- Bruno Amezcua
- shot generalist supervisor
- John Anderholm
- technical supervisor
- Pia Auteried
- animator
- Jason Behr
- senior animator
- Carl Berube
- technical director
- Adam Z. Black
- Lead Layout Artist
- Renaud Bousquet
- technical director
- Rune Brandt Bennicke
- head of character animation
- Andrew Chesworth
- animator
- Matias Cifuentes
- Senior Animator
- Adam Coe
- technical director
- Igor Copelli
- animator
- Rodrigo Coronado Jaquez
- animator
- Anat Dayag
- animator
- Mira Del Degan
- animator
- Maxime Delalande
- 2d animation supervisor
- Don Dixon
- senior animator
- Guy Dubost
- technical director
- Andrzej Ellert
- animator
- Sean Ermey
- lead animator / senior animator
- Tony Fan
- technical director
- Wen-I. Fan
- surfacing artist
- Aadel Forootan
- CG supervisor
- David Friedenstein
- lead animator
- Claudia Fujiwara
- technical director
- Felipe Cárcamo Garrido
- animator
- Stewart German
- senior animator
- Kim Hazel
- animator
- Oliver Heijmans
- technical director
- Alana Holden
- production coordinator
- Qilu Hou
- surfacing artiest
- Jessica Hudak
- environment lead
- Daniel Huertas Bustamante
- animator
- Vanessa Isabelle
- senior final layout artist
- Sing Khamnouane
- lead modeler
- Andrew Kinney
- technical director
- Diego Lacerda
- animator
- Yuri Lementy
- lead animator
- Philippe Lepage
- senior layout artist
- John Levanas
- technical director
- Michael Lewis
- senior animator
- Neave Lifschits
- lead animator
- Wesley Mandell
- senior animator
- Jason Martinsen
- lead animator
- Manu Menéndez
- senior animator
- Harry Michalakeas
- technical director
- Sean Monteagudo
- layout artist
- Luciano A. Muñoz Sessarego
- animator
- Allen O'Sanlou
- animator
- Diego Oliva Monardes
- animator
- Jason Joonhyuk Park
- senior animator
- DarÃo Peralta
- animator
- Justin Phillips
- technical director
- Pablo Plaisted
- head of layout
- Kenan Proffitt
- environment set dressing
- Dylan Queen
- environment modeler
- Chandra Shekar Rallabandi
- previs/rough layout artist
- Miguel Ãngel Rubio Recio
- animator
- Joshua Kirk Ryan
- animator
- Carles Salvany
- lead animator
- Seth Schwartz
- technical director
- Alfonso Sicilia
- Senior Animator
- Dotti Sinnott
- Supervising Producer: Golden Wolf
- Mike Smith
- story board artist
- Aya Suzuki
- storyboard artist
- Conrado Testa
- animator
- Michael Tolentino
- technical director
- David Vandervoort
- story artist
- Jonathan Veiga
- animator
- Juan Carlos Vigil
- animator
- Leila White
- production coordinator
- Kendra Witherspoon
- animator
- Irina Wolf
- animator
- Lucas Wright
- senior animator
- Jessica Wrubel
- layout artist
- Karly Yohe
- animator
- Shirui Zhang
- technical director