Cast & Crew

Directed by

Jimmy T. Murakami

Writing Credits

Raymond Briggs
Raymond Briggs


Peggy Ashcroft
Hilda Bloggs
John Mills
Jim Bloggs
Robin Houston
James Russell
Russian submariner
David Dundas
Matt Irving
Winston Churchill
Bernard L. Montgomery
Joseph Stalin
Harry S. Truman

Produced by

John Coates
Iain Harvey
executive producer

Music by

Roger Waters

Art Direction by

Errol Bryant
Richard Fawdry

Art Department

Joan Ashworth
storyboard artist
Alice Clayton
assistant art director
Richard Fawdry
storyboard artist
Len George
construction manager: A.R.S. background system, The Film Company
Michael Heywood
assistant art director
Jimmy T. Murakami
storyboard artist
Richard Nye
assistant art director

Sound Department

John Blunt
dubbing engineer (as Jon Blunt)
Paul Coppock
additional sound effects
Anuree De Silva
assistant sound editor
John Griffith
sound editor
Ted Swanscott
footsteps artist
John Wood
supervising dubbing mixer
Tim Partridge
dolby sound consultant (uncredited)

Visual Effects by

David Ball
opticals: Tony Long Opticals Ltd.
Graham Bebbington
airbrush artist
Errol Bryant
model construction / model designer
Mick Crane
airbrush artist
Martin Howard
animated photo prints: Howard Thomas Photographic Ltd.
Colin Hughes
airbrush artist
Sajid Jawad
animated photo prints: Howard Thomas Photographic Ltd.
Dave King
computer animator: AIRtv Facilities Ltd.
Tony Long
opticals: Tony Long Opticals Ltd.
Shelley McIntosh
special effects assistant (as Shelly McIntosh)
Rick Waller
computer animator: AIRtv Facilities Ltd.
Stephen Weston
special effects animator / special effects planner

Camera and Electrical Department

Roger Berner
camera assistant: A.R.S. background system, The Film Company
Roger Chandler
camera operator: rostrum camera
Martin Clark-Smith
stills consultant
Ron Crees
camera operator: A.R.S. background system, The Film Company
Ken Friswell
lighting director: A.R.S. background system, The Film Company
Maureen Simons
camera operator: rostrum camera
Peter Turner
camera operator: rostrum camera (as Pete Turner)
Axel Ulrich
camera assistant: A.R.S. background system, The Film Company
Roy W. Watford
camera operator: rostrum camera (as Roy Watford)
Colin Bowman
animation camera operator (uncredited)

Animation Department

Mike Adams
rendering and tracing (as Michael Adams)
Beckie Ailin
additional trace and paint artist: Wicked Witch Animation
Julie Allan
painting and chromamatting
Alexy Allen
rendering and tracing
Francesca Allen
assistant animator (as Francesca Freeman)
Margot Allen
assistant animator
Jose Amoros-Sanz
additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate (as Joe Sanz)
Lynne Anderson
additional trace and paint artist: Wicked Witch Animation (as Lyn Anderson)
Bob Angelini
assistant animator
Erica Angell
rendering and tracing
Janine Arthy
Karen Ashtley
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Alison Atkins
rendering and tracing
Hilary Audus
key sequence animator
Alina Bailey
painting and chromamatting
Lynn Bailey
key renderer
Jonathan Baristow
painting and chromamatting
Marcus Baron
painting and chromamatting
Braulio Barria
rendering and tracing
Tom Beggs
rendering and tracing
Guner Behich
senior trace and paint artist (as Günher Behic)
John Bennett
additional key animator
Stella Benson
rendering and tracing
Claire Bisiker
rendering and tracing
Sarah Bloomberg
additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate
Angela Bristow
additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate
Guy Brockett
painting and chromamatting (as Guy Brocket)
Jill Brooks
additional trace and paint artist: Stuart-Brooks Animation
Robert Brown
painting and chromamatting
Errol Bryant
background artist / background designer / color designer
Sally Burden
painting and chromamatting
Briony Catling
rendering and tracing
Sharon Cawdery
painting and chromamatting
Maggie Clarke
painting and chromamatting
Alice Clayton
color model designer
Vanessa Clegg
key renderer / special sequence animator: "Blitz Sequence"
Chris Coates
rendering and tracing (as Christine Coates)
Wendy Cohen
additional trace and paint artist: Stuart-Brooks Animation
Caroline Cole
assistant animator / rendering and tracing
Jon Collier
assistant animator (as P. John Collier)
Isabel Corbett
painting and chromamatting
Christine Courtney
painting and chromamatting
Martin Crawley
rendering and tracing
Penny Crowther
additional trace and paint artist: Wicked Witch Animation
Colin Cruise
painting and chromamatting
Louisa Cuff
additional animation checker
Ginny D'Santos
additional trace and paint artist: Wicked Witch Animation
Graham Davies
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Karen Davies
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Christine Dawe
senior trace and paint artist
Pauline De Witt
painting and chromamatting
Vivienne Dempsey
painting and chromamatting
Paul Dilworth
key renderer
Paul Donnellon
assistant animator
Muriel Douglas
painting and chromamatting
Malcolm Draper
key sequence animator
Tony Ealey
painting and chromamatting
Joe Ekers
key sequence animator / layout artist
Wendi Ellis
painting and chromamatting
Annie Elvin
additional trace and paint artist: Wicked Witch Animation
Lucy Elvin
additional trace and paint artist: Cell Out
Ron Erickson
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production (as Ron Ericson)
Carlina Eskenazi
painting and chromamatting
S. Barria Eskenazi
painting and chromamatting
Debbie Evans
painting and chromamatting
Margaret Evans
painting and chromamatting
Steve Evans
rendering and tracing
Sue Evans
painting and chromamatting
Susan Evans
painting and chromamatting
Greer Eve
senior trace and paint artist
Philip Eyles
rendering and tracing
James Farrington
assistant animator
Richard Fawdry
additional key animator / animation designer / layout designer / special sequence animator: "Wedding Sequence"
Lys Flowerday
assistant animator
Les Fogg
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Angus Foxley
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Joan Freestone
assistant animator / checker
Matthew Freeth
painting and chromamatting
Jenna Fridye
painting and chromamatting
Michael Gabriel
background artist
Melinda Gebbie
rendering and tracing
Julian Gibbs
assistant animator
Denis Gilpin
rendering and tracing
Janet Gilpin
additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate
Julian Gilpin
additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate
Ofelia Gilpin
rendering and tracing (as Ophella Gilpen)
Marianne Goldner
additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate
Michael Goldwing
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Ivon Goodrum
rendering and tracing (as Ivan Goodrun)
William Taylor Grant
special sequence animator: "Military Command Sequence" (as Taylor Grant)
Ron Greaves
painting and chromamatting
Alan Green
additional key animator
Nicola Gregory
rendering and tracing
Keith Greig
additional key animator
Tim Grey
rendering and tracing
Ceri Griffin
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Angella Griffiths
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Natasha Gross
rendering and tracing
Tony Guy
key sequence animator
Auguste Haboush
additional trace and paint artist: Stuart-Brooks Animation
Belinda Hale
painting and chromamatting
Margot Hale
rendering and tracing
Adam Hall
additional trace and paint artist: Stuart-Brooks Animation
Denise Hambry
additional trace and paint artist: Cell Out (as Denise Hambury)
Mike Hammond
rendering and tracing (as Michael Hammond)
Lee Hannam
checker / rendering and tracing
Joanna Harrison
key sequence animator
Bridgitte Hartley
assistant animator (as Brigette Hartley) / rendering and tracing (as Brigitte Hartley)
Malcolm Hartley
additional animation checker / assistant animator
Anne Heeney
assistant animator
Sarah Hemmings
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Michael Heywood
color model designer
Paul Heywood
additional trace and paint artist: Wicked Witch Animation
Carol Hughes
rendering and tracing
Karen Hughes
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Rhodri Hughes
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Lynne Hugill
rendering and tracing
Dianne Jackson
special sequence animator: "Hilda's Dream"
Jean-Pierre Jacquet
additional key animator
Marion Jahon
rendering and tracing
Lisa-Ann James
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Manjit Jhita
rendering and tracing
Lynn Johnson
painting and chromamatting
Pam Johnson
assistant animator
Lisa Joko
checker / rendering and tracing
Amanda Jones
additional trace and paint artist: Stuart-Brooks Animation
Chris Jones
Paula Kent
senior trace and paint artist
Sheereen Khan
rendering and tracing
Norman King
painting and chromamatting
Christopher Kingsley-Smith III
rendering and tracing (as C. Kingsley-Smith)
Stephan Kingston
rendering and tracing
Peter Knight
rendering and tracing
Ann Kotch
additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate (as Anne Kotch)
Sara Kotch
additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate
Gaby Kovacs
painting and chromamatting (as Gary Kovaks) / rendering and tracing (as Gaby Kovaks)
Zoe Kovacs
painting and chromamatting (as Zoe Kovaks) / rendering and tracing (as Zoe Kovaks)
Sandra Kumashiro
Licianne Lasalle
painting and chromamatting
Anne Lasseray
painting and chromamatting (as Ann Lasserey)
Peter Lawrence
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Alex Lee
painting and chromamatting
Berni Leroy
painting and chromamatting (as Bernie Leroy)
Carol Leslie
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Terry Leslie
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Barbara Lovering
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Brian Lovering
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Tracy Lovering
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Geoff Loynes
painting and chromamatting
Vanessa Luther-Smith
assistant animator
Jamie Lynch
painting and chromamatting
M. MaCrae-Simpson
painting and chromamatting
Roger Mainwood
key sequence animator
Nicola Mander
rendering and tracing
Margo Marchant
key renderer
Giorgio Mardegan
assistant animator (as Giorgio P. Mardegan) / layout artist (as Giorgio P. Mardegan)
Ken Markham
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Sara Markham
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Seb Markham
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Loraine Marshall
background artist (as Lorraine Marshall) / special sequence animator: "Wedding Sequence" (as Lorraine Marshall)
Jeff Marten
painting and chromamatting (as Jeffrey Marten)
Iain McCall
additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate
Gary McCarver
key sequence animator / layout artist
Ian McCue
senior trace and paint artist
John McGuire
key sequence animator / layout artist
Milly McMillan
background artist / special sequence animator: "Wedding Sequence"
Jacqui Miller
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Kevin Molloy
additional key animator (as Kevin Malloy)
Paul Moon
painting and chromamatting
Simon Moon
painting and chromamatting / senior trace and paint artist
Peter Moore
color mixer
Stephen Morgan
painting and chromamatting
Jimmy T. Murakami
special sequence animator: "Military Command Sequence"
Russell Murch
painting and chromamatting
Lisa Murray
rendering and tracing
Yasheen Nishat
rendering and tracing
Richard Nye
animation checker
Paul O'Leary
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Colin Oliver
rendering and tracing
Roman Ostir
painting and chromamatting
Lucy Owen
rendering and tracing
Stoney Parsons
rendering and tracing
Dave Parvin
additional key animator / assistant animator
Mark Paterson
rendering and tracing
Chris Perry
Tom Petith
rendering and tracing
Das Petrou
layout artist (as Dassos Petrou)
Brian Phillips
additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate
Urszula Piesakowska
checker / rendering and tracing
Terry Pike
assistant animator
Sarah Pilcher
assistant animator
Corina Poore
rendering and tracing
Harry Purdue
additional trace and paint artist: Stuart-Brooks Animation
Isabel Radage
assistant animator / key renderer / rendering and tracing
Pauline Radage
rendering and tracing
Ray Rankine
background artist (as Ray Rankin)
Chris Rayment
additional trace and paint artist: Cell Out
Dexter Reed
assistant animator
Chris Reid
painting and chromamatting
Leonarda Reynolds
painting and chromamatting
Paul Reynolds
painting and chromamatting
Samantha Reynolds
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Norma Ricketts
key renderer (as Norma Rickets)
Sue Rider
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production (as Sue-Ann Ryder)
Alison Rivers
painting and chromamatting
Anna-Louise Roberts
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Stephen Rogers
painting and chromamatting
Paul Rosevear
rendering and tracing
Phillip Ruddock
rendering and tracing
Debby Russell
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Lawrence Russell
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Wendy Russell
assistant animator
Andrew Ryder
checker / rendering and tracing
Alma Sachs
additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate
Lynne Sachs
additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate (as Lynda Sachs)
Michael Salkeld
animator / animator: "Blitz Sequence" / assistant animator
Pat Savage
assistant animator (as Patrick Savage)
Pat Schaverien
key renderer
Mischa Schiller
painting and chromamatting
Joanna Scott
painting and chromamatting
Olive Scott
rendering and tracing
Martin Seeley
painting and chromamatting
Joecy Shepherd
assistant animator
Tessa Sheridan
additional trace and paint artist: Cell Out
Janet Simmonds
additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate
Alan Simpson
additional key animator / assistant animator
Lucy Snyder
assistant animator
Bill Speers
key sequence animator
Liz Spencer
assistant animator
Jacqui Stanly
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Karen Stephenson
assistant animator
Paul Stone
additional key animator / assistant animator
Jean Turner
painting and chromamatting
Marie Turner
additional trace and paint artist: Annie-Mate
Dave Unwin
key sequence animator
Louise Unwin
additional trace and paint artist: Cell Out
Wendo Van Essen
assistant animator
Simon Ward-Horner
assistant animator
John Watkis
layout artist
Jonathan Webber
assistant animator
Harold Whitaker
additional key animator (as Harold Whittaker)
Lorretta White
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Pippa White
additional trace and paint artist: S.L.M. Production
Robin White
additional key animator
Glenn Whiting
assistant animator (as Glen Whiting)
Boguslaw Wilk
assistant animator / layout artist
Pam Williams
rendering and tracing (as Pamela Williams)
Philomena Winstanley
additional trace and paint artist: Stuart-Brooks Animation
Theresa Wiseman
assistant animator
Sue Woodward
painting and chromamatting
Julia Woolf
additional trace and paint artist: Wicked Witch Animation (as Julie Woolf)
Hugh Workman
assistant animator
Yvonna Yates
painting and chromamatting
Rosemary Young
additional trace and paint artist: Stuart-Brooks Animation
Vanessa Young
painting and chromamatting (as V. Turquand-Young)
Jane Anderson
additional trace and paint artist: Sullivan Studios (uncredited)

Editorial Department

John Cary
supervising editor
Joe Fordham
first assistant editor
William Taylor Grant
editor: special sequences (as Taylor Grant)
Dave King
video editor: AIRtv Facilities Ltd.
Duncan Maynard
assistant to supervising editor
Rick Waller
video editor: AIRtv Facilities Ltd.

Music Department

Paul Carrack
Tristram Cary
special music effects
Mel Collins
Phil Collins
musician (as P. Collins) (song) (The Brazilian)
Nick Glennie-Smith
musician (as Nick Glenny Smith)
John Gordon
Matt Irving
Freddie Krc
John Linwood
Colin Lyon
assistant music engineer
Jay Stapley
Clare Torry
musician (as Claire Torry)
Ray Williams
music supervisor
Greg Fulginiti
music engineer (uncredited)

Additional Crew

Sheena Anderson
production assistant: The Film Company
Peter Bird
main titles / title designer: main titles
John Coates
deviser: A.R.S. background system
Mark Edwards
Olwen Fay
production secretary
Ann Goodall
production coordinator (as Anne Goodall)
Ellen Hall
production accountant
Sue Hall
production accountant
Majken Hougedal
production secretary
Joanna House
production secretary
Ralph Lee
assistant studio manager
Rosie Piggott
miscellaneous crew
Belinda Roberts
studio receptionist
Julia Ryan
runner: The Film Company
Nick Smith
runner: The Film Company
Paul Smith
Peter Turner
deviser: A.R.S. background system (as Pete Turner) / technical manager (as Pete Turner)


Duane Crowther
special thanks
Dennis Game
special thanks
Gerry Goldman
special thanks
Michael Gruskoff
special thanks
Steven Hahn
special thanks
Mamoun Hassan
special thanks
Wilf Irwin
special thanks
Ann Kimberly
special thanks
Angela Kovacs
special thanks (as Angela Kovaks)
Colin Leventhal
special thanks
Michael MacMillan
special thanks
Paul Madden
special thanks
Simon Relph
special thanks
Derek Skudder
special thanks
Ian Smyth
special thanks
Jeremy Thomas
special thanks
All Filters