So there they are... Cally (Paula Brancati) and Lance (Alex House) Stone in the Gamerz Cave Comic Book Store, in front of a rack of comic doing what twin brothers and sisters do best arguing. Cally waves a copy of "Space Babes meet the Dreaded Vikons" and rants on that all the time and money Lance spends on his ridiculously childish obsession with comic books and Gamer paraphernalia is a useless waste of his life. On the other side of the stand, is the owner of the store, Doyle (Mark Ellis). He's stocking the rack, not paying any particular attention to the two kids... but the little green toad on his shoulder has his eyes fixed on Cally and Lance as they continue to bicker. His tongue suddenly lashes out and ZAPS the comic book Cally's holding. The "zapped" comic book is suddenly no longer "Space Babes". It's now a dark, moody issue that features the adventures of fraternal twins, Violet and Blaze. It's called "Dark Oracle", and it's the beginning of an adventure that Cally and Lance would never have envisioned in their wildest imaginations. Cally shoves the comic back on the shelf and they exit the store together, but not before Lance notices Sage (Danielle Miller), the cute dark haired girl working behind the counter. At home, Cally discovers the weird comic book in her bag. Convinced that Lance planted it on her to get her into trouble she drags him back to the store to return it. Doyle however, refuses to take it back, claiming it didn't come from his store. Cally flips through the comic, seeing some panels that show the Violet character getting a love note from a secret admirer. The other pages are blank and a frustrated Cally tosses it away. The next day, when Cally finds a love note stuck in her own locker, she thinks she's simply having a weird deja vu. But things escalate to the point that she can't possibly ignore the connection between the comic world and her real life. She tries to convince Lance but her brother is skeptical. After finding another note asking her to come to a meeting after school, Cally jumps to the conclusion that it's her secret crush, Jack (Jack Manchester) who is writing to her. But it's not Jack who meets her in the empty classroom, but Hutch (Philip Riccio), a school bully who it turns out has been watching her from afar. In a horrifying turn of events, as Violet confronts her own version of Hutch, the comic world and the real world collide and Cally experiences the first of many SHIFTS, plunging her into uncertainty and danger. Lance feels the SHIFT at home and doesn't know what's going on until he picks up the comic book and sees events from the past twenty four hours in the panels before him. He sees a terrified Violet in a school classroom and heads off to find his sister. Cally grows increasingly nervous as Hutch's reaction towards her rejection escalates from hurt to angry. Hutch snaps and starts chasing her through the empty corridors at school. Just as 11 Lance arrives, Hutch is backing Cally up against a wall. His intervention causes the world to suddenly SHIFT back to normal... the real world touches the comic world and the course of destiny is changed back. Both a little freaked out, Lance and Cally return home, now ready to believe that no matter how crazy and weird it may be, the comic book really does have the power to foretell their future. They only hope it's the last issue they ever set their eyes on. But it's not. Their lives are about to be forever changed... and it's all thanks to a little green toad named Nemo.