- Renee Adams
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Leeann Alameda
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Luis Alarcon-Cisneros
- craft services: Luxo café, Pixar studio team, luxo cafe
- Megan Albert
- administration and finance: Pixar studio team
- Domenic Allen
- creative film services technical lead
- Tlaloc Alvarez
- administration and application support: Pixar studio team
- Brad Andalman
- software development: Pixar studio team (as Bradly Andalman)
- James Theodore Andereggen
- facilities: Pixar studio team
- John R. Anderson
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Tricia Andres
- production office manager
- Daniel Annereau
- a/v engineer: Pixar studio team
- Peter Anton
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Lorraine Aochi
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Anthony A. Apodaca
- theme parks and 360: Pixar studio team
- Steven Argula
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Jim Atkinson
- production engineer
- Paul Baker
- production office assistant
- David Baraff
- production engineer
- Allison June Barlow
- theme parks and 360: Pixar studio team
- Dana Batali
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Mickayela Jade Beatty
- administration and finance: Pixar studio team
- Mary Beech
- consumer products: Pixar studio team
- John Bennett
- facilities: Pixar studio team
- Nick Berry
- theme parks and 360: Pixar studio team
- Jonathan Bianchi
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Brad Bird
- senior creative team: Pixar
- Bryan Bird
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Malcolm Blanchard
- production engineer
- Steve Bloom
- dvd and promo production: Pixar studio team
- Colin Bohrer
- additional production support
- Kelly Bonbright
- consumer products: Pixar studio team
- Stas Bondarenko
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Peter Matthew Bontrager
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Michael A. Bordas
- pre-production engineering team
- Susan Bradley
- title designer
- Greg Brandeau
- senior staff: Pixar
- Katrin Bratland
- RenderMan development / renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Yvonne Brazil
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Ian Buono
- software development: Pixar studio team
- James Burgess
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Ryan Burns
- infrastructure
- Benjamin Butcher
- consumer products: Pixar studio team (as Ben Butcher)
- Andrew Butts
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Tom Carlisle
- facilities: Pixar studio team
- Loren Carpenter
- theme parks and 360: Pixar studio team
- Christen Carter
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Nancy Garretson Case
- administration and finance: Pixar studio team
- Beau Casey
- infrastructure
- Marco Castellanos
- shipping and receiving: Pixar studio team
- Marlon Castro
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Ed Catmull
- senior staff: Pixar
- Robin Chandler
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Juei Chang
- production engineer
- Michael Chann
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Kathleen Chanover
- consumer products: Pixar studio team (as Kat Chanover)
- Brenda Chapman
- senior creative team: Pixar
- Alden Chew
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Sarah Chiappinelli
- dvd and promo production: Pixar studio team
- Paul Chideya
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Jiayi Chong
- production engineer
- Shaila Chopra
- additional production support
- Per Christensen
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Al Cimino
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Kimberly Adair Clark
- human resources: Pixar studio team (as Kimberly Clark)
- Aidan Cleeland
- consumer products: Pixar studio team
- DeAnn Cobb
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Richard Cogger
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Deborah Coleman
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Mary Coleman
- creative development
- Chris Collins
- a/v engineer: Pixar studio team
- Daniel Combs
- administration and finance: Pixar studio team
- Kenny Condit
- shipping and receiving: Pixar studio team
- Rob Cook
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Sean Cotter
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Eleuterio Cruzat Jr.
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Johnoel Cuevas
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Kenneth Culp
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Samuel Daffner
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Lars R. Damerow
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- James G. Dashe
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Emily Davis
- development: Pixar studio team (as Emily Forbes)
- Ray Davis
- renderman development: Pixar studio teamHsieh
- Ronnie Del Carmen
- additional screenplay material / story supervisor
- Bryan Dennis
- a/v engineer: Pixar studio team
- Ricky Der
- administration and application support: Pixar studio team
- Tony DeRose
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Ross Dickinson
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- David DiFrancesco
- theme parks and 360: Pixar studio team
- Brendan Donohoe
- pre-production engineering team
- Kim Donovan
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Thomas Drake
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Andy Dreyfus
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Sarah Dunham
- dvd and promo production: Pixar studio team
- Jennifer Dunlap
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Paul Edmondson
- production engineer
- Miles Egan
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- George Elkoura
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Lisa Ellis
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Marguerite Enright
- administration and finance: Pixar studio team (as Marguerite K. Enright)
- Rachel Ergas
- administration and finance: Pixar studio team
- Edward Escueta
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Donald Evans
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- William Erik Evans
- production office assistant
- Cassandra Falby
- administration and application support: Pixar studio team
- Magen Sara Farrar
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Tyler Fazakerley
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Sean Feeley
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Christopher Fehring
- a/v engineer: Pixar studio team
- Heather Feng
- administration and finance: Pixar studio team (as Heather Feng-Yanu)
- Francisco Figueroa
- craft services: Luxo café, Pixar studio team, luxo cafe (as Francisco A. Figueroa)
- Gregory Finch
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Kurt Fleischer
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Julian Fong
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Emily Forbes
- development: Pixar studio team
- Christopher Ford
- renderman sales and marketing: Pixar studio team
- Erik Forman
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Lisa Forssell
- production resources: Pixar studio team
- June Foster
- infrastructure
- Tim Fox
- dvd and promo production: Pixar studio team
- Arnoldo Foà
- voice dubbing: Charles F. Muntz
- Christine Freeman
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Robert Frey
- a/v engineer: Pixar studio team (as Bob Frey)
- Tiffany Reno Fung
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Matthew Gagnebin
- facilities: Pixar studio team
- Remy Galang
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Kristi Gamble
- purchasing and studio store: Pixar studio team
- Kristin Gamble
- purchasing and studio store: Pixar studio team
- Elise Ganz
- studio teacher
- Rita Garcia
- production resources: Pixar studio team
- Adam Gates
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Grant Gatzke
- a/v engineer: Pixar studio team
- Liz Gazzano
- theme parks and 360: Pixar studio team
- Giancarlo Giannini
- voice dubbing: Carl Fredricksen
- Rob Gibbs
- story artist
- Alisa Gilden
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Paul Gillis
- facilities: Pixar studio team
- Timothy Glass
- administration and finance: Pixar studio team
- Rhona Gordon
- studio teacher
- Hilary Goss
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Roger Gould
- theme parks and 360: Pixar studio team
- F. Sebastian Grassia
- production engineering manager
- Jeanie Gray
- purchasing and studio store: Pixar studio team
- Lauren Grbich
- craft services: Luxo café, Pixar studio team, luxo cafe
- Tricia Green
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Marc S. Greenberg
- administration and finance: Pixar studio team
- Susan Boylan Griffin
- infrastructure
- Fidel Guzman
- craft services: Luxo café, Pixar studio team, luxo cafe
- Dawn Haagstad
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Gerald E. Hackett III
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Jonathan Hadden
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Thomas Hahn
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Cherie Hammond
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Robert Hamrick
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- James Handelin
- systems administrator
- Jason Hannen-Williams
- software development: Pixar studio team (as Jason Williams)
- Ramon Hannon
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Bethany Jane Hanson
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Pamela Harbidge
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- George Harker
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Mark Harrison
- data management group: Pixar studio team
- Christopher N. Harvey
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Valerie Hathaway
- purchasing and studio store: Pixar studio team
- David R. Haumann
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Warren Hays
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- John Hazelton
- projectionist: image mastering
- Jamie Hecker
- production engineer
- Kaitlin Hendrick
- administration and finance: Pixar studio team
- Mark Thomas Henne
- software development: Pixar studio team (as Mark T. Henne)
- Tara Hernandez
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Ralph Hill
- pre-production engineering team
- Kentaro Hinoki
- administration and finance: Pixar studio team
- Kitt Hirasaki
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Michael Hitson
- facilities: Pixar studio team / safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Dan Hoffman
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Wilson Taylor Holliday
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Ian Hsieh
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Ling Hsu
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Kenneth 'Yo' Huey
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team (as Kenneth Huey)
- Jason 'Jayfish' Hull
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Richard Hurrey
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Hayley Iben
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Jose Ignacio
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team (as Jose Richard Ignacio)
- Thomas Indermaur
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Geoffrey Irving
- production engineer
- Paul Isaacs
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Shriram Neelakanta Iyer
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Heather D.C. Jackson
- administration and finance: Pixar studio team
- Oren Jacob
- senior technology team: Pixar
- Kristine Javier
- safety and security: Pixar studio team (as Kristine A. Javier)
- Dennis 'D.J.' Jennings
- purchasing and studio store: Pixar studio team
- Michael B. Johnson
- pre-production engineering lead
- Jennifer Johnston
- craft services: Luxo café, Pixar studio team, luxo cafe
- Ron S. Jong
- infrastructure
- Ben Jordan
- production engineer
- Mark Joseph
- administration and finance: Pixar studio team (as Marc Joseph)
- Masa Jow
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Christina F. Julian
- production office assistant
- Peter Kaldis
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Tony Kaplan
- dvd and promo production: Pixar studio team
- Morgan Karadi
- dvd and promo production: Pixar studio team
- Michael Kass
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Shelley Katayama
- production resources: Pixar studio team
- Ryan Kautzman
- production engineer
- Catherine Kelly
- dvd and promo production: Pixar studio team
- Timothy Kennelly
- projectionist: image mastering
- Jason Kim
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Kenrick Kin
- software development: Pixar studio team
- John Kirkman
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Elyse Klaidman
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Elissa Knight
- assistant to producer
- Elise Knowles
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Cory Knox
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team (as Cory Ander Knox)
- Murat N. Konar
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Keith Kops
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Aaron Koressel
- dvd and promo production: Pixar studio team
- Manuel Kraemer
- production engineer
- Jacob Kuenzel
- production engineer
- Michelle Lai
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Erika Lamb
- craft services: Luxo café, Pixar studio team, luxo cafe
- Renee Lamri
- renderman sales and marketing: Pixar studio team
- Chris Lasell
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- John Lasseter
- senior creative team: Pixar
- Warren Latimer
- a/v engineer: Pixar studio team
- David M. Laur
- renderman development: Pixar studio team (as David Laur)
- Phred Lender
- pre-production engineering team
- Doug Letterman
- production engineer
- Brett Levin
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Marty Lew
- administration and application support: Pixar studio team
- Yun Lien
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Matthew Lindahl
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team (as Matthew Muhili Lindahl)
- Michelle N. Lindsey
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Raymond List
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Michelle Liu Chung
- assistant production accountant
- Hsiao H. Liu
- facilities: Pixar studio team
- Holly Lloyd
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Emery Low
- consumer products: Pixar studio team
- John Robert Loy
- production engineer
- Candelaria Lozano
- craft services: Luxo café, Pixar studio team, luxo cafe
- Jean C. Luevano
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Aaron Luk
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Cynthia Lusk
- creative film services manager
- Julie Lynn
- story consultant
- Sue Maatouk-Kalache
- additional production support
- Leigh Anna MacFadden
- consumer products: Pixar studio team
- Jeremiah Macias
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Sara Maher
- dvd and promo production: Pixar studio team
- Sureena Mann
- dvd and promo production: Pixar studio team
- Neri Marcorè
- voice dubbing: Dug
- Marisa Mariscal
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Lourdes Marquez Alba
- additional production support (as Lourdes Marquez Alba)
- Leah Marshall
- business and legal affairs: Pixar studio team
- Agnese Marteddu
- italian voice dubbing: Young Ellie
- Matthew Martin
- theme parks and 360: Pixar studio team
- Lori McAdams
- senior staff: Pixar
- Jennifer M. McCormick
- administration and finance: Pixar studio team (as Jennifer McCormick)
- Alicia McCullagh
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Mary McCusker
- acting coach
- Robin McDonald
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Erin McGarry
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Sean McGinn
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Terry McQueen
- production resources: Pixar studio team
- Jennylyn Mercado
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Mark Meyer
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Cherise Miller
- facilities: Pixar studio team
- Tim Milliron
- production engineering manager
- Erica Milsom
- dvd and promo production: Pixar studio team
- Josh Minor
- pre-production engineering team
- Alex Mohr
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Gary Monheit
- production engineer
- Michelle Moretta
- administration and finance: Pixar studio team
- BoB 'Naked BoB' Morgan
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team (as Bob Morgan)
- Jim Morris
- senior staff: Pixar
- Terry Lee Moseley
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Desiree Mourad
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Peter Moxom
- renderman sales and marketing: Pixar studio team
- Claire Munzer
- dvd and promo production: Pixar studio team
- James Ford Murphy
- production resources: Pixar studio team
- Kiel Murray
- creative development
- David Nahman-Ramos
- a/v engineer: Pixar studio team
- Prakash Nathan
- marketing: distribution & syndication
- Marcos Navarrete
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Kacy Naylor
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Jennifer Nealan
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Rosana Neciuk
- administration and finance: Pixar studio team
- Shawn Neely
- production engineer
- Randy Nelson
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Doug Nichols
- additional production support
- Shannon Ryan Nicosia
- marketing: Pixar studio team (as Shannon Nicosia)
- Marie Nilsson
- craft services: Luxo café, Pixar studio team, luxo cafe
- Jenn Nolan
- creative film services coordinator
- Daniel Leaf Nunes
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Greer Nuttall
- craft services: Luxo café, Pixar studio team, luxo cafe
- Peter Nye
- pre-production engineering team
- Michael O'Brien
- production engineer (as Michael K. O'Brien)
- Michael O'Brien
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team (as Michael A. O'Brien)
- Michael A. O'Brien
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team (as Michael A. O'Brien)
- Meg Ocampo
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Edgar A. Ochoa
- shipping and receiving: Pixar studio team
- Cory Omand
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Tanya Oskanian
- administration and finance: Pixar studio team
- Eben Ostby
- senior technology team: Pixar (as Eben F. Ostby)
- Jonathan Page
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Karen Paik
- creative development
- Silvia Palara
- marketing: Pixar studio team / software development: Pixar studio team
- Mark Pananganan
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Allison Parker
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Bret 'Brook' Parker
- software development: Pixar studio team (as Bret Parker)
- Brice Parker
- dvd and promo production: Pixar studio team
- Heidi Parmelee
- administration and application support: Pixar studio team
- Kevan Parmelee
- shipping and receiving: Pixar studio team
- Luigi Passalacqua
- craft services: Luxo café, Pixar studio team, luxo cafe
- Janifer Patterson-Noble
- infrastructure
- Craig Payne
- facilities: Pixar studio team
- Erica Perkins-Youman
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Karen Perry
- administration and finance: Pixar studio team
- Lena Petrovic
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Will Phan
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team (as Wil Phan)
- Peter Plackowski
- administration and application support: Pixar studio team
- Bill Polson
- production engineering manager
- May Pon
- administration and application support: Pixar studio team
- Thomas Porter
- production resources: Pixar studio team
- Donna Quattropani
- theme parks and 360: Pixar studio team
- Edgar Quinones
- a/v engineer: Pixar studio team (as Edgar Quiñones)
- Adrienne Ranft
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Arun Rao
- production engineer
- Lee Rasé
- additional production support
- Corey Revilla
- software development: Pixar studio team
- John Ricks
- craft services: Luxo café, Pixar studio team, luxo cafe
- Rob Rieders
- business and legal affairs: Pixar studio team
- Benjamin Rillie
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Gennie Rim
- additional production support
- Justin Ritter
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Bob Roden
- business and legal affairs: Pixar studio team
- Jayme Roderick
- development: Pixar studio team (as James Roderick)
- Jonathan Rodriguez
- consumer products: Pixar studio team
- Brian M. Rosen
- production engineer
- Juliet Roth
- university and archives: Pixar studio team
- Rob Rowe
- consumer products
- Ali Rowghani
- senior staff: Pixar
- Kristina Ruud
- administration and finance: Pixar studio team
- Shannon Ryan
- story manager
- Gary Rydstrom
- senior creative team: Pixar
- Susan Salituro
- infrastructure / software development: Pixar studio team
- Rudrajit Samanta
- pre-production engineering team
- Florian Sauer
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Brian K. Saunders
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Brian Savery
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Rick Sayre
- senior technology team: Pixar
- Auburn C. 'Aubie' Schmidt
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team (as A.U.B.I.E.)
- Donald Schmidt
- production engineer
- Chris Schnabel
- consumer products: Pixar studio team
- Chris Schoeneman
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Patrick Schork
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Peter T. Schreiber
- facilities: Pixar studio team (as Peter Schreiber)
- Laurie Schrey
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Craig Schroeder
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Brenden Schubert
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Stefan Schulze
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Christopher Scoville
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Kay Seirup
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Annabella Serra
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Jonathan Ward Shade
- renderman development: Pixar studio team (as Jonathan Shade)
- Todd Shaiman
- production finance lead
- John Shannon
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Michael Shantzis
- production engineer
- Stephanie Sheehy
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Bill Sheffler
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Krista Sheffler
- theme parks and 360: Pixar studio team
- John Shelby
- production assistant
- Sarah Shen
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Amie Shinohara
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Jody Weinberg Silverman
- business and legal affairs: Pixar studio team
- M.T. Silvia
- a/v engineer: Pixar studio team
- Michelle Simons
- administration and finance: Pixar studio team
- Dylan Sisson
- renderman sales and marketing: Pixar studio team
- Burton Siu
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Nelson Siu
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team (as Nelson Sette Siu)
- Noah Skinner
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Brian Smith
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Brian Smits
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Eliot Smyrl
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Justin Solomon
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Marc Sondheimer
- administration and finance: Pixar studio team
- Amanda Sorena
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- David Sotnick
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Maria Milagros Soto
- infrastructure (as MarÃa Milagros Soto)
- Jacob Speirs
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Hasia Sroat
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Alex Stahl
- a/v engineer: Pixar studio team
- Andrew Stanton
- senior creative team: Pixar
- Heidi Stettner
- data management group: Pixar studio team
- Allison Styer
- software development: Pixar studio team
- C. Bart Sullivan
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Mike Sundy
- data management group: Pixar studio team
- Joni Superticioso
- safety and security: Pixar studio team
- Galyn Susman
- dvd and promo production: Pixar studio team
- Wendy Dale Tanzillo
- administration and finance: Pixar studio team
- Susan T. Tatsuno
- production resources: Pixar studio team
- Andy Thomas
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Victoria Manley Thompson
- assistant to director (as Victoria R. Manley) / legal coordinator (as Victoria R. Manley)
- Kiki Thorpe
- consumer products: Pixar studio team
- Erin Tomson
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Brian Torres
- facilities: Pixar studio team
- Kelli Townley
- a/v engineer: Pixar studio team
- J. Warren Trezevant
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Sara Trumpler
- purchasing and studio store: Pixar studio team
- Claire Ucovich
- human resources: Pixar studio team
- Lee Unkrich
- senior creative team: Pixar
- Carl Jon Van Arsdall
- infrastructure
- Dirk Van Gelder
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Jonathan Vargo
- dvd and promo production: Pixar studio team
- Olga Velaszquez
- craft services: Luxo café, Pixar studio team, luxo cafe (as Olga Velazquez)
- Sigmund Vik
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Shari Villarde
- administration and finance: Pixar studio team
- Rudy Vucelich
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team (as Rudy Jason Vucelich)
- Deana Walker
- administration and finance: Pixar studio team
- Mark A. Walsh
- dvd and promo production: Pixar studio team (as Mark Walsh)
- Annette Wang
- administration and finance: Pixar studio team
- Carol Wang
- theme parks and 360: Pixar studio team
- Peter Ward
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- John Warren
- production resources: Pixar studio team
- Jason Watkins
- a/v engineer: Pixar studio team
- Veronica Watson
- story coordinator
- Jesse Weglein
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- David Wehr
- production engineering manager
- Jay Weiland
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Clayborn Welch
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Chris Wells
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Brad West
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Ian Westcott
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Saminda Wijegunawardena
- production engineering manager (as Sam Wijegunawardena)
- Jim Wilhelmi
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Sue Williams
- administration and finance: Pixar studio team
- Samantha Wilson
- craft services: Luxo café, Pixar studio team, luxo cafe / development: Pixar studio team
- Carrie Winchell
- business and legal affairs: Pixar studio team
- Wendy Wirthlin
- renderman sales and marketing: Pixar studio team
- Andy Witkin
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Sutien Wong
- dvd and promo production: Pixar studio team
- Adam Woodbury
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Wayne Wooten
- renderman development: Pixar studio team
- Brian Wright
- story coordinator
- Richard Yoshioka
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Corbin Young
- craft services: Luxo café, Pixar studio team, luxo cafe
- David Yu
- software development: Pixar studio team (as David G. Yu)
- Robert Yumol
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team
- Corie Zhang
- additional production support
- Timothy Zohr
- marketing: Pixar studio team
- Emily Zulauf
- development: Pixar studio team
- Luke Zulauf
- software development: Pixar studio team
- Daniel Zwell
- production engineer
- Neftalà Ãlvarez 'El MagnÃfico'
- desktop and infrastructure: Pixar studio team (as Neptali 'El Magnifico' Alvarez)
- Matthew J. Adams
- production staff (uncredited)
- Susan E. Levin
- production resources (uncredited)
- Josh Ling
- projectionist (uncredited)
- Olivier Mouroux
- international publicity (uncredited)
- Tim Pennoyer
- post production operations (uncredited)
- Tom Sanocki
- production engineer (uncredited)
- Thomas V. Thompson II
- technology support: XGen (uncredited)
- Dan Weeks
- infrastructure (uncredited)