- Art LaFleur
- The Babe
- Tom Guiry
- Scotty Smalls
- Mike Vitar
- Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez
- Patrick Renna
- Hamilton 'Ham' Porter
- Chauncey Leopardi
- Michael 'Squints' Palledorous
- Marty York
- Alan 'Yeah-Yeah' McClennan
- Brandon Quintin Adams
- Kenny DeNunez
- Grant Gelt
- Bertram Grover Weeks
- Shane Obedzinski
- Tommy 'Repeat' Timmons
- Victor DiMattia
- Timmy Timmons
- Denis Leary
- Bill
- Karen Allen
- Mom
- James Earl Jones
- Mr. Mertle
- Marley Shelton
- Wendy
- Herb Muller
- Young Mr. Mertle
- Daniel Zacapa
- Police Chief
- Eddie Matthews
- Thief
- Keith Campbell
- Thief
- Wil Horneff
- Phillips
- Tyson Jones
- Little League Punk #2
- Karl Simmons
- Schoolyard Pitcher
- Maury Wills
- Coach
- Pablo P. Vitar
- Older Benny
- Robert Apisa
- Home Plate Umpire
- Robbie T. Robinson
- Third Base Umpire
- Charles Fick
- Giants Catcher
- Tim Page
- Giants Pitcher
- Dennis R. Williams
- Giants Third Baseman
- Cynthia Windham
- Mother at Pool
- Shane LaVar Smith
- Toddler
- Chris Astoyan
- Kid on Bike
- Doshia Darmane
- Mother of Scotty
- David Mickey Evans
- Narrator
- Chris Fick
- Giants Catcher
- Arliss Howard
- Grown-Up Scotty
- Sally Jackson
- Shopper
- Josh Piper
- Carnival Kid
- Kyle Pittman
- Kid