- Margot Allen
- trace and paint artist
- Jose Amoros-Sanz
- trace and paint artist (as Jose Sanz)
- Lynne Anderson
- trace and paint artist (as Lynn Anderson)
- Alan Andrews
- trace and paint artist
- Luciana Arrighi
- special sequence designer
- Ralph Ayres
- animator
- Rodolfo Azaro
- background artist
- Donna K. Baker
- trace and paint supervisor (as Donna Baker)
- Richard Bell
- assistant background artist
- Malcolm Bourne
- assistant animator
- Joan Bradshaw
- trace and paint artist
- Sue Branch
- senior background artist
- Maggie Brown
- trace and paint artist
- Errol Bryant
- background artist
- Alistair Byrt
- assistant animator
- Briony Catling
- trace and paint artist
- Chris Caunter
- assistant animator
- Vanessa Clegg
- assistant background artist
- Bobby Clennell
- assistant animator
- Steve Colwell
- checking
- Phil Duncan
- animation supervisor (as Philip Duncan) / senior animator (as Philip Duncan)
- Helga Egilson
- trace and paint artist
- Wendi Ellis
- trace and paint artist
- Chris Evans
- animator
- Bryan Foster
- animator (as Brian Foster)
- Miles Foster
- checking
- Bill Geach
- animator
- Tony Guy
- animation director / senior animator
- Robyn Hamilton-Garrett
- trace and paint artist
- Gordon Harrison
- layout artist
- Maria Hemmleb
- trace and paint artist
- Ian Henderson
- senior background artist
- Sandy Houston
- trace and paint artist
- Spud Houston
- animator
- Arthur Humberstone
- senior animator
- George Jackson
- senior animator
- Doug Jensen
- animator
- Ray Kelly
- assistant animator
- Ann Kennedy
- trace and paint artist
- Ruth Kissane
- animator
- Bill Littlejohn
- animator
- Gaston Marzio
- assistant animator
- Dave McFall
- trace and paint artist (as David McFall)
- Brian Melling
- background artist
- Elaine Mills
- trace and paint artist
- Rosemary Morgan
- trace and paint artist
- Dot Morse
- trace and paint artist
- Barrie Nelson
- animator
- John Perkins
- animator
- Ted Pettengell
- layout artist
- Josephine Poole
- trace and paint artist
- Edric Radage
- animator (as Edric Raddage)
- Priscilla Rhodes
- trace and paint artist
- Denis Ryan
- background artist (as Dennis Ryan)
- Alma Sachs
- color coordinator
- Olive Scott
- trace and paint artist
- Peter See
- layout artist
- Paul Shardlow
- background artist
- Alan Simpson
- animator
- Carol Slade
- assistant animator
- April Spencer
- assistant animator
- Dennis Sutton
- trace and paint artist
- Gary Sycamore
- senior background artist
- Marie Szmichowska
- animator
- Sheila Thompson
- trace and paint artist
- Barbara Todeschini
- trace and paint artist
- Marie Turner
- checking
- Peter Turner
- trace and paint supervisor
- Sarah Vincent
- assistant animator
- Roger Way
- trace and paint artist
- Karen Webb
- trace and paint artist
- Rosemary Welch
- assistant animator
- Colin White
- animator
- Steve Woods
- assistant animator
- Charles Bonifacio
- animator (uncredited)
- Bob Carlson
- animator (uncredited)
- George Dunning
- animator (uncredited)
- Don Patterson
- animator (uncredited)