- Lenora Acidera
- digital artist
- Jose Gregorio Aguilar
- matchmove artist
- Christopher Ahrens
- lighting supervisor: Atomic Fiction
- Corbé Alexandre
- lead lighting & look-dev td: framestore
- Sylvain Allard
- character modeler / senior character modeler
- Patrick Allen
- visual effects coordinator
- Andrés Amaya
- lighting td
- Antoine Ambert
- digital compositor
- Shawn Annets
- artist manager
- Emilie Arcand
- assistant visual effects editor: Atomic Fiction
- Matthieu Arnauld
- digital matte painter: framestore
- Romain Arnoux
- visual effect supervisor: Framestore
- Dave Asling
- miniature effects supervisor
- Ric Atkinson
- digital paint & roto artist: Atomic Fiction
- Kevin Baillie
- visual effects supervisor
- Anthony Baptiste
- effects artist
- Dániel Bartha
- digital compositor
- Jeniree Bastidas
- visual effects lighting production manager: Atomic Fiction
- Claire Baudean
- lead texture artist
- Ryan Beagan
- visual effects
- Anders J.L. Beer
- animation supervisor
- Jennifer C. Bell
- visual effects executive: Universal
- Chanel Belliveau
- visual effects
- Ricardo Benni
- visual effects editor: Atomic Fiction
- Maxime Besner
- compositor (as Max Besner)
- Alireza Bidar
- fx td
- Kathryn Jane Black
- digital compositor
- Melissa Boily
- texture artist
- Primoz Boncina
- senior animator: Framestore
- Pierre Bonnette
- visual effects artist
- Rigel Bowen
- effects technical director: Atomic Fiction
- Neal Bradshaw
- photogrammetry 3d scan artist: gentle giant studios
- Alvin Brigemohun
- body tech
- Tyler Britton
- fx artist
- Andrew Brooks
- compositing supervisor: Method Studios
- Glenn Burton
- postvis producer: Day for Nite
- Bertrand Cabrol
- effects technical director: Framestore
- Axel Caparros
- creature fx td: Framestore
- Annie Caps-Wightman
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Lorna Carmichael
- motion capture production supervisor
- Steve Casa
- visual effects texture photographer
- Karina Cesta
- texture-lookdev artist: Atomic Fiction
- Yinghao Chai
- look development artist: Atomic Fiction
- Christian Champagne
- IT support: Atomic Fiction
- Guillaume Champagne
- senior modeler
- Yashvhanth Chandrasekaran
- digital compositor
- Marguerite Chantal
- visual effects artist
- Marco Checa Garcia
- Senior Compositor: Atomic Fiction
- Thomas Chesny
- matchmove and rotomation lead
- Marc Chu
- animation supervisor: Atomic Fiction
- Jimi Clark
- department manager roto/paint & outsource
- Amandine Claude
- lead creature fx technical director
- Seth Cobb
- asset supervisor
- William Colaluca
- pipeline developer
- Webster Colcord
- visual effects artist: vfx development testing
- Lilia Collar
- digital compositor: Method
- Aaron Colman-Hayes
- 3d artist and scan technician
- Veronique Comeau
- texture artist: Atomic Fiction
- Tony Como
- digital paint & roto department supervisor: Atomic Fiction
- Ryan Cook
- on set visual effects supervisor
- Rory Coomey
- 3D character and lidar scanning tech / lidar and photogrammetry scanning
- Pauline Costantini
- visual effects artist (as Pauline Constantini)
- Peter Cromwell
- assistant editor
- Tucker Cullinan
- digital matte painter
- Sanchia Currie
- visual effects line producer: Framestore
- Gupta Darpan
- lighting artist
- Robert De La Cruz
- modeler: Framestore
- Mathieu De Saint Jores
- assistant technical director: framestore
- Ayse Dedeoglu Arkali
- visual effects editorial supervisor (as Ayse Dedeoglu)
- Yoshi DeHerrera
- visual effects supervisor: Gentle Giant Studios
- Romain Delmaire
- digital compositor: atomic fiction
- Damien Delrue
- digital compositor
- Anthony DeMeo IV
- realtime system operator
- Belen Diaz Ripa
- Assistant Technical Director
- Thai Son Doan
- compositing supervisor: framestore
- Thomas Dotheij
- effects technical director: Framestore
- Tristan Dunse
- compositor: Atomic Fiction
- Marie-Gabrielle Dussault
- production assistant
- Kade Eckstein
- digital compositor: Method Studios
- Lars Erik Eriksen
- head of paint and roto: Framestore
- Biagio Figliuzzi
- senior lighting technical director: Atomic Fiction
- Jonathan Fleming-Bock
- lookdev artist
- Matthieu Floury
- Senior lighting artist
- Eugene Fokin
- senior character modeler
- Karine Fortin
- paint & roto artist
- Florence Fortin-Dapozzo
- layout/matchmove artist: Atomic fiction
- Pierre-Gil Franc
- fx artist
- Maki Fukumoto
- virtual production artist
- Albert Gabriel
- Lighting TD: Framestore
- Saul Galbiati
- compositor
- Hugo Daniel Gamboa
- digital compositor
- Mayur Gangasagar
- creative lead and matte painter
- Nacho GarcÃa
- fx artist
- Brannek Gaudet
- lead compositor
- Lucas Glashoff
- visual effects editor
- Yoel Godo
- lead compositor: Framestore
- Praveen Goud
- compositor: Method Studios
- Dianne Gramling
- software engineer (as Diane Gramling)
- Lee Gramling
- software engineer
- Michael Grawert
- lead post-visualization artist / lead previsualization artist
- Anthony Greco
- tracking/layout lead: framestore
- Mason O. Greissel
- visual effects artist
- Matthew Grey-Noble
- render wrangler: Method Studios
- Steve Griffith
- visual effects producer: Atomic Fiction
- David 'Rudy' Grossman
- digital effects supervisor
- Zach Groves
- visual effects coordinator
- Benoît Guillou
- rigging artist: Atomic Fiction (as Benoit Guillou)
- Alexandra Gunter
- visual effects production manager: Atomic Fiction
- Nour Halouani
- data i/o technician
- Pascal Hang
- rigging/cfx supervisor: Atomic Fiction
- Albert Hastings
- visual effects
- Mary Hayden
- visual effects coordinator: Atomic Fiction
- Marco Hermida
- compositor: Atomic Fiction/Method Studios
- Michael Hetman
- matchmove artist
- Simon Hetu
- matte painter: Atomic Fiction
- Seth Hill
- visual effects supervisor: atomic fiction
- Yan Caspar Hirschbuehl
- visual effects artist
- Alan Hodges
- motion editor
- Justin Holt
- texture supervisor: Atomic Fiction
- Justin Holt
- lighting artist
- Traci Horie
- facial animation supervisor: Atomic Fiction
- Keita Hoshino
- compositor: Atomic Fiction
- Leo-Patrick Houde
- vfx editor
- Andrew Howarth
- visual effects coordinator
- Chen Kuang Hsu
- matchmove & layout artist
- Manuel Huertas Marchena
- lighting technical director: Atomic Fiction
- Neil Impey
- senior data wrangler
- Michael G. Jackson
- postvisualization supervisor: Day for Nite
- Tianlun Jiang
- digital artist
- Sheena Johnson
- vfx producer: Method Studios
- Bradley Jordan
- visual effects coordinator (as Bradley D. Jordan)
- Andrew Joseph
- texture artist: Atomic Fiction
- Marc Joubert-Nederveen
- senior modeller
- Tejas Kantharia
- compositor: Atomic Fiction
- Ranajoy Kar
- layout lead: Atomic Fiction
- Jose Julian Karam Lopez
- Senior digital compositor
- Hirofumi Kasagi
- character fx artist: Atomic Fiction
- Meenu Kaur
- rigging artist: Atomic Fiction
- Matthew Kemper
- visual effects supervisor: Legend vfx/plate prep
- Connie Kennedy
- virtual production producer: Profile Studios
- Connie Kennedy
- virtual production producer
- Kendrick Khoo
- texture artist: Atomic Fiction
- Kavita Khosla
- visual effects artist: senior cloth td
- Jin Yong Kim
- matchmove supervisor: Method Studios
- James Kirk
- visual effects artist
- Elena Koleva
- digital compositor
- Sean Konrad
- visual effects supervisor
- Christopher Kowal
- editorial department supervisor: Atomic Fiction
- Andrew Kowbell
- digital compositor: Atomic Fiction
- Gudjon Kristjansson
- digital compositor
- Tanya Kular
- digital compositor: visual effects
- Robin Lamontagne
- 3d generalist: Atomic Fiction
- Martin Larrivée
- digital compositor
- Cynthia Latour
- visual effects production assistant: Atomic Fiction
- Taryn Laurendeau
- visual effects production manager: Atomic Fiction
- Sebastien Leclerc
- lead compositor
- Phoenix Woung-Bi Lee
- effects technical director: Framestore
- Woei Lee
- compositing supervisor (as Woei Hsi Lee)
- Eric Leidenroth
- senior virtual production artist
- Erick Leos
- senior visual effects editor: Atomic Fiction
- Veronique Levesque
- Lookdev artist
- Kent Lidke
- FX Lead: Atomic Fiction
- April Llanes
- Texture and Lead Lookdev Artist: Atomic Fiction
- Caroline Lobato
- creature fx td
- Philippe Lord-Durocher
- creature fx td
- Richard Lukacs
- vfx dailies operator
- André Léger
- visual effects editor: Atomic Fiction
- Viviane Lévesque Bouchard
- digital compositor
- Carol Madrigal
- senior virtual production artist
- Siddhartha Maganti
- visual effects executive producer: Legend VFX
- Pravin Mahtani
- digital compositor
- Adam Maier
- visual effects
- Alessandro Mameli
- visual effects artist
- Francesca Mancini
- visual effects production manager
- Rahul Manoharan
- compositor
- Alexandre Marlier
- compositor: Method Studio
- Florian Matet
- digital compositor
- Sarah Mattes
- virtual production producer: Profile Studios
- Kate McFadden
- lighting lead: Atomic Fiction
- David McKay
- matchmove & layout artist: Atomic Fiction
- Jennifer McSpadden
- virtual production artist
- Chloé Mesnage
- lighting artist
- Dominique Moisan
- environnement artist: Atomic Fiction
- Kevin Monge
- photogrammetry 3d scan artist: gentle giant studios
- Hugo Montambault
- visual effects artist
- Alan Morales
- postvisualization artist
- Isabelle Morello
- digital matte painter: framestore
- Sebastian Munoz Silva
- digital compositor
- Priyank Murarka
- digital compositor
- Connor Murphy
- motion capture supervisor
- Jeff Nadwidny
- roto/paint: Department Lead
- Natascha Nalewajek
- modeler: Atomic Fiction
- Nandini Nambiar
- lookdev td: Framestore
- Arora Navneet
- Senior FX Artist
- Max Noël
- visual effects assistant
- Kelly O'Toole
- vfx recruiter: Atomic Fiction
- Tirza Oudolf
- digital compositor: Atomic Fiction
- Steve Ouellette
- digital compositor
- Christian Paradis
- Lookdev TD
- Sagar Patil
- digital artist: Atomic Fiction
- Paolo Pazzia
- marketing director: for Atomic Fiction
- Robert Pellerin
- animator: Atomic Fiction
- Melvin Pereira
- compositor: ATOMIC FICTION
- Becky Philpott
- MOCAP Coordinator & VFX photographer
- Alizée Plourde
- visual effects coordinator
- Rahul Pokharkar
- visual effects artist
- Bhanu Prakash
- visual effects supervisor: roto/paint
- Adam Praught
- motion capture assistant
- Jeremy Preissner
- sr systems administrator: Legend 3D
- Matthieu Presti
- lead effects technical director: Framestore
- Jeanne-Ãlise Prévost
- visual effects producer: Framestore
- Nikolay Razuev
- digital matte painter
- Robert Rioux
- lead cg modeler
- Andrew S. Ritchie
- visual effects assistant
- Mariana Robles Gonzalez
- lead lighting artist
- Maxime Roch-Goulet
- lookdev artist
- Hunter Rosenberg
- 3d artist
- Julie Rotharmel
- visual effects coordinator
- Croft Russell
- digital compositor: Atomic Fiction
- Jake Russell
- production assistant: Atomic Fiction
- Haley Samms
- motion editor
- Jose Samson
- modeler: Atomic Fiction
- Nico Sanghrajka
- rigging supervisor
- Ashwin Sareen
- render technician/data io: Method Studios Vancouver
- Melanie Sauve
- visual effects artist
- Max T. Schwartz
- visual effects editor: Framestore
- Sandra Scott
- visual effects
- Catlin Scroggie
- lighting artist
- Antoine Seigle
- lighting & lookdev td / tracking/matchmove/layout artist
- Andres Sempronii
- creature fx td: Framestore
- Martin Seu
- visual effects artist
- Jeff Shapiro
- chief financial officer
- Swain Shiv
- digital artist
- Sergey Shlyaev
- senior lookdev artist
- Alexandre Sirois-Vigneux
- senior fx td
- Irene Smirnova
- texture lead: Atomic Fiction
- Vaughn Smith
- senior cg modeler
- Janani Sridhar
- digital compositor
- Igor Staritsin
- senior concept artist matte painter
- Jillian Stein
- miniature effects producer
- William Steiner
- visual effects artist
- Fumi Sugawara
- compositor: Atomic Fiction
- Santiago Svirsky
- compositing supervisor
- Marc Taganas
- digital compositor: Atomic Fiction
- Mark Joey Tang
- digital compositor: Atomic Fiction
- Larry Taylor
- photogrammetry 3d scan tech/artist: Gentle Giant Studios
- Olivier Thibaut
- head of software: Method Studios
- Terrance Tornberg
- cg supervisor
- Carine Touraille
- senior pipeline td: Atomic Fiction
- Bastian Traunfellner
- visual effects artist
- Genevieve Trottier
- visual effects artist
- Stuart Turnbull
- modeller: Atomic Fiction
- Samuel Vachon
- roto/paint artist
- Kamyllia Vasseur
- lighting artist: At Atomic Fiction
- Eduardo Vazquez
- compositor: Atomic Fiction
- Nitya Venugopal
- roto/paint artist: Atomic Fiction
- Joseph Villa
- roto and paint lead: Method Studios
- Florent Villegas
- department manager: Atomic Fiction
- Eric Voegels
- Character Effects Artist: Atomic Fiction
- Triva von Klark
- Associate Visual Effects Producer
- Elise Voyer
- 3d department manager
- Shawn Wallbridge
- head of systems: atomic fiction
- Lilas Wang
- layout artist
- Ruochen Wang
- digital compositor: Framestore
- Matthew A. Ward
- camera layout supervisor
- Jessica Wolff
- matchmove artist
- Sierra Woodburn
- cyber scanning: Direct Dimensions
- Alexandra Wozniak
- lead texture artist
- Keisuke Yamashita
- compositor
- Sedat Yildiz
- digital compositor: Atomic Fiction (as Hasan Sedat Yildiz)
- Nadim Zaidi
- matte painter
- Alexa Zakaib
- visual effects coordinator: Method Studios
- Mohamed Zekri
- lighting technical director
- Xixi Zhuang
- digital compositor: Atomic Fiction
- Rajesh Babu
- associate producer (uncredited)
- Christophe Clermont
- data ops/software/systems support (uncredited)
- Manuel Feria
- digital compositor: Method Studios (uncredited)
- Stephanie Gadsden
- digital compositor: Atomic Fiction (uncredited)
- Sébastien Girard
- rigging artist (uncredited)
- Nicole Glen
- digital compositor (uncredited)
- Lea Antonette Lorenzo Irlanda
- visual effects production coordinator: Atomic Fiction (uncredited)
- Dobromila Kutnak
- effect technical director: Framestore (uncredited)
- Kyla Lebon
- visual effects coordinator: atomic fiction (uncredited)
- Alexander Naud
- visual effects production coordinator: Atomic Fiction (uncredited)
- Tamara Nowicki
- roto/paint artist (uncredited)
- Dimitri Semenchenko
- character technical director: Atomic Fiction (uncredited)
- Alex Shvartzman
- digital scanning services: industrial pixel vfx (uncredited)
- Jeffrey Ian Wilson
- visual effects artist (uncredited)