Every noon at exactly 12:13, a mysterious Instagram account post embarrassing photos about the students in 6th grade.
In the middle of the lunch break, always at 12:13, an anonymous Instagram account publishes secretly taken pictures of students in year 6. When four friends finds the phone behind the account, they discover that it contains pictures of themselves - which have not been published yet. Soon they realize that the mobile phone is not an ordinary one. Now they must secretly work together to put an end to the account. At the same time, the phone is becoming increasingly active. Owning the cell phone can be a blessing, but also a curse - if you don't follow its instructions.—finn
Season 2: The summer vacation is beginning to end and Mårten and the others will soon go in to the 7th grade. They have defeated the 12:13 account and neutralized the phone. But suddenly strange things begin to happen. It seems that someone, or something is out for revenge.