- Jonathan Abbas-Klahr
- animatronic model designer
- Barbara Affonso
- model supervisor: ILM
- Astrig Akseralian
- animatronic model designer
- John Anderson
- software research & development: ILM
- Ted Andre
- digital compositor: Cinesite
- Joakim Arnesson
- cg artist: ILM
- Scott Ballard
- cg animator: Cinesite
- Dana Barks
- computer systems/video engineering: ILM
- Chris Barton
- key animatronic model designer
- Michael Bauer
- cg supervisor: ILM
- Carol Bauman
- modelmaker: ILM
- Randall K. Bean
- film scanning operator: ILM (as Randy Bean)
- Donna Ashley Beard
- viewpaint artist: ILM (as Donna Beard)
- Jennifer C. Bell
- visual effects producer (as Jennifer Bell)
- John Andrew Berton Jr.
- production visual effects supervisor
- Steve Besselman
- computer systems/video engineering: ILM
- Andrea Biklian
- negative cutter: ILM
- Ari Rapkin Blenkhorn
- production engineering software: ILM (as Ari Rapkin)
- Rudi Bloss
- animator: ILM
- Todd Boyce
- cg artist: ILM
- Kevin Braun
- digital artist: Pacific Title/Mirage
- Patrick Brennan
- cg artist: ILM
- Donald S. Butler
- cg artist: ILM (as Don Butler)
- Amelia Chenoweth
- cg artist: ILM
- Terry Chostner
- 3d camera matchmove supervisor: ILM
- Kevin Clark
- visual effects editor: Cinesite (as Kevin C. Clark)
- Ryan Cook
- technical assistant: ILM
- John Coppinger
- animatronic model designer
- Alain Costa
- animator: ILM
- Mark Coulier
- key animatronic model designer
- Lynne Coyer
- associate visual effects producer: Pacific Title/Mirage
- Catherine Craig
- lead digital model painter: ILM
- Naomi Critcher
- animatronic model designer
- Gail Currey
- senior staff: ILM
- Kathleen Davidson
- cg artist: ILM
- Michelle Dean
- technical assistant: ILM
- Robert DeHaan
- technical assistant: ILM
- Sandy DellaMarie
- visual effects coordinator: Pacific Title/Mirage
- David Deuber
- cg artist: ILM
- James Doherty
- digital model supervisor: ILM
- Joe Dubs
- digital artist: Cinesite
- Simon Dunsdon
- visual effect matchmover
- Timothy Eaton
- visual effects editor: ILM (as Tim Eaton)
- Selwyn Eddy
- 3d camera matchmove supervisor: ILM (as Selwyn Eddy III)
- Camille Eden
- visual effects production assistant: ILM
- Lou Elsey
- animatronic model designer (as Louise Elsey)
- Jenn Emberly
- lead sequence animator: ILM
- Chrissie England
- senior staff: ILM
- Gonzalo Escudero
- cg artist: ILM
- Raul Essig
- cg artist: ILM
- Malcolm Evans
- animatronic model designer
- Scott Farrar
- visual effects supervisor: Thebes and Hamunaptra collapse sequences, ILM
- Chris Flynn
- digital artist: Pacific Title/Mirage
- Diane Franey
- plate coordinator: ILM
- Scott Frankel
- cg supervisor: ILM
- Mark Freund
- visual effects supervisor: Pacific Title/Mirage
- Gabrielle C. Frlekin
- visual effects post production coordinator
- George Gambetta
- film scanning operator: ILM
- Tim Geideman
- negative line-up: ILM
- Derek Gillingham
- viewpaint artist: ILM
- Jennifer Gonzalez
- visual effects assistant editor: ILM
- Maria Goodale
- digital plate restoration: ILM
- Richard Grandy
- lead creature developer: ILM
- Michele Gray
- digital plate restoration: ILM (as Michele Spina)
- Timothy Greenwood
- projectionist: ILM (as Tim Greenwood)
- Kris Gregg
- digital imaging operator: Cinesite (as Kristopher Gregg)
- Doug Griffin
- motion capture engineer: ILM
- Indira Guerrieri
- cg artist: ILM
- Joanne Hafner
- lead digital paint artist: ILM
- James Hagedorn
- cg artist: ILM (as Jim Hagedorn)
- Steven Hall
- vista vision camera operator
- Tamzine Hanks
- animatronic model designer
- Shaune Harrison
- animatronic model designer
- Alex Head
- matchmove artist
- Lesley Headrick
- animator: ILM
- Kirk Henderson
- concept artist: ILM
- Wendy Hendrickson
- 3d matchmove artist: ILM (as Wendy Hendrickson-Ellis)
- Jongwoo Heo
- cg artist: ILM
- Geoff Heron
- pyro technician: ILM
- John Hewitt
- cg animator: Cinesite
- Kate Hill
- animatronic model designer
- Bill Hirsch
- computer systems/video engineering: ILM
- David Hisanaga
- cg artist: ILM
- David Horsley
- cg sequence supervisor: ILM / digital effects sequence supervisor
- Ivo Horvat
- matte painter: ILM
- Carlos Huante
- mummy designer: ILM (as Carlos Huant)
- Michael Jantze
- concept artist: ILM
- Daniel Jeannette
- animation supervisor: ILM
- Benton Jew
- mummy designer: ILM
- Terry Jones
- animatronic model designer
- Randy Jonsson
- 3d matchmove artist: ILM
- Greg Juby
- cg artist: ILM
- Samson Kao
- cg artist: ILM
- Louis Katz
- cg artist: ILM
- Tom Kennedy
- visual effects producer: ILM
- Richard Kidd
- cg supervisor: Cinesite
- Lucy Killick
- visual effects coordinator
- Greg Killmaster
- cg artist: ILM
- Ed Kramer
- cg sequence supervisor: ILM
- Marshall Richard Krasser
- lead digital compositor: ILM (as Marshall Krasser)
- Erik Krumrey
- cg artist: ILM
- Vicky Kwan
- cg motion tracker: Cinesite
- Greg Kyle
- animator: ILM
- David Latour
- animator: ILM
- Alexander Laurant
- mummy designer: ILM (as Alex Laurant) / visual effects art director: ILM (as Alex Laurant)
- Vincent Lavares
- 3d technical assistant supervisor: Cinesite
- Toan-Vinh Le
- cg artist: ILM
- Julija Learie
- animator: ILM
- Janice Lew
- cg artist: ILM
- Bradford Lewis
- mummy designer: ILM
- Jeffrey B. Light
- motion capture supervisor: ILM (as Jeff Light)
- Ariana Lingenfelser
- visual effects producer: Cinesite
- David Lingenfelser
- digital compositor: Cinesite
- Kevin Lingenfelser
- visual effects supervisor: Cinesite
- Stuart Lowder
- cg staff: ILM
- Anthony Lucero
- visual effects assistant editor
- Michael Dean Ludlam
- cg sequence supervisor: ILM
- Margaret B. Lynch
- visual effects coordinator: ILM
- Jodie Maier
- 3d matchmove artist: ILM
- Michal Makarewicz
- senior animator: ILM
- Jeff Mann
- character design supervisor: ILM
- Keith McCabe
- cg artist: ILM
- Ann McColgan
- cg staff: ILM
- W. Regan McGee
- digital paint and roto artist: ILM (as Regan McGee)
- Carl Miller
- camera assistant: ILM
- Richard Miller
- creature sculptor: ILM
- Aubry Mintz
- animator: ILM
- Terry Molatore
- viewpaint artist: ILM
- Mark Moore
- mummy designer: ILM
- Jim Morris
- senior staff: ILM
- Wendy Morton
- modelmaker: ILM
- Michelle Motta
- technical assistant: ILM
- Serena Rainbow Naramore
- rotoscope artist: Cinesite (as Serena Naramore)
- Andy Newall
- vista vision camera operator
- Marla Newall
- location matchmove artist: ILM (as Marla Selhorn)
- Peter Nicolai
- visual effects coordinator: ILM
- Ken Nielsen
- digital effects artist
- Brian Kalin O'Connell
- mummy designer: ILM (as Brian O'Connell)
- Michael Olague
- gaffer: ILM
- James Peterson
- cg animator: Cinesite
- Philip Peterson
- production engineering software: ILM
- Cary Phillips
- software research & development: ILM
- Joshua Pines
- film scanning supervisor: ILM
- Nicolas Popravka
- software research & development: ILM
- Bob Powell
- cg artist: ILM
- Bruce Powell
- cg artist: ILM
- Mark Powers
- animator: ILM
- Tom Proost
- modelmaker: ILM
- Bonnie Ricca
- technical assistant: ILM
- Erich Rigling
- concept artist: ILM (as Erik Rigling)
- Rick Rische
- matte painter: ILM (as Richard Rische)
- Sandy Ritts
- digital roto/paint artist: ILM
- Seth Rosenthal
- motion capture supervisor: ILM
- Jeff Saltzman
- 3d matchmove artist: ILM
- Mike Sanders
- motion capture engineer: ILM
- Kino Scialabba
- matte painter
- Marc Scott
- cg artist: ILM (as Marc J. Scott)
- Sandra Scott
- associate visual effects producer: ILM
- Tony Sgueglia
- digital data supervisor: Cinesite
- Rasha Shalaby
- digital artist: Pacific Title/Mirage
- Stacey Shear
- visual effects production assistant: ILM
- Amy Shepard
- digital roto/paint artist: ILM
- Brian Shows
- visual effects technical director
- Dave Sidley
- animator: ILM
- H.B. Siegel
- senior staff: ILM
- Ken D. Smith
- visual effects producer: Pacific Title/Mirage
- Kenneth Smith
- digital color timing supervisor: ILM
- Kim Smith
- modelmaker: ILM
- Ben Snow
- cg supervisor: ILM
- Sharonne Solk
- animator: ILM
- Paul Spateri
- animatronic model designer
- J.D. Streett
- visual effects miniature pyrotechnics
- Mark Sullivan
- matte painter: ILM
- Steve Sullivan
- software research & development: ILM
- Pat Sweeney
- visual effects director of photography: Thebes and Hamunaptra collapse sequences, ILM
- Howard Swindell
- animatronic model designer
- Maria Swindell
- animatronic model designer (as Maria Boggi)
- Glen Sylvester
- animator: ILM (as Glenn Sylvester)
- Joe Takai
- production engineering supervisor
- Edward Taylor IV
- digital modeler: ILM
- Michelle Taylor
- key animatronic model designer
- Miles Teves
- mummy designer: ILM
- Derek Thompson
- mummy designer: ILM
- Si Duy Tran
- animator: ILM (as Si Tran)
- Patrick Tubach
- digital compositor: Cinesite
- Dennis Turner
- cg animation supervisor: ILM
- Lam Van To
- information systems: ILM
- Omz Velasco
- digital modeler: ILM
- Danny Wagner
- creature sculptor: ILM (as Daniel Wagner)
- John B. Wallace
- cg animator: Cinesite (as John B. Wallace III)
- Matt Wallin
- cg artist: ILM (as Matthew Wallin)
- R.D. Wegener
- digital compositor: ILM
- Steve Wright
- animatronic model designer
- Lauren Abrams
- model maker: ILM (uncredited)
- Jeffrey Edward Baksinski
- motion & tracking supervisor: Cinesite (uncredited)
- Erin Collins Butler
- visual effects production assistant (uncredited)
- Michael Cordova
- scanning and recording coordinator (uncredited)
- Erin M. Cullen
- roto artist (uncredited)
- Beth D'Amato
- assistant concept artist (uncredited)
- Rob Delicata
- motion control (uncredited)
- Mykel Denis
- model maker (uncredited)
- Mark Fiorenza
- visual effects (uncredited)
- Michael Ford
- technical animator (uncredited)
- Brian Gardner
- supervisor of technology (uncredited)
- Ray Gilberti
- effects director of photography (uncredited)
- Christopher Horvath
- technical director: ILM (uncredited)
- Evan Jacobs
- miniatures supervisor: Vision Crew Unlimited (uncredited)
- Ira Keeler
- model maker (uncredited)
- Wayne Kennedy
- model supervisor (uncredited)
- Karen Klein
- roto supervisor (uncredited)
- Kevin LaNeave
- digital asset coordinator (uncredited)
- Stewart Lew
- digital modeler: ILM (uncredited)
- Neil Lim Sang
- technical animator: ILM (uncredited)
- Matt Linder
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Jay Mallet
- motion control operator (uncredited)
- Valerie McMahon
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Douglas Miller
- miniatures cinematography: Vision Crew Unlimited (uncredited)
- Kristen Millette
- sabre artist (uncredited)
- Ray Moody
- motion control loader (uncredited)
- Craig Newman
- Visual Effects Department Manager (uncredited)
- Corinne Pooler
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Tony Preciado
- model maker: ILM (uncredited)
- Derek N. Prusak
- visual effects assistant cameraman (uncredited)
- Nick Seuser
- additional visual effects editor (uncredited)
- Gary Shaw
- motion control camera (uncredited)
- Brian Sorbo
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- George Stevens
- model maker: Digital Domain (uncredited)
- Katrina Stovold
- digital plate restorator (uncredited)
- Kevin Tengan
- systems administrator (uncredited)
- Paul Theren
- digital effects artist (uncredited)
- Vincent Toscano
- software development (uncredited)
- Wendy Mashburn Vizard
- production manager: Vision Crew Unlimited (uncredited)
- Matthew A. Ward
- art department intern: ILM (uncredited)