- Benjamin Aguillon
- cg supervisor
- Laide Agunbiade
- lighting & compositing artist
- Esra Aral
- production & editorial support
- Saqib Ashraf
- senior effects artist
- Neil Atkins
- senior creature fx td: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Pierrick Barbin
- lighting & compositing artist
- Lynn Basas
- lookdev: lighting & compositing: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Baljinder Singh Bassi
- lighting & compositing artist
- Robb Beggs
- Systems Engineer
- Paige Berezay
- animation associate production manager: Sony Picture Imageworks
- Alex Berweck
- lighting & compositing artist: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Romain Besnard
- fx td: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Abo Biglarpour
- software engineer
- Brian Blasiak
- senior lighting & compositing td
- David Bleich
- lighting designer
- Alice J. Bolwell
- lighting and compositing artist
- Caleb Bomysoad
- compositor
- Ryan Bottriell
- software engineer
- Zara Bottriell
- Digital Resource APM
- Jared Brient
- lighting & compositing artist
- Tom Bruno Jr.
- senior layout artist
- Jordan Cario
- effects technical director: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Marlene Chazot
- cfx artist: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Je-Ren Chen
- software engineer: Sony Pictures Imageworks (as Jeren Chen)
- Xinling Chen
- software engineer
- Man-Louk Chin
- visual effects artist
- Kelly Roslyn Christophers
- lead lighting td
- Alan Chuck
- Artist Management
- Joy Chung
- lead cg modeler
- Zachary Connolly
- psr software engineer: Sony Picture Imageworks
- Andrew Cunningham
- senior matte painter: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Rocky Curby
- previs artist
- Stephanie Cushing
- lighting technical director
- Rohit Dantkale
- pipeline lead (as Rohit Sudhakar Dantkale)
- Camila Davila
- texture painter (as Camila Davila Lohr)
- Aaron Dennis
- effect technical director: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Praveen Ushus Dev
- lighting & compositing artist
- Thomas Devorsine
- lighting & compositing artist
- Brandon James Dickson
- visual effects coordinator: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Benjamin Dines
- systems engineer
- Nikola Djordjic
- effects technical director
- Ryan Doell
- visual effects coordinator
- Sandy Dong
- senior texture/lookdev artist
- Xiao Dong
- lighting & compositing artist
- Valentin Dornel
- effects animator
- Jason Doss
- character fx td
- Diego Duarte
- lighting & compositing artist
- Barbara Ellison
- character effects artist
- Nick Evans
- character effects
- Nicola Finizio
- effects animator (as Nicola Finizio Nikolaos)
- Eric Flores
- pipeline technical director
- Kaitlyn Fox
- senior lighting and compositing artist
- Kyle Fox
- lighting & compositing artist
- Michelle Gao
- visual effects: Senior Lighting Technical Artist
- Robin Garcia
- visual effects coordinator
- Fabian GarcÃa
- digital compositor
- Tristam Gieni
- senior lighting td
- Carlos Mendieta Gonzalez
- character setup td (as Carlos Mendieta)
- Nasya Gozali
- production assistant
- Daniel Greenstein
- Software Engineer: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Colin T. Grey
- editorial support: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Larry Gritz
- software architect
- Pawel Grochola
- visual effects artist (as Pav Grochola)
- Gustavo Groppo
- texture artist
- Fausto Estrada Guerrero
- final layout artist
- Harry Gundersen
- lighting & compositing artist
- Mohanned Hassan
- lead lighting technical director
- John R. Hazzard
- pipeline technical director: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Borja Rodrigo Hernandez
- digital compositor / lighting & compositing artist
- Earl A. Hibbert
- previs supervisor
- Conrad Ho
- texture artist
- Pablo Holcer
- lead compositor / lead lighting & compositing artist
- Amir Honarmand
- senior lighting technical director
- Mike Hong
- modeler: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Susy Hsi
- production services technician
- Chris Hung
- senior technical director
- Eyad Hussein
- character technical director
- Jessica Hwang
- lighting & compositing artist
- Shô Igarashi
- character effects
- Laura Ingram
- lead compositor
- Jason Irish
- senior modeler
- David Jaraiz
- matte painter
- Adrienne Johnson
- production services technician
- Thomas Roland Johnson
- matte painter
- Katherine Renee Jones
- cg supervisor (as Katherine Rodtsbrooks)
- Robert Jonker
- production finance
- Alyse Joseph
- digital production manager
- Nori Kaneko
- matte painting & motion graphics supervisor
- Aaron Kao
- production services technician
- Naoki Kato
- visual effects artist
- Yiotis Katsambas
- head of pre-production technology
- Chris Kessler
- associate systems engineer
- Jiwoon Kim
- compositing lead
- Marvin Kim
- modeling supervisor
- Kevin Kitchel
- effects technical director
- Brian Kloc
- lighting & compositing artist
- Jason Koh
- lighting & compositing artist
- Keiko Koyama
- digital production manager: Sony Picture Imageworks
- Daniel Kramer
- head of cg
- Daniel La Chapelle
- effects animator
- Philip Larson
- software engineer: Sony Picture Imageworks
- Fredrik Larsson
- digital compositor: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Mike Lasker
- visual effects supervisor (as Michael Lasker)
- Nicola Lavender
- cg supervisor
- Romain Lavoine
- lighting & compositing td
- Laura LeBlanc
- lighting & compositing artist: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Aaron Fang-Jen Lee
- Senior CFX Artist: visual effects
- Yeaji Jessie Lee
- modeler
- YJ Lee
- effect artist: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Rebecca Jane Lin
- associate technical director
- Rita Lin
- lighting & compositing artist
- Chris Logan
- Character Effects Supervisor
- Christopher J. Logan
- visual effects artist
- Benjamin Lopatin
- creature fx td
- Viktor Lundqvist
- lead technical director
- Filippo Maccari
- fx lead: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Mallory Mahar
- lighting & compositing artist
- Buthaina Mahmoud
- software engineer
- Alex Manita
- visual effects artist
- Camille Mateos
- technical production manager
- Will McCrate
- lighting & compositing artist
- Jim McVay
- Lighting & Compositing Artist
- Sosh Mirsepassi
- Software Lead
- Sarah Moore
- lookdev: lighting & compositing: Sony Picture Imageworks
- Derek Moorhouse
- digital matte painter
- Dennis Mueller
- senior lighting & compositing artist: Sony Picture Imageworks
- Kate Nagy
- pipeline td
- Arjun Namdeo
- pipeline technical director
- Nicholas Naugle
- lighting artist (as Nick Naugle)
- Devdatta Nerurkar
- visual effects artist
- Marcus Ng
- modeler
- Christos Obretenov
- principal shader writer
- Mark Orme
- senior matte painter/motion graphics
- Kurian Os
- software engineer
- Sarah Ostrick
- creature fx artist: Sony Picture Imageworks
- Andrea Lackey Pace
- senior management
- Eunice Panduro
- cg artist: visual effects artist
- Stephen Paschke
- effects animator / senior fx: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Ravindra Patel
- Lighting And Compositing Artist
- Addison Pauli
- production & editorial support: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Jennifer Pearson
- visual effects editor: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Joseph Pepper
- fx artist
- Fermi Perumal
- software engineer
- Camil Planella
- visual effects artist
- Mairin Platt
- visual effects coordinator
- Nadia Pranabudi
- Software Engineer
- Sonya Proehl
- training coordinator
- Ivan Pulido Suarez
- senior effects td
- Vikram Puttanna
- cfx technical director
- J. Robert Ray
- software architect
- Panya Ren
- lighting and compositing artist
- Emre Rencberoglu
- texture artist: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Carlos Reyes
- System Engineer
- Frank Ritlop
- Lighting Artist
- Karen Daliana Rivas Hernandez
- lighting and compositing artist
- Xavier Roig
- senior lighting td/compositor: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Gal Roiter
- senior lighting & compositing artist: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Ryan Rubi
- senior cfx technical director: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Julia Sadler
- editorial coordinator: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Ronald Samson
- lighting & compositing technical director: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Hayyim Sanchez
- texture painter
- Tejas Sanghavi
- senior creature fx td: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Ryan Saper
- modeler
- Braden Scheck
- visual effects coordinator
- Conor Schock
- compositor: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- David Sellares
- fx technical director: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Carly Senora
- lighting & compositing artist
- Arnaud Servouze
- lighting & compositing artist
- Dan Sheerin
- software engineer
- Jagjeet Singh
- senior character fx
- Douglas James Smith
- lookdev artist
- Geri Smith
- lighting & compositing artist
- Paul Song
- production assistant
- Laura Soriano MartÃnez
- modeler
- Orde Stevanoski
- pipeline architect
- Graham Sukhiani
- character setup td
- Brian Sundman
- fx technical director: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Richard Sur
- visual effects artist
- Emi Tahira
- final layout & set dressing lead
- Christina Takahashi
- visual effects coordinator
- Donna Wing Yan Tang
- senior fx td: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Martin Tardif
- senior technical director: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Amy Taylor
- senior creature fx td
- Kieran Tether
- cg supervisor: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Guillaume Thimus
- lighting & compositing artist
- Drew Tobin
- senior lighting & compositing artist
- Caspar Trenchard-Turner
- creature fx technical director
- Sam Tull
- lighting & compositing artist
- David Vidal Pedroza
- visual effects artist
- Joe Viola
- lighting & compositing artist
- Yonghow Vong
- senior lighting technical director: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Gregory Walker
- Modeler
- John B. Wallace
- texture paint lead: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Lizzy Wang
- production services technician
- Wuyang Wang
- visual effects artist
- Stacey Ward
- visual effects coordinator: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Larry Weiss
- cg supervisor: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Genevieve West
- Digital Producer
- Stephen Winters
- IT project manager
- Megan Wong
- senior production coordinator: animation
- Jonathan Worth
- lead production service technician
- Xiao Shia Wu
- lighting & compositing artist (as Xiao Wu)
- James Xiao
- software engineer
- Neil Yamamoto
- character effects artist
- Israel Yang
- senior look development artist
- Alvin Yap
- visual effects artist
- Asuha Yasuda
- matte painter: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Chris Yee
- Character Effects Artist
- Sedat Yildiz
- compositor: Sony Pictures Imageworks (as Hasan Sedat Yildiz)
- Alyssa Zarate
- lead matte painter
- Anand Zaveri
- effects technical director
- Ruilin Zoe Zhang
- creature fx td: Sony Pictures Imageworks / visual effects artist
- Marteinn Ãrn Ãskarsson
- software developer
- Marilyn Marcotte
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Andrea Matamoros
- modeler (uncredited)
- Adrien Montero
- Modeler (uncredited)