Cast & Crew

Directed by

Martin Scorsese

Writing Credits

Terence Winter
Jordan Belfort


Leonardo DiCaprio
Jordan Belfort
Jonah Hill
Donnie Azoff
Margot Robbie
Naomi Lapaglia
Matthew McConaughey
Mark Hanna
Kyle Chandler
Agent Patrick Denham
Rob Reiner
Max Belfort
Jon Bernthal
Jon Favreau
Manny Riskin
Jean Dujardin
Jean Jacques Saurel
Joanna Lumley
Aunt Emma
Cristin Milioti
Teresa Petrillo
Christine Ebersole
Leah Belfort
Shea Whigham
Captain Ted Beecham
Katarina Cas
P.J. Byrne
Nicky Koskoff ('Rugrat')
Kenneth Choi
Chester Ming
Brian Sacca
Robbie Feinberg ('Pinhead')
Henry Zebrowski
Alden Kupferberg ('Sea Otter')
Ethan Suplee
Toby Welch
Barry Rothbart
Peter DeBlasio
Jake Hoffman
Steve Madden
MacKenzie Meehan
Hildy Azoff
Bo Dietl
Bo Dietl
Jon Spinogatti
Nicholas the Butler
Aya Cash
Janet (Jordan's Assistant)
Rizwan Manji
Stephanie Kurtzuba
Kimmie Belzer
J.C. MacKenzie
Lucas Solomon
Ashlie Atkinson
Rochelle Applebaum
Thomas Middleditch
Stratton Broker in a Bowtie
Stephen Kunken
Jerry Fogel
Edward Herrmann
Stratton Oakmont Commercial
Jordan Belfort
Auckland Straight Line Host
Ted Griffin
Agent Hughes
Fran Lebowitz
Honorary Samantha Stogel
Robert Clohessy
Nolan Drager (Jordan's Lawyer)
Natasha Newman-Thomas
Danielle Harrison
Sandra Nelson
Aliyah Farran (Forbes Reporter)
Johnnie Mae
Violet (Housekeeper)
Christina Jeffs
Venice (Dominatrix)
Sabina Maschi
Swiss Flight Attendant #1
Zana Markelson
Swiss Flight Attendant #2
Welker White
Danny Flaherty
Zip (Lude Buying Teenager #1)
Carla Corvo
Dustin Kerns
Ben Jenner
Ashley Blankenship
Sales Assistant #1 (in Men's Room)
Madison McKinley
Dierdre Reimold
Kerry Malloy
Helicopter Pilot
Frank van Putten
Swiss Banker
Aaron Lazar
Blair Hollingsworth
Steve Routman
SEC Attorney #1
Steve Witting
SEC Attorney #2
Charley Morgan
SEC Attorney #3
Michael Nathanson
Barry Kleinman
Natalie Bensel
Bottoms Up Hooker
Tess Olivia
Blue Chip Hooker / Sales Assistant #2 (as Tess Gill)
Jaclyn Keys
Nasdaq Hooker
Krista Ashworth
Pink Sheet Hooker
Kathleen Fellegara
Straight Line Testimonial #1
John Bernard Martin
Straight Line Testimonial #2
Jamel Daniels
Straight Line Testimonial #3
Dan Bittner
Rothschild Broker #1
John Behlmann
Rothschild Broker #2
Ward Horton
Rothschild Broker #3
Bret Shuford
Rothschild Broker #4
Paul Monte Jr.
Rothschild Broker #5
Ellen Sexton
Rothschild Broker #6
Brian Tweedy
Rothschild Broker #7
J.T. O'Connor
Rothschild Broker #8
Steven Boyer
Investor's Center Broker #1
Danny A. Abeckaser
Investor's Center Broker #2
Tracy Friedman
Investor's Center Broker #3
Matthew Rauch
Stratton Broker #1
Michael Izquierdo
Stratton Broker #2
Donnie Keshawarz
Stratton Broker #3
Johnathan Tchaikovsky
Stratton Broker #4
Aaron Glaser
Stratton Broker #5
Ben Rameaka
Stratton Broker #6
Ben Loving
Stratton Broker #7
Brian Charles Johnson
Young Broker
Sebastian Tillinger
Another Broker
Chris Riggi
Party Broker #1
Dan Hunter
Party Broker #2
Meghan Rafferty
Donnie's Assistant
José Ramón Rosario
Maitre d' Hector
Davram Stiefler
Broker in Men's Room
Dan Daily
Honorary Raymond Samitz
Ben Van Bergen
Swiss Customs Officer #1
Matte Osian
Swiss Customs Officer #2
Michael Devine
Cop #1
Jason Furlani
Cop #2
Scott Nicholson
Police Officer #1
Jeremy Bobb
Police Officer #2
Dean Auer
Brookville Police Officer #1
Tom Greer
Brookville Police Officer #2
Sharon Jones
Wedding Singer #1
Starr Duncan-Lowe
Wedding Singer #2
Saundra Williams
Wedding Singer #3
Emily Tremaine Fernandez
Zineb Oukach
Hostess on The Naomi
Loretta O. Booz
Shea Coleman
Skylar Belfort (14 Months Old)
Giselle Eisenberg
Skylar Belfort (4 Years Old)
Deema Aitken
Lude Buying Teenager #2
Ashley Springer
Job Applicant #1
Justin Anthony Long
Job Applicant #2
Gregory Perri
Job Applicant #3
Viki Boyle
Wedding Minister
Chris Caldovino
Rocco #1
Marcos A. Gonzalez
Rocco #2
Chris Matesevac
Break Dancing Broker #1
Justin Yllanes
Break Dancing Broker #2
Rémy Bennett
Catherine Curtin
FBI Agent #1
Paul Urcioli
FBI Agent #2
Jamie O'Connell
FBI Agent #3
Michael O'Hara
Prison Guard
Lawrence Lau
Inmate Playing Tennis #1
Michael Bryan French
Inmate Playing Tennis #2
Adria Baratta
Sales Assistant #3
Armen Garo
Rao's Patron #1
Garry Pastore
Rao's Patron #2
Louis Vanaria
Rao's Patron #3
Lawrence Smith
Extra Broker #1
Hardy Winburn
Extra Broker #2
Allyson Carr
Stripper on Yacht
Peter Youngblood Hills
Audience Member #1
Daniel Hepner
Audience Member #2
Brendan Griffin
Audience Member #3
Derek Milman
Audience Member #4
Victor Verhaeghe
Audience Member #5
Jared Houseman
Audience Member #6
Becca Rose
Subway Girl
Shaun Allen
Party Guest
Logan Alten
Wolfpack #2
David Antoine
Stratton Inc. Broker
Ariela Arnon
Jordan Asinofsky
Stratton Broker
Vic Bagratuni
Stratton Oakmont Broker
Fileena Bahris
Wedding Guest
Ari Barkan
Large Penny-Stock Broker
Gianni Biasetti Jr.
Italian Coastguard
Basilica Bierl
Liza Binkley
Swiss Airline Passenger
Stock Broker
Peter Bloch
Audience Member
Rick Bolander
Will Boyajian
Rothschild Broker
Julian Brand
Stratton Broker
Roger Brenner
Airport Traveler
Francis Brooke
Conference Attendee
Jerome Brooks Jr.
Wedding Usher / Reception Waiter (uncredited)
Gregory M. Brown
Upper Eastside Pedestrian
Tucker Bryan
Wolfpack #4
Jean Burns
Party Girl
Bryan Burton
Young Stratton Inc. Broker
Steve Buscemi
Archie in The Equalizer
Wendy Callard-Booz
Penny Stock Secretary
Alyson Cambridge
Wedding Guest
Ryan Canney
Stratton Broker
Kenneth Carrella
Stratton Broker
Justine Denea Cassady
Oscar J. Castillo
Investors Center Broker
Mike Catapano
Broker Applicant
Steve Cavanaugh
Stratton Oakmont Trader
Alegra Chetti
Pool Party Guest
Jose Claudio
David Clift
Wolfpack #5
Cody Collier
Wedding Guest
Steve Comisar
Stratton Broker
Tyler Cook
Stock Market Wizard
Courtney Cooper
Stratton Oakmont Broker
Richard R. Corapi
Mario Corry
Restaurant Patron
Cia Court
Court Officer
Chris J. Cullen
Court Officer / Broker (uncredited)
Ryan Curtis
Christina Daniels
Wedding Guest
Natalie Daniels
Bikini Girl
Jason Daunno
Young Stratton Oakmont Broker
George Davanzo
FBI Agent
Francine Daveta
Kelsey Deanne
Pool Party Guest
Ray DeForest
Swiss Airplane Passenger
Julian DeVincenzo
Stratton Oakmont Broker
Maria Di Angelis
Nicky Koskoff's Escort
Jaclyn Dietl
Rao's Patron
Joseph Dimartino
FBI Agent
Susan DiStaulo
Seminar Attendee
Filip Dordievski
Stratton Broker
Michael Dubuc
Stock Broker Carmine Scarpaglia
Aaron Dworetzky
Wall Street Type
Marc T. Engberg
Wedding Guest
Michael Engberg
Blake J. Evans
Supervisory Special Agent Christopher Hall
Trent Falco
Italian Coast Guard
Mark Falvo
Stratton Broker
Joe Farina
Stratton Broker
Austin Farwell
Stratton Broker
Nicholas Ferrara
Stock Broker
Corinna Jeanine Fleck
Chester Ming's Wedding Date
Brian Colin Foley
Young Stock Broker
Jesse Michael Fullington
Stratton Broker
Steve Garfanti
Wedding Photographer
Ryan Genualdi
Stratton Broker
Robin George
Matthew Gooley
Tai Chi Inmate
Drew Gregory
Stratton Applicant
Julie Gudz
London Hall
Swiss Airline Passenger
Jon Hartley
Stratton Broker
Leanne Hayward
Stratton Broker
Clint Headley
Wedding Waiter
Matthew Herington
Court Officer
Tom Hoads
Restaurant Patron
Bill Hobbs
Stratton Broker
Alex Hodgins
Stratton Broker
Colin Holmes
Stock Broker
Jacqueline Honulik
Wedding dancer
Rosemary Howard
Rao's Pedestrian
James Huffman
Marisa Hunter
Broker secretary
Jon W. Huston
Nolan Drager's Assistant
David Itchkawitz
Wall Street Broker Manager
Kimberly L. Jackson
Ken Jacowitz
Avaricious Audience
Michael Jefferson
Wolfpack #1
Darryle Jermaine
Stock Broker
Matthew William Jones
Young Stock Broker
Spike Jonze
Drew Jordan
Stratton Broker
Silvia Kal
Wedding Guest
Christie Kane
Adam Kaster
Stratton Broker
Brian Kealty
Miami Police Officer
Samantha Kelly
Chris Kerson
Kimmie Belzer's Desk Mate
Stass Klassen
Natasha Kojic
Kenneth Kopolovicz
Wedding Guest / Construction Worker (uncredited)
Alex Korik
James Korloch
Pecker Dooley
David Kubicka
Stratton-Oakmont Broker
George LaLov
Rothchild Broker #9
David Lanson
Wedding Cameraman
Alec Lawless
Stock Broker
Kamron Leal
Wedding Guest
Benjamin Leasure
Billy Lee
Stratton Broker
Adam Leong
Stratton Oakmont Stock Broker
Paul Jude Letersky
Marina Sightseer
Fenton Li
Stratton Broker
Jerry Lobrow
Leonard Logsdail
Andrew J. Lonsdale
Stratton Oakmont Employee
Alexander LoVerde
Stratton Broker
Rick Lovett
Job Applicant #5
Erika Lynn
Will MacAdam
Irritated Plane Passinger
Stephen Macari
Stratton Oakmont Broker
Evelyn Madera
Shoe Shopper
Mike Malvagno
Stratton Oakmont Broker
Stephanie Manescu
Call Girl
Shawlini Manjunath-Holbrook
Wedding Guest
Judah McFadden
Wedding Guest
Kirk McGee
Marcher in Parade
Max McLaughlin
Soccer Player
Tiffany Messam-Kennedy
Airport Traveler
Zach Miko
Stratton Broker
Bryan A. Miranda
Taxi Driver
Alexander Moitzi
Ben Monahan
Stratton Broker
Kellen Moriarty
Jr. Analyst
Karen Morris
Wall Street Business Person
Ron Nakahara
Rocky Aoki
Lee Navlen
Nicole Neuman
The Assistant
Chris Nuñez
Miami Busboy
Stratton Oakmont Broker
Seregon O'Dassey
Masseuse to Donnie Azoff
Joseph Oliveira
Court Room Attendant
Daniel Olson
Erik Olssen
Stratton Broker
Jennifer Ortiz
And Palladino
Stratton Applicant
Rocco Palmieri
Stock Broker
Thomas Patrick
Stratton Broker
Geoffrey J.D. Payne
Jon L Peacock
Stratton Broker
Andrew Penabad
Stratton Broker
Jennifer Penner
Bikini Girl
Katrina E. Perkins
Swiss Flight Attendant
Mike Perkins
Stratton-Oakmont Broker
Michael Perrie Jr.
Champagne Air Passenger
Joseph Piazza
Stratton Oakmont Broker
Diane Poulos
Michael Power
Seminar Guest
Emma Powers
Jelani Quinn
Ernest - Bank Vice President
Thomas Raimondo
Stock Broker
Jennifer Rainey
Airport Traveler
Jon Douglas Rainey
Neil Reese
Stratton Oakmont Broker
Abbie Richards
Donny's Masseuse
Brittney Parker Rose
Stratton Assistant
Jamie Rosen
Bikini girl
Rachel Rossin
Stratton Assistant
Tyler Evan Rowe
Stratton Broker
Nicole Rutigliano
Meki Saldana
Blue Chip Girl
Sibyl Santiago
Convention Attendee
Chuck Schanamann
FBI Agent
Martin Schöndorfer
Stratton Broker
Vin Scialla
Chantalle's Brother
Jay Scott
Stratton Broker
Keith P. Scott
Jordan's Co-Worker
Terra Kimberly Scott
Wedding Guest
Gabriel Sickel
Stratton Broker
Robert Skelly
Stratton Broker
Chris Skeries
Kelly Southerland
Rothchild Broker #9
Tucker Sparkman
Wolfpack #3
Matt Strickland
Stratton Broker
Gerard Sullivan
Miami Cop
Rafael Svarin
Stratton Broker
Marianne Tatum
Chantelle's Mother
Billy Clark Taylor
Stratton Broker
Adam Teper
Stratton Broker #8
Nicky Teti
Stratton Broker
Dave Thompson
Manuel Ridgeway - Shoe Shopper
Logan Thoreau
Wedding Guest
Paul Thornton
1st Class Swiss Airline Passenger
Ryan Timberlake
Party Guest
Raquel Toro
Party Guest
Cassi Torres
Wedding Guest
Kathleen Tripp
Josh Trovato
Stratton Broker
Alex Van Zeelandt
Office Party Girl
Reginald VelJohnson
Carl Winslow in Family Matters
Stefano Villabona
Stratton Broker
Madeleine Wade
Call Girl
Sylvia Ward
Wedding Guest
Sky Watersend
Fredrick Weiss
Rothschild Broker
David Wenzel
Jaleel White
Steven Quincy Urkel in Family Matters
Darren Whitfield
New Zealand Conference Attendee
Ben Paul Williams
Stratton Oakmont Broker
Edward Woodward
Robert McCall in The Equalizer
Nicholas Wuehrmann
Swiss Customs Officer
Perri Yaniv
Stratton Oakmont Broker
Joe Zaso
Nenad Zezelj
Jeremy Zierau
Diner Patron

Produced by

Riza Aziz
Richard Baratta
Marianne Bower
associate producer
Leonardo DiCaprio
Danny Dimbort
executive producer
Joel Gotler
executive producer
Ted Griffin
Georgia Kacandes
executive producer
Joey McFarland
producer (p.g.a.)
Alexandra Milchan
executive producer
Martin Scorsese
Adam Somner
Emma Tillinger Koskoff
Irwin Winkler
executive producer
Rick Yorn
executive producer

Cinematography by

Rodrigo Prieto
director of photography

Editing by

Thelma Schoonmaker

Casting By

Ellen Lewis

Production Design by

Bob Shaw

Art Direction by

Chris Shriver
Dave Asling

Set Decoration by

Ellen Christiansen

Costume Design by

Sandy Powell

Makeup Department

Matiki Anoff
additional makeup artist
Kathryn Blondell
personal hair stylist: Mr. Leonardo DiCaprio
Chris Clark
key hair stylist
Christine Domaniecki
additional makeup artist
Razieh Gholozadeh
hair stylist
Valerie Gladstone-Appel
additional hair stylist
Sian Grigg
makeup artist: Mr. Leonardo DiCaprio
Mindy Hall
department head makeup
Michael Kriston
department head hair
Linda Librizzi
additional hair stylist
Donyale McRae
additional makeup artist
Katherine O'Donnell
makeup artist
Mary Anne Spano
key makeup artist
Joseph Whitmeyer
hair stylist
Elisa Acevedo
hair stylist (uncredited)
Patrick Alemi
hair stylist (uncredited)
Gary Archer
dental technician (uncredited)
Francesca Buccellato
makeup artist (uncredited)
Joanne Cocuzza
hair stylist (uncredited)
Chris Conover
prosthetics production manager (uncredited)
Roma Demartino
hair stylist (uncredited)
Jameson Eaton
hair stylist (uncredited)
Michael Fontaine
prosthetic effects artist (uncredited)
Lee Gren
graphic designer specialty tattoos: Tinsley Studio (uncredited)
Cara Hannah
hair stylist (uncredited)
Jill Karol
makeup artist (uncredited)
Chris Kelly
prosthetics supervisor (uncredited)
Aaron Mark Kinchen
assistant hair stylist (uncredited)
Michael Marino
prosthetic makeup designer (uncredited)
Nora Martin
hair stylist (uncredited)
R. Cory McCutcheon
hair stylist (uncredited)
Brenna McGuire
makeup artist (uncredited)
Mary McNamara
makeup artist (uncredited)
Sanja Milic
additional makeup artist (uncredited)
Amanda Miller
wig maker (uncredited)
Pat Moore-Theis
makeup artist (uncredited)
Bridget O'Neill
makeup department head: additional photography, Los Angeles (uncredited)
Ingrid Okola
additional makeup artist (uncredited)
Rosanne Puchal
makeup artist (uncredited)
Liz Ramos-Reilly
background hair (uncredited)
Rosemary Redlin
makeup artist (uncredited)
Zachary Ripps
contact lens technician (uncredited)
Bridget Ritzinger
makeup artist (uncredited)
Susan Schectar
hair stylist (uncredited)
Inga Thrasher
hair stylist (uncredited)
Valerie Velez
additional hair stylist (uncredited)
Jovan Vitagliano
hair stylist (uncredited)
Jacqueline Weiss
hair stylist (uncredited)

Production Management

Richard Baratta
unit production manager
Kelley Cribben
post-production supervisor
John DeSimone
production supervisor
Rounak Roy
post-production supervisor
Adrian Harrison
production supervisor: second unit, London (uncredited)
Zoe Hartman
production assistant (uncredited)
Francesco Marras
production manager it (uncredited)

Second Unit Director or Assistant Director

Julie A. Bloom
first assistant director: second unit
Scott Bowers
second assistant director: second unit
David Fischer
second assistant director: second unit
Don H. Julien
first assistant director: second unit
Scott Koche
additional second assistant director
Robert Legato
second unit director
Jeremy Marks
second second assistant director
Josh Muzaffer
dga trainee
Francisco Ortiz
second assistant director
Adam Somner
first assistant director
Pierre Amstutz Roch
third assistant director: Switzerland (uncredited)
Adam Bernard
additional second assistant director (uncredited) / second second assistant director: second unit (uncredited)
Fraser Fennell-Ball
second assistant director: UK and Italy (uncredited)
Derek Peterson
additional second assistant director (uncredited)
Travis Rehwaldt
additional second assistant director (uncredited)

Art Department

Jonathan Arkin
assistant art director
Brian Becker
construction foreman
Chris Bertholf
scenic artist
Greg Boatwright
key industrial
Colin Brantley
scenic artist
Jen Brinker
scenic artist
Patrice Canfield Longo
set dresser
Deborah Canfield
set dressing foreperson
Philip Canfield
Teresa Kelly Canfield
set dresser
Alexios Chrysikos
Michael R. Clark
industrial (as Mike Clark)
Katie Clinebelle
assistant props
Brian Cote
camera scenic
Gregory Criscuolo
key shop craftsman
Jamel Daniels
on-set dresser
Svetlana Dobrushkina
Jessica Emerson
scenic artist
William Garvey
construction grip
Kevin Gillespie
scenic foreman
Brent Godek
assistant props
W. Steven Graham
assistant art director
Robert Griffon Jr.
property master (as Robert Griffon)
Damon Hahn
set dresser
Christoph Heaps
set dresser
Aaron Heeter
set decoration production assistant
Richard Hoppe
set dresser
Tim Jackson
on-set greens
Monica Jacobs
asset manager
Brian Jones
set dresser
Roger Lang
construction foreman
Kristopher Layng
art department production assistant (as Kris Layng)
Elinor Lee
art department production assistant
Bill Lehne
Todd MacNicholl
key construction grip
Michele Mayas
scenic artist
James H. McDonnell
assistant props (as James McDonnell)
John McDonnell
assistant property master
John McHugh
Rebecca Meis DeMarco
assistant set decorator
David Meyer
assistant art director
Kris Moran
assistant set decorator
Alyssa Motschwiller
art department coordinator: set decoration
Jason Murphee
scenic artist
Richard Oeser
greens foreman
John Pollard
assistant art director
Amy Safhay
lead greensperson
Raymond M. Samitz
construction coordinator (as Raymond Samitz)
Sha-Sha Shiau
art department coordinator
Patricia Sprott
charge scenic
Elizabeth Stern
construction grip
Lauren B. Taylor
set decoration assistant
Thomas Walker
construction grip foreman
Holly Watson
graphic artist
Travis Wright
on-set dresser
Ted Altman
set dresser (uncredited)
Katie Bova
set dresser (uncredited)
Claire Bretschneider
scenic artist (uncredited)
Michael Bruno
set dresser (uncredited)
Gabu Camilo
props (uncredited)
David Cooney
storyboard artist (uncredited)
Richard Bryan Douglas
standby carpenter (uncredited)
Glen A. Gregory
carpenter (uncredited)
Alicia Haverland
set dresser (uncredited)
Jimmy Hays
greens department (uncredited)
Don Kushner
carpenter (uncredited)
Emily Kwong
graphic designer: New Deal Studios (uncredited)
Robert Ludemann
graphic designer: motion graphics (uncredited)
Christopher G. Markunas
key construction foreman (uncredited)
Ryan McGrath
set dresser (uncredited)
Zechariah Metzler
on-set dresser (uncredited)
Carmen Navis
set dresser (uncredited)
Jessica Panuccio
set dresser (uncredited)
Oliver Peabody
carpenter (uncredited)
Julie Peters-Haymes
set dresser (uncredited)
Sam Rosedietcher
greensman (uncredited)
Emilio Saez
set dressing gangboss (uncredited)
Valerie Scoppa-Misarti
set dresser (uncredited)
Zachary Sears
set dresser (uncredited)
Gordon Tanner
set dresser (uncredited)
Lee Marvin Walker
construction grip (uncredited)
Ashley Wellbrock
set decoration assistant (uncredited)
Tim Zydel
set dresser (uncredited)

Sound Department

Jamie Baker
foley editor
David Boulton
adr mixer
Kam Chan
foley editor
Marko A. Costanzo
foley artist (as Marko Costanzo)
Chris Fielder
first assistant sound editor
Tom Fleischman
re-recording mixer
Eugene Gearty
sound effects editor / supervising sound editor
Frank Graziadei
boom operator
Heather Gross
foley editor
Maegan Hayward
sound mixing facility coordinator
Bret Johnson
sound re-recordist
Frank Kern
foley editor
George A. Lara
foley recording engineer (as George Lara)
Marissa Littlefield
supervising adr editor
Samuel Miille
assistant sound effects editor (as Sam Miille)
Branka Mrkic
dialogue editor (as Branka Mrkic-Tana)
James J. Sabat Jr.
pro tools playback / second boom operator
James Sabat
production mixer
Lyndsey Schenk
post-production sound: movie trailer
Steve F.B. Smith
engineer: Dolby (as Steve Smith)
Greg Steele
adr mixer
Philip Stockton
dialogue editor / supervising sound editor
Clémence Stoloff
apprentice sound editor (as Clemence Stoloff)
Dominick Tavella
additional sound re-recording mixer
Deborah Wallach
adr editor
Justine Baker
adr recordist (uncredited)
Cary Clark
engineer (uncredited)
Matt Coffey
adr recordist (uncredited)
John D'Aquino
pro tools playback mixer (uncredited)
Dann Fink
adr voice casting (uncredited)
Xylina Golding
sound facilities coordinator (uncredited)
Ruth Hernandez
additional editor (uncredited)
Daniel McIntosh
sound mixer: second unit (uncredited)
Chris Navarro
adr mixer (uncredited)
Jordan O'Neill
datasat sound mastering engineer (uncredited)
Derek Pacuk
pro tools playback mixer (uncredited)
Egor Panchenko
pro tools playback mixer (uncredited)
Carmine Picarello
boom operator: second unit (uncredited)
Brent Planiden
adr recordist (uncredited)
Bret Scheinfeld
boom operator: second unit (uncredited)
Ric Schnupp
adr recordist (uncredited)
Shane Sharpe
adr recordist (uncredited)
Timothy Siddall
adr mixer (uncredited)
Seva Solntsev
re-recording mixer (uncredited)
Jason Stasium
pro tools playback mixer (uncredited)
Billy Theriot
adr mixer (uncredited)
David Tirolo
pro tools playback mixer (uncredited)
Dan Wesson
boom operator: second unit (uncredited)
Greg Zimmerman
adr recordist (uncredited)

Special Effects by

Scott Garcia
special effects technician
Drew Jiritano
special effects supervisor
Joe Montenegro
special effects technician
Andrew Mortelliti
special effects foreman
Joseph Mortelliti
special effects technician
Jesse Noel
special effects technician
Mark Noel
special effects gimbal foreman (as Marc Noel)
Stephen Powers
special effects technician
Garth Steinheimer
special effects technician
R. Bruce Steinheimer
mechanical storm sequence supervisor
Thomas Viviano
special effects technician
Steven E. Fernandez
special effects technician (uncredited)
Chuck Khoury
special effects technician (uncredited)
William Moore
electronics technician: Yacht SFX (uncredited)
Matt Moroughan
special effects crew (uncredited)
Richard Stutsman
special effects crew (uncredited)
Mark Vicidomini
special effects assistant (uncredited)

Visual Effects by

Gary Abrahamian
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Glenn Allen
visual effects producer: Brainstorm Digital
Francisco Alvarez
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Bernd Angerer
animation supervisor: Scanline VFX
Sean Araki
visual effects systems engineer: Brainstorm Digital
William Barkus
compositor: Lola VFX
Brian Battles
additional compositor: Lola VFX
Edward Bauman
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Tom Bayer
visual effects producer: Crazy Horse East
Rachel Berry
visual effects producer: Crazy Horse East
Vincent Blin
compositor: Lola VFX
Derek Blume
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Loganathan Boopathy
visual effects artist
Igor Boshoer
visual effects pipeline td: Method Studios
Guy Botham
visual effects executive producer: Lola Visual Effects
Tatjana Bozinovski
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Baby Braulio
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Austin Brown
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Cara Buckley
visual effects head of production: Method Studios
Pol Chanthasartratsamee
digital artist: Method Studios
Gerald Cheng
compositor: Crazy Horse East
Mina Choe
roto artist: Brainstorm Digital
Crystal Choo
visual effects production manager: Scanline VFX (as Crystal Yen Ling Choo)
Jessica Clifton
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Matthew Conner
supervising matte painter: Brainstorm Digital
Chris M. Cooper
digital artist: Method Studios (as Chris Cooper)
Nick Crew
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Jimmy Cruz
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX (as Jim Cruz)
Amy Davis
compositor: Crazy Horse East
Christian Deiß
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX (as Christian Deiss)
Brian Di Noto
digital artist: Method Studios
Eran Dinur
visual effects supervisor: Brainstorm Digital
Aleksandar Djordjevic
digital artist: Method Studios
Moriba Duncan
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Charlene Eberle Douglas
visual effects producer: Method Studios
Joe Farrell
visual effects supervisor: Scanline VFX
Marvin Fonacier
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Mark O. Forker
visual effects supervisor: Method Studios (as Marko Forker)
Evan Fraser
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Matthew Friedlander
matte painter: Brainstorm Digital
Richard Friedlander
visual effects producer: Brainstorm Digital
Matt Garner
visual effects editor
Christina Graff
visual effects executive producer: Crazy Horse East
Paul Graff
visual effects supervisor: Crazy Horse East
John B. Gray
digital artist: Method Studios (as John Gray)
Matthew Hackett
digital artist: Method Studios (as Matt Hackett)
Whitney Hagan
digital production manager: Scanline VFX
Chad Herrada
digital artist: Method Studios
Josiah Holmes Howison
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Melissa Huerta
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Wendy Hulbert
visual effects production manager: Scanline VFX (as Wendy J. Hulbert)
Denis Huynh
visual effects systems engineer: Method Studios (as Dennis Huynh)
Alice Kahn
visual effects production manager: Method Studios
Jeff Kim
visual effects paint supervisor
Sewang Kim
visual effects artist
Joel Kittle
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Dan Knight
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Kelvin Ko
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Chun-Lin Kuo
compositor: Crazy Horse East (as Jimmy Kuo)
Derek Ledbetter
compositing supervisor: Crazy Horse East
Alex Okjoo Lee
roto artist: Brainstorm Digital (as Alex Lee)
Huisoo Lee
digital artist: Method Studios
Seong Joon Lee
digital artist: Method Studios
Woohyuck Eric Lee
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX (as Woohyuck Lee)
Michael Legato
visual effects production assistant
Robert Legato
visual effects production supervisor (as Rob Legato)
Max Leonard
visual effects producer: Lola VFX
Ryan Leonard
digital artist: Method Studios
Marco Leone
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Lukas Lepicovsky
cg supervisor: Scanline VFX
Andy Lesniak
visual effects virtual camera crew: Scanline VFX (as Andrew Lesniak)
Dan Letarte
digital artist: Method Studios
Dave Levine
compositor: Lola VFX (as David Levine)
John Lindstein
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Whitman Lindstrom
matte painter: Crazy Horse East
Christine Lo
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Christian Lowe
digital compositor: Brainstorm Digital
Blake Loyd
compositor: Crazy Horse East
Joseph Mangion
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
David Marte
digital artist: Method Studios
Justin Maynard
digital artist: Method Studios
Brody McIlveen
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Chris McIlveen
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Aryel Melek-Shalom
compositor: Crazy Horse East
Joel Román Mendías
visual effects executive producer: Scanline VFX (as Joel Mendias)
Michael Miller
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Scott Miller
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Justin Mitchell
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Viet Nguyen
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Thomas Nittmann
visual effects executive producer: Lola VFX
Yunsik Noh
digital compositor: Brainstorm Digital
Robert Olsson
digital matte painter: Lola VFX
Andrew C. Ortiz
digital artist: Method Studios (as Andrew Ortiz)
Sharon Perl-Collins
visual effects accountant: Crazy Horse East (as Sharon Collins)
Danielle Plantec
visual effects consultant: Scanline VFX
Krysten Pollard
visual effects coordinator: Crazy Horse East
Michael Porterfield
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Hannes Poser
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Saysana Rintharamy
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Bernardo Rodriguez
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Tessa Roehl
visual effects coordinator: Crazy Horse East
Claire Rose
roto artist & compositor: Method Studios (as Carlos Rosario)
Adam Rothstein
visual effects production assistant: Brainstorm Digital
Mark Russell
visual effects producer
Johannes Saam
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Brian Sales
compositor: Crazy Horse East
David Sanger
visual effects producer: New Deal Studios
Ron Schrems
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
László Sebõ
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Wendy Seddon
digital artist: Method Studios
Jaeil Seo
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Martin Seu
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Dennis Shin
compositor: Crazy Horse East
Marcela A. Silva
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Sally Slade
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Courteney Smith
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Jeongyeon Son
digital artist: Method Studios
Basak Soumrany
digital compositor: Brainstorm Digital (as Basak Geckinli)
Lisa Spence
visual effects producer: Scanline VFX (as Lisa K. Spence)
Carl Stern
compositor: Crazy Horse East
Jim Su
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
James Sweeney
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Jeremiah Sweeney
compositor: Lola VFX
Ryan Tanel
compositor: Lola VFX
Fausto Tejeda
digital artist: Method Studios
Nils Thuerey
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
David Toepfer
visual effects systems engineer: Method Studios
Stefano Trivelli
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Stephan Trojansky
visual effects consultant: Scanline VFX
Randy Ui
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX
Mani Vermaas
lead compositor: Brainstorm Digital (as Mani Trump)
Daniel Warom
visual effects virtual camera crew: Scanline VFX
Martin Toby Watson
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX (as Toby M. Watson)
Adrian White
digital artist: Method Studios
Edson Williams
visual effects supervisor: Lola VFX
Zachariah Zaubi
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX (as Zach Zaubi)
Christian Zeiler
compositor: Crazy Horse East
Lee Allan
digital compositor (uncredited)
Stella Ampatzi
visual effects artist (uncredited)
Rajesh Babu
visual effects production coordinator (uncredited)
Sreyans Bardia
visual effects head of production: BOTVFX (uncredited)
Craig Barron
visual effects supervisor: Magnopus (uncredited)
Dan Bartolucci
visual effects smoke operator (uncredited)
Jonathan Bird
visual effects rendering td: Scanline VFX (uncredited)
Joe DeWalt Brown
visual effects (uncredited)
Angelo Caruso
visual effects title artist (uncredited)
Scott Cedarleaf
visual effects 3d lidar scanning artist (uncredited)
Bruce Hwang Chen
visual effects (uncredited)
Johnson Chuang
matchmove artist: Method Studios (uncredited)
Chad E. Collier
visual effects data operations manager: Method Studios (uncredited)
Mathieson Facer
visual effects crew: Scanline VFX (uncredited)
Justin Ferk
visual effects (uncredited)
Adam Gandola
visual effects artist (uncredited)
Alec Geldart
digital artist (uncredited)
Derik Gokstorp
visual effects pipeline td (uncredited)
Namjin Heo
roto artist (uncredited)
Tara Marie Jacobson
visual effects artist (uncredited)
Hetal Jain
visual effects producer: BOT VFX (uncredited)
Jeffrey Jasper
visual effects technical lead: New Deal Studios (uncredited)
Christian T. Kelley-Madera
visual effects editor: Method New York (uncredited)
Jason Kolowski
visual effects (uncredited)
Mike Larrabee
visual effects painter (uncredited)
Katie Linahon
visual effects production coordinator: New Deal Studios (uncredited)
Kegan Long
visual effects artist (uncredited)
Andreu Lucio Archs
lead visual effects artist (uncredited)
Martin Malmqvist
visual effects artist (uncredited)
Justin Mijal
visual effects previs modeler (uncredited)
James P. Noon
visual effects tracking artist (uncredited)
Pan Panyanutarak
digital matte painter (uncredited)
Prakash Pathak
visual effects production support (uncredited)
Chi Pham
visual effects systems administrator (uncredited)
David Piombino
digital compositor: Method Studios (uncredited)
Jonathan Podwil
digital matte painter/compositor (uncredited)
visual effects prep artist: BOT VFX (uncredited)
Ben Record
visual effects (uncredited)
Jonathan Reynolds
lookdev artist (uncredited)
Luca Gabriele Rossetti
visual effects (uncredited)
Vijayakumar S
roto artist (uncredited)
roto/prep supervisor: Botvfx (uncredited)
Dan Seddon
visual effects supervisor (uncredited)
Aleksandra Sienkiewicz
digital compositor: Method Studios (uncredited)
Jesse Speer
digital compositor (uncredited)
Rama Trump
roto artist (uncredited)
visual effects tracking artist (uncredited)
Zichuan Zhao
digital artist: Method Studios (uncredited)


G.A. Aguilar
stunt coordinator (as George Aguilar)
Sean Allison
stunt player
Roy T. Anderson
stunt player
Bobby Beckles
stunt player
Troy Benton
stunt player
Gianni Biasetti Sr.
stunt player (as Gianni Biasetti)
Brian Burik
stunt player
Scott Burik
stunts (as Scott Durik)
Jared Burke
stunt player
Mike Burke
stunt player
Nicole Callender
stunt player
Chris Cenatiempo
stunt player
George B. Colucci Jr.
stunt player (as George Colucci)
Blaise Corrigan
stunt coordinator
Harry Corrigan
stunt player
Joe Corrigan
stunt player
Ned Corrigan
stunt player
William Cote
stunt player (as William Cote Kruschwitz)
Neimah Djourabchi
stunt player
Geoffrey Dowell
stunt player
Peter Epstein
stunt player
Mark Fichera
stunt player
Aja Frary
stunt player
Shane Geraghty
stunt player
Jeffrey Lee Gibson
stunt player
Don Hewitt
stunt player (as Don Hewitt Sr.)
Gwyneth E. Larsen
stunt player (as Gwyneth Larsen)
Drew Leary
stunt player
Asa Liebmann
stunt player
Samantha MacIvor
stunt player (as Samantha Macivor)
Dina L. Margolin
stunt player (as Dina Margolin)
Ian Mclaughlin
stunt player (as Ian McLaughlin)
Declan Mulvey
stunt player
Dean Neistat
stunt player
Judi Lewis Ockler
stunt player (as Judi Lewis-Ockler)
Victor Paguia
stunt player
Corey Pierno
stunt player
Balint Pinczehelyi
stunt player
Christopher Place
stunt player
Stephen A. Pope
stunt player (as Stephen Pope)
Kevin Rogers
stunt player
Jeremy Sample
stunt player
Jodi Starnes
stunt player
Gary Tacon
stunt player
Shawnna Thibodeau
stunt player
Trampas Thompson
stunt player
Jon Patrick Trosky
stunt player (as Jon Trosky)
Aaron Vexler
stunt player
Caroline Vexler
stunt player
Chris Barnes
stunt driver (uncredited)
Gianni Biasetti Sr.
stunt coordinator additional photography (uncredited) / stunt double: Jonah Hill (uncredited)
Trevor Habberstad
stunt double (uncredited)
Owen Holland
stunts: ultimate arm driver (uncredited)
David Hugghins
stunt rigger (uncredited)
Josh Lakatos
stunts (uncredited)
Stephen W. Schriver
stunt double: Jonah Hill (uncredited)
Monty L. Simons
utility stunts (uncredited)

Camera and Electrical Department

Bryant Bailey
assistant camera
Hugh Bell
moVI operator: second unit
Maceo Bishop
camera operator
Peter Bulavinetz
dolly grip (as Pete Bulavinetz)
Michael Patrick Byrne
rigging grip (as Michael Byrne)
Alex Califano
David M. Carr
rigging grip best boy
Andrew Cavagnet
additional video assist
John Clifford
still photographer
Anthony Coan
camera loader
Mary Cybulski
still photographer
Andrea di Benedetto
Gregory Dressel
Tabb Firchau
moVI operator: second unit (as Tabb Fichau)
Kevin Flynn
key rigging grip
Casey Ford
rigging electrician
Richie Ford
rigging gaffer
Max Frankston
video playback
Jim Galvin
set lamp operator
Chris Gamiello
dolly grip
Ted Goodwin
set lamp operator
Dennis Green
video playback
Joseph Grimaldi
assistant chief lighting technician
Emily Millay Haddad
video playback (as Emily Haddad)
Chris Kilduff
Scott Kincaid
set lamp operator
Jeremy Knaster
set lamp operator
Robert Legato
director of photography: second unit
Loren Malo
Construction Grip
Bobby Mancuso
first assistant camera
Michael J. Maurer
set lamp operator
Peter McEntyre
shop electrician
William D. Moran
rigging grip (as William Moran)
Bill O'Leary
chief lighting technician (as William O'Leary)
Paul Osekoski
rigging electrician
Steven R. Paquette
best boy grip (as Steve Paquette)
Louis Petraglia
best boy rigging gaffer
Michael J. Prate
grip (as Michael Prate)
Tom Prate
key grip
Michael Rudolph
base camp generator operator
Darren Ryan
video assist
Joe Sarao
grip (as Joseph Sarao)
Mike Sime
video playback
Robert Stevers
generator operator
Chad Strohmayer
additional set electric
Scott Tinsley
second assistant camera
Bob Van Heek
Rebecca Venezia
second assistant camera
Zoran Veselic
first assistant camera
Robert Vuolo
second unit gaffer
Sebastián Almeida
remote head technician (uncredited)
Cua-Cua Apey
electrician (uncredited)
Adam Barbay
grip (uncredited)
Hilary Benas
second assistant camera: second unit (uncredited)
Dan Brosnan
second assistant camera: second unit (uncredited)
Deborah Brozina
second assistant camera (uncredited)
Jim Bugge
additional electrician: second unit (uncredited)
Kevin Burns
video playback (uncredited)
Thomas Calandrillo
super technocrane operator (uncredited)
Stephen Ciffone
first assistant camera: Bahamas VFX (uncredited)
Chris Cochran
rigging grip (uncredited)
Edward Cohen
electrician (uncredited)
Nicole Cosgrove
assistant camera: second unit (uncredited)
Mark Cyr
video/computer playback engineer (uncredited)
Nicholas DiBlasio
video playback operator (uncredited)
Eduardo Eguia
digital imaging technician (uncredited)
Joey Evora
grip: matrix crew (uncredited)
Gastone Ferrante
digital imaging technician: Italy (uncredited)
Scotty Frazer
lighting technician (uncredited)
Alex Gallitano
grip (uncredited)
Erik Galuppo
video/computer playback engineer (uncredited)
Josh Gill
second assistant camera (uncredited)
Andrew Greve
additional rigging electrician (uncredited)
Tesfaye Hamanot
grip (uncredited)
Brett Heicher
electrician (uncredited)
Connie Huang
additional camera production assistant (uncredited)
Kevin Karpinski
electrician (uncredited)
James Klayer
second assistant camera (uncredited)
Nick Kolias
drone operator (uncredited)
Tet Kuijper
lighting technician (uncredited)
Justin LaValley
grip (uncredited)
Patrick Longman
cineflex operator (uncredited)
Shaun Lowry
grip (uncredited)
Andrew Lupo
grip (uncredited)
William MacGhee
electrician (uncredited)
Paul C. McKenna
technician: Louma 2 Crane (uncredited)
Josue Sway Mendez
grip (uncredited)
Jason Montague
electrician: second unit (uncredited)
Will Morris
second assistant camera: additional photography (uncredited)
Xavier Munoz
grip: second unit (uncredited)
John Nasta
rigging grip (uncredited)
Francine Natale
set lighting technician (uncredited)
Michael Nelson
ultimate arm operator (uncredited)
Ryan Nethery
grip (uncredited)
John Nijhawan
additional (uncredited)
Alexander J. Nobbs
video assist: second unit (uncredited)
James Parsons
camera loader: second unit (uncredited)
Matthew Passarelli
grip (uncredited)
Chad Lear Plunkett
grip: b-unit (uncredited)
Zachary Poots
grip (uncredited)
Rob Portus
libra technician (uncredited)
Harry Pray IV
lighting technician (uncredited)
Keith Putnam
digital imaging technician: second unit (uncredited)
Dominic Rau
video assist: additional photography (uncredited)
Stuart Rogers
grip (uncredited)
Jonathan Salvo
grip (uncredited)
David Satin
digital imaging technician (uncredited)
James Schlittenhart
additional film loader (uncredited)
Steve Sterling
grip (uncredited)
Allen Stillman
shop electric (uncredited)
Asa-Luke Twocrow
rigging grip (uncredited)
Gregory J. Wilson
phantom technician (uncredited)
Michael Withers
electrician (uncredited)
Giacomo Zampieri
second assistant camera: additional photography, Italy (uncredited)

Casting Department

Alice Ellis
vfx extras casting
Allison Hall
background casting associate
Meghan Rafferty
casting associate
Kate Sprance
casting assistant
Chad Thompson
models casting
Grant Wilfley
extras casting
Melanie Block
extras casting assistant (uncredited)
Matthew Maisto
casting associate (uncredited)
Bruce Winant
adr voice casting (uncredited)
Zach Zatet
extras casting assistant (uncredited)

Costume and Wardrobe Department

Denise Andres
wardrobe supervisor
Susan Bakula
tailor (as Sue Bakula)
Julie Bennett
costume production assistant (as Julie Klobusicky)
Jessica Bergstrom
costume production assistant
Nina Cinelli
set costumer
Charles C. Crutchfield
set costumer (as Chuck Crutchfield)
Courtney D'Alesio
set costumer
David Davenport
costume supervisor
Cookie Lopez
personal costumer: Mr. Leonardo DiCaprio (as Cookie Lopez Fahey)
Laura McCarthy
set costumer (as Laura MacCarthy)
Courtney McClain
assistant costume designer
Kelsey O'Leary
costume production assistant
Christopher Peterson
assistant costume designer
Meghan Corea Raymond
costume coordinator (as Meghan Corea)
Ramona Sadiq
costume production assistant
Martha Smith
set costumer
Wade Sullivan
set costumer
Wendy Yang
costume production assistant (as Wendy Yang Bailey)
Sheara Abrahams
costumer: UK (uncredited)
Catherine Buyse Dian
assistant costume designer (uncredited)
Jessica Dalager
costumer (uncredited)
Susana Gilboe
costume assistant (uncredited)
Allison Graziano
costumer (uncredited)
Whitney Kyles
costumer (uncredited)
Leonard Logsdail
costumer (uncredited)
Monica Russell
costumer (uncredited)
Sylvianne Shurman
costume intern (uncredited)

Editorial Department

Steven Bodner
dailies colorist: Deluxe New York
Matt Breitenbach
digital intermediate editor: Deluxe New York
Scott Brock
associate editor
Red Charyszyn
assistant editor / visual effects editor
Alex Gurvits
post-production assistant
Élodie Ichter
digital intermediate associate colorist: Deluxe New York (as Elodie Ichter)
Katie Jordan
digital intermediate color assistant: Deluxe New York
Yvan Lucas
digital intermediate colorist
Philippe Majdalani
digital intermediate producer: Deluxe New York
Nick Monton
head of production: Deluxe New York
Francis Power
post-production coordinator
Ryan Duffy
dailies operator (uncredited)
Roland Eisinger
digital film recording operator (uncredited)
Marika D. Litz
dailies assistant (uncredited)
Josh Perault
scanning: dailies (uncredited)
Chris Zarcone
scanning: dailies (uncredited)

Location Management

Mara Alcaly
additional location manager
Matthew Bernstein
assistant location manager
James Crispino
location assistant
Frank Dauro
location assistant
Steve Faughnan
location coordinator
Erick Freitas
location assistant
Hakiem Greenhut
location assistant
Cassie Hay
location scout
Dave Michaels
location assistant
Joseph Morale
location assistant
Hilary Smith
assistant location manager
Nils Widboom
location manager
Matthew H. Wiesner
location scout
Karen Brady
location scout (uncredited)
Jeffrey A. Brown
location scout (uncredited)
Nick Carr
location scout (uncredited)
Philip Lobban
locations scout (uncredited)
Robert Noonan
location scout (uncredited)
Ben Piltz
location manager: london (uncredited)
Susanne Ragnarsson
location manager: Florida (uncredited)

Music Department

Christine Bergren
music clearances and legal services
Jim Bruening
assistant music editor
Meghan Currier
music coordinator
Jennifer L. Dunnington
music editor (as Jennifer Dunnington)
Jared Levine
associate music producer
Randall Poster
music supervisor
Robbie Robertson
executive music producer
Josh Vance
Simone Benyacar
composer: additional music (uncredited)
Tom Boyd
musician: oboe soloist (uncredited)
Tom Brown
music preparation (uncredited)
Bryan Carrigan
source music pro tools operator (uncredited)
Chris Fogel
source music engineer (uncredited)
Jon Mattox
trailer music composer (uncredited)
Victor Pesavento
music preparation (uncredited)
Theodore Shapiro
composer: additional music (uncredited)

Script and Continuity Department

Renee Burke
script supervisor: second unit (as Renée Foley Burke)
Ellen Gelula
Wendy Lee Roberts
script supervisor: second unit (as Wendy Roberts)
Holly Unterberger
script supervisor
Erin Feeley
script supervisor: second unit (uncredited)
Ted Griffin
script revisions (uncredited)
Petra Jorgensen
script supervisor: additional photography (uncredited)
Ron Peters
script advisor (uncredited)

Transportation Department

Bobby Alberga
driver (as Robert Alberga)
Paul Barth
helicopter pilot
Joe Bossi
Dan Buckman
driver (as Daniel Buckman)
David Buckman
Al Cerullo
helicopter pilot
Kerry Clark
parking coordinator
Jude Donnelly
John Edler
Lawrence Frasca
Joe Gonzalez
driver (as Joe Gonzalez)
Kevin Harrigan
transportation co-captain
Fred Herndon
driver (as Freddie Herndon)
David Hyde
Michael Hyde
transportation captain
Gary Kochakian
John Marsh
John Bernard Martin
Robert Morgan
Michael Moyer
Daniel Palmer
Gary Palmer
Joe Parvis
driver (as Joseph Parvis)
Richard Presutti
Luis Rodriguez
Michael Salamone
Kurt Schmiederer
Russ Swanson
driver (as Russell Swanson)
Ronald Tartaglia Jr.
driver (as Ronald Trataglia)
Kenyatta Turner
Ian Clarke
picture car coordinator: UK (uncredited)
David Conelli
camera car driver (uncredited)
Charles Heidet
precision driver (uncredited)
Rob Marshall
helicopter pilot (uncredited)
Richard Presutti Jr.
transportation (uncredited)
Sean Thornton
picture vehicle assistant coordinator (uncredited)

Additional Crew

Dan Alonso
technical consultant
Joan Altman
production accountant
Cameron Amstater
assistant: Mr. Terence Winter (as Cameron Combe)
Alma Angotti
technical consultant
Michael Arnold
choreographer/intimacy coordinator
Arusha Baker
set production assistant
Randall Balsmeyer
title designer: Big Film Design/Cinetitle (as Randy Balsmeyer)
Marco Baratta
office production assistant
Cassandra Barbour
rights and clearances: Entertainment Clearances
Todd Baxley
accounting clerk
John Bernard
producer: additional photography, European unit
Justin Bischoff
set production assistant
Mauro Blanco
dubbing actor
David Boyle
head of business and legal affairs: Red Granite Pictures
Petrea Burchard
photos courtesy of
Carolina Cadmilema
craft service assistant
Veronica Cadmilema
craft service assistant
Tyler Calvo
assistant: Mr. Riza Aziz & Mr. Joey McFarland
Cornelio Campoverde
craft service assistant
Deni Carise
technical consultant
Laura Caulfield
vice president of business and legal affairs: Red Granite Pictures
Ryan Cheevers
coordinator: Red Granite Pictures
Ilona Cheshire
research assistant
George Davanzo
technical consultant
Anthony DeGalbo
consultant (as Anthony Degalbo)
Danny Dimbort
co-president of sales and distribution: Red Granite International
Peter Feinberg
technical consultant
David Feldman
account executive: Deluxe New York
Kathleen Fellegara
Rich Fellegara
Daniel Fine
second assistant accountant
Mary-Kate Fitzpatrick
technical consultant
Lisa Frechette
assistant: Mr. Martin Scorsese
Annie Gaudet
assistant post production accountant: Trevanna Post
Selina Gomeau
assistant: Mr. Irwin Winkler
Martha Griffin
claim coordinator
Jackson Groom
production assistant
Christopher Hall
production secretary
Michael Hall
office production assistant
Eric Heiman
technical consultant
Randy Hermann
chief financial officer: Red Granite Pictures
Ryan Robert Howard
set production assistant (as Ryan Howard)
Joyce Hsieh
first assistant accountant
Jason Irizarry
assistant: Mr. Leonardo Dicaprio
Rachel Jaros
set production assistant
Charles Jeffreys
production assistant
Channing D. Johnson
outside counsel: Loeb & Loeb, Red Granite Pictures
Debra Johnson
outside finance/business management: Nigro Karlin Segal & Feldstein, Red Granite Pictures
Don Johnston
photos courtesy of
Larry Kaplan
unit publicist
Kim Krafsky
assistant animal wrangler
Zach Lasry
production assistant
W. Alberto Lozano
craft service assistant
Victoria Lucai
office production assistant
Steve McAuliff
animal wrangler
Christian Mercuri
co-president of sales and distribution: Red Granite International
Liz Modena
post production accountant: Trevanna Post
Tim Monich
dialect coach
Marisia Moreno
set production assistant
Matthew Muszala
technical consultant
Allison Niedermeier
assistant: Ms. Emma Koskoff & Ms. Georgia Kacandes
Patrick O'Connor
Set Production Assistant
Meg O'Shea
second assistant accountant
Joanna Ogando
payroll clerk
Ydania Ogando
production assistant
Incoronata Pagliuca
senior vice president of sales and distribution: Red Granite International (as Inc Pagliuca)
Joann Parisi
technical consultant
Ashley Peter
assistant: Mr. Martin Scorsese
Stephen Powers
production assistant
Yusuf Ramadan
security: J.A.G. Security
Joshua Ravetch
product placement
Rosalind Read
legal affairs executive: Red Granite Pictures (as Rosalind Lapin)
Jill Remis
assistant: Mr. Leonardo DiCaprio
Thomas Riordan
technical consultant
Kerry Roberts
payroll accountant
Ulises Rodriguez
production coordinator (as Ulises Rodriguez Noa)
Neil Rubin
technical consultant
Remi Ryterband
set production assistant
Laura Sevier
rights & clearances: Entertainment Clearances
Marco Silva
unit production assistant
Mike Sobiloff
unit production assistant
Erika Zinser Staines
production assistant (studio segments)
Tomas Stehlik
photos courtesy of
Samantha Stogel
office production assistant
Susan Strine
second assistant accountant
Stefan Swanepeol
photos courtesy of
William Warby
photos courtesy of
Patrick Wengler
assistant: Mr. Riza Aziz & Mr. Joey McFarland
King Williams
office production assistant
Adam Wolenski
construction accountant
Courtnee Zambrano
production assistant
Jeruschka Argenziano
set medic (uncredited)
Mark Behar
personal security/bodyguard to: all lead cast members & Personal Assist. to: Carl Reiner (uncredited)
Andrew Benz
set production assistant (uncredited)
Dustin Bewley
set production assistant: second unit (uncredited)
Tanya Blumstein
dialect coach prep: Jean Dujardin (uncredited)
Scott Bredengerd
production assistant (uncredited)
Liberato Candiello
stand-in: Leonardo DiCaprio in Geneva (uncredited)
Gregory Colica
production assistant (uncredited)
Alex Conway
production assistant (uncredited)
Mallory Crowley
contact lens technician (uncredited)
Gemma Dadourian
production assistant (uncredited)
Brian Damrow
accounting clerk (uncredited)
George Davanzo
technical advisor (uncredited)
Laurie Deuters
set production assistant (uncredited)
Derek DiBiagio
assistant: Matthew McConaughey (uncredited)
Shannon Elkind
vault coordinator: post production (uncredited)
Michael James Faradie
photo double: Mr. DiCaprio (uncredited) / stand-in: Mr. DiCaprio (uncredited)
Luis A. Fernandez
production assistant (uncredited)
Jay Ferraro
stand-in: Jonah Hill (uncredited)
Mike Fordham
body double: P.J. Byrne (uncredited)
Damiano Fusca
production assistant (uncredited)
Joe Gatta
president of production (uncredited)
Brian Gildea
photo double: Bo Dietl (uncredited)
Lorena Gordon
production assistant (uncredited)
Sean Grady
stand-in (uncredited)
Abigail Hansen
production assistant (uncredited)
Christopher Hickson
stand-in (uncredited)
Billy Holman
production assistant (uncredited)
Jonathan Hoover
production assistant (uncredited)
James Huddleston
finance executive (uncredited)
Marcin Janowski
international marketing and publicity executive (uncredited)
Lia Jusino
second unit: production assistant (uncredited)
Paul Kahil
set production assistant (uncredited)
Nicholas Koda
production assistant: second unit (uncredited)
Aaron Kozak
visual effects accountant (uncredited)
Ryan Lakestream
production assistant (uncredited)
Kyle Lavore
production assistant (uncredited)
Jack Leary
production assistant (uncredited)
Teariki Leonard
key set production assistant: UK (uncredited)
Sofiane Madi
production assistant (uncredited)
Nick Mann
additional set production assistant (uncredited)
Jacopo Marras
production assistant (uncredited)
Thomas Maxwell
production assistant (uncredited)
Taylor McNulty
production assistant (uncredited)
Dixon McPhillips
production assistant (uncredited)
Addison Mehr
researcher (uncredited)
Howard Neustadt
image science engineer (uncredited)
Robert Nyerges
set production assistant (uncredited)
Gil O'Brien
photo double: Kyle Chandler (uncredited)
Luke Odom
additional set production assistant (uncredited)
Jeffrey Omura
adr voice actor (uncredited)
Nick Page
additional set production assistant (uncredited)
Sarah Perlin
additional production assistant: second unit (uncredited)
Francesco Pezzulli
Italian dubbing: Jordan Belfort (uncredited)
Christopher M. Polito
picture double (uncredited)
Francesco Prando
Italian dubbing: Mark Hanna (uncredited)
Drew Ritson
production assistant (uncredited)
Jeff Sedwick
key production assistant: second unit (uncredited)
Andrew R. Smith
production assistant (uncredited)
Jana Spotts
production consultant (uncredited)
Chris Sprister
voice talent (uncredited)
Logan Steinhardt
production assistant (uncredited)
Sarah Townsend
runner: UK (uncredited)
Zach Warsavage
set production assistant (uncredited)
Ralph A. Wilburn Jr.
photo double/stand-in (uncredited)
Joshua Williams
key production assistant: second unit (uncredited)


Rachael Anobile
special thanks
Anne Beagan
special thanks (as Special Agent Anne Beagan)
Michael Bloomberg
special thanks (as Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg)
Christopher Donnelly
special thanks
Ari Emanuel
special thanks
Martin Feely
special thanks (as Supervisory Special Agent Martin Feely)
Betsy R. Glick
special thanks (as Betsy Glick)
Rick Hohmann
special thanks: Hewlett Packard
David Koskoff
special thanks
Jho Low
special thanks
Jackson Malle
special thanks
Mark McElhatten
special thanks
Suzette McLaughlin
special thanks: Camper & Nicholsons International
Kristin O'Connor
special thanks
Katherine Oliver
special thanks (as Commissioner Katherine L. Oliver)
Irene Pappas
special thanks
Peter Pappas
special thanks
Kenneth Rowe
special thanks: Canon
David Sparer
special thanks: Canon
Gina Telaroli
special thanks
Temple University Diamond Marching Band
special thanks (as Temple University Marching Band)
Keith Winters
special thanks: Inviro Studios
All Filters