- Victor Abbene
- gaffer
- Gary Abrahamian
- animation lead: CIS Hollywood
- Matthew Adams
- 2D supervisor: MPC
- Michael Adkisson
- senior compositor
- Laide Agunbiade
- compositor / senior lighting technical director
- Frank Akrong
- digital compositor
- Paul Alexiou
- visual effects film editorial: MPC
- Ian Allard
- digital artist
- Enrico Altmann
- model maker: New Deal Studios
- Vinicio Alvarez
- senior production services technician
- Seshadri Anand
- digital visual effects artist
- Tim Angulo
- director of photography: New Deal Studios
- Suzie Askham
- matchmove artist
- Greg Astles
- 2d supervisor: Intelligent Creatures, Inc.
- Sarun Auemongkolkarn
- tracking
- Henry Badgett
- lead compositor
- Jesse Balodis
- matte painting
- Stanley Balu
- matchmove artist
- Kelly Barschig
- recruiter: SPI
- Jean-Paul Beaulieu
- lighting and compositing artist
- Darren A. Bell
- visual effects executive producer: Intelligent Creatures Inc.
- Chad Belteau
- lighting and compositing technical director
- Ori Ben-Shabat
- compositor: Image Engine
- Jeff Benjamin
- lead production services technician
- Jeffrey Benoit
- pre-visualization artist
- Eli Best
- visual effects production assistant
- V.S.H. Ravi Ram Bhimaraju
- roto artist: Imageworks India
- Bineesh
- roto artist
- Dan Blank
- compositor
- Sarah Blank
- digital compositor (as Sarah Birns)
- Alex Blatt
- additional visual effects editor
- Douglas Bloom
- visual effects
- Michael Boggs
- scanning manager
- Stacey Boiselle
- motion capture producer
- Landon Bootsma
- compositor: MPC
- Jayni Borgaro
- compositor: CIS Hollywood
- Jelmer Boskma
- previs modeler
- Alan Boucek
- compositing supervisor: yU+Co
- Jean-Christophe Boue
- digital compositor: Intelligent Creatures
- E.M. Bowen
- visual effects coordinator: New Deal Studios, Inc.
- Dhiraj Brahma
- roto artist: SPII
- Michael Brazelton
- compositor: MPC
- Danielle Brooks
- cg artist
- Randy Brown
- compositor: CIS Hollywood
- Max Bruce
- cg supervisor
- Jeff Bruneel
- senior digital compositor: Intelligent Creatures
- Wendell Bruno
- assistant DMR editor (IMAX version)
- Izet Buco
- digital compositor
- Jose Burgos
- lead technical director: MPC Vancouver
- Matt Burlingame
- model maker: New Deal Studios
- Elika Burns
- roto/paint artist: CIS Hollywood / roto/paint supervisor: CIS Hollywood
- Jeremy Burns
- inhouse compositor
- Naomi Butler
- roto/prep artist
- Melissa Cabrera
- visual effects producer: Hirota Paint Industries
- Steve Cady
- lead animator: Intelligent Creatures
- Allison Cain
- sequence producer
- David Cameron
- visual effects
- Dan Camp
- technical animator: SPI
- Joe Carhart
- visual effects production assistant
- Onny P. Carr
- lighting and compositing: SPI
- Joseph Carson
- visual effects editor
- Marcus Carter
- digital effects artist
- Anthony Ceccomancini
- production manager
- Joshua Chapel
- technical director
- Freddy Chavez Olmos
- compositor: Image Engine (as Freddy Chavez) / visual effects compositor (as Freddy Chavez)
- John Abraham Chempil
- digital artist
- Dominic Cheung
- 3D artist: Intelligent Creatures
- Hyemee Choi
- lighter
- Jangwoo Choi
- senior modeler
- Kasia Cieryt
- lighting artist (as Katarzyna Cieryt)
- Rhys Claringbull
- asset lead: MPC / lighting artist: MPC
- Craig Clarke
- digital compositor
- Oli Clarke
- layout artist: MPC
- Jessee J. Clarkson
- modelmaker
- Miodrag Colombo
- digital compositor: The Moving Picture Company
- Jerry Corda-Stanley
- senior TD -Rorscahch look development and lighting pipeline: Intelligent Creatures
- Chris Coupland
- visual effects editor: MPC UK
- Garrett Cox
- visual effects
- Craig Crawford
- compositor: CIS Hollywood
- Kevin Culhane
- character rigger: CIS Hollywood
- Will Cunningham
- senior effects technical director
- Seth Curlin
- model maker: New Deal Studios
- Glenn Curry
- digital effects artist: MPC
- Mark Curtis
- compositor
- August Alondra Davies
- character animator (as Paul A. Davies)
- Christopher Davies
- render wrangler
- Adam Davis
- crowd pipeline td
- Claudio de Oliveira
- rotoscoping artist
- Dean Deakyne
- visual effects artist
- Lisa Deaner
- senior flame artist
- Yoshi DeHerrera
- visual effects artist: 3D scanning & modeling
- Stanley A. Dellimore
- head of layout: MPC
- Owen Demers
- texture/matte painter
- John 'D.J.' Des Jardin
- senior visual effects supervisor
- Purva Deshpande
- digital artist (IMAX version)
- Matt Dessero
- lead lighting and compositing
- K. Ramya Devi
- visual effects artist
- Dhananjayan
- roto artist
- Ben Dickson
- digital compositor: Rising Sun Pictures
- John Dietz
- visual effects producer: Rising Sun Pictures
- Jeff Dillinger
- lighting and compositing
- Ben Dishart
- texture artist: CIS Hollywood
- Thai Son Doan
- digital compositor
- Waylon Dobson
- modeler: CIS Hollywood
- Luke Dodd
- Visual Effects Supervisor: Jellyfish Pictures
- Jonny Doig
- department manager: MPC
- Tom Dow
- layout artist: MPC
- Nick Drew
- visual effects production manager: CIS London
- Steven Dugaro
- fx engineer
- Gord Dunick
- visual effects set supervisor
- Minh Duong
- modeler
- Ty Duperron
- modeler: previz
- Noel Eaton
- senior production services technician
- Elayaraja
- visual effects coordinator
- Jeremy Eliosoff
- visual effects artist
- Janeen Elliott
- compositor: Image Engine
- Keridan Elliott
- character setup technical director
- Josh Elmore
- junior modeler: Gentle Giant
- Michael Elson
- executive producer: MPC
- Stephen Enticott
- lead animator
- Fish Essenfeld
- senior technical director
- Ian Fallon
- render wrangler: MPC
- Michael Fessenden
- visual effects artist: Entity FX
- Forest P. Fischer
- model crew chief: New Deal Studios (as Forest Fischer)
- Lisa Fisher
- paint and rotoscope artist: CIS Hollywood
- Jordan Flanagan
- digital compositor
- Reggie Fourmyle
- visual effects artist
- Richard Fox
- digital compositor
- Nick Fredin
- pre-viz animator
- James French
- previs animator
- Nihal Friedel
- lighting technical director: MPC
- Mathias Frodin
- compositor: CIS Hollywood
- Jigesh Gajjar
- matchmove supervisor: The Moving Picture Company
- William Gammon
- senior compositor: Rising Sun Pictures
- Rasshi Ganeriwal
- visual effects production assistant: Intelligent Creatures, Inc
- Dan Gaud
- digital compositor (as Daniel Gaudreau)
- P. Whitney Gearin
- digital effects production supervisor
- Mikael Genachte-Lebail
- digital artist: MPC
- Clement Gerard
- head of environment: MPC london
- Deborah Giarratana
- visual effects executive
- Greg Gibbons
- matte painting supervisor: Intelligent Creatures
- Scott Giegler
- cg effects artist
- Peter Giliberti
- animator
- Benedict Gillingham-Sutton
- digital paint and rotoscope artist (as Ben Gillingham-Sutton)
- Rocco Gioffre
- matte artist: Svengali FX
- Alex Gitler
- compositor: CIS Hollywood / digital compositor / visual effects: CIS Hollywood
- Michael Glover
- models lighting
- Lisa Gonzalez
- modeller: MPC
- Demian Gordon
- special projects: pipeline
- Andrew Gough
- motion capture specialist
- Virginie Goulet
- digital compositor
- A.B. Govardhan
- matchmove artist
- Jonathan Graham
- pre-visualization
- Dave Griffiths
- digital compositor
- John Grotelueschen
- senior production services technician
- Omar Gudjonsson
- compositor
- Glen Gustafson
- matte painter
- Martin Halle
- effects technical director
- Brian Hamblin
- editorial technical manager: SPI
- Laurent Hamery
- rendering supervisor
- Chris Hardman
- matchmove artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Nina Harlan
- paint/roto artist (as Nina Yoon)
- Brandon Harr
- lidar scanning: LiDAR VFX
- Cody Harrington
- senior effects technical director (as Jim Cody Harrington) / senior visual effects technical director (as Jim Cody Harrington)
- Chris Harvey
- visual effects consultant: Frantic Films
- Michael Hatton
- visual effects production executive: Intelligent Creatures Inc.
- Parag Havaldar
- lead software engineer
- Jason Heapy
- visual effects producer
- Oliver Hearsey
- matchmove artist: The Moving Picture Company
- Chris Hebert
- visual effects photographer
- Joe Henke
- digital effects supervisor: CIS Hollywood
- Nicole Herr
- digital character animator: SPI
- Jeffrey Charles Higgins
- research & development technical director: The Moving Picture Company
- Bryan Hirota
- visual effects supervisor: CIS Hollywood
- Alex Hislop
- matchmove
- George Ho
- senior technical director
- Jean Ho
- digital effects coordinator
- Sam Hodge
- compositor: rising sun pictures
- Andrew Hogden
- junior compositor
- Christopher Holland
- additional assistant editor: DMR (IMAX version)
- Justin Holt
- senior texture painter: MPC
- Carl Hooper
- effects animation lead
- Rob House
- senior technical director
- Brian Howald
- digital effects artist
- Julian Howard
- layout artist: MPC
- Wade Howie
- lighting lead
- Pearl Hsu
- 3D artist: Intelligent Creatures
- John Hughes
- senior effects technical director: SPI
- Chris Hung
- senior technical director
- Alwyn Hunt
- senior texture artist: MPC
- Matthew Hunt
- render wrangler
- Ian Hunter
- visual effects supervisor
- Neil Huxley
- main title designer/art director: yU+Co
- Bridget Immelman
- model shop coordinator
- Jonna Isotalus
- digital artist
- Justin Israel
- senior production service technician: SPI
- Mike Jahnke
- animator: previz
- Jeffrey Jasper
- digital artist: New Deal Studios
- Alicia Johnson
- visual effects coordinator
- Helen Johnson
- roto/prep artist
- Linden Johnson
- visual effects (as Linden Wineland Johnson)
- Ross Johnson
- visual effects assistant: MPC
- Dennis Jones
- visual effects supervisor
- Keith Jones
- roto/prep artist
- Marc Jones
- matchmove artist: MPC
- Owen Jones
- lead matchmove artist
- Jason Jue
- digital compositor: Hirota Paint Industries
- Scott Seungpil Jung
- effects technical director: CIS Hollywood (as Scott Seungpil Chung)
- Mark Justison
- compositor: CIS Hollywood / roto/paint artist: CIS Hollywood
- Terry Kalinich
- animator / rigger
- Khader Hayathbasha Kareem
- digital compositor (as Kareem K.H.)
- Patricia Kavanaugh
- digital effects artist
- Patrick Kavanaugh
- digital effects supervisor: CIS Hollywood
- Peng Ke
- digital compositor: MPC
- Tyler Kehl
- visual effects coordinator
- Michael Kennedy
- senior compositor: MPC
- Blaine Kennison
- lighting and compositing technical director: SPI
- Christopher Kerr
- lead DMR artist
- Tim Ketzer
- lighting technical director
- Val Kharitonashvili
- effects technical director: SPI
- Sith Khay
- digital matter painter (as Sithiriscient Khay)
- Elaine Kieran
- software research and development: MPC
- Louis Kim
- compositor: Image Engine
- Seunghyuk Kim
- senior effects technical director
- Bernhard Kimbacher
- digital artist: Image Engine
- Ken Satchel King
- senior character animator: SPI (as Ken "Satchel" King)
- Wallace Kirkwood
- dmr artist
- Gyuri Kiss
- effects lead
- Ranjith Kizakkey
- matchmove lead
- Jeffrey Klug
- systems engineer: Intelligent Creatures
- Apryl Knobbe
- visual development
- Marta Knudsen
- matte painter: CIS Hollywood
- Anne Putnam Kolbe
- visual effects executive
- Lev Kolobov
- rorschach effect designer: Intelligent Creatures
- Stephen Kowalski
- senior systems architect
- Daniel Kramer
- digital effects supervisor
- Sylvia Kratzsch
- lighting technical director: MPC
- John Kreidman
- digital production manager
- E. Suresh Kumar
- digital effects artist
- Joosten Kuypers
- senior lighting and compositing technical director: SPI
- Giselle Kymberly
- digital compositor
- Daniel La Chapelle
- digital effects artist
- Bill LaBarge
- effects animation lead
- Luis Labrador
- senior character modeler
- Kenny Lam
- compositor: Moving Picture Company (as Ken Lam) / digital compositor (as Ken Lam) / senior technical director: color and lighting (SPI) (as Ken Lam)
- Alex Lama
- compositor: Image Engine
- Jerome Fournier Lanzoni
- visual effects (as Jerome Fournier)
- Jean Lapointe
- compositing sequence supervisor: MPC
- Pedro Lara
- digital compositor: MPC
- Nathaniel Larouche
- visual effects artist (as Nathan Larouche)
- Shandy Lashley
- visual effects coordinator
- Stuart Lashley
- sequence lead
- Mike Lasker
- lighting technical director
- Jesus Lavin
- compositor: Image Engine
- Michelle Ledesma
- visual effects coordinator
- Sean Lewkiw
- technical head of 3D
- Lyndon Li
- senior technical director
- Gregory D. Liegey
- compositor: CIS Hollywood
- Kirk Lilwall
- third assistant editor: DMR (IMAX version)
- Bryan Litson
- lighting technical director
- Randy Little
- lead compositor: titles yU + Co
- Kimberly Nelson LoCascio
- visual effects executive (as Kimberly K. Nelson)
- Chris Logan
- cloth & hair lead
- Justin Long
- vfx artist - camera dept: Rising Sun Pictures
- Steven Lovell
- visual effects
- Matthias Lowry
- digital compositor
- Keith Luczywo
- associate production manager
- Stephen Lunn
- lighting and compositing sequence lead
- Matthew Lynch
- visual effects bidding producer: Intelligent Creatures
- Bob Lyss
- compositor: CIS Hollywood
- Darren MacKay
- digital compositor
- Dawn Brooks Macleod
- visual effects producer: Image Engine
- Damien Macé
- concept artist
- Kevin Mah
- effects & lighting technical director: Intelligent Creatures Inc.
- Mike Marcuzzi
- digital artist (IMAX version)
- Mincho Marinov
- matchmove artist
- Rachel Matchett
- central production manager: MPC
- Javad Matoorian-Pour
- roto/prep
- Alan McCabe
- 3D lighting artist: MPC
- George McCarthy
- visual effects editor
- Andrew McDonald
- head of modeling: MPC
- Kenn McDonald
- animation supervisor
- Shannon McGee
- senior technical director: SPI
- Nakia McGlynn
- lighting technical director: The Moving Picture Company
- Chuck McIlvain
- visual effects artist
- Ian Jude McIntosh
- visual effects coordinator (as Ian McIntosh)
- Sarah McLauchlan
- visual effects editor: Rising Sun PIctures
- James McPhail
- digital effects artist: Image Engine
- Antonio Meazzini
- digital paint artist
- John J. Meehan
- animator
- Ximena Melendez
- visual effects coordinator
- Diana Miao
- cg supervisor: CIS Hollywood / texture & lighting supervisor: CIS Hollywood
- Pericles Michielin
- character animator: SPI
- Matt Middleton
- Sequence Lead
- Ellen E. Miki
- prep artist
- Gavin Miljkovich
- visual effects artist
- Jacob Curtis Miller
- digital artist: Image Engine
- Katie Miller
- coordinator assistant: CIS Hollywood / production assistant: CIS Hollywood
- Ryan Mintenko
- lighter: MPC
- Michele Moen
- matte painter: Svengali VFX
- Lon Molnar
- visual effects supervisor: Intelligent Creatures
- Sarah Moore
- lighting & compositing: SPI
- Koji Morihiro
- animator
- Jean-Francois Morissette
- senior matchmover
- David Antonin Mucci
- sequence supervisor
- Tricia Mulgrew
- visual effects production supervisor
- Ryan Mullany
- digital artist
- Tim Mulvihill
- visual effects editor
- Adil Mustafabekov
- matte painter: SPI
- Rajakanna Nagarajan
- digital artist
- Serena Rainbow Naramore
- digital compositor (as Serena Naramore)
- Leo Neelands
- digital compositor
- Julia Neighly
- visual effects production manager: CIS Hollywood (as Julia Gaudette)
- Jarrod Nesbit
- senior visual effects coordinator
- Steve Newburn
- model maker: New Deal Studios
- Mark Newport
- effects support
- Jeff Newton
- cg supervisor
- Adele Ng
- 3d artist: Intelligent Creatures
- Jordan Nieuwland
- digital matte artist
- Chris Nokes
- visual effects line producer: Intelligent Creatures
- James P. Noon
- tracking
- Jessica Norman
- visual effects supervisor: MPC
- Sam Norman
- digital compositor: Rising Sun Pictures
- Alberto Noti
- visual effects artist
- Collette Nunes
- visual effects editor
- Diarmaid O'Connor
- senior mocap technician: Audiomotion
- Roma O'Connor
- visual effects executive producer
- Nick Ocean
- visual effects coordinator / visual effects production assistant
- Joshua Ochoa
- motion capture supervisor
- Gregory Oehler
- senior compositor: CIS Hollywood
- Michael Off
- gaffer VFX unit: new deal studios
- Stephen Olsen
- mocap artist
- Jonathan Opgenhaffen
- lead cgi artist: CIS London
- Ellery Ortiz
- matchmove artist
- Tharanipathi Padmanabhan
- matchmove artist
- Ivo Panayotov
- system engineer: SPI
- Scott Parker
- systems engineer: Intelligent Creatures
- Isaac Partouche
- animation / motion capture director
- Stephen Paschke
- effects technical director: MPC
- Luca Pataracchia
- senior effects technical director
- Simon Payne
- character rigger
- Geoff Pedder
- look development lead: MPC Vancouver
- Tom C. Peitzman
- overall visual effects producer (as Tom Peitzman)
- Joseph Pepper
- senior technical director
- Tom Perry
- lighting technical director: Intelligent Creatures
- Derek Peterson
- storyboard coordinator
- Rob Pieke
- research and development: MPC
- Jason Pomerantz
- digital artist (IMAX version)
- Eric Ponton
- digital compositor: Rising Sun Pictures
- Josa Leah 'SDB' Porter
- production manager: Intelligent Creatures
- Shaun Anthony Portillo
- visual effects artist
- Pavan Kumar Potluri
- senior digital compositor
- Tim Pounds-Cornish
- visual effects production manager
- Donna Poynton
- roto/prep artist
- Olivier Pron
- head of matte painting: MPC
- Mark Pullyblank
- previz animator
- James Purdy
- visual effects coordinator
- Paul Pytlik
- digital artist (IMAX version)
- The-Hung Quach
- texture painter
- Neil Rafuse
- digital compositor
- Søren Ragsdale
- look development: shader artist: SPI
- Balaji Ramakrishna
- digital compositor
- Vinoth Ramalingam
- matchmove artist
- Sandesh Ramdev
- rotoscoping lead
- C.R. Ramkumar
- digital compositor
- Ollie Rankin
- motion capture director
- Donny Rausch
- lighting and compositing
- Nicholas David Reed
- matchmove artist / visual effects
- Tom Reed
- head of rigging: MPC
- Arturo Revilla
- matchmover: Intelligent Creatures
- Eddy Richard
- digital environment artist : MPC
- Hannes Ricklefs
- research and development: mpc
- Scott Riopelle
- lead digital compositor: Intelligent Creatures
- Becky Roberts
- visual effects producer: CIS London
- Ben Roberts
- digital compositor: Rising Sun Pictures
- Liz Roberts
- visual effects production manager: MPC
- Pau Rocher
- digital compositor: Intelligent Creatures
- Cabral Rock
- visual effects coordinator: MPC
- Craig Edward Rogers Jr.
- film recording
- Toby Rosen
- visual effects technician
- Joseph Rosensteel
- lighting & compositing technical director: SPI
- Jeya Ruban
- digital compositor
- Juan Rubio
- digital artist
- Angel Gil Ruiz
- lead matchmover: Intellegent Creatures
- Chris Ryan
- cg supervisor: CIS Hollywood
- Heather MacPhee Ryan
- paint and rotoscope artist: CIS Hollywood (as Heather MacPhee)
- Kayte Sabicer
- model maker intern: New Deal Studios
- Frank Sacco
- lead animator: Intelligent Creatures
- Avi Salem
- compositor
- Marc-Andre Samson
- senior matte painter
- David Sanger
- visual effects producer
- Sribalaji Santharam
- digital artist
- Suresh Sarangapani
- matchmove artist
- Atsushi Sato
- senior character animator
- Elizabeth Schafer Knovick
- digital coordinator (as Elizabeth Schafer)
- Robert Schajer
- pre-visualization producer: Frantic Films
- John Schlag
- shader artist
- Scott Schneider
- digital set designer: New Deal Studios
- Florian Schuck
- visual effects artist
- Aaron Schultz
- animator: CIS Hollywood
- Tom Schultz
- match mover: SPI
- Victor Schutz
- lighting lead / look development
- Eric Scott
- visual effects producer
- Remington Scott
- animator
- David Seager
- digital effects supervisor: SPI
- Vincent Serritella
- senior technical director
- Randy Sharp
- senior modeler
- Shervin Shoghian
- compositing supervisor: Image Engine
- Prateep Siamwalla
- tracking
- K.S. Sivapriyan
- matchmove artist
- Joseph Slomka
- color scientist
- Adam Smith
- digital compositor
- Marc Smith
- 3D laser scanning
- Drew Solodzuk
- dmr editor (IMAX version)
- Eddie Soria
- digital paint and roto
- Kevin Souls
- color and lighting
- Henry South
- digital artist
- Marc Steinberg
- senior modeler
- David Stephens
- fx team lead
- Derek Stevenson
- matchmove artist: Image Engine
- David Stopford
- digital effects artist
- Joe Strasser
- look development technical director: SPI
- Youngsam Suh
- effects technical director
- Sumit Suri
- digital lighting artist: Intelligent Creatures
- Kenji Sweeney
- lighting and compositing technical director
- Jean-Francois Szlapka
- motion capture animation supervisor
- Giuseppe Tagliavini
- digital compositor: MPC
- Aaron Tankenson
- recruiter: SPI
- Don Taylor
- effects technical director: SPI
- George Taylor
- compositor
- Saravanan Thanikachalam
- matchmove artist
- David Thompson
- digital compositor
- Richard Thwaites
- visual effects producer
- Tim M. Townsend
- layout artist: MPC
- Peter G. Travers
- visual effects supervisor
- Christine Troianello
- roto/prep supervisor: MPC
- Max Tyrie
- senior character animator
- Carolyn Uy
- senior technical director
- Chris Uyede
- visual effects artist
- George Vajna
- second assistant DMR editor (IMAX version)
- Kristafer Vale
- character technical director
- James Valentine
- paint & rotoscoping artist: CIS Hollywood
- Brad van Bodegom
- digital artist (IMAX version)
- David Van Dyke
- visual effects producer: CIS Hollywood
- Jennifer Van Horn
- previs artist: Proof (as Jennifer Sata)
- Theo Vandernoot
- cg supervisor / senior artist
- Dana Vanhove
- digital production manager
- Fani Vassiadi
- roto/prep artist: MPC
- SabaNayagam Veerasekaran
- digital artist: Imageworks India (as Sabanayagam)
- Alexander Vegh
- previs supervisor: Proof, Inc.
- Karla Ventocilla
- digital artist / roto/paint artist: CIS Hollywood
- Rickey Verma
- digital compositor
- Anu Vijayan
- matchmove artist
- Bruno Vilela
- senior compositor / senior lighter
- Tom Voll
- cg artist
- Paul Vorsman
- digital compositor
- Marko Vukovic
- lighting/compositing: SPI
- Pat Wakefield
- digital compositor
- Adam Walker
- modeller: MPC
- Matt Wallin
- compositing sequence supervisor
- Nancey S. Wallis
- senior technical director: SPI
- Shawn Walsh
- visual effects supervisor: Image Engine
- Christina Adia Wang
- associate interactive compositor: Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Jason Wardle
- senior cgi artist: CIS Hollywood
- Ben Warner
- senior digital compositor: Rising Sun Pictures
- Nathan Warner
- previs artist: Proof, Inc.
- Thomas Warrender
- digital artist
- Barry Weiss
- senior staff
- John Welborn
- software engineer
- Aaron Weldon
- previz supervisor
- Craig Wentworth
- lead lighter & compositor
- Cameron Widen
- animator: Image Engine
- Guy T. Wiedmann
- visual effects editor (as Guy Wiedmann)
- Von Williams
- roto/animation artist
- Robert A. Willis
- compositor: Hirota Paint Industries
- Chris Wilson
- render wrangler: MPC
- Matthew T. Wilson
- compositor: CIS Hollywood (as Matt Wilson)
- Eric Withee
- visual effects production coordinator: Svengali FX
- Derek Wolfe
- visual effects artist
- Samson Sing Wun Wong
- compositor: Image Engine
- Stephen Wong
- matchmove artist: MPC
- Max Wood
- cg supervisor
- Sarah Wormsbecher
- associate visual effects producer: Intelligent Creatures
- Rachel Wright
- compositor
- Xye
- tracking
- Gus Yamin
- digital artist: Image Engine
- Chris Yee
- cloth & hair lead
- Elbert Yen
- texture paint supervisor: SPI
- Jaehyun Yoo
- effects artist: CIS Hollywood / effects technical director: CIS Hollywood / fluid technical director: CIS Hollywood
- Phil Young
- texture artist: MPC
- Bhoopathy Yuvarajan
- digital artist
- Kai Zhang
- lighting technical director: Intelligent Creatures Inc.
- Bjorn Zipprich
- senior effects technical director
- Bojan Zoric
- digital matte artist
- Christian Zurcher
- previs supervisor
- Nadarajan Usha Abheesh
- roto artist (uncredited)
- P.N. Arunkumar
- roto artist (uncredited)
- Matt Ashton
- senior systems: CIS Hollywood (uncredited)
- Durai Babu
- senior matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Sebastien Betsch
- i/o technical specialist (uncredited)
- Eglantine Boinet
- matte painter (uncredited)
- Cynthia Rodriguez del Castillo
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Chandrasekhar
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Robert Chapin
- previs artist (uncredited)
- Jon Cowley
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Christian Cunningham
- technical director (uncredited)
- Anthony De Chellis
- animator (uncredited)
- K. Ramya Devi
- paint artist (uncredited)
- Tony Diep
- flame artist (uncredited)
- B.R. Dinesh
- roto artist (uncredited)
- Benjamin Fiske
- effects animator (uncredited)
- Niall Flinn
- effects technical director (uncredited)
- Donald Fly
- general manager: CIS Group (uncredited)
- Amy Garback
- effects liaison: CIS Hollywood (uncredited)
- Alex Gatsis
- animator (uncredited)
- Sebastian Greese
- digital artist: Image Engine (uncredited)
- Jason M. Halverson
- digital compositor: yU+co (uncredited)
- Taigne Hammock
- resource administrator (uncredited)
- Jon Hanzelka
- lidar operator (uncredited)
- Richard Helliwell
- lead render wrangler: MPC (uncredited)
- Brian Holmes
- systems engineer: CIS Hollywood (uncredited)
- Justin Holt
- digital matte painter: MPC (uncredited)
- Shô Igarashi
- cloth artist (uncredited)
- Steven Ilous
- visual effects supervisor: Digital Concepts Group (uncredited)
- Eugene Jeong
- senior technical animator: SPI (uncredited)
- Mike Jiang
- lighting and compositing technical director (uncredited)
- Drew Jones
- visual effects executive producer: MPC (uncredited)
- Ken Mitchel Jones
- technical director: Intelligent Creatures (uncredited)
- Kwang Jib Kim
- visual effects producer: Digitrove.Inc (uncredited)
- Seryong Kim
- cg supervisor: Digitrove, Inc (uncredited)
- Lu Kondor
- technical writer (uncredited)
- S. Gopi Krishna
- digital paint artist (uncredited)
- Praveen Kumar
- digital artist (uncredited)
- Russell Lum
- visual effects coordinator: MPC (uncredited)
- Manikandan
- compositor (uncredited)
- Marco Marenghi
- animator (uncredited)
- Krista Maryanski
- visual effects producer (uncredited)
- Paul Maurice
- lidar supervisor: Lidar Services (uncredited)
- James McPhail
- effects technical director (uncredited)
- Robert Minsk
- systems: CIS Hollywood (uncredited)
- Juan Carlos Moreno Rogel
- production services specialist (uncredited)
- Leila Nicotera
- matchmove Artist: MPC (uncredited)
- James Norem
- digital effects artist (uncredited)
- Chris Oben
- camera operator (uncredited)
- Andrea Lackey Pace
- manager of production services (uncredited)
- Rik Panero
- digital effects artist (uncredited)
- Adam Paschke
- compositor (uncredited)
- Saurabh Patel
- matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Prabhakaran R.
- junior matchmove artist: Imageworks India (uncredited)
- Duncan Robson
- motion editor: MPC (uncredited)
- V. Samundeswari
- senior compositor (uncredited)
- Sankarasubramanian
- paint artist: imageworks india (uncredited)
- Panneer Selvam
- compositor: Imageworks India (uncredited)
- Ikram Ali Shaik
- matchmove artist (uncredited)
- V. Gouri Shankar Rao
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Leonardo Silva
- visual effects artist (uncredited)
- Jim Stacey
- camera operator (uncredited)
- Joe Stevano
- system administrator: Sony Pictures Imageworks (uncredited)
- Mathew Thomas
- senior matchmove artist (uncredited)
- Corey Turner
- performance capture data tracking: Sony Pictures Imageworks (uncredited)
- Sukumaran Lalithambika Vijin
- rotoscope artist (uncredited)
- Jaikishan Vyas
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Tim Warnock
- concept artist and senior digital matte painter (uncredited)
- Mark Wendell
- senior lighting td: Sony Imageworks (uncredited)