- Brad Ableson
- story artist
- John Achenbach
- story artist
- Neil Affleck
- timing director
- Edwin E. Aguilar
- character layout artist (as Edwin Aguilar)
- Hye Sun Ahn
- digital ink and paint artist: Rough Draft Korea
- Ki Nam Ahn
- digital ink and paint artist: Rough Draft Korea
- Mee Hwa Ahn
- animation retake assistant: Rough Draft Korea
- Taylor Allen
- annex supervisor: Stacked Animation Laboratory
- James P. Alles
- background layout artist
- Victor E. Almaguer
- character layout artist
- Robyn Anderson
- lip assignment
- Ivaylo Anguelov
- character layout artist
- Martin Archer
- story artist
- Debra Armstrong
- animation clean-up artist
- Stephanie Arnett
- character layout artist
- Michael E. Atniel
- character layout artist (as Mike Atniel)
- David D. Au
- character layout artist (as David Au)
- Norman P. Auble
- character layout artist (as Norm Auble)
- Abe Audish
- character layout artist
- Rasoul Azadani
- layout supervisor
- Eun-Jung Bae
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Jeong-Hee Bae
- assistant animation checker: Akom Production Co.
- Kang Sook Baek
- digital ink and paint artist: Rough Draft Korea
- Eun Soo Ban
- digital background painter: Rough Draft Korea
- Sil Hee Bang
- assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea
- William Bemiller
- checker (as William A. Bemiller)
- Tricia Benson
- character layout artist (as Tricia Buchanan Benson)
- John Berman
- background layout artist (as John M. Berman)
- Jenny Bettis
- animation production assistant
- Lynna Blankenship
- background designer
- Dominique Blaskovich
- background painter
- Brandon Bloch
- color modeler
- Patrick Buchanan
- timing director
- Galina Budkin
- background layout artist
- Susan Burke
- checker
- Jung-Min Byeon
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Rufino Roy Camacho II
- character layout artist (as Rufino M. Camacho)
- Wayne Carlisi
- character layout artist
- Edgar Carlos
- background layout artist
- Karen Carnegie Johnson
- artist: Stacked Animation Laboratory
- Derek Carter
- background layout artist
- Roberto Casale
- character layout artist
- Kathi Castillo
- character layout artist
- Paul Castro
- background layout artist
- Gyeong-Ae Cha
- animator: Akom Production Co.
- Mee Jin Cha
- assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Mi-Yeon Cha
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Ruben Chavez
- background painter
- Greg Checketts
- character layout artist
- Ryan Cheetham
- background layout artist (as Ryan A. Cheetham)
- Andy Chen
- background layout artist
- Marianne Cheng
- color modeler (as Marianne C. Cheng)
- Daniel Chiu
- background layout artist (as Meng-Yee Daniel Chiu)
- Eun-Jin Cho
- background clean-up artist: Akom Production Co.
- Mee Ra Cho
- assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Nam Suk Cho
- background layout artist (as Namsuk Cho)
- Su Mee Cho
- animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Dae Kown Choi
- assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Gwi Don Choi
- animator: Akom Production Co. (as Gwi-Don Choi)
- Moon Choi
- character layout artist
- Myung Shim Choi
- assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea (as Myung Shim Choi)
- Ok-Nye Choi
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Seok-Gyu Choi
- animator: Akom Production Co.
- So Yeon Choi
- chief digital background painter: Rough Draft Korea
- Young Eun Choi
- digital ink and paint artist: Rough Draft Korea
- Young-Kyu Choi
- animator: Akom Production Co.
- Hyun-Hya Chu
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Kang Chul
- animator: Rough Draft Korea (as Chul Kang)
- Liz Climo
- artist: Stacked Animation Laboratory
- Merry Kanawyer Clingen
- animation clean-up artist (as Merry Clingen)
- Caroline Cruikshank
- animator
- Jarod Daetwiler
- background layout artist
- Anthony de Rosa
- animator (as Anthony Derosa)
- Manny DeGuzman
- character layout artist (as Manny A. De Guzman)
- Andreas Deja
- animator (uncredited)
- Peter J. DeLuca
- background layout artist
- Alex Dilts
- background designer (as Alexander C. Dilts)
- Francis Dinglasan
- character layout artist
- Lejon Douroux
- animation production assistant
- Jack Dyer
- additional timing director
- Randol Eagles
- background layout artist
- Ernie Elicanal
- character layout artist (as Ernesto Elicanal)
- Mark Ervin
- additional story artist
- Luis Escobar
- story artist
- Jess Espanola
- character layout artist
- Chung Ran Eum
- digital background painter: Rough Draft Korea
- Gina Evans
- checker
- Dante Fabiero
- artist: Stacked Animation Laboratory
- Rick Farmiloe
- character layout artist
- Edmund Fong
- additional story artist
- Cynthia Jill French
- character layout artist
- Heidi Friese
- scanning: pre-compositor
- Doug Gallery
- additional timing director (as Douglas Gallery)
- Ryan Garcia
- animation production assistant
- Tricia Garcia
- additional story artist
- Richard Gasparian
- timing director
- Yelena Geodakyan
- character layout artist
- Mike Girard
- character layout artist (as Michael Girard)
- Susan Goldberg
- animation clean-up artist (as Susan McKinsey Goldberg)
- Maria Gonzalez
- color model lead
- Joshua David Gorczyca
- additional story artist
- Rodel Gravo
- background layout artist
- Lucas Gray
- story artist
- Orlando Gumatay
- character layout artist
- Seong-Wook Ha
- final checker: Akom Production Co.
- Song Youl Han
- animator: Akom Production Co. (as Song-Yeol Han)
- Joe Healy
- additional story artist
- Colin Heck
- story artist
- J. Nate Lowe Henk
- character layout artist (as Joseph Lowe)
- Gyeongsuk Heo
- model checker: Akom Production Co. (as Gyeong-Sook Heo)
- Wook Heo
- animator: Akom Production Co.
- Matthew Herbert
- character layout artist
- Cathlin Hidalgo-Polvani
- animation clean-up artist (as Cathilin Hidalgo-Polvani)
- Glenn M. Higa
- checker (as Glenn Higa)
- Peter Hixson
- additional timing director
- Sam Ho
- background layout artist (as Samuel Ho)
- Lam Hoang
- background layout artist
- Jennie Hoffer
- character layout artist
- Young Sook Hong
- digital ink and paint artist: Rough Draft Korea
- Richard Hoppe
- character layout artist (as Rick Hoppe)
- Chung-Young Hwang
- digital painter: Akom Production Co.
- Ji Young Hwang
- assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Eun-Mi Hyang
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Cynthia Ignacio
- background layout artist
- Robert Ingram
- timing director
- Jay Jackson
- character layout artist
- Todd Jacobsen
- animation clean-up artist
- Hwi-Seop Jang
- animator: Akom Production Co.
- Myung Nam Jang
- animation director: Rough Draft Korea
- Soon-Ja Jeon
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Yong-Nim Jeon
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Aeh Kyung Jeong
- assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Hye Jin Jeong
- animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Mee Jung Jeong
- assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Nam Young Jeong
- digital ink and paint artist: Rough Draft Korea
- Suk Jeong
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Woo Sung Jeong
- head of digital department: US Animation, Rough Draft Korea
- Yong Seop Jeong
- animation director: Rough Draft Korea
- Young Sik Jeong
- animation director: Rough Draft Korea
- Young Sil Jeong
- assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Arlan Jewell
- background layout artist
- Ok Sun Ji
- digital ink and paint artist: Rough Draft Korea
- Emily Jiuliano
- animation clean-up artist (as Emily Juliano)
- Kyu Haw Jo
- animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Mi Sun Jo
- animator: Rough Draft Korea (as Mee Sun Jo)
- Moon Sun Jo
- assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Yun-Jin Joe
- digital painter: Akom Production Co.
- Jeff Johnson
- animator
- Trevor C. Johnson
- background layout artist (as Trevor Johnson)
- Cathy Jones
- character layout artist
- Chang-Ku Jung
- digital painter: Akom Production Co.
- Eun Joo Jung
- assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Julia Kalantarova
- background painter
- Eun-Young Kang
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Kyung Wook Kang
- animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Myung Kang
- animation clean-up artist (as Myung Kang-Teague)
- David S. Karoll
- color modeler (as David Svend Karoll)
- Ernie Keen
- character layout artist
- Megan Kelly
- character layout artist
- Craig Kemplin
- character layout artist
- Eric S. Keyes
- character designer
- Do Hee Kim
- digital ink and paint artist: Rough Draft Korea
- Duk Hoo Kim
- animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Eun Young Kim
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co. (as Eun-Young Kim) / digital ink and paint artist: Rough Draft Korea
- Eun-Jung Kim
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Ha-na Kim
- digital background painter: Rough Draft Korea (as Ha Na Kim)
- Han Soo Kim
- animator: Akom Production Co. (as Han-Soo Kim)
- Heejin Kim
- digital ink and paint artist: Rough Draft Korea (as Hee-jin Kim)
- Ho-Seop Kim
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Hye Sun Kim
- digital ink and paint artist: Rough Draft Korea
- Hyun Ah Kim
- chief digital ink and paint artist: Rough Draft Korea
- Hyung-Ki Kim
- background artist: Akom Production Co.
- Jae-Heon Kim
- animator: Akom Production Co.
- Jang-Hyeon Kim
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Ji Hye Kim
- digital painter: Akom Production Co. (as Ji-Hye Kim)
- Ji Yeon Kim
- digital color palette: Rough Draft Korea
- Jiwook Kim
- character layout artist
- Jong Sang Kim
- animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Joo Sik Kim
- assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Joo-hyeon Kim
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Joon Sik Kim
- animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Kui Ok Kim
- digital ink and paint artist: Rough Draft Korea
- Kyoung Sook Kim
- assistant animation checker: Akom Production Co. (as Kyung-Suk Kim)
- Mi-ran Kim
- digital painter: Akom Production Co. (as Mi-Ra Kim)
- Na Young Kim
- digital scanner: Rough Draft Korea
- Nakjong Kim
- overseas director: Akom Production Co. (as Nak-Jong Kim)
- Ok-Bae Kim
- animator: Akom Production Co.
- Sang Hee Kim
- digital ink and paint artist: Rough Draft Korea
- So Yeon Kim
- assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Song-cheol Kim
- assistant animation checker: Akom Production Co. (as Song-Cheul Kim)
- Songpil Kim
- animator: Akom Production Co. (as Song-Phil Kim)
- Soo-Hong Kim
- background clean-up artist: Akom Production Co.
- Sook Hee Kim
- animation checker: Rough Draft Korea
- Sun Kyu Kim
- animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Sung-Hyeon Kim
- animator: Akom Production Co.
- Yeon-Ju Kim
- background artist: Akom Production Co.
- Yong-Moon Kim
- animator: Akom Production Co.
- Young Joo Kim
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co. (as Young-Joo Kim)
- Young Nam Kim
- animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Young-Hee Kim
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co. (as Kyoung-Hee Kim)
- Jungja Kim-Wolf
- checker
- Bert Klein
- lead animator
- Bong-Sung Ko
- digital painter: Akom Production Co.
- Eric Koenig
- character layout artist
- Hyo Suk Koh
- animator: Akom Production Co. (as Hyo-Seok Ko)
- Yeon Joo Koh
- assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Lureline Kohler
- animation clean-up artist
- In-Ok Kong
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Adam Kuhlman
- timing director
- Erik Kuska
- character layout artist
- Mi-Ja Kwon
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Eric Lara
- character layout artist
- Matthew Lathrop
- animation production assistant
- Ahn Lee
- digital painter: Akom Production Co.
- Alex Lee
- background layout artist (as Alex J. Lee)
- Boowon Lee
- character layout artist (as Boowan Lee)
- Esther H. Lee
- checker
- Eun-Ja Lee
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Grant Lee
- character layout artist
- Gui-Yue Lee
- digital painter: Akom Production Co.
- Ho Sik Lee
- animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Hye Ryun Lee
- assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Hyeon-Chan Lee
- animator: Akom Production Co.
- Hyun Joo Lee
- digital scanner: Rough Draft Korea
- Kum-Yong Lee
- digital painter: Akom Production Co.
- Kun Lee
- animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Lois Lee
- character layout artist
- Mee Sook Lee
- assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Mi-Hyang Lee
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Mi-Sang Lee
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Pill-Nam Lee
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Ppeo-Yo Lee
- digital painter: Akom Production Co.
- Seung-Ryeol Lee
- animator: Akom Production Co.
- Seung-ryeol Lee
- animator: Akom Production Co.
- Shiwoo Lee
- overseas director: Akom Production Co. (as Si-Woo Lee)
- Sun Jae Lee
- animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Won-Gok Lee
- animator: Akom Production Co.
- Yae Yoon Lee
- digital ink and paint artist: Rough Draft Korea
- Young Nim Lee
- chief assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Yun-Jung Lee
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Nick Lenard
- after effects artist: Stacked Animation Laboratory (as Nick E. Lenard)
- Ashley Lenz
- background layout artist
- Lisa Leonardi-Knight
- digital ink and paint artist (as Lisa Marie Leonardi-Knight)
- Ely Lester
- character layout artist
- Dae-Seong Lim
- animator: Akom Production Co.
- Jung Hee Lim
- digital ink and paint artist: Rough Draft Korea
- Tae-Soo Lim
- digital painter: Akom Production Co.
- Alice Lin-White
- animation production assistant (as Alice S. Lin)
- Hugo Linares
- animation production assistant
- Amy V. Lodevico
- animation production assistant
- Juan 'Jo' Luna
- background layout artist (as Juan Luna)
- Carlos Lutterbach
- character layout artist
- Jie-Gul Ma
- digital painter: Akom Production Co.
- Hugh MacDonald
- background design lead
- Tom Madrid Jr.
- character layout artist (as Juanito 'Tom' Madrid)
- Debbie Bruce Mahan
- character layout artist (as Debbie Bruce)
- Anna Maltese
- character layout artist
- Richard Manginsay
- character layout artist (as Richard 'Toto' Manginsay)
- Paul 'Ping-Pong' Mangulabnan
- animation production assistant
- Ashby Manson
- background painter (as W. Ashby Manson)
- Michael Marcantel
- character layout artist (as Mike Marcantel)
- Frank Marino
- timing director
- James Anthony Marquez
- character layout artist
- Leonardo Matsuda
- character layout artist
- Gary McCarver
- overseas animation director
- Maeve McGrath
- character layout artist
- Andre Medina
- character layout artist
- David 'Joey' Mildenberger
- 2d effects animation
- Larry Miravalles
- background layout artist (as Hilario 'Larry' Miravalles)
- Maureen Mlynarczyk
- additional timing director
- Jennifer Moeller
- character layout artist
- Frank Molieri
- character layout artist
- Hyeon-Joo Moon
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Gary Mouri
- background layout artist
- Steven Muller
- character layout artist
- David Nam
- character layout artist
- Mary O. Natale
- character layout artist (as Mary Grace Orario)
- Jan Naylor
- checker
- Kevin M. Newman
- character designer
- Tuan Nguyen
- character layout artist
- Doug Nunn
- after effects artist: Stacked Animation Laboratory
- Kevin O'Hara
- animator
- In Hwa Oh
- assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Ran Kyung Oh
- assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Sang Hyuk Oh
- system technician: US Animation, Rough Draft Korea
- Yeon-Hwa Oh
- digital painter: Akom Production Co.
- Youn-Myoung Oh
- digital painter: Akom Production Co.
- Kyu Young Ohn
- assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Azariah Owens
- after effects artist: Stacked Animation Laboratory
- Oscar Pangestu
- artist: Stacked Animation Laboratory
- Eun-Joo Park
- animator: Akom Production Co.
- Eun-Young Park
- animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Hae Jin Park
- system chief: US Animation, Rough Draft Korea
- Hye Sung Park
- animator: Rough Draft Korea (as Sung Hye Park)
- Hyun Joo Park
- assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea / digital scanner: Rough Draft Korea
- Jin-Yeong Park
- model checker: Akom Production Co.
- Jong Bum Park
- animation checker: Rough Draft Korea
- Joung-Ook Park
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Jun Il Park
- assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea (as Jung Il Park)
- Kyong Sook Park
- animator: Rough Draft Korea (as Kyung Sook Park)
- Mee Jin Park
- digital background painter: Rough Draft Korea
- Sang Eun Park
- digital ink and paint artist: Rough Draft Korea
- Seon-Hye Park
- digital painter: Akom Production Co.
- Sun-Mi Park
- digital painter: Akom Production Co.
- Tae Hyun Park
- animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Yong Nam Park
- animation retake director: Rough Draft Korea
- Yoo Jin Park
- assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Young-Soo Park
- animator: Akom Production Co.
- Yun-Sik Park
- model checker: Akom Production Co.
- Don Parmele
- animation clean-up artist
- Gang Peng
- background layout artist
- Debbie Peterson
- background designer (as Deborah A. Peterson)
- Philip Pignotti
- character layout artist (as Phillip Pignotti)
- Abner Pineda
- animation production assistant
- Lena Podesta
- artist: Stacked Animation Laboratory
- Michael Polvani
- character layout artist
- John Pomeroy
- animator
- Silvia Pompei
- animator
- Cameron Porter
- background layout artist
- Jeff Purves
- background layout artist
- Jung-Ha Pyo
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Jonathan Pyun
- background layout artist
- Alex Que
- character layout artist
- Charles Ragins
- background designer
- Chance Raspberry
- artist: Stacked Animation Laboratory (as Chance F. Raspberry)
- Stephen Reis
- story artist (as Stephen A. Reis)
- Gerald Clifford Rey
- background layout artist
- Leslie Andrew Ridings
- animation production assistant
- Domingo Rivera
- animation clean-up artist
- Ryan Rivette
- character layout artist
- Carolyn Roach
- animation production assistant
- Jay Robinson
- character layout artist
- Christian Roman
- story artist
- Dane Romley
- character layout artist
- Eddie Rosas
- character layout artist
- Alex Ruiz
- character layout artist
- Louis Russell
- track reader
- Yeon Suk Ryu
- system technician: US Animation, Rough Draft Korea
- Ma-Ri Sa
- digital painter: Akom Production Co.
- Fill Marc Sagadraca
- additional story artist
- Rick Salonga
- character layout artist
- David Salvador
- character layout artist
- Stephen Sandoval
- story artist
- Alberto Santiago
- character layout artist (as Aberto Santiago)
- Natasha Selfridge
- animation clean-up artist
- Mi-Nah Seo
- animator: Akom Production Co.
- Sang Won Seo
- system technician: US Animation, Rough Draft Korea
- Young Eun Seo
- assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Melody Severns
- character layout artist
- Herman Sharaf
- character layout artist (as Herman Rashad Sharaf)
- Hyun-Kook Shim
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Ki Jung Shim
- assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Sang-sul Shim
- animator: Akom Production Co. (as Sang Seol Shim)
- Hyun Joo Shin
- assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Nam-Hyun Shin
- digital painter: Akom Production Co.
- Tae-Yong Shin
- animator: Akom Production Co.
- Patty Shinagawa
- additional timing director (as Pat Shinagawa)
- Larry Smith
- timing director
- Richard Smitheman
- animation clean-up artist
- Steve Socki
- timing director
- Choun-Wung Son
- background artist: Akom Production Co.
- Ki-Seol Son
- animator: Akom Production Co.
- Chris Song
- character layout artist (as Chris Minki Song)
- Kamoon Song
- character layout artist (as Ka Moon Song)
- Kyung-Sik Song
- animator: Akom Production Co.
- Min Hwa Song
- assistant animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Shane K. Sowell
- artist: Stacked Animation Laboratory
- T.C. Starnes Jr.
- background layout artist (as Thomas Starnes)
- George Stokes
- background designer
- Soo-Jeong Sung
- digital painter: Akom Production Co.
- Woo-Dan Sung
- digital painter: Akom Production Co.
- Mike Swofford
- character layout artist
- Allen Tam
- background layout artist
- Raghav Tammareddy
- rigging artist
- Danny Taverna
- background layout artist
- Derek Lee Thompson
- character layout artist (as Derek Thompson)
- Erick T. Tran
- character layout lead (as Erick Tran)
- Peter Truss
- animation production assistant
- Marianne Tucker
- animation clean-up artist
- Scott Uehara
- background layout artist
- Erika Isabel Vega
- after effects artist: Stacked Animation Laboratory
- Rene Vega
- background layout artist
- Leonardy Veliz
- animation production assistant
- Frans Vischer
- character layout artist (as Franz Vischer)
- Viorel Voronca
- character layout artist
- Joe Wack
- character design lead
- Bill Waldman
- character layout artist (as William Waldman)
- Kevyn Wallace
- background layout artist (as Kevyn L. Wallace)
- Woo-Il Wang
- digital painter: Akom Production Co.
- Jason D. Warnesky
- additional story artist (as Jason Warnesky)
- Dave Warren
- artist: Stacked Animation Laboratory
- Paul Wee
- character layout lead
- J.C. Wegman
- character layout artist
- Jung Bok Wi
- animator: Akom Production Co. (as Jeong-Bok Wi)
- Natasha Wicke
- character layout artist (as Natasha Presler)
- Wallace Williamson
- background layout artist
- Yong Bae Won
- animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Bong Woo
- digital painter: Akom Production Co.
- Chad Woods
- background layout artist
- Glen Wuthrich
- additional story artist
- Hyeon-Nam Yang
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Kyu Dae Yeon
- animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Jung A. Yoo
- character layout artist (as Jung-A Yoo)
- Young Yoo
- character layout artist
- Chung Sup Yoon
- background layout artist
- Hye Yeop Yoon
- digital ink and paint artist: Rough Draft Korea
- Ji-Ah Yoon
- digital painter: Akom Production Co.
- Mi Sun Yoon
- animator: Rough Draft Korea
- Miri Yoon
- animation clean-up artist
- Seol Hee Yoon
- digital ink and paint artist: Rough Draft Korea
- Ae-Gyeong Yu
- assistant animator: Akom Production Co.
- Jennifer Yuan
- background layout artist
- Alex Zabolotsky
- background painter (as Alexander Zabolotsky)
- James Baxter
- animation supervisor (uncredited)
- Greg Drolette
- background layout artist (uncredited)
- Matt Groening
- original character designer (uncredited)
- Nancy Kniep
- animation clean-up artist (uncredited)
- Rick Kohlschmidt
- assistant animator (uncredited)
- Marty Korth
- animation clean-up artist (uncredited)
- April Lee
- character layout artist (uncredited)
- Tracy Mark Lee
- animation clean-up artist (uncredited)
- Duncan Marjoribanks
- supervising animator (uncredited)
- David Pruiksma
- animator (uncredited)
- Pres Romanillos
- animator (uncredited)
- Sam Simon
- original character designer (uncredited)