- Mike Adams
- rendering and tracing (as Michael Adams)
- Beckie Ailin
- additional trace and paint artist: Wicked Witch Animation
- Julie Allan
- painting and chromamatting
- Alexy Allen
- rendering and tracing
- Francesca Allen
- assistant animator (as Francesca Freeman)
- Margot Allen
- assistant animator
- Jose Amoros-Sanz
- additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate (as Joe Sanz)
- Lynne Anderson
- additional trace and paint artist: Wicked Witch Animation (as Lyn Anderson)
- Bob Angelini
- assistant animator
- Erica Angell
- rendering and tracing
- Janine Arthy
- checker
- Karen Ashtley
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Alison Atkins
- rendering and tracing
- Hilary Audus
- key sequence animator
- Alina Bailey
- painting and chromamatting
- Lynn Bailey
- key renderer
- Jonathan Baristow
- painting and chromamatting
- Marcus Baron
- painting and chromamatting
- Braulio Barria
- rendering and tracing
- Tom Beggs
- rendering and tracing
- Guner Behich
- senior trace and paint artist (as Günher Behic)
- John Bennett
- additional key animator
- Stella Benson
- rendering and tracing
- Claire Bisiker
- rendering and tracing
- Sarah Bloomberg
- additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate
- Angela Bristow
- additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate
- Guy Brockett
- painting and chromamatting (as Guy Brocket)
- Jill Brooks
- additional trace and paint artist: Stuart-Brooks Animation
- Robert Brown
- painting and chromamatting
- Errol Bryant
- background artist / background designer / color designer
- Sally Burden
- painting and chromamatting
- Briony Catling
- rendering and tracing
- Sharon Cawdery
- painting and chromamatting
- Maggie Clarke
- painting and chromamatting
- Alice Clayton
- color model designer
- Vanessa Clegg
- key renderer / special sequence animator: "Blitz Sequence"
- Chris Coates
- rendering and tracing (as Christine Coates)
- Wendy Cohen
- additional trace and paint artist: Stuart-Brooks Animation
- Caroline Cole
- assistant animator / rendering and tracing
- Jon Collier
- assistant animator (as P. John Collier)
- Isabel Corbett
- painting and chromamatting
- Christine Courtney
- painting and chromamatting
- Martin Crawley
- rendering and tracing
- Penny Crowther
- additional trace and paint artist: Wicked Witch Animation
- Colin Cruise
- painting and chromamatting
- Louisa Cuff
- additional animation checker
- Ginny D'Santos
- additional trace and paint artist: Wicked Witch Animation
- Graham Davies
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Karen Davies
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Christine Dawe
- senior trace and paint artist
- Pauline De Witt
- painting and chromamatting
- Vivienne Dempsey
- painting and chromamatting
- Paul Dilworth
- key renderer
- Paul Donnellon
- assistant animator
- Muriel Douglas
- painting and chromamatting
- Malcolm Draper
- key sequence animator
- Tony Ealey
- painting and chromamatting
- Joe Ekers
- key sequence animator / layout artist
- Wendi Ellis
- painting and chromamatting
- Annie Elvin
- additional trace and paint artist: Wicked Witch Animation
- Lucy Elvin
- additional trace and paint artist: Cell Out
- Ron Erickson
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production (as Ron Ericson)
- Carlina Eskenazi
- painting and chromamatting
- S. Barria Eskenazi
- painting and chromamatting
- Debbie Evans
- painting and chromamatting
- Margaret Evans
- painting and chromamatting
- Steve Evans
- rendering and tracing
- Sue Evans
- painting and chromamatting
- Susan Evans
- painting and chromamatting
- Greer Eve
- senior trace and paint artist
- Philip Eyles
- rendering and tracing
- James Farrington
- assistant animator
- Richard Fawdry
- additional key animator / animation designer / layout designer / special sequence animator: "Wedding Sequence"
- Lys Flowerday
- assistant animator
- Les Fogg
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Angus Foxley
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Joan Freestone
- assistant animator / checker
- Matthew Freeth
- painting and chromamatting
- Jenna Fridye
- painting and chromamatting
- Michael Gabriel
- background artist
- Melinda Gebbie
- rendering and tracing
- Julian Gibbs
- assistant animator
- Denis Gilpin
- rendering and tracing
- Janet Gilpin
- additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate
- Julian Gilpin
- additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate
- Ofelia Gilpin
- rendering and tracing (as Ophella Gilpen)
- Marianne Goldner
- additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate
- Michael Goldwing
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Ivon Goodrum
- rendering and tracing (as Ivan Goodrun)
- William Taylor Grant
- special sequence animator: "Military Command Sequence" (as Taylor Grant)
- Ron Greaves
- painting and chromamatting
- Alan Green
- additional key animator
- Nicola Gregory
- rendering and tracing
- Keith Greig
- additional key animator
- Tim Grey
- rendering and tracing
- Ceri Griffin
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Angella Griffiths
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Natasha Gross
- rendering and tracing
- Tony Guy
- key sequence animator
- Auguste Haboush
- additional trace and paint artist: Stuart-Brooks Animation
- Belinda Hale
- painting and chromamatting
- Margot Hale
- rendering and tracing
- Adam Hall
- additional trace and paint artist: Stuart-Brooks Animation
- Denise Hambry
- additional trace and paint artist: Cell Out (as Denise Hambury)
- Mike Hammond
- rendering and tracing (as Michael Hammond)
- Lee Hannam
- checker / rendering and tracing
- Joanna Harrison
- key sequence animator
- Bridgitte Hartley
- assistant animator (as Brigette Hartley) / rendering and tracing (as Brigitte Hartley)
- Malcolm Hartley
- additional animation checker / assistant animator
- Anne Heeney
- assistant animator
- Sarah Hemmings
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Michael Heywood
- color model designer
- Paul Heywood
- additional trace and paint artist: Wicked Witch Animation
- Carol Hughes
- rendering and tracing
- Karen Hughes
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Rhodri Hughes
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Lynne Hugill
- rendering and tracing
- Dianne Jackson
- special sequence animator: "Hilda's Dream"
- Jean-Pierre Jacquet
- additional key animator
- Marion Jahon
- rendering and tracing
- Lisa-Ann James
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Manjit Jhita
- rendering and tracing
- Lynn Johnson
- painting and chromamatting
- Pam Johnson
- assistant animator
- Lisa Joko
- checker / rendering and tracing
- Amanda Jones
- additional trace and paint artist: Stuart-Brooks Animation
- Chris Jones
- checker
- Paula Kent
- senior trace and paint artist
- Sheereen Khan
- rendering and tracing
- Norman King
- painting and chromamatting
- Christopher Kingsley-Smith III
- rendering and tracing (as C. Kingsley-Smith)
- Stephan Kingston
- rendering and tracing
- Peter Knight
- rendering and tracing
- Ann Kotch
- additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate (as Anne Kotch)
- Sara Kotch
- additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate
- Gaby Kovacs
- painting and chromamatting (as Gary Kovaks) / rendering and tracing (as Gaby Kovaks)
- Zoe Kovacs
- painting and chromamatting (as Zoe Kovaks) / rendering and tracing (as Zoe Kovaks)
- Sandra Kumashiro
- checker
- Licianne Lasalle
- painting and chromamatting
- Anne Lasseray
- painting and chromamatting (as Ann Lasserey)
- Peter Lawrence
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Alex Lee
- painting and chromamatting
- Berni Leroy
- painting and chromamatting (as Bernie Leroy)
- Carol Leslie
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Terry Leslie
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Barbara Lovering
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Brian Lovering
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Tracy Lovering
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Geoff Loynes
- painting and chromamatting
- Vanessa Luther-Smith
- assistant animator
- Jamie Lynch
- painting and chromamatting
- M. MaCrae-Simpson
- painting and chromamatting
- Roger Mainwood
- key sequence animator
- Nicola Mander
- rendering and tracing
- Margo Marchant
- key renderer
- Giorgio Mardegan
- assistant animator (as Giorgio P. Mardegan) / layout artist (as Giorgio P. Mardegan)
- Ken Markham
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Sara Markham
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Seb Markham
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Loraine Marshall
- background artist (as Lorraine Marshall) / special sequence animator: "Wedding Sequence" (as Lorraine Marshall)
- Jeff Marten
- painting and chromamatting (as Jeffrey Marten)
- Iain McCall
- additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate
- Gary McCarver
- key sequence animator / layout artist
- Ian McCue
- senior trace and paint artist
- John McGuire
- key sequence animator / layout artist
- Milly McMillan
- background artist / special sequence animator: "Wedding Sequence"
- Jacqui Miller
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Kevin Molloy
- additional key animator (as Kevin Malloy)
- Paul Moon
- painting and chromamatting
- Simon Moon
- painting and chromamatting / senior trace and paint artist
- Peter Moore
- color mixer
- Stephen Morgan
- painting and chromamatting
- Jimmy T. Murakami
- special sequence animator: "Military Command Sequence"
- Russell Murch
- painting and chromamatting
- Lisa Murray
- rendering and tracing
- Yasheen Nishat
- rendering and tracing
- Richard Nye
- animation checker
- Paul O'Leary
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Colin Oliver
- rendering and tracing
- Roman Ostir
- painting and chromamatting
- Lucy Owen
- rendering and tracing
- Stoney Parsons
- rendering and tracing
- Dave Parvin
- additional key animator / assistant animator
- Mark Paterson
- rendering and tracing
- Chris Perry
- checker
- Tom Petith
- rendering and tracing
- Das Petrou
- layout artist (as Dassos Petrou)
- Brian Phillips
- additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate
- Urszula Piesakowska
- checker / rendering and tracing
- Terry Pike
- assistant animator
- Sarah Pilcher
- assistant animator
- Corina Poore
- rendering and tracing
- Harry Purdue
- additional trace and paint artist: Stuart-Brooks Animation
- Isabel Radage
- assistant animator / key renderer / rendering and tracing
- Pauline Radage
- rendering and tracing
- Ray Rankine
- background artist (as Ray Rankin)
- Chris Rayment
- additional trace and paint artist: Cell Out
- Dexter Reed
- assistant animator
- Chris Reid
- painting and chromamatting
- Leonarda Reynolds
- painting and chromamatting
- Paul Reynolds
- painting and chromamatting
- Samantha Reynolds
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Norma Ricketts
- key renderer (as Norma Rickets)
- Sue Rider
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production (as Sue-Ann Ryder)
- Alison Rivers
- painting and chromamatting
- Anna-Louise Roberts
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Stephen Rogers
- painting and chromamatting
- Paul Rosevear
- rendering and tracing
- Phillip Ruddock
- rendering and tracing
- Debby Russell
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Lawrence Russell
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Wendy Russell
- assistant animator
- Andrew Ryder
- checker / rendering and tracing
- Alma Sachs
- additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate
- Lynne Sachs
- additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate (as Lynda Sachs)
- Michael Salkeld
- animator / animator: "Blitz Sequence" / assistant animator
- Pat Savage
- assistant animator (as Patrick Savage)
- Pat Schaverien
- key renderer
- Mischa Schiller
- painting and chromamatting
- Joanna Scott
- painting and chromamatting
- Olive Scott
- rendering and tracing
- Martin Seeley
- painting and chromamatting
- Joecy Shepherd
- assistant animator
- Tessa Sheridan
- additional trace and paint artist: Cell Out
- Janet Simmonds
- additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate
- Alan Simpson
- additional key animator / assistant animator
- Lucy Snyder
- assistant animator
- Bill Speers
- key sequence animator
- Liz Spencer
- assistant animator
- Jacqui Stanly
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Karen Stephenson
- assistant animator
- Paul Stone
- additional key animator / assistant animator
- Jean Turner
- painting and chromamatting
- Marie Turner
- additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate
- Dave Unwin
- key sequence animator
- Louise Unwin
- additional trace and paint artist: Cell Out
- Wendo Van Essen
- assistant animator
- Simon Ward-Horner
- assistant animator
- John Watkis
- layout artist
- Jonathan Webber
- assistant animator
- Harold Whitaker
- additional key animator (as Harold Whittaker)
- Lorretta White
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Pippa White
- additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
- Robin White
- additional key animator
- Glenn Whiting
- assistant animator (as Glen Whiting)
- Boguslaw Wilk
- assistant animator / layout artist
- Pam Williams
- rendering and tracing (as Pamela Williams)
- Philomena Winstanley
- additional trace and paint artist: Stuart-Brooks Animation
- Theresa Wiseman
- assistant animator
- Sue Woodward
- painting and chromamatting
- Julia Woolf
- additional trace and paint artist: Wicked Witch Animation (as Julie Woolf)
- Hugh Workman
- assistant animator
- Yvonna Yates
- painting and chromamatting
- Rosemary Young
- additional trace and paint artist: Stuart-Brooks Animation
- Vanessa Young
- painting and chromamatting (as V. Turquand-Young)
- Jane Anderson
- additional trace and paint artist: Sullivan Studios (uncredited)