tracey
- bidding producer: Framestore (uncredited)
- Hazel Weatherall
- 3d scanning digital artist (uncredited)