- Margot Allen
- assistant animator
- Leroy Anderson
- animation researcher
- Charlotte Armstrong
- painter: additional animation
- Carol Ashen
- painter
- Dale Baer
- chief executive and supervising animator: additional animation (as Dale L. Baer)
- Jane Baer
- coordinating animator: additional animation (as Jane M. Baer)
- Dorothea Baker
- inbetween artist: additional animation
- Gordon Baker
- animator
- Sue Baker
- assistant animator
- Amanda Barnes
- painter (as Amanda Xanthe Barnes)
- Kathy Barrows-Fullmer
- animation checker: additional animation (as Kathy Burrows-Fullmer)
- James Baxter
- animator
- Richard Bazley
- inbetween artist
- Maggie Beamer
- painter
- Carl Bell
- assistant animator: additional animation (as Carl A. Bell)
- Ed Bell
- inbetween artist: additional animation (as Edward D. Bell)
- Stella Benson
- inbetween artist
- Lori Benson-Noda
- production coordinator: additional animation (as Lori M. Noda)
- Graham Binding
- inbetween artist
- Timothy Björklund
- animator (as Tim Berglund)
- Bonnie Blough
- final checker: additional animation
- Rejean Bourdages
- assistant animator (as Rej Bourdages)
- David Bowers
- inbetween artist
- Sharon Boxall
- tracer
- Neil Boyle
- assistant animator
- Claire Bramwell-Pearson
- inbetween artist (as Clare Bramwell)
- Bill Brazner
- post punch supervisor: additional animation
- Bella Bremner
- assistant animator
- Danny Brittain
- painter
- Guy Brockett
- tracer
- David Byers Brown
- animator (as David Byers-Brown)
- Kristine Brown
- painter: additional animation (as Kris Brown)
- Maggie Brown
- ink and paint assistant supervisor
- Sally Burden
- painter
- Shaun Caton
- post punch assistant
- Brenda Chapman
- inbetween artist: additional animation
- Roger Chiasson
- animator
- Marc Christenson
- layout assistant: additional animation
- Mark Christiansen
- layout assistant: additional animation (as Marc Christenson)
- Paul Chung
- assistant animator
- Tony Clark
- post punch assistant
- Chris Clarke
- assistant animator (as Christopher Clarke)
- Malcolm Clarke
- inbetween artist
- Daniel Cohen
- animation checker
- Tina Cole
- tracer
- Karen Comella
- ink and paint supervisor: additional animation
- Chris Conklin
- painter: additional animation
- Ian Cook
- production coordinator: animation
- Lisa Corcoran
- painter
- Alain Costa
- animator
- Annamarie Costa
- animation checker: additional animation
- Kate Cowan
- tracer (as Katherine Cowan)
- David Craig
- production assistant: additional animation
- Laura Craig
- painter: additional animation
- Caron Creed
- animator
- Kent Culotta
- inbetween artist: additional animation (as Kent S. Culotta)
- Claire Dame
- painter
- Eric Daniels
- inbetween artist: additional animation
- Diane Davies
- paint mixer
- Humberto De La Fuente
- inbetween artist: additional animation (as Humberto De La Fuentes Jr.)
- Andreas Deja
- supervising animator: "Roger Rabbit"
- Ron Dias
- background artist: additional animation
- Claire Dorey
- painter
- Annie Dubois
- assistant animator
- Dave Dunnet
- layout artist: additional animation
- Tony Ealey
- inbetween artist (as Anthony Ealey)
- Helga Egilson
- assistant animator
- Bill Evans
- painter
- James Farrington
- assistant animator
- Cindy Finn
- painter: additional animation
- John Fitzgerald
- painter (as John W. Fitzgerald)
- William H. Frake III
- head of layout / head of layout/set design
- Matthew Freeth
- inbetween artist
- Gary French-Powell
- assistant animator
- Al Gaivoto
- animator (as Alvaro Gaivoto)
- Michael Gallagher
- production assistant: animation
- Tommy Galligan
- painter
- Peter Gambier
- inbetween artist
- Chuck Gammage
- animator
- Raul Garcia
- animator
- Mike Genz
- inbetween artist: additional animation (as Michael Genz)
- Linsay Gluck
- painter
- David B. Goldberg
- animation auditor: additional animation
- Paul Gooding
- painter (as Paul Mark Gooding)
- Sandy Gordon
- post punch supervisor
- Marc Gordon-Bates
- animator
- Atlanta Green
- final checker (as Atlanta K. Green)
- Chris R. Green
- animator (as Chris Green)
- Cyrus Green
- final checker
- Mary Ann Green
- painter
- Stan Green
- animation consultant
- Carolyn Guske
- painter: additional animation
- Joe Haidar
- animator
- Belinda Hale
- painter
- Margot Hale
- ink and paint artist
- Russell Hall
- supervising animator
- Alyson Hamilton
- animator
- Mike Hammond
- tracer
- Nick Harris
- background/rendering artist
- Bridgitte Hartley
- animator (as Brigitte Hartley)
- Paddy Heffernan
- painter
- Steve Hickner
- production coordinator: animation
- Rhonda L. Hicks
- painter: additional animation (as Rhonda Hicks)
- Gregory Hinde
- production assistant: additional animation
- Kent Holaday
- inbetween artist: additional animation (as William Kent Holaday)
- Brian Holmes
- painter
- Renee Holt
- assistant animator: additional animation
- Max Howard
- animation administrator
- Julie Samantha Howell
- painter
- Michael Humphries
- background artist: additional animation
- James A. Innes
- painter
- Manjit Jhita
- inbetween artist
- Chuck Jones
- animation consultant
- Martyn Jones
- assistant animator
- Robin D. Kane
- painter: additional animation (as Robin Kane)
- David Karp
- painter: additional animation
- Mark Kausler
- animator: additional animation
- Helen Kincaid
- assistant animator
- Nancy Kniep
- inbetween artist: additional animation
- Elaine Koo
- assistant animator
- Siobhan Larkin
- inbetween artist
- Calvin Le Duc
- assistant animator
- Berni Leroy
- painter (as Bernie LeRoy)
- Debbie Jane Lilly
- inbetween artist
- Jamie Lynch
- painter
- Annet Mackie
- final checker: additional animation (as Annette Vandenberg)
- Sarah Malthouse
- painter
- Greg Manwaring
- animator
- Adrian Marler
- inbetween artist
- Teresa Martin
- inbetween artist: additional animation
- John McCartney
- assistant animator
- Barbara McCormack
- ink and paint supervisor
- Miriam McDonnell
- tracer
- Ron McKelvey
- animation auditor
- Maire Jo McKenna
- painter
- Brenda McKie-Chat
- assistant animator (as Brenda Chat-McKie)
- Camille McMillan
- painter
- Denise Meara-Hahn
- assistant animator
- Stuart Moxham
- painter
- Gary Mudd
- animator
- Jacques Muller
- animator
- Gabriella Muriel
- painter
- Edward Murrieta
- inbetween artist: additional animation
- Roy Naisbitt
- layout artist
- David Nethery
- assistant animator: additional animation
- Robert Newman
- assistant animator
- Brett Newton
- assistant animator: additional animation
- Phil Nibbelink
- supervising animator
- Margaret Nichols
- assistant animator: additional animation (as M. Flores Nichols)
- Mary A. Noakes
- tracer
- Matthew O'Callaghan
- animator: additional animation
- John O'Neill
- painter
- Madlyn O'Neill
- final check supervisor: additional animation
- Brent Odell
- animator
- Julia Orr
- final check supervisor
- Roman Ostir
- inbetween artist
- David Pacheco
- animator: additional animation (as Dave Pacheco)
- Vera Pacheco
- assistant animator (as Vera Lanpher)
- Shelley Page
- background/rendering artist
- Andrew Painter
- assistant animator
- Gilda Palinginis
- assistant animator: additional animation
- Jessie A. Palubeski
- painter: additional animation
- Howy Parkins
- inbetween artist (as Howard Parkins)
- Irene Parkins
- assistant animator (as Irene Couloufis)
- Melanie Pava
- painter: additional animation
- K.T. Peck
- painter
- Steve Pegram
- post punch assistant
- Krist-Ann Pehrson
- ink and paint artist
- Silvia Pompei
- inbetween artist
- Helen Clare Potts
- painter
- Isabel Radage
- assistant animator
- Graham Randall
- painter
- Nik Ranieri
- animator: "Roger Rabbit"
- Philippe Rejaudry
- assistant animator
- Leanne Rich
- tracer
- Marcus Rich
- painter (as Marcus Rich Jr.)
- Christopher Riley
- additional paint and trace artist
- Jo Rowell
- tracer (as Joanne Rowell-Lambrou)
- Allyson Rubin
- production secretary: additional animation
- Andrew Ryder
- animation checker
- Philip Scarrold
- assistant animator
- Jeff Scheftel
- quality control
- Kieron Seamons
- painter
- Henry Selick
- inbetween artist
- Gary Shafer
- painter: additional animation (as Gary G. Shafer)
- Mavis Shafer
- animation check supervisor: additional animation
- Camilla Sharpe
- painter
- Michael Sheils
- painter
- Alan Simpson
- animator
- Pat Sito
- final checker
- Tom Sito
- animator
- Bruce W. Smith
- animator: additional animation
- Len Smith
- layout assistant: additional animation (as Leonard V. Smith)
- Stan Somers
- assistant animator
- Dave Spafford
- animator
- Darren Spilsbury
- painter (as Darren J. Spilsbury)
- Walt Stanchfield
- animation consultant
- Paul Steele
- animation check supervisor
- Nick Stern
- animator
- Robert Stevenhagen
- animator (as Rob Stevenhagen)
- Alison Stirling
- painter
- Jan Stokes
- painter
- Maureen Streater
- painter
- Kathleen Swain
- background artist: additional animation
- Mike Swindall
- animator
- Glen Sylvester
- assistant animator
- Wes Takahashi
- animation supervisor: ILM
- Barry Temple
- animator: additional animation
- Linda Thodesen
- painter
- Bette Isis Thomson
- assistant animator: additional animation
- Emma Tornero
- inbetween artist
- Jillian Tudor
- background/rendering artist (as Jill Tudor)
- Sean Turner
- animator
- Simon Turner
- inbetween artist
- Nicolette van Gendt
- assistant animator
- Frans Vischer
- animator: additional animation
- Roger Way
- assistant animator
- Linda Webber
- painter: additional animation
- Danny Wells
- post punch assistant
- Simon Wells
- supervising animator
- Peter Western
- animator
- Colin White
- animator
- Anne Whitford
- assistant animator
- Susan Wileman
- painter: additional animation
- Boguslaw Wilk
- assistant animator
- Alexander Williams
- assistant animator
- Claire Williams
- tracer
- Richard Williams
- animation director
- Reed Wilson
- painter
- Sue Woodward
- Assistant Animator
- Heidi Workman
- painter
- Hugh Workman
- assistant animator
- Kelly Asbury
- inbetween artist (uncredited)
- Dino Athanassiou
- animator (uncredited)
- Daryl Carstensen
- cel painter (uncredited)
- Bridget Colgan
- inbetween artist (uncredited)
- Penny Coulter
- painter: additional animation (uncredited)
- Judy Elkins
- rotoscope artist (uncredited)
- Michael Giaimo
- character designer (uncredited)
- Barbara Lynn Hamane
- painter (uncredited)
- Dan Haskett
- animator (uncredited)
- Robin Lucille Hoynes
- painter: additional animation (uncredited)
- Jay Jackson
- animator (uncredited)
- Ollie Johnston
- animation consultant (uncredited)
- Angela Kovacs
- animator (uncredited)
- Uli Meyer
- animator (uncredited)
- Lynne Naylor
- animator (uncredited)
- Rebecca Rees
- animator (uncredited)
- Julia Woolf
- assistant animator (uncredited)
- Maryse Worrallo
- color modeler (uncredited)