Two orphan siblings are forced to work as street beggars. One day, an accident lead them to separation. 15 years had passed, one of them is now a successful person, but the past is still haunted them and they decided to find each other.
A heart wrenching story about the lives of 2 orphan siblings, Anton and Angel. The two were trapped by a syndicate that works abandoned children as street beggars. In their tender age, they were enslaved as cash cows nonstop. They never experienced the wonders of childhood. And one day, Angel had a street accident. When she woke up, she was alone in a hospital. That marked her separation with Anton, and ever since, she never found his whereabout. 15 years had passed, in Sydney, Australia. Thanks to the kindness of her foster family, Angel grew to be a beautiful and intelligent woman. She fulfilled her dream of becoming a lawyer. There, Angel met Martin, a young medical doctor from Indonesia who she fell in love with. Her life is now filled with happiness. Still, her past haunted her, she never stopped thinking about Anton. In the middle of her happy life and decision to marry Martin, she decided to go back to Jakarta to resolve her past, and find her brother. Will Angel and Anton see each other again after being apart for 15 years?
Anton and Angel were trapped by a syndication that works homeless children. In their childhood age, they were enslaved as cash cows nonstop. One day, Angel met Mirna, her playful friend. They play spinning ride and swings together. Suddenly, Asep appears and heads them, bringing them back in their syndication. Rudi scolds Angel and Mirna, and was angry for a long time to make them very sad.
Anton gets out of the syndication, and going to the street, when he sees motorcycles. Angel sat down on a chair, shown bleeding on her legs. He starts playing a guitar and singing, when he sees the cars. Angel appears again when Anton stops singing. They sang along when they walks to another car, and a person gave money to them. They walks to a car which a young girl wore a anesthetic mask and a bandage on her head. Hours later, they back home and sleeps.
Upon a time, Anton and Angel sat on the benches, he wants to give her food, but not. Angel met Martin when he riding his wheelchair, giving his goods to them. Back to their home, Maria gave cakes to her friends. Mirna is cleaning a bag, and she hugs Angel. Later on, Angel buys a drink, suddenly she gets a car accident until she runs to the hospital. Angel is separated with Anton, she never found his where about.
15 years later, in Sydney, Australia, she was grew into a beautiful and smart girl, and fulfill her dream to becoming a lawyer. Angel met Martin, an Indonesian young medical doctor who fell in love with. At the hospital, he tells the story about becoming a pilot to a young boy named Ricky. Ricky wants to be a pilot because he loves airplanes.
Angel's past memories still haunt her, she never stop thinking about her brother. Anton is kidnapped in a jail when Rudi give him an anesthetic. In the middle of great life, she decided to married with Martin, then she decided to go back to Jakarta to find her brother. In the court, Rudi tells the story about the homeless children, then it told by Angel.
The syndication is surrounded by police line, and a reporter interviews this event. Angel cried throughout when she calls Martin, until Angel and Martin doing their activities together. Moments later, Angel and Martin sat back on their benches, until she hugs him. In the morning, Angel sees Anton's cemetery after he died of anesthetic interruptions.